
Recipes for baking bread in a bread machine. Simple bread in a bread machine: recipes and cooking secrets

The best bread is from a Russian oven, in extreme cases, cooked in the oven, and, of course, kneaded by hand. It carries not only the benefits of cereals, but also our love, a piece of our soul.

What to do if there is no time for the sacrament of kneading and baking bread? the site will tell you how to bake bread easily and quickly using a bread machine. Read our delicious article, even if you don’t have a bread maker yet - you will surely appreciate the simplicity of cooking bakery products in it and finally decide to purchase this kitchen appliance.

How to bake bread in a bread machine

  • Use fresh yeast. If there are none, then dry ones will do.
  • If you use dry yeast for baking, then baking will have a characteristic rich aroma.
  • For convenience, you can use ready-made mixes for baking bread, they are sold in specialized stores.
  • Be sure to sift the flour to make the bread soft and airy.
  • You can take any liquid for bread: water, kefir, milk, sour cream, whey, buttermilk. They can be used on their own or mixed in any proportion with water.
  • Follow the flour/liquid balance recommended for your bread machine model.
  • When replacing ingredients, be sure to take into account the amount of bulk and liquid components, as well as various additives, so as not to go beyond the norms for laying products indicated in the recipe.

How to make bread tastier and healthier

You can improve or slightly change the taste of the bread by adding the following ingredients:

  • Optionally, replace vegetable oil with butter to change the taste of bread to butter.
  • The egg will improve the nutritional value and taste of the bread (reduce the amount of water by the volume of the egg).
  • Additives in the form of sesame seeds will add spice.
  • An additive in the form of cottage cheese will make the bread more elastic, and it will have a slight sourness.
  • If you add raisins, prunes, dried apricots, especially in cereal bread, you get an excellent balanced dietary product.
  • Bran increases the content of vegetable fibers in bread.
  • Wheat germ gives bread a nutty flavor.
  • Spices - for example, cinnamon, cardamom - make the bread more aromatic.
  • The additive in the form of various oils will add flavor and softness to the bread.
  • When replacing water with milk, the calorie content of bread increases, and the bread becomes healthier and tastier.

4 recipes for bread in a bread machine

white bread recipe


  • Wheat flour - 400 g,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Water - 260 ml,

Put all the ingredients according to the instructions for your bread maker. If the yeast is natural, then they must first be dissolved in a small amount of water. Select the mode suitable for your baking, for example, "Basic" or "Main Menu", select the color of the crust, press the "Start" button.

Choux bread recipe

How to make bread in a bread machine

We put all the ingredients again, not forgetting the instructions for your bread machine. Pour boiling water over the malt, mix well, cool, then add to the rest of the ingredients. Baking mode "Rye bread", press "Start".

Bread made from several types of flour


  • Wheat flour - 225 g,
  • Corn flour - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Hercules flakes (rye, barley) - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons,
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered milk - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Oil - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Water - 220 ml,
  • Natural yeast - 15 g (or dry quick - 2 teaspoons).

Place all the ingredients inside according to your bread maker's instructions. If the yeast is natural, then they must first be dissolved in a small amount of water. Select the mode suitable for your baking, for example, "Basic" or "Main Menu", program the color of the crust, press the "Start" button.

Bread in a bread machine with cheese (video recipe)

There are many models of bread machines, but the principle of bookmarking is almost the same for all. We suggest you watch a video tutorial from which you will learn how to properly put the ingredients in the bread machine.

Hello! I am the kind of man who loves to cook delicious simple recipes in a bread machine! More recently, interesting bread machines have appeared in the world of cooking!

When I saw such a device for the first time, I didn’t take it very seriously, and besides, the price for them is usually not cheap!

Experienced chefs took a tricky path, and began to prepare recipes not in the oven, but in a convenient bread machine, it does not take up much space, and in the kitchen it is not hot from it like an oven, and sweet pastries and bread in the bread machine are prepared almost by itself!)

Most importantly, she cooks no worse, and even better than store-bought bread, and sweet pastries in a bread machine are also unusual with a crispy crust! Agree that it is very practical and convenient! Let's explore our first recipes!

No. 1. Sweet pastries with raisins in a bread machine

Half a kg of premium flour, dry yeast 2 tsp. spoons, half a teaspoon of salt, 3 eggs, half st. milk, 100 grams of butter. Filling: You can put raisins, nuts, dried apricots, but at least berries! Just a little, improvise with the filling as you like, and 5-6 table. spoons of sugar.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to wash the raisins and dried apricots in water, pour boiling water for swelling, if there is no swelling, then they will be tough in baking.
  2. While this whole thing swells, we will prepare the dough. Pour milk into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, salt, and mix well or beat until smooth, hold the butter in the room beforehand so that it becomes soft. Add that too and stir.
  3. I drain the water in dried apricots, and finely chop all this mass and add it to our liquid.
  4. We sift the flour and knead the dough, but in theory, this kneading process can be done in a bread machine, but we can help her in this process!
  5. Lubricate the bottom and walls in the bread machine with oil, it can be creamy, if not, then vegetable. We put our dough into it and set the desired function, for example, baking sweet pastries. If you do not want to bathe with kneading by hand, you can add everything to the bread machine and it will knead everything by itself.

After cooking, a very fragrant and airy loaf is obtained! Such pastries for tea, very personal! Let this pastry cool for 15-20 minutes, and call your family for tea!

Baking is laid out on the board, cut into portions and beautifully served to the table. This baking recipe resembles a large cupcake.

By the way, you can put there not only raisins and dried apricots, ground nuts, berries and even pieces of chocolate are great! Bon appetit everyone, we are studying the following recipes!

No. 2. Buns in a bread machine

This sweet pastry in a bread machine is also very simple and elementary! Cooking in it is a pleasure! We need to buy the following set of products:

Half a glass of raisins, warm milk 80 ml, 150 grams of butter, 2 eggs, one and a half glasses of flour, 4 table. spoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons of yeast.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is necessary to sort out the raisins, rinse and soak for 10-15 minutes in boiling water.
  2. There is a container in the bread machine, you need to pour milk into it, add soft butter, sugar in the corners, yeast, eggs, a pinch of salt and sifted flour in the center.
  3. Turn on the bread machine and set the dough kneading function.
  4. When the first stage of kneading the dough is completed, you can add raisins, and continue kneading.
  5. You can already complete the kneading at this point and turn on the baking function.

But I will advise you to make a cool shape that will be nice to eat!

In the bread machine, it is necessary to pull out the form with the dough, divide the dough into two parts, roll each part into a sausage, rewind these two parts together like a rope, grease it with yolk and put it in the oven in the form of a ring. Now you can bake for 15-20 minutes.

It will turn out very cool! Check out the following recipes!

No. 3. Poppy seed buns in the oven or bread machine

It turns out very soft and tender rolls that can be cooked in the oven or in a special bread machine.

To be honest, many people buy multicookers at home, I would be better off buying a bread machine if I were them. it is more useful. You can also cook food on the stove! In a bread machine, sweetness is better, it is crispy and the kneading procedure is also done by itself! What products do we need to buy:

Dough: One glass of milk (250 ml, if there is no milk, then you can use water), 2 chickens. eggs, 400 grams of premium flour, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of yeast.
For filling: Half a pack of butter (100 g), 70 grams of sugar and the same amount of poppy seeds, but to be honest, you can put 2 times more poppy seeds.

Let's start cooking:

If you will cook pastries in the oven, then we will knead the dough by hand, and if in a bread machine, then it will do everything for you. She sometimes still needs help, because. It happens that there is dough left on the walls.

  1. Pour warm milk into a container, yeast, salt, sugar, eggs and flour, set the kneading function and after a while the dough will be ready.
  2. Let the dough rise, leave for about an hour and a half.
  3. After raising the dough, roll it out into a layer, about 5 mm thick, grease with butter, sprinkle with sugar and poppy seeds.
  4. We roll everything up.
  5. In the bread machine we take out the form, and carefully put the roll into it, or you can cut it into buns and lay it in rolls.
  6. You can also bake in the oven, cut the roll into portioned buns, and bake for about 15-20 minutes (the oven temperature should be 180 degrees)

You can use any filling for these buns. For example, you can put walnuts, only they need to be ground in advance, various berries, apples and much more.

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Baking bread in a bread machine started about 5 years ago. During this time, we tried a lot of different recipes, but this one is the simplest ... My mother-in-law suggested this recipe to me. But, what is most interesting is that in a different bread machine, according to the same recipe, different breads and different tastes are obtained ...

Let's prepare our form and be sure to check the presence of the blades in the bread machine - I often forget to put them there ...

Ingredients per loaf weighing 1 kg. (1000gr.), even though I fit more (by 1350gr), but then the bread rises strongly, reaches the lid and falls.

I pour water first. Although I heard that if you first add dry ingredients, and then liquid ones, the bread turns out better. Checked - the same!

I pour 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil

We pour flour...
The quality of the bread depends a lot on the quality of the flour, the better the flour, the better the bread fits and bakes. It's already been verified! If the flour is high in moisture, the bread is not tasty and sometimes does not fit well or rises and falls (it turns out with a hole in the middle) ...

Sweetness depends on sugar - there is sweet sugar, but there is not sweet. You throw it the same amount, and the sweetness is different.

Salt 1.5 teaspoons. I use extra salt (fine and clean). Rock salt is usually very dirty. You can lay down sea salt, or even iodized.

1.5 tsp or 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dry yeast. I use Lviv fresh. If the yeast is fresh, then the bread will work better. If the yeast is not fresh (or damp) the bread is not suitable.

We put our form in the bread machine

And we turn on the weight of 1000g., The average baking crust and on ordinary bread. I have such bread baked 3 hours 18 minutes.

It turns out a beautiful bread, which, while baking, smells all over the porch ...

22.04.2014 2 169 0 ElishevaAdmin

Unsweetened pastries

Despite the fact that the bread maker was created specifically to create delicious, homemade and fragrant bread, do not forget that this is just a machine, and it is not capable of thinking and making decisions on its own. Almost all important points depend on you, such as measuring the correct amount of ingredients and adding them in a certain sequence. This is not difficult, but you also need to take into account that the products must be at room temperature, so they must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance.

Also, during kneading, you need to check the dough, and if there is no window in the bread machine, then do not be afraid to open the lid. The dough for homemade bread should be slightly sticky. If it is very soft, then you need to add a little sifted flour, and if it is dense, then liquid. Once again, you will need to check the dough when it has completely risen, as on hot days the mass can rise higher than necessary. If this does happen, it will rise above the mold and begin to flow onto the heating coils. So if your dough appears to have risen well before the start of the baking cycle, you have two options. So, the first thing: you can simply pierce the flour mass with a wooden stick so that it falls a little, and the second is to abandon the original program and select the “baking only” mode.

When homemade bread cooked in a bread machine is baked, it is better to immediately remove it from the mold. Turn the container upside down, after putting on thick mittens on your hands, or wrapping the bowl with a towel, and lightly shake several times. Keep it not too high above the surface, otherwise the bread may fall to the floor. In no case do not pull out the bread using a knife or other metal object, because it will ruin the coating of the form. If the dough mixing tool is stuck in a hot loaf, remove it only with a wooden spoon or spatula. The metal blade will be very hot, so don't even think about reaching for it with your hands or you'll burn yourself.

In order to cool the bread, it must be put on a wire rack and left in this state for at least half an hour. Then you can cut it, use a serrated knife for this so that it does not crumble.

To serve home-cooked bread warm, it must be wrapped in food foil and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Leave it there for ten to fifteen minutes so that the slices warm up well. In the same way, you can refresh a stale loaf.

You also need to be able to properly store the flour product. Wrap the cooled slices of homemade bread in foil or place in a plastic bag. Make sure it is tightly closed and there are no holes or openings anywhere. If you have prepared a loaf with a crispy crust, during such storage, even if not for a long time, it will become soft, so such bread should be stored without cutting, or eaten immediately. Ideally, homemade, and even purchased bread, must be used in two, maximum three days. Do not store it in the refrigerator, it will get stale faster there.

Freshly baked homemade bread can be frozen. To do this, put slices, buns, or a whole loaf in a special freezer bag, seal and send to the freezer. Thus, it can be stored for up to three months. Then you need to defrost at room temperature without taking it out of the bag. However, for some types of bakery products, freezing is not suitable, for example, a crispy French Couronne bun, after such cold procedures it will completely crumble.

Stale and slightly stale bread can always be cut into even cubes and dried in the oven. Such crackers go well with vegetable and mashed soups, they can be used in the preparation of desserts and as a breading.

Cheese bread with sesame seeds and cumin. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 1


1. Water - 160 ml

2. Olive oil - ½ tbsp.

3. Whole wheat flour - 300 g

4. Shredded cheese (grated) - 70 g

5. Cumin - 1 tsp

6. Sesame seed - 1 ½ tsp

7. Salt - 1 ½ tsp

8. Sugar - ½ tsp

9. Dry yeast - 1 tsp

Select the "Basic" baking mode.

French bread with dry basil. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 2


1. Flour (wheat) - 3 tbsp.

2. Water - 1 tbsp.

3. Dried basil - 2 tsp

4. Dry yeast - 2 tsp

5. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

6. Salt - 1 tsp

Select the "French" baking mode.

European black bread. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 3


1. Vegetable oil - 1 ½ tbsp

2. Warm water - 1 ¼ st.

3. Molasses - 2 ½ tablespoons

4. Corn flour - 1/3 tbsp.

5. Salt - 1 tsp

6. Bread flour - 1 tbsp.

7. Rye flour - 1 tbsp.

8. Cumin - 2 tablespoons

9. Dry yeast - 1 ½ tsp

Garlic bread with herbs. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 4


1. Dried basil - ¼ tsp

2. Warm water - 1 tbsp.

3. Dried rosemary - ½ tsp

4. Dried thyme - ¼ tsp

5. Bread flour - 3 tbsp.

6. Garlic - 2 cloves

7. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

8. Salt - 1 tsp

9. Olive oil - 2 tablespoons

10. Dry yeast - 2 tsp

Olive bread. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 5


1. Dry yeast - 1 ¼ tsp

2. Warm water - 1 tbsp.

3. Whole wheat flour - 1 tbsp.

4. Bread flour - 2 tbsp.

5. Dried marjoram - ½ tsp

6. Dried oregano - 1 tsp

7. Olive oil - 2 ½ tablespoons

8. Sugar - 2 ¼ tablespoons

9. Salt - 1 ¼ tsp

10. Olives or black olives - ½ tbsp.

From olives or olives, it is necessary to drain the liquid, remove the seeds and chop with a knife. It is necessary to add olives to the bread machine only after a beep.

Select the "Whole Grain" baking mode.

Bread with onions and cheese. Cooking recipe, using a slow cooker, No. 6


1. Liquid milk - 2 tbsp.

2. Warm water - 1 tbsp.

3. Salt - 1 tsp

4. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

5. Onion powder - 3 tbsp.

6. Hard Cheddar cheese - 1 tbsp. 4 tbsp

7. Bread flour - 3 tbsp. 4 tbsp

8. Dry yeast - 1 ½ tsp

Select the "White Bread" baking mode.

Light airy wheat bread. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 7


1. Bread flour - 2 tbsp.

2. Water - 1 ¾ st. or 1 tbsp. 12 tablespoons

3. Butter - 2 tbsp.

4. Salt - 2 tsp

5. Sugar - 4 tablespoons

6. Powdered milk - 2 tbsp.

7. Dry yeast - 1 ½ tsp

Select the "Whole Grain" baking mode.

Italian bread with fragrant basil. Cooking recipe, using a slow cooker, No. 8

1. Whole wheat flour - 2 tbsp.

2. Bread flour - 2 2/3 tbsp.

3. Water - 1 ½ tbsp.

4. Olive oil - 2 tbsp.

5. Salt - 1 ½ tsp

6. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

7. Dried basil - 1 tsp

8. Dry yeast - 2 tsp

Select the "Whole Grain" baking mode.

Sweet banana bread. Cooking recipe, using a bread machine, No. 9

1. Liquid milk - 1 tbsp.

2. Raw egg yolk - 2 pcs.

3. Bananas - ½ tbsp. or 8 tbsp.

4. Bread flour - 4 tbsp.

5. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

6. Salt - 2 tsp

7. Bread flour - 4 tbsp.

8. Butter - 2 tbsp.

9. Dry yeast - 1 ½ tsp

Select the "White Bread" baking mode.

Sweet orange bread. Cooking recipe, using a slow cooker, No. 10

1. Freshly squeezed orange juice - 2 tbsp.

2. Warm water - 1 tbsp.

3. Dry yeast - 2 tsp

4. Lemon zest - 1 tsp

5. Orange peel (grated) - 1 tsp

6. Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp.

7. Orange marmalade - 100 g

8. Powdered milk - 2 tbsp.

9. Wheat flour - 3 tbsp.

10. Salt - 1 tsp

11. Sugar - 1 tbsp.

12. Butter - 2 tbsp.

Select the "Basic" baking mode.

After studying our article, you will become a real guru for baking delicious, fragrant, sweet or spicy homemade bread. And so that the process does not take you much time, use a bread machine. Good luck to you!

How is a bread maker set up? In fact, this is a small-sized container with a non-stick coating and handles. You do not make any effort to knead the dough, but simply put all the ingredients (flour, sugar, salt, milk) according to the recipe inside, and the machine does the rest of the work according to the selected program. The bread maker will prepare the dough itself, knead the dough and present the ready-made bread. Golden brown or uncooked crust at the touch of a button of your choice. When the bread is ready, the bread maker will beep. Automated and how economical! From 1 kg of flour you can get 4 loaves of bread weighing 400 g each. Calculate how much you buy bread in the store and get significant savings. And store-bought bread cannot be compared with home-baked bread in taste and aroma. You can find recipes for a bread machine on our website, you can experiment with them and add something of your own. Our site presents the most diverse, proven, recipes for every taste for a bread machine. Make yeast white bread, rye or bran, French, or gourmet with additives, it's up to you. Recipes for buns, Easter cakes, charlotte and muffins, as well as dough for a bread machine will please any sweet tooth. If you are a fan of bread, then buying a bread machine will be a pleasant and irreplaceable gift. Convenient, practical and useful. Some models are equipped with additional features for those who like to experiment. Just imagine: you wake up in the morning, make delicious coffee and have breakfast with fragrant lush buns, freshly made by a bread machine. Classic bread will always make a nice breakfast, and a nice breakfast will start a successful day. Delicious fresh bread!
