
The most delicious Korean carrot recipe for the winter. Sharp and crispy Korean-style carrots for the winter: a step-by-step recipe

How can carrots be kept juicy long enough? There is such a recipe! called Carrot in Korean for the winter. Tell me why read recipe, cook at home if delicious is it cooked in the market and in supermarkets can you buy it ready-made without wasting time on it? But after all, we will cook carrots at home, without various flavor enhancers and without frying, thereby it will be more useful, all vitamins will be preserved. This recipe can be used as the basis for many salads and main courses. What can I say, let's get started!

So, we need:

  • a grater for Korean carrots (we can’t do without it, I advise everyone who doesn’t have it to buy. A wonderful thing!);
  • carrots juicy, young - 3 kg;
  • onion - 500 gr;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 100 gr;
  • special salt for canning - 2 tablespoons without a slide;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • spicy seasoning for Korean carrots - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander - half a teaspoon.

Let's get started:

We rub the carrots, it's fast, it took me 20 minutes. Then proceed to the onion, cut it into thin half rings. For those who do not use onions in dishes, I advise you to grind in a food processor or in a blender. Immediately pour the onion with vegetable oil (it is better to take refined oil so that various preservatives do not stand out) and put on the stove to fry until transparent. In our case, do not fry until golden brown. For our proportions, we take two heads of garlic, we pass them through a press. We add spices to this composition. If you are not a fan of spiciness, then just right 1.5 tbsp. l. seasonings. Salt the mixture and add sugar.

Combine the resulting mixture with onion and hot oil and remove from heat. The aroma went wonderful, beyond words! Why are we doing this? To make the sauce more piquant and rich, so that it soaks all the carrots.

Pour carrots with hot spices, then pour in vinegar. Since 3 kg of grated carrots turns out to be voluminous and difficult to mix, I do it with my hands. Beware it's hot! We mix thoroughly, we need carrots to give juice, this is why we need juicy and fresh fruits. We leave for 20 minutes.

To prepare carrots for the winter, you need to take care of the sterilization of dishes, otherwise the finished dish will prescription, which looked delicious, just disappear.

We heat the oven to 50 - 60 degrees, put the jars for thirty minutes to warm up, we expect.

The carrot became soft, "sat down" and let the juice out. We lay out on the banks, pressing tightly. We sterilize the lids for 5 minutes and roll up the jars.

The salad is ready quickly. You can try the next day!

Options to prepare carrots for the winter a huge number, but, believe me, this recipe you will repeat over and over again. Your loved ones will be delighted. After all delicious!

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Marina Dokicheva.

It would seem very strange to roll carrots into jars, which are just heaps on the shelves all year round. But no, I have iron arguments in favor of the blank at the ready! First, it's practical. A bright orange root crop from its own garden rarely "survives" until the middle of winter, even with proper storage. And in the form of a spicy Korean-style preservation, it will definitely not deteriorate until the next season and even longer. Secondly, rolling up a spicy carrot salad for the future will save a lot of time in the future. He opened a jar, and a fragrant snack can be served immediately on the table, and not wait a day until it reaches the condition. Thirdly, in the summer all vegetables are slightly cheaper than in the winter months. Small, but savings. Therefore, I propose to prepare for the future spicy carrots in Korean. The recipe for the winter is not much more complicated than the usual pickling method, but still different. I offer you as many as two successful options for preservation - with and without pasteurization. Choose!

Harvesting carrots in Korean with hot peppers for the winter


Exit: 4 jars of 500 ml + a little for testing.

Cooking instruction:

Wash the main ingredient. Peel off the skin. Grate on a special grater for Korean salads (on a regular coarse grater).

Peel the garlic. Do not welcome too spicy dishes? Put 1-1.5 medium heads. For spicy lovers, I recommend adding more garlic. Grind it with a special press, a knife (grate on a fine grater). Add to chopped carrots. Put in the coriander beans. In ground form, it will need less than about half. Add black peppercorns. Stir so that the spices are evenly distributed over the grated carrots.

Cut the hot pepper into rings. It is advisable to remove the seeds, as the workpiece will come out too sharp. Wash the jars well inside. Sterilize. Dry. Put a few pieces of chili in the bottom of the jar. Make a 3-4 cm layer of carrots. Add hot pepper again. Repeating this sequence, fill the glass container. For such preservation, it is advisable to use small containers - 350-500 ml each, so that the snack can be eaten 1-2 times. Although it is perfectly stored open in the refrigerator.

Boil water. Pour boiling water over Korean carrots. Cover jars with lids. Let the workpiece stand for 15 minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan. Pour sugar-salt, pour in vegetable oil. Bring to a boil. Cook the brine over medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Add vinegar. Remove from stove.

Pour into bowl with salad. It is important that the liquid not only completely covers the carrot, but also reaches the very edges of the jar.

Roll up/screw on with sterile dry caps. Turn upside down (preservation with twist-off lids cannot be turned over). Wrap up. After cooling, remove Korean-style carrots in a dark, cool place where they will be stored until winter (autumn).

Preservation with ready-made seasoning for carrots in Korean

You will need:

*No ready bouquet of spices? Mix ground coriander, paprika, hot red and black pepper in arbitrary proportions (to taste).

Get approximately: 5 jars of 350 ml.

How to Make Spicy Korean-Style Carrot Snack (Winter Recipe):

Grate washed and peeled carrots. Place in a deep bowl.

Finely chop the onion. You can not put it at all, it will not drastically affect the taste of the workpiece. Pour over the main ingredient.

Grind the garlic in a convenient way. Add to carrots. Love spicy snacks? Feel free to put a whole head of garlic. But it’s better not to overdo it, because after uncorking the salad in winter, it is easy to adjust it with spices / salt / soy sauce.

Add seasoning, salt, sugar. Pour in vinegar, vegetable oil.

Stir. Cover/tighten with foil. Leave to marinate at room temperature for 6-8 hours/overnight. Stir and shake the carrots occasionally.

Divide the snack into clean, dry jars along with the released liquid. If the jars are not filled to the brim, add hot boiled water.

Pasteurize preservation in a large saucepan 7 (jars of 350 ml) or 10 minutes (half-liter containers) from the moment the water boils. A similar time is sterilized in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees. Roll up the carrot. Flip. Leave to cool under a thick cloth until the next day. Take it to a pantry or underground for long-term storage. Carrots are obtained in Korean spicy, fragrant. If desired, open it in a week, without waiting for the arrival of winter cold.

"Korean-style carrot" is one of the most delicious and favorite cold vegetable snacks among the dishes on the table, which is in high demand among people of different ages at any time of the year, on holidays and weekdays, cooked by housewives according to a home recipe or bought in a supermarket " Ready meals and semi-finished products” and already prepared by professional chefs.

This is a spicy and delicious dish. fresh carrots with spicy seasonings impossible to confuse with any other food, the aroma of allspice and coriander, crunchy sweet-salty long straws, planed from the orange root of a carrot. Korean-style carrots just melt in your mouth and sometimes it seems that it’s impossible to stop, you want to try it in combination with cold cold cuts, sausages, boiled pork, carbonate and raw-smoked and smoked fish delicacies (salmon, halibut, salmon). In combination with hot dishes, Korean-style carrots can be used as a side dish, and it can also be used as an independent dish - this is an original cold salad and an appetizer for alcoholic drinks.

Many housewives, when preparing carrots in Korean, use ready-made purchased seasoning, which in the correct proportion consists of a mixture of coriander, sweet red pepper, chili pepper, garlic, basil, salt and sugar.

This greatly facilitates the process of preparing a delicious cold snack, because it is very fast and consists only in grate fresh carrots on a special grater, you can also use an ordinary large kitchen grater for vegetables. Then you should mix carrots with ready-made seasoning from a bag, previously diluted in hot vegetable oil mixed with food (apple) vinegar. Leave the prepared mixture of carrots in Korean in the refrigerator, and after a couple of hours you will get a wonderful refreshing spicy and delicious salad.

We offer a recipe for preparing a winter preparation of Korean-style carrot salad at home. To prepare it, we need raw materials, seasonings, glass containers, some free time and the desire to cook and please yourself and your loved ones with a very tasty meal. In winter, this appetizer will diversify your table and satisfy the most refined taste claims.

Product Consumption:

  • Fresh carrots - 3 kilograms.
  • Seasoning carrots in Korean - 1 sachet or: 1 teaspoon of ground pepper mixture (black, red, white, allspice) and 2 tablespoons of ground coriander and 1 teaspoon of ground basil.
  • Sugar - 200 grams (1 cup).
  • Edible salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable refined oil - 100 grams.
  • Food vinegar 9% (apple) - 100 grams.
  • Fresh garlic - 2 heads (12 cloves).

Product yield: 3.5–4.0 liters of Korean carrots.

If desired, you can add onion in the amount of 0.5 kilograms, but this is not mandatory. The recipe for canned snacks for the winter "Korean-style carrots" consists of the following steps:

Let's start the process cooking delicious salad and consider specifically each step of the recipe "Korean-style carrots for the winter."

1 step. Preparation of raw materials according to the recipe includes:


Selection of whole roots fresh carrots and it is desirable that it be even and long. Any fresh carrot is suitable for this salad, whether you dug it up in your garden or bought it in a store, the main condition is the absence of rot and severe damage from a wireworm pest or mechanical flaws.

my carrot roots and if necessary, if it is very dirty and covered with a dried earth crust, then it must first be soaked in water so that the earth gets wet. We clean the roots with a brush.

We clean the root crops and cut off the top layer of the outer skin with a special string knife.

My cleansed cooked carrots in running water and put in a colander to drain excess water. In a special grater, three carrots along the root crop into long pieces-straws.


  1. We divide the heads of garlic into cloves and peel them from the hard husk.
  2. Wash the peeled garlic cloves in running water.
  3. We press the cloves into a press or garlic "press".

Onion (optional)

  • We clean the onion from the husk, remove and remove the dry skin.
  • We wash the peeled onion bulbs in running water.
  • We cut the onions into small pieces.

The raw materials according to the recipe for harvesting “Korean-style carrots” for the winter are ready.

2 step. Preparation of glassware for canned blanks for the winter

We choose glass jars, it is better to take a small volume from 0.5 to 1.0 liters.

When opening canned blanks, they are recommended to be consumed within a day to avoid food poisoning.

Wash glassware very carefully hot water so that there is no dirt left inside. It is necessary to prevent all possible ways of development of harmful bacteria, otherwise botulism sticks may form in hermetically sealed canned food.

For cleaning glassware it is better to use baking soda or dish detergent with surfactants that have antiseptic properties and hot water.

Glassware and metal lids with rubber seals must be steam sterilize boiling water for at least 10 minutes for half-liter glass jars. Sterilization time of glassware depends directly on the volume, the larger the volume of glassware, the longer the sterilization time.

We put the sterilized glassware on the table and cover it with sterilized metal lids with sealing rubber bands. Glassware and lids According to the recipe for harvesting for the winter, “Korean-style carrots” are ready.

3 step. Cooking salad according to the recipe for the winter "Korean-style carrots"

We take dishes of a large volume, this is a pan or a basin, and it is better if they have an enamel coating.

Add up planed on a special grater carrots in the form of straws, add chopped onion (optional), garlic, edible salt, granulated sugar, all spices, vegetable oil and vinegar to it. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the salad until the next day so that it soaks and gives juice.

To speed up the process of cooking the salad, it is recommended to heat and mix hot vegetable oil and vinegar, then add seasonings to this hot mixture so that they open their aroma, give away their essential oils and taste notes.

We cover the resulting workpiece with a clean cloth to avoid the ingress of foreign objects and dust.

4 step. Pasteurization of salad according to the recipe for harvesting for the winter

We take sterilized jars and put in them the resulting carrot salad who has already given juice. The packaging of the salad should be tight, as they say, “all the way”, and then add the remaining juice to these jars of salad.

We put the water to heat on fire, for these purposes you can use wide and deep dishes(pan, basin). At the bottom of the dish with water we put a woven napkin folded in several layers so that the glassware does not come into direct contact with the hot bottom. Warm water should not exceed the level of the shoulders of glass jars, we put our jars with Korean carrot salad preparations into it and cover them again with lids so that everything warms up evenly.

Bring water to a boil over low heat and we boil our jars with blanks for at least ten to fifteen minutes for half-liter cans, twenty minutes for one-liter cans, and so on. After the pasteurization time has elapsed, the jars with carrot salad preparations are carefully removed from boiling water and quickly corked with lids, rolled up with a special machine for canned food.

Turn the rolled cans upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket to create a "steam bath" and warm the workpieces, as follows in the recipe. We leave canned jars for a day until they cool completely.

5 step. Storing canned Korean carrot salad for the winter

Rolled up glass jars with canned delicious carrot salad Prescription should be stored like other canned foods in a cool, dry place to avoid rusting the lids.

If you plan to open canned food with carrot salad for eating for one or two days, then a jar of canned preparation can be brought and left indoors at room temperature or better put in the refrigerator.

Carrot salad for the winter, prepared according to a simple recipe at home, will in no way yield to the taste of a salad prepared by professional chefs in the most expensive restaurant.

I recently came up with this recipe. It would seem that it is so easy to cook carrots in Korean, but honestly, I did not think of closing it for the winter before. Canned carrots in Korean, its recipe is quite simple, and carrots rolled up in jars are even tastier than usual ones. Korean-style canned carrots are always juicy and delight you all winter, until next summer. Keeps well and long.


  • Carrots - 3 kilograms;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 grams;
  • ground coriander - 2 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 2 heads.

Step by step recipeKorean-style canned carrots

  1. We rub the carrots on a grater designed for carrots in Korean.
  2. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, garlic, coriander and pepper.
  3. Mix everything and let it stand overnight.
  4. In the morning, you need to put the carrots with the resulting juice in sterilized jars.
  5. Put the jars for sterilization in boiling water, if a jar of 0.5 liters is sterilized for 10 minutes. Next you need to roll up the jars, turn upside down and wrap.
  6. From this amount of ingredients, 7 jars of 0.5 liters are obtained.

Korean-style canned carrots are always a winning treat, an excellent side dish, you can also prepare various salads from it, supplementing them with ingredients.

Spicy, moderately spicy and unusually fragrant Korean-style carrots are always a welcome guest on our table. Buying such carrots in the store is not a problem, but I prefer to make it myself - homemade and tastier, and it comes out ten times cheaper. Despite the fact that getting carrots, in general, is not a problem at any time of the year, I prefer to prepare such a salad in summer and autumn - the time of a fresh harvest. At this time, the salad is especially tasty. That is why I was puzzled by finding a reliable way to preserve this unique taste. Found. I tried it. And now I'm sharing it with you. This is, without a doubt, the most successful Korean carrot recipe for the winter. Lettuce can be stored in jars until next summer! The proportions of spices, salt and sugar in it are calculated perfectly. Carrots turn out to be insanely tasty, juicy and crispy (even with long-term storage). It is simply impossible to walk past a salad without dragging a couple of forks to sample. That is why I always try to make the maximum portion: to close it for the winter, and to “eat right away”. Fortunately, the salad is easy to prepare. Most of the time and effort is spent chopping carrots. The rest is sheer nonsense. Add onions and garlic to the carrots, season, let it brew - and you can hide the finished salad in jars! And in the winter he opened a jar - and here you have a ready-made snack on the table or an integral part of a salad, roll or hot. Very comfortably!


  • carrots - 3 kg,
  • onion - 500 g,
  • garlic - about 100 g (2 heads),
  • sugar - 200 g,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • table vinegar (9%) - 100 ml,
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml,
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 pack (or a set of spices to your liking).

From the indicated amount of vegetables, 3.5 liters of Korean carrots come out.

How to cook Korean carrots for the winter

Let's start with carrots. We wash it and clean it, then rinse it again and dry it. Next, the most time-consuming and traumatic part - you need to grate the carrot. Ideally, if you have a special grater with a thin or medium square section for this purpose - with it you will get a neat thin and long vegetable straw.

It looks, of course, very appetizing. To make the carrot threads long, the carrots need to be rubbed flat, stretching along the grater along the entire length. An ordinary coarse grater will also work quite well, carrots will not look so impressive with it (in my opinion), but the main thing is that it tastes good, right? And the choice of grater does not affect the taste at all.

When finished with carrots, peel the onions and chop them into a smaller cube. Here I will share with you a recently discovered simple way to avoid pain in the eyes when chopping the insidious “tearful” vegetable: we just take enough cold water into our mouths so that our cheeks swell as much as possible, and calmly chop the onion without tears.

Now the last vegetable is in turn - garlic. With him, everything is quite simple. We clean and pass the cloves through the press. In the absence of a press, you can use the smallest grater that you have.

Vegetables are prepared, it remains only to season them. We put the vegetables in one container, add sugar.

Add salt.

We fill them with oil.

We add vinegar.

As for seasoning. You can season the salad with ready-made seasoning, but it’s better not to experiment and choose a mixture from a trusted manufacturer whose taste suits you.

Or you can mix spices to your liking. Try, for example, this option: we mix together literally a pinch of ground red (hot) and black peppers, curry, turmeric, ground and whole coriander (crush with a knife) and sodium glucomate (if available and optional). Or a simpler option, also very tasty: 1 tsp. ground black pepper and 2 tbsp. l. ground coriander.

During this time, the carrots will infuse, marinate, soak in seasonings and give juice. In principle, she is now completely ready to eat. But our goal is to save the salad for the winter. Therefore, we prepare jars and lids for it (we wash and sterilize), lay out the salad, tamping tightly, along with the resulting juice.

We cover the lettuce jars with lids and sterilize them in actively boiling water: for jars up to 500 ml, 10 minutes will be enough, for larger jars we increase the time by 5-10 minutes.

After sterilization, we screw the jars with lids, turn them upside down and, wrapping them warmer, leave them for about a day. Store in a cool place until needed. Jars can stand for a long time - up to 10 months, but they are always eaten earlier!
