
Salad for the winter from carrots "orange miracle". Salad "orange miracle" from carrots for the winter

Carrots can be used in a variety of preparations. One of the most popular options is the Orange Miracle salad made from carrots for the winter. In addition to the main component, other vegetables are added to the salad, but there should be more carrots. Here are a few options for the recipe for this delicious and very healthy workpiece.

The main ingredient in the Orange Miracle salad is carrots. To prepare the workpiece, you should choose juicy root crops of bright orange color. It is this carrot that is the sweetest, so the salad will turn out delicious.

Salad carrots need to be washed, peeled and rinsed again. After that, you need to chop the carrots. For grinding, a grater, special shredders are used, and in some recipes a blender or meat grinder is used. In the latter case, the salad turns out to look like caviar.

Another ingredient that is almost always used in the preparation of this salad is tomatoes. They are most often passed through a meat grinder or blender. You can also cut the tomatoes into cubes or thin slices.

Prepared vegetables must be stewed with the addition of spices and vegetable oil. At the very end of the stew, vinegar is added.

Interesting facts: carrots have been known to people since antiquity. However, initially this plant was not used in cooking, but in medicine. Leaves and seeds were used for treatment. And only after a while, people guessed to use the roots of the plant.

Salad "Orange Miracle" from carrots for the winter (through a blender)

This version of the salad outwardly resembles, since all the ingredients are passed through a blender.

  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (95);
  • 100 ml refined sunflower oil.

Such a salad can be used to make sandwiches, it can serve as a side dish of potatoes or rice. For cooking, you need sweet juicy carrots and ripe tomatoes.

Read also: Fresh vegetable salad - 10 simple and delicious recipes

We clean the carrots from the skin and wash. Cut the carrots into thick slices. We wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters and cut out the attachment points of the stalks.

Carrots and tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass, resembling vegetable caviar. We shift the vegetable mass into a cauldron, add sugar and salt, mix. We add vegetable oil. We put the salad on a slow fire. We simmer for 90 minutes, we count the time from the moment of boiling.

Pour vinegar into the prepared vegetable mass, continue stewing for another 10 minutes. Arrange the salad in sterilized jars. Immediately roll up the lids tightly. We cool "under a fur coat."

Salad with tomato and garlic (grated)

This salad contains carrots and garlic. It comes with a spicy taste.

  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 30 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 6 tablespoons refined sunflower oil.

Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel and rinse again. Then we dry the roots. We rub the carrot on a grater or chop it with a knife into thin strips.

Wash the tomatoes well, let them dry and cut out the place to which the stalk was attached. Boil water, dip prepared tomatoes into boiling water. After a minute, remove the tomatoes and transfer to a bowl of cold water. After the fruits have cooled, carefully remove the skin from them. We pass the peeled tomatoes through a meat grinder or blender. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press.

It is better to close this salad in half-liter jars. Wash well and sterilize. Pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or frying pan, fry carrots on it for 10-15 minutes. Then pour the tomato puree into the carrots, mix and simmer for 30 minutes. Then salt the salad, add sugar, simmer for another 10 minutes.

Then add chopped garlic and vinegar, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes. We lay out the hot billet in sterilized jars, immediately roll up the jars. We cool "under a fur coat."

Salad "Orange miracle" with bell pepper

This version of the salad is prepared with. In order for the salad to live up to its name, it is better to choose yellow or orange peppers, you can take red bell peppers, but green ones will not work.

  • 500 gr. carrots;
  • 500 gr. bell pepper;
  • 500 gr. Luke;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 150 ml vegetable refined oil;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 40 gr. Sahara.

Wash all the vegetables for the salad. Cut the onion into thin half rings, cut the pepper into thin strips. We grate the carrots, it is better to use a grater for cooking Korean salads, but you can also take the usual one. We release the tomatoes from the stalks and cut into thin slices.

Read also: Fruit salad with ice cream - 7 recipes

Heat oil in a cauldron or skillet with high sides. Dip in the oil into the onion, fry it, bringing it to half-cooked. You need to fry for about 10 minutes. Then add carrots to the onion, mix and simmer the vegetables for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then we put Bulgarian pepper to the vegetables and continue stewing for 10 minutes.

At the next stage, add tomatoes, salt, add granulated sugar. Adjust the amount of salt and sugar to your liking. You can also change the number of tomatoes, if you like thicker salads, you can put fewer tomatoes.

Simmer everything together for another 20 minutes. Simmer under the lid, stirring occasionally. We will prepare the jars, wash them and sterilize them. We pack the hot salad in containers that have not yet cooled down, immediately close them hermetically. We will cool the banks “under a fur coat”.

The proportions of carrots and pumpkins can be changed at your discretion, the main thing is that the total weight of already peeled vegetables is 1.5 kg.

Advice! You can add your favorite spices to this preparation. For example, ground coriander, cumin, different types of pepper, etc.

Cut the onion, carrot and pumpkin into small cubes. You can not chop, but grate the carrots with pumpkin, and chop the onion into thin half rings. Pepper cut into thin strips. Grind the garlic with a press or rub it on the smallest grater. We prepare mashed potatoes from tomatoes; to perform this operation, we use a blender or a meat grinder.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Today we will prepare the Orange Miracle salad from carrots for the winter. The recipe is quite simple and quick: and what is the result, you can just lick your fingers. If you have never tried such a salad, you can make a trial small portion to make sure that the result is worthy of your efforts. The salad turns out to be slightly sweet, with a garlic flavor, tender - words cannot convey all this amazing taste. Salad "Orange miracle" is perfect for different dishes - potatoes, meat, pasta, buckwheat. If you are harvesting for children, the amount of garlic can be reduced.

- carrots - 500 gr.;
- tomatoes - 750 gr.;
- sugar - 70 gr.;
- garlic - half of the middle head;
- vegetable oil - ½ cup;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

Step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, prepare the carrots - peel and wash the specified amount, dry it. Skip the prepared carrots in a meat grinder. Place carrots in a bowl or saucepan.

Wash and dry the tomatoes, remove the growth site of the stalk. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces so that they can easily pass into the meat grinder. Skip the tomatoes and add them to the carrots.

Pour salt, sugar. Pour in a portion of vegetable oil. Turn on the fire and make a moderate heating of the burner.

Rearrange the pan on the fire, cook the salad under the lid for 60-70 minutes. At the very end, pour in a portion of vinegar and add the garlic missed on the press. Take a sample, add salt or sugar if desired.

Divide into sterile jars. Immediately put a sterile lid on the neck of the jar. Roll up the jars tightly, put them upside down, cover with a blanket and leave alone for 24 hours. After a day, the "Orange Miracle" can be put away on the shelf of bins.

Enjoy your meal!

Carrot salad "Orange miracle". Recipe with photo

One of our family's favorite salads, we have been making it for many years. I must say right away that I use a vegetable cutter, which significantly reduces the cooking time and allows you to get the same small pieces.
- 1 kg of carrots;
- 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
- 100g of sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of salt;
- 1 glass of odorless vegetable oil;
- 100g chopped garlic;
- 1 tablespoon without a hill of black ground pepper;
- 1 tablespoon of table vinegar or half a teaspoon of vinegar essence.


Finely chop the tomatoes.

Scroll carrots through a meat grinder.

Put the vegetables in a basin or a large saucepan, add sugar, salt and vegetable oil (in the photo there is a seven-liter basin).

Simmer for one hour from the moment of boiling, stirring regularly.
Add garlic and ground pepper. Simmer another 15 minutes

Add vinegar and simmer for another 5 minutes. Arrange the hot salad in sterilized jars. Seal the jars, turn over and wrap until completely cool.

For those who have read to the end, another recipe.

Salad "Charlotte"
Similar to lecho, but ground black pepper changes the taste.
- 1 kg of tomatoes;
- 300g of onion;
- 3-4 bell peppers;
- 1 teaspoon ground pepper;
- 1 tablespoon of salt;
- 0.5 cups of sugar;
- 0.5 cups of vegetable oil;
- 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar essence.
Finely chop the tomatoes and peppers. Cut the onion into rings, each divided into 4 parts and fry in vegetable oil. Mix all the vegetables, add salt and sugar, butter and simmer for half an hour. 5 minutes before readiness add vinegar.
Arrange the hot salad in sterilized jars. cork jars, turn over and wrap until completely cool.

In winter, when bad weather is raging outside the window, you really want to return to summer again at least for a moment: to see the riot of summer colors, inhale the summer aroma, enjoy the taste of summer gifts of nature ... In fact, magic and a time machine are not needed for this, just fill shelves of his pantry in rows of jars with bright, appetizing preservation. Compotes, preserves, jams, various pickles and marinades - all these dishes will help you feel the gentle breath of warm summer days again.

Today I will share with you a wonderful recipe for making orange miracle carrot salad for the winter. The appetizing color of this blank will certainly cheer you up, and the taste and aroma will give you an unforgettable experience!

To prepare the orange miracle carrot salad for the winter, you will need:

tomatoes - 1.5 kg
carrots - 1 kg
garlic - 1 head
sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l.
salt - 1 tbsp. l.

How to prepare a salad for the winter from carrots "Orange Miracle":

1. Wash the tomatoes well under running water, cut into slices. For the preparation of this type of preparation, it is necessary to choose ripe red fruits.
2. Peel the carrots, wash, dry, cut into pieces.
3. Pass the prepared tomatoes and carrots through a meat grinder or chop in a blender.
4. Transfer the resulting vegetable mass to a saucepan, add sugar, salt, sunflower oil. Mix all ingredients well. Stew vegetables over low heat for 1.5 hours.
5. Peel and chop the garlic (finely chop or place the cloves on a cutting board and crush with the handle of a knife).
6. 15 minutes before the end of the cooking process, add chopped garlic and ground black pepper to the salad.
7. 5 minutes before the end of the cooking process, pour vinegar into the pan with the preparation and mix the vegetable mass again.
8. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the salad a little, then put it into pre-prepared (sterilized) jars and roll up.
As I wrote above, for the preparation of this blank, you must use ripe red tomatoes. Carrots should also choose a rich orange color. After all, the brightness of your “miracle” will depend on this choice. If the vegetables are not very bright, you can add a little ground paprika to the workpiece.

In addition to all of the above ingredients, you can add fresh (finely chopped) or dried dill, parsley, cilantro, celery, bay leaves, allspice, or any other spices to your taste to your carrot salad.

Carrot salads have always been appreciated and were the most useful. Most often, salads with carrots are prepared fresh, but in winter, skilled housewives prepare carrots for future use. It's both convenient and delicious. If you do not have a suitable place to store carrots, then it is better to roll them up in jars in the fall. For many years I tried to keep carrots until spring, but it didn’t work: the carrots in the spring were already full of sprouts and very soft. Root crops lose their juiciness and in the spring carrots are no longer suitable for salads. In this case, I decided not to store the carrots anymore, but to prepare the Orange Miracle salad from carrots for the winter. To taste, it comes out just wonderful and this salad is called in a very original way - "Orange Miracle". I will teach you how to cook it and I will immediately say that it is not so difficult. Stock up on juicy carrots and roll up a few jars for future use for the winter. The recipe is very simple. See also others.

Required products:

- 800 grams of carrots,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 1/2 tables. l. salt,
- 2 pinches of granulated sugar,
- 500 ml of tomato juice,
- 15 grams of 9% vinegar,
- 80 grams of vegetable oil.

We clean the carrots with a special vegetable housekeeper: it perfectly cuts the peel. I cut the carrots into small cubes so that they fit into the meat grinder.

We scroll the sticks of carrots in a meat grinder to get a blank for salad.

Add tomato juice to carrots. Tomatoes are best scrolled through a juicer to get pure juice without grains. Start simmering the salad.

When the salad boils, pour in the vegetable oil and mix.

Pour salt and a little sugar there, stir and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. When the salad is ready, add vinegar, wait for the mass to boil and remove from the stove.

We shift the salad into steamed jars, fill to the top.

We roll up the lids and let the jars cool under the “fur coat” from any blanket. Be sure to prepare this
