
Smooth biscuit in a slow cooker. Biscuit recipes in a slow cooker

I will try once again to sing an ode to biscuit dough, for you a simple recipe by which you can bake a tall, light, airy homemade biscuit for any delicious cake. You can quickly and easily bake a vanilla biscuit according to this recipe in the oven, I get a good biscuit in a multicooker (very convenient and the baking temperature is set automatically), we will cook a biscuit from 7 eggs, so it is important that the multicooker is large (I use a Panasonic multicooker ).

How to make a tall fluffy sponge cake with 7 eggs

Vanilla sponge cake dough is made from:

  • 7 chicken or 6 duck eggs,
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup flour with a slide (a regular glass, faceted),
  • 1 g vanillin (1 sachet)

The recipe for a good biscuit at home

The right biscuit is made from beaten eggs, sugar and sifted wheat flour, any confectioner will confirm this to you. The main thing is to beat these eggs well and mix the flour into the biscuit dough correctly. But I am often asked questions in the comments, do I need to add baking powder to the biscuit for the test? I will answer here right away, if you are used to baking biscuits with baking powder, and you are so calm that the dough will rise, bake with it. I do not use baking powder in my photo recipe for homemade vanilla biscuit of seven eggs.

So, we begin to beat the eggs in a dry bowl with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. When the egg mass for the biscuit turns into foam and thickens well, so that it begins to remember the waves from the mixer, we turn it off. We take a spatula from a multicooker or a dry spoon and begin to pour the flour in portions into the biscuit dough, stirring it from top to bottom. Mix so that there are no lumps of flour.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter and lay out the dough for the biscuit.

The multicooker already knows how to bake a biscuit, on the “Baking” program we select the cooking time. When I first baked my 7-egg light vanilla sponge cake, I set the time to 60 minutes, then added 20 more. I was afraid that it would be raw and not baked. For another cake, for the second time, I set the cooking time to 65 minutes, you know, that was enough. So I boldly tell you that a large airy biscuit in my Panasonic multicooker is baked in 65 minutes, + 10 minutes on heating. Only then the lid opens, and the biscuit cools in the bowl of the multicooker (the biscuit turns out to be quite high, several divisions do not reach the top rice!) as soon as the biscuit dough has moved away from the walls of the saucepan,

invert the cake onto the inserted steaming basket,

and then on a wooden board to cool completely.

This tall round 7-egg multi-cooker biscuit is easy to divide into four parts.

Biscuit is considered a pastry for advanced cooks. But a biscuit in a slow cooker is on the shoulder even for beginners. Yes, yes, many who did not dare to mess with the capricious biscuit dough for many years, which strives to either not rise, then settle, then dry out, then turn into a pancake, now they can boast that they can do any biscuit. In a slow cooker, even the most capricious biscuit pastries behave as if on command “Attention!” It bakes well, rises high and holds its shape perfectly. The reason for this is the ideal conditions for biscuits that are created in the slow cooker in the “Baking” mode: sufficient humidity and a stable low temperature. If I didn’t know what kind of cheesecakes are made in a slow cooker, I would have given her the title of “biscuit tamer” a long time ago. :)

Classics of the genre. Only eggs, flour and sugar. No baking powder, not a gram of additives. It was from such a biscuit that most of the purchased cakes were made and are being made. The author analyzes in detail all the subtleties of cooking. And read for pleasure and cook is not scary.

The most delicate biscuit on proteins, without the use of yolks. The recipe is especially good for small multicookers, because the middle does not sag under its own weight. But even in a conventional slow cooker, you can bake such a biscuit by placing a jar in the center. That is, a ring-shaped form will be obtained.

Somehow it so happened that it is the baking of a honey biscuit that causes the most stormy delight among the owners of multicookers. It turns out the highest, the most magnificent. What is the secret here? Perhaps the slow cooker just loves honey? :))

An ordinary white biscuit for a cake, which turns out to be softer than usual and is easier to prepare due to the fact that boiling water is added to it. I bake such a biscuit only in a slow cooker. This is a win-win. Always successful.

Usually a lot of eggs are put in biscuit dough. But we significantly reduced their number by adding condensed milk. Which, by the way, can also be cooked in a slow cooker. The site has a step by step recipe.

Delicate pastries in vegetable oil. There are certain clear tricks on how to bake such a biscuit so that it does not fall off and turns out to be exceptionally beautiful. All the details in a simple recipe.

One of the most popular recipes. Be sure to try! You will be surprised how simple everything is. And you will most likely repeat it over and over again.

A soft, "downy", slightly damp biscuit behaves quite capriciously in the oven, but in a slow cooker it turns out in a hundred out of a hundred cases. So you can safely bake without fear of embarrassment.

Bright red color, orange flavor and lots and lots of crunchy poppy. This biscuit is just delicious! It is not even necessary to use it as a building material for cakes, but it is quite possible to serve it to the table just like that, without anything.

Time: 80 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Cook a dream cake with a fluffy biscuit in a slow cooker

Biscuit dough recipes are basic. The cakes of a good half of the cakes are just a biscuit (this group includes such confectionery masterpieces as "Bird's Milk", "Black Forest", "Drunken Cherry", "Truffle" and many others).

But still there are rolls and cakes! While it doesn't take much time or effort to make this dough, the result often doesn't look much like the gorgeous photos of tall biscuits you find on cooking websites.

But let's not fall into despair. Baking a fluffy biscuit in a slow cooker is not so difficult.

First, let's see why we often get not a tall and tender cake, but a dense loaf, and of a very modest size.

As a rule, the reason for failure lies either in unsuccessful kitchen equipment, or in violation of the cooking technology, or in the products themselves.

What are biscuit recipes usually used for? For the oven. The stove is a capricious friend, especially if it is gas. Uneven heating is responsible for burning the dough, raising it with a “cap” and many other failures.

The second group of reasons is the wrong approach to the baking process. All biscuit recipes scream that the door should never be opened during cooking, otherwise the cake will sit down.

But even if you follow this rule, the finished cake is far from being as airy as these very recipes promise. Often it is problematic to cut it not only into three, even into two cakes.

Did you know that there are two main ways to make biscuit dough? Cold and heated. The cold method is familiar to everyone: beat eggs with sugar, add flour, mix gently. Most housewives choose just such recipes when starting to bake a cake.

But professional confectioners know: in order for the dough to rise faster and not fall off after being removed from the oven (do you know the situation when a tall, handsome cake in the oven loses half its height when removed from it?), eggs with sugar must be preheated. Our article with a photo will help you understand all the intricacies of this miracle.

Eggs - 4 things.
Sugar - 3/4 st.
Flour - 1 tbsp.

Step 1

Break the eggs into a bowl and add all the sugar to them at once. Pour some water into another saucepan, put it on the stove and wait until the water boils.

After that, put a bowl of eggs on top and start kneading the mixture. Please note: you do not need to beat the contents of the bowl with a mixer. Your goal is to heat the egg and sugar mixture to about 40 degrees and wait until the sugar dissolves.

If you do not have a thermometer, you can manually determine the desired temperature. Put some composition on your hand. If you feel pleasant warmth, you can remove the bowl from the bath.

You will notice that its contents have become denser (as in the photo below), the volume has doubled, and the sugar has completely dissolved.

Be carefull! Not a single drop of water from the pan should fall into the bowl with the workpiece. Therefore, it is better to immediately reduce the heat to a minimum level after boiling water.

Step 2

Now beat the egg and sugar mass with a mixer until it cools to room temperature. This may take about ten minutes.

Step 3

Sift the flour into a separate bowl. In order not to worry about raising the dough, repeat the sifting procedure 2-3 times.

Such recipes, although quite laborious, but they guarantee an airy cake. Add the sifted flour in three doses to the beaten eggs.

Each time, actively mix the dough with a spatula, but not in a circle, but vertically, with chopping movements. The prepared dough has a uniform consistency without lumps (see photo below).

As you can see, we did not use baking powder - the dough feels great without it.

Step 4

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. It is better to do this in advance in order to shift the future biscuit into an already prepared container.

Note: oil should be lubricated both the bottom and the walls of the container so that the cake can be removed without problems.

Now lay out the dough. Recipes for high biscuits are advised to pour the dough into the center of the dish - this way it will spread by itself, filling the required volume (if you start leveling it with a spoon, you can “plant” the biscuit, and it will turn out not so tender).

Step 5

Bake the cake on the Baking program for an hour. For the first half hour, do not open the lid, no matter how much curiosity torments you. After a beep, open the lid.

When the biscuit is ready (you will find out about this by piercing it with a torch, on which there should be no damp smudges), leave it in the appliance with the lid open for ten minutes. In no case do not remove the cake immediately: a sharp temperature drop will surely “steal” its height.

After the time given to cool, you can pull out the cake using a steaming bowl and evaluate your creation. Lush can be cut into 2 or 3 parts. Then you are free to do with it at your discretion.

If you know interesting cream recipes, you can apply them and get a delicate, fragrant cake. But remember: in order for the product to be easily cut and not crumble, the cake must “rest” at room temperature for at least 8 hours before impregnation, and ideally a day.

See another version of this dish:

Many culinary experts believe that biscuit is confectionery bread, because cakes, pastries and even sweets are prepared according to the basic recipe based on biscuit. Although it is a semi-finished product, the biscuit can be consumed without additives, served with a cup of tea, milk, cocoa or coffee. Cooking beginners are advised to cook a biscuit in, because the temperature and humidity set by the Baking program are ideal for uniform baking of the cake. This article will help you learn all the subtleties of its preparation.

To prepare a lush and high cake, you should beat the eggs with sugar for about 10-15 minutes. For this purpose, a whisk or blender is suitable. Biscuit dough is perfect for baking a cake or making cakes in the form of balls put on a stick, etc.

Difficulties when baking in the oven are usually caused by excess temperature, which leads to the formation of a crust, which creates a barrier to moisture when evaporating from the dough. This can cause the inside of the dough not to bake, and the outside of the biscuit may burn.

The most delicious recipes

Classic recipe


  • eggs - 4-5 pieces;
  • 1 glass of sugar and flour;
  • a quarter teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • to lubricate the bowl - a piece of butter.

The recipe for a biscuit in a slow cooker is simple, it will take 15 minutes to prepare the products, 45 minutes to cook, the total duration of the process is 60 minutes.

Eggs should be thoroughly mixed with sugar until foam is obtained, this will take about 10-15 minutes. Add vanilla sugar. Sift a glass of flour thoroughly and mix without beating so that the splendor of the dough does not disappear. Raise it with a spoon from the bottom up, kneading.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, transfer the dough into it and bake for 45-60 minutes, turning on the "Baking" mode (in different models of units, the time is different). After the beep, take out the pastry and let it cool.


A chocolate biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker is a wonderful pastry that can be served with coffee or tea, it can become the basis for the Sheep cake. The recipe differs from the white biscuit by the addition of cocoa powder, while the baking time becomes slightly shorter, up to 45 minutes.

For 8 servings you will need:

  • 1 glass of wheat flour and sugar;
  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • a little butter to grease the multicooker bowl.

The whole procedure will take about 1 hour. First, mix the flour with cocoa powder, sift them into a bowl. Divide chilled eggs into yolks and whites.

Beat the yolks and sugar with a whisk or until fluffy. Pour the flour and cocoa mixture into it and mix gently. Beat chilled egg whites for about 7 minutes until stiff peaks. They are ready if the mass does not move when turning the bowl. Gently fold egg whites into chocolate batter. Using the folding method (scooping like a spatula from the bottom up), knead the dough. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter and put the chocolate dough into it.

Cook the biscuit in the “Baking” mode for about 45 minutes, then activate the “Heating” mode for 5 minutes. Remove the biscuit using a steamer insert and let it cool.

Would you like to use a sponge cake as a base for a cake? Experienced chefs recommend that it stand for at least 10 hours.

The result will be a delicious cupcake with a height of 5 cm, the weight of which will be about 550 g. If you cut it into 2-3 cakes and smear with cream, and then decorate with berries, pour with icing or cream, sprinkle with confectionery powder, nuts, you will get an original cake .

With honey

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 180 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 20 grams of butter.

First you need to separate the yolks from the whites (take the eggs at room temperature). Add a pinch of salt to the proteins, beat them until white foam, about 10 minutes. Divide the sugar into 3 parts, add a third of its amount to the foam and beat, add the 2nd part of the sugar, mix again.

Beat the yolks with the rest of the sugar, and then pour in the honey. Add the yolk-sugar mixture to the proteins, mix again.

Sift flour into a bowl with eggs, mix thoroughly with a silicone spatula, moving it in one direction. At the end, add soda or baking powder, mix.

Lubricate the bowl with a piece of butter, pour in the mixture and activate the "Baking" mode for 45-60 minutes (depending on the model of the kitchen device, strictly according to the instructions).

Based on kefir

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 5 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar and flour;
  • 100 milliliters of kefir;
  • 2 teaspoons of butter (butter or vegetable);
  • 15 g vanilla sugar.

Whisk the eggs thoroughly in a deep bowl. Pour in the sugar and mix gently with a mixer. Pour half a glass of kefir, sift a glass of flour here, pour vanilla sugar. Then grease the bowl with a spoonful of butter and transfer the dough. Activate the "Baking" function for 1 hour.

Although cocoa powder is not added to this dough, the cake takes on a chocolate hue due to the jam.

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 300 g of sugar;
  • a glass of currant jam;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • a tablespoon of butter.

Whisk the eggs in a high bowl until white foam is obtained. Add sugar and kefir, and then gradually pour in the jam. Sift flour and baking soda into this bowl. Lubricate the bowl with oil, pour the dough into it and start the “Baking” mode.

Biscuit cakes with buttercream

Biscuit Dough Ingredients:

  • 6 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

For cream:

  • 250-gram pack of butter;
  • can of condensed milk.

For impregnation:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla essence;
  • cognac or rum.

Mix sugar with eggs and vanilla sugar with a mixer for 10 minutes. up to 4x volume and white. If the mass is well whipped, then a trace of the whisk remains on it, this is an indicator of readiness.

Sift flour into another bowl, add baking powder and mix well.

Gently pour the flour into the mixture of eggs and sugar, mix with movements from the edges to the center, quickly and in one direction. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable or butter. Put the dough into it, smooth it well. Bake the cake until light golden brown. Cool it down completely.

To prepare the syrup, pour sugar into water, bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve. Cool the syrup and add vanilla essence, cognac or rum to it.

To prepare the cream, beat the butter with a mixer until the mass becomes fluffy and airy, about 5 minutes. Without ceasing to beat the mass, introduce 1 tablespoon of condensed milk into it until the cream becomes airy.

Assemble the cakes by cutting biscuits out of the cake with a metal mold (their diameter can be 4-5 centimeters). Crumble the scraps with your hands to sprinkle the cakes. Soak each cake with syrup.

Lubricate the halves with a layer of cream, glue them together, grease the sides and top. Roll the cakes in crumbs from the biscuit scraps.

You can decorate cakes with cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate or cooking powder, refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

  1. If you take the cake out of the oven right away, it will fall off.
  2. Be sure to separate the biscuit for the roll from the mold hot, otherwise it will dry out and crumble. For other desserts, cool the cake to room temperature and then remove from the multicooker bowl. It is better to cut it no earlier than 4 hours after baking.
  3. The biscuit bowl must be clean and free of grease or moisture, otherwise the dough will not be fluffy.
  4. The sequence of whipping the components is important: first beat the yolks (or whole eggs), then add sugar, and then flour.
  5. Eggs should be beaten at the maximum power of a blender or combine until an elastic foam is formed, while it will increase by 4 times in volume. If using a whisk or a hand mixer, beat the dough in 1 direction, otherwise it will settle. The mass of eggs will be similar in consistency and color to whipped cream.
  6. Pour sugar into the mass of eggs gradually, otherwise it will lose splendor, stir until the eggs are completely dissolved.
    When adding flour, reduce the speed of beating, little by little, some use a whisk so that the mass does not settle during beating. Kneading the dough after adding flour should be done at high speed so that the biscuit becomes more magnificent.
  7. Adding zest, raisins, dried apricots and other ingredients is best done after kneading the flour, and very carefully so that the tender biscuit does not fall off.
  8. Many people recommend using parchment that has been oiled (not floured) so that the biscuit does not stick to the pan. The form should be cooled before cooking by placing it in the refrigerator in advance so that the biscuit becomes tender.
  9. After kneading the dough, do not insist, but bake immediately. When preparing a biscuit, try not to make noise and avoid fuss around, it is delicate and can settle from harsh sounds.
  10. If the biscuit for the cake in the slow cooker is ready, this can be seen from the golden crust, there are no dents on it when lightly pressed with a finger, and if you pierce the cake with a wooden stick, it will remain dry.
  11. It is better to leave the finished biscuit in the bowl for 10-15 minutes, and then carefully remove it from it. Place the mold on a damp towel to make the cake easier to move away from the edges. Using the recipes from the article, take a look at the step-by-step photos to make the cooking process clearer.
  12. Biscuits can be soaked in juice or syrup using brushes or watering cans. When preparing a biscuit for a roll, add a little butter to the dough to increase the elasticity of the cake. Parchment paper will help to roll up the roll easily. The filling for the roll should be taken thick so that it does not flow out.


Biscuit is ideal for making a variety of pastries and cakes, and by adding berries or fruits to the dough, you get a fragrant charlotte that can be served with tea.

We hope that you learned a lot of useful things from this article and used the biscuit recipe in a slow cooker to please your loved ones with fragrant fresh pastries.

This pastry is often referred to as "pastry bread" as the biscuit is most commonly used to create cakes, rolls, brownies and candies. Also biscuit dough is very capricious. Not many people manage to bake a lush and high cake out of it the first time, but there is good news: absolutely everyone will be able to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker. This gadget in the kitchen can compete with the oven.

Classic biscuit in a slow cooker

The success of baking a classic biscuit, both in the oven and in the slow cooker, depends on the correct proportions of the constituent components, and they will be as follows:

  • 4 large selected eggs or 5 smaller chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 160 g wheat flour of the highest quality;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 20-30 g butter for greasing the bowl.

Baking process step by step:

  1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar there. Beat these ingredients with a mixer smoothly moving from medium to maximum speed. The whipping process should last 10-15 minutes, so that the mass becomes light and takes up 2-3 times more space in the bowl than the original one.
  2. To keep the dough from falling off, the vanilla powder and flour are mixed in with a spatula in small portions, moving from the bottom up. Previously, these ingredients must be sifted through a fine sieve 2-3 times.
  3. Grease a multi-pot with a small piece of butter. Carefully transfer the dough into it, level the surface and cook under the closed lid in the “Baking” or “Cupcake” mode. The duration of direct baking will depend on the power of the appliance and can be 45-60 minutes.

To determine the readiness of the biscuit, it is enough to press it with your finger in the center, it is ready if it springs and restores its shape. Otherwise, after the end of the program, it should be kept warm for a while.

Fluffy and tender pastry

The most magnificent pastries are obtained when, in the process of kneading the dough, the proteins and yolks are separated. But for everything to really work out, not a single drop of the yolk should get into the whites.

To bake a magnificent biscuit in a slow cooker, you need to take:

  • 7 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 30 g starch.

Baking method:

  1. Separate whites and yolks. Beat first with half of the prescription sugar until fluffy. Separately, beat the yolks with the rest of the regular and vanilla sugar. Purpose: to get a light lush mass.
  2. Put the yolks into the whites in small portions and mix very carefully so that the foam does not settle.
  3. In small portions, sifting the mixture of flour and starch to the eggs, also gently knead the airy dough.
  4. Transfer it to a greased multicooker bowl and bake using the standard multicooker settings for this dish.

chocolate biscuit

You can bake a chocolate biscuit in a slow cooker by simply replacing part of the flour with cocoa powder, or you can make mega chocolate pastries by introducing real dark chocolate into the dough.

For such a biscuit you need to take:

  • 4 fresh eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g dark chocolate (from 70% cocoa);
  • 100 g of powdered sugar or fine sugar;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 240 g flour.

How to bake:

  1. With a mixer, beat the soft creamy butter into a fluffy foam with powdered sugar, then continue to beat the mass one at a time, add chicken eggs.
  2. When all the eggs are mixed in, turn off the mixer and use a spoon to stir in the sour cream first, and then the sifted mixture of flour, salt and baking powder.
  3. Melted chocolate goes into the dough last. You should get a thick, homogeneous and slightly oily dough, which you need to bake for 65 minutes using the standard "Baking" function. A biscuit can easily fall off from any sudden movement or temperature drop, so the multicooker cannot be moved during its operation and, moreover, open the lid.
  4. Hold the finished biscuit for 20 minutes with the lid open, and then remove it to the steamer grate and cool.

Biscuit on kefir - step by step recipe

This pastry turns out to be quite lush, as befits a biscuit, but at the same time moist, not requiring impregnation, so such a kefir biscuit is suitable as a base for a cake. The dough contains vegetable oil, but it can be replaced with fruit puree to reduce the calorie content of the dessert.

List of ingredients:

  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 5 g of baking soda;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 280 g of crystalline sugar;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g flour.


  1. In a separate container, mix soda and kefir, set aside for 10-15 minutes, so that a neutralization reaction occurs.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until white and increase in size. Pour kefir and soda into the lush egg-sugar mass, then stir in the flour and, lastly, add vegetable oil.
  3. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, you can lay a circle of parchment of a suitable diameter on the bottom. Transfer the dough into it and cook using the same “Baking” option.
  4. After the biscuit has cooled a little in the slow cooker, you need to get it out and let it cool completely. The finished cake can be cut lengthwise and make a cake, or you can simply cut into portions and serve with tea.

With added honey

An incredibly fluffy biscuit can be baked by adding bee honey to the traditional ingredients of the dough. Depending on the diameter of the bowl, the height of the cake can be more than ten centimeters.

In what quantity you need to take products:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 180 g of bee honey;
  • 10 g of baking soda;
  • 400 g flour.

Algorithm of culinary processes:

  1. Prepare a steam bath, put honey and soda on it. Heat this mixture, stirring constantly with a spoon, until it doubles in volume.
  2. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer for at least ten minutes until fluffy and foamy. Pour in hot honey, beat a little more.
  3. Then add flour in small parts, but do not mix it with a mixer, but with a spoon or a silicone spatula.
  4. Run a piece of soft butter on the inside of the multicooker bowl, put the dough into it and bake for about 80 minutes, as the cake will turn out to be high.
  5. An option is possible when it will be necessary to additionally set the duration of baking. It usually takes 50 to 65 minutes to cook, depending on the power of the oven. For a tall biscuit or a double portion of dough, it can take up to an hour and a half.

    Just as you can’t open the oven while baking a biscuit, you can’t even lift the lid of the multicooker or rearrange it from place to place on the table so that the pastry does not fall off.

    For the same reason, for the first half hour after the timer signal, the cake is cooled in a multi-pan, and only then removed. The steamer grate that comes with the kit is good for cooling.

    The only drawback of a biscuit in a slow cooker is the absence of a fried crust on top, but this nuance can be easily hidden by turning the cake over with the fried side up or pouring glaze over it.
