
Cucumber salad winter preparations. Cucumber salads for the winter - garlic fresh crispy cucumbers

And so it began, the invasion of cucumbers! Green and light green, bright and pale, short and long, thick and thin, with pimples and smooth, small and overgrown ... There are so many of them that it is impossible not to take a feasible part in the utilization of the crop. Well, do you find the strength to refuse your mother, who gave you a bucket of eco-cucumbers from the dacha? Walk past an old granny selling homemade vegetables near the metro for half a penny? Can you watch with indifference how cucumbers grow on your own plot near the house? Here's the same thing. In general, stock up on patience, save up strength - and rush into battle with a cucumber crop.

Who are cucumbers?

Scientists believe that the birthplace of cucumbers is India, it was there that they were born over 6 thousand years ago and subsequently it was from there that they began their march around the world. By the way, in the same place, at the foot of the Himalayas, cucumbers still grow in natural conditions - savage. Like weeds - not cultivated or cultivated by anyone.

In addition, it is curious to know that cucumbers are the few fruits that a person eats in an unripe form. If cucumbers are allowed to “get ready” in the garden, they will acquire a tough skin, large seeds and a boring, insipid taste and completely not juicy pulp. It is for this reason that the plant got its name: in Greek, cucumbers sound like “aguros”, which literally means “unripe”, “unripe”.

The benefits of cucumbers

The common belief that there is nothing useful or harmful in cucumbers is just a common belief. Although they do not have as many vitamins as we would like (and over time, even the little that is, is reduced to a minimum), but they do not have extra calories, which turns these vegetables into an ideal food product for everyone who is forced to strictly keep track of your weight. In addition, cucumbers have the ability to regulate appetite, "convince" the body that it is full, and control human metabolism.

Cucumbers are almost 99% water - they perfectly quench thirst, promote digestion, have a diuretic effect and just perfectly and delicately cleanse the intestines. Green long comrades are an indispensable source of potassium: thanks to this mineral, cucumbers are recognized as fighters for the correct functioning of the vascular system and noble assistants in the functioning of the heart muscle.

If you eat cucumbers constantly and regularly, they neutralize the action of acidic compounds in the intestines, thereby preventing the deposition of salts. In addition, nutritionists believe that this vegetable prevents thyroid disease, fights early aging of the body and has a choleretic effect.

Alas, only fresh cucumbers can boast of all of the above (and the earlier they got from the garden to your table, the more benefits they will bring), however, their canned counterparts have one significant plus: they are undeniably more appetizing, and for their crunch and spicy taste in winter you can give half the kingdom and even a horse to boot!

Simple cucumber salad for the winter

The most common recipe for the most common salad. However, you should not immediately scroll down the page - there are many advantages hidden in this simplicity. First, this salad is easy to prepare. Secondly, despite a certain "earthiness" of the recipe, it turns out to be a rather pleasant vegetable snack. Thirdly, such a salad is a convenient basis for winter improvisations: it can be mixed with cabbage and carrots, diversified with radish and pomegranate seeds, ennobled with sweet blue onions and olives.

200 g of odorless vegetable oil;
4 kg of cucumbers;
1 kg of onions;
200 g of sugar;
8 art. l. salt;
8 art. l. table vinegar (6-9%).

Wash cucumbers, dry and cut into slices up to 4 mm thick. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Put the vegetables in a large bowl, mix with sugar, salt, vinegar. Add oil and leave the salad for 3 hours in a cool place, stirring occasionally.

After the specified time, we lay out the cucumber salad in sterilized half-liter jars, pour the juice from the bowl in which the cucumbers were pickled. We sterilize for 15 minutes, then close the jars with lids and cover with blankets. After a day, the banks can be rearranged for storage in the pantry.

Onion salad with cucumbers for the winter

Shift the focus to onions - and you will get an original winter snack that harmonizes wonderfully with boiled potatoes, wheat porridge and even a piece of real rye bread. Absolutely simple food, but in this simplicity there is an abyss of taste! A special plus of the recipe is that large cucumbers are suitable for this salad, which housewives do not really like. In general, if you got a bucket of assorted green "comrades", feel free to select those that are larger and start canning!

2.5 kg of cucumbers;
1 kg of onion;
1.5 st. l. salt;
4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
130 ml of table vinegar (9%);
1.5 liters of water;
black allspice, bay leaf, hot pepper to taste.

My cucumbers, dry, if necessary and desired, peel off the skin. We cut into circles, the thickness is up to 5 mm (it is better to focus on 3-4 mm, large pieces of cucumbers may not “live” until winter).

We clean the onion and also cut into rings - thin and beautiful.

Carefully lay out cucumbers in sterilized jars, alternating them with onions. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers - to the edge of the jar, cover with sterilized lids and leave for 3 minutes, after which we drain all the water into the pan, add sugar, salt, spices, pieces of hot pepper and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and pour the bite into the marinade, after which we fill the jars with salad and immediately close the lids. We cover with blankets, wrap well and leave the salad in this form until it cools completely (at least a day). After that, the jars can be transferred to the pantry and stored there until the moment of use.

Cucumber salad with tomatoes

Ah, well, can there be anything more beautiful than in winter, when a blizzard sweeps and frosts creak outside the window, open a jar of cucumber salad and enjoy summer vegetables? Crispy cucumbers, sweet tomatoes, fragrant dill - no, this is not a salad, this is happiness in a jar!

3 kg of cucumbers;
3 kg of tomatoes;
1.5 kg of onion;
300 g of dill;
500 ml of vegetable oil;
5 st. l. vinegar 9%;
5 st. l. Sahara;
4 tbsp. l. salt.

Wash vegetables, dry. Cucumbers are cut into circles, tomatoes (ripe, but dense) - into slices, onions - into half rings. We put everything in a large bowl (basin), add sugar, salt, vinegar, finely chopped dill, pour in the oil and mix gently. We leave the salad for 10 minutes - the vegetables should release juice, after which we lay out the workpiece in sterilized half-liter jars. Spread the juice out evenly. We put the jars in a large pot of boiling water (a piece of cotton cloth is laid on the bottom), bring to a boil and sterilize the salad for 15 minutes. After that, we close the jars with lids boiled in boiling water and put them under the covers for a day. After cooling, the salad can be transferred to the pantry.

Cucumber salad with zucchini

Natural disaster in the form of cucumbers, as a rule, is accompanied by another catastrophe - the invasion of zucchini. These comrades, as if by agreement, come at the same time. What to do, you need to take the bull by the horns or vegetables in your hands and preserve salads for the winter!

1 kg of zucchini;
1 kg of cucumbers;
100 g of red currant;
1 head of garlic;
4-7 currant leaves;
fragrant black pepper;
1 liter of water;
1.5 st. l. Sahara;
1 st. l. salt;
1 st. l. vinegar (9%).
My cucumbers and zucchini, dry, cut into circles. Peel the garlic, wash the currant.

Put garlic cloves on the bottom of half-liter jars, add vegetables and berries. Sprinkle black pepper. Add currant leaves on top. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with lids and leave for 5 minutes, then carefully and completely drain the water into the pan, add sugar, salt and bring to a boil. We add vinegar and pour the resulting marinade over the salad, after which we immediately close it with sterilized lids and cover with blankets. We leave the salad in this form until it cools completely, then we transfer it to the pantry and wait for winter.

Salad of overripe cucumbers

Cucumbers are such comrades, somewhat vile: I didn’t have time to catch the moment, and that’s all - they have already outgrown. Huge, thick-skinned and awkward. Like a suitcase without a handle: it's a pity to throw it away, it's uncomfortable to carry. In general, if the described problem responds inside you with pain and unbearable suffering, here is a recipe for a salad of overripe cucumbers.

1 kg of large cucumbers;
1 head of garlic;
1 small horseradish root;
1 liter of water;
20 g of salt;
5 st. l. table vinegar (9%);
4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
2 tbsp. l. mustard.

Wash the cucumbers, dry them, then remove the skin (very convenient with a knife for peeling root crops) and, cutting the vegetables in half, take out large seeds. After that, we cut the cucumbers into sticks about 1 cm thick and up to 5 cm long, sprinkle with salt and leave in a cool place for 7-10 hours.

We drain the released juice and lay out the cucumbers in liter sterilized jars. Add garlic, chopped horseradish.

We prepare the marinade - mix water, sugar, mustard, bring to a boil, add vinegar and pour over the salad. We cover with sterilized lids, rearrange the jars into a large saucepan, pour boiling water over the “shoulders” and sterilize for 15 minutes. After that, close the lids and wrap the jars with blankets, leave for a day. We store cucumber salad in the pantry.

Cucumber salad with vegetables

Assorted vegetables are what will cheer you up on a frosty winter day, decorate dark evenings with summer flowers, and bring with you the aromas of hot August evenings. Bright salad, juicy and very tasty!

2 kg of cucumbers;
1.5 kg of tomatoes;
0.5 kg of carrots;
0.5 kg of bell pepper;
1 large chili pepper or 2 small ones;
3 heads of garlic;
1 glass of vegetable oil;
1 cup of sugar;
3 art. l. salt;
60 ml table vinegar (9%).

All vegetables should be washed and dried, if necessary, peeled and cut: cucumbers - slices, tomatoes - slices, peppers - strips, carrots - grate. Put the resulting blanks in a bowl, add the garlic passed through the press, finely chopped hot pepper. Mix with sugar, salt and vinegar.

After 2 hours, bring the vegetable oil to a boil, evenly pour over the salad with it. We leave for another 15 minutes, after which we lay it out in half-liter sterilized jars, cover with lids and additionally sterilize in a saucepan with water for another 15 minutes. After that, we close the salad, hide the jars under the covers for a day, then store them in the pantry.

Cucumber salad with apples

Wow, what a delicious salad is obtained from cucumbers with apples! Delicate, savory, spicy-sweet and very original. A great option for recycling cucumbers.

1 kg of apples;
2 kg of cucumbers;
a large bunch of dill;
a large bunch of tarragon;
50 g of sugar;
40 g of salt;
1 small chili pepper;
100 ml of vegetable oil;
100 ml apple cider vinegar.

My cucumbers and apples, peel if necessary from the skins. Apples cut into 4 parts, remove the core. Then - slices: cucumber slices, apple slices. We put everything in a pan of a suitable size, add chopped greens, finely chopped pepper. Salt, add sugar, add oil. We leave the salad for half an hour, it should start the juice, then put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and boil the salad on a minimum heat for 5-7 minutes, then add the vinegar, mix and arrange in sterilized jars. We close with sterilized roofs and wrap in blankets. After a day, the salad can be rearranged in the pantry.

Korean cucumber salad

If you are a fan of savory flavors and if you like appetizers from the "hot" series, you will appreciate this salad. It is beautiful without further ado - both spicy, and spicy, and sweetish, and juicy. In general, perfection in Korean.

0.5 kg of carrots;
2 kg of cucumbers;
0.5 cups of sugar;
50 g of salt;
1/2 tsp ground coriander;
1/3 tsp cumin;
1/2 tsp hops-suneli;
1/4 tsp ground chili pepper;
0.5 cups of vegetable oil;
0.5 cups of table vinegar (9%);
1 head of garlic.

My cucumbers, dry, cut into slices. We clean the carrots, grate them for cooking vegetables in Korean. We put everything in a large bowl, add spices, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, garlic passed through a press, mix well and leave to marinate for 3-4 hours - the vegetables will release juice during this time.

We sterilize half-liter jars, lay out the salad. Cover with sterilized lids, put in a pot of water. Bring to a boil and sterilize everything together for 10 minutes, then tightly close the lids and hide under the covers. Lettuce in this form should stand for at least a day, after which the jars can be rearranged in the pantry.

10 tips on how to make cucumber salad for the winter interesting and original:

  1. Experiment with additives - many products that seem unexpected "sound" very interesting in cucumber salad. Try, for example, pouring a teaspoon of mustard seeds into a jar - it will not only add flavor to the appetizer, but also “reward” with a pleasant flavor. Or cinnamon - do not think that this is only a dessert additive, in a cucumber salad it will sparkle with spicy “colors”, emphasizing the aroma of vegetables and helping the rest of the ingredients to open up.
  1. Take the time - and cut at least some of the cucumbers into shapes. “Stars” are very easy to make - for this you just need to make long longitudinal grooves all over the cucumber, then cut it into circles, you will get “stars” or “snowflakes” on the cut. You can also make any other shapes - hearts, squares and triangles, drops, flowers. Such an unobtrusive decor decorates a jar of salad well.
  1. The salt that you use to prepare the preservation should be regular rock salt. Options such as "extra", iodized, Himalayan and other bells and whistles do not fit categorically. Save them for salads and dressings.
  1. Don't begrudge the green. Even if the recipe does not specify, you can always add a couple of "umbrellas" of "adult" dill or parsley root - these ingredients will never be superfluous. In addition, you can cut a bunch of cilantro into a jar of salad, add tarragon, put a little basil.
  1. Cucumbers go well with many other vegetables. Try, experiment - it is in your power to preserve for the winter a salad with cucumbers and cauliflower, squash, bell peppers and an additional bunch of various options.
  1. And do not be shy, do not be afraid of substitutions: do not like mustard - feel free to take hot peppers, do not like parsley - buy cilantro, do not tolerate carrots - change it to a pumpkin.
  1. It is believed that the best varieties of cucumbers that are suitable for conservation are those with pimples. Cucumbers with a smooth skin are not intended for harvesting for future use.
  1. Before preparing a cucumber salad for the winter, check the vegetables for a bitter taste - it will be a shame if you preserve a dozen jars of bitter cucumber salad. The test is simple: try a piece of cucumber in its darkest part.
  1. Do not be discouraged if you got slightly wilted cucumbers for the salad: put them in a bowl of cold water, leave for 3-5 hours. After the specified time, you will again have crispy elastic cucumbers.
  1. When storing cucumber salad jars, make sure that direct sunlight does not have access to your preparations: the more light falls on the cucumbers, the paler and more inconspicuous the salad will end up on your plate.

  1. Cleopatra claimed that her beauty was the result of her love for cucumbers: she ate at least one fruit every day. In addition, apparently, with her filing, cucumbers are still used as a natural cosmetic product.
  1. In ancient Greece, cucumbers were considered a medicinal plant - at a very "young age" in these fruits, the concentration of salicylic acid (aspirin) is high, which helps to reduce the temperature of the human body. Hippocrates valued them as an effective tool in the fight against numerous diseases. In Rus', herbalists actively used a decoction of cucumber leaves to treat kidney diseases, and infusions and pulp were used to combat arrhythmia and heart ailments.
  1. They say that in Turkey during the reign of Mohammed II, cucumbers were a terrible delicacy. Once, one of the fruits that had been sent to him as a gift disappeared from the Sultan's table - and the ruler ordered seven subordinates to open the stomachs to find out which of them dared to steal from Mohammed himself!
  1. Cucumbers are mentioned in the Bible - this book calls them the vegetable of Egypt.
  1. Cucumbers are a pantry of iodine, moreover, it is absorbed by the human body in full, which prevents the development of thyroid diseases.
  1. In many eastern countries, cucumbers are considered a dessert berry and are served after the main meal along with other fruits. They even make jelly and jam from them. In some tropical countries, cucumbers are soaked in sweet syrup for several days, after which they are served as a special delicacy.
  1. They say that Napoleon, a rare lover of cucumbers, once promised a considerable reward to anyone who would invent a way to store cucumbers on long military campaigns. By the way, the award, apparently, remained unpaid.
  1. Cucumber is a member of a large family. Among its relatives are not only the pumpkin and melon familiar to us, but also the exotic “horned melon” (cucumber with a delicate sweet taste and a special pleasant refreshing aroma), “Armenian cucumber” (long, thin, with characteristic pale skin and tender flesh) and even the "mad cucumber", which is famous for its ability to "spit" seeds.
  1. Cucumbers are everyone's favorite. This can be confirmed by the fact that monuments to him are erected in many cities of the world - for example, in Nizhyn (Ukraine), Lukhovitsy (Moscow region), Shklov (Belarus).
  1. Last but not least, July 27 is World Cucumber Day. Don't forget to celebrate!

The cucumber season has not yet ended, so you have the opportunity to prepare all kinds of salads for the winter. And if necessary, they can be purchased at grocery stores at any time of the year.

These vegetables are good for our body, so they must be included in your diet. They have a diuretic effect, so they cleanse the intestines well. In addition, they contain important vitamins. And if you combine cucumbers with other vegetables in salads, they will be even healthier and tastier.

Many snacks can be prepared from these fruits, but we will consider the most delicious and simple recipes. It doesn't take long to prepare them. Therefore, be sure to prepare a few jars for the winter so that you can always put a tasty and fragrant salad on the table that fits almost any dish.

This recipe is suitable for people who love a salad with a spicy taste. It can be used immediately or left for the winter. The cooking process is simple and does not require much time. The name of the recipe fully justifies itself, as the appetizer turns out to be really tasty.


  • 4 kg cucumbers.
  • 1 bunch of parsley.
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil.
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar.
  • 1 cup 9% vinegar
  • 80g (4st.l) coarse salt.
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • 1 tsp with a slide of ground black pepper.

Step by step cooking

It is advisable to select medium-sized cucumbers. Wash the fruits, cut off the tails. Then cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. Small vegetables can be cut into two halves. The sticks should look something like the one shown in the image below. Send cucumbers to the pan.

Now let's move on to the parsley. Greens must be washed under running cold water, cut off thick stems. Then finely chop and send to the pan with cucumbers. If you do not like parsley, then you can replace it with dill, this is a matter of taste.

Peel the garlic and chop it into thin slices. Add to other products.

Add all other ingredients to the pan, mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for 4-6 hours. Juice will stand out from the cucumbers, so the appetizer should be stirred periodically during this time.

In the meantime, you need to prepare the banks. Be sure to wash and dry them. Arrange in them, already pickled cucumbers. It is necessary to stack them in a vertical position, if there is room in the bank, then you can fill it with vegetables in a horizontal position. Then evenly pour the remaining marinade.

Now the snack needs to be sterilized. To do this, prepare a saucepan of a suitable volume, put a towel on the bottom, put jars in it, cover with lids. Add water to the dishes, up to the shoulders of the jars. Put the pan on the burner, and after boiling, sterilize the workpiece for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, roll up the lids, check the tightness, for this you need to turn the jars upside down. Wrap with a warm towel and leave in a dark place to cool completely. Salad ready! Bon appetit!!!

Cucumber salad "Winter King" - sterilization is not required

Thanks to this recipe, you can cook an appetizer with crispy cucumbers in just one hour. With this method, the salad does not need to be sterilized.


  • 2 kg cucumbers.
  • 400g onion.
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 40 ml table vinegar.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 8 peppercorns.
  • Parsley or dill to taste.

Cooking method

Then drain the water and proceed to the processing of the fruit. First you need to cut off the edges, then cut into thin washers, about 2 mm thick. If the cucumbers are large, then they can be chopped into semicircles.

Cut onions into half rings and send to a container with cucumbers. If the onion causes tears, then it is recommended to periodically moisten the knife in cold water.

Add salt and finely chopped herbs to the bowl. Mix everything. Set the vegetables aside for 40 minutes so that the cucumbers give juice.

At the next stage, transfer all the products to the pan, add granulated sugar, vinegar and pepper. After that, mix again. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then cook the appetizer for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. When the cucumbers take on a yellow-green color, the pan must be removed from the stove.

After that, the hot salad should be laid out in sterilized jars. The appetizer needs to be well compacted and poured with marinade. Close tightly with lids, which must also be pre-sterilized.

After that, the jars need to be turned over, as well as wrapped, and left to cool completely. Be sure to leave one plate to sample. If you follow the cooking technology, then the salad will turn out very tasty.

Cucumber salad for the winter in Korean

Korean salad with cucumbers is spicy and fragrant. For cooking, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg fresh cucumbers.
  • 500g carrots.
  • 1 tbsp grated garlic.
  • 50g of table salt.
  • 0.5 cup white sugar
  • 0.5 cup sunflower oil.
  • 0.5 cup table vinegar.
  • 1 tsp pepper to your taste.

canning process

Let's start cooking by washing the cucumbers and cutting off their tips. After that, cut the fruit lengthwise into 4 parts, then across into two parts. That is, from one fruit, 8 slices are obtained. Transfer the sticks to a bowl.

Now you need to grate the peeled carrots on a Korean grater.

Send carrots to cucumbers. Add pepper, salt, garlic, vinegar, sugar, and unrefined oil there, in the required quantities.

Mix all the ingredients, cover the bowl with a lid and leave the salad to marinate for 4 hours. During this time, cucumbers will give juice, which is useful for filling jars.

After the appointed time, the salad should be laid out in prepared jars, supplemented with juice and covered with lids. Sterilize the workpiece in a pot of water for 15 minutes.

After that, tightly tighten the lids and turn the jars over. If you want the cucumbers to turn out crispy, then the workpiece does not need to be covered with a towel or blanket. After cooling, the Korean salad is ready!

Cucumber salad with mustard

Consider another option for cucumber harvesting for the winter. This appetizer can be prepared very quickly. A distinctive feature is that we will use mustard.


  • 4.5 kg of cucumbers.
  • 250 ml of vinegar.
  • 250ml vegetable oil.
  • 250g sugar.
  • 100g salt.
  • 2 tbsp ground black pepper.
  • 1 tbsp dry mustard.
  • 1 tbsp garlic.

Cooking process

Pour sunflower oil, granulated sugar, black pepper, edible salt, mustard powder, table vinegar, finely chopped garlic into a bowl with vegetables. You can add mustard seeds if you like. Mix everything with your hands. Leave the workpiece for 3-5 hours.

Then the appetizer should be laid out in sterilized jars and supplemented with marinade.

Now it remains only to sterilize the workpiece in a pot of water for 10 minutes. Turn the jars over to check for leaks and leave to cool completely. If you wish, after a few hours you can try the prepared salad.

From cucumbers and tomatoes. Real jam!

Even from ordinary products, you can cook a delicious snack for the winter. Despite the fact that the cooking process is very simple, it takes some experience to make the salad fragrant. Therefore, be sure to try to make such a blank.


  • 1 kg cucumbers.
  • 1 kg of tomatoes.
  • 3 heads of onion.
  • 2 tablespoons of table salt.
  • 160 ml table vinegar.
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar.

Staged canning

You can use cucumbers of any size for this salad. First, cut off the ass and nose, then cut them into rings of medium thickness.

For snacks, you need to select tomatoes with an elastic structure so that they do not spread during sterilization. Remove the stalks and cut the fruit into 4 slices.

Onion cut into rings.

When all the products are prepared, we will start filling the sterilized jars. The first layer should be cucumbers, then tomatoes, then onions. Then repeat the bookmark. Thus, fill all the jars.

Now let's start preparing the marinade. Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and put on the stove. When it almost boils, you need to add salt and sugar. Mix well and pour table vinegar. When the marinade boils, it must be added to jars of vegetables.

At the last stage, you need to sterilize the workpiece in a bowl of water. After boiling, remove the jars after 15 minutes and roll them up with a special key. Salad can be stored for a long time, so you can delight your loved ones and friends with a delicious vegetable snack all winter.

Cucumber salad with onion and vegetable oil

We continue to consider canning recipes with cucumbers. For cooking, you can use both young and old fruits. Vegetables are crispy. The appetizer goes well with a variety of dishes.


  • 4 kg cucumbers. Weigh after cutting.
  • 1/2 kg of onion.
  • 1 bunch fresh dill.
  • 200 ml table vinegar.
  • 250ml sunflower oil.
  • 6 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons of table salt.

Step by step cooking

Cucumbers need to be washed, then cut into circles, the thickness is up to you.

After that, cut the onion into rings, half rings or small pieces, as you like, since there is no fundamental difference. Send in a bowl of cucumbers.

Also add chopped greens, rock salt and sugar to the products. Then pour in vegetable oil. It's good to stir. Cover the basin with a lid and leave the salad for 4 hours so that the cucumbers give juice.

Place the bowl on the burner and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then add vinegar and cook vegetables for 3-4 minutes. Readiness can be determined by the color of the cucumbers, they should acquire a yellowish tint. Do not forget to stir the snack during cooking.

Remove the bowl from the heat and arrange the salad in jars.

Seal all jars tightly, turn them over and set aside to cool completely. If the workpiece is wrapped, then the cucumbers will be soft.

These are far from all the ways to prepare winter cucumber blanks. But we have reviewed the most popular and delicious recipes.

Good afternoon friends!

Cucumber salad is a mixture of colorful, fragrant vegetables with a wonderful marinade, but so tasty that you will lick your fingers. In autumn, vegetable paradise comes, and there is a lot of room for improvisation in preparing homemade preparations for the winter. In the previous article, by changing the ratio and composition of the ingredients, we get a great many recipes for this popular dish.

Cucumbers go well with many other vegetables, which will allow us to make winter salads with cucumbers and carrots, tomatoes, onions. Add more allspice, garlic, dill, cilantro, basil. A jar opened in winter will serve as a good snack or side dish. It goes well with boiled potatoes, porridge.

The technology for preparing salads for the winter provides for the sterilization of ingredients in jars, in boiling water, for guaranteed storage. Although there are many proven recipes that can be made without sterilization.

Cucumber salad for the winter. Real jam!

This is one of the most delicious recipes. I will show you it with step by step cooking and photos so that you can also enjoy its taste, color and aroma.


  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • sesame - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 50 gr.
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp.
  • 9% table vinegar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • red ground pepper - 1 tsp.
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp


We select cucumbers with pimples and delicate skin, it is not necessary to peel the skin. You just have to make sure it doesn't burn. Cut into large strips or circles.

We take ground red and black pepper in the same proportions, add to the cucumbers. To increase the flavor bouquet of the salad, add some spices or seasonings to your taste. The greens of dill and cilantro will be perfectly combined.

We pass young garlic through a press.

Another small touch that will make our preparation much tastier is sesame. Fry until golden brown and add to the bowl.

Pour vegetable oil and vinegar there, add salt, sugar.

Mix everything well and gently. The salad looks just great! We let it stand for 2 hours, the marinade gradually soaks the vegetables. Then we lay them out in hot sterilized jars of a small volume, cover with clean lids on top.

We spread it to the neck, leaving room for the marinade, which will stand out during sterilization.

We sterilize jars with a volume of 0.650 grams for 45 minutes, then roll them up, turn them over with the lids down and under the covers. After complete cooling, store in a cool dark cellar.

Salad for the winter Winter king without sterilization

Delicious winter recipe. This salad is just a godsend, it takes 1 hour to prepare without sterilization.


  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • garlic - 400 gr.
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • 9% table vinegar - 40 ml.
  • allspice - 8 peas

Korean cucumber salad in jars

This recipe is pretty easy to make. It turns out very appetizing, with a burning spicy marinade. An excellent vegetable appetizer for lovers of "hot".


  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • carrots - 250 gr.
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • 9% table vinegar - 50 ml
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml


In this recipe, we will use the simplest ingredients. Each of them has something of its own, and when we combine them, we get a very, very tasty preparation. It can be used as an appetizer or as a side dish.

We rub the carrots on a grater into thin strips.

Cucumbers cut into cubes.

Pass the garlic through a press.

Mix them in a deep bowl.

Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. We mix.

We close the bowl with cling film and leave to marinate for a day, on the shelf of the refrigerator.

We lay out more densely in sterilized jars, cover with metal lids and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up.

Korean-style cucumber salad for the winter is stored in a cool room, without access to sunlight.

Cucumber salad with tomato paste for the winter

This recipe does not require sterilization of the salad, which will save a lot of cooking time.


  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg
  • onions - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • black pepper - 10 peas
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • carnation - 2 pcs.
  • basil - 1 sprig
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 50-70 gr.
  • 9% table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.


According to this recipe, the salad is prepared with tomato paste. I suggest you replace it with homemade ketchup. It will turn out much tastier. So let's make ketchup.

Tomatoes are peeled, cut and put in a saucepan. Tomatoes have already begun to secrete juice. We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes. The tomatoes should become soft.

Grind them with a blender to the consistency of tomato juice and then evaporate to the density and density of ketchup.

Add salt, sugar, all spices and herbs. You can not crumble it, but put it straight in bunches. Mix everything gently, add vinegar and cook for 10 minutes.

Pass hot tomato sauce through a sieve.

Ketchup turned out to be thick, with a homogeneous and delicate texture. We try. Delicious! Spices and seasonings gave their taste and aroma.

Now let's move on to the preparation of the salad.

We cut the onion into thin half rings, cucumbers into circles 5-7 mm thick.

Crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife and finely chop. We send all the ingredients to the prepared tomato paste, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt and sugar if necessary.

We lay out the hot salad in hot sterilized jars, seal and immediately twist tightly with clean lids.

Leave until completely cool. We keep it in the cellar.

Nezhinsky salad with onions and vegetable oil

If this very simple cucumber salad is mixed with tomatoes and carrots, diversified with dill and basil, garnished with olives, it will take its rightful place on the festive table.


  • cucumbers - 400 gr.
  • onion - 100 gr.
  • salt - 2 pinches
  • sugar - 2 pinches
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • 9% table vinegar - 80 ml.
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • bay leaf - 4 leaves

Do you like cucumber salads? Do you have your own signature recipes? Share them with blog readers.

Agree that the cucumber is the king of preparations for the cold season. We pickle it as a whole, and be sure to prepare a cucumber salad for the winter. Therefore, today we will consider 3 simple recipes such that you just lick your fingers!

Nezhinsky salad is a great combination of cucumber and onion. Having absorbed the taste of marinade, vegetables delight us with an unusual taste. And at the same time they complement each other. Neutral cucumber is saturated with spicy, onion notes.

What cucumbers are better to choose for a salad? If there are small ones, it is better, of course, to select them. But if only large ones are at hand, it's okay. The main thing is that the vegetables are not overripe, and the seeds are not very large.

What else can you do with cucumbers:

List of ingredients

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • Onions - 1.5 kg
  • Vinegar - 100 ml
  • Vegetable oils - 100 ml
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salts - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Black peppercorns - 5-10 pcs.

Let's start cooking

A few words about the beam. If you do not respect him much, you can reduce the amount by increasing the number of cucumbers in proportion. But in this recipe, the onion does not dominate, it gives the palm to our beloved cucumber.

Cucumber salad recipe for the winter "Lick your fingers"

It is difficult to add colorful epithets to the name of the salad. It's really tasty, given the modest composition of the products. Everything is explained by the neutral taste of cucumber. He, like a sponge, absorbs the charms of all the components.

Cooking a set of products

  • Small cucumbers - 4 kg
  • dill greens
  • Black peppercorns - 10-20 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Vegetable oils - a glass (200 ml)
  • A glass of vinegar (9 percent)
  • sugar glass
  • Salt 2.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking salad

  1. At first, we will try to leave the cucumbers elastic and crispy - fill it with cold water for at least one hour.
  2. At this time, prepare the banks. Approximately 4.5 liters of the finished product comes out of the indicated amount of ingredients. So calculate how many and which jars you need to wash and sterilize.
  3. Let's make some garlic. It needs to be cleaned, cut into small pieces.
  4. Wash dill, remove moisture, chop finely.
  5. Wash the cucumbers, remove moisture with a paper towel, cut off the ponytails on both sides.
  6. You need to cut the cucumbers lengthwise, into two to four parts, based on size. If large vegetables come across, then the longitudinal piece must be divided into two parts.
  7. Put the vegetables in a basin or bowl, add garlic and dill, oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, peppercorns to them. Mix everything, set aside for three hours. The ingredients must combine into a single whole, let the juice flow.
  8. After packing the salad in jars. This must be done tightly. Top each jar with the remaining marinade.
  9. Send for sterilization. Time for a half liter jar is 10-15 minutes.
  10. Roll up, let cool, then, with a clear conscience, take it to the pantry or cellar.

Spicy cucumber salad for the winter without sterilization

If you think that this salad is for thrill-seekers, then you are mistaken. Everything is in moderation here. Excellent appetizer and very pretty. Get ready, don't hesitate.

We need

  • A kilogram of small cucumbers
  • Bulgarian pepper 200 gr.
  • Onion 200 gr.
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.
  • Carrots 200 gr. (preferably small size)
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Salt half a tablespoon
  • Sugar 40 gr.
  • Vegetable oils 40 gr.
  • Vinegar 40 gr.
  • Ground black pepper 1-2 pinches.

Step by step cooking

Regarding this salad, I want to say the following - it can be brought to condition with the help of sterilization. Many people do just that. But in this case, it is better to store it in a cold place. A carrot, you know, is a capricious little thing. It can nullify all our efforts. A stewed salad will stand well and not indulge. And in winter it will delight you with excellent taste.

And yet - in this way you can prepare a cucumber salad for the winter with the addition of other vegetables. As in the song, I cooked it from what was in the garden. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage are a great company. Collect a mix of five kilograms, add to it one and a half stacks (maximum of a glass) of oil, vinegar, and sugar, salt a little less than sugar. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, roll up, and enjoy all winter.

Good luck and delicious improvisations to you!

Ordinary pickled cucumbers can sooner or later become disgusting. In the winter season, you really want a variety and abundance of vegetables. By the way, in this situation, it will be precisely the salad with cucumbers for the winter with parsley, which is based on crispy and tender cucumbers. You can learn how to prepare cucumber salad for the winter from this article.

A slightly spicy and refined dish fits perfectly into even the most everyday lunch diet. Cucumbers in a salad are incredibly tasty. No matter how much you put on the table, so much will be eaten.

You will need:

  • 250 gr. tomatoes;
  • 250 gr. zucchini;
  • 250 gr. cucumbers;
  • 250gr. sweet pepper;
  • 1/4 hot pepper;
  • 2 cloves of annual garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 50 gr. oils;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 st. l. Sahara.

Cucumber salad for the winter is delicious:

  1. Zucchini should be cut into small cubes.
  2. Cucumbers are also cut.
  3. In the form of tiny cubes, tomatoes and peppers should also be cut.
  4. All chopped vegetables are mixed, garlic crushed by a press and finely chopped hot pepper are added to them.
  5. Sugar and salt are added immediately to the salad. Only after that the salad is infused for half an hour in order to extract the juice.
  6. After infusion, vinegar is also mixed into the salad.
  7. All utensils needed for subsequent preservation must be processed. It is washed in a soda solution and immediately pasteurized.
  8. The maximum heated oil is poured into the jars already processed with high temperature and the infused salad is laid out.
  9. Jars of cucumber salad are placed in a wide pot of water and pasteurized for fifteen minutes, after which they are immediately rolled up.
  10. The cooling process should be slow, so the jars are covered.

Important! It is worth taking seriously the process of sterilizing jars of salad. Due to the lack of heat treatment of vegetables during the cooking process, the reliability of storage on a level with the preparation of the dishes themselves depends on it.

Cucumber salad in tomato in winter

Another spicy salad that cannot be ignored. Adjika has long been an integral part of our lives, but few people know how tasty cucumbers are in such a sauce. But if you try such a preparation once, you can forget about simple adjika.

You will need:

  • 2 kg. cucumbers;
  • 2 kg. tomatoes;
  • 250 gr. sweet pepper;
  • 250 gr. annual garlic;
  • 2 spicy peppercorns;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 200 gr. sugar;
  • 200 gr. oils;
  • 100 gr. vinegar 9%.

Cucumbers in tomato salad for the winter:

  1. The pepper is separated from the seeds and, together with the tomatoes, turns into puree in a conventional meat grinder.
  2. Boil the tomato-pepper mixture for five minutes.
  3. Sugar, salt, minced garlic, chopped pepper and butter are added to the mixture. The tomato mass is boiled for another fifteen minutes.
  4. Cucumbers are cut into thin rings and, together with vinegar, are added to the tomato mixture.
  5. The salad is boiled for another fifteen minutes.
  6. At this time, it is imperative to prepare the dishes in which canning will actually take place. It must be washed in a soda solution and sterilized immediately.
  7. Salad is laid out exclusively in processed jars and quickly rolled up.
  8. Be sure to cover it for slow cooling.

Tip: the amount of garlic and pepper in this recipe is very conditional. By reducing their number, the dish will be less hot, but interesting in its own way. But in no case can they be excluded completely. It is thanks to them that vegetables are able to reveal all their unsurpassed taste qualities and the salad turns out so refined and refined.

Spicy salad with cucumbers for the winter

Salad with a certain piquancy causes a storm of emotions. This delicious dish with an abundance of greens looks great at a winter celebration. It not only tastes good, but thanks to herbs and garlic, it is also incredibly fragrant.

You will need:

  • 500 gr. cucumbers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 gr. any greenery;
  • 1/2 st. l. salt;
  • 1/2 hot pepper;
  • 2 tsp vinegar 6%;
  • 50gr. oils;
  • 2 peas of ordinary pepper;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

Spicy cucumber salad for the winter:

  1. Cucumbers must be sorted and washed. Only after that, the stalk is cut off from them and they are cut into thin rings half a centimeter thick.
  2. The garlic is peeled from the characteristic husk and washed, after which it can already be cut into thin slices.
  3. All the necessary greens are washed and dried. Only after that it is finely chopped.
  4. Onions are peeled by analogy with garlic and cut into halves of rings, the thickness of which should not exceed half a centimeter.
  5. Without exception, all the necessary components are mixed in a deep bowl suitable for these purposes.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to the dishes in which the salad will be stored. It must be washed in soda solution and sterilized immediately.
  7. Hot peppers are placed exclusively in hot-treated jars and poured with oil, which was previously heated to the maximum in a pan.
  8. The jars are filled with lettuce and placed in a wide pot of water for fifteen minutes of sterilization. It is recommended to put a towel on its bottom to avoid cracking glassware.
  9. Upon completion of this action, the banks roll up without delay.

Fresh cucumber salad for the winter

This is an excellent solution to the problem of overgrown fruits, which are no longer suitable for other blanks. In lecho they look amazing. And the dish itself is especially tasty.

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg. cucumbers;
  • 1.5 kg. tomatoes;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp vinegar;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp ground pepper ordinary;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt.

How to make cucumber salad for the winter:

  1. First of all, dishes are prepared in which lecho will be stored until the cold weather. It is washed in soapy water and pasteurized.
  2. Tomatoes turn into puree in a simple meat grinder.
  3. Garlic is not only peeled, but also very finely chopped.
  4. Cucumbers must be cut into thin rings.
  5. The tomato is mixed with pepper, salt and sugar and boiled for about fifteen minutes.
  6. After that, cucumbers are added to it and boiled for another ten minutes.
  7. At the final stage, vinegar and garlic are added.
  8. The prepared lecho is laid out in pre-prepared jars and rolled up without delay.
  9. The lecho immediately turns over and wraps itself very neatly. In this state, the jars need to stay until they cool completely.

Tip: For a taste more similar to the standard lecho, you can safely include a couple of sweet peppercorns in the composition, which will need to be cleaned of all seeds and not cut into very large pieces. The taste will be softer. And the aroma of such a dish will be simply unsurpassed. And just something thanks to a few peppercorns.

How to make cucumber salad for the winter

This is an extraordinary salad. Due to the participation in its preparation of spices, it turns out to be frantically fragrant and surprisingly tasty. Elementary in preparation, this salad is one of the favorite cucumber preparations. You can eat it with potatoes, and with meat it just goes great. And for lovers of strong drinks, this salad will come in handy.

You will need:

  • 500 gr. cucumbers;
  • 250 gr. ordinary bow;
  • 50 gr. oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 2 leaves of laurel;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1/4 tsp mustard seeds;
  • 1/2 st. l. vinegar 9%.

Simple cucumber salad for the winter:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to rinse the cucumbers, sort out, weed out cracked and spoiled ones. Then soak them in water for a couple of hours.
  2. After soaking for two hours, the cucumbers are moved to a colander until the water drains completely from them.
  3. Only after that they can be cut into thin halves of circles half a centimeter thick.
  4. The onion is separated from its characteristic husk and cut into thin, as thin as possible, halves of the rings.
  5. Onion and cucumber circles are transferred to the most suitable dish for all subsequent actions, mixed with salt and infused for at least fifteen minutes.
  6. At this very time, you can start preparing the dishes, which will very soon come in handy for preparing cucumber salad. It is washed in a soapy or soda solution and immediately sterilized.
  7. Bay leaves, vinegar, cloves, mustard, pepper and the most heated oil are placed in freshly processed jars. Only after him is the actual salad laid out and poured with juice, which was formed during the infusion process.
  8. A towel is placed on the bottom of a wide pan and water is poured. All jars of salad are placed in this water in order to sterilize them for twenty minutes.
  9. Only after sterilization cans must be immediately rolled up.
  10. The jars cool down only inverted and securely covered.

Hunting cucumber salad for the winter is an excellent preparation for the winter for connoisseurs of this vegetable. Such canning is incredibly easy, and the jars are stored just fine. The main thing is that the eyes of the household should not come across, otherwise they will be eaten long before the onset of cold weather. Amazingly delicious snacks will be so loved that the harvesting period cannot do without them.
