
Recipes that can be baked. Kefir pie in the studio

You will be helped to find out what to bake quickly and tasty for tea, recipes with photos from our website. In the oven, effortlessly, with the help of understandable and clear instructions, cook muffins, pies, biscuits. Moreover, many treats are within the power of inexperienced housewives.

Homemade pastry from ready-made dough

Don't want to mess around with making dough from scratch? Puffs - that's what to cook quickly and tasty for tea! There are a variety of recipes with photos for this, and the dough can be bought frozen at any grocery store. 8 hours before cooking, simply transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator shelf. Or, if you are in a hurry, then instead, immediately spread the dough on a board or table in a warm room, after 15 minutes it will cease to be icy, and then it will warm up slightly during the rolling process.

By the way, the layers should not be rolled out very thinly, 0.5-0.7 cm is quite a normal thickness. Then the dough must be cut into identical squares or rectangles, on each make several oblique surface cuts. Next, you can show your imagination. If you want a simpler and cheaper option, you can simply sprinkle future puffs with sugar. But you can also top with pieces of apples (in this case, you need to add cinnamon), bananas, canned pineapples, oranges, or any other favorite fruit. Then the pieces of dough are carefully transferred to a baking sheet lined with buttered parchment, placed in a hot oven (200-220 Celsius) and baked for 15 minutes.

If you have pineapples cut into rings in a jar, then you can cook original cakes. This pastry is made quickly and tasty for tea, recipes with photos will help to cook it correctly and beautifully. Roll out the puff pastry thinner, cut into long strips about 2 centimeters wide. Wrap each ring in a spiral with such a tape, spread it on a baking sheet prepared as described above, grease the dough with loose yolk on top. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 220 degrees, serve on separate plates with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Biscuit dough: quick and tasty

Biscuit dough is usually prepared very quickly. In order for it to come out quite lush, you should carefully note the baking time and do not open the oven during this period. If you are interested in what to bake quickly and tasty for tea (recipes with photos) with poppy seeds, a roll would be a good option. The ingredients will need the simplest: 2-3 eggs, half a glass of flour and sugar. With sugar, you need to beat the eggs, then add flour a little bit, without stopping stirring the dough with a whisk. Pour onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper in an even layer, bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 8 minutes.

In the meantime, poppy seed filling is also very simple to prepare: grind a bag of poppy seeds in a coffee grinder. Heat half a glass of milk, melt a piece of butter and a tablespoon of sugar in it, stir, pour this mixture over the grains and knead again. Remove the finished biscuit from the oven, transfer to a large dish, removing the paper. Spread the filling over the entire surface and roll up the roll without waiting for the baked dough to cool. If you want, instead of poppy seeds, you can use, for example, thick jam, custard, etc.

Charlotte can also be made from the biscuit mixture. This is a delicious, but at the same time simple dish, so baking recipes with a photo or an oven will help everyone to bake it quickly and tasty for tea. You will need a couple of apples (it is better to take large ones than small ones), 4 chicken eggs, as well as flour and sugar - a glass of both. Beat the eggs, adding sugar, then add the sifted flour, mix. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Apples need to be peeled, seeds, tail, core removed, cut into cubes or slices - to your taste and poured into a mold, lightly crushed with sugar and cinnamon. Pour the batter on top. Cook for 35 minutes at 180 Celsius. Or, if you have a slow cooker - an hour in the "baking" mode,

Quick baking from kefir dough

There is a very tasty cake called "Fruit Glade". Perhaps it will be the answer to the question "what to bake quickly and tasty for tea (recipes with photos) on kefir." To prepare this dish, you do not need particularly expensive products. First you need to make a semi-liquid dough from 500 ml of kefir 1.5% fat, a pinch of vanillin, 2 eggs, 2 cups of granulated sugar, 2 tbsp. baking powder and 3 cups flour. Then - pour it into a mold greased with butter, put slices of banana, apple and any seasonal fruits or berries that you personally like on top. In the oven, preheated to 180 Celsius, bake for half an hour.

You can also cook muffins on kefir dough, for which, however, you will need special forms, better - from food grade silicone. If you have one of these in your business, great! This means that our recipes with photos for tea will definitely help to bake quickly and tasty for tea. So, put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees. In the meantime, mix in one bowl 300 g of flour with sugar (100 g, it is better to take brown cane), a pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons without a hill of baking powder. In the other - 225 g of kefir, 60 ml of olive oil and 1 chicken egg. Combine the liquid and dry mixtures, add here 100 g of cashew nuts and 2 apples, previously, of course, peeled and cored, and also cut into small cubes. Pour the dough into molds, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon powder on top, place in the oven. It will take about 25 minutes to cook.

Sour cream pastries: simple recipes in a hurry

Perhaps guests are coming to you soon, there is no kefir in the house, but there is sour cream? Then you also have many options - what to bake quickly and tasty for tea. Recipes with photos step by step will not let you get lost in them even for those who are absolute beginners in the kitchen. So, nothing could be simpler than a quick sour cream cake. To prepare it, you will need to beat an egg with a glass of sugar, add a glass of flour and half a teaspoon of baking powder. Instead of the latter, in which case you can take baking soda, just do not forget to “repay” it with table or wine vinegar. Mix everything until a completely homogeneous mass, put 125 g of pre-softened butter and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream into a bowl with future dough. Stir with a blender. Bake the cake at a temperature not exceeding 200 Celsius for 40 minutes.

Another dish that you can safely start cooking 10-15 minutes before the arrival of guests is a pie made from sour cream dough with jam. And with anyone: at least cherry, at least, at least gooseberry or currant. Moreover, it is not used as a filling, but is added directly to the dough. The people also call this cake from time to time “just a glass” - for the reason that the main ingredients (jam, sour cream, flour and sugar) Also for the test you will need a tablespoon of softened butter. It is oils - you do not need to take margarine or spread for this pie. You will also need eggs (2 pieces), a small amount of chopped nuts such as cashews or peanuts and a teaspoon of baking powder.

All the ingredients must be mixed, and first beat the eggs with sugar, then add sour cream, butter and, finally, all the other ingredients. Moreover, the flour should be added last, in very small portions and without stopping intensively stirring the dough. Then the mixture must be poured into a pre-prepared form, smoothed with a wooden spatula its surface and sent to the oven. The pie is cooked at 200 degrees for about half an hour. It can be sprinkled with powdered sugar before serving. And if there is time, then cut it into 2-3 cakes, from which then make a cake layered with whipped cream or custard.

If neither a pie nor a cupcake attracts you, then the site offers other options for what to bake quickly and tasty for tea (recipes with photos). On sour cream, you can make many more interesting sweets. In addition, there are also recipes here. Or, for example, a quick unpaired yeast. In general, choose - I do not want!

1. First mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.

3. Lubricate the baking dish with oil or cover with special paper.

4. Then pour the resulting batter there.

6. After delivering the form from the oven, turn the product over, spread with jam, roll into a roll. Serve at the table sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Donuts in a hurry

If you are interested in quick baking for tea, then we suggest you cook such a delicious sweet dish. This will require:

flour (as needed)

1 jar of condensed milk;

. ½ tsp soda;

Powdered sugar (for decoration);

Vegetable oil (for frying).

Cooking process:

1. Beat eggs with condensed milk, add soda (quenched with lemon juice).

3. Make balls out of it. Dip the resulting products in vegetable oil (well heated).

4. After the finished donuts are transferred to a colander to drain excess fat.

5. Then the products are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cookies with chocolate chips

What other quick pastries for tea will guests like? For example, chocolate chip cookies. Similar delicacy can be seen in stores. But home-cooked pastries are healthier and tastier.

To make this dessert, you will need:

100 grams of butter and the same amount of dark chocolate;

One and a half cups of flour.

Cookie preparation:

1. First soften the butter.

3. Then add the egg, as well as chocolate (pre-grated).

4. Gradually add flour, knead a dense dough.

5. Using molds or a glass, cut out cookies. Lay out on a baking sheet.

6. Bake in a well-heated oven for fifteen minutes.

Cake "Butterfly"

This pie is quite easy to prepare, but it turns out very tasty and juicy.

For cooking you will need:

baking powder (two tablespoons will be enough);

200 ml of kefir;

Two eggs;


two tangerines,

3 cups flour;

Berries (to taste);

Two faceted glasses of sugar.

Making a cake:

1. Mix all the ingredients, in addition to the fruit.

2. Pour the resulting mass into a pre-oiled mold.

3. Place sliced ​​fruit on top.

4. Cook in a heated double-deck for about half an hour. This will be enough to bake the cake and the fruits. That's all, quick baking for tea, cooked in the oven, is ready.

Ginger cookie

It only takes 10 minutes to make these cookies. Ready-made quick pastries for tea will please not only the guest, but also the hostess herself.

To create you will need:

A glass of sugar;

100 grams of margarine;

5 stars of carnation;

sifted flour (2 cups);

A teaspoon of baking powder and the same amount of cinnamon;

2 teaspoons ground ginger root.

Let's bake:

1. First, grind cloves in a coffee grinder, add sugar (one tablespoon).

2. Then mix the ginger, flour, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves.

3. In another container, grind eggs with sugar and margarine.

5. After that, replace the dough and roll out thinly (half a centimeter in thickness).

6. Then cut out cookies with cookie cutters. Bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour. Ready cookies can be decorated with confectionery decorations.

Lavash with cottage cheese

To prepare such an original pastry, you will need:

600 grams of cottage cheese;

Honey, sugar, cinnamon (to taste);

Vanilla sugar;

Five tablespoons of sour cream

Preparing a quick dessert:

1. First make the filling. Mix cottage cheese, honey (for example, one tablespoon), vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Then add sour cream and stir.

2. Lay the pita bread on the table.

3. Beat the egg. Then grease the entire surface of the pita bread with it. Next, lay out the curd filling. Roll the product into a roll.

4. Then grease the product with an egg.

5. Put in a preheated oven. Cook until the product is browned. Before serving, the roll is cut into portions.

A small conclusion

Now you know how quick baking for tea in the oven is prepared, we have provided you with a recipe for cooking, and not just one, but several at once. Choose the one you like.

Quick baking for tea is relevant for any housewife. It’s good if there is ready-made puff pastry in the freeze. Then the problem is not so acute, especially when unexpected guests are expected to arrive soon. However, it happens that there are no semi-finished products in reserve. Such a selection of delicious quick recipes, easy to prepare due to a very simple and cheap set of ingredients, will help out.

Sweet pastries in the oven

When there is a desire to drink tea with your family or an unexpected arrival of friends is expected, you just need to figure out what to bake quickly and tasty. Usually leaning towards sweet pastries in haste in the oven. The most elementary thing that can be done in such a situation is to bake fruit crumpets from ready-made puff pastry.

It is enough to roll out, cut into squares, put any filling inside: fresh chopped fruits, berries, jam. Put in an oven heated to 220 ºС for 15 minutes. The finished cake is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Roll "Gentle"

The ingredients for the roll will need the following:

  • 5 st. spoons of flour;
  • 4-5 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 75 g dry powder;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 tsp slaked soda.

For the filling you will need any thick jam or jam.

Cooking order:

  1. Combine all the dry ingredients, beat in the eggs, pour in the soda solution. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. The dough is poured on top.
  3. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 170-180 ºС.
  4. They bake for a quarter of an hour, then take it out and put it on the table. Carefully remove the paper from the cake.
  5. Lubricate the surface with any prepared filling and immediately twist into a tight roll.

Sprinkle with sweet powder on top before use.

Pie "Fruit meadow"

This homemade cake is perfect for every day and for festive occasions. It is easy to make, as it does not require unnecessary manipulations in cooking. The whole batch will take no more than 10 minutes.

The ingredients you will need are:

  • flour - 600 grams;
  • sugar - 400 grams;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • apple and banana - each fruit;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder dough - 2 sachets;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Cooking is not labor intensive. It is enough to mix everything and achieve a creamy dough. Pour it into an oiled mold. Slices of fruit are distributed on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 ºС for 30-35 minutes.

Cookies "Minute"

The composition is this:

  • processed cheese - 2 briquettes;
  • margarine - 250 g;
  • a glass of flour;
  • sweet sand to taste.


  1. Cheese and margarine should first be cooled so that it is convenient to grate it all.
  2. Flour is mixed into the chips and a plastic dough is kneaded so that it does not stick to the hands.
  3. The layer is rolled out, arbitrary figures are cut in any way. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in the oven at 190 ºС.

Take out when the surface of the cookies turns golden. Served hot or chilled with tea. In any case, very tasty. Only immediately from the oven they are softer, but after cooling they acquire a pleasant crunch.

Cottage cheese casserole with bananas

The ingredients you will need are:

  • cottage cheese - 1 pack of standard weight;
  • one egg;
  • sour cream product - 30-40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • banana - 1 fruit;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa powder and powdered sugar - 3-3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • cream butter - 50 g.

For decoration, they take - confectionery topping or something similar.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cottage cheese is beaten with egg and sugar, grits are added and mixed again. Leave for a few minutes to swell.
  2. The banana is crushed and added to the curd mass.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with parchment paper.
  4. Bake at a temperature of 180-190 ºС, about 40 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, milk is heated, butter is melted in it. Sprinkle powdered sugar, cocoa and mix thoroughly.

The finished casserole is taken out, poured with prepared glaze and decorated with berries, fruit slices. But even without this, the dish comes out hearty, with a spicy twist. Makes you want to eat more.

Puff curl with cherries and nuts

Ingredient composition:

  • 400-500 grams of puff pastry;
  • 500 g frozen cherries;
  • 250-300 g of walnuts;
  • 45 g starch;
  • 180-200 g of sugar.

The cooking sequence is elementary and does not take much time. While the berry is defrosting, roll out a thin layer of dough. Distribute it evenly across the pan. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top. Cherry is laid in the second layer. Sprinkle with starch and powder (preferably through a sieve). Immediately rolled up and baked at a temperature of 150 ºС.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese and apples

For test:

  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 2 large spoons of sugar;
  • 500 g of kefir;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 400-450 g flour;
  • 1 dessert spoon of soda;
  • sea ​​salt, vanilla - to taste.

For filling:

  • curd mass - 200 g;
  • fresh apples - 250 g;
  • eggs from chickens - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g.

How to bake:

  1. Beat one egg with sugar, add kefir and salt.
  2. Pour the flour in small portions, stir in parallel so that there are no lumps. Add vanilla powder, oil.
  3. Apples are peeled, core removed and cut into thin slices or other configuration. Combine with cottage cheese and egg-sugar mixture.
  4. The dough is poured into a baking dish. Spread the apple filling over the surface.

Put in preheated to 180 ºС, bake until fully cooked.

Cupcake "Tea"

Products needed for cooking:


The egg is ground with sugar, add: jam, butter and baking powder. Add tea and add the sifted flour. The dough is kneaded until a creamy consistency is obtained. The form is greased with oil, then filled with dough. Bake for half an hour at a temperature of 180 ºС.

Simple desserts for tea in a pan

Baking in a pan is faster and easier than in the oven. And the taste of such desserts is no worse. When there is absolutely no time to heat up the oven and further manipulations with molds and baking sheets, it is recommended to pay attention to such options.

The assortment of the simplest recipes for baking in a hurry, using a frying pan is no less extensive and varied, so that everyone can choose according to their taste.

Crispy cookies

To quickly prepare delicious crispy cookies you will need:

  • 3 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 400 g of premium flour;
  • 80 ml milk, high fat.

Sugar and salt are added to taste.

Powdered sugar or cinnamon powder is suitable for sprinkling. The total cooking time is no more than twenty minutes. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving is 280 kcal.


  1. Vodka is combined with eggs and beat well. Add part of the flour, mix.
  2. Warm milk is poured, granulated sugar and salt are poured. Gradually stir in the rest of the flour. The dough is quite dense.
  3. Roll into a layer, 0.5-0.7 cm thick. Cut into triangles or rectangles. Small incisions are made in the center, where one end of the workpiece is threaded. The result is bows.
  4. Pour more vegetable oil into the pan so that when frying it covers the cookies completely.

Lay out on paper towels to drain excess oil. Sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar mixture.

Fragrant syrniki

A quick dessert recipe, ideal for meeting unexpected guests, as well as for a nutritious breakfast for a child or an adult.

For cooking, you will need a very affordable set of products:

  • 500-550 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 6 art. l. semolina;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • vanilla powder;
  • a pinch of table salt.

The dish is prepared quickly, and most importantly, simply. In 20 minutes, you can get a fragrant and tasty muffin. Calorie content - 350 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Beat the eggs in a stiff foam beforehand.
  2. Add all available ingredients, knead. It is necessary to obtain a homogeneous dense mass. Leave for a few minutes to let the semolina swell.
  3. Form small balls or cakes, fry on both sides in a pan.

Golden cheesecakes are delicious to eat both cold and hot. Additionally served: jam, sour cream, honey or other sauce according to personal preferences.

Sweets with low calories

For those who are on a diet or fasting, but still want sweets, there is a real way out of the situation. Quick baking with a minimum amount of calories will help in this..

You will need the following set of components:

  • 200 grams of refined vegetable oil;
  • 300-350 grams of flour of the first or highest grade;
  • yolk from one egg;
  • 1 st. l. starch;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • a small piece of raw ginger.

It takes about one hour to prepare. The calorie content of a serving of 100 grams is 190 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. Margarine is taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft by the right moment.
  2. Sift flour with starch into a separate cup.
  3. Grind margarine with sugar. Mix the resulting mass with flour, egg.
  4. Ginger is rubbed with small chips, added to the dough.
  5. The dough is removed for 30 minutes in the cold. Then rolled out 4-5 cm thick and cut into figures with a mold or a knife.
  6. The baking sheet is covered with parchment and the blanks are laid out on it.

Bake 5-8 minutes in the oven. Decorate as you wish.

Banana oatmeal cookies

For cooking take:

  • 2 large yellow bananas;
  • 1 cup herculean flakes;
  • dried fruits - prunes, raisins, dried apricots.

This dessert takes no more than 15 minutes. It turns out tasty and low-calorie cookies - 110 kcal.

Banana pulp is kneaded with a fork, where oatmeal is added, previously ground in a blender. Balls are rolled from the dough, laid out on a baking sheet and baked at a temperature of 170-180 ºС.

puff ears

If you have store-bought puff pastry, the whole baking process will take no more than 25 minutes. In addition, you will need brown sugar and walnuts. The calorie content of baking is 250 kcal.


  1. The dough is rolled out, preferably thinner.
  2. Crushed nuts are sprinkled on top. You can then roll them with a rolling pin.
  3. Roll into a roll and cut across into narrow cookies.
  4. Distribute on a parchment paper lined sheet, sprinkle with sugar.

Bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 190 ºС.

Grocery set:

  • cranberry or raspberry jelly - 1 briquette;
  • wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • slaked soda - 5 g.

For the cream, you will need 200 grams of low-fat sour cream and 40-50 g of jam.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. The jelly briquette is crushed to a powder state.
  2. Add all other ingredients. Stir to form a liquid paste.
  3. Distribute in three forms in equal quantities. It is better to choose a diameter of 20 cm.
  4. Bake at 200 ºС. Check for readiness with a match or wooden stick by piercing the biscuit.

Cakes come out tall and lush. For greasing, whip the cream from the indicated components. You can replace sour cream with fresh berries, which will reduce the total calorie content.

Now the concern about what to cook quickly and tasty for tea is no longer so acute, even for a novice cook. Moreover, all products are ordinary, inexpensive and can almost always be found at hand. At home there will always be some leftovers that are a pity to throw out and you don’t know where to put them. Then you can turn on your imagination, use them in your own budget recipes and delight your loved ones with something tasty every day.

When guests unexpectedly show up on the doorstep or children demand a treat, you need to act. Tea pastries can be prepared quickly and tasty, for this we have collected a collection of recipes. All of them are ideal for improving your culinary skills at home. The treat was created for baking in a hurry, so set the timer and start!

The best baking recipes for tea - quick and tasty

We bring to your attention cupcakes, casseroles, buns, cakes, donuts, rolls and much, much more. Choose your favorite recipe (or maybe more than one) and act!

No. 1. Donuts on choux pastry

  • flour - 475 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 130 gr.
  • butter (melt) - 45 + 45 gr.
  • filtered water - 360 ml.
  • egg - 4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 0.2-0.3 l.

1. Combine half the volume of pre-melted butter with water. Pour into a saucepan, put on the stove and boil.

3. Enter granulated sugar with eggs and mix. Heat vegetable oil in another bowl.

4. In the remaining melted butter, grease the spoon. Scoop the dough with it and lower it into boiling vegetable oil.

5. Fry donuts until browned, then put on napkins and immediately sprinkle with grated chocolate or powder.

No. 2. Curd dough buns

  • granulated sugar - 130 gr.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • high-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg.
  • flour (sift) - 240 gr.

1. Mix all the ingredients together, add a pinch of salt and soda. Knead the dough, then divide the whole mass into pieces of equal size.

2. Shape into balls, place on prepared baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until golden brown.

3. This pastry for tea is prepared quite quickly and turns out delicious. Anyone who has never cooked buns at home will cope with the recipe.

No. 3. Cherry puff pastry roll

  • puff pastry (in packs) - 0.5 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 240 gr.
  • starch - 60 gr.
  • frozen cherries - 0.5 kg.
  • walnut kernels - 250-300 gr.

1. Open the shop dough, leave it on the packaging to thaw. Typically, the duration of defrosting at room temperature is 40-60 minutes.

2. For the allotted time, chop the nut kernels with a rolling pin or scroll with a meat grinder. The dough is ready, roll it into a plate and transfer to a baking sheet.

3. Spread the nut crumbs, evenly spread the frozen berries on top. Sprinkle with sugar. Take a sieve, sift the starch through it directly into the ingredients.

4. Wrap the roll, be sure to close the edges so that the filling does not fall out. Pre-heat the oven to 150-160 degrees, bake a treat for a third of an hour.

No. 4. Banana cottage cheese casserole

  • cottage cheese - 0.25 kg.
  • milk - 90 ml.
  • high-fat sour cream - 60 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 130 gr.
  • semolina - 75 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • cocoa powder - 60 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 50 gr.

No pastry for tea can do without a casserole. You can make it quickly and tasty at home, following the step-by-step instructions.

1. So, take the egg and cottage cheese out of the cold in advance, combine together and grind into a homogeneous paste. Enter granulated sugar with sour cream, add semolina. Mix everything and wait a quarter of an hour until the latter swells.

2. During this time, you need to pass the banana through a blender and mash it, then add it to the main mass. The dough is ready, move it into a greased form and bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

3. While the base is languishing in the oven, make the glaze. Combine milk with butter cubes, steam or microwave. Enter the sifted powder and cocoa powder.

4. When the dough is baked, remove it, cut into portions and pour over with chocolate icing. Serve immediately warm.

No. 5. Walnut cake with dried apricots

  • walnut kernels - 0.2 kg.
  • high-fat milk - 230 ml.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 225 gr.
  • dried apricots - 0.2 kg.
  • vinegar (6-9%) - 15 ml.
  • soda - 7 gr.
  • flour (sift) - 0.25 kg.

Baking for tea according to this recipe is prepared quickly and turns out delicious. We tell you how to make cupcakes at home.

1. Clean and crumble the nuts in advance. Soak dried apricot for half an hour, then dry and cut. Connect the components.

2. Add to them all the other ingredients according to the recipe. Make dough for cupcakes.

3. Lubricate the molds, pour the finished composition over them. Do not fill the cells completely, because the treat will rise. Bake at 240 degrees for a third of an hour.

No. 6. lemon biscuits

  • flour (sift) - 240 gr.
  • high-fat sour cream - 125 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 240 gr.
  • raw yolk - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • starch - 230 gr.
  • soda - pinch
  • butter - 0.1 kg.

1. Chop the butter into pieces, rub with sugar and raw chicken yolks.

2. Remove the peel from the citrus, grate it and mix it into the first composition. Enter sour cream, juice of half a lemon, soda and flour sifted several times here.

3. After a quick kneading of the dough, divide it into pieces and form thin “sticks”. You can make cookies in any other shape. Bake at 180 degrees until golden.

No. 7. Filled biscuits

  • butter - 0.2 kg.
  • curd cheese - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 230 gr.
  • raw yolk - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 230 gr.
  • raw protein - 2 pcs.

Cakes for tea will be to the taste of all family members. Rose-shaped cookies are prepared quickly and tasty. The technology of cooking at home is as follows.

1. Mix the curd mass with butter and raw chicken yolks. Turn into a homogeneous paste, add flour in portions. Do a quick test.

2. Roll out into a rectangular plate. Make a cream with a mixer of egg whites and granulated sugar. Apply it in a thick layer over the dough and twist into a roll.

3. Wet the knife in cold water, cut the roll into pieces 1 cm thick. Distribute on a baking sheet at a distance from each other, bake for a third of an hour at 200 degrees.

No. 8. Cheesecake stuffed with cottage cheese and apples

  • flour (sift a couple of times) - 470 gr.
  • egg - 4+1 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 60 + 50 gr.
  • apples - 0.2 kg.
  • cottage cheese - 0.2 kg.
  • kefir - 0.5 l.
  • soda - 10 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

1. First, prepare the dough. For this purpose, mix kefir with a pinch of salt. Beat four eggs with 60 gr. granulated sugar and add to the kefir base. Sift the flour a couple of times, mix in portions, add soda and butter.

2. We make the filling. We clean the apples, chop them into cubes, combine with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Separately, beat 1 egg and 50 gr. granulated sugar, add to apples.

3. The dough will turn out to be watery, as it should be. Pour it into the prepared form (baking tray), pour the apple filling on top. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cheesecake until browned, determine the readiness with a match.

The most delicate pastries for tea are ready, agree, quickly and tasty?! And we continue to consider easy recipes at home.

No. 9. Biscuit cake with condensed milk

  • egg - 5 pcs.
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of 25% - 0.3 kg.
  • condensed milk (in jars) - 1 pc.
  • soda - 7 gr.
  • flour - actual quantity
  • baking powder - 7 gr.

1. First remove the eggs from the refrigerator, let them come to room temperature. Add sugar to them, beat, add baking powder. Send this mixture to the cold for a quarter of an hour.

2. Pass cottage cheese through a fine-grained sieve, pour condensed milk to it, bring to uniformity. Enter chilled eggs, soda into this mass.

3. Now sift the flour. Start introducing it into the dough in portions, stirring. It is important to get the base not very thick, but not liquid.

4. Bake the biscuit until golden at 180 degrees. Before serving, cut into portioned cubes.

No. 10. Apple muffins from ground crackers

  • sugar - 50 gr.
  • cinnamon powder - 4 gr.
  • butter - 35 gr.
  • apple juice - 55 ml.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • ground crackers - 60 gr.
  • flour - 30 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 5 gr.
  • apple - 1 pc.

Baking for tea turns out pretty quickly and tasty if you cook apple muffins at home.

1. Mix crackers and juice in a cup, beat the egg in parallel. Combine the ingredients and add flour, cinnamon, sugar to them. Achieve homogeneity from the components.

2. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, pour in half the volume of the workpiece. Peel the apple from the peel and core, chop into cubes. Place half of the volume into the dough.

3. Cover the apple with the second half of the dough. On top of this, the rest of the fruit is laid out. Bake a treat at 180 degrees for half an hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

No. 11. Cheese cookies

  • flour - 250 gr.
  • margarine - 260 gr.
  • processed cheese - 200 gr.

1. Grate cheese and margarine on a coarse grater. Add flour to the ingredients and knead the dough thoroughly. Roll out the mass and form figures of arbitrary shape.

2. If desired, sprinkle the products with sugar. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees until golden brown.

No. 12. Koloboks

  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 400 gr.
  • margarine - 210 gr.

This cake for tea is prepared quickly and it turns out delicious. At home, it is easy to resort to the presented recipe.

1. Boil the eggs and remove the yolks. Grind them with sugar. Mix the mass with soft margarine, flour, a small amount of vanilla and salt. Achieve homogeneity from the components.

2. Roll up small spheres from the finished mass and place on a baking sheet. Don't forget to oil the tray. Bake the product for 25-30 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be about 200 degrees.

No. 13. Vanilla "Napoleon"

  • powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • fruit jam - 60 gr.
  • puff pastry - 220 gr.
  • cream - 120 ml.

1. Make a sheet from the dough and divide into 2 equal strips. Send the workpiece to the baking sheet. Bake the dough at 220 degrees for 10-12 minutes. In parallel, combine the powder with water.

2. As a result, you should get a liquid glaze. If desired, enter a small amount of any dye. Apply the composition to one part of the dough. Spread the jam over the second.

3. Whip the cream well. Put them on jam. Cover the workpiece with the second part with icing. It should be at the top. Cut the treat into serving pieces. Cakes are ready!

No. 14. Lace Pie

  • flour - 750 gr.
  • sour cream - 260 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • soft margarine - 210 gr.
  • soda - 6 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 240 gr.
  • jam - to your taste

Baking for tea of ​​this kind is prepared quickly and tasty. At home, making such a cake is quite simple.

1. Pound sour cream, margarine, granulated sugar and an egg in a common container. Then stir in the flour and soda. The result is a thin dough. Divide the mass into two parts. One of them will be slightly larger.

2. Oil a baking sheet and place a large piece of dough on it. Stretch it all over the plane. Put the jam on top of the composition.

No. 15. Pizza with fruits

  • ripe pear - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 120 ml.
  • puff pastry - 260 gr.
  • strawberries - 90 gr.
  • honey - 60 gr.
  • black grapes - 100 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 65 gr.
  • walnuts - 50 gr.

1. Roll out the finished dough into a round cake. Chop the pear into small pieces. Do the same with grapes and strawberries. Don't forget to remove the bones. Chop nuts.

2. Mix sugar with sour cream, use a mixer. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the dough on it. Next, place fruits on the cake and pour them with sour cream. Repeat the procedure with honey.

3. At the final moment, sprinkle the pizza with nuts. Bake such a delicacy for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 185 degrees.

Baking for tea has many different recipes. It can be prepared quickly and tasty. Arm yourself with simple ingredients at home and start experimenting.

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Dinner itself is a meal at which the whole large family gathers. In the morning, no one can get together, because everyone has their own personal affairs: some need to run to kindergarten, others to school, and still others to work. You also have to dine separately, not counting weekends. But it is precisely in the evening at the table during dinner that the whole family gathers, and of course everyone appreciates this time until the last minute, as they can calmly chat in a relaxed atmosphere and without rushing anywhere.

It turns out very ugly when at this moment the wife will disappear for a long time near the stove in order to cook an enchanting dinner and please her whole family. That is why, even regardless of family income, you need to have several recipes in stock that can be prepared in the shortest possible time.

For this, a selection of a variety of dishes was created that will suit any budget and will appeal to all family members. That is, you can cook a real masterpiece from the simplest products that are almost always at hand. So, have dinner with us, and you will understand how useful it is - literally and figuratively! Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

Meat casserole with potatoes in the oven

This dish is very easy to prepare and very tasty. As for the ingredients, we can say with confidence - they are in the kitchen of every good housewife.

The main ingredients of the dish:

  • minced meat (preferably pork and beef) - 350 g;
  • raw chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes (it is desirable to choose a medium size) - 4 pcs.;
  • red tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • onion (small) - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200g;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream with high fat content - 150g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - for lubrication of the mold.

If sausages or sausages were at hand, but there is no minced meat in the refrigerator, then you can easily replace it with these components. It will turn out very tasty too.

Step by step preparation:

  1. In pre-prepared minced meat, you need to add raw chicken eggs, spices, and mix it all well.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut into slices, not stripes. The bottom of the mold is pre-lubricated with sunflower oil, and potatoes should be carefully laid out on the prepared surface and salted a little.
  3. In order for the potatoes to turn out well baked and tasty, you need to pour the top layer of it with your own prepared sauce. In order to prepare the sauce, you do not need to make great efforts, you just need to take mayonnaise or sour cream in the amount of 4 tbsp. spoons and add 3 tbsp. spoons of boiled water. To this consistency, add your favorite spices to taste.
  4. Onions are also peeled and cut into rings, then spread over the surface of the potatoes poured with sauce.
  5. The next layer in our masterpiece is minced meat (or, for example, sausages).
  6. Fresh tomatoes are laid out directly on the layer of minced meat.
  7. We draw a grid of mayonnaise.
  8. On top of all this, we rub hard cheese on a fine grater, and put the mold in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for at least 30-35 minutes.

And after half an hour, an excellent dish is ready. Bon appetit!

Shish kebab in the oven from pork in the sleeve

Just a great barbecue recipe that you can cook without going out into nature, but just use your oven. Meat cooked in this way is simply indistinguishable from what was fried on the grill. Very tasty and easy! You should definitely try.

Products that will be required for cooking:

  • pork (preferably the pulp);
  • bulb onions;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon juice (can be replaced with citric acid);
  • spices.

The main secrets of cooking this juicy and fragrant meat is that you need to cook it in a sleeve, and be sure to spread it on an onion pillow so that the kebab gets a brighter and richer taste.


Oven French Potatoes - Step by Step Recipe

French potatoes are a dish that is cooked only in the oven, and its main components are onions and meat. The recipe is very easy to prepare, and at the same time, the finished masterpiece has simply excellent taste. It also looks very appetizing, so you can use this dish not only for a family dinner, but also for a festive table.

Ingredients needed for cooking (based on 2 servings):

Step by step preparation:

  1. You need to start by washing the meat, dry it and cut it into pieces that will have a small thickness;
  2. Beat the prepared meat with a kitchen hammer;
  3. Potatoes need to be peeled and washed thoroughly. It is at this stage of cooking that you turn on the oven so that it warms up;
  4. Peel and wash the onion as well as potatoes, and then cut into thin rings;
  5. Cut the washed potatoes into slices of small thickness;
  6. Take a baking sheet, or a frying pan without a handle and grease it with oil. Put half of the existing potatoes on it and add a little salt;
  7. The next layer is beaten meat, which is laid out in such a way that the previous layer is completely covered. Add spices;
  8. Spread the onion over the meat;
  9. And on top of the onion - the remaining potatoes;
  10. Salt, add spices and grease well with mayonnaise;
  11. Place the molds with the contents in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes;
  12. At this point, while everything is being prepared - rub the hard cheese on a fine grater;
  13. About 10 minutes before the dish is ready, you should remove the baking sheet from the oven and sprinkle it with grated cheese. Place the mold in the oven for about 10-15 minutes;
  14. After the allotted time, the potatoes are ready and you can serve them to the table. Bon appetit!

Spaghetti with cheese and eggs

What can be cooked quickly and tasty? Yes, this is a very simple dish - spaghetti with cheese and eggs. Even if guests suddenly appeared, they would not be ashamed to serve such a dish.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Put on the stove and boil about 2.5 liters of water in a saucepan;
  2. While the boiling process is taking place, you need to rub the cheese, but only this should be done on a coarse grater;
  3. Peel, rinse and chop the existing onions;
  4. Wash the greens well and finely chop;
  5. When all the ingredients are ready and the water boils, add salt and one large spoonful of vegetable oil. Put the pasta in the pan;
  6. Bring the water (but with pasta) back to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat;
  7. Heat the pan well and put butter on it;
  8. Put the cooked chopped onion into the hot oil, and fry over medium heat for 3 minutes;
  9. Drive the existing eggs into a separate container, pepper and salt;
  10. Beat the eggs well with a whisk and add about half of the grated cheese to this consistency. Mix well;
  11. When the spaghetti is cooked, they should be placed in a colander and left for a while to let the water glass;
  12. In the pan where the fried onions are located, put the pasta, mix well and fry everything together for several minutes;
  13. Then add eggs and cheese to pasta, mix again and fry for about 2 minutes;
  14. The finished dish is laid out on a plate and sprinkled with grated cheese;
  15. Spaghetti is ready and they can be served to the table, for greater beauty and giving additional taste, you can sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the dish.

Azu in Tatar style with beef pickles

What are the most popular dishes that grandmothers like to cook for their beloved grandchildren? Naturally, this is something very tasty. And what do Tatar grandmothers prefer to cook, even if there are severe frosts outside the window? This is Azu in Tatar.

Products needed for cooking:

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel and chop the existing onion into half rings;
  2. Lightly salted cucumbers should be peeled and cut into oblong strips;
  3. For this recipe, I used beef. Cut the meat into pieces (not very finely), basically the meat for that dish is cut approximately 4-5 centimeters thick;
  4. Pre-prepared cauldron is thoroughly heated on fire and put oil, on which the beef should be fried. You need to fry over high heat until a golden crust is visible, but you must make sure that the meat does not let the juice out;
  5. Put the meat pieces in a clean plate prepared in advance, and leave for a while;
  6. Add a small amount of oil to the cauldron and proceed to fry the onion;
  7. After the onion begins to acquire a golden color, put meat in a cauldron, salt and sprinkle with spices. It's good to interfere;
  8. Stir in tomato or tomato paste. Stir again, but when cooking, in no case cover with a lid in order to boil away excess water;

  9. Add the meat broth, mix well and now cover with a lid and leave to simmer, after reducing the heat to a minimum. This will take approximately 45-60 minutes;
  10. While the meat is stewing, you should put the chopped cucumbers in a small saucepan and sweat in the meat broth;
  11. Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces and fry it until tender in butter;
  12. After an hour, you need to check the readiness of the meat;
  13. At the moment when the beef is ready, place potatoes and lightly salted cucumbers in a cauldron. Mix well, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat;
  14. In the meantime, you can cut the greens;
  15. When the azu is ready, sprinkle with herbs when serving, and garlic can be added for a brighter taste. Bon appetit!

Lavash with chicken and vegetables

Lavash, it's just a miracle of culinary art. It is with this flour product that you can make a lot of delicious things, and most importantly, do not spend a lot of time. That is why lavash cooked with vegetables and chicken is recommended for preparing a quick family dinner.

Ingredients (calculated for 2 servings):


  1. Chicken fillet or ham (depending on what is used for cooking) must be boiled. Cool well, separate from the bone and cut into small pieces;
  2. Cut the cabbage into thin strips;
  3. Cook carrots in Korean or use ready-made ones;
  4. Spread pita bread on a clean countertop, spread with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  5. Spread chopped chicken evenly over the surface of the pita bread and sprinkle with spices and salt. Spread the cabbage on top of the meat and add a little mayonnaise;
  6. The next layer is Korean carrots;
  7. When all the components are on pita bread, it should be rolled up in the form of an envelope or a roll;

  8. Spread the wrapped pita bread on top with butter and bake in the microwave for 2 minutes. If there is no microwave oven, then you can simply fry in a pan until a golden crust appears;
  9. The dish is ready! Better served hot. Bon appetit!

Chicken breast stroganoff with cream

A long-time favorite recipe for beef stroganoff, but with the use of chicken meat. Such a dish is prepared very quickly and it turns out just incredible yummy, which will appeal to anyone.



  1. Rinse chicken breast or fillet well under running water and leave to drain excess water;
  2. Cut the chicken meat into thin strips;
  3. Pour sunflower oil into a preheated frying pan, and after it warms up, lay out the meat;
  4. Add salt, add spices and fry over low heat, stirring constantly for 5-10 minutes;
  5. Peel and rinse the onion thoroughly, cut into half rings;
  6. After 10 minutes of frying the meat, add the onion to the pan and fry it until a golden crust appears (about 5 minutes);
  7. Add flour and mix well;
  8. Pour cream;
  9. Mix tomato juice with mustard;
  10. To the contents that are in the pan, stir in tomato juice with mustard;
  11. Put out all the contents over low heat, for 15 minutes under the lid;
  12. After the allotted time, the dish is ready, and you can serve it with absolutely any side dish.

Bon appetit!

Potato pancakes - step by step recipe with photo

It is potato pancakes that is the dish that can be prepared in a short period of time, and it is very tasty, that is, the whole family will like it.


  • medium-sized potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • sour cream 25% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour of the 1st grade - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste.

Step by step preparation:

Meatballs with rice in the oven with gravy (Hedgehogs)

A simple recipe for very tasty and satisfying meatballs that any housewife can make.



  1. Rice should be washed well beforehand;
  2. Pour exclusively cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, boil for 20 minutes;
  3. Pour the contents with rice into a sieve, but do not rinse. Wait until it cools down well;
  4. At this point, you should turn on the oven so that it warms up. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse under running water and finely chop;
  5. Put minced meat, chopped onion in a separate bowl. Salt all the contents, add pepper, and mix well;
  6. Mix the cooled rice with minced meat and add half of the available tomato paste or tomato juice. Mix well again.
  7. The form in which the dish will be prepared must be greased with sour cream;
  8. Make small balls of minced meat, and put in a mold at a small distance from each other;
  9. To prepare the sauce, we need to mix sour cream, tomato juice, spices and half a glass of water;
  10. Using a tablespoon, pour each ball with the prepared sauce;
  11. Put the form in a preheated oven, and cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. That is, until a golden crust is formed;
  12. After the allotted time, the meatballs are ready and you can serve them for dinner with any side dish. Bon appetit!

Pizza in a hurry in the oven

Just a great pizza recipe. In just 30 minutes, two unsurpassed pizzas will be ready. It is not necessary to use the toppings such as in the recipe, you can choose it at your own discretion.

Products for cooking:

  • flour of the 1st grade - 0.5 kilograms;
  • cow's milk 2.5% - 300 ml;
  • edible salt - 1 tsp. spoon;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast - half a bag (5 grams);
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. We preheat the oven to 200 degrees;
  2. Pour milk into a metal bowl and put on fire, heat up to about 40 degrees and dilute yeast in it. Then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and mix thoroughly;
  3. Mixing well, at the same time gradually add flour;
  4. After that, knead a soft dough. When the dough is ready, leave it in a bowl and cover with a towel for about 10 minutes;
  5. Cut meat and sausage into cubes or strips;
  6. Pepper should be thoroughly washed and cleaned of internal seeds. Cut into strips. Wash the tomatoes and cut into rings;
  7. We take cheese and three on a large grater;
  8. Divide the finished dough in half, and roll each part into thin cakes;
  9. The form in which our work of culinary art will be baked must first be lubricated with oil and the dough is carefully placed in it;
  10. Spread the dough with mayonnaise and ketchup;
  11. Put the existing filling on top and put the pizza in the oven. Bake for 20 minutes. In the meantime, we are preparing the second;
  12. The pizza is ready. Bon appetit!

Chicken pasta with cream sauce and mushrooms

Just the perfect dish for an ordinary family dinner, as well as for receiving unexpected guests.



  1. Put a pot with 2.5 liters of water on the fire. Salt and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. When the water boils well, add pasta and stir. Turn down the heat and cook pasta until tender. Basically, if it is pasta from durum wheat, then it will take 10 minutes to cook it;
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse and chop into half rings;
  3. Rinse the mushrooms well and cut into small plates;
  4. Rinse the chicken meat well and cut into small pieces;
  5. Heat up a frying pan and pour in the oil. Put the chopped onion on the hot oil and fry, stirring constantly until it acquires a golden hue;
  6. Then place the mushrooms in the pan and simmer for 3 minutes;
  7. After that, add chicken meat, constantly stir and simmer for about 7 minutes. Add salt, add spices and a small amount of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes;
  8. Pour boiled pasta into a colander and rinse with cold water;
  9. Pour the pasta into the pan;
  10. Mix well. Remove from fire;
  11. The dish is ready, you can serve and delight your family and friends.

Bon appetit!!!


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