
Delicious chocolate frosting recipe. Chocolate icing - beautiful, bright, delicious

Glaze is an important element of sweets. It not only decorates cakes, pastries, homemade cookies, but also adds an additional exquisite taste to these products. However, not all housewives know how to make chocolate icing.

This process is not so complicated and provides an opportunity for the confectioner to show all his culinary imagination.

Which chocolate to choose

You need to clearly imagine which version of chocolate is not suitable for making glaze:

  • with various fillers: nuts, pieces of fruit, etc., since the glaze mass must be homogeneous;
  • porous, because oil is released from it during melting, the delicacy itself is not melted, but is collected in a huge lump of chocolate grains;
  • cheap, since it is heterogeneous in composition and has low quality, which will inevitably affect the final product.

Now about which chocolate for cooking you should choose:

  • dairy is considered an ideal option; after melting, nothing needs to be added to it, except perhaps a little butter;
  • confectionery is more convenient in preparing glaze, it melts faster into a homogeneous mass, but in terms of taste it is significantly inferior to food tiles;
  • the use of white chocolate is very interesting, it has a peculiar mild taste, and in this case the icing can be tinted in different colors using food coloring;
  • do not rush to put the bitter aside, the icing made from it contrasts very peculiarly with overly sweet cakes or pastries.

If you are not going to use white chocolate, pay attention to the color of the product, it should be dark brown and rich.

The perfect melting chocolate is couverture.

Rules for making glaze

So, you have successfully acquired raw materials. Now you need to proceed with the following steps:

  1. Break the tile into pieces as small as possible;
  2. The container in which the chocolate will be melted must be greased with butter so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and walls;
  3. Pick up another vessel, large in diameter, heat water in it (you don’t need to boil it) up to 50–70 degrees;
  4. Place the smaller container in the larger one while continuing to heat, making sure that hot water does not splash onto the heated chocolate;
  5. Constantly stir the prepared glaze, preferably with a wooden spatula;
  6. Do not close the containers with a lid, this will lead to the formation of condensate, which will ruin everything;
  7. If necessary, add a few tablespoons of milk, sugar or cream;
  8. Immediately after the chocolate has completely melted until smooth, add butter to the mixture;
  9. If you like to experiment, use other additives, such as honey, sour cream, condensed milk.

Remember that the mixture must be extremely homogeneous and not too thick, otherwise it will harden until the confectionery masterpiece is fully formed, and the glaze will not work in one color.

It is better to apply melted chocolate in 2 layers: first form the first thin one, and then completely cover the product.

There should not be a drop of water in the resulting mixture, as it greatly impairs the appearance of the glaze.

How to make icing - step by step recipe with photo


  • dark chocolate - 120 g;
  • cow's milk - 4 tbsp.
  1. Break the tile into pieces.

    Chocolate must be broken into slices or even smaller pieces

  2. Melt until smooth, pour in milk.

    Melting chocolate should be on a steam bath

  3. Apply to confectionery.
  4. Let the mixture cool down.
  5. Decorate the cake with fruits and berries.

    If you use pure chocolate, then the glaze will be thick

The above recipe is the basic one. On this basis, you can give free rein to your imagination - add honey, syrup, etc.

The use of condensed milk makes the mixture elastic and can be easily applied to a variety of products anywhere.

Cake surrounded by cakes, cherries and macaron lids

Glaze and creativity allow you to achieve unprecedented heights of skill even for novice cooks and amateurs

The so-called mirror glaze looks very impressive. It is prepared with the addition of diluted gelatin, frozen, then melted again and applied to the same frozen product.


The finished mixture on condensed milk can be kept in the freezer for up to 2 weeks. Some confectioners believe that nothing bad will happen to her in a month. But the icing, cooked in ordinary whole milk for more than 2 days, is not recommended to be kept in the refrigerator.

Many housewives adhere to the principle that the ingredients of confectionery products should be used immediately, and not stored in reserve. In our age of diversity and activity of intestinal infections, such a precaution hardly looks superfluous.


Melted hot chocolate icing can be applied both evenly and to create a beautiful streak or specular effect. It can decorate cakes, pastries, cookies, ice cream, fresh and candied fruits. In a separate form, they do not use it, it almost instantly becomes boring even for children.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath: video

Chocolate icing is an essential ingredient in confectionery. If you use it once when creating a homemade cake, then you will always use it later. Moreover, the preparation process is relatively simple. You just need to follow the rules of the recipe.

Many housewives prefer not to buy desserts, but to cook them on their own. To decorate them, you can make a beautiful chocolate icing, and you can take milk, bitter, white, add vanillin, condensed milk - there are a lot of recipes.

If you want the frosting to be the right consistency, you first need to determine what it will be used for.

The technology largely depends on whether you need a matte or glossy mixture.

Classic icing is very easy to prepare - each housewife prefers to use her own recipe, but the general technology will be as follows:

  1. The consistency should be neither too thin nor too thick - ideally, if it is like sour cream, so that it is convenient to apply on the cake. Yes, and the glaze will harden faster.
  2. If the composition turns out to be too liquid, do not rush to throw it away: add 1-2 tsp. powdered sugar, and a too thick mixture should be diluted with 1 tbsp. warm water.
  3. If you need powdered sugar, then it is better to make it yourself, but it is advisable to additionally sift the finished powder.
  4. If instead of water you take lemon juice, then the glaze will turn out sour.
  5. If you spread jam on the surface before applying the icing on the cake, then the mass on top will lie perfectly.

Classic cocoa and milk frosting recipe

Calories per 100 g: 542 kcal.

You can make a sweet mass either from cocoa or chocolate. The resulting mixture can be used to connect cakes, apply inscriptions, decorate cupcakes, cakes. The classic recipe involves the use of ingredients such as sugar, cocoa, butter, water or milk. And after cooking, the mixture should be cooled, otherwise it may spread over the dish

And you should not save on products: only high-quality products will help you get a beautiful glaze, which, after hardening, will decorate the dish with a glossy crust.

We will need:

  • cocoa powder (from dark cocoa beans);
  • 4 spoons of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

The preparation is incredibly simple: put milk in a bowl on a saucepan, add sugar and cook until it dissolves.

We also melt the butter in a separate container, then pour it into the milk. Separately sift cocoa and also send it to the pan.

We warm the whole mixture for about 2-4 minutes. All! It remains only to cool the mixture and you can use it for its intended purpose.

And to give chocolate icing a pleasant taste, you can add a little vanillin.

Easy Cake Decorating Icing Recipes

This is the easiest way to make glaze, because you just need to buy a tile (or several, depending on the desired volume) and melt it. And it doesn’t matter what kind of chocolate you use - you can take white, dark, milk.

From dark chocolate

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 389 kcal.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 5 tbsp milk;
  • 100 g dark chocolate.

For cooking, you need to break the tile, put it in a saucepan, lubricating it with oil in advance. According to this recipe, water should not be added - milk is used instead to give the mass the desired density. After that, we put the container in a water bath and warm it up to 40 degrees. Use a dry spoon to mix the composition.

From white chocolate

Calories per 100 g: 271 kcal.

In almost the same way, white chocolate icing is made, and in addition, condensed milk or vanilla can be added to the mass. We will need the following products:

  • 180 g of powdered sugar;
  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 2-3 tbsp milk.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Break the tile, put the chocolate in a container.
  2. Place the bowl in a water bath.
  3. Add milk and sugar to it.
  4. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens.
  5. Remove the container from the stove and pour in another 1 tbsp. milk.
  6. Beat the mass with a blender.

You need to use the mass until it is frozen.

Milk chocolate

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

If you are going to decorate cupcakes or other thin dough desserts, it is better to choose milk chocolate: the prepared mixture will be fragrant and tender.

You need the following ingredients:

  • 150 g low-fat cream;
  • 200 g chocolate.

Just break open the bar, put the chocolate in a bowl, add the cream and simmer until smooth.

Cooking with sour cream

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 330 kcal.

The mass prepared according to this recipe will turn out to be thick, with a sour taste. It is best used to cover cookies or cakes, and the icing will not spread, but will decorate your dish with a mirror surface.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp cocoa;
  • 4 tsp powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp vanillin;
  • 1 tbsp butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all products except butter in one container.
  2. Put the saucepan with the mass on a slow fire and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
  3. Remove bowl from heat and add oil.

Spread the prepared frosting over the cakes or cookies until it has cooled.

How to get mirror glaze

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 335 kcal

Such a recipe involves the use of either a special syrup or a small amount of gelatin - if everything is prepared correctly, the resulting mass, after application, will harden very beautifully on the surface of the cake. If bubbles appear, pass the mass through a sieve before applying to the dish.

In addition, you can not do without a thermometer, since the glaze can only be used when it has cooled to +35 degrees.


  • 150 g of glucose syrup;
  • 130 ml of water;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 15 g of gelatin;
  • 150 g chocolate.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin with 60 ml of water and stir.
  2. In a separate container, add water, glucose syrup and sugar, put on a slow fire.
  3. Stir until sugar dissolves.
  4. Put the chocolate in a separate container, breaking it into pieces, pour in the gelatin and condensed milk.
  5. Top with hot syrup.
  6. Beat the icing with a blender and wait for it to cool to the desired temperature.

Delicate combination of chocolate and cream

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 397 kcal.

This recipe is very easy to make, so even a day of novice cooks will do. You can take any chocolate, and cream will give the mixture plasticity and density. The products needed are:

  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 tbsp cream (30%).

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. We break the tile, put it in a clean container.
  2. We put the pan in a water bath and add oil.
  3. Stir until the mass thickens.
  4. Whip the cream separately and carefully fold into the mixture.

Butter and chocolate recipe

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 510 kcal.

A proven option is the preparation of glaze from butter and chocolate (it can be anything, but it is still better to use the composition without additives). And if there is a desire to decorate the dessert with berries, then it is better to put them on top of the already frozen glaze.


  • 130 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g of oil;
  • 3 tbsp cream.

We place all products in a clean container, put it in a water bath, stirring constantly. When the mass becomes homogeneous, turn off the heat and leave the glaze to cool.

Chocolate and milk glaze

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calories per 100 g: 570 kcal.

This recipe is ideal for beginner housewives, because it is very easy to prepare. To enhance the taste of chocolate, you can add a little cocoa. And remember that you do not need to wait until the mixture has cooled - it is much more convenient to apply it immediately after cooking, since the cakes will be better saturated, and the surface of the dessert will resemble a glossy mirror.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp cocoa.

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan, but it should not boil.
  2. We throw in the butter, broken pieces of chocolate, stir.
  3. Mix sugar with cocoa and pour in a thin stream into the chocolate mass.
  4. Stir and cook until sugar dissolves.
  5. When hot, apply to cakes.

How to cover the cake with the resulting icing

It is important not only to be able to cook the mass, but also to properly decorate a cake or other dessert with icing. Glazing is an easy procedure that even a novice cook can handle. There are a few simple rules to follow.

The prepared glaze should cool slightly (but it all depends on the recipe), but not thicken, because in this case the mass will turn into a lump, and you will not be able to apply it. Also, for applying the composition, it is better to purchase a special rubber brush. If you want to decorate a cake from dense dough, additionally use a layer of jam, jam.

To decorate the cake with icing, place the dish on the wire rack and begin to pour over the mixture, leveling with a rubber brush. Additionally, on top, when the mass hardens, decorate it with berries. Leave the cake for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, then serve it to the table.

It helps out from cocoa when you need to beautifully decorate a dessert for serving it to the festive table. However, it should be noted that today there are several options for preparing such a delicacy. We will consider only some of them that do not require large financial and time costs.

Product General Information

Before telling you how to make chocolate icing, you should tell what this product is.

Confectionery glaze is a sweet, viscous and very thick mass, which is made on the basis of sugar or powder with the addition of other components. As a rule, such a delicacy is intended for coating or pouring homemade confectionery products (for example, sweets, cakes, cookies, pastries, gozinaki, etc.).

What is chocolate icing made from? From cocoa, milk, cream, butter and various fruit fillers, flavorings. Sometimes regular chocolate is added to such a delicacy.

It is impossible not to note the important fact that cocoa powder chocolate icing turns out to be much tastier and healthier if you use a natural main ingredient for its preparation, and not the so-called Dutch or alkalized.

Cooking at home a delicacy according to a classic recipe

How to make chocolate icing quickly and tasty? To do this, it is recommended to use a proven recipe that does not include expensive products and does not require a long stay near the stove.

So, we need:

  • settled water - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • liquor, rum or good cognac - 1-2 dessert spoons;
  • a little vanillin or cinnamon - a pinch;
  • natural butter (if desired, you can replace it with heavy heavy cream) - about twenty to thirty milliliters.

Cooking process

Making chocolate icing from cocoa does not take much time. But in order for such a sweetness to turn out to be very tasty, it is necessary to strictly follow all prescription requirements.

First you need to mix cocoa powder with powdered sugar in a small bowl. Ideally, this mixture should be sifted through a sieve. Next, rinse a small metal container and pour in the right amount of water. After that, the bowl must be placed in a wide saucepan, where to add clean drinking liquid, and bring it to a boil. As you already understood, cocoa chocolate icing will be cooked in a water bath. After all, if you cook such a delicacy at a temperature above 85 degrees Celsius, then there is a possibility of losing a lot of useful substances.

Then the sweet mixture must be put in a small bowl and stirred well so that the sugar is completely dissolved. By the way, the density of the glaze can be adjusted independently by adding one or another product to it (icing sugar, cocoa powder, starch, etc.).

If you want to achieve the special taste of this delicacy, then you can additionally use ground nuts or nut flour for its preparation. However, you should not add too many of these ingredients either. Otherwise, you will end up with more cream than cocoa chocolate icing.

After the powder mixture is completely dissolved, it should be removed from the water bath and immediately put butter in the bowl (you can pour in heavy cream), add vanillin or cinnamon, as well as rum, liquor or good cognac. These ingredients need to be mixed very quickly with a spoon, and then the glaze is used for its intended purpose.

It should be noted that as a result of the described actions, you should get a rather thick and fragrant delicacy that can be safely applied to eclairs, cake or other confectionery.

Chocolate icing from chocolate: a recipe for cooking

If you don’t want to purchase additional ingredients for such a treat, but you urgently need to decorate the finished dessert, then we suggest using the following recipe. For this we need:

Cooking method

So, before you cook the chocolate icing, you need to take 1 or 2 tiles of a dark treat and break it into slices. Next, the product needs to be put in a small saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in a little milk or heavy cream. After that, the dishes with the contents should be put on a very low fire. In this case, the ingredients must be regularly mixed with a large spoon. If you are afraid that they will burn during the heat treatment, then they should not be placed on an open fire, in a water bath. How this process is carried out, we described above.

After the chocolate begins to melt intensively, it must be removed from the stove and constantly stirred until the dark delicacy slices are completely dissolved. This completes the preparation of the chocolate glaze.

It is recommended to use the finished product for confectionery in a cooled state. However, you shouldn't keep the frosting too long at room temperature either, because it will harden pretty quickly and you'll have to reheat it.

We make a treat on sour cream

We talked about how thick chocolate icing from cocoa powder is prepared at the very beginning of this article. But if you need to get not a simple decoration for confectionery, but a real cream, then we recommend using thick sour cream for this.

So, we need:

  • cocoa powder - about 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - about 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • store sour cream 30% - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • rum or good cognac - 1 dessert spoon;
  • a little vanillin or cinnamon (a pinch).

Cooking process

This delicacy is prepared very easily and quickly. To do this, you need to take two metal containers (large and small), and pour ordinary water into the larger one. Then it should be put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, fresh milk, rum or cognac must be poured into a small container. After mixing the components, they should be placed in a boiling liquid, thus making a water bath.

While the dairy product with an alcoholic drink is heated, you can begin to prepare other components. To do this, mix powdered sugar with cocoa powder, and then sift using a small sieve. The resulting mixture must be carefully poured into a small saucepan and mixed so that you do not form lumps. In addition to these ingredients, you must add cinnamon or a little vanillin.

After you have formed a homogeneous chocolate mass, it should be removed from the water bath and cooled slightly at room temperature. Next, you need to add a few tablespoons of thick sour cream to the finished delicacy. Mix these ingredients preferably with a whisk or mixer. As a result, you should get a fairly thick and tender mass, which is ideal for making homemade cake or pastries.

Easy and quick way to make frosting

There is another quick and easy recipe for making chocolate icing that does not require a long stay near the stove.

We will need:

  • cocoa powder - about 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - about 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • natural butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking (step by step)

To create such a delicacy, you need to take dishes with a thick bottom, put a mixture of cocoa powder and not very coarse sugar into it, and then add fresh milk and natural butter. All these components must be put on low heat and, stirring regularly, bring to a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to ensure that there are no lumps in the glaze. If they nevertheless appear, then the whole mass should be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon.

Summing up

Now you know how to quickly and easily make chocolate or cocoa powder frosting at home. Before using this delicacy to decorate a dessert, this product needs to be cooled slightly. If this is not done, then under the influence of hot glaze, the confectionery product may “leak”. If, on the contrary, the product is cooled too much, then it will solidify right in the bowl, and it will be impossible to remove it (only by reheating).

What is the purpose of chocolate icing? It is simple - to decorate a cake, pastry or other pastries (and not only pastries). Chocolate icing is the final touch that gives the dish (usually pastry or dessert) an exquisite gloss and gloss. Sometimes it is this stroke that allows you to hide small flaws and failures that do not affect the taste at all, but spoil the look. But this is rather an exception to the practice of using glaze. The rule is to set off the taste and give it a look, to give the opportunity to fix decorative elements, such as sprinkles or small details.

There are a lot of recipes for chocolate icing: some are very simple, and some are whimsical. It is not so easy to choose from this set, especially when you need it here and now, quickly and beautifully. On this page, I offer practical recipes for chocolate icing made from cocoa, dark and white chocolate. They always turn out spectacularly and tasty, quickly and not troublesome.

Chocolate icing from cocoa

Universal chocolate icing from cocoa is prepared by simply mixing the products.


  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 80 grams
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • butter - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla


In a bowl, mix dry ingredients: cocoa, powdered sugar, vanilla.

Heat the milk, put butter in it and stir. Pour into cocoa in a thin stream.

Rub the icing thoroughly until it's shiny.

When it has cooled to room temperature, you can cover pastries with it.

Pros and cons of a quick chocolate icing recipe

The undoubted advantage of this method is the speed and ease of preparation. Another important plus is that the glaze does not harden quickly, so there is no need to rush when working with it. The chocolate icing turns out to be very thick and falls on the product evenly, forming a beautiful shiny layer.

The minus (or maybe not) is that it does not harden, that is, no matter how much the product stands, the glaze remains soft.
Ideal if you need to quickly glaze baked goods for home use.

Recipe for boiled cocoa chocolate icing

The easiest icing recipe to cook is chocolate icing on sour cream.

Recipe Ingredients: cocoa 2 tbsp. spoons, sour cream 70 grams, sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, butter 1 tbsp. heaped spoon.

How to make boiled chocolate icing. Mix sugar and cocoa. Put sour cream in a saucepan, pour the mixture and mix well. Put on a small fire, stir all the time. When the mixture boils, put in the oil. And mix thoroughly again. Keep on fire until the butter is completely melted. Remove from heat, let cool and then use.

Tips and secrets. This glaze also becomes very thick but does not harden.
If you add an egg to the cooled glaze and mix thoroughly, and then bring to a boil, then after hardening the glaze will be shiny.

Recipe for chocolate icing from cocoa with condensed milk

Another recipe from the "quick and no stove" series.

Ingredients for the recipe: cocoa 3 tbsp. spoons, condensed milk 3 tbsp. spoons, butter 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook icing on condensed milk. Melt the butter (you can also do this in the microwave). Pour in the condensed milk and stir. Add cocoa, mix well.
Cool, you can use.

Dark chocolate icing

If there is no cocoa, but there is a bar of chocolate, then make the icing out of it. How? Lots of recipes. Here, for example, is this.


  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 grams)
  • milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 50 grams


    • Pour powdered sugar into a saucepan and pour in milk.

Put on a small fire, when it boils, put the pieces of chocolate. Cook until chocolate melts and thickens.

This chocolate frosting should be applied warm. By the way, it freezes very quickly. If you didn’t have time to use everything, but it froze, warm it up a little.

In most cases, glaze is used to obtain a smooth, shiny surface. Undoubtedly, the product with such a coating looks simply amazing. But you can also deviate a little from the canons and make a relief surface that looks no less good.

White chocolate icing

I must say that white chocolate is more capricious. It is very easy to overheat and it will turn into insoluble lumps. Therefore, work with it very carefully.

Sometimes it happens that very little glaze is needed, since small items are covered with it or it is not the main one. The easiest way to make white chocolate frosting solves this problem.


  • white chocolate bar - 100 grams
  • butter fat - 100 grams


Place the butter and chocolate chips in a container, such as a cup, and melt in the microwave or over a double boiler, stirring constantly.

The butter will heat up and melt much faster than the chocolate. You don't have to wait for the chocolate to melt as well, "re-dissolve" it in hot oil - this way you won't overheat it.


In the same way (butter + chocolate) you can make dark chocolate icing.

Instead of butter, you can take heavy cream, but they need to be taken twice as much chocolate.

Or make from 100 grams of any chocolate, 100 ml of cream and 10 gr. butter. Heat the cream, add butter and chocolate chips, mix. Remove from heat and stir until mixture is smooth. Let cool and apply. Can be served hot as well.

Bonus. .
And try decorating with chocolate icing, for example. Very tasty with coffee.

Cake decoration

30 min

350 kcal

5/5 (2)

Often we bake cakes that need to be beautifully decorated at the very end of the process, but making the icing seems too complicated and time consuming for us. Familiar? I also wondered this question until the experience of my family came to the rescue.

Grandma has been cooking for decades tasty and thick glossy chocolate icing for pouring cocoa cake or chocolate and butter, milk, sour cream or cream according to a recipe from an old Soviet cookbook. I also learned from her how to cook white chocolate icing according to the classic recipe for a sponge spring cake made of chocolate, cocoa powder and milk, to quickly and easily cope with the design of the product.

It turned out that glazing a cake is not so difficult: an excellent gommage for a cake is made from a chocolate fritter bar and cream or milk. What kind of chocolate will you make - dark, milk or white - such a gommage will turn out.

Today I will share with you simple recipes for chocolate icing so that you can just as easily decorate your cake at home and not be afraid that something will not work out for you.

How to cook and make glossy chocolate icing for pouring a cake from cocoa powder or regular chocolate? Experienced chefs say that the secret of the recipe super shiny chocolate-mirror glaze for any cakes lies on the surface: you should be in a great mood and have enough free time. Rush and nerves will prevent you from properly preparing a great glaze.

Classic variant

Kitchen appliances: take a saucepan with a volume of about 800-900 ml, several capacitive deep bowls of 300-800 ml, a whisk, a sieve, a grater and a measuring cup. In addition, making a good glaze requires a blender to mix the mass of glaze well.

Chocolate icing made with sour cream or milk may burn or stick in the process. Make sure you take the pot with non-stick coated.

You will need

Instead of milk, you can take water or low fat cream, and sour cream with a low fat content. However, remember that the classic recipe involves the use of milk.

Your wonderful chocolate icing is completely ready! Now you can decorate the cake with it, since the chocolate mass does not require complete cooling, it is even better to pour it in while it has not cooled down yet and remains fluid. To do this, place your pastries on a metal grill and put them on a wide dish with them.

Pour the icing “from the center” onto the cake, spreading it with a spoon over the entire surface of the product. Then, without removing the grate and the dish, put it in a cold place for an hour or two.

Video recipe for making classic glaze

How to make excellent chocolate icing - attention to the detailed step-by-step video:

But don't rush to the kitchen - I have another great recipe for you.

White chocolate option

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
Number of persons: for 1 cake weighing up to 1 kg, diameter 30-45 cm.
Calories per 100 g: 350 kcal.

You will need

  • 200 g of white chocolate;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 50 ml milk.

Can replace milk with water or other dairy products, but a smoother, thicker glaze can only be made with milk or cream, so water should only be used as a last resort.

Cooking sequence

Ready! Pour the finished and still warm frosting over your cake or small pastries and let it sit for about 2 minutes at room temperature. During this time, you can sprinkle the cake on top with crushed nuts or confectionery powder.

My mom often tops white icing with grated dark chocolate and vice versa, but the final choice of cake decoration is up to you.

Video recipe for white chocolate frosting

See what a delicious chocolate icing turned out according to a step-by-step recipe in this video! We look, remember and begin to act:

Thank you for attention! Finally, I would like to remind respected culinary specialists about cakes, for which such icing is ideal. The famous, decorated with this sweet chocolate decoration, will remind you of childhood and adolescence, when we licked our lips only at the mention of it.

Also from our childhood and - now you can cook it with homemade glaze and thus improve its taste.

Also prepare a more modern one and you will not only enjoy the taste of the well-known chocolate bar, but also pleasantly surprise your guests. At the very end of the list is simple and fast
