
Recipes for zucchini jam with lemon, dried apricots and pineapple juice. Original zucchini jam with dried apricots

From which only modern housewives do not make jam: cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries and other berries have long ceased to amaze. Some ladies are trying to create simply amazing desserts from the peel of watermelon, melon and other fruits. But there is a delicacy that surprises many - this is zucchini jam. Those who try such a dessert for the first time are sincerely sure that they are eating pineapple and are very surprised to find out what the delicacy is actually made of.

If you still do not know how to make sweets from this unremarkable vegetable, then it's time to learn how to cook delicious zucchini jam.

Learning how to make zucchini jam with lemon

In cookbooks and on the tables of housewives, you can most often see not just vegetable jam, but with the addition of some other ingredients. Usually, women mix zucchini with something fragrant, such as citrus fruits. Therefore, the first step is to learn how to cook a delicacy with lemon.

To make jam you need:

  • Zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

To cook dessert, you must do the following:

  • Rinse the vegetable under running water, cut off the inedible parts and cut into small squares;
  • Place the zucchini in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and let it brew for at least 10 hours. During this time, the vegetable will give juice;
  • After the time has passed, put the pan on the gas, boil the future dessert and simmer for a quarter of an hour;
  • After that, add a lemon, previously peeled and cut into small pieces, into the bowl;
  • Stir the contents of the pan and cook for another quarter of an hour;
  • Remove the finished dessert from the stove, pour into pre-prepared and sterilized jars, close with lids;
  • Turn the jars upside down and leave until their contents have cooled. After that, you can put the jars in the place reserved for their storage.

Such a delicious and fragrant jam will appeal to your household and guests. The delicacy will remind you of summer days with its aroma and unique taste.

Dessert with the addition of orange turns out to be very tender and has a great taste. To prepare it you need:

  • Young zucchini - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 g;
  • Medium oranges - 3 pcs.

The process of creating a delicious treat will be as follows:

  • Zucchini should be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated on a large shredder;
  • Place the resulting mass in an enamel bowl and cover with sugar. Leave the mixture for 5-6 hours in a cool place;
  • After the future dessert is infused, you can send it to gas. The fire must be made medium and constantly stir the contents of the pan until it boils. After boiling, cook all 20 minutes;
  • Then remove the container from the heat and send for 4 hours in a cool place;
  • Rinse oranges, peel, divide into slices and cut. Add to saucepan;
  • Put a mixture of sugar, zucchini and orange on gas and boil, boil for a quarter of an hour;
  • Then again remove from the gas and insist 4 hours;
  • Send the pan to the fire, boil the contents, cook for 15 minutes. Only after that the sweet is ready, you can pour it into jars.

As you can see, it takes a long time to cook jam according to this recipe, but it's worth it.

Zucchini jam with lemons and oranges

If you add both citrus fruits to the dessert being prepared, then the taste and aroma will turn out to be more piquant and rich.

For cooking you need:

  • Young zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Oranges - 1.5–2 kg;
  • Lemons of medium size - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

So, let's start cooking:

  • Wash the zucchini thoroughly, peel, remove all seeds and fibers. Grate the vegetable on a large shredder;
  • Wash the orange and lemon under running water. Remove the peel from the fruit, clean the grains. Pass the fruits through a meat grinder or chop with a blender;
  • In a large saucepan, mix all the ingredients: zucchini, orange and lemon. Cover everything with sugar;
  • Put the container with the mixture on the stove and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil;
  • Cook the jam 60 minutes after boiling on minimum heat;
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and cool the treat. When it becomes cold, you can again send the container to the stove, boil and cook for 60 minutes;
  • After these manipulations, everything is ready, you can pour it into banks.

Although the recipe for zucchini jam with lemon and oranges is not so simple, it will serve as a wonderful filling for baking when ready. For those who want the treat to turn out in a beautiful syrup, it is recommended to increase the amount of sugar.

Zucchini jam with dried apricots

Having prepared sweets for such a recipe, you will definitely surprise your guests, since the taste of the vegetable will be very similar to pineapple and no one will guess what the dessert is actually made of.

For a culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • Young zucchini - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Dried apricots - 500 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

If all the ingredients are available, then proceed to the cooking process:

  • Wash the vegetable under running water, remove the peel and seeds from it. If the fruit is young, then it is not necessary to extract the seeds;
  • Cut the zucchini into arbitrary pieces;
  • Pour boiling water over dried apricots for a few minutes, remove from water and remove excess liquid with a paper towel;
  • Pass dried apricots and zucchini through a meat grinder;
  • Place the resulting mixture in an enameled bowl of a suitable size and pour sugar into it;
  • Put the pan on the fire and, armed with a wooden spoon, constantly stir the jam;
  • When the delicacy boils, make the fire minimal and cook the mixture for half an hour;
  • Rinse the lemon under running water, pour over with boiling water. After that, grate the fruit on a fine shredder. The zest does not need to be peeled off. Send the resulting slurry, as well as the juice, to the pan;
  • Boil all the ingredients together for a quarter of an hour. After that, the jam will be ready, you can pour it into jars and store.

It is worth saying that according to this recipe, zucchini jam is obtained in syrup, which has a beautiful color and a pleasant taste. In general, dessert - you will lick your fingers.

Zucchini jam with lemon, dried apricots or orange has a bright and original taste. If you want to experiment and cook this delicacy, then carefully read our recipes and recommendations! You will definitely succeed!

Zucchini jam for the winter

Preparing dishes.

As a rule, this type of blank is packed in prepared containers with a capacity of 1 liter. Before laying the sweet mixture, the container must be sterilized to get rid of all harmful bacteria. After washing, make sure that there are no cracks, chips or other defects on the glass. You can sterilize them in the following ways:

in the microwave
- in the oven
- for a couple

With any method of sterilization, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the glass. In addition, it is necessary to check the caps, which should be even, clean, with a good gasket and without rust. For cooking, prepare a large enameled pot or bowl, as well as a wooden spatula for stirring.

Fruit preparation.

For a sweet squash treat, fruits with a dense peel are suitable. The best option is Italian long-fruited zucchini. There are no special methods for preparing vegetables. They are usually washed, cleaned and cut into small cubes.

Zucchini jam: recipe


Lemon - 1 pc.
- water - 120 g
- zucchini - 1 kg
- granulated sugar - 1 kg


Pour sugar into the dishes for cooking, pour in water, make syrup (for 5 minutes). As soon as the syrup is ready, place the prepared fruits in it, pre-chopped lemon, cook it all for about 45 minutes. Pour the finished mass still hot into sterilized containers, roll up.

Zucchini jam with oranges

You will need:

- lemon
- carrot juice - 1 glass
- sugar - 0.7 kg
- zucchini - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

First of all, prepare the products: chop the lemon together with the zest in a meat grinder. Do the same with the orange. Add carrot juice, boil. Place prepared vegetables in a bowl for cooking, put sugar, orange-carrot juice, lemon, stir until juice appears. Leave the mixture for 15 hours to infuse. After the specified time, when the sugar crystals melt and the vegetables and fruits give juice, put the bowl on the stove, cook for 7 minutes. Move the workpiece for several hours in a cool room, and then boil again for half an hour. Pour the finished jam hot into pre-sterilized jars, cork.

Zucchini jam with pineapple

You will need:

A pineapple
- water - 120 g
- granulated sugar - 1 kg
- zucchini - 1 kg


Cut the prepared pineapple and zucchini into cubes, transfer to a container, leave for some time to let the juice flow. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, remove from heat. Let the jam brew, put it on the stove again, add chopped lemon, cook for half an hour. Pour the finished jam into sterilized containers, roll up.

How to cook zucchini jam

You will need:

Water - 50 g
- sugar - 220 g
- orange - 0.5 pcs.
- zucchini - 320 g

Cooking steps:

1. Peel the fruits from seeds and peel, crumble into cubes. Chop the orange into small pieces.
2. Put chopped vegetables in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in some water, boil, boil for 15 minutes.
3. As soon as the pieces become transparent and soft, add the orange, simmer for another 20 minutes.
4. Pour the workpiece hot into the prepared container.

It turns out very tasty.

Zucchini jam photo recipe.

Required products:

Lingonberries - 0.3 kg
- water - 0.1 liter
- granulated sugar - 1.3 kg
- zucchini - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Prepare sugar syrup. Cut the peeled vegetables into cubes, dip in boiling syrup along with cranberries. Boil the jam until the zucchini cubes are transparent.

Zucchini jam with apples.


- liquid honey - ½ cup
- ripe, sour apple
- medium squash fruit


Wash the fruit, remove the core and skin, grate on a coarse grater. Pass the lemon with the peel through a meat grinder, mix with honey. Peel the zucchini fruit, cut into strips, pass through a meat grinder, mix, boil. As soon as you get a homogeneous mass, stir it, cool it, put it in jars, cork it with metal lids.

Physalis recipe.

Required products:

Cloves - 2 things
- granulated sugar - 1.5 kg
- physalis - ½ kg
- zucchini - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

Cut the physalis fruits in half. If they caught you large, then in quarters. Peel the vegetables, chop them into cubes, put them together with physalis in an enameled saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, leave for 5 hours until the fruits start juice. To preserve a dense fruit, boil it in 3 doses with a break. Before the end of the boil, add a couple of clove buds.

Zucchini jam photo:

Recipe with spices.

Required products:

Lemon with zest - 1 pc.
- peeled squash fruits, sugar - 1 kg each
- carnation
- cinnamon

How to cook:

Rinse and peel the vegetables, cut out the seeds, chop into cubes, dip in boiling water for a few minutes, discard in a colander, then put in syrup. Grind the lemon together with the zest, add to the syrup, season with cloves and ground cinnamon. Boil all this until thickened. When draining, the workpiece should form a thin thread. Pack the treat in sterilized jars.

They are very tasty and

Zucchini jam with dried apricots.

You will need:

Sugar - 2 kg
- zucchini - 2 kilograms
- lemon
- dried apricots - 320 g

Cooking steps:

Dried apricots for cooking, take not too dry. Fill it with water, soak for an hour. Squeeze dried apricots from the water, transfer to a sieve, let it dry slightly, pass through a meat grinder. The lemon needs to be fairly large so that the skin is not too thick. After that, cut it into pieces, remove the seeds, scroll through a meat grinder. Stir the dried apricots and lemon, sprinkle with sugar, put on low heat so that it all warms up, stir in the vegetables, previously cut into small pieces, boil for one hour, roll into the prepared container, let cool without turning over. Transfer the cooled jam to the basement.

Variant with vanilla and lemons.


Vanillin sachet
- granulated sugar - 1 kg
- squash fruits - 2 kg
- lemon

Cooking steps:

Prepare the syrup. To do this, prepare the first two products. It should be pretty thick for you. Set aside the cooled liquid. Now take care of the vegetables. Before removing the skin from them, gently wash them, wipe dry. Add to vanilla, cook for 5 minutes, mix everything thoroughly. At the end, put the workpiece in dry jars, roll up.

Recipe with ginger.


Sugar - 3 kg
- lemon - 4 things
- ginger root - 55 g
- young squash fruits - 3 kg


Pick up fresh, neat fruits, cut them finely, remove the stalk in advance. Transfer to a saucepan, pour in a small amount of water, put on a small fire, cover, steam until they become soft. While the vegetables are simmering in a saucepan, thinly cut the ginger into slices, transfer it to a nylon bag, send it to a bowl with vegetables. Remove from heat, add sugar. Wash, dry citrus fruits, chop them into small pieces, remove seeds. Grind with a blender until smooth, mix in zucchini, cook at a time until cooked. Check the workpiece for density, place in sterile containers.

Peach option.

Required products:

Water - a couple of glasses
- sugar - 1.8 kg
- peaches, zucchini - 1 kg each


Select young vegetables, remove the skin from them. Gently chop them into pieces, set aside. Choose fairly firm peaches. It is better if they are underripe, then they will keep their shape perfectly. Go through them, see that there are no damages on the fruit. Wash them, let the liquid drain, discard the bones. Cut the halves into cubes. Do not remove the peel so that the halves keep their shape well. Combine peach slices with zucchini. Prepare sugar syrup. How to do this, read the previous recipes. Mix everything, leave for 20 minutes, allowing the crystals to dissolve well. Dip the cooled components into it, turn off the gas, leave all the products in the syrup. After two hours, put the mass on the stove. As soon as it boils, let it boil for five minutes, and then remove it. Repeat this procedure a couple more times. Between brews, the interval should be 6 hours. After the last cooking, put everything in dry containers, having sterilized them in advance.

Recipe with strawberries.

You will need:

Strawberry jelly - 2 bags of 80 g
- lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons
- sugar - 5 cups
- zucchini - 5 cups

How to cook:

Clean the peeled vegetables from skins and seeds, grate, add sugar, stir, wait until it all boils, boil for ten minutes. Pour in lemon juice, add jelly. During cooking, stir constantly, put the jelly, boil for another 5 minutes. Prepare the container, roll up the treat, put away for storage.

Recipe with cherry plum.

You will need:

Sugar - 1 kg
- zucchini - 520 g
- cherry plum - 520 g

Cooking steps:

Select ripe and sweet cherry plum, carefully sort, rinse, rinse in running water. Once you wash the plum, remove the pits from it. Take granulated sugar, pour it into cherry plum, leave it so that the plums give juice. Wash the zucchini, chop into small cubes, add sugar, leave for the whole night. Boil until the desired emptiness, put in jars, put away for storage.

Zucchini jam with dried apricots- this is a very tasty, sweet, tender and fragrant homemade preparation, which in its taste is a bit like pineapples. Cooking jam from zucchini, like potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, etc., began relatively recently, but such unusual preparations very quickly gained popularity and recognition. And this is no coincidence, because such jam has an unusual taste, which distinguishes it from traditional preparations, thanks to which many housewives have created new recipes for homemade pastries, sauces, drinks and other dishes.

If you have never cooked before zucchini jam, be sure to do it this year, and our recipe below will tell you how to prepare such a blank.

So, zucchini jam with lemon and dried apricots - a recipe for cooking.

Required Ingredients:

Young zucchini - three kilograms;
- dried apricots - five hundred grams;
- granulated sugar - three kilograms;
- lemon - one medium-sized fruit.

Step by step cooking method.

Step one. First we need to prepare the zucchini. As in the case of preparation, each fruit must be washed well in running water and dried.

Step three. Let's prepare dried apricots. To do this, place it in a small deep container and pour boiling water for one or two minutes. Then we take the dried fruits out of the water and dry them.

Step four. Now grind the zucchini and dried apricots with a conventional meat grinder or food processor until smooth.

Step five. Then place the resulting mass of zucchini with dried apricots in a large enameled basin, and fill it with sugar.

Step six. We transfer the basin to the fire and slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon, so that the raw materials do not burn and spoil the taste and aroma of the future workpiece, bring everything to a boil.

Step seven. After the jam boils, reduce the heat and boil it for another thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Step eight. Rinse the lemon well in running water and pour over with boiling water. Then we rub it on a fine grater along with the zest and squeeze the lemon juice directly into the jam, mix and boil everything together for another twelve to fifteen minutes until fully cooked.

Step nine. Pour hot jam into jars and seal tightly. It is not necessary to turn over the jars with the workpiece and wrap them in warm, just leave them to cool at room temperature.

Step ten. The cooled zucchini jam with dried apricots and lemon, as well as transfer it to storage in a cold, dry and dark place, or put it in the refrigerator.

Zucchini jam with dried apricots and lemon can be served with tea as a delicious sweet treat or used as an unusual filling for pies, pies, buns, bagels, rolls and other homemade pastries.


By the way, we have canning jars, seamers and other canning products for sale!

Required Ingredients:

Young zucchini - three kilograms;
- dried apricots - five hundred grams;
- granulated sugar - three kilograms;
- lemon - one fruit of medium size.

Step by step cooking method.

Step one. First we need to prepare the zucchini. As in the case of cooking zucchini caviar, each fruit must be washed well in running water and dried.

Step three. Let's prepare dried apricots. To do this, place it in a small deep container and pour boiling water for one or two minutes. Then we take the dried fruits out of the water and dry them.

Step four. Now grind the zucchini and dried apricots with a conventional meat grinder or food processor until smooth.

Step five. Then place the resulting mass of zucchini with dried apricots in a large enameled basin, and fill it with sugar.

Step six. We transfer the basin to the fire and slowly, stirring with a wooden spoon, so that the raw materials do not burn and spoil the taste and aroma of the future workpiece, bring everything to a boil.

Step seven. After the jam boils, reduce the heat and boil it for another thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Step eight. Rinse the lemon well in running water and pour over with boiling water. Then we rub it on a fine grater along with the zest and squeeze the lemon juice directly into the jam, mix and boil everything together for another twelve to fifteen minutes until fully cooked.

Step nine. Pour hot jam into jars and seal tightly. It is not necessary to turn over the jars with the workpiece and wrap them in warm, just leave them to cool at room temperature.

Step ten. We transfer the cooled zucchini jam with dried apricots and lemon to storage in a cold, dry and dark place, or put it in the refrigerator.

Who would have thought that not only caviar, salads, but also delicious jam can be prepared from zucchini.

Oranges will give it a sweet and sour taste and a delicious aroma with exotic notes.

This delicacy can be safely called a delicacy, because it is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of pineapple jam.

Zucchini jam with oranges - the basic principles of cooking

Jam made from zucchini alone does not have a special taste and aroma, as with the addition of oranges. It is citrus fruits that make this delicacy a delicacy.

Young zucchini are selected for jam. Overgrown vegetables do not have enough juice, so the jam from them will turn out to be too thick and viscous. Zucchini is washed, cut into cubes or rubbed on a coarse grater. To remove the peel or not, decide for yourself, if it is tough, then it is better, of course, to cut it off.

The prepared vegetable is placed in an enamel bowl and covered with sugar. Last six hours. Then put on fire and cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. Set aside, cool completely and add the zest or pulp of oranges. Boil twice with an interval of six hours and roll up in sterile jars.

There are many options for making squash jam with oranges. Lemons, gelatin, dried fruits, etc. are added to it.

We have collected the best recipes for this delicacy for you so that you can enjoy it with a cup of tea.

Recipe 1. Zucchini jam with orange. Option 1


    kilogram of young zucchini;

    800 g of granulated sugar;

    two oranges.

Cooking method

1. My zucchini under running water, wipe with a towel, cut off on both sides and chop the vegetable into cubes, one and a half centimeters thick. We shift the chopped zucchini into an enamel bowl.

2. Pour boiling water over oranges and chop citrus fruits as finely as possible. Add to zucchini.

3. We fill the vegetable with oranges with granulated sugar and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

4. We put the container with zucchini on the stove and boil over medium heat for about five minutes with constant stirring. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 35 minutes, not forgetting to stir.

5. We wash the glass containers, rinse and sterilize in the oven for 20 minutes. We lay out the jam in jars and roll up the boiled lids. Turn over and cool under a blanket.

Recipe 2. Zucchini jam with oranges. Option 2


    lemon acid;

    kilogram of zucchini;

    three large oranges;

    sugar - kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Wash and wipe the zucchini with a towel. Grind the vegetable on a coarse grater. Transfer to an enamel bowl.

2. We fill everything with granulated sugar and keep it for four hours in the refrigerator.

3. Put the dishes with zucchini on a small fire, bring to a boil and set aside for four hours.

4. Pour oranges with boiling water, wipe with a towel and cut into pieces. We twist through a meat grinder, add to the jam. We mix. Boil the jam two more times, with an interval of four hours.

5. At the end of the last cooking, add citric acid at the tip of a knife, bring to a boil and pack in a sterile glass container. Roll up tightly with lids, turn over and cover with a warm cloth. After complete cooling, store the jam in the cellar.

Recipe 3. Zucchini jam with oranges and lemon slices


    fresh young zucchini - a kilogram;

    white sugar - kilogram;

    orange and lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking method

1. Wash the zucchini under running water, wipe them with a kitchen towel. Remove skins from vegetables with a vegetable peeler. Cut zucchini in half and remove seeds. Chop into cubes, about one and a half centimeters thick.

2. Wash orange and lemon, wipe with a towel. Remove the zest with a very sharp knife. Carefully cut off the white peel, and cut the pulp into slices or cubes.

3. Place the vegetable with citrus fruits in an enamel bowl of a suitable size. Pour everything with granulated sugar and leave until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

4. Put the dishes on the fire, stir and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for five minutes, remove the foam with a spoon and turn off the heat. Cool the jam completely. Put it back on the fire and cook for the same amount of time.

5. Transfer the finished jam into sterile jars and seal tightly. Cool under a blanket and store in the pantry.

Recipe 4. Zucchini jam with orange and pineapple juice


    zucchini - one and a half kilograms;

    canned pineapples - a small jar;

    sugar - 1 kg 200 g;

    citric acid - 3 g;

    one large orange.

Cooking method

1. We wash the zucchini under the tap and wipe it with a kitchen towel. Remove thin skins with a vegetable peeler. Cut the vegetables in half and remove the seeds with fibers. Cut the zucchini into small pieces.

2. Pour boiling water over the orange, dry it and remove the zest with a sharp knife. Cut off the white peel and remove the seeds. Finely chop the pulp.

3. We open a jar of pineapples. Pour the syrup into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until it dissolves completely.

4. Put the zucchini in a suitable bowl, add chopped oranges to them. Pour everything with hot syrup and put citric acid. Mix and leave for an hour.

5. Cut the pineapples from the jar into cubes and put them in the zucchini-citrus mixture. We put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil. Turn off the fire and cool. We repeat the procedure until the zucchini becomes as transparent as pineapples.

6. For the last time, put the dishes on the fire and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. Pour the finished jam into clean, dry jars and seal tightly. Turn over and cool completely, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Recipe 5. Zucchini jam with orange through a meat grinder


    young zucchini - three kilograms;

    white sugar - kilogram;

    oranges - one and a half kilograms;

    two lemons.

Cooking method

1. Wash the zucchini under running water and wipe them with a kitchen towel. Cut off the skin with a vegetable cutter. Cut the zucchini in half and scoop out the fibers with the seeds. Grind the pulp of the vegetable on a medium grater.

2. Wash and wipe the lemon and orange. We cut off the peel, disassemble the citrus fruits into slices and remove the seeds.

3. Place the citrus slices in the blender bowl and blend until smooth.

4. We combine grated zucchini with citrus fruits in an enamel bowl, add sugar and mix. We put the resulting mixture on the stove and wait until it boils. Keep on fire for another hour, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.

5. Remove the jam from the stove and cool. We repeat the procedure again. We lay out the finished delicacy in dry jars and twist tightly. Cover with a warm cloth and leave to cool completely. Stored in a cellar or pantry.

Recipe 6. Zucchini jam with orange and dried apricots in a slow cooker


    zucchini - kilogram;

    star anise;

    dried apricots - 100 g;

    cinnamon stick;

  • sugar - 3.5 cups;

    two oranges.

Cooking method

1. We wash the zucchini under running water, wipe them with a kitchen towel and cut off a thin peel with a vegetable cutter.

2. Cut the vegetable into cubes and put it in the multicooker container. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for a few hours.

3. Put dried apricots in a bowl and pour boiling water. After half an hour, we drain the infusion, and dry the dried fruits, put them in a blender bowl and mix them into gruel.

4. My lemons and oranges, put them in a colander and pour over with boiling water. We wipe and remove the zest with a sharp knife. Cut off the white skin. Finely chop the flesh, removing the seeds.

5. Add chopped dried apricots and citrus fruits to zucchini. Stir and let the mixture brew. Put the star anise and cinnamon stick in a container. We lower the lid and activate the "extinguishing" mode for two hours.

6. We lay out the hot jam in jars, roll it up hermetically, wrap it with a blanket and completely cool it.

Recipe 7. Zucchini jam with orange juice, raisins and sour apples


    white sugar - 1 kg 125 g;

    young zucchini - one and a half kilograms;

    raisins - a glass;

    apples - kilogram;

    orange juice - half a glass.

Cooking method

1. Wipe the washed zucchini with a towel and remove the peel. We clean the seeds and fibers. Finely chop the pulp.

2. We clean the apples and remove the core. We chop into small pieces.

3. Pour the zucchini into a suitable dish, add apples, pour in freshly squeezed orange juice and cover everything with sugar. Leave the mixture overnight.

4. Fill the raisins with boiling water and soak until the next morning. Then we drain the infusion, and add dried fruits to the zucchini mixture. We mix.

5. Put the dishes on medium heat and cook, periodically removing the foam, 45 minutes. At the end of cooking, stir more often, as the mass will begin to thicken.

6. Remove the jam from the fire and spread it hot in sterile jars. Refrigerate and store in the cellar.

    You can diversify recipes by adding berries, pineapples, melon, kiwi and various citrus fruits to it.

    If you add sweet fruits to your jam, you can reduce the amount of sugar.

    Wash all vegetables, fruits and citrus fruits thoroughly before chopping.

    For even more flavor, add mint to the jam.

    If you are making the jam in chunks, you can leave the skin off.
