
The most expensive and luxurious fruit in the world. The most expensive fruits and vegetables in Russia

True gourmets are not accustomed to being content with ordinary food. For many of them, the search for unusual dishes is a real hobby. And any hobby, as you know, is expensive. It is not easy to get elite products, since they are sold at special auctions. We offer you to find out which delicacies are included in the TOP 10 most expensive products in the world.

This hybrid can only be found on about. Hokkaido, which is located in Japan. Fruit and sweet lovers appreciate it for its unusual spicy taste. Since this is a seasonal product, the first melons fly away at a high cost, which reaches up to 25 thousand dollars. for one copy. For those who want to try this delicious fruit, you should wait for the high season. During this period, the price of it drops to $100.

The high cost of the product is fully justified. The fact is that beluga caviar is used to obtain a delicacy. It has the following property, the older the fish, the lighter the product and the more piquant its taste. To obtain elite caviar, individuals aged from 80 to 100 years are needed. Such a product is packaged in a golden jar. For one piece, you will have to pay about 25,000 dollars.

This type of tea is produced in China. For this, the large-leaved variety is subjected to a slight fermentation. Lovers of elite drinks appreciate it for its unique aroma. It is included in the TOP-10 most expensive products in the world, because for 100 gr. tea will have to pay 6 thousand dollars.

Outwardly, this mushroom does not impress, but it has an excellent taste. It is necessary to look for it in the forests of Belarus or Europe. To facilitate the search, dogs are used to sniff out an expensive mushroom. The cost per kg of mushrooms is 3,600 dollars.

It turns out that a large number of flowers of this plant is required to obtain a well-known spice. Painstaking mining and affects the cost of saffron. One pound costs $2,700.

The most famous fish among the Japanese, because it is the main ingredient in the preparation of delicious sashimi. For one kg of this fish they give about 1,300 dollars.

This type of potato is strikingly different in taste from traditional tubers. The secret lies in the additives that are added during the cultivation of vegetables. Algae is used for this, giving the potato a lemony smell and a salty taste.

It is impossible to imagine the TOP 10 most expensive products in the world without meat. First of all, her marble drawing rushes. Those who have tasted it note the extraordinary softness and juiciness of the steaks. There are many types of "marble" meat. Among them, Kobe beef is the most expensive in terms of cost, it is grown in Japan. One steak costs $500.

Perhaps its high cost is due to the fact that it grows only in natural conditions. Also, the mushroom stands out for its beneficial qualities for human health. Delicious mushroom found in Chinese and Japanese forests. He hides on a red pine tree.

It can be seen on confectionery, which is decorated with the thinnest foil or precious crumbs. Most of all, Indians who have a good income like to taste gold products. For 1 kg of gold, you have to pay from 30 to 100 dollars.

Most of the products included in this selection have a high cost due to the incredible taste or complex manufacturing technology.

Extremely rare, difficult to grow, or only available in certain regions of the world. You will probably never see them with your own eyes, and you can hardly afford to try them.

Here is our top 10 most expensive fruits in the world. Let's start from the end.

10th place - Buddha-shaped pears - 8.5 euros per piece

This is no joke - the fruit resembles a Buddha sitting in a lotus position. The pear is so similar to the outline of the Buddha that you can distinguish the features of his face.

The fruit was patented by a Chinese farmer from Hebei province - Hao Xianzhang. A legend has already arisen that says that eating these pear fruits provides immortality. The price is not so prohibitive if you take into account the benefits received :)

9th place - Sekai Ichi apples - 20 euros per piece

The name Sekai Ichi means "best in the world." This is a pretty bold assumption. Apples of this variety have been grown in Japan for over 40 years. The diameter of the average fruit is 38 cm, so the apples are much larger than their ordinary counterparts. They weigh about 900 grams. Newton would be very unlucky if such an apple fell on his head (although this is also a legend).

8th place - Citrus fruits Dekopon - 75 euros for 6 pieces

There is no such person who has not tried oranges, but the Dekopon variety (grown since 1972) is a highlight.

Dekopon is a brand name used for only the finest citrus fruits. They differ in appearance from all the others - the fruit is the size of a tennis ball on the tip has a growth. They are considered the most delicious and sweet oranges in the world.

7th place - Strawberry Senbikiya Queen - 80 euros per pack (12 pieces)

Everyone knows what the perfect strawberry should look like - red all over, with dark green leaves and a shiny skin. And this is exactly what each berry of this variety looks like.

If a berry does not meet strict aesthetic requirements, it is simply thrown away so as not to spoil the image of the brand. In the package we get 12 magnificent strawberries, which are so beautiful that you can look at them for hours.

6th place - Square watermelons - 750 euros per piece

What country can produce something as ridiculous as a square watermelon? Of course, this is Japan. Most of the products are sold overseas at a high price.

The square fruit shape is achieved by placing the berries in boxes during growth. One watermelon weighs about 6 kg. You can buy them in almost any store in Japan. Most people, however, do not eat them at all, but use them as a decoration.

5th place - Pineapples from the Lost Heligan Garden in Cornwall - 1500 euros per piece

They are grown in one of the most famous botanical gardens in the UK. Pineapple cultivation is not popular in Europe, pineapples are grown only in the Azores, which belong to Portugal. Therefore, these pineapples are the only European pineapples. Their cultivation requires a lot of time - requires multiple transplants. However, people are willing to pay generously for these unique fruits - at the moment, the most expensive fruit has been sold for $15,000.

4th place - Mango Taiyo no Tamago - 2,800 euros for two

Loosely translated, the name means “egg of the sun”. Japanese fruits were so named because of their shape. The company refuses to sell fruits that weigh less than 350g and do not contain enough sugar. Every year, auctions of the first harvested fruits break price records - so far the highest price for two pieces is 2,800 euros.

3rd place - Ruby Roman grapes - 3,700 euros per bunch

Another Japanese variety. The most important feature of the variety is the large size of the berries in the bunch - on average, the size of a ping-pong ball. They can only be found in one region, Japan, and only started selling in 2008.

2nd place - Densuke watermelon - 5700 euros per item

Again, a very rare variety from Japan - one fruit weighs about 11 kg, it has very dark skin. Its insanely high price is due to its uniqueness - watermelons can only be found in the Hokkaido region of Japan, where they are grown annually in the amount of 10,000 pieces.

Rich people love unique products, so during the auction for the first harvest, the price tags reach exorbitant values.

Our top winner - Melon Yubari 21,500 euros per pair

Melon is a fruit that you can either love or hate. For gourmets, Yubari is the ultimate delicacy. The variety can only be found in the Hokkaido region. Yubari is the result of crossing two very sweet varieties of melon. In Japan, they buy them in order to give someone a gift, because they are just insanely expensive.

There are thousands of types of fruits on Earth, but we are familiar with only a small part of them. There are quite rare exotic fruits in the world, which are almost impossible to see in northern latitudes. If you have chosen tropical countries, then you have seen how wide the range of local fruits is. In this article, you will get acquainted with some of the rarest and most amazing fruits in the world.

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The fruits of this evergreen tree are the largest fruits that grow on trees. They can reach a meter in length and weigh up to 34 kg. The thick peel of the fruit is dotted with small cone-shaped protrusions. Inside the fruit contains a sweet fibrous pulp, divided into large lobes. Each lobe contains one seed up to 6 cm long.

Cutting a ripe fruit is not a very pleasant job. The fact is that its peel has an unpleasant smell, similar to the smell of rotten onions. Also, the peel of the jackfruit contains sticky latex, so you need to cut the fruit either with rubber gloves or after lubricating your hands with oil. The tasty pulp of the fruit has a short shelf life, so it makes no sense to export this fruit.

Jackfruit grows in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, North Brazil, East Africa (Kenya, Uganda). It is less fashionable to meet his landings on the islands of Oceania and in the tropics of the New World.

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11. Passion fruit

This tropical liana is cultivated in tropical areas mainly (South and Central America, South Asia, New Zealand, Australia, etc.). Its fruits contain juicy tasty juice filled with many seeds!

Passion fruit is used in a variety of dishes, from desserts to soft drinks, and the juice is also used as an aromatic flavor enhancer and added to other fruit juices. Passion fruit juice is very useful - it has sedative properties. It is also used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

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Aki is a tree, 10 - 12 meters high, whose homeland is West Africa. The tree has pear-shaped fruits 7-10 cm long, covered with an orange crust. After ripening, the fruit cracks and opens. Its flesh is edible and tastes like a walnut.

The only place where aki is eaten is Jamaica. This fruit is even a national dish, although it was brought by people to this island.

Unripe ackee fruit is highly toxic and is used in many countries as an antibacterial soap or as a fish poison.

For us, a symbol of prosperity and well-being on the table has long been black and red caviar. Considering it the most expensive delicacy, we carried the coveted jar home. And, pleased with themselves, they proudly placed sandwiches or pancakes with caviar on the festive table. Or they showed imagination and did it. Now, the powers that be are doing the same in order to demonstrate their status to everyone. Considering that a good show-off is more expensive than money, they order the most expensive products in the world to the table. Thus, admiring business partners and making their competitors gnash their teeth with envy. And although many of the dishes cost fabulous sums, in certain circles the demand for them is very stable. What do they eat there that we didn’t even dream of because of its exorbitant cost? It is interesting to us! And you?

The most expensive animal products are meat and seafood

Caviar "Almas"

The most expensive is the Iranian caviar "Almas". And the albino beluga females toss her. Their light eggs have a pleasant golden hue. Moreover, the older the beluga is, the lighter the color of the caviar will be, and the taste is better and more tender. It is extremely rare and therefore very expensive. But, despite this, the list of those wishing to purchase this delicacy is scheduled for four years in advance. It is packaged in 100-gram jars made of pure gold. A jar of such caviar costs $2,000, and a kilogram can be purchased for “only” $25,000.

Marble beef Wagyu

A real gourmet should definitely try marbled beef. Of course, if he has extra $2500. That's how much a kilogram of selected meat costs. The Wagyu black cow breed is bred in Japan, and more recently in Australia. Although nature does not provide for the marbling of this product, this effect is achieved through special care for cows. Elite cows are kept on a special diet, and they are also massaged. The Japanese also add beer to their diet, and the Australians add red wine. The better the care, the more tender the meat will turn out, in which there will be a higher degree of marbling. The most delicious and juicy steaks in the world are prepared from it!

Pork Jamon Iberico

Premium quality dry-cured pork ham is prepared in Spain. The so-called jamon is obtained by breeding black pigs of the Iberian breed. In one of the regions in the south-west of the country there are huge pastures for them. Thanks to the exclusively acorn diet of pigs, a unique taste and high quality of the finished product is achieved. A kilogram of jamon will cost you $400.

Recipes that used simpler jamon:
, about the most expensive melon, read on.

bluefin tuna

The price of bluefin tuna ranges from $1,000 to a record $8,000 per kilogram. And all because it can be sold at auctions. Once a whole carcass of bluefin tuna (which is more than 200 kg) went under the hammer for an unprecedented amount - 1.8 million dollars. Its excellent red meat is appreciated by lovers of seafood. Especially popular in Japanese cuisine, considered ideal for making sushi.

Ordinary tuna is available to mere mortals, mostly in canned food. Here are some recipes:

Abalone clams (canned)

Canned goods can also be elite. Those wishing to taste Abalone clams will have to pay $250 per jar. In this container you will find three mollusks with a total weight of 500 g. Their tender and juicy meat can be consumed not only canned, but also raw.

Fugu fish

There are many gourmets who want to tickle their nerves. Those who ordered Fugu fish in a restaurant will feel a short-term paralyzing effect of all limbs and a state similar to drug intoxication. This is the case if the cook prepares the "deadly" delicacy correctly, leaving only the smallest dose of poison. Otherwise, this will be the last supper for the daredevil. A challenge to fate will cost a hundred dollars.

The most expensive and rare fruits and vegetables

Grape varieties "Roman ruby"

A unique variety of large-fruited grapes with the poetic name "Roman Ruby" was bred in 2008. This variety is grown in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Each premium grape is the size of a table tennis ball. You can become a happy owner by purchasing a bunch at an auction for $ 4000-5500, consisting of an average of 30 grapes. In this scenario, the cost of each ruby ​​grape will be from $100 to $200.

Melons Yubari

Juicy melons of this variety are grown in Japan on the island of Hokkaido. Their tender flesh has an orange color and impresses with its rich taste. This hybrid variety has a perfectly round shape. The best specimens are put up for auction, mostly in pairs. So the price of these truly royal melons can reach $ 25,000 per pair.

Watermelon Densuke

Densuke watermelons are a rarity. And although they have juicy scarlet pulp, a distinctive feature of this variety is the black color of the fruit. Exquisite taste and unusual colors make Densuke an elite gift, original, but quite expensive. Since no more than 65 watermelons are harvested per crop, the price of each is $6,000. They are grown on the same Japanese island as Yubari royal melons.

Potato "La Bonnotte"

The elite variety of potato "La Bonnotte" is grown on the lands of the island of Nourmoitier, which belongs to France. There is a "potato" island in the Atlantic Ocean. A special variety with an unusual taste is obtained by fertilizing the earth with seaweed. The special technology is passed down from generation to generation. And the tubers grown in this way have a brackish taste of the sea. A kilogram of such a special potato can be purchased for $600.

The question is whether you will cook regular ones from it.

The most expensive soft drinks

Dahongpao tea

Lovers of tea ceremonies are also not forgotten. For those of them who also have capital, the Dahongpao variety is grown. After all, drinking such a cup of tea is not a cheap pleasure. Six ancient bushes of this variety produce up to 500 g of tea leaves, only the very first young leaves are harvested. Those wishing to enjoy the taste and aroma of an ancient tea variety, purchase it at an auction. The price per kilogram can reach $ 700,000.

Kopi Luwak coffee

This coffee is unique not by the variety of beans, but rather by its unusual “life path” that it goes through before being sold. In Indonesia, the word "Kopi" means coffee, and "Luwak" is a small animal that looks like a ferret or marten. Luwak loves to feast on ripe coffee beans. But his body is designed in such a way that it does not digest them. However, after passing through the intestines of the animal, the grains acquire an unprecedented and absolutely unique taste and aroma. Surprisingly, coffee brewed from such beans (washed, dried and roasted) is simply fantastic: with the aroma of honey, nougat and butter! It tastes so amazing too. Coffee lovers do not hesitate to pay up to $ 700 per kilogram of unusual coffee. Also, such coffee will be an excellent exotic present brought from Indonesia.

Drinking water "Kona Nigari"

Enterprising Japanese have created and launched luxury drinking water for sale. The unprecedented price for such a product is simply stunning! What is the secret of the most expensive bottled water? It is desalinated water from the ocean. It is considered an excellent addition to proper nutrition, having healing properties. Packed in a container in a concentrated form. Upon purchase, it must be diluted with plain water. There are two forms of release: a tiny bottle of 0.06 liters. costs $ 33, and a five-liter bottle - $ 2000. Despite this, demand far exceeds supply.

Other most expensive food in the world

white truffle

More common is the black truffle, which is on the menu of every self-respecting three-star restaurant. But the most expensive is the white truffle. It has a unique taste and has an exquisite aroma. This variety in the context has an interesting color - it resembles a piece of marble. It is difficult to set an exact price, because such truffles are sold at auctions. The highest price for one copy was paid in 2007 and amounted to $209,000.


Even spices or spices can be "not simple, but golden." In truth, the exorbitant price of saffron, it ranges from $6,000 to $11,000. But this is on condition that natural Indian saffron is meant. Indeed, due to its great popularity, another type has become widespread - a false one. It is offered to customers under the name Imereti saffron. And this is another name for the well-known marigolds. In India, true saffron is lilac flowers, the dried stamens of which are an exotic spice.

Moose cheese

An unusual variety of cheese is produced in very limited quantities. It is made from moose milk on one of the farms in Sweden. Due to the fact that such milk can only be obtained at certain times of the year, the product is expensive and very rare. This variety of cheese has a rich, but very delicate taste with slightly salty notes. But what about the price? For a kilogram of cheese pleasure, you will have to pay $1,000 or even $1,500.

Argan oil

A rare and very useful vegetable oil is made from argan fruits. Outwardly, the argan tree resembles an olive tree. Its oil is a unique product used in cooking. The price is high due to the limited distribution area. Those wishing to give their dishes a rich and rich taste should remember that the price of 1 liter of argan oil is $3,000.

Chocolate "Chocopologie by Knipschildt"

If you are a true chocoholic, are you ready to pay about $3,000 for your favorite dessert? That is the price of haute couture chocolate. It and other elite sweets are produced in the USA by high-class chocolatiers. The products of the Knipschildt Chocolatier House of Coding are a real work of art that meets the highest quality standards. All ingredients are natural, and therefore the shelf life is short. Yes, and it is not necessary! After all, having a coveted pound of elite chocolate, would it occur to you to keep it?!

Matsutake mushrooms

For those who are already fed up with truffles (and there are some!) we offer to taste matsutake mushrooms. A rare representative of the mushroom "family" is very loved by gourmets. Naturally, among those who can afford it. Because a kilogram of such mushrooms will cost $ 2,000. They have a specific aroma - spicy and sweet at the same time. Matsutake is not only tasty, but also healthy, having a rich set of nutrients. The only unfortunate thing is that this mushroom cannot be cultivated. And therefore it grows only in China and Japan on a special red pine.

Macadamia Nuts

The most expensive nut is macadamia. Its high cost is due to the difficulty of collecting, because the height of trees can reach 20 m. As well as the complexity of caring for trees. The kernels of these nuts are tasty and very healthy, but their shells are extremely strong. Therefore, to extract them and try, you have to work hard. Macadamia trees growing in Australia bear fruit for up to a hundred years. A kilogram of such nuts costs from $ 30 and above.

edible gold

Surprisingly, the most expensive product in the world is a dietary supplement! This is edible gold, officially marked as E 175. Gold leaf is used to decorate elite dishes, desserts and drinks. It is harmless and, being an inert metal, gold leaves the body unchanged 24 hours after consumption. It is also used for decoration, wanting to give chic and gloss to the secular reception. The price corresponds - from 30 to 100 thousand dollars per 1 kg.

Maybe, having the opportunity to purchase all this, we would have been tempted (at least) by a couple of items from the above list. And by combining some of them, we would get one of the most expensive dishes in the world. But even from simple products, (absolutely not elite), but of good quality, you can cook delicious and original dishes. And we are always happy to suggest you the right recipe!

P.S. : But I still want to try haute couture chocolate ...

A healthy diet cannot do without fruits. These juicy and tasty fruits are rich in vitamins and various elements that are vital for our body to maintain health. But there are fruits that, due to their uniqueness and high cost, can become a very original gift. We offer you a rating of the most expensive fruits in the world. To keep the intrigue, we will start at the end of our list.

10. Buddha-shaped pear

In the last place of our rating is the fruit that is familiar to us - this is a pear. But it has a complex form. A Chinese farmer, thanks to a special plastic mold, managed to give the pear the shape of a Buddha. There is even a legend that every person who tastes this sweet fruit will gain immortality. The price of such a pear is about $ 9 for 1 piece.

9. Dekopon oranges

Japanese breeders crossed an orange and a tangerine, resulting in the most delicious citrus fruit in the world. This very juicy fruit has a sweet taste with a slight sourness, while the slices are separated by the thinnest partitions. The shape of Dekopon also differs slightly from the usual shape of an orange due to the presence of a small build-up. Therefore, you will never confuse this fruit with other citrus fruits. The price of this sweet fruit is $13 per piece.

8 Sekai Ichi Apples

The name of these apples is translated from Japanese as "the best in the world", and it is completely true. The Japanese began to grow these fruits 40 years ago. The main feature of Sekai Ichi is their large size. The weight of one apple can reach 1 kg. But not only the size distinguishes these fruits from other varieties of apples. These fruits have a special taste. All thanks to the unique technology of their cultivation. During the flowering of trees, they are pollinated manually using special sticks. And during the period of ripening apple fruits are watered with honey. Then the farmers carefully inspect the apples so that the best specimens get into the stores. The cost of such fruits is $ 21 per 1 piece.

7. Strawberry Senbikiya Queen

The cost of this berry is not affected by the taste and uniqueness of the variety. Its price depends only on the appearance. Perfect size, dark red color and shiny surface make this strawberry incredibly attractive. This is not surprising, because each berry is carefully selected. If it does not meet the ideal in any one parameter, then it is immediately thrown out. Strawberries are sold in a beautiful package containing 12 berries. It can only be bought at a fruit parlor in Tokyo. The cost of such aesthetic pleasure is 70 dollars.

6. Square watermelon

The Japanese are big fans of everything unusual. The more original color, shape and taste, the better. Therefore, they turned an ordinary round watermelon into a square decoration of any table. In order to give the berry this shape, farmers place it in a box, the size of which increases as the fruit grows. Such a watermelon weighs up to 6 kg, and its cost is $ 800 per 1 piece.

5. Mango Taiyo no Tamago

From Japanese, this name is translated as "egg of the sun." Mango has an oval shape, which is somewhat reminiscent of an egg. Only fruits weighing at least 350 grams go on sale, and their sugar content must not be below a certain level. The fruits that were harvested first are considered the most valuable. Auctions are held annually to sell them. The highest price offered for this mango was $3,000 for 2 pieces.

4. Densuke Black Watermelon

The main feature of this berry is its dark green, almost black color. There is not a single stripe or spot on the watermelon. The monochromatic glossy surface favorably distinguishes it from other varieties of watermelons. In addition, Densuke has a unique sweet taste and is only grown on the island of Hokkaido in Japan. All this affects the cost of watermelon. Usually its price fluctuates around 250 dollars for 1 piece, but the largest watermelon was sold for 6100 dollars.

3. Ruby Roman grapes

The Japanese have a passion for everything big. That is why breeders bred this grape variety. Each berry is the size of a ping pong ball. Another distinguishing feature of this grape is its incredibly sweet taste. It contains up to 18% sugar. Usually the cost of one bunch is $ 65, but once this grape was sold for $ 10,900, while its weight was only 700 grams.

2. Pineapples from Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall

What makes these fruits unique is their location. These are the only pineapples grown in Europe. They are difficult to care for, but their cost fully pays for all the effort expended. The most expensive copy was sold at auction for $15,000.

1. Melon Yubari

Yubari melon gets the palm. This is the most expensive melon in the world. It has a perfectly round shape, thin skin with a beautiful pattern, juicy and very tasty orange flesh. That is why it is highly valued among buyers. The Japanese even give this melon as a gift to very respected people. It is usually sold in pairs. The highest price offered at auction for two melons was $27,000.
