
Waffle recipes for the Soviet waffle iron. Crispy waffles in a waffle iron are prepared for one or two! Recipes for crispy waffles in a waffle iron with butter, milk, starch

In this article, we will show you how to bake thin waffles in an electric waffle iron. A simple step by step recipe with photos.

Summer is an ambiguous time of the year. It can be cold, but most often it is tiringly sultry, hot and at the same time calm.

In spite of everything, almost every person loves this time, because you can go to rest away from the city, for example, to the sea. Our family does this every year - we go to the sea.

While the children were small, they rested mainly on the Black Sea coast. I think everyone knows what is remarkable about local beaches, in addition to clear water and pebbles.

Of course, this is a trade in dried and smoked fish, boiled shrimp, fresh berries in season and all kinds of sweets, including wafer rolls with boiled condensed milk.

Once we succumbed to the temptation and bought these tubes, which we soon regretted.

This sweet product turned out to be very heavy, cloyingly sweet, the waffle itself is soft, contrary to expectations, in a word, not at all tasty.

Upon returning home from vacation, I found an electric waffle iron with my mother that was still in working order and baked real crispy waffles stuffed with condensed milk for my relatives.

Everyone appreciated the difference in taste compared to store-bought waffles.

Thin waffles in an electric waffle iron


  • 100 grams of softened butter,
  • 2-3 chicken eggs,
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 90 grams or 2/3 cup sifted wheat flour
  • ½ tablespoon refined oil

Cooking sequence

Sift the flour through a sieve and pour it into the egg-butter mixture, mix. Add literally half a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough, mix (so the waffles will not stick to the surface of the electric waffle iron).

It takes about 4-5 minutes to warm up a Soviet electric waffle iron (I have just such a waffle iron, by a happy coincidence it was preserved in working condition). If you have a modern device, then read the manufacturer's instructions. So, after heating the waffle iron on the plateau, pour in 2 tablespoons of dough, close it and bake the waffle from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Cook these thin waffles in an electric waffle iron and enjoy!!!

Homemade waffles are a delicate crunchy treat that will win the heart of every sweet tooth. They can become both an independent dessert and part of a complex dish. Waffle dough can be prepared according to a variety of recipes. It remains only to choose the appropriate option for yourself, given the products at hand.

Waffle dough in a waffle iron - a simple and quick recipe

The simplest and fastest recipe for the treat under discussion is based on margarine.

It is better to take a high-quality creamy product for baking (a standard pack). And besides him: 220 g of flour, the same amount of sugar, 3 eggs and vanillin on the tip of a knife.

  1. Margarine (200 g) is cut into large pieces and melted in a water bath.
  2. Eggs are beaten with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. Cooled margarine is added to the sweet egg mass, and the products mix well.
  4. Flour and vanilla are added to the ingredients in small portions.
  5. A homogeneous dough is kneaded. It turns out smooth and pliable.

You can immediately bake crispy waffles from the dough.

The right recipe for Viennese waffles

You don't have to go abroad to try Viennese waffles. It is quite possible to cook them at home yourself. This will require the simplest products: 3 eggs, 120 g of sugar, 250 ml of milk, a pack of high-fat butter, 330 g of flour, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and the same amount of baking powder.

  1. Softened butter is rubbed with sugar. You can do this with a mixer at minimum speed.
  2. Eggs are driven into the resulting thick lush mass.
  3. The dough is whipped again at low speeds of the device.
  4. Warm milk and lemon juice are poured into the ingredients.
  5. After mixing, flour, sifted with baking powder, is poured into the dough. The mass is mixed with a spoon.
  6. The result should be a dough like kefir pancakes.

You can cook such waffles both in a special waffle iron and in the oven in suitable molds.

Cooking dough for crispy treats

To make the dessert thin and crispy, you need to add potato starch to the dough. It will take 40 g of such a product, as well as: 140 g of flour, 120 ml of milk, half a pack of margarine, 130 g of sugar. A detailed test recipe is described below:

  1. Flour is sifted through a sieve along with starch.
  2. Eggs are lightly beaten with sugar until the latter dissolves.
  3. Warm milk is poured into the sweet egg mass.
  4. Margarine is melted in the microwave, cooled slightly and added to the liquid mixture.
  5. With constant stirring, flour with starch is introduced into the dough. The mass should be semi-liquid.

Wafers from such a dough are perfect for wrapping boiled condensed milk in them.

With yeast for soft Liege waffles

This recipe makes thick waffles. They need a special device with deep cells or baking dishes in the oven. From the products you will need to use: 2 tbsp. sifted flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. dry yeast, a pinch of vanillin and salt, 170 g of sugar, a pack of butter, 170 ml of full-fat milk.

  1. Half of the milk is heated, the yeast is dissolved in the warm liquid, and it is left for 20 minutes.
  2. The remaining milk is whipped with salt and eggs with a mixer.
  3. Softened butter is rubbed with flour.
  4. All three parts are combined together and thoroughly mixed.
  5. The end result should be a soft sticky dough. It is covered with a clean towel and left for about half an hour in a warm place.

The finished mass is divided into 12 parts, each of which is rolled in sugar before baking.

Dough for wafer rolls in an electric waffle iron

This is the simplest recipe with a minimum number of ingredients. To prepare a dessert, you will need to use: 5 eggs, a standard pack of margarine, 1 tbsp. flour and sugar.

  1. Eggs with granulated sugar are beaten until white.
  2. Further, the beating of the mass continues with margarine.
  3. The process does not stop even after adding flour.
  4. The end result will be a sticky dough.

This waffle dough in a waffle iron is suitable for baking dessert in both electric and manual devices.

Hong Kong waffle dough

Hong Kong waffles also have a second name - "egg". It got its name because of the special "bubble" structure. Such dough can be stored in the cold for up to 2 days and delight homemade with a fresh dessert. For its preparation you will need: 160 g of flour, 140 g of warm boiled water and baking powder, 280 ml of condensed milk and vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 7 g of baking powder, 1 tbsp. pudding powder, liquid vanilla concentrate.

  1. All dry ingredients are combined in a sieve and immediately sieved. These are: flour, baking powder and pudding powder.
  2. Eggs and sugar are beaten until the latter is completely dissolved. Warm liquids are poured into the resulting mixture: milk and water.
  3. The liquid and dry parts are combined and mixed until smooth.
  4. At the end, 3 drops of vanilla concentrate are sent to the mass.
  5. It remains to pour oil into the future dough and leave it in the cold for 60 minutes.

During the specified time, gluten will swell in the mass. It is not recommended to use the dough for baking treats immediately.

For a Belgian dessert

This delicate delicacy is now known and loved all over the world. To make it really soft and tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough for such waffles. From the products you will need to take: 110 g of granulated sugar and butter, 2 eggs, 130 g of flour, a large pinch of salt and baking powder.

  1. Melted butter is ground with sugar and salt until smooth.
  2. Eggs are mixed into the mass one at a time, baking powder is added, after which it is thoroughly beaten with a blender.
  3. Without turning off the device, flour is poured into the future dough in small portions.
  4. The mass should be soft and homogeneous.

From the dough, you can immediately prepare soft thick waffles in special molds. The main thing is not to forget to grease them with fat or oil.

Chocolate waffle dough

According to a special French recipe, everyone can cook chocolate waffles. For the test you will need to use: 4 tbsp. quality cocoa powder, 7 tbsp. milk, 130 g butter, 110 g sugar, 2 large chicken eggs, 130 g flour, vanillin on the tip of a knife, a pinch of salt.

  1. Melted butter is mixed with cocoa.
  2. The eggs are separated into components, after which the yolks, along with sugar, are added to the dough.
  3. Flour is sifted into the mass, and slightly warm milk is poured.
  4. Proteins are whipped with a pinch of salt until a thick white foam. They are added very carefully to the dough with a wide spatula.

Thick soft waffles are baked from the resulting mass.

For thin waffles

Waffles prepared according to this recipe can also become the basis for a cake. For them, you will need to use the following products: 230 ml of low-fat cream, 2 tbsp. flour, 160 g butter, 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 eggs.

  1. The butter is melted in the microwave and cooled.
  2. Eggs are beaten with sugar. During the operation of the mixer or blender, cream and butter are gradually added to them. All components must be thoroughly mixed.
  3. The mass will be homogeneous and liquid.

This is the optimal dough for wafer rolls with filling.

Another recipe from childhood that my mother reminded me of is thin, almost lacy and crispy waffles. True, this recipe requires an electric waffle iron. Mom has been at home since Soviet times, carefully kept and conscientiously working. And by some incredible miracle, I bought myself a brand new one, but, practically, the same. I even had to buy an adapter for it, because. the plug is not suitable for an euro socket, which is now installed in all houses.

To prepare waffles, you need a little skill, namely at the moment of twisting them with a tube. As soon as you get a flexible, soft, like a pancake waffle, you must immediately put it on the work surface and give it the desired shape - a tube or a cone. A second of delay - and it has already hardened.

The recipe is universal - such tubes can be filled with any dense cream, or used as an ice cream cone. But we always crunched them empty, because they are not tastier.


2 eggs
125 g butter
150 g sugar
150 g flour
50 g starch
100 g warm water

P r i p o r a t i o n e :

Melt the butter in a water bath or microwave.

Place eggs and sugar in a large bowl and beat for 8-10 minutes or until doubled in size and light and fluffy.

Pour the warm butter in a thin stream into the beaten egg mixture. When the ingredients are combined, turn off the mixer.

Sift flour with starch on top and start mixing with a whisk, adding warm water from time to time.

Once the dough is smooth, set it aside for 30 minutes to let it rise.

Plug in the electric waffle iron, it should warm up well.

Open it up and use a brush to brush the top and bottom with melted butter.

Depending on the size of your waffle iron, pour 1/4 to 1/2 a ladleful of batter into the center, then immediately place the top lid on and press it firmly to the bottom. Hold like this, without releasing 1.5-2 minutes. Then open the waffle iron and look - the baked dessert should be ruddy, golden in color. If it is still pale, cover again.

Pick up the finished waffle with a thin, flat spatula or fork and transfer to a dry work surface. Without wasting a minute, immediately twist it into a tube and set it aside.

Prepare all waffles in this way.

It is desirable to eat them on the same day, over time they begin to soften a little.

I also enjoyed making a waffle cone and filling it with ice cream. This is just the perfect union!

Happy tea!

It's amazing what culinary feats a seemingly ordinary cleaning in the pantry can push. Today, in the midst of this process, an old electric waffle iron, forgotten by me, was discovered by a child on one of the shelves. And I immediately remembered those homemade thin, incredibly tender and crispy waffles that my mother once baked with or without reason. Of course, I immediately wanted to please the family and bake waffles. The recipe for the Soviet electric waffle iron is the same, nostalgic, and, from my point of view, ideal. These waffles are thin, crispy, with an amazing creamy flavor.


  • large eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • butter or creamy margarine - 200 g,
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin - 1/3 sachet,
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can,
  • butter - 150 g.

Break the eggs into a bowl for mixing waffle dough. I had large ones, so 4 was enough. If your eggs are small, take 5 pcs.

We introduce sugar and salt into the eggs, arm ourselves with a mixer (or blender) and beat the mass well. It is not necessary to grind it until white, but the sugar should dissolve completely. To make things go faster, it is better to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance (15-20 minutes before kneading the dough).

Next, butter (margarine) must be added to the dough, but first it must be melted. To do this, chop the butter into cubes and send it to the microwave or on the stove. Pour the warm melted butter into the sugar-egg mixture and mix the dough again. A few words about oil. The original version of the recipe (and I found it in my mother's old notebook) contains margarine. But margarine gives waffles a very unpleasant aftertaste that even cream cannot kill.

The dough is almost ready, it remains only to add vanillin to it - an optional ingredient, but incredibly fragrant, so we add quite a bit of it. Then sift the flour into the dough and knead it until smooth.

The dough turns out to be watery, approximately like sour cream of medium fat content. You don’t need to make it thicker, otherwise the waffles will turn out not so thin and crispy.

Everything, the dough is ready, it's time to turn on the waffle iron. I have a very ancient waffle iron, Soviet, we inherited from our parents. But, despite her advanced age, she still bakes perfectly, although she already looks pretty shabby. I let it warm up for 5-7 minutes, then put a tablespoon of dough in the middle of the bottom plate. No more needed, otherwise the dough may try to escape outside. Additionally, it is also not worth lubricating the plates with any fats - there is already enough oil in the dough, nothing will stick.

As soon as the dough is laid out, cover the lid and press it tightly with your fingers. Carefully! At this moment, a characteristic hiss will be heard from the waffle iron and hot steam will pour out of all the cracks, so we keep our hands as far away from the waffle iron as possible, given the fact that the lid still needs to be pressed for at least 10 seconds.

Waffles are baked quite quickly, so after 1-1.5 minutes. you can already check the degree of roasting. You shouldn't fry the waffles too much, you just won't be able to roll them. Slightly reddened and can be taken out.

Now very, very quickly, while hot, roll up the waffle and put it on a plate. Here I have my little secret. The waffles are very hot, and when there are a lot of them and they are baked quickly, the fingers, at times, are unable to endure such high temperatures. And to make waffle folding less sensitive, I put a bowl of ice water next to the waffle iron and dip my fingers into it. :)

You can roll waffles with a regular tube or a cone. The second option is preferable if you are going to fill the waffles with stuffing.

I will have a filling, because as soon as all the waffles are ready, I make a quick and simple cream for them from boiled condensed milk and butter. Such a filling is more tender than ordinary boiled condensed milk and not so cloyingly sweet. To do this, I mix both ingredients in a saucepan and beat them with a blender at minimum speed, using a whisk attachment. A couple of minutes - the cream is ready!

I fill the waffles with cream and you can put the kettle on!

  • 1 Classic crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron
  • 2 Cooking Viennese
  • 3 Belgian dessert
  • 4 Waffle recipe for a Soviet waffle iron
  • 5 How to cook from cottage cheese?
  • 6 Soft homemade waffles
  • 7 Homemade wafer rolls
  • 8 Dutch cooking option

Waffles are a special type of cookie with a characteristic cellular surface. For their preparation in the home kitchen, special appliances are provided. Using one or another waffle recipe in a waffle iron, you can make a variety of products: fluffy or thin, soft or crispy. For example, it is worth considering some of the most interesting options.

Classic crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron

Traditionally, waffles are considered to be thin cakes., which are used to make cakes and other desserts. To make them at home, it is best to use an electric waffle iron. Today it can be purchased at any specialized store. The easiest waffle recipe in a waffle iron requires the following ingredients:

  • 250 milliliters of whole milk;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 320 grams of flour;
  • 150 grams of butter.

How to properly prepare these waffles:

  1. First make the dough. To do this, the first step is to melt the butter.
  2. Grind the eggs with sugar, and then beat them well with a mixer.
  3. Without stopping stirring, pour in the milk and cooled butter.
  4. Add all flour. You need to enter it in small portions. The finished dough should be as homogeneous as possible.
  5. Plug in the electric waffle iron. The device should warm up well.
  6. Gently pour some batter onto the surface and close the lid.
  7. Bake 1.5-2 minutes.

As a result of these simple actions, classic crispy waffles are obtained. While the blanks are still hot, if desired, they can be twisted into a horn and filled with any filling.

Cooking Viennese

Not less popular among the people enjoy "Viennese" waffles. They are much thicker than classic crispy plates and have a delicate, airy center. Such products can also be cooked in an electric waffle iron. True, this will require special forms with larger cells. To make waffles in Viennese, you need to take:

  • 350 grams of flour;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 250 milliliters of milk;
  • 20 grams of lemon juice;
  • 10 grams of baking powder.

Method for making fluffy waffles:

  1. Rub the butter thoroughly with sugar.
  2. Whisk in the eggs and pour in the milk at the same time.
  3. Continuing to stir, add flour, pre-mixing it with baking powder.
  4. Add lemon juice and mix again.
  5. Transfer the finished dough into a mold and bake for about five minutes. As soon as the surface of the workpiece is well browned, the products can be taken out.

Delicate Viennese waffles can be eaten just like that after cooling, or you can fold them in pairs, smearing them with any sweet cream.

Belgian dessert

Worthy of special attention Belgian waffles. By consistency They more like pies or donuts. This effect is achieved by introducing whipped proteins into the dough or using yeast. For classic Belgian waffles you will need:

  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 110 grams of butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 5 grams of baking powder;
  • 250 milliliters of milk;
  • a dash of vanilla.

You can also make dessert in an electric waffle iron. For this:

  1. Sift the flour, and then combine it with the rest of the dry ingredients (salt, sugar, baking powder and vanilla).
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Then grind them with oil in a separate bowl.
  3. Slowly add flour mixture. Make sure there are no lumps.
  4. Whisk the egg whites into a fluffy foam. To facilitate the process, they must first be held in the refrigerator for a while.
  5. Connect both masses.
  6. Grease the mold with butter.
  7. Spread dough on it.

Soft Belgian waffles are usually consumed with berries, ice cream or various syrups.

In many houses, waffle irons have been preserved since Soviet times. By design, they differ significantly from modern devices. The Soviet waffle iron consists of two cast-iron frying plates with a corrugated surface, equipped with handles, which are heated on a conventional stove. To cook a popular dessert in it, our grandmothers also used the following recipe:

  • ½ pack of margarine (100 grams);
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2-3 grams of table salt;
  • a little vanilla;
  • 400 grams of flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 grams of fat sour cream;
  • 12 grams of baking soda.

Waffle preparation method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar. A small foam should appear on the surface.
  2. Add vanillin.
  3. In a separate plate, add soda to sour cream.
  4. Connect both masses.
  5. Add softened margarine.
  6. Salt, and then gradually add flour.
  7. Mix the dough with a whisk until the state of thick sour cream.
  8. Preheat both sides of the waffle iron.
  9. Pour part of the dough onto one surface. Then press it with a lid and wait a couple of minutes.

Golden wafer sheets can be stacked. But most often they were rolled up and filled with various sweet fillings (condensed milk or creams).

How to cook from cottage cheese?

Delicious homemade waffles can be made from cottage cheese dough. True, they turn out to be thick, so it is advisable to use deep molds with large cells for baking.

For the test you will need:

  • 200 grams of cottage cheese (preferably 9%);
  • 50 grams of sugar and the same amount of butter;
  • 120 milliliters whole milk (3.2%);
  • 5 grams of baking powder;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 120 grams of wheat flour;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar.

How to make cottage cheese waffles:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add the sugar and beat the ingredients well with a whisk until a light foam forms.
  2. Add cottage cheese, rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Enter milk. Continue mixing with a regular hand whisk.
  4. Add melted but not hot butter.
  5. Pour the flour, mixed in advance with baking powder, in portions.
  6. You should get a thick and slightly sticky dough. He should be allowed to stand for about 10 minutes.
  7. Put part of the dough on the bottom surface of the waffle iron warmed up and pre-lubricated with sunflower oil. Cover it with the top lid and wait 4 minutes.

Ready fluffy waffles can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar and served as a sweet dessert with tea or coffee.

Soft homemade waffles

Waffles are one of the favorite foods of Americans. Here they are usually made soft and fluffy.

To make these homemade waffles, you need:

  • 250 grams of sour cream;
  • salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 5 grams of baking powder;
  • 400 grams of wheat flour.

In this case, the simplest technology is used:

  1. The eggs with sugar must first be beaten into a fluffy foam.
  2. Add sour cream.
  3. Gradually add the remaining dry ingredients. The dough should be smooth and uniform.
  4. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture onto the bottom surface of the waffle iron. Bake no more than two minutes.

Very lush products are obtained, which are more like soft buns.

Homemade waffle rolls

In an electric waffle iron, you can cook original tubes in just a few minutes.

All you need is 5 basic ingredients:

  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a little vanillin;
  • 100 grams of butter (or margarine) and the same amount of wheat flour.

Making this dish yourself is not at all difficult:

  1. First, to prepare the dough, carefully grind the eggs with a fork with pre-softened butter.
  2. Enter sugar.
  3. Portionally add flour with vanilla. The finished dough should resemble liquid sour cream.
  4. Lubricate the well-heated working surfaces of the waffle iron with vegetable oil.
  5. Pour a tablespoon of batter into the bottom pan.
  6. Cover it with the top form and press a little.
  7. Wait 2-3 minutes. As soon as the steam stops flowing, the waffle iron can be opened.
  8. While the ruddy layer is still hot, it must be carefully pry off with a knife and, wrapping the edge, twist it with a tube.

The blanks will only have to be put on a plate and served with hot tea or cold milk. If desired, the tubes can be filled with a sweet thick cream, adding a little nut or dried fruit to it.

Dutch cooking option

A real feast of taste for the sweet tooth will be the original Dutch waffles. These are crispy corrugated plates, interconnected in pairs with caramel syrup. To prepare such a treat, take:

For test:

  • 65 grams of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 480 grams of flour;
  • a pinch of fine table salt;
  • 20 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 3 grams of dry yeast;
  • 230 grams of butter.

For syrup:

  • 1 cup brown cane sugar;
  • 220 grams of liquid honey;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 20 grams of ground cinnamon.

Recipe for waffles in a Dutch waffle iron:

  1. For the dough, dilute the yeast in ½ cup of water, adding 25 grams of sugar.
  2. Whisk the butter separately.
  3. Add sugar, cinnamon and salt to it.
  4. Carefully fold in diluted yeast.
  5. Gradually pouring flour, make the final batch. Let the dough rest for at least 40 minutes.
  6. For syrup, pour honey into a saucepan. Add sugar and cinnamon to it, mix and heat over medium heat for 8 minutes. Then add oil and salt a little.
  7. Divide the finished dough into pieces and roll them into small balls.
  8. Heat up the waffle iron.
  9. Put a ball of dough on the lower plate and press it down with the top plate. Bake for a few minutes until the surface of the workpiece is well browned.
  10. Trim finished products with a confectionery ring.
  11. Fold the blanks in half and coat with the cooled syrup.

Waffles can be eaten as soon as they are cool and well soaked. To taste, such a dessert resembles a viscous nougat.
