
Pork belly roll. How to cook boiled pork roll

It is rightfully called a homemade delicacy. Preparing it is quite simple, and does not require large expenses. The roll in the oven turns out juicy, fragrant and with a crispy appetizing crust. It can be served to the table in any form: cold and hot.

K is usually served with all sorts of sauces that can further increase their taste. Try to cook pork belly roll, you will definitely like it. Such a dish will perfectly decorate the festive table. Only try to choose meat with a layer and preferably young.

Pork belly roll

We will need: peritoneum, five large cloves of garlic, bay leaf, black and red pepper, salt.

Preparation: thoroughly wash the pork and rub well with salt. You do not need to remove the skin, it will make a very tasty crust.

Grind the garlic, spread it evenly on the surface of the peritoneum, sprinkle abundantly with red and black pepper and put the parsley.

We roll the pork peritoneum roll as tight as possible and tie it with a sufficiently strong rope.

Now we take a large saucepan, put a roll in it, fill it with water, salt and leave to marinate for a day and a half.

After the set time has passed, we remove the peritoneum from the brine and dry it with a towel.

Next, put the roll in a baking sleeve and make a few punctures.
We send the baking sheet to the preheated oven and immediately reduce the temperature to the minimum. Here our roll will be baked for about three hours. Then we take the pan out of the oven. cut, take out the roll from the pork peritoneum, let it cool a little and send it to the refrigerator until completely cooled.

The dish is ready!

Pork belly roll in haste

We will need: one and a half kilograms of peritoneum, ten cloves of garlic, pepper, salt, any vegetable oil.

Preparation: Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press. My peritoneum and rub well with pepper, salt and garlic. We twist it very tightly into a roll, tie it with a strong thread and put it in a baking sheet, previously lubricating it with oil. Bake for about an hour at 180 degrees. Cool the finished roll, cut the thread and cut into pieces.

Pig head roll

Required ingredients: pork head, five cloves of garlic, a couple of sprigs of rosemary, a pinch of dried basil, rosemary and thyme, pepper, salt.

Preparation: Thoroughly clean the pig's head with a brush, then rinse and dry. We take the sharpest knife and carefully cut off the meat from the skull along with the fat. We separate the tongue and ears, clean them well and rinse.
We put the tongue along the head, in the place where the eyes were, we put pieces of meat. We slightly incise the muscles of the neck, sprinkle everything evenly with spices and rub well with chopped garlic. We turn the head into a tight roll and tie it with a dense thread or twine. We put sprigs of rosemary under the thread.

We take the largest baking dish, lay out pieces of cut fat in it and add spices. Put the roll on top of the fat, cover with a piece of foil on top and put in a hot oven. We bake for about three hours, from time to time pouring the fat that has melted into the pan.

Before removing the roll, remove the foil and leave in the oven for a few more minutes until a golden crust appears. After that, cool the dish and put it in the refrigerator. for eight o'clock.

Pork skin roll

Necessary products: pork skins, a bunch of any greens, pepper, salt.

Preparation: We put a pot of water on a large fire. We take the skins without bristles, rinse well and put them in a pan with boiled water. We cook for an hour and a half. But just don't overcook them.

We lay out the finished skins on the table, sprinkle with salt, pepper and chopped herbs. We roll them into a roll. Wrap it in cling film and leave it in the refrigerator until it cools completely. It is better to cut a chilled roll directly with a film.

Enjoy your meal!

When slaughtering pork for meat, such a part of it as the peritoneum, lard with layers of meat raises many questions about what to cook from it. You can cook a lot from the peritoneum, smoke it, boil it in the husk, salt it in brine, you can cook good boiled pork from the upper part, but you never know what. But the best and tastiest a roll comes out from the sternum and peritoneum, moderately salted, boiled or fried in the oven, which I often do.

From such a peritoneum (7-8 kilograms) cut out together with a part of the sternum from the carcass of a wild boar, we will make rolls. Wash the peritoneum, moisten the skin with warm water and carefully scrape it with a knife, dry the excess moisture with cloth napkins, a towel. We visually estimate how many rolls we will have.

Since we won’t be able to wrap a small roll almost from a thick piece, we choose thinner places and cut out pieces for smaller rolls, and from a thick piece we twist a big roll. From the lower, inguinal part of the peritoneum, two fatty pieces remained. From them we cut out a layer of medium fat, put everything together, it will turn out quite decent meatloaf, do not disappear the same good.

For preparation of curing mixture we will need salt directly, not very large, garlic and seasonings are already to your taste, I use a ready-made purchased seasoning “for lard and bacon”. It is better to rub the garlic on a grater so it is quickly “absorbed” by fat. We mix all the ingredients in such a way that it is enough for the entire batch, the excess will disappear. With garlic, the curing mixture is not stored for a long time, the garlic dries out and acquires an unpleasant smell.

We rub the curing mixture on the cut pieces for rolls with our hands. Thick pieces, pierce in several places with a knife, on the entire blade, and salt from the inside, you can add more seasoning there. From the cooked salted pieces, we twist the rolls. For this, any twine is suitable, not a thick rope, I use a thick silk thread. We twist the roll as tightly as possible, but so as not to cut through the skin with a cord.

Tied rolls, from the outside also rub with salt mixture, and arrange separately in plastic bags. Now the rolls should lie down for a day at room temperature in salt.

Since the rolls will give a brine, and the package may leak, we put them in whatever dish, for example, spacing. We turn the rolls three or four times a day on different sides, while not allowing the brine to flow out.

Since I make rolls in such quantities only in winter, after a day I cook one or two, and freeze the rest. A large roll is better to boil. If bake a thick roll in the oven, it is poorly fried, inside it turns out to be semi-fried, semi-salty. When baking at a high temperature, the fat is melted, the roll turns out to be half-empty and hard. But this is how it works for me, I'm not a cook, so I only advise the best from my own experience.

To cook the roll, we look for suitable dishes, rinse the roll, lay it, fill it with water. If the roll lies at the bottom, then at the bottom of the pan, you need to put some kind of protection against burning. We add seasoning to the pan, I usually put peppercorns and bay leaves, and a little salt. Cook for two hours, turning it occasionally. We free the finished chilled roll from the threads, rub it with an extract with grated garlic and ... you can’t pull it by the ears.

For baking rolls in the oven, take smaller rolls. Be sure to rinse well, if during cooking the excess salt is washed off with water, then when frying, the crust on the roll will be salty. We place one roll in a baking sleeve, wrap the other tightly with foil. Rolls are fried for an hour and a half or two, depending on their size, at a temperature of 130-140 °, turning them over two or three times. Do not forget the sleeve, in several places, pierce with a knitting needle or a toothpick, otherwise it will burst.

If, during frying, the roll does not blush and is not covered with a crust, then in the last 15-20 minutes of cooking we add temperature. When the roll cools, I do not remove the threads from it, since when they are removed, most of the crust breaks. Threads are best removed after cutting for consumption.

If you still do not know what to cook from pork belly - create a roll out of it! But not the usual boiled, but colorful - stuffed with grated carrots and spicy garlic. Such a delicacy will not only cheer you up with its bright appearance, but your family and friends will surely like it so much that they will definitely ask you to repeat it in a few days. For this, stock up on a double portion of the ingredients in advance!


  • 1 kg pork belly
  • 2-3 carrots
  • 1 garlic head
  • 1 st. l. ground black pepper
  • 2.5 st. l. salt (1 for smearing + 1.5 in brine)


1. To make the roll easier to roll - when buying, choose a more rectangular piece of pork belly. Rinse it and cut out the veins with a knife - they are transparent blue. If they are not cut out, then they can twist the meat during cooking and the roll will take on a completely different shape that was conceived in advance. Sprinkle a piece of meat with bacon with salt and black pepper.

2. Then peel the whole garlic head from the husk, separating each clove. Squeeze the cloves onto the surface of the peritoneum and flatten with your hand, lightly pressing the cake into the meat.

3. Peel carrot roots and grate on a coarse grater. Lay on top of the garlic layer.

4. Twist the peritoneum with the filling with a roll and tie it tightly both horizontally and vertically. When tying, try to hide the filling in the roll as deep as possible so that it does not boil out.

5. Place the roll in a saucepan and fill it completely with hot water. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. salt and add a couple of bay leaves for a spicy flavor. Boil for about 1-1.5 hours.

Many meat dishes are already a little boring, and you want something original and new? We suggest you cook a very tasty and amazing roll of pork peritoneum, which will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. You can serve such a dish with any side dish, or you can simply put slices on bread and make a delicious sandwich.

pork belly roll recipe

  • Spices
  • Five drops of Worcestershire sauce
  • Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  • Three garlic cloves
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • One kilo of pork


So, the first step is to thoroughly rinse the pork and dry it thoroughly with a paper towel. If you come across a thick enough piece and uncomfortable for folding, then carefully cut it along the thickness, but not completely, after which we open it like a book. Next, across the meat we make deep cuts, from each other at a short distance.

We mix a cocktail in a bowl to lubricate our roll. We clean the garlic from the husk, squeeze it through a press, add vegetable oil to it, pour in Worcestershire and soy sauces, put adjika, hop-suneli seasoning or ground paprika if desired. Then we generously coat our meat with a clean palm with the prepared spicy mixture, first on one side, roll it tightly into a roll, spreading the other side along the way.

Next, we tie the resulting sausage with twine, place the roll in the baking sleeve and fasten the ends tightly. After that, with a toothpick, we make several small holes on top in order to let the steam out and put the pork on a baking sheet. We bake our pork belly roll for about 1.5 hours in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, the cooking time may depend on the weight of the pork. Then we carefully take out the dish, cut the sleeve, turn it to the sides, and bake for another half an hour until a golden crust forms. Now turn off the oven, remove the threads, cut into slices, put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, and then you can serve.

Pork belly roll in foil

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram of pork belly
  • Spices
  • One hot capsicum
  • Eight cloves of garlic


In order to cook a roll of pork peritoneum, you need to take the meat and salt it with dry salting. To do this, pour salt into a small tray so that it completely covers the entire bottom of the dish. Now we carefully lower the peritoneum there and put it with the skin down on the salt, also sprinkling the sides and top of the piece. We send pork in this form for the night or in the refrigerator or just leave it on the table in the kitchen. During this time, the juice will start up the meat, and in the morning it will already be possible to cook.

The next day, quickly rinse the peritoneum under water, thereby removing all the salt. Across the meat piece with a knife, we make deep cuts along the skin. We clean the garlic, squeeze it through a special press and mix with hot pepper, the pepper should be twisted in a meat grinder in advance. Mix everything thoroughly and rub the peritoneum with the resulting mixture on one side, while thoroughly smearing the incisions. Now tightly roll the pork tightly. Now we roll the pork tightly with a roll, at the same time we coat the other side, and we tighten it with twine so that it looks like a big sausage.

Then you need to take a sheet of foil and wrap the resulting roll in two layers. We place it on a baking sheet, or lower it into a baking dish. We preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance and bake our dish for about an hour and a half. Carefully remove the finished meatloaf from the peritoneum, release it from the foil and let it cool thoroughly. After that, we cut the threads from the meat, cut into slices and treat everyone.

Pork belly roll recipe in foil

The peritoneum baked in the oven according to this recipe turns out juicy, soft with a golden crust. Moderately spicy and very flavorful.

If you purchased the peritoneum or a piece of fat with a hard, thick skin, then bake it in the oven, after marinating it in oil and spices in the refrigerator, for a bit. You will be satisfied with the result.

To prepare the peritoneum roll, we need the following ingredients:

  • 10 bay leaves
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • One teaspoon black pepper
  • One teaspoon red pepper
  • One head of garlic
  • Two kilograms of peritoneum

We cut the peritoneum into strips, but do not cut it completely, three centimeters wide strips.

We prepare a curing mixture for the peritoneum, crush the garlic with a garlic press or rub it on a grater, add black and red pepper, salt, mix everything thoroughly and pour it with olive oil so that the slurry comes out.

We rub the peritoneum with this mixture from all sides and even in the slots, then insert the bay leaf into each slot.

We wrap the peritoneum in foil and send it to the refrigerator for a day, for better pickling.

After a day, bake the peritoneum in foil for 40 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

Try to cook the peritoneum baked in foil, it is very tasty both cold and hot. Fat lovers will love it. We shift the cooled piece into a container, cover tightly with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Pork belly roll

In the market, select the peritoneum of young pork, there will be little fat on such a piece, there will be a large meat layer. Most do not yet know how to cook pork belly roll. You will get a delicious meat delicacy, and you will often cook it in the future.

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • Two tablespoons of capsicum hot pepper, it should be pre-ground in a meat grinder.
  • 0.7-1.5 kilograms of pork belly
  • Eight cloves of garlic.


The first step is to salt the peritoneum with dry salting. Pour, thus, into a tray of salt so that it covers the entire bottom of the dish. Do not spare salt, as it does not take excess fat. Then we take the peritoneum and lower it on the salt with the skin down. Sprinkle the sides and top with plenty of salt. In this form, the peritoneum is sent to the refrigerator for the night, or you can simply leave it on the table. The meat will release juice, and in the morning it will be ready to cook.

The next day, we remove all excess salt from the meat. With a knife, make deep cuts across the meat piece to the skin. Combine peppers and garlic, mix and rub the peritoneum on one side with the resulting mixture, you should also smear the cuts.

Now roll the peritoneum tightly with a roll, coat the other side at the same time. With a harsh thread or twine, pull the roll so that it looks like a large sausage.

We take the foil and wrap the resulting roll in two layers of foil. Place it in a baking dish or baking sheet. It is necessary to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Set our peritoneum on the form and bake for about an hour and a half.

We take out the finished roll from the foil onto the dish, and no matter how great the desire to try it is, let it cool. Such a roll will cool in about an hour or a little more, but you must wait, you will not understand its taste when hot. After cooling, you should cut the threads from the meat, cut the roll into slices and treat your relatives.

Recipe: Pork belly roll - Boiled in a bag

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • Three bay leaves
  • Four cloves of garlic
  • One teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoons of salt
  • One kilogram of pork belly

Cooking method

Recipe for a real Ukrainian appetizer. As they say, what Ukrainian does not like salo, and especially if it is so deliciously cooked. If you used to buy smoked lard from time to time, then after trying such a roll, you will certainly refuse smoked lard.

We take lard from the pork belly, as it is thinner here, and you can roll it into a roll. We wash thoroughly, clean the skin, its part can be cut off (which will be wrapped inside).

Carefully rub salt on the inside with salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper (you can use other seasonings that you like). Pass the garlic through the press and also rub the fat with it. Grind the bay leaf and sprinkle over the roll. Now we need to roll our roll tightly and tighten it with a thread so that it subsequently retains its own shape.

In this form, we send it to the refrigerator for a day, let it salt. We put our roll in a plastic bag the next day, and preferably two. Drop into boiling water and let it simmer for about an hour. After the lard is ready, it must be thoroughly cooled, for about three hours, but the best option is to leave it to cool overnight.

Smoking belly fat in a slow cooker

Pork, of course, is not a dietary meat, and practically does not carry such benefits as tender veal. But for some reason, a large number of people still prefer dishes that are made from pork meat.

One of the most popular is ham, baked or smoked, boiled pork, as well as bacon, beloved by all, smoked or salted.

And with the advent of the multicooker, all pork dishes get a completely different, more elegant taste. So with the layers of peritoneum, when smoked in a slow cooker, it turns out to be very soft and tender, and just melts in your mouth.

Pork, like other products, is best smoked in a slow cooker using “liquid smoke”.

"Liquid smoke" is a special substance for smoking, thanks to which the taste of smoked products is imparted to the products. In meat that is cooked with liquid smoke, all kinds of harmful carcinogens are completely absent.

Smoking the peritoneum in a slow cooker

For smoking, we need the following ingredients:

  • Foil
  • Salt, spices
  • 10 milligrams of "liquid smoke"
  • 300-400 grams of belly pork


We take fresh pork meat (peritoneum) for smoking, preferably young. Rinse and dry thoroughly, then cut into small pieces.

Mix liquid smoke, salt and spices in a bowl. It is best to take special spices for pork for this recipe, which are sold ready-made in bags. But you can take any to your taste.

Gently rub each piece of meat with this mixture. And put in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.

While our pork is marinating in the refrigerator, you can start preparing the side dish. Thankfully time allows.

Then wrap each piece of meat in foil. Wrap it up in several layers of foil.

We spread the pieces of meat wrapped in foil into the bowl of the multicooker. We put the baking program, and set the timer for 40 minutes. We are all looking forward to doing other things. The multicooker will cook by itself.

After 20 minutes you will feel the excellent aroma of smoked lard. And another 20 minutes later, you can get our peritoneum. It will turn out incomparably tasty, just lick your fingers.

Pork belly roll in the oven

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • rast oil
  • allspice peas
  • black peppercorns
  • onion peel
  • one pork belly


We wash the peritoneum, roll it into a roll and tie it with threads.

Boil water, salt. Add bay leaf, allspice, peppercorns, and onion peel to it. Boil this vegetable broth for about 20 minutes. Then we put our roll there, boil for two hours. Then turn off the fire and leave in the water for 6-8 hours.

We take it out of the brine. Lubricate with sugar syrup or melted honey. Put on a baking sheet, and bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Remember last year we cooked with you? Today I propose to make a similar dish, but with a completely different taste - Baked pork belly roll. It is distinguished primarily by its taste, unusual and spicy. In all other respects, these recipes are similar.

Pork preparation

Rinse the pork belly under running water, remove all the extra pieces that get stuck in when chopping with an ax on a wooden deck. We will scrape the skin if necessary. Dry the peritoneum from excess moisture with a paper towel.

Now you need to properly cut this beautiful piece of meat. If you look closely, it looks like a book from the end. With a very sharp knife, carefully separate the upper meat layer, without separating it from the main piece, in the same way we do with the lower layer. It looks like we opened a book.

What to do with the skin, decide for yourself. It can be removed, or you can leave it in place and roll the roll with the skin inside, since this amount is not enough to wrap the entire roll in it. If you do not wrap it inside, then when baking it becomes hard. If everything is done correctly, then it will evaporate and become soft.

Baking in the oven

We cut off a piece of the desired length from the baking bag, not forgetting to leave allowances for the ties. We put our workpiece in it, tie the tails, but not too tightly so that steam comes out.

We put the bag with meat on a cold grill and put it in a preheated to 200 degrees for 1 - 1.2 hours based on a weight of 1-1.5 kg.

The greater the weight of the resulting roll, the longer it needs to be baked.

As soon as the time is over, turn off the oven, but do not remove the roll. After 20 minutes, open the door and cut the bag. Close the door and leave the roll in the oven until it cools completely, and then put it in the refrigerator.

How to apply

Such a spicy roll can be served both hot and cold. Bon appetit!

Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 - 1.5 kg - pork peritoneum;
  • 3-4 tsp - Japanese wasabi horseradish;
  • 3-4 tsp - spicy mustard;
  • 6-8 cloves - garlic;
  • 1 bunch - greens - parsley, cilantro;
  • 2-3 tsp - paprika;
  • Salt, a mixture of peppers - to taste.
