
Recipes for brushwood in the form again. How to cook brushwood at home: delicious and easy recipes

Tea with biscuits is the most affordable dessert and a quick way to finish a hearty meal, and for many, it is also a universal way to cheer yourself up. Thanks to the assortment of biscuits, the variety of tea drinking can be endless. We suggest that you, at the next opportunity, choose not the usual shortbread rings or oatmeal gingerbread cookies, but light and crispy cookies, known as brushwood. Better yet, make your own! Moreover, it will not take much time and effort, and homemade cakes are always tastier, healthier and somehow “soulier” than store-bought ones. Just remember how in childhood we all eagerly waited for our mother or grandmother to knead the dough, weave thin braids out of it, heat the oil in a frying pan and literally in a few minutes put steaming hot, fragile golden cookies on a plate. It only remained to sprinkle them with powdered sugar and enjoy the crunchy sweetness.

So why not now, after so many years, remember that feeling and give the same joy to your child, and at the same time to yourself. In addition, there is one secret in the brushwood recipe that is not known to children, but accessible to adults. To increase the crunchy properties, a little alcohol is added to the dough: such a conditional amount cannot cause intoxication, but it makes you feel like a skilled confectioner and an expert in culinary biochemistry. And this is also a very important pleasant feeling that the process of home baking gives. So do not hesitate, and in the coming weekend, find time to please the household with brushwood early in the morning or during the day. Which recipe to choose and how to bake cookies a hundred times better than store-bought, we will be happy to tell you.

Cookies brushwood: composition and cooking secrets
As a kind of confectionery, brushwood is a crispy biscuit made from yeast-free dough, fried in a large amount of hot fat (deep-fried). But there are recipes, or rather species, because there are much more recipes themselves - there are at least two brushwood doughs. In the first case, a thick dough is used that can hold the shape of a cookie, and in the second, it is completely liquid and fluid, which takes shape directly during the frying process. But in any case, kneading the dough for brushwood will not work without flour, eggs, butter, milk and sugar, as well as liquid oil for frying. A small amount of alcohol, mineral water, various flavorings and other additives can be considered optional components, the purpose of which is to improve the taste of cookies, and to facilitate the process of its preparation. In the basic recipe for brushwood, described in the classic cookbooks of the last century, the dough is flavored with rum, cognac or vodka. Modern interpretations allow for many variations, especially thanks to the modern development of the food industry, which offers various auxiliary components for baking. And yet, real brushwood does not imply significant deviations from the traditional recipe.

It is interesting that the Greeks knew this pastry, in which similar cookies have long been part of the national cuisine. In neighboring Israel and Turkey, they feast on biscuits called teiglakh, made from brushwood dough, but served, like the vast majority of oriental sweets, with plenty of honey sauce. As for our compatriots, a similar recipe began to be widely used in Russia and Ukraine only in the 18th century, and at first the Ukrainians fell in love with cookies, which they called verguns, and then it gradually spread to the northern regions and reached St. Petersburg, acquiring a familiar name to us "Brushwood". It is not difficult to guess the origin of such a nickname - for this it is enough to look and / or try dry and brittle cookies, which really very much resemble fragile tree twigs with these features. Well, brushwood gained truly popular love and popularity in the 20th century - in Soviet times it was prepared in almost all families, mainly due to the availability of ingredients. It is difficult to surprise modern sweet tooth with the delights of the confectionery industry; they are spoiled with complex desserts and artsy decor. But, nevertheless, recent years have again revived the demand for brushwood, and the fashion for home recipes and food blogging has played a significant role here. So be it, but now we can again feast on undeservedly forgotten, but simple and tasty cookies.

However, as with all sweets, with brushwood, despite its apparent lightness and literally “weightlessness”, people who are prone to gaining excess weight need to be careful. The safety of brushwood for a figure is deceptive: its calorie content, depending on the ingredients of a particular recipe, can range from 300 to 600 kcal / 100 g, and this is comparable to the energy value of the most nutritious confectionery. You can really eat up brushwood very quickly, but even after that, the hand itself reaches for a crunchy appetizing delicacy. And with each cookie eaten, our body receives mostly fast carbohydrates (up to 50 grams out of 100), fats (25-30 grams out of 100) and quite a bit of protein (up to 10 grams out of 100). The rest is dietary fiber, salt and quite a bit of water (cookies are very dry). That is why the use of brushwood must be limited to people suffering from diabetes, other metabolic disorders and everyone who follows the figure. Children, whose energy is expended at breakneck speed, can be allowed to feast on these cookies more and more often - because all its ingredients, if they are of the right quality and freshness, are considered nutritious and healthy. For them, you can come up with different shapes of cookies, decorate them inventively and serve them with milk, compote, cocoa and juices. Thus, we came close directly to the process of preparing brushwood at home.

Cookie Recipes
There are a lot of recipes for making crispy ruddy brushwood, but each technique is invariably aimed at making the cookies as airy and thin as possible. There are two main ways to achieve this effect. The first implies that the dense and thick dough is rolled out as thinly as possible, and then dipped into the deep-fryer. The second, on the contrary, uses a very soft, almost liquid dough, which is poured into boiling oil, where liquid and fat are rejected. But both methods are powerless on their own if the products for the test are chosen or used incorrectly. Therefore, even if you have rich culinary experience and a desire to experiment at the stove, we advise you to use one of these proven recipes when you first prepare brushwood:

  1. A simple recipe for brushwood. Take 3 cups of wheat flour, 1 large egg, 2 tablespoons of sour cream of any fat content, 2 tablespoons of cognac (can be replaced with rum), 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, vegetable oil in an amount sufficient for deep frying. Beat the egg with sugar and salt, add cognac and sour cream. Intensively mixing, achieve complete uniformity of the mass. Sift the flour in parts into the egg mixture and knead a thick dough, kneading it with your hands. Turn the dough out onto a floured countertop or cutting board and roll it out as thin as possible. Cut into strips about 20 cm long and 2 cm wide. From strips of dough cut into two or three parts, braid and / or plaits as desired, but not tight. Heat a large amount of vegetable oil strongly in a deep saucepan or deep fryer, carefully, avoiding sticking, dip the dough into it and hold until the cookies become golden brown. Remove the cookies with a slotted spoon and place in a colander or paper towel to cool and remove excess oil. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cocoa or otherwise decorate to your taste.
  2. Brushwood in milk. Take 100 grams of wheat flour, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of milk and vodka, half a teaspoon of soda and salt, 100 grams of powdered sugar and refined vegetable oil for frying. Sift the flour into a deep bowl, beat the egg into it and mix thoroughly. Salt, extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour into a bowl. Add milk and vodka to the dough and knead the plastic dough. Transfer the dough to a plastic bag and refrigerate for half an hour. After this time, remove the dough and roll it out on a table or cutting board without adding more flour (use vegetable oil to prevent the dough from sticking). The layer of dough should be as thin as possible. Using special knives, molds or other devices, cut the dough into small pieces and give them any arbitrary shape that fantasy tells. Heat up oil for frying. Dip the pieces of dough into the boiling oil and remove when they turn golden. Place on a paper towel or colander, then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve.
  3. Lean brushwood on the water. Take 1 cup of highly carbonated water, half a kilo of flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, powdered sugar and vegetable oil for deep frying. Pour water into a large bowl, sift flour into it and add sugar. Knead a thick dough and transfer it to a floured horizontal surface. Roll out the dough layer very thinly, cut into strips and weave pigtails out of them. Heat the oil for deep-frying, fry the cookies in it until golden brown and transfer to a paper towel. When the excess oil has drained and the brushwood has cooled slightly, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. In this recipe, water can be replaced with any sweet carbonated drink - then the finished cookie will take on a shade of its taste and color. Mineral water of any composition is also suitable, the main thing is that it contains a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide: it is this that provides crunchy qualities to brushwood in the absence of an alcoholic drink in the test.
  4. Bulk sickness. Take 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, half a cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of cognac (you can substitute vodka or rum), vanilla, refined oil for frying and powdered sugar for decoration. Beat eggs with sugar, add milk, alcohol and flour. You can add vanillin at this stage or mix it with powdered sugar intended for decorating cookies. Knead a soft dough. Heat the oil to a high temperature in a deep fryer or deep frying pan. Place the dough in a pastry syringe or simply scoop with a spoon and pour into boiling oil in small portions. Remove when cookies are golden brown. Let excess oil drain through a colander or paper towel, garnish with powdered sugar and serve. As a rule, when using a culinary syringe, the cookies turn out to be smaller and crispier, and when using a spoon, large and slightly soft.
  5. Brushwood on kefir. Take 3 cups of flour, 1 cup of kefir, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sugar or vanilla sugar, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for dough and another 1 liter for deep fat, half a teaspoon of salt and soda, powdered sugar in any amount. In a deep bowl, beat the egg with sugar (regular or vanilla) and salt, pour in 2 tablespoons of butter, kefir, put soda and mix. Gradually sift the flour into a bowl and knead the dough. Cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Then knead the dough with your hands, roll it out thinly on a floured or lightly oiled board and cut into small pieces in the form of strips, braids and/or plaits. Heat the oil to a boil in a deep fryer or saucepan. Toast the cookies until golden brown, drain on a paper towel or colander, garnish with powdered sugar and let cool slightly before serving.
  6. Cheese brushwood (snack for beer). Take 300 ml (large glass) of carbonated water, the same volume of flour and 1 more tablespoon of flour, 100 grams of hard cheese, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of mustard, spices to taste, vegetable oil for deep frying. Bring water to a boil along with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Remove from heat and, without waiting for cooling, add flour to the water with butter. Quickly knead the dough and leave it to cool to room temperature. In the meantime, grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix it with one egg and mustard. At this stage, you can add any spices to the filling. Divide the cooled dough into two equal parts and roll each into a thin layer. Spread the filling evenly on one and cover with a second layer. Press the top layer firmly against the bottom layer and cut them into strips together. Roll each strip into a spiral. Fry the cookies in boiling oil and serve cooled. Unsweetened brushwood can be garnished with sesame seeds and/or seeds.
  7. Creative sickness. Take 300 grams of cottage cheese or thick curd mass, 1 cup of flour, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and refined deep-frying oil. Mix all ingredients except oil and knead into a thick dough. Roll it into a layer, cut into strips or mold cookies with your hands into the desired shape. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or saucepan, fry the cookies in it and place on a colander and / or paper towel until the excess oil drains and the brushwood cools slightly. After that, cookies can be decorated to your taste and served. It will not be as dry as brushwood according to the recipes described above, but it differs from it in its curd taste and delicate structure.
As you can see, there are dozens if not hundreds of brushwood recipes, and the ones in this article are just basic basic recipes, each of which you can complicate, improve, adapt and adjust to your tastes. Decoration of brushwood always remains an additional pleasure and scope for creativity, for which you can and should use not only powdered sugar with or without vanilla, but also cocoa powder, ground cinnamon, other spices and spices, fresh and dried fruits, candied fruits, confectionery decorative elements etc. Brushwood perfectly complements any drinks - not only sweet ones, but many others (remember the "snack" cheese brushwood recipe). That is, it is suitable not only for the children's menu, but also for a variety of adult diets. Dessert, snack or snack during the day - brushwood will not leave anyone indifferent, you just need to find the very "your" recipe. And a few that are happy to alternate to the delight of friends and family. Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments!

In today's article, we will tell you how to make the well-known and beloved delicacy - brushwood. There are several ways to prepare this delicacy, which are quite simple for home cooking, resulting in a very tasty brushwood.
Let's get started.

Brushwood with sour cream

You will get very crunchy sweets that can be prepared quickly.

You will need

  • about 3 cups wheat flour
  • one large spoonful of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil enough to fry everything
  • one chicken egg
  • half a small spoon of baking soda
  • three large spoons of sour cream
  • half a glass of powdered sugar


  1. The flour should be sifted. Beat the flour with the egg, while adding salt, sugar, soda, sour cream to it.
  2. Knead a very stiff dough.
  3. Roll out the dough into three layers (layer thickness about 3-4 mm).
  4. Divide the dough layers into squares or rectangles. Make an incision in the middle of each figure. Wrap one of the corners of the figurine in this incision. Get a "twig".
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat over high heat.
  6. Fry the "twigs" until they turn golden.
  7. Put the finished "brushwood" on a plate and sprinkle with powder.

You can also add lemon zest to sour cream to improve the flavor.

Brushwood with vodka

This recipe came to us from Italy, where brushwood is cooked with alcohol - this is how sweets retain their properties and crispy brittleness longer.

You will need

  • about 400 g sifted wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • 50 g vodka
  • a pinch of table salt
  • vegetable oil
  • 50 g sugar
  • zest from a lemon
  • 30 g butter (butter)


  1. Whisk the eggs in a bowl.
  2. Add flour, salt, butter, lemon zest and sugar to them.
  3. Stir the whole mixture, then start adding vodka to the dough.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball and leave for an hour.
  5. Then roll out the dough into a huge thin sheet and cut it into rectangles. Fold the "twig" as in the previous recipe, wrapping the corner into a cut.
  6. We begin to fry brushwood, in small batches.
  7. Put the finished sweets on a plate, wait until the fat drains and sprinkle with powder.

Brushwood with yeast

For this recipe, it is best to use dry and fresh yeast.

You will need

  • about a glass of flour
  • dry (10g) or fresh (60g) yeast
  • ¼ part glass of water
  • vegetable oil
  • one chicken egg
  • a couple of small spoons of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • and powdered sugar


  1. Melt the yeast in the water and pour the flour into the mixture. As soon as a "slurry" forms, stop pouring flour.
  2. Separately from flour and yeast, grind eggs with sugar and salt. Then add the yeast mixture.
  3. Roll out the dough as for dumplings. We make small cuts in each piece of dough.
  4. We twist the pieces of dough into ribbons.
  5. We fry the dough.
  6. Put the finished "ribbons" on a plate and wait until the fat drains. Sprinkle treats with powder

Brushwood with milk

For this recipe, you will need batter.

You will need

  • 2-3 cups wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • two small spoons of baking powder
  • 220 g granulated sugar
  • a couple glasses of milk
  • ½ small spoon of salt
  • one glass of vegetable oil
  • ½ vanilla essence
  • 80 g powdered sugar


  1. Mix salt, sugar, baking powder and flour.
  2. Whisk the eggs into the dry mixture and add the milk and vanilla. Mix everything. You should get a pretty thick dough.
  3. Start heating the pan with vegetable oil.
  4. As soon as the pan is hot, start "pouring" the brushwood. Take a funnel for this and holding it over the pan, pour the dough into stripes.
  5. After pouring all the dough in this way, fry the brushwood and put it on a plate.
  6. Sprinkle the treat with powder

Usually, brushwood is sprinkled with powdered sugar. If you want to use something else, chocolate icing, honey, condensed milk or red pepper are great.

"Khvorost" is a special type of cookie that many people have known since childhood. This confectionery got its name because of the amazing external resemblance to dry fallen tree branches. Depending on the technology of preparation, the dough for "Khvorost" can be liquid or steep. It directly depends on whether the cookies will be fluffy or crispy.

"Khvorost" is the most popular version of home baking. It is often prepared by many mothers and grandmothers to please their babies with an unusual delicacy. The technology of preparing a dish includes several stages, among which, perhaps the most important is kneading the dough.

To make it at home, the following ingredients are traditionally used:

  • 160 grams of wheat flour;
  • 5 grams of table salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 7 - 8 grams of table vinegar;
  • 35 grams of vegetable (sunflower or corn) refined oil;
  • ½ sachet of vanilla sugar.

How to properly prepare the dough for "Khvorost":

  1. Sift flour. This must be done so that during kneading it is less clumpy.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar, oil, salt and vinegar with a whisk.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes sufficiently homogeneous, you can begin to introduce flour. This must be done in batches.
  4. Roll the finished dough into a ball.
  5. Cover it with a towel or napkin and leave it on the table for about half an hour.

Instead of fabric, you can use cling film. It will also prevent the dough from winding and drying out.

On kefir

To make curly cookies tender and airy, it is better to make dough for "Khvorost" on kefir.

In this case, you will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 480 grams of flour;
  • 300 milliliters of kefir;
  • 60 grams of sugar and the same amount of butter;
  • 7.5 grams of baking soda;
  • 5 grams of vanillin;
  • some salt.

Such a dough must be prepared in stages:

  1. Break the egg, and then carefully grind it with salt, sugar and vanilla.
  2. Add soda.
  3. Pour everything with kefir and mix well.
  4. Add oil. Before that, it must be slightly melted.
  5. Introduce parts of pre-sifted flour.
  6. Cover the finished dough with a clean cloth and leave to proof.

The semi-finished product is a little sticky, but tender and soft. It rolls well and cuts easily.

Cooking with milk

According to experts, for "Khvorost" it is best to make dough in milk.

To do this, you will need the most common products in the following quantities:

  • 320 grams of wheat flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 40 grams of whole milk;
  • 25 grams of sunflower oil (odorless).

Semi-finished product preparation method:

  1. Beat eggs well in a bowl with sugar. Continue the process until all the crystals are dissolved.
  2. Add milk, salt and add butter. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  3. Pouring flour in small portions, gradually knead an elastic and sufficiently elastic dough.

In this case, the maturation process is excluded. Fresh dough can be immediately rolled out and start shaping blanks.

Liquid dough for brushwood

Ready "Khvorost" can have a different shape. There is one very interesting recipe, according to which the popular cookie is made in the form of an openwork grid. To do this, the dough should be as liquid as possible.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • 1 cup of wheat flour and the same amount of whole milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

How to make batter for "Khvorost":

  1. After breaking the eggs, separate the yolks and grind them thoroughly with sugar. Continue until the last grains disappear.
  2. Pour the sweet egg mass with milk and mix well. You can act with an ordinary tablespoon.
  3. Pour the prepared composition into flour. Continue stirring until the mixture is truly homogeneous.
  4. Beat the whites separately with a whisk in a stable dense foam.
  5. Add them to the batter and mix gently. Here, intensive actions must be avoided so as not to destroy the airy consistency of the mass.

After that, you should immediately start molding cookies until the dough has settled. It must be poured in a thin stream into boiling fat using a pastry bag in different directions. It turns out the original crispy biscuits of a very unusual shape for Khvorost.

The crunchiest baking base

In order for the finished "Khvorost" to be crispy, the dough must be made as steep as possible, and then rolled out as thin as possible.

This result is easy to achieve if you do not use eggs, but take mineral water as a liquid base.

It turns out the original lean "Khvorost", for the preparation of which you need to take:

  • 300 grams of wheat flour;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of mineral water and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • a quarter teaspoon of baking powder;
  • some lemon zest.

The dough for crispy "Khvorost" is prepared very simply:

  1. Grind sugar well in a bowl with vegetable oil.
  2. Separately combine baking powder with flour. After that, add mineral water and mix so that there are no lumps.
  3. Introduce butter pounded with sugar and knead the dough well. If it is too viscous, then you can add about 20 - 30 grams of flour.

Continue machining until the mass becomes soft and elastic.

Unusual recipe with vodka

There are many other ways to make "Khvorost" crunchy. For example, during kneading, you can add a little of any alcohol-containing drink (vodka, cognac or rum) to the dough.

This method is well known to experienced cooks.

To prepare such a dough for "Khvorost", you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.38 kilograms of wheat flour;
  • 30 milliliters of vodka (or cognac);
  • a pinch of salt.

Technique for preparing dough with alcohol:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them well into a foam, adding a little salt.
  2. Pour in vodka and mix well.
  3. Slowly add flour. This must be done with constant stirring. The dough should be quite dense, but a little sticky. By consistency, it will be similar to that from which ordinary noodles are made.
  4. Place the semi-finished product in a bag and keep it in a cool place for about 30 minutes.

You need to roll out such a dough in parts, as it dries very quickly in the open air.

Sour cream dough for brushwood

If you want to cook "Khvorost" with a lush and airy crumb, then knead the dough well on sour cream.

For such a recipe, you will need products that are almost always at hand in the kitchen:

  • 300 - 400 grams of wheat flour;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 150 - 200 grams of sour cream;
  • a little drinking soda;
  • a dash of vanilla.

To make such a dough for "Khvorost", you need:

  1. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl.
  2. Add sour cream with sugar to them and mix. Then beat the resulting mass with a whisk.
  3. Pour a little salt and soda into the sifted flour.
  4. Add this mixture in parts to the sour cream and egg mass, stirring constantly. The finished dough should not stick to your hands.
  5. Place the semi-finished product in a bag and send it to the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Soft and pliable dough rolls out well. In order for the finished product to be lush, the layer must be made at least 5 millimeters thick.

Brushwood is an unusually delicious pastry that is familiar to every person since childhood. His grandmother carefully baked it on weekends and served it with a glass of hot cocoa. To please loved ones with crispy cookies, you need to know how to cook brushwood at home. Such a favorite delicacy for tea has several ways of preparation. Which one suits you - choose!

How to bake brushwood

Cooking brushwood at home has several features. All used equipment for making cookies must be perfectly clean. If you are preparing a dessert for the first time, you should strictly adhere to the recipe, which details the number of products and the sequence of actions. This dish is not difficult to prepare. After several attempts to fry cookies, your skill will be brought to automatism.

brushwood recipes

There is more than one recipe for crispy brushwood. You can cook your favorite delicacy in several ways, and each time the dish will acquire a new original taste. The most popular recipes for vodka, milk, yeast and cottage cheese. Tasty brushwood is incredibly thin and tender slices, they can be rolled in sugar, added nuts or dipped in honey. Crispy biscuits are a great addition to tea and gatherings with family or friends.

Thin crispy

  • Cooking time: 34 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 268 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.

Every woman dreams of getting a recipe for crispy brushwood, as according to GOST. The most important thing is to knead the dough correctly and give a beautiful shape to pastries. Photo delicacies are sure to come in handy for both beginners and experienced housewives. From it you can learn how to properly wrap cookies. But creative individuals can come up with their own original design method.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 125 g;
  • sour cream 15% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cognac or brandy - 40 ml;
  • flour - 425 g;
  • powdered sugar - 25 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Lay out the sifted flour on the table. Pour eggs, milk and cognac into the hole made in the middle.
  2. Add sour cream and sugar. After that, knead the dough.
  3. Roll out a sheet less than 0.5 cm wide. With a knife, cut the sheet into even, neat rhombuses.
  4. Let's start shaping - in the middle of the rhombus we make a hole and thread the end of the figure.
  5. In a very well-heated frying pan or deep fryer with plenty of oil, put the pieces of dough.
  6. Fry until the cookies are golden brown.
  7. We transfer the product to paper towels.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per Container: 5.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 378 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The classic recipe for brushwood involves making unleavened pastry and deep-frying it. This dish was originally taken from Greek cuisine. A simple cooking method will appeal to many housewives. The classic version of dessert is beautiful and tasty. Photos of this cookie occupy the front pages of culinary magazines. How to cook dessert according to this recipe? Easily!


  • chicken yolk - 5 pcs.;
  • cow's milk - 5 teaspoons;
  • cognac - 35 ml;
  • wheat flour - 680 g;
  • salt 5 - 7 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. At home, this dish is made by whisking an egg yolk with milk and alcohol in a bowl.
  2. Gradually stir in the flour until an elastic elastic lump is formed.
  3. Next, you need to cut out rectangles from a thinly rolled layer, about 3 cm wide and 11 cm long. It is necessary to bend each strip like a bow.
  4. Fry cookies in a hot skillet.
  5. The usual recipe for classic brushwood does not involve the addition of sugar. The finished product can be poured with jam and sprinkled with nuts.

On kefir

  • Cooking time: 125 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 280 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Every housewife knows how to make brushwood using fermented milk products. The recipe for brushwood on kefir is known in cooking and attracts with its simplicity and availability of ingredients. Its advantages are a quick and easy preparation of a delicious crunchy treat. The main ingredient that gives fluffiness to the liver is kefir, but whey can be used.


  • kefir - 330 ml;
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking soda - 5 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The easiest way to make brushwood cookies is with a step by step guide. Pour 300 grams of flour into a bowl, put the chicken yolk in the center, add sugar and soda.
  2. Pour in the liquid ingredients - kefir and olive oil.
  3. Beat until smooth. Add the remaining amount of flour and knead the dough with your hands.
  4. Roll in flour, wrap in cling film and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 35 minutes.
  5. Then roll out the dough, shape and fry.
  6. Sprinkle powdered sugar or pour condensed milk generously on the finished cookies.

On milk

  • Cooking time: 46 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 286 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for brushwood in milk is simple and simple. The cake prepared in this way turns out to be especially tender and crunches for a long time. The output of the finished product is very large. Cookies mixed with milk do not lose their taste after cooling. The photo with the image of brushwood and a glass of milk has already become a legend. Cooking does not differ in an increased degree of complexity.


  • wheat flour - 530 g;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 40 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • milk - 180 ml;
  • salt - 7 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 425 g.

Cooking method

  1. Grind chicken eggs with sugar.
  2. When the mixture reaches the consistency of lush foam, carefully pour in milk, vegetable oil.
  3. Add salt, continue beating. Next, add flour and knead the dough until an elastic elastic lump is obtained.
  4. Roll out with a thickness of 0.3 - 0.6 cm. We cut out diamonds, make a hole in them, thread the edges into the holes.
  5. H The more times you pass it through, the more openwork the cookies will turn out.
  6. Deep fry. Let the fat drip off with a slotted spoon or dry with towels.
  7. We put the finished delicious cookies on the dish. We serve to the table.

On sour cream

  • Cooking time: 47 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 334 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

How to make a fried hot dessert? It's easy! You should use the recipe for brushwood on sour cream. Cookies prepared in this way will simply melt in your mouth. Dessert is best consumed hot and warm. This is one of the ways to prepare a treat that has been used by mankind for over 500 years. Such cookies were served at the table of great kings and their entourage.


  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 210 ml;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking soda - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - 315 ml (for frying);
  • ground nuts - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk eggs and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  2. Add sour cream, which previously put quenched soda, mix well.
  3. Gently add flour to the dough, stirring constantly. Knead soft and airy dough.
  4. When it stops sticking, roll it out until a 6 mm thick layer is formed. We cut it into rectangles and knit bows from them.
  5. In a heavy-bottomed skillet, bring the oil to a boil.
  6. Fry the dessert until golden brown. Sprinkle warm brushwood generously with nuts and sugar.

Easy brushwood recipe

  • Servings Per Container: 7.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 355 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A simple brushwood recipe is the most common. Many housewives prepare dessert according to it. But there are a few secrets that will help make the dish even more crispy and tasty. The dough must be rolled out very, very thinly. To get a layer of the desired thickness, the dough must first be put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. This will significantly improve the crispy characteristics of the finished product.


  • eggs (yolk) - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • cream - 50 g;
  • flour - 125 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix egg yolks with sugar, grind into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add cold cream.
  3. Slowly, in portions, add flour to the yolks. Knead a stiff and elastic dough.
  4. Roll out into a thin even layer.
  5. Cut out rhombuses, make holes in them. Turn the ends out.
  6. We heat up the deep-fryer and fry the dessert until cooked. Serve on a beautiful platter.

With vodka

  • Cooking time: 36 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 203 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Simplicity, amazing, amazing taste - these are the distinguishing characteristics of cookies with the addition of alcohol. Brushwood on vodka is one of the simplest and most inexpensive ways to prepare a delicacy. How to make brushwood especially airy and crispy can be found by studying this recipe. Brushwood does not harden after cooling when cooked in this way.


  • flour - 225 g;
  • vodka - 55 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • deep-frying oil - 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat one egg thoroughly with salt. When the foam is lush, add vodka.
  2. We add the sifted flour in portions.
  3. The resulting elastic dough will be tight. We roll out a thin layer, cut it into strips of an approximate width of 2 - 3.5 cm.
  4. We put the blanks in the heated oil.
  5. This dessert stays crunchy for a long time. You might think that the cookies were baked in the oven, and not fried in a copious amount of oil.


  • Cooking time: 65 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 7.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you are wondering how to prepare such a dessert so that it turns out to be very tender, then a simple recipe for soft brushwood is created for you. This sweet cookie contains cottage cheese. It is better to give preference to a store product. Packaged cottage cheese has a fine-grained structure. This is necessary to get the dough without lumps. If you took coarse-grained cottage cheese, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve.


  • cottage cheese - 1 pack (200 g);
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • kefir - 450 ml;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • vegetable oil - 440 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 55 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put eggs, cottage cheese and sugar in a large bowl - grind well.
  2. Add vanillin.
  3. Pour in kefir slaked with baking soda.
  4. Gradually add flour, mixing each time.
  5. Roll out with a layer of 4 - 6 mm. With a sharp knife we ​​cut rectangles 6 by 8 cm. We make small cuts in the center.
  6. We wrap the edges of the rectangles inside the incision.
  7. In the heated oil, lay out portions of cookies. They fry very quickly. Remember to keep an eye on the amount of oil in the pan.


  • Cooking time: 146 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 4.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 358 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.

The recipe for lush brushwood involves making cookies using ordinary yeast. Products are ruddy, lush and very appetizing. The main components of cookies are in the arsenal of every thrifty housewife. The necessary set of products is always in stock, so you can make this type of cookie any day. This is the most affordable, inexpensive and easy way to make a delicious crunchy dessert at home.


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • yeast - 40 g;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1/4 st.;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • powdered sugar - 23 g;
  • sunflower oil - 335 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cooking time: 127 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 368 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium difficulty.

Rosochki brushwood will help every housewife to surprise guests and household members with an exquisite form of baking. An original and beautiful dessert will appeal to children and adults. Cookies can even be put on the festive table. In order to create such a masterpiece, it is not at all necessary to be a professional chef. You need to follow the step by step instructions exactly.


  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - 6 g;
  • powdered sugar - 35 g;
  • salt - 7 g;
  • vodka - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In a bowl, mix the egg, vodka, salt.
  2. Beat well with sugar until smooth.
  3. Make a well in the sifted flour and pour in the liquid ingredients. Add sour cream and vanilla.
  4. Long knead by hand.
  5. Leave in a cool place for half an hour.
  6. Roll out two thin layers. We will need two different molds or glasses of different diameters, for example, 4 and 7 cm.
  7. We squeeze circles of different sizes with molds and make a rose from two circles.
  8. Fry the resulting roses in oil.


Fried crispy strips of dough sprinkled with powdered sugar - brushwood cookies, familiar to many, come from childhood. The fashion for it subsided a little when inexpensive varieties of all kinds of sweets began to appear on store shelves in abundance.

However, now, in the era of health care, when much attention is paid to what we eat, homemade cakes are returning to our tables.

This dish came to us from Greece and became popular everywhere towards the end of the 19th century. It is precisely because this delicacy is so thin and crunchy that it has earned its name - "brushwood".

Crispy brushwood at home - step by step photo recipe

Prepare brushwood from several types of dough. And every hostess has her own secret. But the main thing here is the roasting method and the way the cookies are served.

Perhaps the most popular option is prepared on the yolks. In such a dough, some recommend adding a spoonful of vodka or cognac.

Cooking time: 1 hour 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Yolks: 4 pcs.
  • Flour: 3 tbsp.
  • Soda:
  • Vinegar:

Cooking instructions

Sprinkle our pastries with powdered sugar.

Classic thin brushwood

Brushwood according to the classic recipe is thin, crispy and amazingly tasty, while it is incredibly easy to prepare. Do not be alarmed when you see vodka in the ingredients, alcohols completely evaporate at high temperatures, so even small children can use cookies.

Alcohol will affect the structure of flour proteins, which is why when frying the surface of the “twigs” will bubble, and they themselves will become not rubbery, but crispy.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • ½ tsp table salt;
  • 0.23 kg of flour;
  • 1 tbsp vodka;
  • frying oil.

Cooking order:

  1. For the dough, gradually mix all our ingredients. Beat eggs with salt, then add vodka to them, gradually introduce flour. As a result, we get an elastic dough, slightly sticky to the palms.
  2. We wrap it in polyethylene, put it in the cold for 40 minutes.
  3. For the convenience of rolling, we divide the dough into several parts, leave one of them, and return the rest to the bag. Otherwise, it will dry out very quickly.
  4. Roll out the thinnest possible layer. It is on how subtly you manage to complete this task that the airiness of the future dish depends.
  5. We cut the layer into strips, in the center of which we make a cut, and through it we turn one of the edges of the workpiece. If you don’t want to mess around, then you can leave everything as it is, the taste of the cookies will not change from this.
  6. After the blanks are cut, put the pan with oil on the fire. The twigs are fried very quickly, so there is a risk that you simply will not have time to lay and take out ready-made ones. We pour such an amount of oil that our products sink in it. When the pieces fall into the boiling oil, right before your eyes they will begin to swell and take on all sorts of bizarre shapes.
  7. Ready brushwood must be laid out on a paper napkin, towel or baking parchment, which will absorb excess fat.
  8. The dish is served generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lush and soft on kefir - the perfect treat

The favorite liver of Soviet children does not have to be exactly crispy, if you knead its dough with 300 ml of kefir and 3 glasses of flour, we will get a whole mountain of lush and magically delicious pastries. You will also need:

  • 1 egg;
  • ¼ tsp salt;
  • vanilla packaging;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp refined oil;
  • 1.5 tsp soda.

Cooking steps:

  1. We begin to beat the egg with salt and sugar.
  2. Pour not cold kefir into a cup, add soda so that it starts to react.
  3. Pour kefir to the egg, add oil, mix again.
  4. Gradually add flour, stirring continuously. We get a soft, but slightly sticky dough to the palms. We cover it with polyethylene and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  5. Divide the dough into parts, roll out and cut into strips, each reward with a notch in the center, turn one of the edges through it.
  6. Fry in a large amount of oil, after readiness put it on a napkin to remove excess fat.
  7. Sprinkle still hot twigs with powder and hurry to put the kettle on the fire.

How to cook the most delicious, thin and crispy brushwood on vodka?

Want to get the crunchiest brushwood? Then only 1 tbsp should be added to the dough. vodka. It will not give any taste or smell, but the favorite children's sweetness will unforgettably crunch and melt in your mouth. In addition to alcohol, a glass of flour and powder for powder, you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200-300 ml refined sunflower oil.

Cooking order:

  1. We drive in the eggs, with a fork chop them together with salt. There will be no sugar in this recipe; for deep-fried dishes, this is only a plus.
  2. Add strong alcohol, mix again.
  3. Gradually add flour. The resulting dough should be quite elastic.
  4. We divide the resulting egg dough into parts, we try to roll each of them into the thinnest layer possible, try to achieve a thickness of 1.5 mm. To prevent the place from sticking to the work surface, sprinkle it with flour.
  5. We cut the rolled dough into rectangles, the long side of which should not be more than 10 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to fry it.
  6. Pour a glass of oil into the frying container, wait until it boils, and then put the blanks for brushwood into it.
  7. You can get it out of the oil after 25-35 seconds.
  8. We give excess fat to drain on paper towels, after which, without saving, sprinkle them with powder.

milk recipe

Milk brushwood will require only 2 tbsp. cow's milk for 2 cups of flour, in addition, prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • dusting powder.

Cooking order:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until the latter dissolves. Add the rest of the ingredients, add the flour last, in parts, beat.
  2. The resulting dough should be soft, but a little sticky, otherwise it will not work out thinly.
  3. We cut off a small piece from the general layer of dough and roll it into a thin cake with a maximum thickness of a few millimeters.
  4. We cut it into small rectangles of arbitrary size, make a through cut in the center of each, thread one of the edges through it.
  5. We heat the oil in a deep frying pan, dip the workpieces into it.
  6. We take out the finished brushwood with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a colander or paper napkin.

How to make brushwood on sour cream at home?

To prepare sour cream brushwood, do not forget to buy 200 ml of sour cream in the store, on its basis you will have to make a dough that will take about 3 cups of flour. Also prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp soda;
  • refined oil for frying;

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and soda, mix thoroughly.
  2. We introduce flour in parts, its quantity may not coincide with that indicated in the recipe, because in many respects everything depends on the quality and moisture content of this product.
  3. The finished dough, with all its softness and airiness, should not stick to the palms.
  4. We roll out a thin layer of 3-4 mm, cut it into arbitrary rectangles or rhombuses. In each we make a through cut in the center, we thread one of the edges into it.
  5. Heat up the oil in a deep-bottomed frying pan.
  6. Fry brushwood on both sides, take out with a slotted spoon. Do not go far from the pan, the cookies are fried in just the blink of an eye.
  7. Let the excess oil drain by placing the pastry on a paper towel. After that, without saving, sprinkle everything with powdered sugar.

On mineral water

You may already be familiar with this variant of brushwood, but only its second name is honey baklava. It is prepared quickly, easily, and the crispy result will conquer your household. To knead the dough, you will need three standard flour glasses and 200 ml of mineral water, as well as:

  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 60 ml of vodka or other strong alcohol;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream.

Cooking steps:

  1. In the center of the flour slide we make a recess, pour sour cream, alcohol, mineral water, sugar and salt into it. Mix everything with a spoon.
  2. Knead until elastic, after sprinkling the table with flour.
  3. We cover the dough with polyethylene or a towel, let it brew a little, and then knead again.
  4. For ease of rolling, we divide it into several parts. We roll each of them as thinly as possible, it is desirable that the thickness of the layer be about 1 mm.
  5. We roll the rolled layer into a loose roll so that it does not stick together much, you can first sprinkle a little flour.
  6. Cut the roll into pieces 2 cm thick.
  7. Pour up to 0.5 l of refined oil into the pan, fry the pieces on both sides, then let each of them drain on a paper napkin.
  8. Brushwood can not be sprinkled with powder, but slightly cooled, dipped in standard sugar syrup.
