
Baby cottage cheese casserole recipe. Cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten: simple best recipes

Do you remember the casserole that was given in kindergarten for an afternoon snack? It was also cooked in school canteens and sometimes served in pioneer camps. Tender and soft, with a beautiful golden cap, and it was also unsweetened in itself, so it was plentifully watered with jam, condensed milk or jelly.

Today, especially for you - a recipe for cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten according to GOST - a step-by-step recipe with a photo. It is impossible to say for sure that in Soviet times this GOST for casseroles existed, because in different kindergartens the taste was still slightly different, raisins, vanilla, etc. were added somewhere. But a certain recipe for baby food establishments was nevertheless developed .

If you follow all the proportions, then you will get the very, ideally tender dessert from childhood. Try to accurately measure the amount of all products and do not violate the cooking technology. Forget about the mixer, blender and other kitchen helpers. Everything is ground and mixed by hand, and then sent to the oven. A minimum of time and effort, literally in half an hour you can already put the kettle on and call everyone to the table. The composition pleases: cottage cheese casserole without flour, with a minimum sugar content, but it contains a lot of “all the most useful”, that is, cottage cheese and milk. So such a dessert will appeal not only to children, but also to those who follow their diet and figure.


  • 9% cottage cheese 500 g
  • semolina 50 g
  • milk 225 ml
  • sugar 15 g
  • 1/2 egg
  • butter for mold lubrication

How to cook cottage cheese casserole according to GOST

From the first time, almost no one gets a delicious and perfectly cooked cottage cheese casserole. Why is this happening?

What is the secret of preparing a kindergarten dish? Cooking a classic recipe in the oven and a low-calorie dish without semolina.

As well as a recipe for a casserole of 3 products. How to make mannik without cottage cheese - the rules and secrets of cooking.

Cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten: 6 cooking secrets and 4 recipes in the oven

Cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten is a proven way for many mothers to get a child to eat cottage cheese. In its pure form, few of the little ones eat it with pleasure. And since this product is one of the most necessary for a growing organism, you need to go for tricks and tricks.

Cottage cheese strengthens bones and teeth, normalizes the nervous system, maintains muscle tissue and circulatory system in tone. This product has no contraindications and does no harm, so you can safely start the morning with a cottage cheese casserole.

For those who are worried about the benefits of a product that has undergone heat treatment, there is an indisputable fact - in a casserole, cottage cheese retains almost all useful trace elements and vitamins.

6 cooking secrets

How to cook a cottage cheese casserole in the oven like in a kindergarten? Following these tips, you will get just such a dish.

  1. The basis of the recipe is cottage cheese. He must be home. And along with it, sour cream. If you take rustic products, the result will be the right consistency and taste.
  2. Whisk the eggs properly. A delicious cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten is obtained not only because of the right ingredients, but also from the cooking method. If according to the recipe you need to beat eggs with sugar, then do it for a long time until a stable foam appears, lush and not liquid. Then the cottage cheese casserole, like in a kindergarten, will come out tall and airy.
  3. No pain. In order for the cake not to fall off and retain its shape, cook it with semolina. And don't add flour. After mixing all the ingredients with semolina, be sure to let the mixture stand for 15-20 minutes to swell.
  4. Welded semolina. According to the recipe in the cottage cheese casserole in the oven, as in the garden, raw cereals are used. But if you cook pastries from ready-made semolina porridge, the taste will be even more delicate. And such a cake will not fall off after cooling.
  5. Baking temperature. The maximum temperature for a cottage cheese casserole recipe like in kindergarten or any other cottage cheese casserole is 200 degrees. And on average it is 175-180 degrees. This is the optimum temperature for even baking. The bottom layer does not burn, and the top layer does not remain liquid.
  6. Raisin casserole. Before adding to the dough, the raisins must be steamed, otherwise they will be dry. If it is poured with hot water and left for a long time, it will become too soft and tasteless. According to the rules, raisins should be steamed for 2-3 minutes in steep tea or poured over with boiling water and drained, then it will swell, but at the same time retain both its shape and taste.
The classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole as in children du

This recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven is exactly like in kindergarten. There, the kids eat the dish with pleasure. It is also easy to repeat this recipe at home.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • semolina - 4 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • baking powder - 1 pack;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a quarter of a teaspoon.


  1. Wash the raisins and soak in boiling water.
  2. Stir sour cream with semolina and let stand for 10-15 minutes to swell.
  3. Put cottage cheese, baking powder, semolina with sour cream, vanillin and salt in a blender bowl.
  4. Instead of baking powder, you can take half a teaspoon of soda. Beat until a paste.
  5. Beat eggs with sugar until firm foam.
  6. Gently mix the curd dough into the egg mass so that the foam does not fall off.
  7. Add raisins, stir.
  8. Lubricate the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle the bottom and walls with semolina. Pour in the mixture. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Cooking time 40-45 minutes.

Mannik without cottage cheese

If you want to please your child with semolina porridge in the original version, prepare a semolina casserole without cottage cheese, as they do in kindergarten.


  • semolina - 150 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons.
  1. Dilute milk with water 1:1. Boil semolina in milk until thick.
  2. Cool the porridge slightly, stir with eggs (2 pieces) and sugar.
  3. Grease a baking sheet or form with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina so that the dish does not stick.
  4. Smooth out the porridge.
  5. Stir 1 egg with sour cream and cover with a small layer. Sour cream can be replaced with milk or cream.
  6. Bake in the oven until golden brown for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 220-230 degrees.

A simple recipe without semolina

This kindergarten-style cottage cheese casserole recipe is made with just 3 ingredients. But it turns out very tasty and fast. It differs from the classic recipe in that it is prepared without semolina.


  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Vanillin or cinnamon can be added if desired.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. For the dish, take a baking sheet or a wide form.
  3. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and lay out the mass so that the thickness does not exceed 2-3 cm. Level it.
  4. Send to the oven for 20-30 minutes, cook at 180-200 degrees. When the edges on the sides begin to become covered with a golden crust, it should be taken out of the oven.

Low calorie casserole

The composition of the dish includes low-fat and low-calorie foods. The calorie content of baking per 100 grams is only 129 kcal. However, these ingredients will make a hearty and very tasty breakfast.


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • kefir - half a glass;
  • corn or rice starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • fructose or sweetener - to taste.


  1. Whisk eggs with fructose. Add kefir with starch, stir.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the mixture and mash it with a fork.
  3. So that the dough for cottage cheese casserole, like in kindergarten, is not too liquid, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Add baking powder, mix thoroughly.
  4. Grease the form or use parchment. Pour the dough and cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180-190 degrees.

Good day! Oddly enough, this dish, or rather a sweet dessert that can be eaten for breakfast or dinner, will repel or frighten many people, since they do not eat it and do not like it. But in vain. What do you think I'm talking about?

Today we will talk about cottage cheese, namely, about the “curd beauty”, which from childhood they used to give for breakfast in kindergarten. I think this dish is very healthy. Especially the use of such a product at preschool age is simply necessary, because the curd contains a large percentage of calcium, proteins and nutrients.

It is very interesting that among my surroundings there are many people who love this magnificent pastry, and those who do not. But, those who do not like everything toil with their teeth, I don’t know, maybe it somehow affects their teeth? Or just a coincidence. I personally do not understand how you can not love this gourmet? Tell me which one of you doesn't? Write comments and explain why.For me, this dessert is better than ice cream.

There are a large number of recipes from cottage cheese. There are also cheesecakes with cottage cheese, succulents, or, for example, mine, where the base is cottage cheese.

Today we will consider the most popular, easy and best ways to prepare this unusually tasty and fragrant pastry. You learned how to cook this dish and learned all the secrets of why the casserole falls or does not rise after baking, why it turns out liquid, and whether it is possible to cook if there is no semolina, and much more.

In general, I was satisfied with the result, so I suggest you start your cooking with it.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese 9% - 0.5 kg
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg
  • butter - 50 g
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g
  • semolina - 100 g
  • dough baking powder- 15 g
  • salt - to taste
  • raisins - 90 g

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to separate the yolks and whites from each other. Why is this done, do you think? In my last note, I already touched on this topic, so if you don’t know, you can look. Next, you need to add 100 g of granulated sugar to the yolks and proteins.

Beat them with a mixer separately in different cups.

2. After that, take the yolks and add cottage cheese to them, which mash with a fork, vanilla sugar, melted butter and salt, mix.

Then add raisins, baking powder and semolina. Stir and let this mixture sit for a bit.

Important! Before adding raisins, do not forget to scald them with boiling water, or better yet, soak them for 5 minutes, and then drain the water so that they become soft and increase in size.

3. After 10-15 minutes add egg whites and mix thoroughly.

4. Take a baking dish, grease it lightly with vegetable oil, although if you have silicone, you do not need to grease, distribute the prepared curd mixture evenly over the surface. If you like a crispy top, then do nothing, and if soft, then pour a little sour cream.

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Then cut into portions and call everyone for an afternoon snack. Bon appetit!

Note that this option was without flour, and the result turned out to be quite tasty and satisfying)

The easiest recipe for cooking in the oven for 1.5 kg of cottage cheese

I think this is one of the most favorite children's sweets that kids and teenagers love. But, again, if they love it, because there are people who don’t eat dairy products at all, in order to somehow teach such scoundrels to eat this yummy, try to cook this option in the oven.

You can decorate it in the form of a heart and pour it with jam or syrup to somehow whet your appetite.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 1.2-1.5 kg
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sour cream - 8 tbsp
  • semolina - 5 tbsp
  • granulated sugar - 8 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp
  • butter - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the ingredients together, right into one bowl. As you can see in this photo, cottage cheese, sour cream plus granulated sugar and semolina. Stir, then add vanilla sugar, melted butter and salt so that the dish is not bland.

2. Let the resulting mixture rest for 30 minutes, and then back to business, beat with a mixer until fluffy, so that the casserole is airy. Whipping time 8 minutes.

3. After these step-by-step actions, add the curd mass to a baking sheet or a special mold that can be oiled or lined with parchment paper.

4. Do not forget to grease the top with sour cream from the amount given in this description with three tablespoons. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes until you see a ruddy and golden crust over the entire surface. Here is such a sweet dessert that you can expect in the end, eat to your health!

Video on how to cook lush curd gourmet in the oven

Yesterday I saw another great option that adds starch, what do you think? And so that you do not guess, I suggest you watch this story:

A delicious recipe for cottage cheese casserole with semolina according to GOST

Tell me, have you ever made such a charm with raisins, I think so. What about fruit? By the way, you can experiment every time and get new tastes and combinations, I suggest taking the recipe according to the Gost standards and modifying it a little, putting apricots in it, or maybe plums).

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • semolina - 3-4 tbsp
  • milk - 140 ml
  • granulated sugar - 3.5 tbsp
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • vanillin to taste
  • salt - a pinch
  • apricots - 7 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. You were probably surprised that the composition contains milk, what do you think for what? And so that the semolina swells well. Therefore, pour milk into a bowl and add semolina, mix and let stand for a while so that the cereal swells.

2. While the bowl is standing and resting, take care of the fruit, cut them into slices and remove the seeds.

3. Mix cottage cheese with sugar, vanilla, salt and eggs with a mixer, and then add semolina with milk.

4. Distribute the resulting sweet mass over the surface of the mold, but use only one part, but press the slices of apricots or peaches on top, for example, what did you use?

5. Pour the second part of the dough. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, place the casserole in a mold and bake until done.

Serve with a good mood and sweet tea or cocoa.

Surprised, or maybe not? Yes, a really original option for those who are on diets or trying to lose weight. It is considered a quick option, but the ingredients here are taken to a minimum, you can say almost nothing and you don’t need to.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • raisins - 100 g
  • butter - 150 g
  • sugar - 0.2 g
  • frosting as desired

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites and yolks from each other in different containers.

2. Whisk the whites first, then the yolks. Only in this way will the casserole become lush and airy. The yolks are mostly mixed with sugar.

3. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and only after that pour melted butter, whipped whites and yolks into it. Remember that the cottage cheese in this recipe should be dry, and not very wet, if you have it, then remove and squeeze out excess moisture.

4. Add well-washed raisins and place this mixture on a baking sheet.

5. Bake until tender, the baking temperature is 180-190 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Such charm will surely please you, because it is without semolina and without flour that it does not fall off and does not settle. Bon appetit! And to make it even tastier and piquant, grease with any or melted chocolate.

Cooking cottage cheese in the oven at home

Now I suggest you taste and cook this delicacy that you can create, while you will need to use only 3 ingredients. It turns out insanely tasty and beautiful, do it and experiment, I wish that everything will work out for you!

By the way, you can replace cottage cheese with curd mass. The ingredients are given for a small portion, so if you like, increase them in the right proportions.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese 1% - 1 sachet or 200-220 g
  • condensed milk - 2.5 tbsp
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. So, prepare all the products, there are really so many of them that you can forget ... In general, we cook from what was.

2. Rub the cottage cheese with a blender, then pour in the condensed milk and one fresh chicken egg. Note that flour is also not used here, as well as semolina. Stir. Next, throw the resulting mass onto a mold and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, and as soon as the crust suits you in color, immediately take it out.

3. Fast enough and at the same time easy, everything turned out 5+. Bon appetit!

Kindergarten version of a fluffy casserole with raisins and gravy

I remember as a child I loved it very much, but what can I say, and now I just love this sweet delicacy, especially when I go to pick up my children, and this seductive smell drags along the corridor, just salivating starts to run. Probably not without reason)). In this article, I showed you the most popular and favorite recipes that I tried, I also suggest watching this video from the YouTube channel:

It is in kindergarten that they make a casserole with sour cream sauce, whoever has not tried it, you have lost a lot, it's just super tasty. Therefore, I will not conceal and give you another recipe.

Sour cream milk sauce uses only two ingredients, surprised? This is sour cream and condensed milk. Just mix 6 tbsp sour cream and 3 tbsp. l condensed milk.

In our kindergarten, they serve such a milk-based sweet sauce based on milk. Here is such a fun option, not difficult to prepare.

I’ll tell you honestly, it’s not melting, it’s delicious, you will lick your fingers, it was always served in the kindergarten.

We will need:

  • milk - 0.5 l
  • butter - 20 g
  • wheat flour - 20 g
  • granulated sugar - 60 g or to taste
  • vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, melt the butter in a saucepan. Add flour to it. Stir so that there are no lumps, gradually add milk. Cook this for about 10 minutes, you will see that the mass will begin to thicken.

2. Then sugar. And cook until the sugar dissolves. Usually it is 2-3 minutes.

3. Here's what happened. Pour over the casserole and say: “How delicious and simple it all is!”

If you want to diversify this delicious gourmet, then you can add any kind of fruit or dried fruit. And it will turn out very unusual and the tastes will be different.

Now I will give you some ideas on this topic. For example, you can use raisins, dried apricots, prunes.

It is very fragrant with pieces of peaches and apricots, bananas and oranges.You can also mix different types of berries or dried fruits, for example, take lingonberries, blackberries and strawberries, you get a pie called "Berry Glade".

Carrots and even cauliflower, broccoli go well with cottage cheese.

In addition to dried fruits, you can use pieces of chocolate. There will be chocolate chips. Also delicious and magical.

You can take cookies as a basis, and you get the well-known curd cheesecake. The dish is divine.

It is also interesting to combine one part of the dough with which one and get a zebra. As you can see, there are a lot of options, choose any, experiment and surprise your guests.

For children, to attract their attention, you can bake a multi-colored, colored "charm".

There are options for the royal casserole, otherwise this type is called the royal cheesecake, this is also a very insanely delicious dish, about which I will write a separate note.

Well, now catch a multi-colored miracle, which is prepared with carrots and spinach, as well as with the addition of rice, which the kids will definitely appreciate.

1. It is best to take not store-bought cottage cheese, but country home-made cottage cheese, since there are much more benefits in it. Be sure to grind the cottage cheese through a sieve to achieve airiness and splendor.

2. Choose medium-fat or high-fat cottage cheese, it will turn out much more satisfying and tender.

3. In no case do not bake from the curd product, it's just a substitute, waste your money.

4. When adding starch, you will feel the tenderness of the "curd beauty".

5. When baking a cake with semolina, it will not rise much, but it will not settle after leaving the oven.

6. Calorie content is 160 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

7. For weight loss, use the sour cream option, or replace it with low-fat kefir, cook the dish as an option in a double boiler or slow cooker.

I hope you liked the article and you will definitely bake the most delicious cake))). That's all for me, bye bye!

P.S. I heard that many even manage to cook this dessert at home using a microwave. Can anyone share their successes, did they like it or not? Unfortunately, I have not yet had time to try to cook this curd product in it.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product that must be present in the baby's diet. It is needed by a small organism for the timely full development, growth and strengthening of bones, the development of immunity, the improvement of memory and attention. For children who are not yet a year old, it is necessary for the stable functioning of the intestines and the normalization of its microflora, as well as to improve the functioning of the digestive system and liver.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Curd is made from curdled milk, so it has such excellent nutritional properties. The composition of cottage cheese is as follows: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin A, and other minerals. Due to its composition, this fermented milk product has the following properties:

  • the protein, which is part of the cottage cheese, has a beneficial effect on the strengthening and growth of muscles;
  • lactic acid bacteria normalize the intestinal microflora and improve metabolism;
  • thanks to calcium, bone tissue grows stronger, the skeleton develops, and nails and hair become better;
  • potassium improves brain activity, which has a good effect on memory and the nervous system;
  • problem-free digestibility of the product is due to the low content of milk sugar in the composition;
  • rickets, atherosclerosis are prevented;
  • the gums and teeth are strengthened;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • well absorbed;
  • enriches the body with vitamins, nutrients and energy.

Suitable age for the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet of a child and the features of preparing dishes from it.

Children begin to introduce fermented milk products and cottage cheese into the diet at the age of eight months. First, they give a taste of homemade cottage cheese with the addition of breast milk, formula milk, yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Cottage cheese subjected to heat treatment, do not advise give crumbs up to 10 months, and older children can cook various goodies, such as cheesecakes, dumplings, dumplings, casseroles. Cottage cheese casserole, as well as dishes cooked in a slow cooker or oven, are recommended for children after 1 year.

Toddlers who do not like dairy products will be very happy with a tasty and fragrant casserole, but when cooking it it is worth considering some features:

Cottage Cheese Casserole Recipes

In order to properly prepare a casserole for a small child, you must first prepare all the ingredients. All foods should be fresh, fruits and berries should be washed well, eggs should also be washed, and then broken. Then do everything according to the recipe.

Casseroles are:

  • simple (classic composition of ingredients);
  • with fillers (berries, fruits).

Classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole for children in the oven


Pour semolina with warm milk and let it brew a little, separate the yolks from the proteins and grind with cottage cheese and sugar in a separate container. Then mix the resulting egg mass with a mass of milk and semolina, then add whipped whites and mix everything. Grease a baking dish with butter and place the dough in it. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 200-degree temperature.

Classic slow cooker casserole recipe

  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Sugar - 150 grams;
  • Milk - 70 milligrams;
  • Semolina - 100 grams;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


Add eggs, butter, sugar and milk in turn to the curd rubbed through a sieve. Mix everything, add semolina and mix again. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes, at this time prepare the bowl, grease it with oil, then carefully transfer the dough into it and cook at 180 degrees in the "Baking" mode.


Beat sugar with eggs with a mixer for several minutes, add sour cream to the resulting mass and mix. Grind cottage cheese, rubbing through a sieve and add to the egg mass. Pour the curd mixture into the pre-cooked pasta. Grease the baking dish, crush it with breadcrumbs or semolina and transfer the prepared mass into it. Smooth the top layer and coat with sour cream with sugar. Bake for about half an hour at 200 degrees.

Banana Casserole

Great option for baking in cupcake tins.

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter - 30 grams;
  • Banana - 1 piece;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons.


Rub the cottage cheese and transfer it to a bowl, add banana, egg, sugar and butter to it. Stir for a couple of minutes, add flour. Prepare the molds, put the mass in them. Bake no more than twenty minutes at 200-degree temperature.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole for one-year-old children

Carrots are very useful for the children's body, as it contains carotene. When it enters the child's body, the immune system improves and has a good effect on the growth of the child, his development.


Peel, wash and grate the carrots. Transfer to a container from under the multicooker, fill with water, set the “steaming” mode and cook for 10 minutes. Pour boiling water over raisins and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. In a separate bowl, put sugar, eggs and beat for several minutes, then add semolina. Grind cottage cheese, add sour cream, mix, put beaten eggs, raisins and carrots in this mass. Mix everything thoroughly.

Spread the form with butter, put the resulting dough into it, turn on the "Baking" mode and cook for 1 hour 15 minutes.

Grain-free casserole

  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram;
  • Sugar - 180 grams;
  • Egg - 4 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vanillin - to taste.


Separate the whites from the yolks. In a separate bowl, carefully mix the yolks, cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, starch and vanillin. Beat the whites for 2 minutes and gently fold into the resulting mass. Prepare the form, put everything in it and bake for about forty minutes, at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees. This casserole turns out to be very lush, and even better, if the dough is not kneaded, but beaten with a mixer, then it will turn out even more airy.

Finally important tips:

  • For cooking, it is better for children to take cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%. With a high fat content, it can be given with caution to children with a missing body weight.
  • To keep the casserole from falling off, you need to use at least two eggs.
  • It is undesirable to replace semolina with soda and flour, since baking will still not hold its shape, and the taste will be worse.

It is necessary to add variety to the children's diet, because the store-bought baby food has already become boring for the baby, and it is much more pleasant to cook a delicious dish on your own. A child gets used to different foods in their first year of life and this process does not always go well, so recipes for casseroles will help mothers cope well with this period. Baby casserole will be a great addition to the main dishes of the baby.

Everyone knows that calcium is vital for a child's body, as they also know that it is full of it in cottage cheese. Only the little ones most often do not like cottage cheese, and it is sometimes impossible to beg a child to eat at least a couple of spoons. But there is a way to outwit the capricious, feed him with cottage cheese, and even get a request for an addition - to cook a cottage cheese casserole.

Do you want breakfast, afternoon tea or dinner to be a pleasure for your son or daughter? Then remember your own childhood and cook a cottage cheese casserole, like in a kindergarten. Thankfully, it's not difficult at all.

With semolina

To make the dish richer and more satisfying, we use semolina to create it. Two hundred grams should be enough.

In addition, you will need:

  • cottage cheese - per kilogram (ideal - homemade);
  • granulated sugar - one hundred grams is enough;
  • testicles - 4 things;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • salt on the tip of a spoon;
  • half a glass of milk.

This is a traditional set of products, without any "frills". But if you want, you can make a casserole with some candied fruits or dried fruits, pour it with fruit syrup or condensed milk. Then you certainly won’t pull away from her by the ears.

How will we cook?

  1. Pour the semolina with milk. Let it sit for a bit and swell.
  2. Cottage cheese is thoroughly mashed - with a fork or a potato masher so that there are no lumps. It will be even faster to rub it through a sieve.
  3. Add eggs, sugar and salt. After that, you need to mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Next comes softened butter, followed by soaked semolina.
  5. Then our “dough” is sent to a baking dish (Let’s take a square one, so that later we can cut the casserole into even stripes, as they do in kindergarten). Do not forget to grease its bottom and walls with butter (butter).
  6. In an oven preheated to 200 C, the casserole will be ready in about 40 minutes. A golden crust on the surface is a signal that the dish can be removed.

With pasta

Having prepared such a dish, you can honestly tell your child that it is made from pasta. And it is not necessary to mention cottage cheese so that the little stubborn “out of principle” does not refuse to eat.

For this recipe you must have:

  • fresh cottage cheese - from 400 to 500 grams;
  • pasta (preferably small) - 150-200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • fresh eggs - 4 pieces;
  • ¾ cup sour cream;
  • one and a half or two tables. tablespoons of oil (only not vegetable, but butter);
  • a little bit of salt.

Let's start cooking.

  1. Boil pasta in lightly salted water. As usual, we wait until water drains from them through a colander.
  2. Add oil to them. We mix. When they become a little colder, add one egg to the mixture (you will need to beat it beforehand).
  3. In a separate deep bowl, add the curd, to it - sour cream, sugar and the three remaining eggs. All this is diligently grind until the mixture looks like a homogeneous dough.
  4. In a confectionery form, we “design” a kind of cake: alternately lay out layers of pasta and curd dough. The bottom and top layers should be pasta.
  5. To make a shiny golden crust appear, we will coat the last layer with an egg.
  6. After twenty minutes in the oven with a temperature of 170-180 C, it will be time to remove the casserole. Let's leave the choice to the child, what is: hot or cold.

No need to open the oven door again while the dish is cooking. From this, it can "deflate" and lose its shape.

Add raisins

Raisins add flavor to any dish. If you bake a cottage cheese casserole, as in kindergarten, using dried grapes, the food will be wonderful.

It needs the following components:

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 5% - 200-250 grams;
  • a couple of raw eggs;
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons of sour cream (25% fat is best);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of semolina;
  • up to 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • quite a bit of salt;
  • full handful of raisins.

Then we proceed as instructed.

  1. Cottage cheese, as in previous recipes, grind, getting rid of lumps.
  2. Add salt and sugar to it. There also go raisins (which we washed and soaked in hot water in advance) and sour cream. We mix the ingredients for the first time.
  3. It's time for the manga. She also goes into the mix. After that, mix everything again.
  4. You can move the resulting mass into a baking dish (remember that it must first be greased with oil). The test should be given a 10-minute "rest". During this time, semolina will swell.
  5. We take the last “step” - it’s time to send the workpiece for forty minutes into the oven. The temperature must be at least 180 C.
  6. The time has elapsed, the top and sides are browned - it means that the raisin casserole is ready.

We use carrots

If you buy dryish low-fat cottage cheese and juicy carrots, you can bake an amazingly tasty and at the same time dietary casserole. It is good not only as a healthy breakfast, but may well replace a factory-made dessert from a store.

What products will be needed?

  • cottage cheese - about 700 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 140 grams;
  • honey - at least 4 tablespoons;
  • four spoons, but already teaspoons, of starch;
  • the same amount of manka:
  • carrots - 4 things;
  • the same number of eggs;
  • citrus peel (orange or lemon);
  • a glass of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a little (about 40 grams) butter.

We have prepared the products, we will act according to the plan.

  1. Let's start with carrots. We process on a grater with large cells. Fill with milk. Flavored with honey, butter. Now let's simmer. After about 10 minutes, the vegetable will soften.
  2. Then add semolina. Cook for a couple more minutes, remembering to stir. Take it off the stove and let it cool down.
  3. In the meantime, grind the cottage cheese (you can use a conventional meat grinder).
  4. Let's make air foam from eggs with sugar (here it is better to use a mixer). Mix the resulting substance with zest, cinnamon, starch. We will introduce cottage cheese into it.
  5. The last component is the carrot-semolina mixture.
  6. We put our curd dough in a baking dish. Do not forget to grease the walls and bottom with the last oil.
  7. Let's bring the oven to a temperature of 185-190 C. Put the workpiece into it. In 35-40 minutes everything will be ready.
  8. The kids will be happy to eat such a delicacy if you pour it with jam or condensed milk. Adults can offer sour cream.

Cottage cheese casserole with jam

If you have a microwave at your disposal, cooking cottage cheese casserole will take several times less time. To treat your baby to a delicious afternoon snack, you will have to spend no more than 15 minutes, including preparing the dough and baking itself.

The dish is made from:

  • cottage cheese (a 250-gram pack is enough);
  • a pair of fresh eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour (corn flour is needed);
  • butter - 20 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 50 grams;
  • jam.

The next steps are extremely simple.

  1. We mix all the ingredients. Whip a little with a whisk. Remember that the oil needs to be already soft.
  2. Would you like the dish to be airy? So, add a little soda to the mixture.
  3. We place our cottage cheese “dough” in a special saucepan for a microwave oven. Do not forget to cover the container with a lid.
  4. We will bake for 7-9 minutes, with an appliance power of 800 watts.
  5. Still hot, cut neatly into portions, pour jam. And immediately we call the little gourmets to the table.

When there is no microwave, you can use the oven. True, the waiting time for readiness will increase significantly.

Cooking in a slow cooker, with bananas and / or apples

This smart device, like a magic pot from a famous fairy tale, will cook anything. And cottage cheese casserole as well. Moreover, it will allow you not to stand by the stove, but along the way to do some other household chores, or just relax.

We will need:

  • three packs of cottage cheese (the less fat, the better);
  • three testicles (well, if they are large);
  • ½ cup raw semolina;
  • the same amount of granulated sugar;
  • a teaspoon of vanilla sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • a couple of apples (or bananas, or one fruit of each type);
  • a piece of butter - we will grease the multibowl with it;
  • a little of any berries (fresh, frozen or canned) - for decoration.

We will cook in this order.

  1. Coat the multicooker bowl with oil and sprinkle with semolina - somewhere up to half the height of the walls.
  2. Beat the eggs and sugar (it doesn't matter what - with a whisk, mixer or blender). You should get a lush homogeneous foam.
  3. We introduce cottage cheese (wiped in advance), baking powder and vanilla sugar. Then - semolina. The drier the cottage cheese, the less cereal will be needed. And vice versa.
  4. The end result should be a consistency similar to sour cream. It will get thicker - add another egg.
  5. We send half of the mass of the dough from the cottage cheese to the multibowl. We lay out our fruits on the surface in any order (they are cut into “washers” half a centimeter thick). You can push it in a little.
  6. Now it's the turn of the rest of the dough - pour it over the fruit. Carefully level the surface with a spatula. We decorate with any berries that are in the house.
  7. We select the "baking" mode and the period from 55 to 60 minutes.
  8. While baking, let's temper our impatience and do not open the lid of the appliance. A signal will sound - check the readiness of the dessert: touch the “pie” with your finger. Is he clean? So the casserole can be served. Are there any traces left? We will extend the procedure by 10 minutes.
