
Moonshine from apples as the basis for Calvados, brandy and apple tincture. Apple moonshine recipe at home

Hi all!

Today I offer you a simple recipe for moonshine from apples. What makes it simple is that we won't process a ton of apples and squeeze juice out of them. And we will do everything on sugar mash, while transferring the desired taste and aroma to the distillate.

So this drink would be more correct to call apple-sugar moonshine, and not pure apple. And God forbid call it Calvados. But the drink is still pretty good.


I give the ratio per 1 kg of sugar, and recalculate the proportions you need yourself.

  • 1 kg sugar
  • 5 liters of water
  • 20 grams of dry yeast (or 100 gr. pressed)
  • 5 strong-smelling apples (not all needed at once)


The recipe is based on the classic sugar mash. Therefore, if you are new to moonshine, then I suggest that you first read two short articles - mash on dry yeast and on pressed.

My impression of the recipe

As I said, this is not pure apple moonshine, and certainly not Calvados. The production of which requires much more time, effort and resources. I will return to these drinks in the summer, when apples will go to the dacha. So sign up for updates if you haven't already.

So, what does this recipe give us? It turns out a drink with a pleasant aroma of apple, light apple flavor and persistent aftertaste. By the way, surprisingly, the aroma well brightens up the smell of even rather mediocre moonshine. It takes a minimum of ingredients and time. Therefore, you can treat yourself to apple-sugar moonshine even in winter, when apples are more expensive than bananas. At least in the store near my house.

All for now. Dorofeev Pavel.

By the beginning of autumn, every summer resident faces the question of the distribution of his apple crop. After all, there are years when too many apples ripen and the whole area is covered with a carpet of carrion. Apples are a storehouse of natural sugars. One kilogram of fruits can contain from 7 to 16% sugar, which makes them a real find for alchemists who know a lot about home brewing.

Cooking mash based on apples will help the resourceful owner to utilize the remaining apple crop. The distillate obtained at the end of processing will be distinguished by its aroma and softness. Moonshine from apples is perhaps the best drink that can be prepared at home following a simple distillation technology. The taste qualities of such a drink extol it over any of its sugar counterparts.

Taking into account the natural sugar content of apples, from 1-15 kg. fruits can be driven out about 100-190 ml. incredibly tasty drink with a strength of at least 40 degrees. The addition of sugar is welcome if you intend to get more of the final product. 1 kg. sugar, will increase the yield to 1-1.4 liters of moonshine, but the taste of the product will suffer.

If you plan to use exclusively sweet varieties of apples, then try to go without sugar. Especially if you are doing it for the first time. Well, if only sour varieties remain, then you can’t do without sugar crystals.

Reference! When making mash, remember that each kilogram of sugar added to the wort requires the addition of pure water in a proportion of 1/3. That is one part sugar and three parts water. If only apples are used, then the 1/3 rule also applies to them.

Depending on the availability of free time, you can use dry yeast (pressed). Such an additive will reduce the period of "nurturing" the mash to 6-7 days. However, the flavor composition of the final drink will acquire an admixture of yeast notes. Wine yeast for this process will fit much better, while retaining the taste of apple moonshine.

An ideal option for both a beginner and an experienced moonshiner is the use of natural, natural yeast. They are contained directly on the peel of the fruit. Such a mash will "walk" for 20-47 days. Long, but worth it. The resulting product will please the alchemist with its bouquet and degree.

A simple yeast recipe

Never wash apples. The peel contains a huge amount of wild yeast. To remove dirt from the fruit, you can use a dry cloth.


  • 35 kg apples
  • 120 gr. pressed or 25 gr. dry yeast
  • 3-5 kg ​​of crystalline sugar (at your discretion. You can do without it at all)
  • 12-20 liters of clean water

Step-by-step instruction:

Important! Don't forget the 1/3 rule. That is, for every kilogram of sugar added, add 3 liters of water.

  • add 10-12 liters of clean water to the resulting wort and mix. If yeast is used, then dilute it in clean water and pour it into the wort.
  • pour the "young wort" into a container with an airtight lid and a water seal. A warm dark place with a constant temperature of + 20 (18) -26 (22) is suitable for fermentation

Video recipe

Step-by-step video instructions for making moonshine from apples:

How to cook with apple juice?

Now consider a wonderful recipe for making mash from apple juice.

  1. For its "clearing" will require 6 liters of apple juice.
  2. For each liter of fruit nectar, add 200 ml. pure water. Tap water is not good, nor is boiled water. If there is a well near the house, then use the water from it.
  3. Next, add 1-1.5 kilograms of sugar (1/3 rule) and 15 grams of dry yeast.

If you want to get a high-quality product with a rich bouquet, then instead of yeast, it is recommended to use unwashed dried apricots or raisins (about 40 g). Wild yeast on the surface of these dried fruits is enough for a good fermentation.. Using this technology, the aroma of the final product will be pronounced, apple.

Cooking method:

  • prepare sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve sugar in 1.5 - 2 liters of water. Pour the resulting syrup into 6 liters of apple juice, adding dry yeast previously diluted in warm water. E If dried fruits are used (raisins or dried apricots), then just pour them into the wort.
  • pour your wort into a tank or container in which fermentation will take place. Not all alchemists have special mash tanks, but almost everyone has capacious bottles. If the choice fell on a glass assistant, then a medical glove with one pierced finger can be used as a hydrocap. Excess gas, during fermentation, must be given an outlet, otherwise the glove will tear or fly off.
  • depending on the type of yeast used, the fermentation process will take from 7 to 40 days. The bottle should be placed in a dark and dry room, the temperature in which does not exceed 27 degrees and does not fall below 18.

From jam

Each owner was faced with an excess of "old" stocks of jam. And what to do if the sweet brew has fermented at all? Throwing away is a pity, but it is not possible to eat. Making room in the cellar, and even preparing an environmentally friendly alcoholic product with a rich flavor bouquet is a real pleasure for a home alchemist-distiller.

Apple jam (even spoiled) is perfect for making high-class home brew. The taste of the final product will be on top. After all, only fruits and sugar were used to make apple jam. It is highly not recommended to use moldy jam as a raw material. It has already been smitten and the nectar that comes out at the end may disappoint you.

Apple Jam Ingredients:

  • 25 liters of clean filtered or well water
  • yeast 250 grams pressed or 30 grams dry
  • 5 liters of unnecessary or fermented apple jam
  • 2 kg. sugar (at your discretion. You can not add)

An approximate calculation of the amount of the final product is as follows: 1 kilogram of sugar (even the one that was involved in the manufacture of apple jam) at the output will give 1-1.3 liters of fragrant moonshine.

Step by step:

  • Heat water on the stove to 40 degrees. Max up to 50
  • if using sugar, dissolve it in warm water
  • pour 5 liters of apple jam into warm and sweet syrup and stir until a homogeneous substance is obtained
  • remove the pan from the stove and let it rest to room temperature
  • the last step is to add yeast and stir

Reference! Yeast should only be added to cooled wort. At high temperatures, they can die.

Now you can pour the wort into a bottle with a water seal or a glove with a pierced finger. Such a braga belongs to the category of "fast walkers". After 5-8 days, after filtering it, you can upload it to the “miracle device”. You can understand that the mash has ripened by the following signs: a precipitate fell on the bottom of the bottle, the wort itself brightened and acquired a bitter taste.

Video on the topic "how to make moonshine from jam":


You can enhance the quality and flavor of apple moonshine by adding half a cinnamon stick to each bottle. The drink will acquire noble notes and will evoke a dessert mood.

Making moonshine from apples is a truly fascinating process. Given the availability and cheapness of the main raw materials, you can "alchemy" without significant costs, and in the end get a drink of decent taste and quality.

Do not forget that moonshine from apples, although fragrant, is a very strong product. Therefore, do not forget about the sense of proportion.

I wish you successful experiments!

Yeast-free apple mash can be easily made at home. It is easy to buy fruits, as they get large harvests of this fruit almost every year. Often, when processing apples, many skins and middle parts of the fruit remain. In order not to throw them away, you can distill this material into moonshine.

Making an alcoholic drink from apples is not difficult, as there are many descriptions of this process. Alcohol from this fruit will be very fragrant and tasty. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients, accurately perform all technological operations. Learning how to make apple mash will be interesting for every home distiller.

How to choose material for moonshine?

You can take almost any apples for an alcoholic drink. It is desirable to know that:

  • good apple mash for moonshine is produced from fallen fruits;
  • alcohol from the core or peel of an apple has excellent taste;
  • apple slices without seeds are best.

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to use rotten or completely spoiled fruits. Do not wash apples before use. It is recommended to remove dirt with water only on separate, especially soiled specimens.

It is important to comply with this condition if it is decided to make moonshine without the use of yeast and granulated sugar.

Preparation of apple mash

For the manufacture of an alcoholic drink from apples, juice freshly squeezed from the fruit is best suited. To make it, you need to use ripe fruits that do not have visible damage and dots with rot. If they are badly spoiled, then the juice will be cloudy and tasteless, and the moonshine obtained from it will be of poor quality. If there are pieces of fresh fruit, then they can be used to obtain juice. The skin will do too.

In the case of using whole fruits, it is advisable to sort them out, and then choose the cleanest ones. The fruits are crushed with a knife, and then passed through a juicer. It is not necessary to remove the skin. The resulting juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. If pieces of the fruit were used to obtain the liquid, then they do not need to be crushed. You can immediately load the fragments into the juicer. When using apple peel, there will be much less juice, so there should be a lot of material.

After that, you need cake and water. Pour 1 part of cake into the fermentation tank, pour 4 parts of water and 5 parts of juice. All components are thoroughly mixed.

Then the container must be transferred to a warm room to start the fermentation process. The temperature in the room where this happens must be maintained at a level of at least + 27 ... + 28 ° C.

At lower values ​​there will be no fermentation.

The mash usually matures within 1-2 weeks. This time depends on the variety of apples used, the level of sugar in their pulp or peel. To control the fermentation process and find out the time of its completion (with an accuracy of 50–60 minutes), it is necessary to install a water seal on the lid of the container. Often moonshiners use a rubber glove for this purpose.

The resulting mash must be immediately distilled on a moonshine still into alcohol. If this is not done, it can quickly turn sour. In the event that it is not possible to immediately use the moonshine device, then distillation can be postponed for 24 hours.

For the safety of the mash, it must be put in the refrigerator.

For distillation, the resulting solution is recommended to filter. After that, the mash is sequentially passed 2 times through the moonshine still. If the made alcohol turned out to be cloudy, then it can be cleaned by applying the recipes for removing the suspension with milk or potassium permanganate.

Method for making an alcoholic drink from dried apples

Such alcohol has a very delicate, mild taste. To prepare it, it will be necessary, in addition to dried apples, to acquire other ingredients. To obtain high-quality alcohol, the following products will be required:

  1. cinnamon in the amount of 0.2 kg;
  2. homemade moonshine or vodka - about 12 liters;
  3. dried apples - 1.1–1.3 kg.

The quality of fruit drying should be high: the taste of the future drink depends on it. First you need to prepare the alcohol base. High-quality vodka, alcohol (60% vol.) or homemade moonshine obtained by double distillation are well suited for this. It is best if it is made from wheat, berries, fruits or sugar.

The mash production process begins with the fact that dried apples are poured into glass jars. It is not necessary to fill the vessels to the top, enough for ¾ of the volume. Then all the banks are filled with prepared alcohol.

For fermentation, the mash is placed in a warm room, where the liquid is infused for a week. After that, the resulting solution must be distilled over low heat.

The resulting moonshine is poured into glass bottles, and then cinnamon is poured into them. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 5-6 days. The resulting apple moonshine is recommended to drink chilled.

Making apple mash with raisins and sugar

You can make moonshine from the apples themselves, as they contain wild yeast. If there are few of them in fruits, then you can replace this component with raisins. This will allow you to enjoy wonderful, natural moonshine, although the alcohol content in it will be less than in the recipes described above. But such a mash allows you to quench your thirst well on a hot summer day.

To get this drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. sweet varieties of apples in an amount of about 10 kg;
  2. sugar - 2.5–3 kg;
  3. water - 3 l;
  4. raisins - 0.1 kg.

Apples must be well ripe. They are cleaned of debris, but not washed. This is done in order to preserve the available wild yeast on the fruit. Then the apples are rubbed with a grater. You should get a homogeneous mass in the form of puree.

Take an enamel pan, put the resulting puree into it. Then pour half of the water (1.5 l), add 1000 g of sugar. After that, the vessel is closed with gauze and taken out into a warm room. There the pan should be 48 hours.

The mass will begin to ferment. After that, it is poured into a glass bottle. The rest of the water and sugar are added there. Then fall asleep raisins. A water seal must be installed on the vessel. The bottle is left warm until the fermentation process is over.

The resulting mash is poured into other bottles and cooled. You can drink the drink in this form, but it is better to distill it into moonshine.

All of the above methods for the production of apple mash can be easily done at home. To do this, it is enough to follow the recipe and process technology. Even a beginner can get such yeast-free mash if he uses high-quality ingredients for production.

Calvados is in all respects a pleasant drink, an aristocrat among moonshine, which is pleasant both to treat yourself and to put on the table for friends. Meanwhile, for its preparation, all that is required is apple brew for moonshine, which is further in the usual way.

Suitable for making moonshine any apples from your garden, as well as carrion at the stage of an almost ripe crop. Such processing will reduce crop losses, benefit even from substandard fruits.

Let's consider how to properly organize the process so that the mash made from apples is a success and in the end you get exactly the product that you expected.

Raw material preparation

Fruits can not be especially selected, the main thing is that they are already ripe or almost ripe (this applies to carrion to a greater extent). Be sure to consider fruit acidity. If according to some recipes from sweet apples you can cook mash with almost no added sugar, then for sour apples sugar is simply necessary.

Otherwise, you simply will not get enough with good taste and degree indicators. To approximately determine sugar content and acidity, it is best to use the table:

In addition, you should know that these indicators depend not only on the variety, but also on the conditions of a given year. For example, if the year is dry, the fruits turned out to be small, then the amount of sugars in apples will increase. In order for apple juice mash to be perfect, you need to focus not only on the table, but also on your own sense of taste. That is, apples should be tried.

It is better not to wash the fruits collected from the ground or plucked from the tree, because the skin in a waxy coating, which will certainly be washed off in water, contains natural yeasts that help fermentation. They will provide a rich taste to the finished moonshine. If it rained the day before, the carrion is dirty, of course, it needs to be washed, but be sure to add unwashed fruits taken from the tree.

Yeast-free mash

To prepare yeast-free mash for moonshine, you need the following ingredients:

  • applesauce (as in the recipe above) - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 4 - 4.5 kg, depending on acidity;
  • raisins - 100 g (it can be replaced with the same amount of wheat germ).

We do not add water! Pour sugar directly into the puree, add raisins (sprouts).

Advice! Before preparing mash in this way, try to cook it from 0.5 kg of apples and 200 g of sugar (with or without raisins) and see how the fermentation process goes (it should start in 1.5 - 2 days) to adjust the recipe if necessary.

After 10 days - two weeks, you need to drain the juice from the cake (which can be reused for a new mash). It will turn out a little - 5-6 liters. Add another glass of sugar per liter of juice and leave to ferment until the mash is ripe. This mash recipe is stretched over time, but the output is an excellent product.

Moonshine made from apples has a pleasant aroma, it is soft, easy to drink and will provide a pleasant aftertaste.
