
Russian flag cocktail recipes. Step by step recipe with photo and video flan dish

Step 1: Prepare the egg and milk mixture.

Pour half of the milk indicated in the recipe into a small saucepan, put on a small fire, add lemon zest and cinnamon to your liking. Mix everything thoroughly, heat, but do not bring the milk to a boil. Then remove from heat and leave to cool until completely cooled.
Break the chicken eggs into a bowl, add sugar and rub the contents well. Then dilute the mixture with the remaining cold milk. Remove from the saucepan that has cooled, cinnamon and lemon zest.
Now combine the milk with the egg mixture, mix everything thoroughly.

Step 2: Prepare caramel.

Put a dry frying pan over medium heat, pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into it, heat thoroughly, stirring until the sugar is completely melted. Then remove the pan from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of pure water to the caramel. Mix well.

Step 3: Bake the flan.

Pour liquid caramel into the bottom of the baking dish, cool completely. Pour the egg-milk mixture over the hardened caramel. Now build a water bath for baking. To do this, place the form with the flan in a tray with cold water. Preheat the oven well to temperature was 160 degrees. Place the tray together with the mold in the oven and bake for about 40 minutes. As soon as the egg-milk mixture is baked, covered with a light blush, remove the form from the oven. Refrigerate the flan directly in the mold.

Step 4: Serve the classic flan.

It's best if you put the flan in the fridge, at least overnight, so that the caramel will soak it in and give it a nice creamy color. Use lemon or orange zest as a garnish. Enjoy your meal!

When baking, the water in the tray and the egg-milk mixture itself should not boil, but only gradually warm up and harden in a timely manner.

Such a flan can also be prepared in portion molds in the same way.

You can also use a sprig of fresh and fragrant mint as a decoration for a classic flan.

The signature dish of French patisserie (boulangèries) - Parisian flan or Flan pâtissier! Flan is a very delicate dessert based on thin puff pastry (sometimes you can find shortcrust pastry - pasta brisée, but not in Paris!), and soft cream mousse with vanilla flavor and notes of lemon.

This famous French dessert is easy to make at home. But, it is necessary to pay due attention to the preparation of the cream. The cream is a bit like a traditional custard, but we start cooking it from the very beginning on the fire and you can’t leave it unattended!!!

You can store the finished flan for 3-4 days in the refrigerator, covering it with cling film so that it does not absorb extraneous odors (I personally didn’t linger for more than 2 days!). Or you can cut the flan into portions and freeze in the freezer. Defrost if necessary by placing in the refrigerator.

And yet, if desired, chocolate “drops” can be added to the cream (after rolling them in flour), but vanilla is better to use natural, in a pod. She plays an important role in this exquisite dessert!

Chocolate flan, aka chocolate fondant, is a French dessert loved by many. In fact, flan is a chocolate cake that has a crispy crust and liquid chocolate filling. At the moment of cutting the chocolate flan, liquid chocolate can be seen flowing out.

How was dessert invented?

The history of its origin is fascinating - it is believed that the recipe for chocolate flan was invented purely by accident. History says that one French chef made a mistake with the time and undercooked cupcakes. As a result, their middle remained damp. Just like that, this delicious dessert appeared, which has gained a lot of fans around the world.

Below is a chocolate flan recipe step by step with a photo.

Recipe #1

The photo shows chocolate flan, which is prepared according to this recipe. It is very tasty and simple. Let us consider in more detail the list of products and the stages of preparation of the Chocolate Flan dessert.

Required Ingredients

So, to make chocolate flan, we need:

  • Dark chocolate from 75% - two bars.
  • Butter as fat as possible, but not less than 72% - 110 grams.
  • Chicken egg - a couple of pieces.
  • Wheat flour - a couple of tablespoons.
  • Sugar (preferably brown) - 50 grams.
  • Egg yolks - three pieces.
  • Salt - a small pinch.

Now let's move on to the cooking process itself.

How to cook?

For your convenience, the entire cooking process will be given in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Chocolate bars must be broken into pieces and melted with a water bath. Then we introduce the melted butter and continue to melt along with our chocolate. It is important to stir until the products acquire a uniform consistency. After you achieve this, the mass must be set aside and cool.

Step 2. While the chocolate-creamy mass is cooling, you need to beat two eggs and three yolks with sugar. It is important to get a homogeneous mass.

Step 3. Slowly add the beaten eggs to the chocolate creamy mass. Add flour and a small pinch of salt. Stir vigorously with a fork until smooth.

Step 4. We take baking molds and grease them a little with butter. Sprinkle some flour or cocoa powder on top of the butter.

Step 5. In the prepared molds, you need to pour our chocolate mass a little more than half.

Step 6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. And bake chocolate flan for no more than ten minutes.

Step 7. We take out our dessert from the oven and serve it warm. You can additionally decorate with cinnamon or ice cream scoops.

It was a simple and delicious recipe for chocolate flan, which can be attributed to the classic.

Recipe #2

Another recipe with a photo of chocolate flan. This version of a delicious dessert will be with a spicy touch of rum. Let's take a closer look below.

Chocolate flan products

In fact, the list of products is very similar to the previous one, but there are minor changes:

  • Dark chocolate - one bar.
  • Fatty butter - 60 grams.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 grams.
  • Chicken egg - a couple of pieces.
  • Almond flour - 30 grams.
  • Wheat flour - also 30 grams.
  • Cocoa powder - 20 grams.
  • Cognac or rum - 20 grams.

Cooking process

Step 1. We break the chocolate bar into small pieces and put it in a dry bowl. We heat with a water bath. At the same time, it is important to note that boiling water should not come into contact with the bottom of the dish in which our chocolate is heated.

Step 2. The melted chocolate must be combined with the alcoholic drink that you have prepared.

Step 3. Add our 60 grams of melted butter to the chocolate-alcohol mass.

Step 4. After the chocolate melts well with the ingredients, add more powdered sugar and continue to stir until smooth.

Step 5. Add raw chicken eggs one by one to the chocolate.

Step 6. We introduce bulk elements, that is, wheat flour, cocoa and almond flour. Everything is poured in turn and thoroughly mixed.

Step 7. Lightly grease the baking molds with butter and, as in the previous recipe, sprinkle with sifted flour or cocoa.

Step 8. Pour the dough over them. It should take up a little more than half of the mold.

Step 9. The oven must be heated to 220 degrees and put the chocolate flan in it for no more than seven minutes.

Step 10. After the baking time has expired, you need to get our dessert and leave it to stand in the molds for about five minutes. Only then can you remove the chocolate flan and serve.

About baking

Dear hostesses, pay attention to the power of your oven! This is very important, because in one oven ten minutes will be too much, and in another just right.

If the dough is overexposed, then the middle can be baked, and then you will have ordinary muffins, albeit quite tasty. But this will not be exactly what you would like to see in the end.

Recipe number 3

Products for dietary chocolate flan

So, before proceeding to the list of ingredients, I would like to note that the calorie content of one serving is only 174 kcal, and the fat indicator is not more than 5 grams per cupcake. So the ingredients are:

  • Chicken egg - one piece.
  • Corn starch - one tablespoon.
  • Baking powder - half a teaspoon.
  • Fat-free cocoa powder - a couple of tablespoons.
  • One percent fat-free kefir - a couple of tablespoons.
  • Stevia or other sugar substitute - half a teaspoon.
  • Carob syrup or agave syrup - half a teaspoon.
  • Coconut flour - one teaspoon.

Yes, of course, the products are not quite traditional, but if you really want something sweet, but you can’t, then you can easily buy them in the supermarket. I would like to say that the syrup is not necessary to use, so you can exclude it from the list.

How to cook?

Step 1. We set the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.

Step 2. All products that are listed must be thoroughly mixed using a blender or combine.

Step 3. Pour the finished dough into a baking dish, preferably silicone.

Step 4. The most important step - after you put the dessert in the oven, it must be baked for exactly twelve minutes. Not more! Otherwise, it will be baked all over. And if less, it will be completely raw.

Step 5. After twelve minutes have passed, you need to get and cool the chocolate flan. A couple of minutes is enough for this purpose. Then put the dessert on a saucer.

Step 6. Serve as is or with protein ice cream.

For those who don't know how to make protein ice cream, the recipe is below.

Protein ice cream

This is the perfect accompaniment to our chocolate flan. And most importantly, what is healthy ice cream, and athletes will especially appreciate it. So, we need:

  • Banana - 40 grams.
  • Cottage cheese - 100 grams.
  • Casein - half a teaspoon.
  • Poppy - one teaspoon.

The cooking process itself is very simple. Whisk all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and place in the freezer for an hour. Then take out and beat again. Again, put it in the freezer, only now for a couple of hours. Then get and add our chocolate dessert. Everything, delicious and healthy ice cream is ready!


As you can see from the article, making chocolate flan is not too laborious. The main difficulty is to maintain the exact time in the oven so that the middle remains liquid. The rest of the dessert is very tasty, simple and even unusual.

We hope that our article was useful for you, and you were able to prepare chocolate flan according to our recipes. Bon appetit!

Modern chocolate flan is a free variation on a classic dessert with a rather confusing history. In the 18th century, for example, the term “flan” was used to refer to an open pie, the dough for which was baked separately and filled with stuffing already ready. Over the years, flan recipes have been simplified, cooking options have been added, and the definition of “flan” has blurred so much that now under this name you can find a number of desserts that are completely different from each other.

Today I propose not to delve into the history of cooking, but simply enjoy this delicious chocolate dessert. Let's prepare the easiest and fastest version of dessert - fragrant orange-chocolate flan.

A minimum of ingredients and just a few minutes to prepare, and the result is a dream, not a dessert! Fragrant, refined, seductive and incredibly chocolatey in taste. You can serve and prepare such a dessert in orange peel "cups" or regular baking dishes. Today I will tell you how to cook both options. Let's start?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Roll the orange around the table to release more juice. Then squeeze out 3 tbsp. orange juice.

For orange cups, cut an orange in half and then scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon.

Prepare baking dishes: grease with melted butter and sprinkle with cocoa. Orange "cup" can not be lubricated.

Break the chocolate into small pieces, add butter and a pinch of salt.

Melt the mixture in a water bath or microwave. Pour the chocolate mass into a bowl for preparing the dough and cool slightly.

Crack 2 eggs into a bowl and add sugar.

Beat the mixture for a few minutes until light foam forms and the sugar dissolves.

Gradually, while stirring, pour in the eggs beaten with sugar into the warm chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.

Add some vanilla, orange juice, a few drops of rum essence/spices to taste, or 1-2 tsp. cognac or rum.

Sift the wheat flour and gradually fold it into the dough. Get a thick chocolate mass.

Pour batter into orange cups. The dough will rise slightly in the oven, so do not fill the forms completely, but retreat a few millimeters from the edge.

Fill the prepared silicone or ceramic baking dishes in the same way.

Bake the dessert in an oven preheated to 200 degrees from 4 to 10-15 minutes. The final result will depend on the baking time.

After about 5-7 minutes in the oven, the dessert will look like a chocolate cake, but inside will have a liquid chocolate filling. More time in the oven - the filling will thicken more.

For 15-18 minutes in the oven, the dessert, as a rule, is completely baked and becomes like a chocolate cake, only the filling is a little more juicy and tender.

Send 1 mold with dessert to the oven to begin with and note the time at which the result will turn out to be the most optimal for your taste.

Chocolate flan is ready! Serve the dessert hot, topped with fresh fruit and a scoop of ice cream if desired! Bon appetit!
