
Recipe for fried champignons with sour cream and onions. Fried mushrooms with sour cream

Countless dishes have been ennobled by sour cream filling, and one of them is fried mushrooms. Mushrooms can be cooked with sour cream sauce and served in the form of "Julienne", just to any side dish or even to a dinner party in the form of the famous French "Champignons à la Crème". How to cook champignons with sour cream will be discussed in this article.

Fried mushrooms with sour cream and cheese

An appetizing appetizer will be ready within 15 minutes, and the taste is not much different from the restaurant “Julien” from cocotte makers.


  • champignons - 500 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg (yolk) - 1 pc.;
  • oil - for frying;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Before frying champignons with sour cream, they must be washed and, possibly, cleaned, and then coarsely chopped. Chop the onion and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. When the onion is ready, you can add champignons, but keep in mind that raw mushrooms give off a lot of moisture and at the same time significantly decrease in size. It is at the stage of release of excess moisture that sour cream is added, salted and peppered, stewed for another 10-15 minutes, and then removed from heat and the yolk is carefully added. The yolk is necessary in order to get rid of the excess sourness that sour cream often gives, but if it does not bother you, then this step can be omitted. The hot dish is sprinkled with cheese and left in the pan until it melts.

Recipe "Champignons à la Crème" - champignons with sour cream

The classic French dish, thanks to which the style of cooking champignons with sour cream was born, is Champignons à la Crème. How to cook champignons with sour cream according to a recipe that has been proven for decades, you will learn from this recipe.



Melt the butter in a frying pan, add chopped mushrooms, salt, pepper and cook under a tightly closed lid for about 10 minutes. After that, we remove the mushrooms in a separate bowl, and keep the remaining juice on fire without a lid for another 3 minutes, add sour cream, cream and return the mushrooms back to the pan. Before serving, dry white wine is added to the mushrooms, and then spread on well-fried toast or eaten separately.

Mushrooms can be used to make a wide variety of dishes. They are boiled, fried, stewed, added to meat and salads. But the most favorite dish in many families is ordinary fried mushrooms. They are served with boiled potatoes or other side dishes and sprinkled with herbs. Today we offer you to cook a simple and very tasty dish - fried champignons in sour cream. These mushrooms are available for sale all year round, so you can buy them at any time. They are inexpensive, so the cost of an amazing dinner will be minimal.

We use fresh mushrooms in our recipe. But if you have a frozen product in your freezer, then it will also work. We will fry the mushrooms with onions, at the end of cooking add sour cream and let the ingredients stew a little. By the way, you can do without sour cream. Just skip this step when cooking.

Taste Info Second: Mushrooms

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • champignons - 300 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt;
  • seasoning for mushroom dishes - to taste;
  • fenugreek herb - 2-3 pcs. (optional).

How to cook fried champignons with onions in sour cream

Finely chop the onion. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up. The oil must be of good quality so as not to spoil the dish. You can use olive oil. Put the onion and pass it for 5-7 minutes.

If the mushrooms are fresh, rinse them well so that no soil remains. Using a brush, brush the hats a little. Lay on a towel to dry. If the mushrooms are large and old, they must be cleaned with a knife. Grab the skin from the edge of the cap and carefully remove. If there are dark spots, they must be cut off.

Cut off the legs by 1-2 centimeters. Cut the mushrooms. You can make thin strips or cut into quarters. Add chopped mushrooms to the pan to the onion and salt immediately. If a frozen product is used, put it in the pan without defrosting.

If available, use fenugreek herb 2-3 pcs. It enhances the flavor and aroma of the dish. It is necessary to fry the mushrooms until the liquid appears.

Put sour cream into the pan. If you want a thick gravy, replace the sour cream with cream. Add ground pepper. Mushroom seasoning can be added if desired. Mix well and close the lid. Stew the ingredients in sour cream for 10 minutes under the lid.

Fried champignons with onions in sour cream are ready. If fenugreek herb has been used, it should be discarded after preparation.

Stewed champignons can be served with any side dish, but their combination with young boiled potatoes is especially tasty.

The resulting dish can be slightly modified and get amazing mushrooms baked with cheese. Take the ready-made pressed champignons and arrange them in small heat-resistant bowls. Put grated cheese on top. Preheat the oven and place the dish in it for about 10 minutes. The main thing is that the cheese has time to melt and brown a little. Such champignons with cheese can be an excellent option for a hot dish at the festive table.

If you are planning to cook a regular dinner, but you need to do the work quickly, cook mushrooms stewed with potatoes. To do this, put onions and mushrooms in a preheated pan with vegetable oil, and fry over high heat. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. When the mushrooms give juice, add the potatoes to them and continue to fry over high heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes. After that, put sour cream or cream, and pour water. Salt and pepper. The water must be hot so that the cooking process is not interrupted due to a decrease in temperature, otherwise the potatoes may become tough. Close the lid. Simmer for 20 minutes until the potatoes start to fall apart. You can use fresh herbs to decorate the dish.

Mushrooms stewed in sour cream are very fragrant and tasty. You can serve champignons with onions and sour cream as an independent dish or combine them with new potatoes and other vegetables!

Ingredients for cooking mushrooms stewed in sour cream:

  • Champignons 500 g
  • Sour cream 2-3 tbsp.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp.
  • Butter 20 g

Recipe for stewed champignons in sour cream:

1. Wash mushrooms in running water, dry. They can not be peeled, but you need to cut off the places that have wilted and darkened from the mushrooms.

Do mushrooms need to be cleaned before cooking? If you are preparing salads or snacks that will use raw champignons, they must be peeled by removing the top skin on the hat (starting from the stem up), especially if the champignons were bought in a supermarket or stored in the refrigerator for several days. If you fry or stew mushrooms, you can not peel them.

2. Cut the mushrooms in half or, if large, quarters lengthwise.

3. Cut the onion.

4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put a piece of butter and immediately put the prepared mushrooms along with the onions. Mushrooms will release juice, then fry them, stirring, for 8-10 minutes over medium heat.

5. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Add sour cream, a small amount of water to the mushrooms and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. At the end, add finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Mushrooms in sour cream is a fragrant and delicate dish that has an exquisite taste and amazing aroma. In addition, champignons are also very useful: in terms of nutritional value, mushrooms are not inferior to meat. Let's find out with you how to cook champignons in sour cream and surprise your family with an original and hearty dinner.

Mushrooms stewed in sour cream


  • - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 20% - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh herbs - optional;
  • spices.


How to stew champignons in sour cream? We clean the onion and finely cut it into half rings with a knife. We process fresh mushrooms, chop into thin plates, and squeeze the garlic through a press. Then we put the vegetables in the heated oil and sauté for 15 minutes, stirring, and then add some salt to taste, pepper a little and pour liquid store sour cream. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer for exactly 5 minutes until cooked. After that, put the mushrooms on a plate, sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley and serve.

Mushrooms fried in sour cream


  • fresh champignons - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • spices.


Mushrooms are processed, washed, peeled and cut into thin slices. We clean the onion from the husk, rinse and chop in half rings. Now put the mushrooms in a frying pan, on heated vegetable oil, and fry until the excess liquid evaporates, stirring occasionally. After that, add the onions and sauté the vegetables until golden brown. Then we put sour cream, throw salt and pepper. As soon as everything boils, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for small fire by adding some water. We cook the dish for 10 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated, and the mushrooms are fried in sour cream until golden.

Recipe for baked champignons in sour cream


  • 500 g;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 250 ml;
  • hard cheese - 170 g;
  • spices and dried herbs.


To prepare champignons in sour cream with cheese, wash the mushrooms, remove the damaged areas and dry them well on a paper towel. Then carefully cut out the leg and lay the caps with the hole up on the baking sheet. Sprinkle with dried herbs on top, add a little sour cream diluted with water, and send for 15 minutes in a hot oven. This time we make the stuffing for mushrooms: combine sour cream with flour, throw in chopped mushroom legs and add half a portion of grated cheese. Mix everything thoroughly and add salt to taste. Next, carefully remove the baking sheet, put the filling in mushrooms with a teaspoon, sprinkle cheese on top and put the mushrooms in sour cream in the oven for another 10 minutes. Serve the finished dish hot, sprinkled with herbs. As a side dish, mashed potatoes with milk or boiled pasta are perfect.

How to cook champignons in sour cream in a slow cooker?



We thoroughly wash the champignons under running warm water, process and cut off neatly dirty legs. Then we cut the caps into slices and transfer the mushrooms to the multicooker container. Close the lid and select the "Extinguishing" mode. Set a timer for 45 minutes. Without wasting time in vain, we clean the onion for now, rinse it and chop it into cubes. After the beep, open the lid, throw onion, put sour cream and spices. Mix everything thoroughly with a spatula, set the “Baking” program and time 30 minutes. We lay out the finished dish on portioned small plates and, if desired, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Mushrooms in sour cream can be cooked according to different recipes, because in this dish it is allowed to use not only mushrooms, but also other ingredients. It is worth noting that with such a milk sauce for dinner, it is better to serve mashed potatoes or spaghetti.

Mushrooms fried with sour cream

Required Ingredients:

Mushrooms in sour cream: food processing

To make the dish tasty and tender, it is recommended to purchase small and fresh mushrooms. They must be washed and thinly sliced ​​along the legs. After that, rinse in cold water leeks, parsley and dill, and then finely chop them. In order to give the dish a special appearance and taste, you should also buy cheese and grate it on a coarse grater. When all the ingredients are processed, you should start frying the mushrooms.

Mushrooms in sour cream: heat treatment

For frying the ingredients, it is advisable to use a deep frying pan. Pour three large spoons of sunflower oil into it, and then put finely chopped champignons, pepper and salt there. Fry the mushrooms over low heat, stirring them regularly with a spoon. After the main product is covered with a golden crust, you need to add chopped leeks, parsley and dill to it. After frying the food for another fifteen minutes, pour 170 milliliters of heavy cream and two jars of sour cream into the pan. To thicken the milk gravy, you also need to add one large spoonful of wheat flour to it. After boiling the mushroom sauce for five to ten minutes, the dishes must be removed from the heat and immediately pour one hundred grams of grated cheese into it.

Mushrooms in sour cream: the right serving to the table

As mentioned above, milk sauce should be served to the table along with a side dish. Often, buckwheat, mashed potatoes or pasta are used as it. Thus, the selected and cooked dish must be completely filled with mushroom gravy, and topped with sprigs of dill and parsley.

The original recipe for mushroom sauce

Champignons for children can be prepared according to a different recipe. After all, the main task of parents is to feed their child with an appetizing and beautiful lunch. So, the mushrooms should not be cut into slices, but should be freed from the legs, which must be chopped in a blender, mixed with sour cream, herbs and grated cheese, and then filled with mushroom caps. After that, the mushrooms must be carefully laid out in a pan, add vegetable oil, onions and cream. When the stuffed hats become soft, add sour cream and a spoonful of wheat flour to the dishes. As a result, you will get very beautiful mushrooms in milk gravy, which no child will refuse.

Experiment, create, cook with pleasure!
