
Garlic salad with melted. Salad with melted cheese

Cream cheese salad is a famous dish that traditionally consists of mayonnaise and eggs. But, if, it would seem, add a few ingredients to this simple dish, you get a salad worthy of a festive table.

So, processed cheese is ideally combined with chicken meat, seafood, vegetables, herbs and even noodles. If you know a few simple secrets, then even from the products from the refrigerator with processed cheese you can create culinary perfection.

In order for processed cheese to be easily grated, it must first be frozen.

Salads with melted cheese are served in a common salad bowl, in portions, spread on bread and laid out in tartlets. Therefore, this ingredient can really be considered universal.

How to cook a salad with melted cheese - 15 varieties

Salad with melted cheese, prepared according to this recipe, is not in vain called the "Bride". The dish is unusually tender, literally melts in your mouth, but nevertheless very satisfying. You can cook it both on the festive table and for serving for dinner with the family.


  • Chicken fillet - 1 large;
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise, salt - to taste.


First of all, pickle the onion: cut it into small cubes, add a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of vinegar, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. In the meantime, we are engaged in slicing meat.

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and spread on the bottom of a deep plate.

To make the salad more tender, instead of chicken fillet, you can take two hams. It is softer than fillet.

We cover the first layer of lettuce with a thin mesh of mayonnaise. We filter the already pickled onion and lay out the second layer.

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. We spread the third layer, salt, make a mesh of mayonnaise.

Grate egg yolks and whites (all separately). Put the yolk on a layer of potatoes, cover with mayonnaise, rub melted cheese on top. Next: a mesh of mayonnaise, squirrels grated on a coarse grater.

Salad is ready to serve!

Salad with melted cheese and crab sticks - an original combination of familiar ingredients

Salad with melted cheese and crab sticks is prepared by analogy with the well-known salad of the same name "Crab". Only the classic recipe uses hard cheese, while ours uses processed cheese. Such a “replacement” gives the dish a special piquancy, makes its taste unusual and original.


  • Processed cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack (small);
  • Hard-boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;
  • Fresh juicy apple - 1 pc.;
  • Salt and mayonnaise to taste.


Before you start cooking the salad, you should pickle the onions. Cut it into small cubes, pour boiling water over it and add ½ teaspoon of sugar.

For pickling onions, you can use not vinegar, but lemon juice.

Half processed cheese, grated on a coarse grater. Mayonnaise in a small layer.

Half crab sticks, cut into small cubes. Mayonnaise.

Apple, peeled from seeds and skins and grated. Mayonnaise.

Eggs. Mayonnaise.

Leftover crab sticks.

The remaining processed cheese and mayonnaise net.

The dish is ready to eat. And if you want to serve it to the festive table, you can serve it in a transparent salad bowl.

Salad with melted cheese, prepared according to this recipe, is a real lifesaver for those who have suddenly been visited by guests. It is prepared in 5-10 minutes, and the ingredients can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife.


  • Processed cheese - 1 piece;
  • Boiled eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Butter (butter) - 20 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Garlic - to taste.


Grate melted cheese and eggs on a coarse grater and send to a salad bowl. Peel the garlic, pass through a press and add to the rest of the ingredients. Mix salad with softened butter, mayonnaise and salt. Everything - the dish is ready for the table!

Salad with melted cheese and tomato - a delicious "summer" dish

Salad with melted cheese and tomato is a real find in the summer heat. It will be an ideal option for dinner when it’s hot outside, you don’t want to turn on the stove, but the body requires something fresh and light. Especially the dish is also the fact that it requires a minimum amount of ingredients.


  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. medium size.;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Olive oil (can be sunflower) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt to taste.


Wash tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes or thin half rings. Cut the melted cheese into cubes of the same size as the tomato. Add olive oil to the salad, salt to taste, mix everything thoroughly and put it on plates.

For salads, it is better to use hard tomatoes. They don't release much juice.

Salad with melted cheese "Beloved Husband" is a festive, hearty dish that surprises with its taste. Having tried it once, he will become a "guest" on any table.


For salad:

  • Chicken breast (smoked) - 300 gr.;
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 300 gr.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs. medium size;
  • Chicken eggs (hard boiled) - 2 pcs.;
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.

For mayonnaise:

  • Sunflower oil - 180 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Mushrooms are cut into thin slices and fried in a pan. We wait until all the liquid has evaporated and add the onion, cut into small cubes. Fry until cooked (do not forget to salt), transfer to a bowl and let the mushrooms cool.

While the mushrooms are cooling, we prepare mayonnaise for salad dressing. Mix the egg with sugar, mustard, salt, lemon juice and sunflower oil. Mix everything thoroughly with a blender. Mayonnaise is ready.

We return to the salad. Cut the fillet into small cubes. Eggs (boiled in advance), rubbed on a coarse grater. We also do melted cheese.

Mix eggs, melted cheese, mayonnaise. Let's start layering:

Fried mushrooms;

Half of the cheese-egg mixture;

Chicken fillet;

Cheese with egg and mayonnaise.

We send the salad for 40 minutes in the refrigerator.

Before serving the dish on the table, cut the tomatoes into thin slices, and lay them beautifully on the salad.

Salad with melted cheese and pollock - the most delicate dish

Salad with melted cheese and pollock is a versatile dish that can be served both at the festive table and for dinner. Processed cheese goes well with any products, but we will cook it with pollock.


  • Processed cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Lettuce (leaves) - 1 medium-sized bunch;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chicken egg (hard boiled) - 2 pcs.
  • Pollock fillet - 300 gr.;
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt to taste.


For a salad, it is better to take an already peeled fish fillet. If the fish is whole, carefully clean it from the bones and boil in salted water until fully cooked. We cut into cubes.

Cut tomatoes, melted cheese and green onions. Prepare the dressing: Thoroughly mix the cream, mustard and lemon juice.

Salad is served in portions. Put the mixed ingredients on a lettuce leaf, pour dressing on top.

For dressing, you can use store-bought mayonnaise. And if you decorate the salad with green peas (canned), the taste will turn out to be more piquant.

Salad with melted cheese and cabbage - an unusual combination of familiar ingredients

Salad with melted cheese, cabbage and corn is cheap and easy to prepare. The dish is both light and satisfying. And to prepare it will take no more than 10 minutes of free time.


  • Cabbage - 400 gr.;
  • Corn (canned) - ½ can;
  • Processed cheese - 1 pack;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Mayonnaise - 90 gr.;
  • Dill - 40 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste.


We chop the cabbage, send it to a salad bowl and knead it, salting it in advance (it should give juice). Grate melted cheese and garlic on a coarse grater, send to the cabbage. Add half a can of canned corn and finely chopped dill to the salad. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and serve.

Salad with melted cheese and radish - simple but healthy

Salad with melted cheese and radish will help diversify the daily menu. Radish, celery root, carrots give it a special taste and enrich it with useful microelements.


  • Processed cheese - 200 gr.;
  • Cucumber (fresh) - 1 pc.;
  • Radish - 250 gr.;
  • Carrots (fresh) - 1 pc.
  • Celery (root) - 100 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - 50 ml;
  • Parsley;
  • Salt to taste.


Radish, celery root, fresh cucumber are rubbed on a coarse grater. Melted cheese is cut into cubes. The parsley is chopped. The salad is salted, dressed with mayonnaise and mixed thoroughly. The dish is ready!

Salad with melted cheese and squid - a dish worthy of a gourmet table

Salad with melted cheese and squid is famous for its unique taste and tenderness. All ingredients melt in your mouth. Squids add a special piquancy. And the ease of preparation makes this dish even more attractive.


  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.;
  • Squids - 300 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.


Carcasses of squids are cleaned of planochki, viscera and cartilage. Boil in salted water until tender (2-3 minutes after boiling).

If the squid is overcooked, the meat will be tough and rubbery.

Remove the boiled squids from the water, cool, dry and cut into small strips. Cut boiled eggs into cubes. Grate melted cheese on a coarse grater. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Mix all the ingredients and the dish is ready to serve (do not forget to salt).

Salad with melted cheese and green peas - what could be easier?

Salad with melted cheese, eggs and green peas is a dish that does not require much time, expensive ingredients, or special culinary talents. Everything is extremely simple, but delicious.


  • Processed cheese - 300 gr.;
  • Eggs (hard-boiled chicken) - 2 pcs.;
  • Green peas - 100 gr.;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.;
  • Fresh parsley - 10 gr.;
  • Lingonberries and cranberries (for decoration) - 30 gr.


Cheese and eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater. The greens are finely chopped. All ingredients are laid out in a salad bowl, green peas are added (separated from the brine in advance), seasoned with mayonnaise and sour cream, mixed thoroughly.

Salad can be served on the table in this form. But if you want to somehow decorate, lingonberries and cranberries are ideal. In addition, they will add sour notes to the dish.

Salad with processed cheese "Jewish" requires a minimum amount of ingredients. All you need is cheese, eggs and pineapple, 10 minutes of free time and a delicious, hearty dish is ready.

Serve in tartlets or peeled tomato halves.


  • Processed cheese - 3 pcs.;
  • Pineapple (canned) - 20 gr.;
  • Boiled eggs - 8 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Mayonnaise and salt to taste.


Processed cheese and eggs are rubbed on a large grater. Canned pineapple cut into small cubes. Add mayonnaise with garlic, passed through a press, salt and mix thoroughly. Salad can serve as a separate dish, or can be used as a pasta for sandwiches.

Salad with melted cheese and carrots - the taste of childhood

Salad with melted cheese and carrots prepared according to this recipe is also called "Soviet". And this is not surprising, since simple ingredients can be found in the refrigerator of any housewife.

A simple and cheap dish can be served at the festive table. For a presentable look, it is enough to spread it into tartlets or spread it on toast.


  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrot - 1 large;
  • Garlic cloves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise and salt to taste.


Fresh carrots are peeled, washed, and rubbed on a coarse grater.

Cheese is rubbed on a grater.

The garlic is finely chopped.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with mayonnaise and salt.

Salad ready. And to make it more useful, you can add finely chopped parsley or dill.

Salad with melted cheese and beets - delicious, tender and satisfying

Salad with melted cheese, beets and eggs is a dish that every housewife should take note of. It is not only easy and cheap to prepare, but also very tasty and satisfying.


  • Boiled beets - 500 gr.;
  • Processed cheese - 150-200 gr.;
  • Eggs (boiled) - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • For dressing: natural yogurt, mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.


Beets are rubbed on a coarse grater. The eggs are finely chopped. The melted cheese is rubbed. Garlic is passed through a press. All ingredients are mixed, seasoned with mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream, salted.

To prevent the salad from appearing too watery, the grated beets should be passed through a sieve.

Salad with melted cheese and boiled sausage is an interesting combination of familiar ingredients. The dish is not only tender, but also hearty, and therefore can be used both as a snack and as a full dinner.


  • Processed cheese - 90 gr.;
  • Sausage (boiled) - 150 gr.;
  • Cucumber (fresh) - 1 pc.;
  • Peas (canned) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons.


Sausage, cucumber, boiled eggs are cut into large cubes.

Melted cheese is rubbed on a grater.

Green peas are added to the ingredients, the salad is salted and dressed with mayonnaise.

Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Salad can be served both in a salad bowl and in portions.

Salad with melted cheese and mivina - tasty and cheap

Salad with melted cheese with everything. Sausage, vegetables, and even fish are added to the dish. But few have tried the dish with mivina. Why not correct this omission, especially since the salad really turns out to be very tasty.


  • Mivina - 60 gr.;
  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • Egg (boiled) - 3 pcs.;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


We brew mivina. To do this, finely chop it, pour boiling water, salt and pepper, let it swell and carefully filter.

Eggs cut into small cubes. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix all the ingredients, salt and add mayonnaise.

The dish can be served both as a salad and spread on sandwiches.

Currently, the number of different varieties of cheese has exceeded tens of thousands. Moreover, the technologies of each of them are very different.

Cheese is also an easily digestible and incredibly healthy product. Due to the content of B and A vitamins, calcium, methionine, tryptophan and proteins, it has a positive effect on human health.

Cheese can be called concentrated solid milk. It retains all the benefits of whole milk. However, the energy value of cheese is several times greater than milk cheese and is approximately 300-400 kcal, depending on the variety.

Due to the high calcium content, this dairy product can be an excellent tool for the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, daily use improves the condition of bones, nails and hair. It is especially recommended to eat cheese for breakfast, as it helps to awaken the appetite and gives energy for several hours ahead.

Cheese can be used to make hundreds of different dishes. One has only to look at cuisines from all over the world. In Italy, it's pizza and spicy Italian salads. In the Balkans - salads with feta, in the Caucasus - salads with cheese. It is known that dishes are widespread not only with whole pieces of cheese, but also with processed cheese.

As a rule, processed cheese is heated to the melting temperature and then they are simply poured over dishes. This unusual way of decoration gives the dish an additional delicate taste of cheese. For example, hot salads are prepared in this way in Eastern countries.

On our site, we have repeatedly addressed cheeses. Whether it's salads with mozzarella or original salads with feta or cheese. In any case, today we will experiment a little with ordinary hard cheese, namely, we will melt it and try how it will feel in a salad.
So, the best recipes for salads with melted cheese.

Necessary ingredients for making vitamin salad:

  • processed cheese - 3 pcs.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • prunes - 325 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • green onions - 7 feathers
  • salad mayonnaise - 1 jar
  • chopped walnuts - 0.5 cup

Cut the finished processed cheese into cubes of approximately the same size. Soak prunes in water for 10 hours, then chop into thin strips.

Cut green onion into pieces. Peel the walnuts from the shell. Pass the kernels through a meat grinder or kitchen blender. Crush the garlic cloves with the wide side of a knife.

Boil chicken eggs (preferably hard-boiled) and cut into cubes. Combine all ingredients, season with salad mayonnaise. Mix everything gently. Chill for 15 minutes in the refrigerator, then serve festively colored to the table. For decoration, you can use any ingredients used in the salad.

Sausage salad with melted cheese

Ingredients needed to make the Salad with Sausage:

  • processed cheese - 120 g
  • boiled sausage - 30 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • baked milk - 45 ml
  • butter - 25 g
  • mild mustard
  • iodized salt
  • canned cucumbers - 45 g
  • basil

Cut boiled sausage into cubes. Chop the hard-boiled chicken eggs with a sharp knife, and the whites and yolks separately, as the whites will go to the salad, and the yolks to decorate it.

Melt cheese in melted milk over low heat. Add some butter to it and stir. Canned cucumbers cut into thin strips.

Mix everything in a small salad bowl. Drizzle with mustard. Salt. Mix dynamically. Drizzle cheese mixture over salad. And sprinkle with chopped yolk on top. Garnish with fresh basil leaves.

Salad with melted cheese and chicken fillet

Ingredients needed to make the salad:

  • processed cheese - 100 g
  • green apple - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • chicken fillet - 225 g
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • canned corn - 210 g
  • quail eggs - 3 pcs.
  • green onions - 6 feathers
  • sunflower oil
  • pitted olives
  • dressing
  • tomatoes
  • parsley
  • dill

Peel the apple from the peel and seeds, cut into equal cubes. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into cubes.

Finely chop fresh cucumbers. Pour the canned corn out of the jar into a colander and wait until all excess liquid drains. Hard-boiled quail eggs, finely chop with a knife. Cut green onions into pieces no more than 1-2 cm long.

Free the olives from the pits, cut into halves. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the cheese into pieces and heat in a pan until liquid.

Mix all prepared foods. Fill with dressing and sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly. Drizzle with melted cheese and garnish with fresh dill and parsley leaves.

Necessary ingredients for making pollock salad:

  • processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • red onion - 1 pc.
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • pollock fillet - 225 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • mustard - 15 g
  • cold pressed olive oil - 60 ml
  • lemon juice - 0.5 lemon
  • low-fat cream - 40 ml
  • green leaf lettuce - 1 bunch
  • seasonings

Cut melted cheese into small cubes. Finely chop the red onion and fry in olive oil. Peel ripe tomatoes (you can douse with boiling water, it will be faster), cut into slices of the same size.

Free pollock fillet from bones, cut into cubes and boil in salted water with spices to taste. Hard-boiled chicken eggs, finely chopped with a knife.

To prepare the dressing, mix the mustard, lemon juice, and low-fat cream in a separate bowl. Beat this mixture until smooth. Arrange lettuce leaves in a salad bowl. Put the prepared ingredients on them. Drizzle with homemade dressing. Mix well.

Vegetable salad with melted cheese

Ingredients needed for vegetable salad:

  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • radish - 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • stem celery - 90 g
  • Chinese cabbage - 150 g
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • parsley
  • arugula
  • extra virgin olive oil - 4 tablespoons
  • iodized salt
  • spices to taste

Cut the melted cheese into small cubes. Cut the radish into small slices lengthwise. Cucumbers cut into strips. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Finely chop the celery stalk. Separate the Chinese cabbage into individual leaves and also finely chop. Grate carrots on a medium grater. Chop the garlic with the side of a knife.

Tear parsley and arugula straight with your hands. Combine all the necessary ingredients in a beautiful salad bowl. Drizzle with olive oil. Salt a little. Mix well.

Simple salad with melted cheese and radish

Ingredients needed to make radish salad:

  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • green radish - 210 g
  • root celery - 100 g
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • parsley
  • mayonnaise provencal
  • ground black pepper

Cheese cut into cubes. Grate green radish and celery root on a medium grater. Cucumber cut into small slices. Chop the parsley. Mix. Salt a little. Season a simple salad with Provence mayonnaise. Mix dynamically. Serve immediately.

Cooking an unusual dish is easy with cream cheese salad recipes. Cheese goes well with foods such as corn, walnuts, almonds, eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, smoked chicken, garlic, crab sticks, apples, avocados, Chinese cabbage and other ingredients. Cooking will take from 30 minutes!

Processed cheese can be used as an independent product, and as part of dishes. There are many recipes for it. It can be added to soups, main dishes and, of course, salads. With the right choice, it will be an excellent substitute for regular cheeses.
The consistency of processed cheese must be completely uniform both in composition and in color. The smell is milky. Soft, stretchy processed cheeses are good for sandwiches. Harder, crumbly ones are better suited for salads, as they stick together less after grinding and retain their shape better.

The five most commonly used ingredients in cream cheese salad recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Grate boiled and peeled potatoes.
2. Spread in a layer on the bottom of a dish with a flat bottom.
3. Spread with mayonnaise.
4. Cut the smoked chicken into cubes. Spread over mayonnaise.
5. Cut the onion and pour boiling water over it. Stand for a couple of minutes to eliminate bitterness. Lay on top of the chicken.
6. Spread with mayonnaise and lay out canned corn.
7. Spread again with mayonnaise.
8. Boil the eggs, grind or finely chop. Lay out the next layer. Add Mayo.
9. Grate melted cheese on top. Sprinkle with chopped nuts.
10. Again make a layer of mayonnaise.
11. Decorate with almonds for a pinecone look.

Five of the most nutritious cream cheese salad recipes:

Helpful Hints:
. To reduce calories, you can coat layers with mayonnaise through one, replace mayonnaise with unsweetened yogurt and use boiled chicken instead of smoked.
. To give a more piquant taste, one of the layers can be slightly peppered.

Salad for the bachelor party grate carrots on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic and add to the carrots, mix with mayonnaise on top, grate the eggs, salt and grease with mayonnaise Then grate the cheese and also grease the salad is ready!Required: 2 boiled eggs, 2 processed cheese, 2 fresh juicy carrots, garlic, salt to taste, mayonnaise

Chicken salad from Stepanova Finely chop the chicken, salt, pepper to taste, put on a dish, sprinkle with chopped green onions, cover with a layer of mayonnaise. Then a layer of chopped egg, then chopped prunes. Put melted cheese on the prunes, the next layer of mayonnaise with garlic, mix ...You will need: Ingredients for 2 large dishes, you can safely divide into 2 or even 3, 3 chicken breasts (boil in salted water), 5 boiled eggs, a large bunch of green onions, 300 grams of Korean carrots, 2 processed cheese (grate), 200 grams hard cheese (grated...

Salad Favorite Cut the ham into cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Wash raw carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. Grate cheese curds on a coarse grater (it is better to cool them well in the refrigerator beforehand). With marinated...

lettuce Pet Preparation in layers: 1st layer - grate the beets + salt, mayonnaise; 2nd layer - cheese on a grater + mayonnaise with garlic; 3rd layer - raisins; 4th layer - raw carrots on a grater + mayonnaise. Let it brew in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Turn over before serving...You will need: 2 boiled beets, 2 processed cheese (hard cheese is also possible), 100 g of raisins, 1 carrot, mayonnaise, salt, garlic, 2 cloves, walnuts (for decoration).

Salad mousse with tuna Whipped beets + tuna (pressed from juice) + yogurt + 1 tbsp to a homogeneous consistency in a blender. a spoonful of wine vinegar + a little salt. Instead of yogurt with vinegar, you can take mayonnaise. Beat boiled eggs with melted cheese and 2 cloves of garlic separately. Between the layers laid out and ...You will need: Boiled (baked) beets - 2 pieces, Tuna canned in its own juice - 150 grams, Boiled chicken egg - 3 pieces, Processed cheese - 1 piece 80 grams, Dressing - natural yogurt (80 grams) + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wine vinegar, Garlic, salt - to taste

Salad Trifle Grate the carrots on a fine grater (I have it on a medium grater), mix with finely chopped garlic (or white garlic), walnuts and mayonnaise. Lay in the center. Mix grated eggs with melted cheese, garlic (chopped) and mayonnaise. Put carrots around ...You will need: 1-2 carrots (I had half a very large one), chopped walnuts, garlic 4-5 cloves (less can be), processed cheese, 3-4 boiled eggs, mayonnaise,

Salad with sardines Mash the sardines (with oil) with a fork and remove the pits. Boil eggs. Lay out in layers. 1 layer of sardine, 2 - finely chopped onion, 3 - grated eggs on a coarse grater, 4 - mayonnaise, grated curds on a coarse grater, 5 - mayonnaise. Salad ready.Required: 1 b sardines in oil, 4 pieces of processed cheese, 4 eggs, 1 onion, mayonnaise

Salad Favorite Cut the ham into cubes. Peel and finely chop the onion. Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Wash raw carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. Grate cheese curds on a coarse grater (it is better to cool them well in the refrigerator beforehand). With pickled gr...You will need: ham - ~ 300 g, processed cheese - 2 pcs, pickled champignons - 1 jar, carrots - 1 pc, onion - 1 pc, apples - 2 pcs (and a little lemon juice to sprinkle apples), eggs - 3- 4 pcs, garlic - 2 cloves, walnuts, mayonnaise

Salad 1. Wash the fillet, boil in salted water, cool, cut into cubes. Also cut the ham into cubes. 2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, marinate in vinegar and water. 3. Grate processed cheeses on a fine grater. Peel eggs and carrots, grate.You will need: 100g of hard cheese, 5 boiled eggs, 3 boiled carrots, 2 processed cheeses, 2 onions, 300g of ham, 500g of chicken fillet, 200g of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, dill greens

Salad Chrysanthemum Lay out on a flat dish: 1 layer: egg whites grated on a fine grater; 2nd layer: grated melted cheeses (previously I keep them in the freezer) 3rd layer: grated butter (previously I keep them in the freezer) 4th layer: mayonnaise 5 layers ...Required: 4 eggs (boiled), 2 processed cheese, 200 gr. sl. oil, 2 apples, 1 can of fish in oil, 1 onion, mayonnaise

Salads are tasty and tender. They are prepared quite simply. In our article, we will consider a recipe for a salad with melted cheese, and not just one, but several at once. Therefore, everyone can choose the right option for themselves.

Recipe with melted cheese, egg and apple

This version of the salad will appeal to those who love crab sticks. The dish can be an excellent alternative to the usual Olivier. It turns out this salad is very tender.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 150 grams of crab sticks;
  • 100 grams of processed cheese;
  • one apple;
  • six tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • bulb;
  • a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice;
  • a pinch of sugar and salt;
  • 100 ml of water.

Cooking meals at home

  • Peel the onion, finely chop it, put it in a deep bowl. Add sugar, salt, vinegar or lemon juice to it, pour everything with hot water. Leave for 15 minutes. Grind cheese on a grater. So that it does not stick, it must be frozen in advance.
  • Put grated cheese in a salad bowl, grease it with mayonnaise.
  • Grate the crab sticks. After the onion has marinated, drain the marinade.
  • Put the onion on the cheese layer, and on top of it - the fourth part of the crab sticks. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise.
  • Take an apple sweet and sour, peel and seeds. After that, grate. Lay out the apples in an even layer and pour over with mayonnaise.
  • Grate boiled eggs. Put a quarter of the crab sticks, eggs on the apples and pour the salad with mayonnaise.
  • Sprinkle the salad on all sides with the remaining grated sticks. Decorate the top of the dish as you wish.

Delicious and simple dish with garlic and cheese

Now we will describe in detail the recipe for a salad with melted cheese and garlic. This dish can be easily and simply prepared at home. Delicious food will interest many due to its rich taste. The recipe for a salad with melted cheese and garlic is very simple. We will now describe it in detail.

To prepare this dish you need:

  • two eggs;
  • one processed cheese;
  • garlic;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

cooking process

Delicious Mimosa salad with fish

Now consider the recipe for Mimosa salad with melted cheese. This cooking option is simple. The dish is perfect for a festive table. There are several ways to prepare the dish. We will describe a salad recipe with melted cheese and fish.

To prepare the dish, you will need:

Cooking delicious meals at home

  • Boil potatoes and carrots until tender, cool, then peel. Then chop the onion. Grate boiled carrots. Do the same with potatoes. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grate the second component on a fine grater. Repeat the same procedure with the yolks.
  • Mash the fish with a fork, after draining the oil. Put it in the bottom of the salad bowl. Proteins with mayonnaise are the next layer of salad. Next, put the carrots and again pour the dish with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with onions. Put in the salted potatoes. Lubricate this layer with mayonnaise.
  • Grate melted cheese, mix with yolks. Lay out the top layer with the resulting mass.

Salad "Squirrel". Recipe with melted cheese, garlic and carrots

This dish will appeal to those who choose original dishes. For cooking you will need:

The process of preparing a delicious meal

Grate carrots. Do the same with melted cheese. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Grind nuts in a blender, add seasoning and a little mayonnaise to them. Mix the salad well, put it in a pre-prepared dish.

Original dish - salad "Monkey"

Now we will describe the recipe for a salad with melted cheese called "Monkey". Such a dish is prepared simply, but at the same time it turns out to be very original. You can cook food for the New Year.

To create a dish you will need:

  • two carrots;
  • two processed cheeses;
  • boiled beets (large);
  • mayonnaise;
  • pepper;
  • fifty grams of raisins;
  • salt;
  • one clove of garlic.

Preparing salad at home

  • Let's start describing the recipe for salad with melted cheese from the preparation of products. Wash and clean the vegetables first.
  • Next, grate raw carrots. Then add mayonnaise to it.
  • Squeeze the garlic through a press. Add raisins, stir. Then add salt and pepper.
  • Put the resulting mass on a flat dish in the shape of a monkey's head.
  • Then mix mayonnaise to taste. Lay the resulting mass on the carrot layer.
  • Grate the beets (boiled). Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper. Stir afterwards.
  • Put the beet layer on the cheese layer. Align the edges.
  • From two round pieces of beets, make ears for the monkey.
  • Highlight the center of the muzzle with cheese. Mark the edges with olives or prunes.
  • Lay out the mouth with viburnum. Now you can serve the salad to the table. Bon appetit!

A small conclusion

Now you know how to cook salads with melted cheese. The recipes with photos presented in the article will help you prepare such dishes without much effort. We wish you good luck!
