
Recipes for alcoholic cocktails and alcohol. Alcoholic cocktails - strong and light: the best recipes

When it’s frosty and snowy outside, it’s just the right time to have a cocktail party at home. Warming alcoholic cocktails prepared according to simple recipes at home will help you return to the hot summer. There is nothing easier than mixing alcoholic drinks from a home bar with fruit, soda, juice or fruit drink and get great homemade cocktails! Arrange for friends, family and loved ones a real tropical paradise at home with a costume show and tasting of famous alcoholic cocktails! And the success of your fun event is guaranteed! So, it presents recipes for simple alcoholic cocktails that are easy to prepare at home with a photo.

Cuban summer

Cuba is hot and sunny. You immediately imagine dark-skinned women in bright multi-colored sundresses, the air filled with the sounds of guitars and the smell of rum. The island of freedom is famous not only for its huge cigars, incendiary music, but for the world's most popular cocktails "Daiquiri" and "Cuba Libre"


Classic "Daiquiri" consists of only two ingredients - rum and lemon juice. But the simplicity of this recipe is its main plus! Although you can experiment with a drink by adding any fruit and berry juices to it. According to the status of "Daiquiri", a martini glass in the form of an inverted cone on a high glass leg is required. I hope you have a bottle of Captain Morgan rum in your home bar, which is the best for various delicious and quick mixes in a glass. And now the recipe itself.


Rum «Captain Morgan» 50 ml

Sugar syrup - 20 ml

Lime juice - 30 ml


Mix all the ingredients in any suitable dish, shake, pour into a glass, in which you first put a few ice cubes on the bottom, and garnish with a circle of lime or an orange slice.

Bon appetit!

Cuba Libre

The Cuba Libre cocktail was first made on the island over a hundred years ago. Since then, the recipe for a drink with the taste of freedom in Cuban style has spread all over the world and has become a very popular cocktail far beyond the borders of the country. An extremely simple cocktail recipe has only two ingredients, one of which is the famous Pepsi-Cola soda, which tones and refreshes well. Rum and cola are served in a tall glass of regular cylindrical shape.


Rum "Captain Morgan" or "Oakheart" - 50 ml

Pepsi Cola - 150 ml


Mix the ingredients in a glass or tall glass, put ice cubes on the bottom, and decorate the glass itself with a lime wedge.

Bon appetit!

Under black sails

And now let's move to the Caribbean to taste the famous Pina Colada cocktail and the unsurpassed Mojito. The Caribbean Islands are a legendary habitat and hunting ground for the most dangerous sea robbers of the 17th century, which today is a heavenly resort place on the planet. In films and books about pirates, you have watched and read more than once about the fact that these sea robbers drink only rum and grog. Real pirates, like the inhabitants of the Caribbean, are much more inventive. And confirmation of this is two magnificent Caribbean recipes for alcoholic cocktails Pina Colada and Mojito, which we are in a hurry to introduce you to.

Pina colada

Christopher Columbus called the Caribbean the "Garden of Eden on Earth" for a reason. Pineapples, coconuts, passion fruit, mangoes, bananas, papayas are just a small part of the exotic fruits growing in the local garden. You can't deny good taste to Puerto Ricans: coconuts and pineapples flavored with rum! The combination of tropical fruits with almond flavor is a win-win! That's why Pina Colada is Puerto Rico's official cocktail. To prepare a famous drink, it is not necessary to have a machete (this is a special large knife) to chop a pineapple with it. We will use ready-made pineapple juice instead. The cocktail is served in a tall glass.


Rum "Captain Morgan" - 20 ml

Coconut liqueur - 20 ml

Coconut syrup - 20 ml

Cream (11% fat) - 20 ml

Pineapple juice - 90 ml


Mix all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, shake them. Pour ice cubes into a glass and garnish the cocktail on top with whipped cream and a slice of pineapple.

Bon appetit!


It is known for certain that in the 16th century this cocktail was drunk on pirate ships. And we can only be glad that the recipe for making a secret drink has come down to our days. You ask why secret? Because the real "Mojito" should have a bitterness, which is achieved by squeezing the lemon along with the zest. This cooking technology was kept secret, but later became available to all lovers of a soft drink.


Rum Bacardi - 50 ml

Schweppes Bitter Lemon - 50 ml

Lime (or lemon) - 3 slices

Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Mint leaves - 2-3 pieces

Soda - to taste


Place the lime wedges in the bottom of the glass, then the sugar, mint and lime cubes. Pour in the rum and schweppes, top with soda. Garnish the glass with mint leaves and a lime wedge.

Bon appetit!

Happy morning!

Ibiza is a tiny island, lost in the Mediterranean Sea, but the fun on it does not stop day or night. Tourists from all over the world travel to Ibiza to fall asleep dancing and wake up to music.


Shake off sleep and recharge for a long party will help you energy cocktail "Alarm clock". This energizing elixir can be served in a variety of glasses, but a low rocks glass is the best.


Vodka - 50 ml

Drink Adrenaline Juicy or Adrenaline Nature - 150 ml


Mix vodka with an energy drink, pour into a glass with cubes of people, garnish with lime or orange slices.

Bon appetit!

mask i know you

It's hard to imagine a better idea for a costume party than to invite guests to hide behind bright Venetian masks and treat themselves to a cocktail from the heart of this ancient city on the water. Venice - this amazingly beautiful Italian city is known not only for the rivers that flow everywhere instead of streets, but also for its carnival. Dumas and Shakespeare wrote about him in their works, many great artists depicted him on canvases, films were made about him.


The Bellini cocktail was invented in Venice at the end of the 20th century by the owner of the iconic Harry's Bar, Giuseppe Cipriane. Actors and writers often rested in this popular place. The drink is served in elegant flute glasses narrowed upwards, champagne glasses are also suitable.


Champagne "Abrau Durso" - 100 ml

Peach juice - 50 ml


Mix champagne with peach juice in a tall glass, at the bottom of which you must first place ice. Garnish the glass with a strawberry or peach wedge and a sprig of rosemary or mint.

Bon appetit!

Big city cocktails

Log Island

The main attraction of New York, one of the largest cities in America, is Times Square. More than 300 thousand people pass through it every day, for which it is also called the "Crossroads of the World". Here the lights of shop windows, the noise of cars and the voices of pedestrians, languages ​​and traditions from all over the world are mixed. If you want to cool down while walking along it and go to a cafe, then you can be offered a cocktail called Log Island.

This cocktail got its name in honor of the place of its birth. Log Island is an island part of New York located in the Pacific Ocean. The Log Island cocktail is drunk from tall glass goblets, which include a sufficient number of people. Coca-Cola, which is part of the drink, is responsible for its "tea" color. And Cordon,s gin gives the cocktail a subtle taste of juniper, coriander seeds, licorice and citrus zest.

If a trip to America is still an unfulfilled dream for you, then you can make such a cocktail at home and invite your friends to hold a party with a tasting of the Log Island cocktail, as well as two more famous American drinks, Tequila Sunrise and Cosmopolitan.


Vodka - 25 ml

Rum Captain Morgan - 25 ml

Gin Cordon,s -25 ml

Orange liqueur - 25 ml

Tequila Olmeca - 25 ml

Sauer - 30 ml

Coca-Cola - fill to the rim of the glass


Mix all the ingredients in a tall glass, put ice cubes and top up with Coca-Cola. Serve garnishing the glass with a lime wedge.

Bon appetit!

Tequila Sunrise

This recipe came to us from the 30s of the last century, at that time there was prohibition in the USA and therefore the cocktail was very popular both in America itself and in Mexico. The composition of the drink includes the famous cactus vodka. By the way, it takes 12 years for a cactus to grow into tequila! The heady sunrise looks most spectacular in a high tulip.


Tequila "Olmeca" - 50 ml

Orange juice - 150 ml

Grenadine - 20 ml


Pour the tequila, orange juice and grenadine into the bottom of a glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice.

Bon appetit!


Cosmopolitan is considered a women's cocktail, the TV series Sex and the City brought great popularity to the drink. Madonna once appeared in the frame with a glass of cosmopolitan, which helped make it a favorite alcoholic drink among her large army of fans. And he successfully replaces the classic cocktail "(which includes only two ingredients: gin and martini). Most of all, a Margarita glass is suitable for the famous cocktail.


Vodka - 50 ml

Orange liqueur - 25 ml

Sour - 10 ml

Cranberry juice - 30 ml


Mix all the ingredients and serve in a stylish glass for " ", which garnish with lime zest.

Bon appetit!

Friends, do you organize such parties for friends at home? What do you cook on the table, what appetizers and appetizers do you put on?

Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Today, without cocktails, it is already impossible to imagine a party, meeting with friends in a bar or club. Such popularity of these drinks is not surprising. They look very nice, easy to drink, quickly give a feeling of joy, cheerfulness. Although cocktails appeared relatively recently, they quickly won their place in the ranks of alcoholic beverages. According to one version, it is believed that cocktails appeared in the 20s in the United States, where prohibition was then introduced. But underground bars did not want to lose customers because of this. The owners of the "pubs" bought alcohol of very low quality. Therefore, in order to drown out its unpleasant taste, they decided to mix alcohol of various types, adding various ingredients to it, such as salt, juices, syrups, sugar, fruits. Among the first mixes, the famous "Bloody Mary" appeared, which the Americans really liked. After the First World War, the Americans began to actively visit Europe, brought cocktails with them, which very quickly conquered the Old World. Although there are other versions. For example, that the name "cocktail" comes from "coquetel". This was the name of the French liqueur on wine.

Secrets of making homemade alcoholic cocktails

It is quite possible to make delicious mixes on your own. There are simple recipes, there are a lot of them. You need to know a few nuances, then you can become the king or queen of a home party.

  • Harmony of taste. When creating alcoholic cocktails at home, it is necessary to choose the ingredients in such a way that there is no clear taste of a single ingredient, especially alcohol. Bartenders most often combine 5 or 6 components. At home, especially if there is no experience, it is better to try connecting 2 or 3.
  • Ease of preparation. Bartenders prepare alcoholic cocktails based on gin, rum, tequila, bourbon. And for the preparation of home mixes, you can use vodka and liquor. Honey, cream, milk, juices, spices, fruits, berries are used as additives. Home recipes allow you not to observe the proportions of the components, but to vary them to your liking. It is better to mix cocktails in a shaker.
  • Decor. Of course, do not forget to decorate the drink with pieces of berries, fruits, citrus, mint leaves. Insert straw.

What do cocktails go with?

As snacks, light salads, seafood, fruit slices are best suited.

Important! The danger and insidiousness of alcoholic cocktails lies in the fact that they look beautiful, they are pleasant to drink, and sometimes you don’t even notice the presence of alcohol in the taste. You can get drunk very quickly, and besides, gain a few extra pounds, as some mixes are very high in calories. Especially if the recipe includes liqueurs, cream, syrups.

The simplest recipes for alcoholic cocktails

One of the most popular mixes, the recipe of which is easy to prepare. Required: 45 ml of white rum, a tablespoon of brown sugar, 23 ml of lime juice. All ingredients are mixed with ice. Then the drink is filtered, poured into glasses.

Mix in a shaker 50 ml of vodka, the same amount of grapefruit juice and 75 ml of cranberry juice, add a large amount of ice. Pour into a tall glass, which is pre-chilled. Garnish the drink with a grapefruit slice and cranberries.

Recipe includes: 150 ml of tonic water, 3 ice cubes, 90 ml of capital orange vodka, lime wedge. Mix vodka with tonic, add ice, decorate with a slice of lime.

45 ml of vodka is mixed with 300 ml of cold tea, ice is added, and garnished with a slice of lemon.

In order to make such a drink you will need: 30 ml of coconut liqueur, 90 ml of pineapple juice, 30 ml of light rum. Mix everything with a shaker, add crushed ice, pour into a glass.

The recipe is very simple. Required: 6 teaspoons of vodka, one and a half glasses of chocolate liqueur, one and a half glasses of very chilled cola. The glass is filled a third with crushed ice, alcohol is poured in, everything is mixed well and cola is added. The drink is pleasant to the taste, but it can quickly get drunk.

It will take one and a half tablespoons of heavy cream, the same amount and 6 teaspoons of cognac. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. It turns out a very thick, pleasant-tasting drink with a banana flavor.

The recipe includes: 50 grams of vodka and port wine, the same amount of honey, 2 cups of orange juice. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, poured into a jug, a few pieces of ice are added, left to infuse in a cool place for an hour. When serving, add a quarter of an orange slice. This mix is ​​suitable for a friendly party and intimate conversation.


The recipe for this drink includes white and dark chocolate. It is better if it is with mint flavor, but you can use the usual one. You will also need 50 ml of coffee and mint liquor, strong, high-quality coffee (350 ml), 50 ml of cream. Ingredients are for two servings. Liqueurs are poured into latte glasses, mixed well. Add hot, strong coffee. Top with whipped cream and chocolate broken into triangles.

"Free Cuba"

A legendary cocktail, the recipe of which was created back in 1900 in Havana. It consists of white rum Bacardi (30 ml), 120 ml of Coca-Cola, juice of half a lime. Pour half ice into a tall glass, squeeze lime juice, add rum. Mix everything thoroughly, top up with ice-cold Coca-Cola.

A strong drink based on bourbon and cranberry juice. In a shaker, mix 75 ml of bourbon with 25 ml of cranberry juice, add a large number of large ice cubes. Still stir again as long as possible so that the cocktail looks as frozen as possible. Pour into tall glasses, decorate with cranberries.

Recipe includes: 40 ml of blackcurrant cocktail, 400 ml of red champagne, 10 ml of orange juice, 100 grams of sugar, ice. The edge of the glass is moistened with orange juice, rotated in granulated sugar to form a "frost". Mix juice with liquor, add a few ice cubes. Topped up with champagne. Cocktail can be served. It is advisable to drink it at a time.

In addition to alcohol, there are simple recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails that are perfect for children's as well as adult parties. Moreover, the preparation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic mixes is a very simple matter, but very exciting. There are a huge number of mixes, but you can take a traditional recipe as a basis, add your own flavor note. If everything works out, then the mystical secret of the cocktail will be revealed - from ingredients that are not in harmony with each other, a surprisingly tasty drink suddenly turns out. You need to keep creating, surprising your loved ones and friends. With constant experimentation, you can make your perfect party recipe.

Cocktails are a great way to have fun and taste good time in a friendly company. As you know, a cocktail is a drink consisting of several mixed liquids.

In this case, the cocktail can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. An alcoholic cocktail can be made from almost any alcohol. Vodka, vermouth, tequila, rum, liqueurs and whiskey are usually used, which are mixed with other ingredients: soda, fruit and berry juices, cream, etc.

Non-alcoholic cocktails today are called "mocktail", which translates as "false, imaginary cocktail." Indeed, non-alcoholic cocktails often repeat the taste and name of their alcoholic counterparts. For example, "Non-Alcoholic Mojito" is practically indistinguishable from the usual one.

Cocktail recipes at home

If you are planning a party, why not try making a cocktail at home. and not to please friends and relatives. And you can arrange real competitions for the title of the best bartender and prepare your favorite cocktails. If you do not have a shaker, you can mix the ingredients in a separate glass, in a blender, or directly in the glass.

You will also need to purchase the necessary ingredients or use what is available at home. Making cocktails at home will allow you to experiment and have fun. Surely, a cocktail prepared by oneself will turn out to be more delicious than the one you ordered at the bar. Here are some recipes for simple and extraordinarily tasty cocktails that you can easily make at home.

Cooking Mojito cocktail at home

This is a traditional Cuban cocktail that is popular all over the world. Its sweet and sour taste of lime and mint will not leave anyone indifferent.

For cooking you will need 60 ml white rum, 150 ml soda water, 2 tsp. sugar, mint leaves, ice and half a lime. Pour sugar into the bottom of the glass, cut half a lime into several parts and squeeze the juice out of them so that it dissolves the sugar, put the peels in the glass. Then add mint leaves, crushed ice, rum and soda to the glass. Garnish the glass with a lime or lemon slice. If you do not add rum to the cocktail, you will get a non-alcoholic Mojito, which perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates.

Preparing a margarita cocktail at home

This is a popular Latin American cocktail made from lime tequila and citrus liqueur.

To make a classic Margarita, you will need 60 ml tequila, 40 ml Triple Sec or Cointreau citrus liqueur, 20 ml lime juice, crushed ice and sea salt for decoration. Sprinkle salt on a plate, moisten the rim of the glass and dip it in the salt. Mix all the ingredients in a shaker or a separate glass and mix them thoroughly for 10 seconds. Pour the cocktail into a glass, add ice and garnish the glass with an ice wedge. You can also easily make a Strawberry Margarita by simply adding a couple of crushed strawberries to these ingredients and replacing the salt with sugar.

Cooking B-52 cocktail at home

If you want to go on a “flight”, then try making the famous B-52 cocktail.

You will need 3 liqueurs: coffee, orange and cream, 20 ml each. In the original, these are Kalua, Cointreau and Baileys, but you can replace them with others. Take a glass of 100 ml and slowly pour in first coffee liqueur, then cream liqueur, and orange liqueur on top. You should get three even layers. And now the promised "flight" - set fire to a cocktail, insert a long straw into it and quickly drink the contents. The highlight of the cocktail is that you start drinking a cold cocktail, which quickly becomes hot, which gives a feeling of a dizzying turn.

How to make a daiquiri cocktail at home

Another popular Cuban cocktail, born in the town of the same name.

To prepare a classic Daiquiri, you will need 40 ml white rum, 7 ml sugar syrup, 20 ml lime juice and ice. Mix all ingredients in a shaker or glass and pour into a chilled glass. The cocktail is ready! You can also make different variations of this cocktail. For example, Banana Daiquiri - just mix in a blender a quarter of a banana, 1 tsp. cream and 2 tsp. triple sec and mix them with the main ingredients.

Cooking a Cosmopolitan cocktail at home

Cosmopolitan is a delicious cocktail that is very popular in all the bars of the world. This is a real star of parties and Hollywood movies, and you can easily cook it at home.

You will need 20 ml of vodka and Cointreau liqueur, and 10 ml of cranberry and lemon juice. Shake all ingredients in a shaker or glass with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass.

Preparing a Pinacolada cocktail at home

Pina colada- a popular tropical cocktail, drink of Puerto Ricans, in translation - "filtered pineapple".

To make a cocktail at home, we need: light rum (for example: Havana, Bacardi Superior) - 30 ml, coconut milk (or Malibu liqueurs, Creme de coco) - 20 ml, pineapple juice - 70 ml.

Shake the ingredients quickly in a shaker with crushed ice, pour into a tall chilled glass, garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry. Served with a straw.

A cocktail is a delicious drink that is made by mixing several ingredients. Translated from English, this word means "tail of a rooster." It is no coincidence that this name suits this food product. The tail of the rooster is bright, colorful, alluring, like a cocktail.

Cocktails appeared in the world a very long time ago, historical facts testify to this..

Drinks mixed from different components were consumed in antiquity. They were prepared for emperors, kings and pharaohs, served to guests and simply eaten. To maintain morale and strength, cocktails were prepared for soldiers, military leaders and the army.

Such drinks were prepared from berries, fruits and vegetables. To quench thirst, snow or crushed ice was added to the fruit mixture. In ancient China, a drink made from ten different fruits was considered healing and had rejuvenating properties.

Counts, that for the first time an accurate description of this mixed drink printed in an American edition. It was 1806. Cocktails were defined as stimulating, invigorating drinks made from various alcoholic components, fruits, tinctures and sugar.

The origin of the word "cocktail" is associated with cockfighting in England. The British were very fond of drinking a mixture of different types of beer and bitters. This mixture was called cock beer. The British gave this drink to the roosters to raise morale before the competition.

In France, there is the province of Bordeaux, in which a mixture of several wines is called a cocktail. This drink was brought by French officers to North America. Later, a French pharmacist began to mix bitters, brandy, wine and sugar. Such drinks were served in glassware.

In Spain, there is an opinion that this name of the word comes from the Spanish language, in which it means "tail of a rooster". The Spaniards gave this comparison thanks to the root of the plant, with which the Spanish bartender mixed alcoholic drinks in dishes and treated them to residents and guests of his establishment. American sailors who went to bars on the Gulf of Mexico constantly ordered this wonderful drink.

Another origin of this word was the preparation of a drink from whiskey, rum, fruit and wheat in the 18th century. When the British military sat in one of the bars in France, the bartender prepared them a delicious mixed drink and garnished it with rooster feathers. The officer was delighted with such beauty, he exclaimed: "Let the cock's tail live!" In translation, the words are consonant.

After prohibition was introduced in the United States of America, many Americans began to visit Cuba to enjoy the wonderful Cuba Libre cocktail there.

Not a single party or feast is complete without this drink. Mixed drinks are loved by adults and children.

According to the composition, cocktails are divided into two types:

  • alcoholic;
  • non-alcoholic.

By volume, such drinks are divided into the following types:

  1. Short (Shots). Volume from 60 to 160 ml.
  2. Long (longs). Volume from 160 to 300 ml.
  3. Very short (shooters). Volume from 40 to 60 ml.


This delicious cocktail belongs to the "long" category. It refers to Cuban drinks, the basis is sugar, lime juice or fresh lime and light rum. The classic recipe for this drink looks like this: 45 ml of rum, 15 ml of sugar syrup, 25 ml of lime juice.

The most commonly low-alcohol daiquiri prepared using strawberries, that is, they make a strawberry Daiquiri. Such a cocktail is already obtained in a larger volume and belongs to the “long” category.

To make strawberry Daiquiri at home, you will need fresh or frozen strawberries 200 grams, 100 ml of rum, sprite or other similar drink and ice.

If the strawberries are fresh, you can immediately chop them in a blender. If the strawberries are frozen, then they need to thaw for about 15 minutes, then chop in a blender, add rum and sprite. Daiquiri can be made with strawberries or raspberries.

It is customary to drink the drink through a straw.

Pina colada

This is one of the women's favorite cocktails.. It tastes very good. This drink belongs to the Caribbean cocktails. Translated from Spanish, the name means "strained pineapple".

The drink recipe is based on light rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk.

The classic Pina Colada is a long cocktail. To prepare it, you will need 90 ml of pineapple juice, 30 ml of light rum and 30 ml of coconut milk or cream. Ice cubes are added to all these components, everything is mixed in a blender and served in a beautiful stemmed glass. The cocktail is served with a tube (straw).

Tequila Dawn

Tequila Dawn or Rising Sun - long alcoholic cocktail. It got its name due to its appearance, it looks like a sunny dawn.

Making this drink is easy. Crushed ice is placed at the bottom of the glass, 90 ml of orange juice, 45 ml of tequila and 15 ml of grenadine are poured onto it. All this is not mixed, but left in layers.

There is another common recipe called "Setting Sun". All the ingredients remain, additionally use the blueberry brand.

Blue Lagoon

The name and color of this alcoholic cocktail bewitch. For the first time this blue drink was prepared in New York. It got its name from the film of the same name.

Your heavenly color the drink is due to the Blue Curacao liqueur, which is part of it. To prepare this alcoholic miracle, pour 20 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur into a glass, add 50 ml of vodka, 80 ml of lemonade or sprite. All components are thoroughly mixed, crushed ice is added and served in a wide stemmed glass garnished with a sprig of mint and a slice of lemon. The cocktail recipe can be varied by changing fruit juices. The cocktail is drunk through a straw.

Sex on the beach

The most summer cocktail, the most common drink in the resort regions. It belongs to the "long" category. For the first time, the recipe for this cocktail appeared in the 20th century and was called "Sand in your shorts" or "Fun on the beach."

Such an alcoholic drink is served in a glass with high walls. 40 ml of vodka, 40 ml of orange or pineapple juice, 20 ml of peach or melon liqueur, 40 ml of cranberry juice and crushed ice are mixed in a shaker. The glass is garnished with an orange slice.

Recipes for alcoholic cocktails are in demand among young people and owners of entertainment establishments.

Cocktail Recipes: The most delicious and simple non-alcoholic cocktails


Mojitos are loved in any form. This simple drink perfectly quenches thirst, invigorates and tones. It's easy to cook at home. To prepare it, you will need a large and tall glass with a volume of 350 ml.

The recipe is quite simple. Pour 200 ml of sprite or lemonade, 50 ml of lemon juice, several sprigs of mint into a glass. Mix everything thoroughly, add ice cubes and decorate the glass with a lime wedge. The mixed drink is served with plenty of ice and a straw.

Non-alcoholic champagne

Great option for a non-alcoholic party. But you need to cook it at home in advance.

How to make a cocktail at home? To do this, you need 1 liter of purified water. It must be boiled, add 150 grams of sugar, 2 bay leaves, 3 cinnamon sticks and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 5 grams of cloves, 5 grams of ginger and nutmeg to boiling water. Boil everything for 15 minutes, turn off. Let cool to a warm temperature and add 150 grams of honey.

Important! Honey should not be put in boiling water or hot water!

We mix everything thoroughly, after complete cooling we pour the resulting drink into bottles. Add 5 washed raisins to each bottle. Raisins will give the drink a carbonated effect. Bottles should be well closed and sent to the refrigerator. Non-alcoholic champagne should be infused, you can drink it after 3 weeks.

Cocktail recipes at home

Cuba Libre

The homemade recipe looks like this: pour 50 ml of light or dark rum and 150 ml of Pepsi or cola into a tall glass. Mix thoroughly and add ice.


Many delicious alcoholic cocktails are based on champagne. In a glass of your favorite champagne, add freshly squeezed orange juice at the rate of 75 ml of juice per 150 ml of champagne. Decorate the glass with an orange slice.

white lady

Simple alcoholic cocktails consist of a couple or more ingredients. To prepare the White Lady, you will need 50 ml of white gin, 50 ml of Can Tho liqueur, 50 ml of lemon juice and one egg white. All components are thoroughly mixed in a shaker and poured into a stemmed glass.

Low-alcohol cocktails have long occupied their niche among drinks. This is a great option for people who value taste and their time. Reasonable use of such drinks does not lead to unpleasant consequences, to a morning hangover. After their use, there are no health problems or mental activity. These cocktails are able to give the most vivid emotions and taste sensations even to the most sophisticated gourmets. Such drinks have low alcohol content.

Recipes for alcoholic cocktails at home mainly contain simple ingredients. For example, vodka, fruit juices, sugar, wine and ice.

To make your homemade mixed drink even more delicious and attractive, decorate it with one of the following options:

  • cocktail cherry;
  • a slice of lime or pineapple;
  • powdered sugar;
  • sugar sand;
  • sprig of mint;
  • a slice of orange;
  • cranberries or other red berries.

Alcoholic cocktails at home can be decorated with various serving accessories, you can insert an umbrella or original straws into a glass.

Making cocktails at home - very interesting and creative activity. Imagine, experiment. The recipe for a classic cocktail can always be varied and supplemented. Don't be afraid to change ingredients and surprise. After all, that's how great recipes are born.

Attention, only TODAY!

Active evening rest is always dancing, fun and alcohol. Going to a bar or nightclub is accompanied by tasting new or drinking your favorite cocktails. But it’s not at all necessary to go somewhere for this: you can decorate a home party or a meeting with friends by preparing alcoholic cocktails at home on your own.

Feature of cocktails

Why are alcoholic cocktails so attractive for nightlife lovers? The fact is that they have a number of features that distinguish these drinks from other alcoholic products.

An alcoholic cocktail is a mixture of two or more ingredients, one of which necessarily contains alcohol. They can be quite simple in composition and preparation, or they can be multi-component with complex step-by-step preparation. The right combination of cocktail components provides a pleasant taste and a slight dizzying effect, which is more akin not to intoxication, but to relaxation and fun.

Alcoholic cocktails at home can also be prepared, but this requires a certain skill and knowledge of proportions. Therefore, most often for these drinks and turn to bars and nightclubs.

Types of cocktails

The best bartenders annually compete in the skill of creating cocktails, so it’s quite difficult to keep up with the new products. If you decide to prepare alcoholic cocktails at home, then you need to know the basics about them:

  • There are "long" and "short" cocktails. They are also referred to by the English words "long" and "shot" respectively.
  • Long cocktails usually contain more than three ingredients and are served in a tall glass with plenty of ice. Drinking this version of cocktails is usually offered through a straw.
  • Shot cocktails are drunk in one gulp. They are served in a glass or a small special glass. Usually contain more alcoholic components than longs.
  • There are classic cocktails, the recipes of which have been established for decades. They have the same name and have the same composition in any bar in the world.
  • Bartenders can make signature cocktails based on classic ones, slightly modifying the recipe or completely inventing a new composition.

Making an alcoholic cocktail at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to know what exactly you want to receive.

Why classic recipes are good

In the cocktail list of any bar you can always find these names. You don't expect anything new from them and you are 100% sure of the taste. Classic recipes for alcoholic cocktails are a taste ratio that has been tested over the years.

If you decide to make alcoholic cocktails at home, then pay your attention, first of all, to the classic compositions.

"Mojito", "Margarita", "Cosmopolitan", B-52 - this list can be continued for a long time and every connoisseur of the taste of good alcohol will be able to find a recipe to their liking.

Before you start preparing, you need to decide: on what occasion will the cocktail be, for which public and what are its preferences. And having studied the theoretical base, making alcoholic cocktails at home: simple and complex, strong and not very strong is a matter of technique and inspiration.

Cocktails for every occasion

A few simple cocktails have a universal taste that will please almost everyone. They are suitable for parties or gatherings with friends.

  1. Whiskey cola. To prepare it, you need to mix whiskey with chilled highly carbonated cola in a one-to-one ratio. Add plenty of ice to the glass before serving.
  2. Vodka with Sprite. Pour 50 ml of vodka and 150 ml of chilled sprite into a tall glass. Add a few lime wedges or lime juice. Accompany with plenty of ice.
  3. "Mojito". At the bottom of a tall glass, you need to pour two teaspoons of sugar (preferably brown) and squeeze the juice from half a lime. After that, you need to put a lot of mint leaves, crushed ice in a glass and pour 60 ml of rum and 150 ml of carbonated mineral water or sprite. Garnish the glass with lime slices.

These recipes show that you can make an alcoholic cocktail at home without the use of complex ingredients and special tools.

Women's version

Surprising the fair sex is usually more difficult. They are demanding on the taste and design of drinks. But nothing is impossible - delicious alcoholic cocktails at home - the task is quite feasible for everyone!

  • "Cosmopolitan". In a shaker or large glass, you need to mix 20 ml and the same amount of vodka, 10 ml of cranberry juice and the same amount of lemon juice. Add crushed ice and stir thoroughly. Served in a martini glass.
  • "Sea breeze". In a shaker or blender, you need to mix 50 ml of vodka and the same amount of grapefruit juice with 100 ml of cranberry juice. Mix thoroughly with crushed ice, serve in a tall glass, garnish with cranberries.
  • Mulled wine. A bottle of red wine (dry or sweet) in an enamel bowl should be brought to a boil. Add spices to the wine: cinnamon, honey, cloves, coriander and simmer for several minutes over low heat. Cool the cocktail to the desired temperature, serve in a mulled wine glass with lemon slices.

The beautiful sex is preferred not too with a pleasant taste. And a beautifully decorated glass with a cocktail will only increase the degree of appetite.

Best Shots

Preparing alcoholic cocktails at home that are drunk in one gulp is also not a problem. The most simple and delicious are the following cocktails.

  • B-52. To prepare this classic cocktail, you need to mix coffee, cream and orange liqueur in equal proportions. In a small glass, you need to pour the ingredients in the same sequence, while you need to be extremely careful not to mix the layers. To do this, it is best to pour liquor on the tip of a knife. The contents of the glass must be set on fire when serving and quickly drunk through a straw.
  • "Kamikaze". In a small glass, 100 ml of vodka are mixed with 25 ml of orange liqueur. Add a few drops of lime juice.
  • "Green Monkey". Mix in a small glass of banana and Pour in layers - first a yellow layer, green liquor is gently poured on top.

Short cocktails are most often preferred by men: they are stronger and have a pronounced alcoholic taste.

Men's cocktails

Vodka is an alcoholic drink that is very popular among the strong half of humanity. Women love to try various cocktails that have original tastes, but men like more strong drinks: cognac, whiskey, vodka, brandy and others. But such strong alcohol is not always appropriate. In some situations, it is more relevant to offer guests a cocktail, but which one is most suitable in a male company? Consider the most popular options:

  • Vodka energy drink. Making this cocktail is very simple. This will require a narrow glass of ice. Pour in vodka (50 ml), and 150 ml of an energy drink. Both ingredients are gently mixed with a spoon, and a couple of lemon slices cling to the edge of the glass. You can add grenadine, it will give the cocktail a beautiful color.
  • "Cape drink is made from vodka. This will require 50 ml of alcohol and 150 ml of fruit drink. Both ingredients are mixed in a glass with ice. You can use cranberries.
  • "IQ". A simple recipe for making a delicious, strong cocktail. Fill a tall glass with ice and add all the ingredients to it: vodka (50 ml), honey syrup (20 ml), grapefruit juice (150 ml). The components of the drink, you need to gently mix with a spoon. Use orange zest for garnish.

These drinks are easy to prepare and do not take much time.

Let's be careful!

Making alcoholic cocktails at home, the recipes of which are simple and appetizing, is as easy as shelling pears. But before that, it is worth recalling some features of these drinks that require special care and caution.

Alcoholic cocktails are very deceptive - their taste makes you think that you are not drinking alcohol at all, and forget about the quantity. Nevertheless, each glass of a cocktail is an increased load on the liver and cardiovascular system. It is by combining different types of strong alcoholic beverages that it is possible to ensure that they enhance and multiply the toxic effect of each other. And in combination with a pleasant taste and an atmosphere of general fun, alcoholic cocktails can be very insidious for the body.

But this does not mean that they should be abandoned! It is just necessary to remember about moderation and not to abuse it, to be able to stop in time, no matter how cheerful the company is.

A few alcoholic cocktails, provided you feel good, will only add zest to a party with friends.

Making alcoholic cocktails at home is not only a reason to surprise your friends and acquaintances, it can also be a great element of entertainment at a party: cocktails prepared together are much more interesting to taste together.
