
Rice with fish and shrimp. Fried rice with shrimp

step by step recipe with photo

Rice is not picky about partners: add meat to it - it will be delicious, put vegetables - also not bad, make a sweet sauce - great, a seafood cocktail - please ... The main thing is not to overcook the rice, but choose the right spices and sauce for additional products.

In Spain, one of the variants of the cult (especially for tourists) national dish, paella, is prepared with seafood.

Of course, it would be too bold to call our version of rice with shrimp paella, but extra modesty is also useless: try it - it's very tasty!


  • boiled-frozen shrimp - 500 g
  • rice - 300 g
  • onions - 3 pcs.
  • sweet carrots - 3 pcs.
  • ginger - 1 g
  • black pepper - 1 g
  • salt - 2 g
  • red pepper - on the tip of a knife

The total cooking time is 40 minutes, the number of servings is 3-4.


1. You must first select the shrimp. We advise you to take boiled-frozen ones, it is much faster to work with them.

2. Shrimps must be kept in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Drain the liquid and pour over with boiling water again. So they are completely defrosted.

3. Wash the rice, add it to the pan and boil until half cooked for 10-15 minutes.

4. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Put it in a hot pan and lightly fry.

5. Peel the carrots and cut into strips. Add it to the skillet and stir-fry.

6. As soon as the onion begins to turn golden brown, you need to add rice to the pan. When all the ingredients are in the pan, you need to add all the seasonings.

7. At the very end, shrimp are added.

8. Add 50 - 100 ml of water to the pan. Rice should be well stewed.

9. Arrange the finished dish on plates, garnish with shrimp.

Note to the owner

1. The description of the culinary process suggests the best method for defrosting shrimp. It is not worth treating them like meat, that is, keeping them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a long time. There they will thaw too slowly, gradually losing the juice that formed inside them during the initial heat treatment - even before freezing.

2. Despite the fact that the time for boiling rice is stipulated here, you still need to independently monitor the stage of its half-readiness. Surely the housewives noticed that one type of cereal boils quickly, the other much more slowly. It is necessary to get 3-4 grains with a slotted spoon, rinse with cold water and bite them. If the middle is crunchy, and the outer part is softened, it's time to remove it from the burner.

3. Many cooks pour rice with shrimp before stewing not with water, but with fish broth. True, it is less often found in the refrigerator of most families than chicken or beef. But there is always stored saury or mackerel in its own juice. We add this liquid to boiling water, carefully straining it so that pieces of fish do not get into it, and we get the ingredient we need. What a wonderful smell the dish will acquire!

4. A handful of black rice mixed with white will transform the appearance of this dish and turn it into a savory delicacy.

Rice with shrimp is a wonderful classic combination and also tasty and nutritious. These dishes can be served for lunch and dinner. They are prepared according to various recipes and which one to prefer depends only on you.

Rice and shrimp are prepared in various variations, while you can add to them not only all kinds of seasonings, but also vegetables, meat, nuts, fruits and sauces. In this article, we will present some of the most interesting and uncomplicated recipes that you can cook in just twenty minutes in your kitchen.

Classic variant

Thais were the first to cook rice with shrimp in this country, this traditional dish and you can even call it the hallmark of Thai cuisine. Rice is used special glutinous, with a high content of starch. It is only steamed. A feature of this dish is that you can enter a variety of vegetables and fish into it at your discretion.

In Europe, additional ingredients may be cheese, chicken meat, mushrooms, eggs, corn, etc.

Very often, this Thai dish is confused with the Italian risotto dish, since the main ingredients are almost the same. But there are differences in preparation and consistency. The Thai version is rice porridge with all kinds of additives, and the Italian one is a pasta-like soup. As we have already said, preparing this dish is extremely simple, you just need to adhere to the technology and prepare the products required by the recipe in advance.


  • 250 grams of rice;
  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • oil three tablespoons;
  • one bulb;
  • a head of garlic;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.


  1. First you need to properly cook the rice. First of all, it must be thoroughly washed and sent to a saucepan.
  2. We boil water.
  3. Fill with boiling water, as they say waist-deep.
  4. We put the saucepan on the stove and cook over high heat, without covering it with the addition of salt and one tablespoon of oil.
  5. As soon as the rice begins to boil, cover the saucepan with a lid. We reduce the fire and cook for 20 minutes. Important! Rice is not stirred during cooking!
  6. Then, after this time, we remove it from the stove and let it stand for about 7 minutes, and then put it on a large plate to cool it down.
  7. We clean the onion, cut into strips and fry with the addition of oil until it becomes translucent.
  8. I put it in a separate bowl.
  9. Shrimps need to be thawed, peeled and fried in the remaining oil in a frying pan for 5 minutes.
  10. Now you need to add the rice, which has already cooled down by this time, then the onion.
  11. Mix well and cook, stirring constantly. To prevent the dish from being dry, you can add a little olive oil.
  12. Finely chop the garlic and send to our dish and mix everything well!

Ready! Bon appetit!

Video "With carrots and green peas"

This video shows how to cook shrimp rice with carrots and green peas.

With added vegetables

You can use all your favorite vegetables in this recipe, or whatever you have on hand, but we recommend bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and eggplant.


  • about three hundred grams of rice;
  • shrimp 250 grams;
  • set "FROZEN VEGETABLES" 400 grams;
  • gamma thirty green onions;
  • four tablespoons of oil;
  • salt,
  • seasonings.


  1. The first step is to properly wash the rice and send it to hot water.
  2. Next, you need to salt, bring to a boil and cover the saucepan with a lid.
  3. Cook over low heat until the water evaporates.
  4. We wait 15 minutes and discard it in a colander.
  5. Rinse well under running cool water. Rice should not be sticky.
  6. Now you need to pour sunflower oil into a saucepan and heat it.
  7. We spread the "vegetable mix" in the pan and fry (stirring often) until it becomes soft.
  8. Finely chop the green onion and send it to a saucepan, then rice, salt and add seasonings.
  9. Defrost the shrimp and send to the rest of the ingredients. Mix well.
  10. Under the lid, cook for another 6 minutes.

Serve as an independent dish with soy sauce.

With mushrooms and cheese

This dish not only has an unusual taste, but also quite high-calorie. Mushrooms are suitable for any and champignons and the simplest ones that grow in the forest.


  • three hundred grams of mushrooms;
  • two hundred grams of shrimp;
  • four hundred grams of rice;
  • vegetable oil about 30 milliliters;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • cheese about 150 grams;
  • spices;
  • salt.


  1. We process mushrooms depending on their type. If it is forest, then do not forget to wash and clean them thoroughly. Next, put them in a saucepan with boiling water. Cook for about one hour and discard in a colander (to drain excess water). If the mushrooms are large, then they need to be cut into pieces.
  2. We salt the water and send it to cook pre-washed rice.
  3. Cook until tender and set aside to cool.
  4. We fry the mushrooms in sunflower oil, and then we send rice directly to the pan to them and mix after adding seasonings.
  5. Thawed shrimp, send to a frying pan with rice.
  6. After 5 minutes, add soy sauce.
  7. Mix properly.
  8. We rub the cheese and send it to the pan with the rest of the ingredients.
  9. We cook the dish until it acquires a uniform consistency.
  10. We remove it from the stove and let it brew for six minutes.
  11. Serve hot.

This video shows a classic Thai shrimp rice recipe.

Step 1: cook the rice.

The first step is to prepare the rice. To do this, put the cereal in a clean saucepan and rinse with cool water several times until the liquid becomes clear. Then pour the rice with clean cold water at the rate of 3 cups of water to 1 cup of rice and put everything on the stove. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to cover the rice pot with a lid. As soon as all the water has boiled away, and the rice is ready, pour it into a colander and cool slightly.

Step 2: prepare green onions.

While the rice is cooking and cooling, prepare the rest of the ingredients. First, rinse the bunches of green onions under running water. And then cut them into slices. This can be done, of course, with a kitchen knife, but it is more convenient with special scissors.

Step 3: prepare the onion.

Peel the onion from the husk and chop it into small cubes or in any other way acceptable to you.

Step 4: cook rice with vegetables and shrimp.

When rice and other ingredients that require preparation are ready and waiting in the wings, it's time to start the main cooking stage. Therefore, heat up a frying pan and olive oil in it. Then add the onion and fry until golden brown, stirring all the time. Then open the package with a mixture of frozen vegetables and pour its contents into the lightly fried onions. You need to cook vegetables until all the water from them has evaporated and they become soft.

The next step is to add boiled rice and soy sauce to the vegetables thawed in a pan. Mix everything, sprinkle green onions on top. Also add other spices and salt if needed. Mix until all the spices are evenly distributed throughout the dish. You don’t need at all that the dish is in some places fresh, and in some places oversalted, so mix thoroughly.

Add the peeled frozen shrimp as the last ingredient. You don't need to defrost them first. Just add to the pan, mix with rice and vegetables. Now reduce the heat to the very minimum, cover the pan with a lid and cook the dish some more. 7-10 minutes. Do not forget to check for salt and other spices at the end, if everything is in order, then proceed to serving the finished dinner on the table.

Step 5: Serve rice with vegetables and shrimp.

Serve hot rice with vegetables and shrimp, transferring it to portioned plates. As a result, you got an independent and satisfying dish, so you don’t need to supplement it with anything. Just offer soy sauce and, for example, lemon juice to pour over the rice. Enjoy the light taste of seafood yourself and treat others.
Bon appetit!

You can add various vegetables as you wish. It can be, for example, fresh carrots, bell peppers or small corn on the cob.

When adding soy sauce to dishes, keep in mind that it is very salty, so be careful when adding other spices.

Ground white pepper goes very well with this dish, as well as paprika and ginger, both dried and pickled.

Whisk the eggs in a small bowl. Reduce the heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, until they are no longer liquid, as in the photo. Transfer them to the bowl with the shrimp and set aside. You can cover with foil so that they do not have time to cool.

  • Finely chop the green onion. Wipe the pan with a paper towel and turn on the high heat again. Add a tablespoon of oil and sauté green onions until fragrant. If you take ordinary white, then you need to cook it until soft.

  • Add rice to the pan and mix well. Spread it in an even layer and cook for one to two minutes, stir and cook for the same amount. In the process, he should hiss, do not be alarmed. Pour in two tablespoons of soy sauce and mix well.

  • Defrost the vegetable mixture according to package instructions and drain well. Add it to the pan along with the sesame oil. I had peas and carrots, but corn and bell peppers work well too. If there was no sesame oil at hand, then it is better to exclude it altogether and not replace it with anything. It's just for flavor.

  • Add eggs and shrimp and mix well. Continue cooking, stirring frequently, until the rice is very hot and sizzling again. By now the vegetables should be soft. Taste the dish and add some more soy sauce if you like. Serve hot. The recipe is adapted from the English blog Natasha's kitchen. Many thanks to the author.

  • You can use any vegetables you like for this dish. Instead of shrimp, you can add pieces of fish. If desired, you can add a little raisins or an apple to rice with vegetables and shrimp and pour soy sauce over everything. Then the taste of rice becomes sweetish.


    • Rice-1 glass.
    • Shrimps peeled-300g.
    • Bulgarian pepper-1pc.
    • Green peas-150g (frozen).
    • Corn-100g (frozen or canned).
    • Onion-1pc.
    • Carrot-1pc.
    • Lemon-1pc.


    • Salt.
    • Freshly ground pepper.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • A bunch of dill or parsley.

    STAGE 1

    Wash the rice in cold water. Then pour the rice with two glasses of hot water, salt to taste and cook until tender over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. After that, rinse the rice with cold boiled water.

    STAGE 2

    Wash the pepper, cut it in half lengthwise, cut off the stem and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into cubes with a side of 1 by 1 cm.

    STAGE 3

    Peel the carrots and onions, wash and cut into cubes.

    STAGE 4

    Fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft.

    STAGE 5

    Then add carrots, mix and fry for 2-3 minutes.

    STAGE 6

    Now add pepper, corn and peas, mix.

    STAGE 7

    Next, add the shrimp, mix, salt and pepper to taste and fry for 4-5 minutes.

    STAGE 8

    Add rice, mix and heat over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Pour the finished dish with lemon juice and serve with finely chopped dill or parsley. Rice with vegetables and shrimp is ready.

