
Salad of cucumber tomatoes and Chinese cabbage. Salad with Beijing cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers

Summer is definitely a great time for hostesses. After all, it is in the hot season that you can diversify your usual and festive menu with delicious dishes from fresh vegetables. I am no exception and often cook various simple vegetable salads from raw vegetables. Here is one of these vegetable variations with Chinese cabbage. In today's step-by-step recipe with a photo, I offer a simple and very tasty salad with Beijing cabbage, cucumber and tomatoes with sour cream.


  • large tomato - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • Beijing cabbage (small) - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt.

How to cook Chinese cabbage salad with vegetables and sour cream

As usual, before cutting vegetables for salads, I thoroughly wash the ingredients under running water and dry them with a towel. The order of grinding the ingredients for my salad does not matter at all. Let's start with tomatoes, for example. I delete the place where the tail of the tomato was located. I cut the tomato into small pieces. I immediately put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato into a bowl.

Now I'm going to grind the cucumber. Cut off the skin or not - it's up to you. If the cucumber is young and its skin is not bitter, then you can leave it. The form of slicing cucumber - sticks or thick straws.

It's time for the bow. I use purple, because it is more suitable for salads. The shape is half rings.

Peeled from the seed box, I grind the pepper into strips.

Beijing cabbage is simply finely shredded.

Of the spices, I use only salt, but you can also add ground pepper.

I spread dressing to the crushed ingredients. I have sour cream.

It remains only to mix everything.

Well, now a tasty and healthy vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage is ready. Enjoy your meal!

If you replace sour cream in a dish with vegetable oil, then a very tasty salad with Beijing cabbage is suitable for vegetarians and fasting.

An obscenely easy-to-prepare salad is a real find for housewives. You can easily experiment with the ingredients of the dish, creating a new rich taste every time!


- 1 large salad cucumber;

- half a fork of Beijing cabbage;

- 3-4 medium tomatoes;

- sweet pepper - 1/2 pc.;

- a few medium sized radishes;

- fresh herbs (basil, dill, etc.);

- for dressing - vegetable oil, vinegar;

- ground black pepper and salt - to taste.

1. Naturally, all vegetables for tomatoes and cucumbers must be thoroughly washed. It is also advisable to put them in clean water for several hours. So they will not only become more crispy, but all the nitrates contained in them will remain in the water, and not in your body. Peking cabbage must be disassembled into leaves and washed individually. The top leaves should be discarded without regret. Next, you need to cut the cabbage. Don't forget to use the white part of the cabbage as well. Although it is tougher, it is more juicy and it contains all the vitamins and nutrients. Place chopped cabbage in a salad bowl, salt to taste, add a little vinegar if desired.

2. Cucumber cut into cubes or slices. If ground cucumbers are used, you need to wash them very carefully and check for bitterness. If a bitter vegetable is caught, then it can spoil the whole taste of Beijing cabbage salad, so in this case it would be better to peel it.

3. At the radish, cut off the tails and all damage to the skin, cut like a cucumber.

4. Sweet pepper for a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage should also be cut into small pieces at your discretion. Of course, before this, it is necessary to remove the seeds and partitions.

5. Tomatoes for vegetable salad with cabbage, it is advisable to take meaty ones, because. their watery cousins ​​may release too much juice.

6. Next, you need to chop the greens for our salad with cabbage and cucumbers. First, do not forget to rinse it and shake it off so that wet greens do not stick to your hands. After these manipulations, you need to finely chop the basil leaves - it will give our special piquancy and originality. If you do not like basil, you can use other herbs to taste.

7. You also need to do with dill.

8. Put all the ingredients of the Beijing cabbage salad, tomatoes and cucumbers into a large salad bowl, season with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.

9. Mix everything, taste and, if necessary, add more spices.

10. That's it, the salad is ready! Serve immediately to the table as an addition to, meat and fish.

Bon appetit!

Calories: 400.3
Proteins/100g: 1.13
Carbs/100g: 2.58

As all nutritionists now say, in order to lose weight, you need to eat. What to eat to gain weight? Many girls and women are looking for an answer to this question. Today I propose to prepare a Chinese cabbage salad for dinner, the recipe with cucumber and tomato is the simplest, but delicious. This salad can be prepared all year round. Tomatoes and cucumbers are now sold in any season, and Beijing cabbage is no longer in short supply, as it was 10-20 years ago, so you will not have problems with the purchase of products. For dressing, all nutritionists advise using cold-pressed olive oil. We add it not so much to the salad, but its taste will decorate the dish and make it unforgettable. Lose weight and be full! Alternatively, you can prepare

Required products:
- Beijing cabbage - 400 grams,
- tomatoes - 150 grams,
- fresh cucumber - 150 grams,
- any greens - 1 bunch,
- extra virgin olive oil - 2-3 tables. l.,
- salt - a couple of pinches,
- sugar - 1 pinch.

How to cook at home

Thinly shred Chinese cabbage. We cut it arbitrarily so that it is convenient for you to eat. Basically, cabbage is chopped with long fibers. If you want, you can cut it into small squares, which is also acceptable.

We chop fresh cucumbers into small cubes. Only wash cucumbers in advance, cut off their tips.

We cut the tomatoes into slices. We use a tomato along with seeds, the salad will be juicier.

Chop the greens as small as possible. I used parsley and dill, they are great for salad. If you have cilantro, basil, or other herbs, add those too.

We send prepared and chopped vegetables to the bowl: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and greens. Stir the vegetable salad to combine all the ingredients.

We add quite a bit of salt and sugar to the salad for taste.

We dress the Beijing cabbage salad with tomato and cucumber with delicious olive oil, which will complete the preparation of the salad.

We will not wait, but immediately serve the salad to the table. Bon Appetite!
By the way, do you want to cleanse the intestines? cook

The pleasant, sweet and sour taste of juicy tomatoes can transform any, without exception, salad. At the same time, it is with Beijing cabbage that the combination of products turns out to be the most refined, bright and rich. Despite the lightness and tomato, they can quite satisfy the rampant appetite.

The benefits of Beijing cabbage are not only in strengthening the immune system, but also in chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, its benefits are simply enormous. Accordingly, dishes even with the most minimal composition, but including this product, are simply necessary for the body. What's more, they're also delicious. This is exactly what this simple and seemingly ordinary one is.

For Chinese cabbage salad with tomatoes:

  • 300 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 50 gr. green onions;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 10 gr. lemon juice;
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 30 gr. greenery.

Chinese cabbage and tomato salad:

  1. All vegetables are washed and dried first. Only after that they begin their further preparation.
  2. Beijing cabbage is thinly chopped with a knife.
  3. Tomatoes are simply cut into small pieces.
  4. Onions and all the rest of the greens are placed on the board and finely chopped with a knife.
  5. All chopped products are poured into a salad dish.
  6. Now prepare the sauce. To this end, oil is mixed with salt, lemon juice and pepper.
  7. The prepared dressing is poured into the salad and all products are mixed.

Important! There is an erroneous opinion that the lower part of a head of Beijing cabbage is unsuitable for making salads. It is thanks to her that the dish becomes juicy, pleasantly crispy, with a spicy and unexpectedly bright taste.

Beijing cabbage salad, tomatoes, cheese

The peculiarity of such a simple dish is not even that Chinese cabbage is involved here. A much more important point of this recipe is the sauce, thanks to which the salad acquires not only an excellent aroma, but also simply an amazing taste.

For a salad with Beijing cabbage with tomatoes you need:

  • 300 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 gr. sour cream;
  • 30 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper.

Salad with Beijing cabbage, tomatoes and cheese:

  1. The cabbage is thoroughly washed and, of course, dried. Only after that it is thinly chopped with a knife.
  2. Shredded cabbage leaves are laid out in a bowl and crushed a little with your hands. This process is necessary not only so that it becomes smaller in volume, but also so that it starts up a little juice and opens up in the finished dish.
  3. Washed tomatoes are cut into small cubes.
  4. Cheese is crushed on a medium grater.
  5. The eggs are boiled for ten minutes, after which they are taken out of hot water and poured with water of the lowest possible temperature, in which they are cooled. Only when they have cooled down are they cleaned of shells and cut with a knife in the form of neat slices.
  6. It remains the case for the most important thing - the preparation of the sauce. It is prepared according to the following scheme. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add chopped garlic, a little salt and pepper. Everything is mixed.
  7. All the products prepared up to this point are poured into one container, the sauce is poured into it, then mixed and served immediately.

Tip: so that the cabbage does not lose its shape during the washing process, it is recommended that this process be carried out not under running water, but in bowls. In the first, it is rinsed well and then put in another, washed again. Thanks to this procedure, all the rubbish remains in the first bowl, and in the second the product will be already perfectly washed.

Beijing cabbage salad, tomatoes

An ideal, gourmet dish, which is the best suited for a laid-back romantic evening. It goes well with any meat dishes and white, light wine. Preparing, at the same time, it is very simple, even the most inexperienced cook can easily cope with this task.

You will need:

  • 300 gr. crab sticks;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 100 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1/2 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 20 gr. parsley.

Beijing cabbage salad recipes with tomatoes:

  1. Crab sticks must be thawed and only then the film is removed from them. At the end, they are placed on a board and cut into small cubes with a knife.
  2. The cabbage is washed and then finely chopped with a knife into thin strips.
  3. Greens are also washed and finely chopped.
  4. Garlic is peeled and crushed with a garlic press.
  5. Tomatoes are also washed, then cut into thin strips.
  6. All components are laid out in a salad dish, mayonnaise, salt and pepper are added to them, to taste. Be sure to stir and serve immediately.

Tip: for this dish, it is better to choose dense, not very juicy varieties of tomatoes. But even in this case, the salad will not be stored for a long time. It must be served immediately, because when insisting, the tomatoes will release juice and the finished product will take on an unpleasant appearance, and, accordingly, the impression of it will be spoiled.

Chinese cabbage salad, chicken, tomatoes

If ordinary vegetable salads are too light, then when chicken meat is added to their composition, they become much more satisfying. And in this case, cheese is also involved, which helps to increase the nutritional value of the finished product at times.

For a salad with Beijing cabbage and cherry tomatoes you need:

  • 400 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 400 gr. chicken meat;
  • 300 gr. cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. cheese;
  • 180 gr. of bread;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 gr. oils;
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 30 gr. greenery.

Salad with cherry tomatoes and Chinese cabbage:

  1. Initially, vegetable oil is mixed with peeled and chopped garlic, the resulting mixture is infused for several hours.
  2. The bread is crushed with a knife into small squares. Then pour over with a mixture of oil and garlic, mix and spread on a baking sheet, which is placed in the oven and baked.
  3. Chicken meat is washed and cut into small pieces, after which they are laid out in a frying pan and fried in it with the addition of oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Peking cabbage is washed and only after it dries, it is chopped into thin strips.
  5. Wash small tomatoes and cut into halves. For them, this will be enough, because they are already miniature.
  6. Cheese is simply rubbed on a fine or medium grater. It's up to whoever likes it best.
  7. All prepared ingredients, with the exception of crackers, are laid out in a salad dish and poured with mayonnaise, if necessary, salt a little and mix.
  8. Before the dish is planned to be served to the table, croutons are added to it. They just sprinkle the top. Small sprigs of greens are also laid out there to give the dish freshness.

Chinese cabbage salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

This is no longer just, but a real vitamin vegetable paradise. What is there just not in it, and everything is so bright, tasty, healthy. Already in the process of cooking, the appetite flares up. The dish perfectly complements absolutely any side dish and gives a certain freshness. In addition, the mood immediately rises from bright colors and an amazing feeling of the upcoming holiday appears, even when it is not expected for a very long time.

You will need:

  • 250 gr. Beijing cabbage;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 7 pcs. radish;
  • 20 gr. green onion;
  • 10 gr. cilantro;
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp pepper;
  • 30 gr. natural yogurt;
  • 15 gr. lemon juice;
  • 30 gr. oils.

Salad with Beijing cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers:

  1. Fresh cucumber is first washed and then cut into circles. The resulting rings are crushed with a knife to thin strips, but the main thing in the process is not to overdo it, otherwise the taste of the cucumber will not be felt at all, and it will let the juice go too much. And this is completely undesirable in the preparation of salads.
  2. Washed radishes are also cut into thin bars.
  3. The upper, softer and tender part is cut off from Beijing cabbage, each individual leaf is washed and dried. Fold clean leaves in a pile and chop, but unlike the usual white, not too thin, at least a centimeter thick.
  4. Tomatoes are also washed and then cut into thin slices. In case of acquiring too juicy specimens, the middle is removed, and only the dense part is left for the dish.
  5. First of all, eggs are boiled for ten minutes. After this time period, they are cooled and the protein is separated from the yolk. This dish uses only the second ingredient. It is cut into strips with a knife.
  6. Green onions must be washed with herbs and then chopped as finely as possible.
  7. Only now start preparing the dressing. Pour oil into a small bowl and add lemon juice to it. In this composition, the mixture is whipped so that it becomes a little thicker, yogurt is added.
  8. All these products that have undergone grinding are laid out in a salad bowl, mixed, salt and pepper are added to them, and they are allowed to brew for a couple of minutes.
  9. The salad is poured over with fragrant dressing, mixed again and insisted again for several minutes.
  10. The finished product is laid out in portioned salad glasses and immediately, without delay, they are brought to the table.

No matter how original the composition is, tomatoes, its main components in this case are tomatoes and Chinese cabbage. It is thanks to them that the dish turns out to be juicy, nutritious, tender and very healthy, even if mayonnaise was used in it. With olive or the simplest sunflower oil, the dish has absolutely no drawbacks. In this case, a person will receive not only pleasure from it, but also great benefits.
