
Salted char fish at home. Home salted char

Char is a low-salted type of red fish. Salted char is an exquisite sea appetizer of express preparation. Salting a variety of red fish is the best way to serve fish on a festive table. Delicate light taste of unusual fish will surely please relatives and guests. A step-by-step recipe with a photo on our website of culinary dishes will tell you the correct process for preparing a fish carcass. How to pickle char at home is delicious now I will tell you in detail. I think you will be interested to know.

Required products:

- fresh-frozen char - 1 carcass.,
- coarse salt - 2 tablespoons,
- sugar - 1 tbsp.

Important data.
The curing process takes approximately two days.
Salted pieces should be stored only in the refrigerator for no more than four days. After that, the fish is kept in the freezer in a plastic bag.

1. First, the carcass is prepared well. Remove the insides from the fish, cut off the tail and head, fins and gills. After that, rinse the pieces with water, dry on a paper towel from excess drops of liquid.
Tip: Frozen fish is not recommended to be thawed. This will make the pieces dense and solid.
Recommendation: Fish leftovers should not be thrown away, they can be used in the preparation of rich fresh fish soup.

2. Put the pieces of fish in a plastic box, sprinkle with sugar and coarse salt, close the lid well. Mix thoroughly and put on a shelf in the refrigerator to infuse for two days.

Recommendation: Red fish should only be salted in a plastic container. Plastic compared to other materials does not give a specific taste and smell.
Recommendation: For a light citrus aroma and rich spicy taste, season the fish with lemon pepper.

3. Open the container daily and stir the pieces.

4. After two days of brining, take the fish out of the box. See also.

5. Transfer to a plate, decorating the top with fresh chopped herbs, olives and black olives.
Suggestion: Sliced ​​onions are perfect for additional garnish.

We wish you bon appetit!

The recipes describe delicious and healthy ways to prepare char fish. This fish can be cooked quickly by pan frying, or by using the more elaborate smoked recipe for an incredibly tasty delicacy.

Salted fish can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and lovers of a healthy lifestyle will like fish baked in foil.

How to pickle char at home

Salted char is incredibly tasty.


  • char - 1 pc;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • half a lemon;
  • sunflower oil - half a glass.

How to cook:

First you need to prepare the fish for cutting:

  • rinse in cold water;
  • clear of scales;
  • remove fins, head and tail;
  • rinse in water again.

Then you can start cutting with a sharp knife. It is required to remove the bones, for this the char is cut along the ridge into two equal parts. The bones are removed and the meat is dried with a paper towel. Note that the skin does not need to be removed at this stage.

The next step is salting. The fish needs to be cut into small pieces, mix salt with sugar and rub with the resulting mixture. The prepared pieces are folded into a brining container with a lid and sent to the refrigerator overnight.

The next day, the salted fish should be skinned. Fold the peeled pieces back into a container, sprinkle with pepper, add lemon slices and pour oil. After three hours in the refrigerator, the fish is ready.

How best to cook char

There are many recipes for cooking fish. The most delicious and easiest way to cook is toasting breaded in a pan. This is a very simple recipe and takes very little time. But since oil is used in cooking, the dish turns out to be quite fatty.

The most useful option is baking in foil in the oven. In this case, oil is not used, the dish turns out to be dietary. Also, when cooking char, bones, head, tail and other trimmings often remain. They can be used to make a wonderful soup.

To prepare the soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • trimmings from cooking fish;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Bay leaf;
  • sweet pea;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

How to cook:

  • fish trimmings are filled with water and boiled for 10 minutes;
  • pour the broth through a colander into a saucepan;
  • separate the meat from the bones;
  • the broth can be diluted with water to obtain the desired amount, bring to a boil;
    Put the chopped potatoes and cook until tender;
  • add meat, salt, pepper and bay leaf and cook for another three minutes.

The char soup is ready. When serving on plates, you can add greens or sour cream.

How to cook char in the oven in foil


  • fish - 1 pc;
  • lemon - 15 gr;
  • basil - 1 leaf;
  • coriander - a pinch;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  • before starting cooking, it is required to thoroughly rinse the fish, gut and remove the gills;
  • salt and pepper the prepared fish and add coriander;
  • put slices of lemon and basil inside the char;
  • send the fish wrapped in foil to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes;
  • After half an hour, the foil must be unfolded and put in the oven for another 10 minutes. This will allow you to get a tender and crispy crust;
  • baked fish should be cut into pieces and can be served at the table.

Fried char in a pan


  • char - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • cold water - 1 tablespoon;
  • rice or wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook:

First you need to prepare the fish:

  • rinse thoroughly in cold water;
  • remove the insides;
  • cut off fins and tail;
  • rinse with water again;
  • cut along the spine and remove the bones;
  • cut into small pieces for frying.

Prepared pieces of fish need to be marinated. To do this, they are placed in glassware and poured with lemon juice. Then the container with the fish is covered with a lid and left to marinate for 15-20 minutes.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat over medium heat. Breaded fish should be fried on both sides until a characteristic golden crust is formed. Ready char can be served with a side dish, such as mashed potatoes.

Char smoking - cold and hot cooking

Preparing fish for smoking.

First of all, you need to gut the char. To do this, with a sharp knife, it is necessary to make an incision along the abdomen between the pectoral fins. Next, the insides are removed using the wide side of the knife. In this case, damage to the insides should be avoided so as not to spoil the taste of the fish.

Next, you need to remove the gills. This will avoid the appearance of blood smudges that can appear during smoking and spoil the appearance of the fish. After that, the carcass should be cleaned of scales and rinsed thoroughly with cold water.

At the next stage, the prepared fish needs to be salted. For dry salting, you need to rub salt on the outside and inside of the char. Then the fish is placed in a container on a layer of salt and left for an hour and a half.

For wet salting, you need to prepare a saline solution. Two main options can be used. When using an 8% solution per liter of water, 80 grams of salt is required. The fish is salted for 10 hours at room temperature.

To speed up the salting process, you can use the option with a saturated saline solution. Salt is dissolved in water until it no longer dissolves. Approximately 30% solution is obtained depending on the temperature. Salting time in this case is only two hours.

When using wet brine, the fish is salted more evenly than when dry. For one kilogram of fish, one and a half liters of solution is desirable. It is strongly not recommended to reuse the brine. If desired, spices can be added to the brine to taste.

Cold smoking

Cold smoking is carried out using smoke at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. There are several ways that are slightly different. For the first method, salted fish must be hung and dried. Smoke smoking occurs at a temperature of 30 ° C for 4 days.

The second method differs in that the char must be cut lengthwise into two halves. Pieces of salted fish should be washed and dried with a paper towel. Then the fish is placed in the oven on the grate and smoked at a temperature of 30 ° C for at least a day. As a result, the finished pieces will acquire a reddish-yellow color.

Hot smoked char

Hot smoked smoke occurs at temperatures above 60°C. The first method is that medium-salted fish is tied with twine or pierced with sticks. Smoking is carried out at a temperature of 100-140°C for three hours. Fish smoked in this way is not stored for a long time, no more than two days.

For the second method, lightly salted char is needed. The fish is hung in a still cold oven with the door open and dried for 30 minutes. When the fish turns slightly yellow, the temperature should be raised to 70°C. Increase the heat gradually so that water vapor does not form. The oven must not be heated above 110°C. Smoking takes about 30 minutes, readiness can be determined with a thin wooden stick.

The smoking process gives the fish a beautiful light yellow color. You can turn it into golden, for this, burning wood is sprinkled with ash and sawdust is added, which enhances the formation of smoke. To obtain the desired color, smoke in this way for another 45 minutes.

The third cooking method can be used in field conditions. It will require a bucket or barrel. Wood chocks are placed at the bottom of the bucket, preferably from alder, and juniper is added. A grate is placed in the middle, on which pre-salted char is laid out. The bucket is tightly closed with a lid and a fire is made under it.

Smoking lasts for an hour, then you can check the readiness by the color of the fish, the skin should be dry and golden. It should be noted that opening the lid before the end of smoking is not recommended.

What kind of char fish is it, how is it useful

The char belongs to salmon fish. The peculiarity of this fish is that it has practically no scales. This greatly simplifies the preliminary preparation during its preparation. Commercially available char is usually small in size, which is also convenient for its use.

The fish has a medium fat content, when baking it is important to monitor its readiness so as not to overdry. During heat treatment, it practically does not change in size, nutritional properties and appearance are well preserved. This fish has a delicate and harmonious taste that can outshine the popular salmon.

Charr fish is rich in fatty acids (omega-3), which support the body's defense functions and help fight inflammation. It also contains vitamins: E, A, D, K, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12; minerals: magnesium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Due to the increased calcium content, useful properties are preserved even in salted or smoked form.

One hundred grams of meat contains:

  • proteins - 19.09 g;
  • fats - 5.86 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

Calorie content is 135 kcal.

When buying at retail, the price of frozen char fish per 1 kg is 300-350 rubles.

If you decide to start salting fish at home, remember: you can only salt absolutely fresh fish.

We must take this very seriously, because otherwise you are at great risk to your health and your household.

It is best to buy fish in a proven place.

General principles of salting fish at home

When salting red fish at home, you should use not only salt, but also sugar: it gives a mild taste and prevents the fish from drying out. However, it is useful to add sugar when salting any fish.

Large fish are salted for several days, and small ones (for example, herring or capelin) for several hours. But still, knowledgeable people do not recommend immediately eating salted fish. She should lie down and mature. That is, in order to get a delicious salted fish for the holiday, one must take into account not only the process of salting fish at home, but also two or three days for ripening.

If you overdo it with salt when salting red fish at home, just rinse the fish with cool water. But this can only be done right before use! As for herring, it can be briefly placed in milk.

When salting fish at home, you can use onions, garlic, fresh and dried herbs, black and allspice, bay leaf. You can also slightly marinate the fish by keeping it for a couple of hours in a gruel of grated lemon or orange.

It is often advised to wrap the fish in a napkin. It is better to take linen fabric for this purpose, but cotton can also be used, while artificial fabrics are not suitable for salting fish at home.

Salting red fish at home (however, not only red) can be done both dry and in brine. In the first case, the fish is rubbed or sprinkled with salt and sugar, while in the second it is poured with ready-made brine. In the second case, the dish will be ready earlier, but the taste of such fish is often somewhat vague. In any case, if the fish is needed urgently, it is better to fill it with brine.

Recipe 1. Salting fish (mackerel) at home in pieces


Mackerel - 1 kg

Salt - 2 tablespoons

Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Black and allspice pepper (mix; you can use a mixture of peppers) - medium pinch

Bay leaf - a couple of pieces

Cooking method

Rinse the mackerel, peel (do not peel off the skin!) And separate the fillet from the bone.

Grind the bay leaf in any way.

Mix salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf and rub lightly with this mixture, and then pour over the fillet.

Wrap the fish tightly in a tissue paper, then in foil or baking paper and place in the freezer for a couple of weeks. After that, you can eat the fish.

Recipe 2. Salting red fish (for example, trout) at home with a whole carcass


Whole trout (or salmon)

Salt - at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 kg of fish

Sugar - at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of fish

Cooking method

Gut and wash the fish. Mix salt and sugar and rub the fish well inside and out with this mixture. If there is salt and sugar left, just sprinkle the fish with the mixture. Wrap it in a linen napkin moistened with cold water, and then in cooking paper and put in a cool place. After a day, transfer to the freezer, and after a couple of weeks you can eat.

Recipe 3. Salting fish like herring at home


Small fish (for example, herring) - 1 kg

Salt - 250 g

Black peppercorns - about 10 pieces

Cooking method

Gut the fish, and then rinse thoroughly under running cold water and drain, placing in a colander.

Dissolve 25 g of salt in a small amount of warm water, put also pepper, cool the solution and pour it over the fish. Keep one day at room temperature.

The next day, squeeze the fish out of the brine. Put the herring on the backs in a glass or enameled bowl and cover with part of the salt, put the second layer across the first fish and also cover with salt. Continue like this until you run out of fish and salt.

Place a lid or a wooden circle of smaller diameter than the bowl on top, and a load on it.

Put in a cool place where to store in the future. After a couple of days, the fish is completely ready.

Recipe 4. Salting red fish (char) at home with a whole carcass


Char - 1 carcass weighing about one and a half kilograms

Salt - 3 tablespoons

Lemon - half fruit

Pepper mix

Sugar - 1 heaping tablespoon

Vegetable oil - an incomplete glass, you can use less

Cooking method

Clean the fish and remove the fins, head and tail. Remove the spinal bone. Grate the fillet with a mixture of salt and sugar and leave for a day in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator).

The next day, cut off the skin from the fillet, cut it into beautiful slices and put it in a container, alternating with thin slices of lemon and lightly sprinkling with pepper. Drizzle a little oil. Leave to stand in the refrigerator (ideally - 2-3 days, but several hours is possible).

Recipe 5. Dry salting of fish at home "Spicy"


Fish fillet (salmon, pink salmon, mackerel, etc.; you can take steaks) - 2 kg

Coarse salt - 4 tablespoons without a slide

Garlic - 4 large cloves

Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Spicy herbs (basil, rosemary, bay leaf) - 3-4 pinches of the mixture

Carnation - 5 buds

Ground coriander - a quarter of a teaspoon

Cooking method

Rinse fish fillets or steaks with running cold water and shake off excess liquid. Grind the bay leaf in your fingers into a powder. Chop the garlic with a knife (pass through the press in this case is not worth it).

Mix salt, granulated sugar, coriander and herbs. Rub the fish with this mixture. Press in garlic and cloves. Put the fish on a linen or cotton napkin, wrap tightly. Cover with foil and allow to salt at room temperature for about 15 hours, then place in the refrigerator.

You can eat fish after two days, but it is better to put it in the freezer for another three days.

Recipe 6. Salting red fish (salmon or trout) at home


Red fish - 1 kg

Vodka - 1 tablespoon

Salt, preferably large - 1 tablespoon

Chopped dill - 1 tablespoon

Sugar - 1 tablespoon

Black pepper - 3-4 peas

Cooking method

Wash the red fish well and let the water drain. Remove fins, tail and head. Make an incision along the spine.

Mix salt, vodka, sugar and dill in a small container. Grate the fish inside and out with the resulting mushy mass. Also put peppercorns inside.

Wrap the fish in a large linen napkin or just a piece of natural fabric, tie tightly and put under oppression for 24 hours. Then put in the refrigerator for another day.

Recipe 7. Salting red fish at home "Fast"


Fish (salmon, pink salmon, etc.) weighing 1-1.2 kg

Bulb - 1 piece

Salt - half a cup

Garlic - head

Mixture of peppers - to taste, usually 1-2 teaspoons

Sunflower or olive oil - about half a glass

Cooking method

Wash the fish, clean, divide into fillets, remove the bones with tweezers.

Cut the fillet into neat small slices. Mix salt and pepper and roll the fish fillets in the mixture. Place the slices in a bowl, cover with a shallow plate and place a small weight on top. Soak in this way for about an hour (fatty fish can be kept in salt for an hour, drier fish for about 50 minutes).

Remove the fish in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Chop the onion and garlic randomly. Mix slices of fish with onion and garlic, pour over with vegetable oil and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes too, when it cools, you can eat.

Recipe 8. Salting fish (herring, mackerel, etc. whole) at home


Herring or mackerel - one and a half kilograms

Wine - an incomplete glass

Water - about one and a half cups

Salt - 5 tablespoons without top

Onion - a couple of medium-sized onions

Spices (cloves, dried basil, coriander, allspice and black pepper, mustard grains, bay leaf)

Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method

From water, wine and spices with salt and sugar, prepare the marinade and bring it to a boil.

Peel herring or mackerel, divide into fillets and cut into small pieces.

Cut the onion into beautiful rings and mix it with the fish. Place in a jar and pour chilled solution for one day. After this period, the fish can be eaten.

Recipe 8. Salting fish at home in 2 hours


Fatty fish (salmon, butterfish, halibut, etc.) - 1 kg

Salt - 2 tablespoons with top

Lemon - half

Sugar - 3 tablespoons

Freshly ground pepper - a quarter of a teaspoon

Vegetable oil - 10 tablespoons

Cooking method

Clean the fish and cut into beautiful neat thin slices. Cut the lemon into thin transparent slices. Mix salt, sugar and pepper.

Put a layer of fish slices in a glass (you can also use enameled) container, sprinkle with salt, sugar and pepper, throw in a few slices of lemon.

Now lay out the second layer in the same way, and if necessary, the third.

Cover the surface with cling film. Put in the refrigerator for two hours, after which the dish can be eaten.

    If salting fish at home requires cutting fresh fish into thin slices, it will be easier to do this if you first freeze it slightly.

    If you are going to start salting fish at home, try not to defrost it first. However, some cooks believe that frozen fish can take more salt. In any case, this can be done with oily fish: it usually does not absorb excess salt.

    The dish will be even more tender if, before salting the fish at home, lightly grease its skin with olive oil.

    When serving, the fish can be laid out on an oval dish or herring, sprinkled with green onions, or onion semicircles, or chopped herbs. It is customary to garnish red fish with thin slices of lemon or olives.

    You can roll red fish or herring fillets into rolls or roses.

There are things that I cook exclusively myself. For example, I salt and bake red fish - char. This not tricky recipe is applicable to other types of fish: trout, salmon, pink salmon. Of all the listed types of fish that I used, I personally liked salmon. But since char showed good taste results, and the price is two times lower than salmon, I buy it every week (starting from November) with pleasure. I usually take 3-3.5 kg., of which 2 kg. salt, bake the rest. My family is delighted with my culinary skills (probably cunning)!
And so we take the fish, here it is ...

Under a stream of cold water, we simply clean the fish, as if scraping with a knife, there are no scales, this is a big plus, nothing flies in different directions.
It is better to clean the fish when it is thawed, but still tough, when white spots on the fish clearly appear, I consider the fish cleaned.
Here you can see the fish is cleaned ...

Then I cut into slices of about 3 cm, sort into two plates. One for salting, the other for baking.

I put a brazier with fish in a preheated oven, pre-salt the fish, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, coat with mayonnaise. After 10-15 min. there is a breathtaking smell, as soon as the top is baked, I take it out.
It turns out such a baked fish!

Salt the rest of the fish. For 1 kg. fish is taken 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. I don’t add anything else, no bay leaf, no spices, I tried it in different ways, I settled on sugar and salt (it doesn’t interrupt the taste of the fish itself). Mix salt and sugar thoroughly and sprinkle each piece of fish. Then we put it in an enameled dish, you can sprinkle it with sunflower oil (I now do without oil), cover it with a plate, put a load on top. Checked repeatedly, after 12 hours the fish is ready.

The fish should be salted in a cool place, I have it on the windowsill.
That's all! Easy, fast and most importantly DELICIOUS!!!
Bon appetit!


A little about fish.
Haddock is a fish of the cod family, suitable for preparing dietary dishes. Haddock meat contains 0.2% fat and 16% protein. The taste and smell of haddock meat is better than that of cod.
in some European countries, haddock is valued more than cod. At home, haddock is used to prepare first, second courses and cold appetizers.
Silver hake is a fish of the cod family, equated to the White Sea saffron cod. Hake contains up to 4% fat and 17% protein. Thanks to the excellent taste and good digestibility of hake meat, dishes from it are useful for everyone. Fried silver hake is very tasty.
Cod is a very good table fish. The fish has a pleasant taste, juicy texture, white meat free from coarse fibers. Cod meat contains 0.3 - 0.8% fat and 16% protein. Cod liver is a valuable product containing vitamins A, D, B. In the household, cod is used for cooking first and second courses (cutlets, boiled, fried).
Blue whiting is a fish of the cod family, one of the main objects of fishing. The meat of this fish has a pleasant taste and aroma, and also contains 0.4% fat and 17% protein. Blue whiting is used as a table fish, mainly for boiling and frying, it is also suitable for making canned food in oil.
Pollock lives in the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Bering Sea and the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Pollack meat has a very pleasant taste, it contains 0.9% fat and 15% protein. In the household, fish can be used to prepare first, second courses, cold appetizers.
Navaga - a fish of the cod family, belongs to a high-quality food product. In terms of taste, saffron cod surpasses other fish belonging to the cod family. Navaga meat is tender, juicy and fragrant, contains from 0.3 to 2.7% fat and 18% protein. Due to its excellent taste and easy digestibility, navaga is suitable for preparing dishes for children and diet food. In the household, it is used mainly in fried form.
Mackerel is a marine fish that occupies a special place. It has a high nutritional value, contains up to 24% protein, as well as fat, then 2 to 20%. In the household, mackerel is best baked and stewed. Salted mackerel has a pleasant taste; mackerel is also hot and cold smoked. There are no small bones in mackerel meat, the meat is tender, juicy, tasty.
Horse mackerel is one of the important objects of fishing in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The meat of horse mackerel is dense, light gray in color. It contains 20% proteins, as well as 1.5-13% fat. Horse mackerel is tasty both boiled and baked, fried. In the household, stewed and fried horse mackerel dishes are very tasty. The broth from horse mackerel turns out to be very rich.
Great skill for cooking fish dishes is not required, cook with pleasure.
Fish dishes are popular in the daily diet, this is due not only to the high nutritional value and taste of fish, but also to its excellent digestibility, as well as a positive impact on human health. Modern, fish shops offer a wide variety of marine and ocean fish species. Sea and ocean fish are valued as a source of animal protein. Fish contain nitrogenous extractives. Thanks to this, fish broths stimulate appetite, stimulate gastric secretion. The protein in fish meat is much better absorbed by the human body than the protein in the meat of other animals. The meat of marine fish contains valuable minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and chlorine. For the human body, iodine and fluorine contained in sea fish are of particular value. For example, cod meat contains 25 times more iodine than beef. Other useful foods are marine invertebrates and algae. The meat of invertebrates contains essential amino acids, vitamins. Seaweed contains many mineral salts, trace elements and various vitamins. River fish are also very popular. However, fresh fish is one of the most perishable food products. Fresh fish, it is recommended to cook as quickly as possible.

In the modern world, people are increasingly beginning to monitor their health, especially paying attention to proper and balanced nutrition, introducing healthy foods into their diet. One of these products can be considered worthy of char fish, whose meat has a lot of useful properties.

This fish belongs to the salmon family, its meat is less fatty than that of salmon, not as dry as that of pink salmon and has excellent taste characteristics. There are many ways to cook this fish, and even a novice hostess, after reading this article, will be able to please loved ones with a delicious and delicious dish.


Predatory red fish char is found in the seas, lakes and rivers. Anadromous chars live in water bodies of Eurasia and North America and are considered the largest species, their weight can reach 5 kg, and their length can be up to a meter. Lake species live in the reservoirs of Russia; they are also found in California and Korea. Lake dwellers rarely weigh more than 1.5 kg, and their average length is 40-45 cm.

This fish does not have scales, for which it got its name, and its color depends on the habitat. There are many species, it happens that several varieties live in the same reservoir at once. The ancestor of all species is the arctic char.


It is enough to disassemble the composition of char fish - the benefits and harms will be obvious.

Saturated with vitamins and minerals, char meat will be an excellent addition to the diet:

  • Vitamins contained in fish: PP, E, A, K and B vitamins.
  • Mineral content: iron, potassium, manganese, selenium, copper, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Nutritional value and calories

Char meat has a fairly low calorie content - 135 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • saturated fatty acids - 0.905 g;
  • cholesterol - 60 mg;
  • ash - 1.12 g;
  • water - 72.78 g;
  • protein - 20 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0;
  • fats - 5.86 g.

Properties: benefit and harm

You need to know how to cook charr fish correctly so that its unique properties are preserved and benefit the body.


Due to the fact that red char meat is saturated with useful microelements and minerals, its regular use has the following effects on the body:

  • enriches the brain with oxygen, increasing vitality and brain function;
  • prevents the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • improves the performance of the immune system;
  • improves metabolism and stimulates the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • saturates the body with calcium, strengthening bones, teeth and improving the condition of hair;
  • helps to lower cholesterol;
  • reduces the risk of heart attack and the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • a large amount of fatty acids increases the body's resistance to inflammatory processes, prevents the formation of blood clots and blood clots;
  • helps to remove excess water from the body.

Recent studies have shown that this product also has a tangible cosmetic effect, beneficially influencing the condition of the skin. The antioxidants contained in char meat not only improve its appearance, but also protect it from various negative influences.

Possible harm

First of all, people with individual intolerance and prone to allergies will have to refuse to use this product.

How to choose

It is best to always buy a fresh product, ideally live fish. But if you do not have such an opportunity, always pay attention to the eyes. They should not be cloudy, strongly sunken, or vice versa convex. The carcass should not have rust spots and a lot of ice.

It is worth refraining from buying fish in spontaneous markets, as it is difficult to find out the origin of the product and control the storage conditions there.

Cooking methods

We offer several delicious recipes for cooking char fish that you will definitely like!


You can quickly prepare a tasty and rich first course.


  • medium carcass with head and tail;
  • 2-3 pcs. potatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • small bulb;
  • 1-2 tomatoes;
  • pepper, salt, bay leaf and herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Process the carcass and cut it into medium pieces.
  2. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes, grate the carrots and chop the onion.
  3. Pour vegetables into boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Salt, add pepper and parsley.
  5. Put the fish and cook for 15 minutes.
  6. Add chopped peeled tomatoes, bring to a boil and turn off.

Serve char fish soup with any herb, such as cilantro, dill, parsley or green onions.


Cooking takes a little time, and the finished dish can even be served at the festive table.

Recipes for salting charr fish are slightly different for different housewives, although they are prepared using the same technology:

  1. The carcass is processed, the head, fins, ridge are separated and the fillet is left on the skin.
  2. The fillet is laid out in an enameled or plastic dish, on a fairly thick layer of a mixture of salt and sugar 1/1. You can add black and white peppercorns, chopped bay leaves or other spices to this mixture. From above, the fish is covered with the same mixture.
  3. The dishes are closed with a lid and placed in a cool place for at least a day. You can't eat fish before!

After the fish is salted, you can serve it, having cleaned it of salt and cut it into pieces. And you can put it in a container, pour it with olive or any vegetable oil and let it stand for about three hours. So the salted fillet will become softer, juicier and better reveal the taste and aroma.

Cooking in a steamer

If you are watching your weight, then it is better to cook the fish in a double boiler. This method will help preserve all the nutritional properties of meat and will not increase the number of calories in the dish. Before cooking, it is advisable to keep the fish in the marinade for at least 15 minutes.

For the marinade you will need:

  • lemon juice and vegetable oil in equal proportions;
  • salt, white pepper or a mixture of spices for fish.

After the fish is marinated, it should be put on the steamer grate and pour over the remaining liquid. It takes 15 minutes to prepare. You can serve rice or vegetables as a side dish.

We hope that after learning about the valuable properties of char fish and how to cook it better, you will often enjoy delicious and healthy dishes from it.


In this video you will find another way to cook a delicious and healthy char fish dish.
