
Salad with stalk celery - recipes for weight loss: dishes with photos. Celery root salad for weight loss: recipes

Celery has long been considered an important product, the use of which is of great value to human health. At one time, the great physician Hippocrates urged people to use it as food in order to save them from various diseases. You can use both the root and leaves of the plant, from which healthy salads, soups, and drinks are prepared.

What is the value of celery?

Before talking about what useful qualities celery has, it is necessary to understand what it is like this plant. Celery is a spicy vegetable that has a delicate and spicy flavor. The plant contains many plant fibers, it is rich in various vitamins and minerals, such as:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Manganese.
  3. Carotene.
  4. Potassium.
  5. Magnesium.
  6. Vitamins A, B, C, K.

Celery dishes are not only tasty, but also healthy. For example, a celery root salad (we will look at the recipes a little lower) gives the body, in addition to taste pleasure and nutrition, various microelements, such as iodine, iron, zinc. The essential oil contained in the vegetable has organic acids and aldehydes. The use of boiled and raw celery for food is very useful, the roots and tops of the plant are equally valuable.

Medicinal uses of celery

With regular use of celery for food, the overall tone and performance of the human body increases. In addition, there is an improvement in sleep, fatigue is relieved, the work of the nervous system is normalized. Celery dishes cleanse, rejuvenate, relieve obesity, increase immunity. Even our ancestors used the root for weight loss. In addition to a positive effect on the entire body as a whole, celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and the genitourinary organs. It is an excellent prophylactic for diseases such as gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

Celery in cooking

Celery has an exquisite aroma, so it will not leave indifferent any gourmet. The vegetable is actively used as a flavoring seasoning. In addition, the plant is used as an independent dish, for example, a salad with celery root. Also, the plant is used as an additive to various dishes: soups, vegetable and meat stews. Celery improves the nutritional and palatability of food.

The root and leaves of celery are used in cooking both raw and boiled. The vegetable goes well with fruits, in particular with apples, various vegetables and meat.

Useful properties of celery root in weight loss

Celery root contributes to the normalization of digestion processes, regulates the water-salt balance in the body, removes toxins and toxins. Many nutritionists strongly recommend using it in food, because it has almost zero calories. Celery consists of fiber, and the human body, when digesting this vegetable, spends more energy than it receives from it.

When preparing various dishes, calorie counting is mandatory. Salads with celery root, the recipes for their preparation are different, have a low calorie content. 100 g of vegetable is only 21 calories. Accordingly, the body will need to spend many times more energy on the processing of this product. In addition, you need to know that celery is more than 90% water. The use of the root of the plant in cooking suppresses the feeling of hunger for a long time and reduces appetite.

Slimming with celery root

Thanks to its properties, celery is an excellent tool for both diet and weight loss. The plant fibers of the plant help cleanse the intestinal walls of toxic deposits, which can accumulate more than 15 kg in a person's life. How to cleanse your body of harmful substances? It is enough to use root celery salad in your diet for weight loss, and as a result, the body will be less slagged.

Celery is an excellent diuretic, it removes excess water from the body and fights excess weight. Due to the fact that the plant contains a small amount of fats and carbohydrates, this root crop is a valuable product for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

After studying the beneficial qualities of celery, you can get acquainted with the recipes for cooking dishes from this root crop. A wonderful salad of celery root for weight loss is obtained (with the addition of fresh cabbage). To prepare this dish, you need to take 100 g of celery root and white cabbage, as well as 30 g of carrots, various greens, half a lemon, olive oil. Celery root and cabbage finely chopped with a knife. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater. All crushed ingredients are mixed, lemon juice and oil are added. All mix and let it brew a little. The dish is ready, you can start tasting.

Celery salads for weight loss

It is celery root, salads from which are prepared with the addition of various vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic), that helps to get rid of accumulated fatty acids in the human body. The use of such dishes, in particular in combination with pickled mushrooms, helps to increase intestinal tone, increases the fluid content in the intestine. This is an excellent remedy for constipation. This salad is especially popular among lovers of exotic and oriental cuisine.

Celery can be added to any salad, only finely grated. In this state, it is often used in place of ground pepper. Any celery root salad (recipes are presented in this article) must be infused and soaked with all the smells of the ingredients before serving.

Celery salad with mushrooms

To prepare a delicious salad of celery root and mushrooms, you need the following products:

  1. Celery root - 200 g.
  2. Fresh mushrooms - 300 g.
  3. Salo - 50 g.
  4. Sweet pepper - 3 pcs.
  5. Table wine - 2-3 tablespoons.
  6. 5 cloves of garlic.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Vinegar, salt and pepper.

For weight loss, a salad with celery root and mushrooms must be eaten 2-3 times a day in order to achieve a visible result. To prepare this dish, grind the garlic with salt. Then you need to fry the grated carrots in oil, simmer the garlic in lard. Everything is mixed, mushrooms are added and simmered over low heat for no more than 7 minutes. Celery root is peeled and finely chopped. Pepper is chopped into strips, seeds must first be removed from it. When the fried foods have cooled, you need to mix them with pepper and celery, adding vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

Celery and carrot salad

There are a great many recipes for making salads using celery. For example, celery root salad with carrots has a very simple recipe. For its preparation, the following components are required:

  • 2 celery roots.
  • 3 medium carrots.
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground walnuts.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Lemon juice and salt to taste.

Peel and chop vegetables. Then mix with nuts. Add vegetable oil, lemon juice and salt to the resulting mass. Mix everything and let it brew a little.

Korean celery salad

During the long winter, the human body weakens, it is more prone to colds and depression. Therefore, it is necessary to support yourself during this unfavorable period with various natural medicines, which is celery root, salad recipes using which are presented for consideration in this article.

How to cook a Korean-style salad that will not only nourish the body with vitamins and fiber, but also decorate any holiday table?


  • Celery root - 1 kg.
  • 3 teaspoons of salt.
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  • About 100 g of 9% vinegar, if there is apple cider vinegar, then it is better to use it.
  • 4 teaspoons ground coriander.
  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • A teaspoon of ground nutmeg.
  • Approximately 100 g of vegetable oil.
  • Three small bulbs.

For lovers of spicy dishes, you can add red and black ground pepper. Korean root celery salad is prepared in the following way: the root crop is peeled and cut into strips. You can use a special grater for this purpose. Put garlic, spices, salt, sugar into the crushed mass and mix everything thoroughly. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Remove the fried vegetable from the pan, and add the hot oil to the salad. Mix everything thoroughly and pour vinegar into the resulting mixture, then mix everything thoroughly and put in a cold place for infusion. For those who follow the figure, you can reduce the amount of butter and sugar, but then the taste palette will also change.

Salad of celery and cottage cheese

People began to use celery for weight loss long before our time, despite this, this plant is still popular today. Preparing a salad of root celery and cottage cheese is a matter of 5 minutes, the main thing is that all the necessary products are at hand. Salad Ingredients:

  1. Fat cottage cheese - 100 g.
  2. Apples - 300 g.
  3. Mayonnaise - 150 g.
  4. Half a glass of milk.
  5. 1 st. l. lemon juice.
  6. 1 st. l. celery root.
  7. Peeled hazelnuts.

When all the ingredients are available, it remains only to prepare a salad of root celery and cottage cheese. Rub the apples on a grater, then mix them with lemon juice. Mix cottage cheese with mayonnaise and milk and beat the mass with a mixer. Then mix apples and whipped foods, add celery and sprinkle the salad with ground nuts.

Any dishes with the addition of celery (salads, soups) can be used in your diet every day, because it does not have side effects and contributes to the gradual neutralization of body fat. In addition, the root and leaves of the vegetable saturate the body with the necessary nutrients, while being low-calorie foods.

As a rule, diets are based on any one product. And this is not always convenient for losing weight, because everyone wants to lose weight, but everyone has different tastes. And the variety on the menu is sometimes lacking. But this problem is easy to solve if you put at the forefront not one product, but one dish that can be performed in different variations. The key to breaking out of a dieting routine can be celery salad, which is delicious, healthy, and can be made in dozens of different ways.

Universal celery

Celery is a very useful plant. Its composition can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding supporter of a healthy lifestyle, because the leaves, stalk and root of celery contain:

  • various vitamins, among which the leading positions are taken by vitamins of groups A, B, C;
  • minerals (from potassium to calcium, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and manganese);
  • substances that regulate cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood viscosity and dilate blood vessels;
  • organic and amino acids;
  • various essential oils.

In addition, celery is a versatile plant, because all its parts can be used to prepare appropriate dishes: leaves, stem, and root.

These properties will help in maintaining the health of almost everyone. But celery also has a strategic reserve of qualities that people who are struggling with being overweight can adopt.

How does celery help you lose weight?

Celery is one of those vegetable crops that are called "minus calorie foods." This means that when processing it, a person spends more energy than when consuming it. It turns out that in the end the calories are in the red. From this point of view, celery for losing weight is priceless. But this is not its only advantage in the range of edible dietary variety:

  • celery contains a lot of water, almost about 90%, which, by the way, justifies its low calorie content - 100 grams of this vegetable crop (whether greens or roots) accounts for no more than 20 kilocalories;
  • fiber is another secret weapon of celery in the fight for a figure, because thanks to it, the intestines begin to work without failures, therefore, the body is cleared of waste products clogging it in time;
  • this vegetable produces a diuretic effect, helps to eliminate edema, that is, it actively removes excess fluid from the body, which also helps to reduce the total number of kilograms in the body;
  • celery satisfies hunger well - a feeling of satiety can come even after one stalk is eaten;
  • celery is the minimum amount of fat, but quite an acceptable amount of carbohydrates and proteins, which are so reverently followed by those who decide to build.

It would seem that it could be easier - to transfer yourself to eating exclusively celery and lose weight, lose weight, lose weight. Many people actually do just that. And at the same time they make a big mistake, because if a celery mono-diet can lead to something, it will only lead to problems with the stomach and metabolism. The fact is that celery, for all its usefulness, still does not have a complete set of vitamins and other useful substances that would satisfy our need for them completely. That is, life alone with celery will be poor, lethargic, monotonous and unhealthy. But I don’t want to lose this vegetable as a dietary one at all. Therefore, knowledgeable people came up with a special method of losing weight - with the help of salads with celery.

Celery Salad Recipes

The versatility of celery is not only in the set of useful qualities, but also in the usefulness of each of its parts. The leaves can be crushed, the stem can be gnawed, and the root can be grated. Everything goes into the culinary business. Therefore, there are many recipes for salads with celery, because this vegetable has practically no restrictions on compatibility with other products - simple and complex, cheap and expensive.

Here are a few options for celery stalks:

Celery salad with cabbage: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + onion (to taste) + white cabbage (100 grams) + herbs of your choice (from green onions to parsley).

Celery salad with apples: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + apple (1 pc.) + crushed walnut kernels (3-4 pcs.) + dill.

Celery salad with canned tuna: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + tuna meat (100-150 grams) + red onion (1 small head) + arugula (bunch) + dill.

Celery salad with chicken breast: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + boiled chicken breast meat (100–150 grams) + boiled egg (1 pc.) + green peas (2 tablespoons) + greens.

Celery salad with cucumbers: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + cucumber (1 pc.) + parsley + dill.

Celery salad with cheese: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + lettuce + hard cheese (100 grams) + greens.

Celery salad with banana: celery stalks (2 pcs.) + apple (1 pc.) + banana (1/2 pieces) + lemon balm (10 leaves).

Variants of salads with celery root:

  • Celery root + lettuce leaves + herbs.
  • Celery root + apples + walnuts.
  • Celery root + pickled cucumbers + capers + anchovies + parsley.
  • Celery root + carrots + greens.
  • Celery root + pickled cucumbers + chicken + greens.
  • Celery root + grapes + walnuts + boiled chicken breast meat + green salad casting.
  • Celery root + kiwi + soy sauce.
  • Celery root + mushrooms (champignons) + boiled egg + boiled rice.
  • Celery root + squid + boiled egg + onion.
  • Celery root + orange slices + bell pepper + apple.

A few tips for making celery stalks or root salad:

  • the stem should be finely chopped, and the root should be rubbed on a fine grater;
  • as a dressing, it is recommended to use lemon juice, olive oil (if only vegetables appear as ingredients) or low-fat yogurt or low-fat sour cream (if there are fruits in the salad);
  • to enhance the effect of losing weight, it is advisable not to salt the salad or salt quite a bit, but it is best to use other spices;
  • forget about mayonnaise, fatty sour cream and the same yogurt, as well as vinegar;
  • calculate the proportions of the ingredients for the salad as follows: about a third of the total volume should be celery, two thirds - everything else;
  • the total volume of one serving is a standard glass.

However, all the above recipes are just examples. A person with imagination can come up with a dozen more. The main thing is to choose non-calorie and low-fat ingredients for them.

How to lose weight with celery salad

Despite the negative calorie content of celery, even with it you can gain weight. Of course, if there are such salads without restrictions and without interruptions. Therefore, try to adhere to the following conditions:

  • celery salad is best eaten as breakfast or dinner, and for lunch, choose meat with vegetables;
  • physical activity is not only not prohibited, but it is even strongly recommended that metabolic processes take place more actively;
  • do not forget to drink at least two liters of ordinary non-carbonated water during the day;
  • such a nutrition system does not cause any harm to the metabolism, so you can stick to it for as long as you see fit, or rather, until the moment when you realize that it is no longer necessary to lose weight.

The speed of getting rid of fat will be minimal, but the result is reliable. Celery salad, if included in your regular menu, will not allow those extra pounds to return. In addition, this food option will not cause a significant blow to your budget: celery is not a scarce commodity, and those who do not want to buy it in stores can grow it in their garden.

The disadvantages of celery

As simple and fun as it may be to experiment with celery as an ingredient in a diet salad, there are still some negative nuances to be aware of.

Celery is not for everyone. It is recommended to treat it with caution or completely bypass it for people who:

  • unhealthy kidneys - celery can provoke the movement of stones;
  • neurological problems - exacerbation of epilepsy is not excluded;
  • vascular disease (thrombophlebitis or varicose veins) - celery affects the density of the blood;
  • colitis - essential oils can cause an attack of the disease.

Celery should also not be eaten while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Side effects in the form of increased gas formation are not excluded. In addition, it may turn out that you have a personal intolerance to this vegetable or that you basically do not like its specific smell and taste.

In any case, before writing down celery as your best friend, consult a therapist.

Most of the reviews about this method of losing weight are positive. It does not require special strong-willed efforts, the menu is quite diverse. For a month, losing weight lost from 2 to 6 kilograms, subject to careful nutrition with a total balance of about 1500-1700 kilocalories per day.

Table of contents [-]

You probably already know that celery is recognized as one of the most wonderful and suitable vegetables for weight loss. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, C, and also contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc, which allows not only to “vitaminize” the body, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. A variety of dishes are prepared from it.

How to prepare celery salad?

You can choose any of the salads, the recipes of which are given below. All of them promote weight loss. The easiest way to use them is to eat them instead of your regular dinner, and in any quantity! Already in the first week of such a celery diet, you will lose 1.5-2 kg. Celery salad has a low calorie content: the vegetable has only 32 calories per 100 grams, which means you can eat a lot of it and still lose weight. An approximate diet with dietary celery salads:

  1. Breakfast- scrambled eggs with vegetables, or cottage cheese with berries, or porridge with fruit.
  2. afternoon tea- curd cheese or fruit.
  3. Dinner- a serving of soup or meat / poultry / fish with vegetables.
  4. afternoon tea- cottage cheese, or a boiled egg, or fruit, or a glass of juice.
  5. Dinner- vegetable salad with celery.

Using this diet, you will quickly lose weight and at the same time get the right eating habits that will help you keep the weight at one level. Healthy celery stalk salad recipe You will need: 2 carrots, 1 small head of cabbage or half a large one, stalks with celery leaves, salt and apple cider vinegar. Preparation: chop and remember the cabbage with salt so that it gives juice. After 5 minutes, strain the juice. Sprinkle cabbage with apple cider vinegar and leave for half an hour. During this time, grate the carrots and chop the celery. Mix all ingredients. Ready! Celery and apple salad for weight loss You will need: 2-3 bell peppers, a few apples, parsley, medium celery root, fat-free white yogurt without additives or kefir. Preparation: chop apples, celery and peppers into thin strips, finely chop the parsley. Mix everything, lightly salt (preferably without it), add yogurt or kefir as a dressing. Ready! Delicious salad with celery You will need: 3 small beets, a clove of garlic, some celery stalks and leaves, a few lettuce leaves, olive oil, salt and spices. Preparation: Boil the beets, peel and cut into cubes or grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop lettuce and celery, mix everything. Pour one teaspoon of oil, lemon juice and squeezed garlic into a glass, mix everything, season the salad. Leave the salad for 15 minutes. Ready! Celery salad: a recipe for weight loss You will need: one carrot, one turnip and celery root. Preparation: rub all the products on any grater of your choice (usually a fine grater is preferred), mix thoroughly and season with lemon juice. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Ready!

Salad with celery stalk You will need: boiled carrots, cucumber, 2-3 stalks of celery, kefir 1% fat. Preparation: grind all the ingredients except kefir by hand or with a grater, mix and pour kefir. If desired, you can pour a little more kefir, and you get something like vegetable okroshka on kefir. Ready! Celery salad You will need: celery, parsley, arugula or lettuce, 1-2 cucumbers, juice of half a lemon. All ingredients should be the same amount in volume. Preparation: finely chop everything, pour over lemon juice. You can add half a teaspoon of olive oil. Ready!

Women, when the idea of ​​losing weight captures their entire being, go to all extreme and boundless measures, if only the result is achieved. As a result, we get a diet that is almost completely depleted in vitamins and minerals, which means that it causes severe harm to the body. Therefore, instead of a slender figure, we have a dull, unhealthy complexion, falling out, split ends, brittle nails, and so on. I think that any woman, each at one time, went through this savory - in every sense of the word, path. Well, you will tell me, but where can you get these useful substances, if even so, practically, you can’t eat almost anything? Yes, how impossible, I tell you - but what about vegetables? Vegetables, which contain the lion's share of vitamins, minerals, provitamins and amino acids necessary for health! Also, vegetables contain fiber and are low in calories, they cleanse the body of toxins and excess fats well. That is why it is the vegetable diet, compiled competently and thoughtfully, that will help you both lose weight and stay healthy. Don't be bored - prepare salads! Yes, indeed, just vegetable, effective weight loss diets are a rather boring pastime. But even this can be dealt with! Start preparing vegetable salads. Vegetables, root crops, herbs - they all retain their beneficial properties in salads. At the same time, properly prepared salads give the body not only everything it needs, but also help to lose weight at a normal pace. And the salads look great too! Therefore, if you start preparing salads according to the recipes below, please do not be too lazy to take a picture and send us a photo of the finished dish. If you write a few words to the photo - what the salad tastes like, and your other impressions, we will post the photo and a comment indicating the authorship.

Celery salad for weight loss: vegetables and fruits

Take two or three bell peppers of different colors, one medium celery root, 2-3 sweet apples, a small bunch of parsley, one glass of fat-free yogurt and a pinch of salt. Peppers and apples cut into long strips. Wash and peel the celery root and chop as finely as possible. Mix prepared ingredients, salt and add yogurt. Put the prepared salad in a salad bowl, and garnish with chopped parsley.

Salad "Slimness": really works

Do you want to replace your traditional dinner celery salad for weight loss? You are absolutely right. Salad "Slimness" as an evening meal will help you lose weight by 2 kilograms weekly. It not only activates digestion, and speeds up metabolism, but also does not allow excess fluid to stagnate in the body. The main components of this salad are celery root, turnips and carrots. Take these vegetables, wash them well, peel them thoroughly and grate them on a coarse grater. Then salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and let it brew. This salad is very light and in order to make it easier for you to maintain such a regimen, you can first use the recipe for a "day" salad. Nutritionists have come up with a more satisfying option especially for the daytime “shift”. Take two boiled carrots, two hard-boiled eggs, one fresh cucumber, two to three celery stalks, and half a glass of fat-free yogurt. Finely chop all the ingredients, salt a little and season with yogurt. Despite its calorie content, this is a completely dietary and balanced salad. Eat it at lunch, for two weeks, then switch to the evening Slimness salad.

Celery salad for weight loss: white cabbage and others

For this salad, you will need celery leaves - they contain substances that are very wonderful in inhibiting the aging process of cells. For the salad you need: a small head of cabbage, 2 medium carrots, a little leaf celery, vinegar and salt. Peel the head of cabbage and chop it, salt a little, remember, and let stand so that the cabbage has time to let the juice out. Then, squeeze out the cabbage juice, put the cabbage in a salad bowl, drizzle with apple cider vinegar, and let it soak for thirty minutes. After that, grate the carrots, chop the celery leaves, mix thoroughly and salt a little.

Celery and apple salad: eat as much as you want

This salad, in addition to the weight loss effect, is also good because it can be eaten in any quantity. Hooray! True, it is impossible to eat a lot of it in one sitting: vegetable fiber, which is contained in both celery and apples, perfectly satisfies hunger. You will need the following ingredients: a couple of celery stalks, apples, green onion arrows, dill and vegetable oil. Wash the celery stalks properly, peel them from the longitudinal fibers, and cut into thin rings. Peel the apples and grate on a coarse grater. Mix everything well, add finely chopped onion and dill, season with vegetable (olive) oil or lemon juice.

Celery and beets: and hormones will be in order

Beetroot is an extremely healthy vegetable. It perfectly cleanses the body, has excellent hematopoietic qualities, helps digestion and normalizes hormonal levels. Cooking celery salad for weight loss with the addition of beets, it is useful not only for those who suffer from chronic constipation, but also for those who are adherents of a strict low-portion diet. To prepare such a salad, you need two or three stalks of fresh celery, 3 medium beets, one garlic clove, a small bunch of green lettuce, salt, spices and olive (vegetable) oil. Rinse the celery stalks well, dry them with paper towels, and cut into small strips. Boil the beets in salted water, cool and peel, cut into cubes or long sticks. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press. Mix chopped vegetables with garlic. Salt and season with olive or other vegetable oil. Let the salad soak for 10-15 minutes. For beauty, you can put it on lettuce leaves.

Celery salad with swede

If you suffer from chronic gastritis or cholecystitis, then this dietary celery salad will be very useful for you. Rutabaga well removes excess water, and has a slight laxative effect. Celery will significantly enhance the effect of rutabaga, as it activates the metabolism, and helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. To prepare a salad according to this recipe, you will need: one medium celery root, one small turnip, a large apple, half a glass of sour cream or low-fat yogurt, juice from half a lemon, herbs and spices. Thoroughly wash and clean the celery and rutabaga, grate them on a coarse grater, sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients, add greens, peel the apple and rub it directly into the salad bowl. Then salt, add sour cream or yogurt, and mix well. Those lovely ladies who are on a strict diet can replace sour cream with olive oil, or just use lemon juice. In this case, celery salad for weight loss will be even more effective.

Celery and soy salad

Soy is a wonderful dietary product that contains a large amount of amino acids, vegetable protein and fiber. Vegetarians are very fond of soy - it is often used as a substitute for meat and dairy products. In addition, soy contains no cholesterol and lactose. If you cook regularly celery salad for weight loss with soybeans, it will not only make your diet more varied and nutritious, but also fill the lack of vitamins, activate the absorption of nutrients and improve food digestion. To prepare this salad, you will need: half a kilogram of celery stalks, 200 grams of soybeans, four onions, a few tablespoons of olive oil, three or four tomatoes, grape vinegar, spices and herbs. Boil soybeans in salted water until tender, but do not let it boil. Rinse the celery stalks well and finely chop, set to pass through until completely softened over low heat. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel and grind in a blender to a thin puree. Prepare the sauce. Cut the onion into rings and put it in a pan, add tomato puree, spices, water, a little vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove the pan from the heat. Put soybeans and celery in a serving salad bowl, and season with chilled sauce. This slimming celery salad can be used as a main dish or as a side dish.

Meat diet salad with celery

If you are a meat eater, and you start to feel bad without meat, but still want to lose weight, take a few rules into service. According to nutritionists, you need to eat lean meat and fish in the morning. Soups, meatballs, meat casseroles will look very good in the diet of a losing weight beauty. And, of course, vegetables should be eaten along with meat and fish. The best option - low calorie meat salads, with a large number of coarse-fibered root crops. As an example of such a dish for weight loss, we give the following recipe. meat salad with celery. You will need: one skinless chicken breast, celery stalks, an apple, a bunch of lettuce, a few sprigs of greens, the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of light salad mayonnaise and sour cream, spices. Boil the breast, cool, and cut into cubes. Rinse the celery thoroughly and cut it into rings. Rub the apple on a coarse grater. Mix all the ingredients, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and season with sour cream mixed with a light salad mayonnaise. You can use lettuce leaves to decorate the cooked dish. Chicken breast can be replaced with low-fat fish fillet, veal tenderloin. Despite the fact that this is a meat salad, it is a well-balanced low-calorie product. And finally, I will say: do not starve yourself for the sake of a thin waist. Hunger has a detrimental effect on the nervous system; from prolonged malnutrition, people become irritable and nervous. Is this what you want? Of course not. Therefore, start devoting more time to yourself, prepare healthy and tasty meals for yourself. And don't forget to send us photos of your masterpieces! This is important not only for you and us, but also for all those who want to be beautiful, slim and healthy! Varvara M. Krasa

Both the celery root and its green parts (petioles and leaves) contain very few calories, but many trace elements and vitamins. This combination makes it an ideal vegetable for those who want to be slim. To lose weight on celery, it is best to follow a diet of the same name or simply cook all dishes using this plant. In this article, we will give you recipes for low-calorie, but very tasty salads with celery. You can find recipes for soups on the World Wide Web, for example, here. 1

Low calorie salad with celery. Buy carrots, root celery, and green apples from the market. For a dish, take an equal amount of ingredients. Then cook like this:

  1. Peel the apples from the skin and core and cut them into thin strips.
  2. To prevent the apples from turning brown, sprinkle them with lemon juice.
  3. Cut carrots and celery into the same thin sticks.
  4. Mix vegetables with apples and salt a little.
  5. Pour the fat-free yogurt over the salad and let it brew in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2 Salad with turnips, carrots and celery. Just like in the previous salad, cut all the vegetables into thin sticks or grate them. Take the number of vegetables to taste, but it is better to have them equally. Pour the prepared vegetables with lemon juice and salt. The finished salad needs to stand so that it starts up the juice. When serving, decorate the salad with any berries. If you want the salad to look more sophisticated, then cut the vegetables into thin slices. 3

Salad that can be eaten without restriction:

  1. Finely chop 100 g of celery leaves and petioles.
  2. Grate 1 large green apple.
  3. Mix celery and apple and add a few green onions (chopped) to them.
  4. Dress the salad with apple cider vinegar and sprinkle with fresh dill.

Red salad with celery. The name of the salad was due to the fact that the dish contains beets. So, let's prepare a delicious salad:

  1. Boil or bake three small beets in the oven.
  2. Let the beets cool and then cut them into cubes.
  3. In a bowl with beets, crumble celery stalks (5-6 pieces) and lettuce (50-70 g).
  4. Make a sauce with two tablespoons of olive oil, two minced garlic cloves, salt, and lemon juice.
  5. Pour dressing over vegetables and serve on a plate lined with lettuce.

Celery salad with meat. You can completely get enough of such a salad if you eat it instead of a full meal. Write down the recipe:

  1. Boil half the chicken breast and cut it into cubes.
  2. Cut one apple and five celery stalks into cubes of the same size.
  3. Mix the products and add any greens to them: lettuce, dill, parsley, green onions.
  4. Drizzle the salad with either lemon juice or low-fat yogurt.
  5. If you want, then sprinkle with any spices.

Unusual salad of celery and kiwi. The recipe contains cream, and although it is not considered a dietary product, such a salad can be prepared once a week. The body still needs fats, so it is from this salad that he will get them. To prepare a salad, take: 200 g of root celery, 2 pcs. kiwi, 150 ml of cream of the lowest fat content, 2 tablespoons of cognac, soy sauce to taste. You can make such a salad in five to seven minutes:

  1. Mix cream, cognac and soy sauce.
  2. Put the mixture on the fire and heat until the sauce starts to boil.
  3. Without bringing the sauce to a boil, set it aside to cool.
  4. Peel the kiwi, cut them first into circles, and the circles into slices.
  5. Grate celery on a coarse grater.
  6. Lay the bowls with green lettuce leaves, and lay kiwi and celery on them in layers.
  7. Drizzle each layer with cooled sauce.
  8. Garnish the salad with celery sprigs.

Celery is a vegetable that goes well with any other vegetable, fruit, meat, and even fish. Take our recipes as a basis and experiment - come up with your own salads. If you are not very fond of celery because of its specific aroma and taste, then at first use only the root - its taste and smell is more delicate than the green part of the plant. And when you already taste and fall in love with celery, introduce both petioles and leaves into your diet. The latter are much more useful for weight loss, as they have even fewer calories than rhizome.

To choose the right diet food, you need to pay attention to foods that not only have a low energy value, but also supply the body with all the substances it needs (vitamins, minerals, etc.). Often, in pursuit of a beautiful figure, women forget about this simple rule, and it ends sadly. With a lack of any necessary substance in the body, serious diseases can even develop. So what can you eat to lose weight and not harm the body at the same time? The answer to this question is unambiguous - it's vegetables. These products contain a large amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements and other useful substances. Of course, vegetables cannot replace other products in terms of protein, fat and other essential substances. However, they are great for temporary diet food. To diversify the vegetable menu, nutritionists come up with various salads. They usually contain root vegetables, fresh vegetables, and herbs. Such salads are a good source of vitamins for the body.

Celery for weight loss

In dietary nutrition, there is one product that deserves special attention. This is celery, a green vegetable that looks more like grass. It is rich in vitamin C and niacin (vitamin B3), and also contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and B9. Among the micro and macro elements, it contains especially a lot of potassium, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc. This vegetable has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and also has a cleansing, rejuvenating and tonic effect on the entire body, and helps strengthen the immune system. As a dietary product, celery is also very useful.. After all, celery contains fewer calories (32 kcal per 100g) than the body needs in order to digest it. Thus, this vegetable effectively burns fat and acts as a weight loss aid. Nutritionists have developed several recipes for salads with celery which are very good for weight loss. Let's take a look at some of them.

Salad with celery and apples for weight loss

To prepare this salad, we will need a few apples, a medium celery root, 2-3 bell peppers, a little parsley, salt and 200 ml of fat-free yogurt. Apples and peppers should be cut into strips, and celery root and parsley should be finely chopped. Celery root must first be peeled. All these ingredients must be mixed, seasoned with yogurt and salt to taste. Parsley can be added on top.

Salad with celery and carrots for weight loss

This salad is considered one of the most effective for weight loss.. It is enough just to eat it for dinner, and in a week the weight will decrease by 2 kilograms. This salad helps to improve metabolism and activate the digestive system, and thanks to it, excess fluid does not stagnate in the body. To prepare it, you need carrots, turnips and celery root. All these vegetables need to be washed and peeled, then rubbed through a coarse grater, add a little lemon juice and a little salt. Such a salad should give juice, so before eating, it is best to leave it to infuse for about 30 minutes.

Salad with celery and yogurt for weight loss

This celery salad is high in calories., however, you need to eat it for lunch, not for dinner. To prepare it, you need carrots, 2 eggs, cucumber, 0.5 cups of low-fat yogurt and celery stalks. Carrots and eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Then all the ingredients need to be finely chopped and seasoned with yogurt. Lunch salad for weight loss is ready. It is advised to eat within a week.

Salad with celery and cabbage for weight loss

For this salad, you will need 1 small head of cabbage, 2 carrots, leaf celery (stems with leaves), salt and vinegar. Cabbage needs to be chopped, a little salt and mashed with your hands so that it gives juice. Then you need to wait a bit, drain the juice, and put the cabbage in a salad bowl. Sprinkle apple cider vinegar on top and leave to soak for about 30 minutes. At this time, you can grate the carrots and finely chop the celery. Then you need to mix all the ingredients and salt to taste.

Low calorie salad with celery for weight loss

This salad has a very low energy value.. Therefore, you can eat it as much as you like and not worry about the figure. However, it contains a lot of fiber, which at the same time perfectly satisfies hunger and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
To prepare this salad, you need to take 1 apple, a little celery (the green part), a few onion feathers and vegetable oil. Celery and onion should be finely chopped, and apples should be grated on a coarse grater. All ingredients must be mixed, you can add dill. Dress this salad with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Salad with celery and beets for weight loss

Beet and celery salad is not only an excellent weight loss remedy, but also a wonderful health remedy. Beetroot perfectly cleanses the body, normalizes the hormonal background and the digestive system. And such a salad is also an excellent remedy for constipation, as it has mild laxative properties. To prepare this salad, you need to take some celery stalks and leaves, 3 small beets, a few lettuce leaves, a clove of garlic, olive oil, salt and spices. Beets should be boiled in salted water, allowed to cool, peeled and cut into cubes. Celery and lettuce should be washed and cut, and garlic should be peeled and squeezed through a crusher. All these ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with olive oil. To let the salad soak and become tastier, you need to wait 15-20 minutes.

Salad with celery and meat for weight loss

It’s not always possible to eat a salad of vegetables alone. For a more dense diet, you can prepare a salad of meat and celery. It will also help you lose weight, you can eat it during lunch.
For such a salad, you need to take lean meat. Suitable for chicken, fish or beef. To prepare the salad, you need to take a chicken breast (or about the same amount of fish or beef), an apple, celery stalks and leaves, green leaf lettuce, a little greenery (parsley, dill, green onions), half a lemon, 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream and spices. The meat must be boiled until tender and cut into medium-sized cubes. Celery, lettuce and greens should be thoroughly washed and finely chopped, and the apple should be grated on a coarse grater. You need to squeeze the juice from the lemon. All these ingredients must be mixed, add lemon juice and sour cream, you can season with spices to taste. Celery for weight loss
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Stem celery salad for weight loss is easy to prepare. There are many recipes for preparing such dishes. Losing weight does not mean limiting yourself in absolutely all products. You can make soup, juice for weight loss from celery. The vegetable goes well with many products - meat, fish. Therefore, many tasty and healthy dishes can be made from celery root for weight loss.

Beneficial features

This plant can be called a storehouse of vitamins. It contains many microelements useful for the whole organism:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP;
  • acids;
  • minerals - beta-carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

Plant components are able to slow down the aging process, calm the nervous system, stimulate the production of gastric juice, and improve the water-salt balance. The vegetable is recommended to be eaten for diseases of the kidneys and liver, for sleep disorders and atherosclerosis, for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Juice helps cleanse the blood. The juice is often used to treat wounds and burns due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The calorie content of 100 g is very low - only 12! In addition, the components of the vegetable burn fat very well. Therefore, the plant is widely used for weight loss.

Recipes for light salads for weight loss

Nutritionists say that celery is combined with almost all foods, vegetables and fruits. Below are the most common salad recipes:

  1. Celery stalks - 5 pieces, crab sticks - 150 g, canned peas and corn 1 tbsp. l. Celery stalks and crab sticks are cut, all ingredients are mixed. You can fill with low-fat sour cream or olive oil. Salt can be added if necessary.
  2. This celery salad for weight loss also helps to remove toxins from the body. Radish - 5 pieces, green apple - 1 piece, celery - 4 stalks. Fill with olive or vegetable oil.
  3. The spicy taste of the herb goes well with the mushroom taste. Boiled porcini mushrooms - 250 g, celery - 4 stalks, tomato - 1 pc., chopped hazelnuts or walnuts. Fill with vegetable oil.
  4. Celery - 5-6 stalks, boiled chicken breast - 150 g, boiled quail eggs - 2 pcs. Fill with low-fat sour cream.
  5. Celery - 3 stalks, tomato, cucumber, cut all the ingredients, mix and season with sour cream.
  6. The tuna celery salad for weight loss comes out very tasty. Grass - 4 stalks, lettuce leaves, 200 g tuna, bell pepper - 1 pc., cucumber - 1 pc., season with olive oil.
  7. Prunes - 100 g, grass stalks, canned peas - 100 g, parsley - 25 g. Bones must be removed from prunes. Fill with sour cream.
  8. Chopped celery root - 100 g, green apple - 100 g. Season the mixed ingredients with unsweetened yogurt or low-fat sour cream.
  9. Perfectly satisfy hunger and not add extra pounds salad with celery for weight loss with the addition of carrots and eggs. You will need 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs, boiled carrots - 1 pc., Celery stalk. Topped with low-fat yogurt. Salt to taste. You can add some black ground pepper.
  10. Grass stalks - 5 pieces, raw chopped carrots - 1 piece, cabbage - 200 g, vinegar - 0.5 tsp, olive oil.
  11. Vegetable stalks - 5 pieces, boiled beets - 200 g, green onions, lettuce, garlic. Salt to taste. Fill with olive oil.
  12. Chopped root - 100 g, diced carrot - 1 pc., turnip - 150 g, lemon juice - 1 tsp, salt to taste, olive oil. Nutritionists say that this celery root salad for weight loss should be present in the daily diet. The ingredients are full of nutrients, help restore immunity.
  13. Celery stalks - 2 pieces, walnuts - 20 g, green apple - 1 piece, low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  14. Vegetable stalks - 5 pieces, 2 medium oranges, lemon juice - 0.5 tsp, olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  15. Boiled pumpkin, cut into pieces, mixed with chopped celery root and one chopped tomato. A dietary salad with celery for weight loss is dressed with low-fat mayonnaise. Pumpkin also contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. In addition, there is even a pumpkin-based diet for weight loss.
  16. Lightly salted pink salmon cut into small cubes to make 100-150 g, add chopped boiled carrots and green peas. You don't need to dress the salad.
  17. Chop the grass stalks into thin rings, cut lettuce leaves, mix both ingredients. To them add a little walnuts, spicy mustard, sour cream, wine vinegar, not more than 0.5 tsp.
  18. Boiled chicken breast, 15 g of wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 stalks of celery, red grapes - 100 g, chopped hazelnuts. The salad is dressed with low-fat sour cream.
  19. Fruit salad for weight loss from celery. Chopped apple, 100 g strawberries, 100 g kiwi, 2 stalks of grass. Top with sweet, low-fat yogurt. Many women who are on a diet eliminate sugar from their diet completely. You can’t do this, because glucose is needed for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. Therefore, the required amount of glucose can be taken from fruits.
  20. Chicken breast - 50 g, celery - 2 stalks, grapefruit - 50 g, 1 tsp. peanuts, ground black pepper, salt, lemon juice. Fill with fat-free sour cream.

Soup for weight loss

During the diet, you need to diversify your diet as much as possible and be sure to eat first courses.

You can make not only numerous salads with celery, but also other dishes. For example, soup. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 large bell peppers;
  • chopped celery root;
  • chopped cabbage;
  • 100 g of green beans;
  • greenery.

Soup can be prepared with quail broth or chicken breast. All ingredients are cut into cubes. Salt the broth. Boil the beans in the broth for 30-40 minutes, then add the bell pepper, cabbage, greens one by one. Since vegetables cook quickly (except for beans), after boiling, you should cook the soup for another 10-15 minutes. Another soup recipe. For cooking you will need:

  • chopped celery root - 100 g;
  • Pine nuts;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic.

Boil the broth from any dietary meat, add nuts, cook for 20-25 minutes. Then add the carrots and cook for another 15 minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients. 10 minutes after boiling, the soup is ready.

Juice for weight loss

Juice is also used for weight loss. It not only saturates the body with the necessary components, but also satisfies hunger and thirst. For cooking, grind the root and stems of the plant, squeeze the juice with gauze or use a juicer. The effect will be doubled if you combine the juice with other natural drinks, such as pomegranate juice, strawberry juice. You can make mixes, for example, mix several types of juice at once.

Surely many have heard of such a root crop as celery, but few people eat it. However, if everyone knew about his wonderful properties, then for sure he would have much more fans. In particular, it promotes weight loss and rejuvenation. In the first case, you need to know how to properly use celery. Recipes for weight loss salads with its content, we will give you in this article.

General information about celery

Composition of celery

The composition of this root crop includes minerals such as potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, various vitamins (C, PP, group B, etc.) and other useful substances. In addition, it is rich in various essential oils. Due to this ratio, this product has a positive effect on the body and improves the appearance.

Useful properties of celery for the body

The root crop has the following useful properties.

  1. Increases the tone of the body.
  2. Brings order to the nervous system.
  3. Helps to cope with insomnia.
  4. It normalizes the hormonal background.
  5. Improves eyesight.
  6. Struggling with old processes.
  7. Improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Useful properties of celery for weight loss

If we talk in particular about how celery contributes to weight loss, we can highlight the following points.

  1. This root crop has "negative" calories. This means that not only is it low in calories, but its consumption contributes to the burning of calories. Thus, celery can be eaten and still lose weight.
  2. Frees the body from waste and toxins.
  3. Removes unwanted fluid.
  4. Normalizes metabolism.

Knowing what wonderful properties celery has, we will give recipes for weight loss salads below, many will probably want to try it.

Celery for weight loss: tasty and healthy salads saturate the body with vitamins and help get rid of excess weight

Salads for weight loss with celery

Recipe 1


  1. Celery root - 200 gr.
  2. Turnip - 200 gr.
  3. Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Parsley - 1 bunch.

All vegetables should be washed well, peeled and grated into a coarse grater. Next, finely chop the parsley and add to the vegetables. Pour the lemon juice over the salad and stir. It should be used instead of dinner and the result will not be long in coming. In record time, you will get rid of excess weight, provided that you limit yourself to nutrition during the day. In addition, you will strengthen your immunity, improve complexion, skin and hair condition.

Recipe 2

  1. Celery stalk - 200 gr.
  2. Medium-sized cucumber - 1 pc.
  3. Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  5. Yogurt - 50 ml.

Hard boil the eggs. Boil the carrots until tender, cool and peel. Finely chop all products and mix. Pour the salad with plain white yogurt. This dish is recommended to eat instead of lunch. Note that you will achieve weight loss only if, along with the use of this salad, you reduce your diet. It is recommended to reduce the amount of eaten portions by 2 times. In addition, physical activity will be useful. Morning exercises and an evening walk will help you quickly get rid of unnecessary body volumes.

Recipe 3

You need the following products:

  1. Celery root - 1 pc.
  2. Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  3. Apples - 2 pcs.
  4. Yogurt - 1 glass.
  5. Parsley - 1 bunch.
  6. Salt - to taste.

Free the pepper from the core, wash and cut into thin strips. Wash and cut apples in the same way. Chop celery and parsley. Combine all ingredients, salt to taste, season with yogurt and stir. Note that yogurt is needed natural, without additives. This salad should replace one of the meals.

Recipe 4


  1. Celery leaves - 200 gr.
  2. White cabbage - 200 gr.
  3. Medium-sized carrots - 2 pcs.
  4. Apple cider vinegar and salt to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage or grate into a large grater. Salt it and use your hands to make it soft. Leave it for a while so that the juice comes out. After that, drain the resulting liquid and add a little apple cider vinegar. Leave the cabbage for 30 minutes to soak. At this time, wash the carrots, peel and grate into a coarse grater. Cut the celery leaves. When the indicated time comes out, combine all the components, salt and mix. Eat a salad instead of lunch or dinner.

Recipe 5


  1. Celery stalk - 1 pc.
  2. Apples - 2 pcs.
  3. Green onions - 1 bunch.
  4. Dill - 1 bunch.
  5. Vegetable oil - to taste.

Cut the celery into thin slices. Wash the apples and grate into a coarse grater. Chop the onion and dill. Mix all products and season with vegetable oil. Note that you can use this salad in unlimited quantities. If you feel that you are not full, then cook another portion and so on. It can be used instead of dinner. In addition, this dish is recommended for a fasting day.

Celery, salad recipes for weight loss with its content are very diverse, will help you quickly get rid of excess weight. If you follow the recommendations above, you can lose up to 2 kilograms per week. Note that such a result is guaranteed only in case of reducing the diet or following a certain diet.

Salad with celery and apples for weight loss

To prepare this salad, we need a few apples, a medium celery root, 2-3 bell peppers, a little parsley, salt and 200 ml low-fat yogurt. Apples and peppers should be cut into strips, and celery root and parsley should be finely chopped. Celery root must first be peeled. All these ingredients must be mixed, seasoned with yogurt and salt to taste. Parsley can be added on top.

Salad with celery and carrots for weight loss

This salad is considered one of the most effective for weight loss. I. It is enough just to eat it for dinner, and in a week the weight will decrease by 2 kilograms. This salad helps to improve metabolism and activate the digestive system, and thanks to it, excess fluid does not stagnate in the body. To prepare it, you need carrots, turnips and celery root. All these vegetables need to be washed and peeled, then rubbed through a coarse grater, add a little lemon juice and a little salt. Such a salad should give juice, so before eating, it is best to leave it to infuse for about 30 minutes.

Salad with celery and yogurt for weight loss

This celery salad is high in calories. , however, you need to eat it for lunch, not for dinner. To prepare it, you need carrots, 2 eggs, cucumber, 0.5 cups of low-fat yogurt and celery stalks. Carrots and eggs need to be boiled and peeled. Then all the ingredients need to be finely chopped and seasoned with yogurt. Lunch salad for weight loss is ready. It is advised to eat within a week.

Salad with celery and cabbage for weight loss

For this salad, you will need 1 small head of cabbage, 2 carrots, leaf celery (stems with leaves), salt and vinegar. Cabbage needs to be chopped, a little salt and mashed with your hands so that it gives juice. Then you need to wait a bit, drain the juice, and put the cabbage in a salad bowl. Sprinkle apple cider vinegar on top and leave to soak for about 30 minutes. At this time, you can grate the carrots and finely chop the celery. Then you need to mix all the ingredients and salt to taste.

Low calorie salad with celery for weight loss

This salad has a very low energy value.. Therefore, you can eat it as much as you like and not worry about the figure. However, it contains a lot of fiber, which at the same time perfectly satisfies hunger and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
To prepare this salad, you need to take 1 apple, a little celery (green part), a few onion feathers and vegetable oil. Celery and onion should be finely chopped, and apples should be grated on a coarse grater. All ingredients must be mixed, you can add dill. Dress this salad with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Salad with celery and beets for weight loss

Salad from beetsand celery is not only an excellent means for losing weight, but also a wonderful healing agent . Beetroot perfectly cleanses the body, normalizes the hormonal background and the digestive system. And such a salad is also an excellent remedy for constipation, as it has mild laxative properties. To prepare this salad, you need to take some celery stalks and leaves, 3 small beets, a few lettuce leaves, a clove garlic, olive oil, salt and spices. Beets should be boiled in salted water, allowed to cool, peeled and cut into cubes. Celery and lettuce should be washed and cut, and garlic should be peeled and squeezed through a crusher. All these ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with olive oil. To let the salad soak and become tastier, you need to wait 15-20 minutes.

Salad with celery and meat for weight loss

It’s not always possible to eat a salad of vegetables alone. For a more dense diet, you can prepare a salad of meat and celery. It will also help you lose weight, you can eat it during lunch.
For such a salad, you need to take lean meat. Suitable for chicken, fish or beef. To prepare the salad, you need to take a chicken breast (or about the same amount of fish or beef), an apple, celery stalks and leaves, green leaf lettuce, a little greenery (parsley, dill, green onions), half a lemon, 2 tablespoons low-fat sour cream and spices. The meat must be boiled until tender and cut into medium-sized cubes. Celery, lettuce and greens should be thoroughly washed and finely chopped, and the apple should be grated on a coarse grater. You need to squeeze the juice from the lemon. All these ingredients must be mixed, add lemon juice and sour cream, you can season with spices to taste.
