
The lightest egg. What can be cooked from eggs - egg spread on bread

Every time you cook a regular scrambled egg or boil it soft-boiled or hard-boiled, you lose the opportunity to try this healthy product in a new way. But you can get the same amount of protein, but at the same time try an original, tasty dish, which is also aesthetic in appearance. Here is a selection of new ways to cook eggs and diversify your meal.

1. Baskets with eggs

For cooking, you will need muffin baskets, bacon and eggs. Roll thin slices of bacon in a basket, break an egg in the middle of the basket and bake it all in the oven.

Basket with eggs

2. Fried eggs with yolk of medium readiness

If you like a slightly liquid yolk, but not so much that it flows out, you can cook scrambled eggs like this: break the egg into a frying pan greased with oil, cover with a lid and do not turn over until cooked. Due to the lid, the yolk will bake better.

Medium scrambled eggs with yolk

3. Golden Eggs

The French prepare this dish for Easter, but you can eat it at least every day. The basis of the dish is a cream sauce made from flour, butter and milk. First, cook hard-boiled eggs, then separate the white from the yolk from the finished egg.

Finely chopped protein is mixed with cream sauce. After that, the finished sauce is spread on toast, and the yolk crumbles on top.

golden eggs

4. Crispy poached eggs

Such eggs can often be seen in various French salads. First, boil the egg soft-boiled, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry for 30-60 seconds in a greased frying pan. The dish is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Crispy poached eggs

If you are too lazy to boil or fry eggs in the morning, you can make it easier. Break a raw egg, beat it a little to mix the yolk with the protein, add green onions and ham and pour it all into a regular coffee mug. One minute in the microwave and your breakfast is ready.

6. Cheese toasts

Soak slices of bread in a milk-based sauce, top with cheese, and bake in a baking dish along with eggs, milk, and mustard.

Croutons with cheese

7. Omelette rolls

Whisk the eggs, pour them into a greased pan so that the layer of raw eggs is about 2 cm thick. Wait until the eggs are cooked on one side, then turn the omelet over, put on top everything that you would like to wrap in a roll, for example chopped ham and pepper. After the second side of the omelet is cooked, simply roll it into a roll.

8. Egg soufflé

Initially, the soufflé was made from eggs, we just forgot about it since the chocolate soufflé appeared. But you can always make egg soufflé at home. To do this, you need four yolks, three proteins, a little milk, butter and flour. It turns out air pleasure.

This is a Danish pastry dish, but it contains more eggs than the actual dough. To begin, beat the egg whites until thick foam, then in a separate bowl mix the flour, salt, sugar, yolks, butter, buttermilk and add the whipped whites.

The finished dough is poured into a special form, greased with oil. After the appearance of bubbles, the pancakes must be constantly turned over in the recess so that they do not burn.

You have probably tried such an omelette in cafes or restaurants, but it was impossible to cook such a magnificent dish at home.

Here is a recipe that will help you make a really fluffy omelet.

For the omelette you will need:

  • large eggs (separate yolks from proteins) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • butter or margarine - 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.
  1. Preheat the stove to 160°C.
  2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg whites, water, and salt and beat with a mixer on high speed. In a small bowl, mix the yolks and ground black pepper with a mixer for about three minutes. Pour the yolks into the bowl with the beaten egg whites.
  3. Melt the butter in a heated pan and pour the beaten eggs into it. Slowly reduce the heat to low, cook for about five minutes, or until the omelet is fluffy and the underside is light brown (carefully lift to see the color).
  4. Continue cooking the omelet for about 12-15 minutes. Check readiness with a knife: if you manage to stick it in the middle and get it clean, the omelette is ready.
  5. Tilt the pan so that the omelette slides onto the plate, carefully fold it in half and serve with salsa or tomato paste sauce.

Egg dishes Quickly prepared, they are tasty and practical. That is why acquaintance with cooking usually begins with scrambled eggs. But the importance of these dishes lies not only in the speed and ease of preparation, eggs are also the most valuable food product. Eggs are an excellent supplier of vitamins, protein, fat and lecithin, which “nourishes” nerve cells and is responsible for their health. Therefore, do not succumb to provocations about cholesterol, cook egg dishes and be healthy!

This Israeli-style scrambled eggs is cooked with tomatoes and sweet salad peppers, seasoned with oriental spices. It turns out incredibly tasty, and it takes about 15 minutes to cook...

Tortilla is a traditional Spanish dish made with eggs, potatoes and onions. Along with the classic recipe, the unusually tender and fragrant tortilla with mushrooms is very popular...

Be sure to treat yourself to this lush and tender omelette this weekend. Just a few minutes and a delicious breakfast is ready, which will energize and create a great mood for the whole day...

Be sure to try a delicious and tender omelette with tomatoes, lettuce peppers and onions. This light and at the same time hearty dish is perfect for both breakfast and dinner. Preparing quickly and easily...

This simple, tasty and delicate dish can break the gray monotony of everyday life and bring a festive atmosphere to your home. What's more, it's easy to prepare...

Quick, practical and delicious recipe. Delight your loved ones with airy yeast pies with an original filling of boiled egg and smoked meat...

These pancakes with egg and green onions can be fed to the family for dinner, you can take it with you to work or on the road. They cook very quickly, especially if yesterday's pancakes are left ...

Using spinach tortilla as the main ingredient, you can cook a delicious and extraordinarily beautiful appetizer. Try it and you will fall in love with this simple egg dish...

If you think that frying an egg is easy, then you are wrong. First, you will have an excursion to the bazaar. When you become the proud owner of the freshest eggs...

Tortilla is a traditional Spanish dish that is both simple and complex at the same time. Simple for those who know little secrets and difficult for beginners...

Try a traditional French egg dish cooked without the shell. Poached eggs in a carriage can be called dietary, since they practically do not contain fat ...

In this recipe, we will stuff the eggs with mushrooms. To begin with, the mushrooms should be washed well. Do not leave mushrooms in water for a long time, because they absorb water like a sponge ...

This dish can rightly be classified as a festive or special dish. The main ingredient of any flan (omelette) are eggs. In addition, we need asparagus ...

This dish can be called differently: shrimp flan or, in our opinion, shrimp omelet. This omelette is being prepared in the oven, and for cooking we need eggs, shrimp, one meaty tomato and ...

Another special recipe. Flan (omelet) with broccoli will decorate the most sophisticated table. The original taste and unusual colors will impress your guests...

This French egg dish is famous for its lightness. It is prepared on the basis of egg yolks, which are mixed with various ingredients, and then beaten egg whites are added ...

This vegetable omelette is ready in minutes and is the perfect meal for dinner or breakfast. Omelet with zucchini is tasty, healthy and low-calorie, be sure to try this dish...

  • Cracked eggs do not store well, so use them first.
  • So that an egg with a damaged shell does not leak out, it should be boiled in very salty water.
  • If cold eggs are dipped in boiling water, they may burst. Therefore, it is advisable to lay out the eggs in advance from the refrigerator so that they warm up to room temperature.
  • To cook soft-boiled eggs, dip the washed eggs into boiling salted water. When the water boils again, cook for 3-4 minutes.
  • To cook hard-boiled eggs, cook for 8 minutes from the moment the water boils again. Then the eggs are placed in a vessel with cold water. Thanks to the “contrast shower”, the eggs are easier to clean.
  • Eggs are 75 percent protein, which begins to coagulate already at 60 degrees Celsius. Therefore, we strictly monitor the cooking time of egg dishes. Excessive heat treatment of eggs becomes hard and tasteless.
  • Fried eggs and scrambled eggs should be cooked on low heat.

What can be the fastest way to cook if time is running out, but you still want to eat? Most likely, the vast majority will have the same answer to this question: these are egg dishes. And let yourself be born more and more new jokes about clumsy wives and bachelors who are forced to master the preparation of egg dishes - in fact, irony is absolutely inappropriate here! Eggs are a very healthy and nutritious product that contains many substances necessary for the full functioning of the human body. Therefore, an egg breakfast should not be taken as a punishment - rather, as a health concern! So feel free to cook eggs for your whole family for breakfast.
Well, so that you are not accused of trying to make your life easier by cooking exclusively scrambled eggs or fried eggs for breakfast, we suggest you master egg recipes that will delight all your loved ones not only with amazing taste, but also with great appearance. By the way, all the egg recipes with photos offered in this section will allow you to evaluate the appearance of what you are going to cook and reproduce it as accurately as possible.
Recently, dishes from quail eggs have become increasingly popular with many housewives. This is largely due to the beneficial properties that this product has, but the appearance also plays a big role: when thinking about what can be prepared from eggs for the festive table, these small quail eggs come to mind first of all.


Charlotte with melon

Ingredients: flour, egg, starch, sugar, melon, salt

In the summer, I suggest you cook very tasty pastries - charlotte with melon. The recipe is very simple. This cake is perfect for both tea and coffee.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 3 eggs,
- 1 tbsp starch,
- 100 grams of sugar,
- 150 grams of melon,
- a pinch of salt.


Vareniki with strawberries

Ingredients: flour, water, salt, egg, strawberry, sugar

I often make delicious dumplings from strawberries. How to do this, I described in detail in this detailed recipe.


- 3 cups flour
- half a glass of water,
- 1/5 tsp salt,
- 1 egg,
- 300 grams of strawberries,
- sugar.


Buns for 9 kopecks

Ingredients: flour, milk, yeast, sugar, salt, egg, vanillin, butter, raisins, water

In the Soviet Union, there were very tasty buns that cost only 9 kopecks. How to cook them, I described in detail for you.


- 500 grams of flour,
- 100 ml. milk,
- 15 grams of dry yeast,
- 125 grams of sugar,
- third tsp salt,
- 2 eggs,
- a bag of vanilla sugar,
- 90 grams of butter,
- 1 tbsp raisins,
- 75 ml. water.


Microwave scrambled eggs

Ingredients: egg, salt, pepper, oil

We take one egg, season it with salt and black pepper, put it in the microwave - voila, we get an awesome scrambled egg, it tastes no worse than cooked in a pan.


-1 egg,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 10 grams of butter.


Omelet with salmon

Ingredients: egg, milk, salt, pepper, cheese, salmon, butter

Omelet with smoked salmon is certainly a very tasty and satisfying dish. Preparing a delicious breakfast is very easy and fast.


- 2 eggs,
- 100 ml. milk,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 50 grams of cheese,
- 50 grams of salmon,
- 20 grams of butter.


Fried eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes

Ingredients: egg, mushroom, oil, tomato, salt, pepper, herbs, onion


- 3 eggs,
- 3-4 champignons,
- 20 grams of butter,
- 1 tomato,
- salt,
- a mixture of peppers,
- parsley,
- a bunch of green onions.


Omelet with kefir

Ingredients: eggs, kefir, salt, flour, black pepper, turmeric, water, green onions, vegetable oil

Usually an omelette is prepared with milk, but today I will describe for you a recipe for a very tasty kefir omelet.


- 2 eggs;
- 5 tablespoons kefir;
- salt;
- 1 tbsp flour;
- 2-3 pinches of black pepper;
- third tsp turmeric;
- 2 tablespoons water;
- a few green onion feathers;


Fried eggs with tomatoes, cheese and sausage

Ingredients: eggs, tomato, sausages, hard cheese, salt

Everyone can cook delicious scrambled eggs. especially if you have this recipe at hand, in which scrambled eggs are cooked in company with cheese, tomatoes and sausage, and also baked in the oven. This is a very interesting option, believe me!
- eggs - 6 pcs;
- tomatoes - 2 pcs;
- sausages - 1-3 pieces;
- hard cheese - 50 gr;
- salt.


Cauliflower with eggs in a pan

Ingredients: cauliflower, eggs, milk, flour, paprika, turmeric, salt, vegetable oil, water, fresh herbs

Usually I have an omelette for breakfast, but sometimes I have a little time and I can cook a very tasty dish - cauliflower with an egg in a pan.


- 200-300 grams of cauliflower;
- 2 eggs;
- a third of a glass of milk;
- 1 tbsp flour;
- third tsp paprika;
- third tsp turmeric;
- salt;
- 1 tbsp vegetable oils;
- 3 tablespoons water;
- a bunch of fresh herbs.


Heart-shaped scrambled eggs with sausages

Ingredients: sausage, egg, salt, pepper, oil, herbs

This recipe is most likely suitable for men who decide to please their loved ones with a delicious and beautiful breakfast. I suggest you cook scrambled eggs with sausages in the shape of a heart.


- 2 sausages,
- 2 eggs,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oils,
- greenery.


Muffins with cottage cheese and banana

Ingredients: banana, cottage cheese, egg, flour, sugar, butter, vanillin, soda, lemon juice, butter

For a cup of tea, I suggest you cook delicious muffins with cottage cheese and banana. The recipe is very simple, so be sure to treat your loved ones to delicious pastries.


- 1 banana,
- 100 grams of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup flour
- half a glass of sugar,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 2 pinches of vanilla sugar,
- half tsp soda,
- 1 tsp lemon juice,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Soup dumplings

Ingredients: egg, flour, milk, salt, pepper

If you decide to cook soup, I advise you to try my very tasty soup with dumplings. The recipe is simple and quite simple.


- 1 egg,
- 3-4 tablespoons flour,
- 2-3 tablespoons milk,
- salt,
- pepper.


Cottage cheese casserole with condensed milk in the oven

Ingredients: cottage cheese, egg, condensed milk

Cottage cheese casserole is a very tasty, satisfying and healthy dish that I usually cook for breakfast. There are a lot of recipes for this dish, but most of all I like this casserole with condensed milk.


- 400 grams of cottage cheese,
- 2 eggs,
- a can of condensed milk.


How to dye eggs with hibiscus tea

Ingredients: hibiscus tea, egg, water, salt

An excellent natural dye for Easter eggs is hibiscus tea. With it, the eggs turn out to be very interesting, eye-catching, so you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

- 6-8 tablespoons hibiscus tea;
- 4-6 chicken eggs;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 1 tsp salt.


eggs benedict

Ingredients: egg, oil, wine, lemon juice, salt, bacon, bread, vinegar

For breakfast, I suggest you cook delicious eggs Benedict with hollandaise sauce, which we will also prepare ourselves.


- 1 egg,
- 1 piece of bacon
- 1 piece of bread,
- 1 tbsp vinegar,
- salt,
- 1 egg yolk,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 1.5-2 tablespoons dry white wine,
- 1 tsp lemon juice.

2 cups of 250 gr poppy seeds,
0.5 cup raisins.
0.5 cup nuts
5 table spoons of breadcrumbs,
10 eggs
13 table. spoons of sugar.
1 can of boiled condensed milk
0.5 kg butter,
juice of 1 lemon.
Poppy steam for the night.
Turn 2 times through a meat grinder, add raisins, nuts and crackers.
Separate the whites from the yolks, beat until a strong foam
-proteins with 7 tbsp. l. Sahara,
-yolks from 6 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Spoon eggs into poppy seeds.
Line a springform pan with foil and brush with oil
pour the dough, put in a hot oven for 1.5-2 hours.
Cool completely, cut into 2 or 3 cakes, grease with cream.
Drizzle with chocolate icing.

Cake "Love me"
Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix 9 proteins and 3 cups of sugar without beating, and put in the cold for an hour, then beat until a meringue consistency. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour or put tracing paper and put the whipped squirrels on a baking sheet in small cakes (the size of a Soviet penny, for those who no longer remember what it looked like - 3 cm in diameter), put in a warm oven and dry until cooked. Rub a pound of butter and 3/4 cup of sugar until fluffy and gradually add a little beaten yolks. Finely chop the nuts or pass through a meat grinder. Pour nuts into the beaten mass, vanilla to taste, pour in 50 grams of vodka and beat again until fluffy. Collect the cake immediately in the dishes that are served on the table. Lubricate each dried cake with cream and put on a dish, grease the whole hill with the remaining cream, decorate with the remaining cakes or sprinkle with chocolate or nuts and put in the cold.
eggs - 9 pcs., sugar - 3.75 cups, walnuts - 1 cup
vodka or cognac - 50 g, butter - 0.5 kg

Cake "Turtle"
Dough: 6 eggs + 1.5 cups sugar (dissolved) + 2 tablespoons cocoa + 1 teaspoon baking soda + 2 cups flour.
GLAZE: 2 tablespoons milk + 2 tablespoons sugar + 50 g butter (butter) + 2 tablespoons cocoa. Cook the glaze over low heat until the state of liquid sour cream. CREAM: 2 cups sour cream + 200 g butter + 1 cup sugar. Whisk everything.
Sprinkle a baking sheet lightly with flour and spread the dough in the form of small cakes with teaspoons. Bake at t 200C. Dip each tortilla in the cream and stack on a shell-shaped dish. On the sides make 4 paws and a head. Pour glaze over the shell (if there is not enough glaze, make another portion) Put the cake in the refrigerator overnight - soak.
Eggs - 6 pcs., Flour - 2 cups, Sugar - 2.5 cups, Cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons
Soda - 1 teaspoon, Milk - 2 tablespoons, Oil - 250 g, Sour cream - 2 cups.

Cupcake "Christmas"
Rub the butter with sugar until white, add the yolks and continue to rub the mass until the sugar crystals disappear completely. Then add warm melted honey with cinnamon, add sour cream, salt, soda, add flour and add whites whipped into a stable foam, quickly knead a light fluffy dough of the consistency of thick sour cream, also quickly spread it into a cupcake form liberally greased with softened butter and dusted with flour, carefully place into the oven and bake at t = 180C for an hour or a little more.
flour - 600 g, butter - 250 g, honey - 250 g, powdered sugar - 250 g
sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 6 pcs., sour cream - 500 g, finely chopped nuts - 100 g
soda - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - 1 teaspoon, salt - a pinch

Norwegian cookies "Bantiki"
3 eggs, 2 tbsp. Flour, 0.5 tbsp. Melt Drain. oils, powdered sugar.
Grind the yolk of a hard-boiled egg well. Add 2 raw yolks and grind the mixture until a smooth mass is obtained. Pour in 1 tbsp. flour, add melted plums. Oil and 1 tbsp. flour. Knead a smooth dough, separate walnut-sized pieces from it, pull them out in the form of a ribbon and tie them with a bow. baking sheet. Bake in a very hot oven.

Dough: 8 eggs, 8 tbsp. l. ground, not peeled almond kernels, 1 orange, 1 tbsp. l. grated breadcrumbs, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.
Cream: 4 yolks, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 5 tbsp. l. milk, 1 orange, 180 gr. vanillin 175 gr. sour cream.
Decoration: 1-2 oranges.
Yolks 8 eggs with 8 tbsp. l. grind sugar with a mixer or manually (20 min). Add zest and juice of 1 orange. Put the mass in two identical forms, greased with oil and sprinkled with flour.
Cream: Yolks, sugar, milk, juice of 1 oranges and vanillin, steam until thickened. Remove from heat and add a piece of butter, without ceasing to stir. Put the cream on one cake and cover with another. Top the cake again with cream. Garnish with sour cream, whipped with sugar and orange slices.

"Lady fingers"
On fire 1.5 tbsp. water + 150 gr. oil and, when it boils, add 1.5 tbsp. flour, stirring. Cool the dough, beat in 6 eggs alternately. Put the custard dough on a baking sheet, greased with oil, with oblong small sausages.
Cream: 2 tbsp. cold sour cream + st. Sahara. Dip the baked fingers in the cream and put on a dish with a woodpile. Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top.

Cupcakes with fruit juice

sugar - 1 glass;
egg - 8 pcs.;
ground walnut (or hazelnuts) - 1/2 cup;
flour - 1/2 cup;
butter -3 tbsp;
fruit juice (preferably cherry) - 100g;
grated lemon zest of lemon and orange - to taste;
vanilla sugar - to taste;
cream - 1.5 cups;
egg - 8 pcs.

Egg yolks (6 pcs.), 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, beat until foamy, then add vanilla sugar, strong foam from 6 egg whites and 3 tbsp. Sahara. Mix flour with ground almonds, zest and add to the prepared mass. After that, mix the whole mass with melted butter.

Grease small muffin pans with oil, fill halfway with the mass and bake at low temperature. Ready muffins put on a dish and pour fruit (cherry) juice.

Whip cream with 2 tbsp. sugar into a strong foam, fill them with a pastry syringe and decorate the surface of the cupcakes. You can put fresh or canned berries on top.

Cupcake with nuts and raisins
To make cupcakes you will need:
flour - 1 cup;
egg - 6 pcs.;
peeled nuts - 1 cup;
raisins (pitted) - 1 cup;
sugar - 1 cup.

Proteins are whipped into a strong foam, the yolks are ground with sugar, then all this is mixed and nuts and raisins are added. Mix well again. The prepared dough is poured

In a form with oiled paper sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

04/27/2002 06:59:43 PM, OxanaE


350 g flour
250 g butter margarine or butter
250 g sugar (powdered sugar is better)
5 eggs
100 g raisins
1 teaspoon baking soda quenched with lemon juice or vinegar
2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee brewed in 100 ml of water, chilled and strained

Separate the whites from the yolks of three eggs. Grind white margarine with sugar. Without stopping rubbing, gradually add 3 yolks and 2 eggs one at a time, pour in coffee and mix everything gently. If you don't have ground coffee, you can replace it with instant coffee. Pour flour and quenched soda into the dough. Roll slightly steamed raisins in a small amount of flour and add to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly. Then beat the whites into a strong foam and quickly combine them with the dough, gently mixing with smooth movements from top to bottom.
Put the dough into a form, previously carefully greased with oil and dusted with flour. Bake in the same way as in the recipe "Curd-lemon cupcake-2". Sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.
You can bake small cupcakes instead of a whole cupcake.

200 g ham (or boiled sausage)
100 g cheese
50 g grated cheese
30 g olives b/c
50 g cottage cheese
50 g butter
4 eggs
150 g flour
1/2 liter dry white wine
baking powder

Grind the cottage cheese and butter until smooth, add the yolks, flour, stirring constantly, pour in the wine, salt, pepper, grated cheese, half a bag of baking powder, then add the ham and cheese, cut into pieces, and finally the olives, cut into halves. Put the whole thing in a greased rectangular cake pan and bake in a hot (200 °) oven for 45 minutes. Before serving, cut into slices, arrange beautifully on a dish, scatter olives on top.
04/27/2002 19:04:47, OxanaE

Egg dishes are tasty, nutritious and varied. Eggs are cooked as an independent dish, used as an element for the first, second, dessert, as well as for baking and in sauces. Not a single restaurant menu and, of course, home cooking can do without them.

Simple breakfast of eggs and sausages

Even the simplest breakfast can lift your mood for the whole day if it is prepared with love and creatively decorated.

For one serving:

salt, pepper, seasoning to taste.
To fasten the figurine you will need a wooden toothpick. When serving food, it must be removed.
The first option is “Heart”: cut the sausage lengthwise, without cutting through one end, turn the cut outward, bending it in the shape of a heart.

The second option is "Chamomile":

1. On the sausage, make transverse notches without cutting through to the end.
2. Bend, notches outward, closing into a ring.
3. Fasten the free ends with a toothpick.
4. Fry the workpiece in hot oil on both sides.
5. Pour an egg into the center of the figurine. Season with salt, pepper, herbs to taste.
6. Carefully transfer the finished scrambled eggs to a plate with a spatula.
7. Decorate with herbs, tomatoes, inscriptions or patterns of thick sauce and so on. Don't forget that eggs are served hot.

egg pancakes

These pancakes are not an independent dish, but the basis for filling with any appetizing filling. They make beautiful and delicious appetizers.


six eggs;
six tablespoons of milk;
Milk can be replaced with vegetable oil or sour cream. These ingredients are added to eggs in a 1:2 ratio.
1. Whisk the mixture lightly. Pour into hot skillet in small portions.
2. Fry pancakes in oil on both sides.
3. Stuff warm until they curl well.
When serving, fold in half, in the form of a roll, or cut into rolls from it.

Egg omelette with tomatoes for breakfast

Many people choose egg dishes for breakfast for the speed and ease of preparation. Oddly enough, even a simple omelette can be a real test for a cook. There is a tradition in many French restaurants that when applying for a job, job seekers first of all demonstrate the art of making an omelette.

For the exam you will need:

Three eggs;
hard cheese;
small tomato;
olive oil;
salt, pepper and fresh herbs to taste.
A French omelet is like a thin flatbread or pancake folded in half with a small amount of filling.

It is not customary to add milk, water or flour to the egg mixture, this is considered bad taste.

1. First you need to prepare the filling: grate the cheese, chop the greens and the tomato. The tomato can be lightly stewed to make it soft. The egg cake is very tender, so you can not overload it with the filling. Enough one and a half tablespoons of cheese and tomatoes per serving.
2. Chefs use two whole eggs and one yolk to achieve soft texture and rich color. Eggs for an omelet are not beaten, otherwise it will turn out tough. It is enough to mix the whites and yolks until a uniform color.
3. Salt and pepper the mixture.
4. Grease a hot pan with olive oil. Excess can be wiped off with a dry cloth. For a delicate creamy taste, an additional tablespoon of oil is also heated here.
5. The egg mixture is heated, while making sure that the edges of the omelette are easily separated from the pan. It is cooked over medium heat so that the protein quickly "grabs" but does not burn.
6. While its surface is still a little liquid, spread the filling on the omelette and fold the workpiece in half with a spatula. Sometimes it is folded into a roll. In France, a slightly undercooked omelette with a liquid filling is considered ideal. The underside should retain the color of the butter. By standards, fried crust is unacceptable.
7. The dish is decorated and served immediately.
