
Rosemary and fish combination. Spicy herbs for fish

Seasoning for fish- This is a dry mixture of various spices and spices, which is used to improve the taste of fish dishes (see photo). There are many types of this product. Each of them differs in composition and purpose.

  • For frying fish, it is better to use a standard set of herbs, which usually consists of turmeric, cardamom, ground coriander and fennel seeds, as well as basil, saffron, laurel leaves, a mixture of peppers, lemon balm and cumin.
  • Tarragon, saffron, as well as turmeric, paprika and black pepper are ideally combined with a grilled fish dish. These spices are especially in harmony with red fish.
  • To marinate fish fillets, use a seasoning that includes fennel and rosemary, as well as ground nutmeg, tarragon, dill seeds, and oregano.
  • It is recommended to stew and boil fish with cumin, lemon balm, cloves, basil, laurel leaves and black pepper.
  • To smoke or bake fish in the oven, use garlic, basil, as well as rosemary and fennel.

For salting a fish product, there is a separate type of seasoning. It contains turmeric, onion, citric acid, garlic, salt, black pepper and sugar. This is an ideal combination of spices for salting seafood, but such a mixture is not suitable for cooking.

Currently, there are many varieties of such dry mixes on sale, but only five manufacturers of this product are considered the best: Knorr, Maggi, Chicory, Pripravych and Chim Chim. Despite the different compositions of these mixtures, they can all be used for both river and sea fish.

How to make seasoning for fish with your own hands?

Absolutely every housewife can make seasoning for fish with their own hands. There is nothing complicated in this, it is enough to correctly combine the necessary ingredients.

There are many ways and recipes for preparing this product. It can be prepared from fresh herbs and vegetables, as well as from already dried ones. We will focus on the last option. So, in order to make a universal seasoning for fish dishes at home, take the following ingredients: dry garlic, coarse salt, dried carrots and ground parsley root (1 tsp each). Also prepare a mixture of peppers, turmeric and marjoram (0.5 tsp each). Next, take out the mortar and warm it well in a water bath. Make sure that no liquid gets into the heated object. After that, place all the indicated components in a mortar, grind them until you hear a rich spicy aroma. Then grind the spices with a blender until smooth. When the resulting seasoning settles a little, pour it into the most airtight container and put it in a dark, dry place for further storage. Open container with contents only when necessary.

In the manufacture of homemade seasoning for fish, you can also use camphor basil and crushed anise. The first component gives the fish an appetizing golden color, and the second - sweetness.

Often, lemon zest is used as a seasoning for fish. This product gives fish dishes a unique flavor. And if the finished fish fillet is sprinkled with lemon juice, then its taste will be enriched with a pleasant sour note.

Seasoning for fish is most often a dry aromatic mixture of spices, which can be used in cooking in different ways. Such a product can be added to the dish at the beginning or at the end of cooking. It depends on how the fish is cooked.

In order for the fish to turn out juicy and have a special flavor, seasonings and spices are needed. Basically, this is a standard set of greens, both dried and fresh, and spices. You just need to use different combinations and mixtures of seasonings for frying, baking, stewing and cooking soups. Those that are suitable for grilling can give an unpleasant aftertaste if boiled with their addition of fish soup. But it's all a matter of taste, and you need to choose spices based only on it.

Seasonings for red fish

Red fish is fatter and richer than white. This delicacy loves spices with a crisper, richer flavor. It is ideal to use seasonings such as black pepper, peas and ground paprika for red fish meat dishes. So does turmeric and thyme. Dried ground ginger and oregano also work well. Dried onions and fennel will add a sweetish aftertaste and piquancy. Greens - dill and basil.

Seasonings for white fish

White fish meat pairs perfectly with thyme and rosemary, a mixture of dried herbs. Marjoram goes well, dry and fresh basil and dill, mint and sage, oregano. White sea fish is served and prepared in the same way with lemon balm and coriander.

Seasonings for river fish

River fish has a completely different taste and pungent smell, so almost the same seasonings and spices are suitable for it, but you need to be careful with greens, because it is better to serve it with parsley, especially for fish soup, but basil should be discarded. Anise seasoning, black pepper, of course, salt, coriander, bay leaf, as well as nutmeg are excellent for fish of this kind. Marjoram and mustard are also combined with this product.

Seasonings for frying fish

To prepare this method, you need to use such seasonings and spices as cardamom and coriander, bay leaf and cumin, pepper mixtures, nutmeg and dried basil. These spices have a rather rich aroma and taste, so they are ideal for a crispy crust, they will saturate the dish with bright colors.

For cooking first courses

Here you should use seasonings with an unusual taste and aroma. Cloves and bay leaves, fennel and lemon balm, dried herb mixtures, white pepper and red peas are best suited. The freshness of these additives will add a very light flavor to your first fish dishes. A similar list of spices can also be used to stew fish.

For marinades and brining

There is a place to roam for lovers of various herbs and spices. The perfect combination of fish and fragrant, light and interesting additives will make the meat simply melting and rich. The following seasonings are suitable: basil, oregano, sage and tarragon. Also combined with fish and fennel, black and white peppers, nutmeg and bay leaf. Suitable coriander, mint and dried dill.

Fish - grill

To cook delicious things like grilled fish, you can not use a lot of seasonings at all. Since the dish turns out juicy and so, but you still need to marinate it a little. Therefore, prepare such additives for frying: mustard, seeds, saffron ideal for grilling, tarragon and paprika, only fresh. You can also use turmeric, but only for white varieties of fish. Tarragon goes well with such dishes.

The delicate flesh of the fish absorbs all the flavors of your chosen spices, but not all of them are ideal for it. In order to favorably emphasize the light taste of fish dishes, it is recommended to choose spices in moderation, avoiding spices with a sharp aroma. By the way, different seasonings are used for sea and river fish, since the river product has a slightly unpleasant smell of algae or mud. That is why it is best to choose ingredients that interrupt such an unpleasant aftertaste in a spice for cooking river fish.

To make your fish dish more colorful, be sure to add a little turmeric to it, but this tip is relevant only for fish with white flesh.


  • 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp mixture of peppercorns
  • 0.5 tsp marjoram
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 tsp
  • 0.5 tsp turmeric


1. Before you start creating spices for fish, heat the mortar in a water bath, making sure that no liquid gets inside it. Thus, seasonings cooked in it will release a richer flavor! Pour salt (preferably large sea salt), multi-colored peppercorns, dried garlic slices into a mortar. You can use already ground dried garlic and a ground mixture of peppers, but believe me, the flavor of the seasoning you created will not be the same at all!

2. Then add turmeric and marjoram to the mortar.

3. Pour dried carrots and dried parsley root. You can also prepare these seasonings at home by purchasing the base for them in the market or in the supermarket.

4. Grind all the contents in a mortar until you feel a bright aroma. Then pour everything into a blender or chopper bowl and grind the spices for 5 minutes. Very carefully open the container with chopped spice - the dust from it can get into both the eyes and the lungs when inhaling - let it settle!

5. Store the finished spice in a prepared container, adding it to all fish dishes.

Note to the owner

1. The food list recommends using mixed varieties of peppers. An experienced hostess knows how all their types differ in the degree of sharpness and nuances of aroma. The following is information for the less sophisticated cook. White peas are moderately bitter, their smell goes well with fish. Green ones are refined and delicate, they exhale very quickly when ground, like grayish peas (cubeba), but these have a strong, palpable bitterness. Pinks are generally devoid of a bitter-sharp aftertaste, they are spicy, juniper and coniferous shades are captured in their aromatic range. It is unnecessary to list the characteristics of black pepper: the product is known to everyone. When composing a composition, one should rely on the described properties, be guided by the predilections of the household and personal preferences.

2. Many spices, after grinding, to some extent lose essential oils, as a result of which, during storage, they smell less and less. This means that it is necessary to find the most airtight container for a complex of spices, compiled according to the above recipe. Iron jars are immediately set aside, clay ones too. Glass with rubberized or ground stoppers, porcelain and faience without cracks in the glaze, with tight-fitting lids are suitable. If the containers are made of transparent glass, it is advisable not to keep them in the light.

The meat of most fish has a fairly neutral, mild taste, so almost any seasoning is suitable for fish. Therefore, the choice of spices for fish dishes is truly unlimited. For each method of cooking fish, it is logical to use its own set of spices and spices.

Spices - various parts of plants added to food in small doses for various purposes, mainly with the aim of improving taste , which have a specific, to some extent stable aroma and taste.

Spices are food supplements of exclusively vegetable origin. Various parts of plants can be used as spices: leaves, stems, inflorescences, roots, fruits and their parts - bark, skin.

So, firstly, the fish can be fried. You can do this on the grill, in the pan and in the oven, and - quickly. In any case, the fish will retain as much as possible its natural taste and texture, for which we, in fact, love it. It is reasonable in this case to use almost commonplace salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pepper can be either black or white, but large and freshly ground. Lemon juice, which is sprinkled on a ready-made dish, is perhaps the best seasoning for fish in general. In addition to the above, fried fish goes very well with olive oil.
In general, the fish absorbs the aroma of herbs very well. Therefore, if you cook, then by all means with seasonings, herbs. And you should let her soak well with their aromas. The herbs that are used to cook the fish can be... ANYTHING!!!

This is not to say that a certain fish is better combined with a certain specific plant, this is a matter of taste. But it cannot be said that the combination of mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary is classic. Rather, on the contrary: halibut with rosemary is a special, rather complex and peculiar recipe.

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. Pairing garlic with fish is a classic, and garlic pairs well with fish. Traditional spices for fish are rosemary and thyme, they go well with fish dishes without imposing their taste, but without making it too thin.

Such combinations are used in many Mediterranean cuisines - in Greece, and in Spain, and in other countries where they love fish and know how to cook. Absolutely, the word "classic" is suitable for a combination of fish and Provence herbs - parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme, which have an extraordinary odor.

You can try different combinations of herbs yourself, not forgetting in your experiments that the herbs for fish are mostly tender, growing in Europe. But with oriental spices you have to be very, very careful - for fish, many of them are too heavy.

Greens and parsley root, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg, curry, dill, savory, tarragon, onion, garlic, red sweet and hot pepper (dried or fresh), allspice, rosemary, sage, cumin, white mustard, thyme, parsnip, bay leaf, peppermint.

Basil, black pepper, leafy greens, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, sweet red pepper, parsley, lemon balm, curry, bitter and sweet almonds, cardamom, coriander, watercress are suitable for fried fish .

Onion, garlic, nutmeg, cloves, bay leaf, grated parsley, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, rosemary, lemon balm, curry are used with stewed and boiled fish.

Classic spices include:

  • Asafoetida, she is ferula smelly, smelly resin, bad spirit, damn feces, asmargok, hing, ilan
  • Badian real, he is also star anise, Chinese anise, Indian anise, Siberian anise, ship anise
  • Kalgan, aka galgan, alpinia, galangal root, pharmacy root
  • Turmeric, she is also long turmeric, yellow root, gurgemei, zarchava, haldi
  • Nutmeg and Nutmeg or mace, mes
  • Pepper
    • real peppers

Fish should be present in the diet of every person. It is very useful, as it contains essential trace elements, proteins and amino acids. And unlike meat, it is a more dietary and easy-to-digest product. But not all housewives like to cook fish. This is due primarily to its specific smell. In order to muffle it, you need to use various seasonings correctly. True, not everyone knows which spices for fish are best suited. Some of them mask the smell, others emphasize the taste. And if used improperly, spices can spoil the finished dish.

What spices for fish are most often used

When cooking, it is very important not to overdo it with seasonings and choose the right combination of them. Spices should emphasize the taste of the fish and improve it, not interrupt it. Different spices are used depending on the cooking method. What are the most popular spices for fish?

  • Parsley goes very well with fish. Its greens and roots gently complement the taste of the fish.
  • All varieties of pepper are suitable for such dishes. When cooking, it is better to add peas, and ground fish to fried and baked fish. But, most importantly, do not make the taste very spicy.
  • Aromatic rosemary enhances the delicate taste of boiled fish, suitable for baking and frying.
  • When cooking fatty varieties, it is customary to add fennel.
  • Mustard goes well with boiled fish and is very good in sauces.
  • Savory gives dishes an amazing flavor, but you need to add it only at the end of cooking.
  • Almost all housewives know that you need to add a bay leaf to your ear.
  • Basil is an essential seasoning for many fish dishes. It makes them fragrant and juicy.
  • Any kind of fish goes well with lemon or lime.

How to choose seasoning depending on the type of fish

Spices should improve the taste of the finished dish. Therefore, when cooking river and sea fish, it is recommended to add different spices. Although not all culinary schools give such recommendations. River varieties are fresher, so their taste needs to be enhanced and emphasized. And seasonings are almost not needed for a seafood product.

What spices are suitable for You can choose more spicy and aromatic seasonings. Dill, black and red thyme, cumin and oregano best emphasize the taste of river fish. Almost always, onion and garlic are added during the preparation of such dishes. For juiciness and flavor, you can sprinkle the fish with lemon juice. And those who love spiciness use curry or sea fish. At the same time, sea fish itself has a strong taste and aroma, so seasonings should be chosen carefully. It is best to use garlic, onion, cumin, ginger and lemon zest. But it is better not to experiment with hot seasonings, as they interrupt the taste.

What to add to fried fish

Many people think that this dish is already so tasty, so seasonings should not be added. But no chef would send fish to the pan without drizzling it with lemon juice and adding hot peppers. Coriander, cumin and nutmeg are also good. An original and tasty dish will turn out with such a set of spices: salt, pepper, garlic and herbs. All this must be mixed, roll the pieces of fish in spices, pour over with olive oil and leave to marinate a little. Only after that you can fry.

Seasonings for cooking fish

The ear is very popular in many countries. But you need to remember that when cooking, part of the seasonings dissolves in the broth. It is customary to add such spices for fish: onion, bay leaf, black peppercorns and dill. But you can improve the taste with the help of cloves, cumin and parsley. A more refined spicy aroma can be achieved by adding saffron, rosemary, nutmeg and sage. Many vegetables also enhance the flavor of fish when cooked. Therefore, along with it, carrots, celery root and parsley, leeks are added to the water. If the fish has a specific smell, you can kill it with vinegar or cucumber pickle. But when cooking sturgeon, no spices are added.

If the fish is baked

It is not recommended to abuse spices in this cooking method. Most often, onion, garlic, lemon are added during baking, and the most popular cooking method is on an onion pillow: onion rings are placed on foil, then pieces of fish, which are sprinkled with salt, pepper and rosemary. The foil is wrapped and the dish is cooked in the oven. Fish prepared in the same way with horseradish will turn out to be no less tasty. From herbs, fennel, basil, rosemary or savory are more suitable for baked fish.

What spices for fish are added during salting and pickling?

With this method of cooking, hot spices are not needed. There are housewives who like to salt or marinate fish on their own. They use their favorite spices, and the taste of the dish is always special. What are the best spices for salting fish? Delicious spicy salted herring is made with allspice, cloves, bay leaf and coriander seeds. Red fish is salted with dill and parsley, bay leaf and lemon. Often, with this method of preparation, onion, cut into rings, and mustard peas are added.
