
Risotto with turkey and vegetables. Non-drunk risotto with turkey and portobello mushrooms

The turkey is a poultry native to America. Now in Russia it is less popular than, but more and more often it can be found in ordinary grocery stores. What makes turkey meat so popular? Such meat is considered dietary, it is absorbed even better than chicken, it has almost no cholesterol. Turkey contains a lot of iron and zinc, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on immunity. Due to the fact that the turkey contains folic acid and is a hypoallergenic product, it is recommended to use it for pregnant, lactating, as well as children from 7 months of age. Risotto is a symbol of northern Italy. There are many recipes for this dish, but rice is always present. In addition to rice, there may be vegetables, fruits, meat or seafood. You yourself can choose what you like. But in this recipe, we will show you how to cook turkey risotto.

Place all stock ingredients in a saucepan and cover with cold water.

Simmer over low heat for 2.5 hours, then strain and reheat.

Put half the butter in a heavy saucepan and simmer the onion there for 5 minutes until translucent.

Add rice, salt. Keep it on low heat, stirring until each grain is saturated with oil. Pour in the white wine.

After the wine, start adding hot broth with a ladle (you will need 1 liter of broth).

Before adding the next ladle, wait until the previous portion is absorbed and evaporated. Don't forget to stir the rice. The process will take 18-20 minutes. At the tenth minute, add the turkey and chestnuts.

Rice should not boil into a porridge, but remain slightly hard inside. Taste it, salt and pepper. You can add some lemon juice.

The risotto should be very juicy and creamy, but not runny.

Stir the risotto with the remaining butter. To create a creamy texture, serve risotto with grated parmesan.

As you can see, making risotto is not difficult at home, so you don't have to travel to Italy to try it.

Enjoy your meal!

For cooking you will need:

  • Turkey fillet 500 gr
  • Champignon mushrooms 300 gr
  • White asparagus 150 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper 1 pc
  • Long grain rice 150 gr
  • Canned sweet peas 2 table spoons
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Garlic 3-5 cloves
  • Black ground pepper and peas
  • Bay leaf and salt
  • Olive oil
  • Greenery

You can prepare an unusual risotto with turkey as follows:

Rinse the turkey, pat dry and cut into small pieces. Boil in lightly salted water until soft. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add parsley and peppercorns. Cool the finished “bird of happiness” and cut into strips.

In a deep frying pan, sauté the finely chopped onion in olive oil. Add washed and dried rice. Stir and simmer a little. Pour in the turkey stock so that the rice is hidden. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Top up the broth as needed.

What rice to choose for risotto? Gourmets will never take Central Asian rice. Only three Italian varieties can create a special texture of the dish: Carnaroli, Vialone nano and Arborio. While Carnaroli is creamy, Arborio is very gentle. If you manage to see these varieties for sale, be sure to buy and take care only for risotto.

Add chopped mushrooms, sweet bell pepper pieces and asparagus to the rice.

Keep on medium heat under the lid for another 15 minutes. Add minced garlic, turkey strips and green peas. Mix thoroughly and remove from stove.

You can really surprise by preparing wild black rice risotto. The taste of the dish will be spicier, and the view will be more interesting.

The dish should rest for 10-15 minutes. Arrange the dish with the turkey on plates and garnish with thin slices of hard cheese with herbs.

Tasty ideas:

Nettle salad goes well with an Italian dish. And for dinner to be completely Italian, serve sfincione - a Sicilian tomato cake.

Cooking instructions

50 minutes Print

    1. In a saucepan in cold water, put the turkey breast fillet cut into small pieces. After boiling, cook for 25 minutes. We remove the foam. This is our future broth. It can be lightly salted. If you wish, you can throw a bouquet of garni (there is a wonderful video about THIS on this site). Crib How to prepare a bouquet garni

    2. At this time, cut the vegetables into small cubes: onions, carrots, celery. Crush the garlic with the side of a knife. Wipe medium-sized portobello mushrooms with a napkin, cut in half and cut into slices.
    Crib How to cut an onion

    3. In a pan, heat half the butter with olive oil. Fry the garlic and remove it. Next, fry the onion over medium heat until it becomes soft and translucent. What should not be allowed in any case is that the onion becomes fried, that is, it changes color.

    4. We send the rest of the vegetables to the pan. Saute for a few minutes until the vegetables are slightly soft.

    5. Then pour the rice into the pan - in one quick circular motion, mix it with onion and oil, and then cook for about 30 seconds, stirring often and again not allowing the color to change. Ideally, all rice should be soaked in oil.

    6. Now it's the turn of the meat. We take it out of the broth with a slotted spoon, let the water drain. The broth continues to simmer all over. We send the turkey meat to the pan, mix well.

    7. We omit the stage with wine, because we will prepare a non-drunk version of risotto, which children will also appreciate. Start adding hot broth. Take a ladle, scoop up the broth and pour it in a quick circular motion into the pan with the rice. Set aside the ladle, take a large wooden spoon or spatula and mix the broth with rice with it. After thirty seconds, repeat the mixing. Repeat in the same vein until almost all the liquid is absorbed into the rice. Tool Decanter Proper serving of wine suggests that the bottle should be uncorked three hours before drinking, so that the wine “breathes” and opens up. In practice, you have to resort to the help of a decanter. This transparent carafe with a wide bottom is needed for two operations. Old wines are decanted not so much to breathe (their fragile structure can suffer from additional manipulation), but to ensure that the sediment remains in the bottle; young wines are ready to drink immediately thanks to aeration.

    8. Add a ladle of broth again and mix again. As a result of this constant stirring of rice with boiling broth, the outer starch is separated from the rice grains, and a wooden spoon allows you to do this as gently and naturally as possible.

    9. When the rice is about half done, and about half of the broth is also left, add the mushrooms to the risotto. Then continue to add broth and stir.

    10. When the rice is completely ready (that is, it becomes soft, but at the same time retains a distinctly hard core - this will happen after 18-20 minutes of stirring and adding the broth), remove the pan from the heat and leave it completely at rest for exactly 1 minute.

    11. Add the remaining butter, cold and cut into small cubes, and the cheese grated on a fine grater, and quickly and gently knead the entire resulting mass until completely homogeneous. Check for taste, add salt and pepper if required (cheese and broth already contain salt). Then we lay out the risotto on warm plates, decorate with arugula (arugula can be omitted if children eat, most of whom are not enthusiastic about this greenery) and instantly serve it to the table.

We present to your attention a recipe for a delicious dish that will conquer everyone with its delicate taste.

This Italian dish is bound to fall in love with you. It is very easy to prepare, so even a novice hostess can handle it. The dish turns out fragrant, satisfying and very appetizing. Save the recipe and dilute your menu with such yummy.

Required Ingredients

  • 250 gr rice
  • 100 gr turkey meat
  • 500-750 ml stock
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 50 gr hard cheese
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • salt and dried garlic to taste

Starting the process

  1. First of all, boil the turkey thighs in salted water with the addition of herbs. Then we cool and remove the skin. Then you need to separate the meat from the bone and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onion and cut it finely. We send to a preheated pan with olive oil to fry until soft. Fire should be medium.
  3. Then we put rice on the onion, while it is not necessary to wash it. We need to keep all the starch and not violate the required consistency of a real risotto.
  4. Add dried garlic and mix well. We continue the frying process for another two minutes.
  5. After the required time has elapsed, we pour here two ladles of broth in which our turkey was cooked. Stirring constantly, cook until it absorbs half of the liquid. Then add another portion of the broth. So you need to add it until the rice is fully cooked.
  6. When it reaches half readiness, you need to add the prepared turkey meat and continue the process.
  7. Turn off the fire when our rice is cooked. Then immediately add the butter and mix well.
  8. Using a grater, we rub the cheese on a small fraction and sprinkle the prepared dish with it. Mix well again and serve hot.

You may also like the recipe of which you will find on our Recipe Ideas website.

Risotto is the same famous Italian dish as pasta or pizza. Traditionally, it is made from special starchy rice varieties - Arborio is the most common in our stores. The essence of making risotto lies precisely in the process itself and the resulting consistency, and not in the ingredients that make up the dish, such as wine or cheese. That is, each housewife has the right to decide for herself what to cook risotto with, whether to add wine, butter and cheese, to cook a dish based on broth or water, etc.

I'm making turkey risotto today. I think round rice is quite suitable for this dish, so if you don’t happen to have “rice for risotto” in your kitchen, use round grain. In addition to rice, I take boiled turkey meat and broth, respectively, from the same turkey. From vegetables, only onions will be used, from spices - salt and dried garlic. For stewing I use olive oil in order to make the dish more refined and, so to speak, Italian. And, of course, butter and cheese (I use semi-hard) - for a viscous, homogeneous creamy consistency of the finished dish.

The ingredients are ready! Let's start cooking!

In advance, I boil the parts of the turkey thigh in salt water with the addition of dry herbs: thyme, marjoram and basil. So the rice will be stewed immediately in a liquid that is fragrant and saturated with bright flavors.

Cool the boiled turkey, remove the skin and separate the meat from the bone.

And then cut into smaller pieces.

Let's prep the rest of the ingredients. We cut the onion as small as possible so that the risotto is more uniform.

We rub the cheese on a fine grater. I took a small bar about 50 grams.

We heat up the pan. Pour in the olive oil and immediately add the onion.

Simmer over low heat until soft.

Pour rice over the onion. Attention: not washed, but straight out of the package! This is done in order not to wash out all the starch from the rice and not to disturb the desired consistency of the future risotto. Also add garlic. Stir and keep on fire for a couple of minutes.

Pour in a couple of ladles of broth and finally begin to cook rice, constantly stirring the contents of the pan. This is done so that the rice grains rub against each other, turning the starchy shells into gruel.

As soon as the rice absorbs half of the liquid, add another portion of the broth. Repeat this process until the rice is ready.

With every minute, the rice will boil more and more, and your dish will approach the required condition.

Approximately in the middle of cooking, that is, when the rice is half cooked, add turkey meat to the pan.

Stir and continue cooking. Pour in the broth again, stir and follow the changes.

When the rice is ready (here we focus on our taste and tooth, as well as on the homogeneous structure of the dish), turn off the heat and add butter to the risotto, stir it into the rice.

Next, add the cheese and mix again, making a movement of eight.

Here is such a homogeneous, viscous and, of course, insanely delicious risotto with turkey turned out!

Serve to the table and enjoy life along with a delicious home-cooked Italian dish :)

Turkey risotto is ready! Bon appetit!
