
Recipes from the pulp of beef. Beef dishes, simple and delicious

On this page you will find the most delicious, most popular and favorite beef dishes. Undeservedly, beef is considered tough and therefore other types of meat are preferred. But I dare to assure you that beef can be no less tender and tasty than pork. There is no sacrament in this, you just need to be able to choose the right meat and cook it correctly. Don't let the fact that beef is capricious scare you, in fact, beef dishes are quick and easy to prepare. The presented recipes describe in detail all the stages of cooking beef, as well as give useful tips.

Beshbarmak from beef

Beshbarmak - boiled meat with homemade noodles, seasoned with onions - is a traditional dish of the Turkic peoples (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tajiks, etc.). The recipe is extremely simple, tasty and satisfying ...

The dish turns out to be beautiful, satisfying and healthy, and what is most remarkable is that in summer beef can be cooked with fresh beans, which greatly speeds up the cooking process...

In the summer, when the bazaar is already full of cheap vegetables and herbs, do not miss the moment, by all means treat your family to this famous Central Asian dish...

The classic shurpa recipe uses lamb, but it is not always available, including at a price. Therefore, lamb can be successfully replaced with beef on the bone - shank, ribs ...

This dish deserves the highest praise. Of course, according to the canons of the Caucasus, the classic khashlama is made from lamb, but no less tasty, beautiful and satisfying is khashlama from beef ...

It is rare that a meat dish can boast not only a delicate taste, but also practicality and quick preparation, but beef stroganoff can. The classic recipe contains: beef, onion, sour cream or tomato...

Very tasty and easy recipe for beef chops. The meat is tender and juicy and literally melts in your mouth. Ingredients: beef tenderloin, egg, flour, salt, pepper, sugar, vegetable oil...

Perhaps this is one of the most popular beef dishes. Easy to prepare, delicious. Ingredients: beef, tomato sauce, a spoonful of flour, spices, herbs, water or broth...

A variation of the classic goulash recipe, in which champignons are added. The dish acquires an exquisite taste. Ingredients: beef, champignons, onion, tomato sauce, spices...

There is nothing easier than taking a piece of beef and frying it with onions. And how to make the meat remain tender is described in this recipe. Ingredients: beef, onion, spices, vegetable oil...

To make the jelly tasty and rich, and besides, to freeze well, you can’t do without beef. Read on for a delicious ice cream recipe. Ingredients: beef shank, beef knee, carrot, onion, spices...

You can buy ham in the store, or you can cook it yourself according to an old French recipe. Ingredients: beef ham, beef shank, onion, carrot, white wine, herbs, gelatin...

Beef is a universal type of meat that contains all the vitamins and amino acids necessary for our body. It is the best source of substances such as phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium and potassium. According to scientists, 200 gr. beef provides a person with the same amount of nutrients as a liter of milk.

There are many ways to prepare this meat. It can be steamed, stewed, fried, boiled and even eaten raw. Each of these options opens up a whole new spectrum of tastes for beef lovers. Juicy steak, fragrant barbecue, multi-layered roll, dried basturma or rich broth are wonderful in their own way.

To make your beef dish tasty and tender, when choosing meat, you need to know and take into account the culinary features of a particular part of the carcass:

  • The neck is ideal for stewing, boiling, baking well in the oven. Thin layers of fat keep the meat juice inside the piece, so this meat is especially tender and soft. However, before cooking, do not forget to remove the tendons. The neck makes an excellent goulash or soup broth. And it can also be one of the ingredients of minced meat.
  • Notch - part of the neck, located closer to the head. It can be boiled, getting a broth, or stewed.
  • Brisket. This part of the carcass contains bones, fat and meat, so the brisket is usually used for cooking first courses.
  • The flank is the soft part of the brisket, which consists of layers of connective tissue and layers of fat. Therefore, when compared with the rest of the carcass, it is more rigid. First courses are usually prepared from the flank - soups and borscht. Also, this part of the carcass can be used for meat filling in pies and pies, but do not forget to remove the film before cooking.
  • The fillet is the best part of the carcass, very tender, with a low fat content. Located under the ribs. The delicate and loose structure of the fibers allows you to cut the classic dish of English cuisine - roast beef, as well as make goulash, chops, rolls.
  • Tenderloin is a part of the fillet, which is especially appreciated by chefs and fans of delicious meat dishes, such as roast beef, steak or roast.
  • The shank is the lower part of an animal's limb. From beef shank, boiled with or without a bone, you can get an excellent aspic or aspic. In addition, the shank pulp can be stewed with vegetables, previously cut into small pieces.
  • Thigh, rump or rump. Lean meat that makes excellent rolls. You can also cook raw tatar steak, fondue, rump steak or roast.

A step-by-step photo recipe for making “those” homemade cutlets, with bread crumb and two types of meat - pork and beef. Preparing this dish is simple - we twist meat, bread, onions in a meat grinder, make homemade minced meat, form cutlets, roll in flour, fry until cooked in a pan. We serve cutlets with the best side dish for this occasion - mashed potatoes.

I suggest trying to cook such a marbled beef schnitzel in a frying pan in hot oil (and what, there are eccentrics who cook this dish in the oven!), Of course, we will first lightly salt the meat, beat it off and thoroughly bread it. Veal is ideal, but if you use it, then you can safely call this dish the classic "Viennese schnitzel", because in essence, that's what we will cook today! Potatoes will be cooked with meat as a side dish, although you can of course do without it.

Recipe for beef baked in pots with potatoes in the oven. Cut the meat, potatoes and onions into cubes. We place the onion with beef in pots, salt, pepper, mix, let marinate for 15 minutes. We add potatoes, a piece of butter, cheese, coat the topmost layer of dishes with a drop of mayonnaise (for the crust), place the pots in the oven, bake until tender. That's the whole recipe!

Recipe for doctor's sausage cooked at home according to GOST. If you are tired of eating "it's not clear what" and "it's not clear from what" - be sure to try to cook a normal doctor's sausage at home from real meat, and you will immediately understand the difference! Whoever says anything - the simplest recipe, a stick of doctor's sausage cooked on the weekend will allow you to make sandwiches all week from which you can not be afraid for your health, but at the same time, get simply incredible taste pleasure!

The recipe for azu in Tatar, which was prepared from beef, pickles and potatoes. I tried to recreate the recipe for this dish of Tatar cuisine based on my childhood memories of how my father cooked this aza ... I do not pretend to be the original, because I had to think a lot, but the result was quite satisfactory, which I wish you all!

Photo of a large, tasty and juicy minced beef steak. We chop the beef (preferably tenderloin), then salt and pepper the meat, beat it well, form a steak and fry it first in a pan, and then bring it to the required degree of roasting in the oven. This storehouse of male cooking is served under a fried egg. Very tasty and relatively easy to prepare, I recommend trying it! Well, to make it easier, I wrote a recipe with step-by-step photos of a steak to help you.

A photo of a roast beef that I once had a chance to cook. I just took a piece of marbled beef, marinated it a little in a mixture of olive oil, black pepper and garlic. Next, I fried a piece of meat on a corrugated grill pan, brought a piece of meat to the required degree of roasting in the oven, cut it into portions and served this whole wonderful thing to the table along with sauerkraut! I posted the recipe for my marbled beef roast beef with step-by-step photos here.

Photo of beef steak baked in cheese. Cooking is not much more difficult than a regular steak. That is, we need to take a good piece of beef, fry it on both sides in a pan. Put a couple of circles of tomato and cheese on the meat, place the steak in this form in the oven and get what you see in the photo. I posted the recipe for cooking a steak with step by step photos here.

Photo of a beef steak cut from the hip part of a bull and fried until cooked in a pan. In fact, I personally did not cut anything, but bought the necessary blanks in the store and prepared the steak for frying. The cooking process itself traditionally looks something like this: we coat a piece of beef with olive oil on all sides, let it rest and reach room temperature, after which we fry the meat twice on each side in a special corrugated frying pan to dry (i.e. without additional oils). After frying, the roundrum steak rests for 2 minutes, then it is salted, peppered, smeared with melted butter and immediately served to the table under a glass of dry red.

Photo of meatballs that I once cooked as a main dish. Meatballs are made from ground beef to which onions and a couple of egg yolks are added. From the minced meat prepared for meatballs, small koloboks are formed, which are dipped in flour, an egg in breading, and then baked until fully cooked in very hot vegetable oil. I wrote a very simple and most importantly delicious recipe for the meatballs shown in the photo, you can familiarize yourself with it.

Photo of roast beef in a pot. The meat was cut into large pieces, and then, together with onions and tomatoes, was baked in a pot in the oven. A description of one of the simplest pot roast recipes can be found here.

Photo of beef stewed in red wine. The dish is easy to make. In olive oil, fry large pieces of beef pulp until baked, then send chopped onions, then carrots, to the cauldron with meat. Salt the dish, pour in a couple of glasses of red wine, and then stew the beef with wine for about an hour under a closed lid. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, spicy herbs (thyme, rosemary), garlic, sliced ​​\u200b\u200band freshly ground black pepper are sent to the cauldron. Simultaneously with cooking meat, prepare a side dish. To do this, it is enough to place in a cauldron (directly on the meat) a clay or porcelain bowl with green string beans and / or broccoli, vegetables are miraculously steamed.

Photo of a lasagna I once made with minced meat, mushrooms, and purchased lasagna sheets. Since lasagna, like pizza, does not have a single recipe, without further ado, I slyly got involved in the process of making lasagna in a very creative way. I made the meat base based on ground beef, mushrooms and pre-fried vegetables, after which I poured the minced meat with a glass of red wine, and at the very end I added garlic and chopped parsley, dill and green onions, poured a layer of lasagna with bechamel sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese. At the very end, the lasagna shown in the photo was sprinkled with parmesan. The Italian dish turned out to be very tasty and satisfying, if anyone wants to try to cook the minced meat lasagna shown in the photo, I am attaching her recipe.

Photo of fried meat cooked by me with potatoes and vegetables. The beef is cut into small pieces, and then marinated in spices. Potatoes, cucumbers, garlic and tomatoes are cut into thin slices, after which the meat and potatoes are separately fried in a cauldron until half cooked. Fried meat and potatoes are sent to a cast-iron pan, cucumbers and tomatoes are also laid there, everything is slightly mixed and sent to a preheated oven until a baked crust is obtained on meat and potatoes. It turns out very tasty and original.

- the most popular meat in the world, from which chefs of any country can prepare hundreds of dishes. It is cooked with vegetables and mushrooms, fruits and soaked in milk and red wine, in marinades with spices and vinegar. Hot beef dishes are eaten with a side dish of vegetables, potatoes, rice, cold ones with sweet and sour or spicy sauces. Beef goes well with red grape wines and beer, cognac and vodka.

In addition, beef meat contains a complete, easily digestible protein with essential amino acids for the human body, a large amount of vitamins B6 and B12, vitamin PP, as well as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and many other elements.

Therefore, for a healthy diet, beef dishes are recommended to be consumed at least 2-3 times a week.

How to cook beef so that the meat retains its juiciness and softness?

To prepare a delicious beef dish, learn how to choose it:

  1. The meat should not be dark, this indicates that it is old. The pieces of young beef should be a uniform red color, but not bright. The bright red color and red imprints on the white paper indicate that the beef has been tinted.
  2. Old beef is also indicated by yellow fat, young beef has cream-colored fat.
  3. Do not buy frozen meat, only chilled, otherwise there is a chance to buy stale, smelly. Yes, and doctors do not recommend eating frozen meat.

It is best to fry and stew the highest quality meat - tenderloin, shoulder blade, back of the shank, entrecote, fillet. For minced meat, a rump, a flank, a lower part of a buttock are suitable, and the most delicious broth will turn out from the brisket and neck.

Our recipes will help you easily and simply prepare delicious beef dishes, preserving all the juiciness, tenderness and softness of the meat. And properly cooked beef is not only a gastronomic pleasure, but also health!

Old Russian pickle with beef

  • Servings - 6 pcs.


  • Beef for broth - 1 kg
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 4 pcs.
  • Cucumber pickle - 1 cup
  • Pearl barley - 100 g
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Wash the meat and boil with bay leaf to make at least 3 liters of broth. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, cut the meat into pieces. Throw away the bay leaf.

Pour barley into the broth and cook for 40 minutes. Cut the potatoes into cubes, put in the broth, salt and cook for 10 minutes.

Old Russian beef pickle.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot on a coarse grater. Fry the onion in vegetable oil for 5 minutes, then add the carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into the broth and cook for another 5 minutes.

Cucumbers cut into strips, put in broth, add brine and chopped meat. Mix everything well, check for salt, add pepper and cook for another 10 minutes.

Beef stew with vegetables

  • Servings - 4 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 1.5 hours.


  • Beef - 500 g
  • Potato - 300 g
  • Zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, rosemary) - to taste

Wash the beef and cut into large pieces. Salt and pepper. Fry quickly over high heat to form a crust.

Potatoes and zucchini in large cubes. Onion and pepper in half rings. Mix all vegetables in a large bowl. Salt and pepper.

Beef stew.

In a deep baking sheet or refractory dish, fold in layers: vegetables-meat-vegetables. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream and pour vegetables on top. Sprinkle generously with finely chopped herbs.

Cover the bowl with a lid or foil. Place in a preheated 200° oven for 45-60 minutes.

Classic beef steak

  • Servings - according to the number of eaters
  • Cooking - 15 minutes.


  • Steak (thickness 2.5 cm) - according to the number of eaters
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning "Provencal herbs" - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

The first secret of a delicious classic steak, like in American films, is to evenly fry a rather large and thick piece of meat in a short time. Fresh (chilled) meat is best suited for this. If you are going to make a steak from frozen meat, then defrosting should take place naturally and slowly, in the refrigerator, and not in the air and in no case in the microwave!

The second secret is that the steak must be at room temperature before cooking, so take it out and let it stand for 20 minutes. Then pat it dry with paper towels.

If you don't have Herbes de Provence, make your own mix of basil, rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, thyme, oregano, and marjoram. Pour seasoning, salt and pepper into a bowl and mix.

Classic beef steak.

Dip the steak on all sides in the mixture, place and pat with your palm so that the seasonings “enter” the meat. Now grease it with vegetable oil - this will make it possible to fry it evenly.

Grease the frying pan with a thin layer of oil and heat well. Place the steaks on it so that they do not touch. Fry over high heat for 3-4 minutes, then turn to medium heat and 2-3 more minutes. And so on each side.

After frying, steaks should be allowed to "rest" to give them the most flavor and tenderness. To do this, cover them with foil and leave for 10 minutes.

Cut with sharply sharpened knives without jags - the meat should be cut perfectly evenly.

Country-style beef patties

  • Servings - 4 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour.


  • Beef - 500 g
  • Champignons (or any other mushrooms) - 500 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Wash mushrooms, peel and boil in salted water. Pour the mushroom broth into a separate bowl, finely chop the mushrooms.

Make minced meat, add 1 finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, a little mushroom broth and mix well. Form meatballs: make balls of minced meat, then flatten them to make cakes. Roll the meatballs in flour and fry over high heat until crispy. Place in saucepan.

Finely chop the second onion and fry with already chopped mushrooms.

Country style meatballs.

Fry flour until golden brown, dilute with mushroom broth, add fried mushrooms with onions and let stew for 3-5 minutes.

Pour the mixture into the meatballs in a saucepan. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and sprinkle the meatballs with it. Let simmer for at least 40 minutes.

Serve with a side dish of mashed potatoes.

Beef stew

  • Servings - 4 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 1.5 hours.


  • Beef (tenderloin) - 500 g
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper - to taste.

Wash the meat and pat dry with paper towels. Make slits and stuff with garlic cloves. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and rub the meat well with the mixture.

Cut the lemon into slices and cover the meat with them on all sides. Put it in a saucepan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 3-4 hours.

Beef stew.

After the set time, remove the meat, remove the lemon, and wrap the meat in 2 layers of foil. Put in a baking dish and place in a preheated oven at 200 ° for 1.5 hours.

The baked goods are ready! It is delicious to eat hot with any side dish, and cold, as an appetizer, or on sandwiches.

Beef is considered dietary and even lean meat. Here, of course, depending on what to compare, if with pork or lamb, then, indeed, there is less fat and calories. In comparison with poultry meat, beef will lose in these indicators. In any case, for proper and rational nutrition, beef must be in the human diet.

This is where the question arises, what kind of beef dishes to cook, recipes with photos that are easy to prepare can be quite difficult to find. But, with our culinary project, young or experienced hosts will definitely not have any difficulties. We offer a huge variety of recipes, including those using beef as the main or even additional ingredient.

You need to understand that cooking beef, just due to the fact that it is lean, should be done carefully. If the meat is overstewed, overexposed on fire, then it will turn out not tasty and rubbery in taste - it will be quite difficult to chew even a small piece. Therefore, on the pages of our site we talk not only about how to cook beef dishes, but recipes with photos are simple and tasty, revealing all the secrets of proper processing and cooking of this type of meat.

There are quite classic dishes that you can cook from beef for the second: fast and tasty. For example, it can be a medallion fried on both sides and has a crispy crust, but tender and juicy inside. You can fry the pieces of beef in a sour cream sauce to make a delicious gravy. There are some dishes for which beef is completely unsuitable, for example, barbecue. In other recipes, this particular meat is considered the most preferable.

In general, you need to be able to cook dishes and beef. If pork always turns out juicy and tasty, then things are not so simple with beef. But, for this, our site exists, which does not just give recipes, but clear and specific recommendations on how exactly this type of meat should be cooked to make it tasty, juicy, fragrant and rich in taste.


Shah pilaf in Azerbaijani from Stalik Khankishiyev

Ingredients: pita bread, butter, beef, rice, carrots, onions, barberries, peppers. zira, raisins, prunes, apricots, saffron, spice, vegetable oil, salt, pepper

- 1 lavash;
- 100 g of butter;
- 600 g of beef;
- 300 g of basmati rice;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 onions;
- 3 tsp red and black barberry;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 1 tsp zira;
- 100 gr dried fruits;
- 0.5 tsp Imeretian saffron;
- 2 tsp spice mixes for pilaf;
- vegetable oil;
- salt;
- pepper.


Stewed potatoes with beef in a slow cooker

Ingredients: potatoes, beef, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, spice

In a slow cooker, even the most ordinary dishes are easier to cook. and they taste better. Stewed potatoes with meat is no exception, so cook - you won't regret it!
- 1 kg of potatoes;
- 600 g of beef;
- 1 onion;
- 3 carrots;
- 40 ml of vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- spices to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Hussar meat from Golubkina

Ingredients: beef, mayonnaise, champignon, potato, onion, cheese, salt, spice, vegetable oil, vegetable, herbs

Meat baked in the oven in the company of champignons and potatoes under a cheese crust will appeal to both your family and guests - this dish is both tasty and appetizing.

- 400 gr of beef;
- 2.5 tsp mayonnaise;
- 6-7 champignons;
- 3 potatoes;
- 2 onions;
- 100 gr of hard cheese;
- 0.5 tsp salt;
- 1/3 tsp spices for meat;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- fresh vegetables for serving;
- greens for serving.


Spelled pilaf with meat

Ingredients: beef, spelt, onion, carrot, barberry, garlic, chili pepper, bay fox, pepper, cumin, coriander, paprika, salt, vegetable oil

You can cook many delicious and interesting dishes from spelled, one of them is pilaf with meat. This is a great option for a hearty lunch or dinner for the whole family.

- 500 gr of beef;
- 350 gr spelled;
- 120 gr of onions;
- 150 gr carrots;
- 1 tbsp barberry;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 1 chili pepper;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- pepper;
- cumin;
- coriander;
- ground sweet paprika;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.


Beef basturma

Ingredients: beef, salt, sugar, fenugreek, garlic, paprika, pepper

You probably love basturma - delicious, fragrant ... We suggest that you do not buy it in the store, but make it yourself, at home, using our detailed recipe.

- 1 kg of beef;
- 55 grams of salt;
- 15 grams of sugar;
- 3 tsp ground fenugreek;
- 1.5 tsp garlic powder;
- 2 tsp ground sweet paprika;
- 0.5 tsp hot ground chili pepper.


Burgundy Beef

Ingredients: beef, onion, carrot, tomato, wine, broth, champignon, thyme, laurel, coriander, rosemary, garlic, pepper, flour, oil, salt

If you want to surprise your family and guests with an incredibly delicious meat dish, then we advise you to cook beef Burgundy in a classic version: with vegetables, spices, red wine and broth.


- 1 kg of beef (shoulder without bone);
- 250 gr of onions;
- 120 gr carrots;
- 200 gr of tomatoes;
- 0.5 liters of dry red wine;
- 0.5 liters of beef broth;
- 400 gr of champignons;
- 3 sprigs of thyme;
- 4 pieces of bay leaf;
- 1.5 tsp coriander;
- 1 sprig of rosemary;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 2 chili peppers;
- wheat flour, olive oil, salt, pepper.


Beef stew with prunes

Ingredients: beef, prunes, onion, oil, water, salt, spice, laurel, pepper

Beef stew with prunes is a very tasty and satisfying dish that you can easily cook for every day or for a festive table.


- 500-600 grams of beef,
- 150 grams of prunes,
- 1 onion,
- 1 tbsp tomato paste,
- 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil,
- 250-400 ml. water or broth
- salt,
- spices,
- Bay leaf,
- allspice peas.


Beef khashlama with potatoes

Ingredients: beef, potatoes, sweet peppers, garlic, tomatoes, onions, herbs, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, water

If you have never cooked khashlama, then I assure you, it is worth a try! We are sure that you will enjoy this beef and vegetable dish as much as we do. Our recipe will help you with this.
- beef - 600 gr;
- potatoes - 400 gr;
- sweet pepper - 1 pc;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pcs;
- bow - 1 pc;
- greens to taste;
- vegetable oil - 30 gr;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- water.


Echpochmak in Tatar

Ingredients: kefir, flour, sugar, salt, butter, baking powder, sour cream, beef, laurel, potatoes, onion, pepper

I suggest you cook a very tasty and satisfying Tatar pastry - echpochmak with beef. The dish is very tasty and filling.


- 200 ml. kefir,
- 400 grams of flour,
- 2 tsp Sahara,
- 2 pinches of salt,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 1 tsp baking powder,
- 1 tbsp sour cream
- 300 grams of beef,
- 1 bay leaf,
- 1 potato,
- 1 onion,
- a pinch of ground black pepper.


Classic beshbarmak recipe

Ingredients: tenderloin, flour, egg, onion, cilantro, oil, salt, spice

I suggest you cook a delicious Kazakh soup - beshbarmak. Preparing the dish is quite easy and fast enough.


- 600 grams of tenderloin;
- 100 grams of flour;
- 1 egg;
- 160 grams of onion;
- 100 grams of cilantro;
- 100 grams of mint;
- 35 grams of butter;
- salt;
- spices.


Echpochmak with meat and potatoes

Ingredients: flour, salt, sugar, water, egg, sour cream, butter, beef, potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, dill

I suggest you cook a delicious traditional Tatar dish. Echpochmak with meat and potatoes looks like samsa, and in translation means a triangle. Actually, this is what the cake looks like.


- 500 grams of flour,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 1 tsp Sahara,
- 100 ml. water,
- 1 egg,
- 6 tablespoons sour cream
- 50 grams of butter,
- 250 grams of beef,
- 3 potatoes,
- 2 onions,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- dill.


Beef stew

Ingredients: beef, garlic, spicy mustard, salt, black pepper, paprika, French mustard with grains

There are many different recipes for boiled pork, but our today will be devoted to its preparation from beef. We suggest baking the meat in foil - so it will be tender. soft and very tasty.
- 600 gr of beef;
- 2-3 large cloves of garlic;
- 2 tsp spicy mustard;
- 1 incomplete tsp salt;
- 1 tsp black pepper;
- 1.5 tsp paprika;
- 1 tsp French mustard with grains.


Fried beef with onions in a pan

Ingredients: beef, onion, vegetable oil, salt, pepper

Delicious, juicy pan-fried beef is pretty easy, trust me! Follow our instructions, described in a detailed master class, and you will see for yourself. You will have a great meal for the whole family.

- beef (veal) - 300 gr;
- onion - 150 gr;
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
- salt to taste;
- ground black pepper to taste.


Beef schnitzel

Ingredients: beef, eggs, breadcrumbs, flour, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Schnitzel is an incredibly tasty, nutritious and beautiful dish. It is not as difficult to cook as it seems at first glance, but there are still certain nuances. You will learn about them from our recipe.
- beef - 400 gr;
- eggs - 2 pcs;
- breadcrumbs - 150 gr;
- wheat flour - 150 gr;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Juicy and tasty beef cutlets

Ingredients: minced meat, onion, bread, egg, tomato paste, boiling water, spice, salt, cracker

Beef cutlets can also be juicy and tender. the most important thing is to prepare them correctly. And this is exactly what our detailed recipe will help you figure out. It describes in detail everything that needs to be done.
- 500 gr of minced meat;
- 1 onion;
- 2 slices of bread;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste;
- 300 ml of boiling water;
- spices to taste;
- salt to taste;
- 200 gr breadcrumbs.

If you get creative, beef meat can be used to make delicious soups, roasts, beef stroganoff and a variety of dishes with vegetables. Consider recipes.

First courses of beef

So, what to cook from beef for the first time? As a first course of beef, you can cook kharcho. Of course, it is mainly made from lamb brisket, but if you replace it with beef brisket, you get a special dish. You can make a hearty beef rib soup.

Beef brisket kharcho


  • beef brisket - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • 3 large slices of garlic;
  • rice - ½ part of an ordinary glass;
  • tomato (or 1 tomato) - 40 g;
  • sour plum (tkemali cherry plum) - ½ cup;
  • to taste - cilantro or parsley or dill.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours, calorie content of 1 serving - 335 kcal.

Prepare the meat - wash, remove excess fat. Put a piece of brisket in a pot of cold water, put on the stove. It is better to put the whole piece in the soup, and cut the already prepared meat into cubes.

But, if the piece does not fit in the pan, it can be cut into small pieces at the rate of 4-5 per serving. Then, as usual, when the broth boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat to a minimum.

Two hours later, put in a saucepan: finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, rice, cherry plum puree, season with spices. It remains to wait half an hour. For information: it is better to use dried cherry plum puree, but you can also take fresh berries.

Remove some fat from the broth and lightly fry the tomato or tomato puree on it. Fat is optional, any oil will do. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, dip the tomato dressing into the soup. Kharcho is served on the table, sprinkled with finely chopped greens, which is better to choose in accordance with your taste preferences.

Hearty beef ribs soup

You will need:

  • beef (ribs) - 500 grams;
  • tomatoes - 2 fruits;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • greens (cilantro, dill) - 1 bunch.

It takes 1 hour 25 minutes to prepare the soup, its calorie content is 310 kcal.

To prepare this soup, you will need a pot with a thick bottom or a cauldron. Fry the ribs in oil, add chopped onion to them and lightly brown it. Cut the potatoes into large pieces, also add to the cauldron (or pan). Cook 5 minutes.

Send tomatoes to the meat, previously peeled and chopped, simmer for 3 minutes. Now pour everything with 1.5 liters of water, cook for 45-55 minutes on minimum heat. The soup is ready when the meat is tender. At the end of cooking, add a very finely chopped apple to the soup, greens to taste. A couple more minutes on low heat and hearty soup is ready.

Beef main dishes: cook quickly and tasty

What to cook from beef quickly and tasty for the second? Beef with vegetables is a great option for a second course. Especially if you have to cook for a large family - in 30 minutes you get from 4 to 8 servings at once.

Beef baked with tomatoes

Cooking Ingredients:

  • beef meat (veal) - 500 grams;
  • tomato - 3-4 fruits;
  • ghee - 120 grams;
  • to taste - herbs, spices.

It will take 55 minutes to prepare this dish, one serving is 300 kcal.

Cut the pulp into pieces (small), sprinkle with spices and put in a deep container recommended for cooking in the oven. Put tomatoes cut into large pieces around the meat, add hot water, just a little.

Quick: beef with mixed vegetables

For the dish you need to purchase:

  • beef meat (loin) - 450-500 grams;
  • mixture of vegetables (frozen) - 1 package;
  • for frying olive oil - 40 g;
  • spices according to your taste.

The cooking time is 20 minutes, the calorie content of the dish is 320 kcal.

How to cook:

Roast beef with potatoes

Required Ingredients:

  • 600 grams of beef fillet;
  • potatoes - 8 large tubers;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • water or broth - 12 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 250 grams;
  • for frying - 70 g of oil;
  • bay leaf, dill, spices - to taste.

It takes 35 minutes to cook the roast, one serving contains 330 kcal.

How to cook:

Beef: the easiest recipe


  • beef fillet - 1 kg;
  • butter or margarine - 100 grams.

The meat will be ready in 1 hour 40 minutes, one serving will not exceed 300 kcal.

Cooking is easy:

What to cook for dinner from beef meat

The best option for dinner is beef with sauce, and additional ingredients - nuts, apples, raisins will give the dish a spicy aroma and taste.

In order not to stand at the stove all evening, you can make a roll of ground beef in advance, and warm it up just before dinner.

Beef Stroganoff

Required products:

  • boneless beef - 1 kg;
  • pork belly - 100 grams;
  • pork fat (can be replaced with oil) - 30-40 g;
  • light beer - ½ liter;
  • 2 carrots;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • gingerbread - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - 1 handful;
  • grated almonds - 15 grams;
  • ginger (optional)
  • spices - to taste.

You can cook beef stroganoff in 1 hour 20 minutes, its calorie content is 280 kcal.

How to cook:

spicy beef

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • beef - 450 grams;
  • rice (basmati) - 320 grams;
  • tomatoes canned in their own juice - 6 pieces;
  • green apples - 2 fruits;
  • white onion - 1 large head;
  • red onion - 1 large onion;
  • cashews (or peanuts) - 1 handful;
  • broth - 3 cups;
  • flour - 75 g;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • sea ​​salt - two pinches;
  • curry - 1 pinch;
  • black pepper - to your taste.

It will take 1 hour and 35 minutes to prepare the dish, and per 1 serving, the calorie content will be 320 kcal.

Beef roll for dinner

Need to take:

  • boneless beef - 450 grams;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • 5 eggs;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • 1 bunch - green onion feather;
  • 2 dry slices of bread;
  • 20 g of mayonnaise or sour cream;
  • season with spices - to taste.

The cooking time will be 50 minutes, the calorie content of the dish will not exceed 300 kcal.

  1. To make the meat soft, it must be fried in a hot pan on each side for 2 minutes;
  2. During cooking, cover the container in which the meat is cooked with a lid so that moisture does not evaporate;
  3. Another good way to cook juicy meat is to marinate beef in mineral water or tomato juice, you can use wine;
  4. For pickling, it is better not to take vinegar, it makes the meat tough;
  5. Veal does not need to be fried, in any case it turns out soft.

Thus, from beef you can cook delicious soups, savory and juicy main courses for the whole family. Any dish cooked with beef meat is hearty and healthy. Each of them can feed the whole family.

The recipe for a delicious beef dish is in the next video.
