
Goat milk Parmesan cheese recipe. Goat milk cheese at home recipe video

Modern realities are increasingly forcing us to think about what we eat. Therefore, already forgotten recipes for home products are remembered and improved. So we invite you to remember such a wonderful home-made product as goat's milk cheese - the cheese got its name because it is made not from cow's milk, but from goat's milk. Our chef reveals several recipes for its preparation.

Homemade goat cheese

Before preparing goat cheese, let's recall its benefits. Many people know that goat's milk, unlike cow's, is well absorbed and does not cause allergic reactions. And homemade goat cheese is saturated with valuable trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, selenium) and vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B12, D) in a form that is easily digestible for our body. It is low in cholesterol and calories, so it can be chosen by cheese lovers who want to get rid of extra pounds. The antioxidants and beneficial bacteria contained in it help the body stay in shape and fight various infections and carcinogens.
This super-healthy product has a pure white color and a light spicy taste, goes well with white wines, and can also be a great beer snack.

goat milk cheese recipes

There are many recipes for how to make goat cheese. We have selected for you some of the most delicious of them.

Soft goat cheese

Required Ingredients:

  • goat milk - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l. (without slide)
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • sour cream - 400 g

Cooking method:


Required Ingredients:

  • goat cottage cheese - 500 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 12 g

Cooking method:

Until the moment of solidification, the finished product can be given a certain shade of taste with the help of your favorite seasoning or herbs.


Required Ingredients:

  • goat milk - 3 l
  • cottage cheese (store or homemade) - 1 kg
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • soda - 12 g
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml

Cooking method:

We put the almost finished product into a plastic bottle with a cut off top. When filling the bottle, try to pack the cheese mass tightly. Put the container filled with cheese in the refrigerator until it cools completely. It is better to store the product in the same bottle in the freezer - its taste will not be affected by this.

Once upon a time, seven hundred years ago, goat cheese was not a delicacy, and eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner was considered the norm.

In our time, in the face of fierce competition among cheese producers, the product has received a status that limits the territorial possibility of making copies of it and using original names.

An animal breeding tradition has developed in our country - to breed mainly cattle, and therefore the raw material base makes it possible to make cheeses mainly from cow's milk, which, of course, limits the taste preferences of goat cheese lovers.

In addition to this, sanctions and counter-sanctions have appeared that have limited the export of goat cheeses from countries that traditionally breed goats and sheep and produce cheeses from goat's milk.

This circumstance further narrowed the range of cheeses on the domestic market.

Usually, it takes 12-13 liters of milk to make a kilogram of goat cheese. This factor explains the high cost of the product. The maturation period of cheese can be up to several months - this affects the profitability of goat cheese production and explains why farmers prefer to raise cattle. But the value of goat's milk, however, is more significant in that it is closer in composition to women's milk, and milk formulas for babies are produced on its basis, while natural cow's milk contains a smaller amount of the enzyme, lipase, which dissolves fats. and promote better assimilation of the product.

Fortunately, we still actively breed goats in private farms, international standards are not a decree for us, and if you have your own goats, then there will be goat cheese. Therefore, making homemade cheese from goat's milk is our answer to any production bans and sanctions.

There is only one small obstacle left - the exact recipe for goat cheese. Since most of the recipes for the most famous goat cheeses are kept by their producers in the strictest confidence, all that remains is to look for your own recipes, try, experiment. Although, there is a certain positive point in this: this is how the famous Feta, Manchego, Coeur de Chevre, Brynza, Crottin and many others cheeses were born. Who knows, it may happen that the search for the original recipe will lead to new discoveries.

How to make goat cheese at home - basic technological principles

Before considering the technological aspects of making cheese from goat's milk, it is necessary to consider in more detail its biochemical composition, which affects the quality and taste characteristics of goat cheese, and also plays a significant role in the preparation technology itself.

Proteins and fats of goat's milk are smaller in comparison with the elements of cow's milk, and their content is also somewhat lower. Therefore, homemade goat's milk cheese is obtained as a dietary product in comparison with cheeses made from cow's milk. Small globules of fat in the process of fermentation of milk slip into the whey, as a result of which the resulting milk clot contains less fat than in fermented cow or buffalo milk. Another feature of goat milk is the low level of acidity, due to which, during the fermentation process, casein turns into flakes that do not bind well.

For consumption in a fresh, unprocessed form, these properties of goat milk have a positive assessment: it does not cause heartburn, allergic reactions, but the preparation of cheese from it requires special preparation of raw materials.

To improve clotting and increase the mass fraction of dry matter, goat's milk is mixed with cow's milk. Since the coagulation of cow's milk is on average 10% higher, so adding a small fraction of it will not greatly affect the taste of homemade goat's milk cheese.

The next way allowing to increase the coagulation of goat's milk and get a denser clot during fermentation - the introduction of an increased rate of lactic acid bacteria and the regulation of the acid-salt composition of raw materials. At home, as a starter, you can use sour cream, yogurt based on cow's milk (10-20% by weight of goat's milk). The disadvantage of this fermentation method is that you will have to independently, each time, calculate the amount of ferment introduced, and for goat milk, fermentation time plays a big role: it cannot be overexposed so as not to end up with an undesirable aftertaste.

To obtain a dense stable clot, as well as the maximum separation of dry matter from whey, it is good to use heating with the preliminary addition of a solution of citric acid, calcium chloride, pepsin. I must say, if there is a strong desire to do homemade cheese making, then it is better to purchase special starter cultures in specialized stores in advance, since there are many of them now. You can order the necessary goods for the production of cheese with home delivery, and receive at the appointed time not only the starter with detailed instructions for its use and calculation of the norm, but also the missing cheese molds, pistons, presses and even a cheese maturation chamber. Utensils are also important for home cheese making: if they are in the right amount, convenient, then the process of making homemade goat cheese will be easy and exciting, so much so that you can think about starting your own small business. Believe me, even if you have to buy milk from farmers, due to the lack of your own farm, then taking into account the cost of goat cheese, the cost of acquiring raw materials and cooking will quickly pay off.

As for the taste characteristics of goat cheese, here you need to pay attention to two points.

Firstly, goat cheese, exactly the same taste as in France, or like in Spain, will never work in Russia, even if the secret of how to make homemade goat cheese using the original technology of its manufacturer is revealed. The fact is that the habitat of Spanish and French goats differs from our area, respectively, there are differences in the feed, which significantly affects the quality characteristics of goat cheese. This also includes the breed of goats, the conditions of their maintenance, age and other physiological characteristics of animals. But it's not a problem. It is possible that the cheese from the milk of local goats will come out even better than the one that meets European standards.

However, the second important point should not be ignored. Goat milk must be chosen with the utmost care. It sometimes has a very specific and unpleasant odor, due to improper conditions for keeping animals and insufficient adherence to sanitary standards. This smell may not disappear even after pasteurization of milk and remain in the finished cheese, but it must be borne in mind that there are also cheese recipes that involve the use of raw milk.

In retail chains, as a rule, pasteurized goat's milk is offered. Its advantage is that it does not have a specific smell, but it is this feature that does not make it possible to obtain some varieties of homemade cheese from goat's milk, since they should have exactly this smell and taste. In addition, pasteurization also affects the technological principles and requires the addition of additional components to milk in accordance with specific recipes.

Otherwise, the technology for making homemade cheese from goat's milk is no different from cheese-making based on cow's milk. Given the above, one should only be more scrupulous about the initial stages - the selection of raw materials, fermentation of goat's milk, the introduction of ferment and rennet, and the production of curd grain. Further, the preparation of homemade goat's milk cheese depends entirely on the recipe itself. For sour-milk fresh cheeses, after performing all the above operations, the cheese preparation process is practically completed, since after the separation of the whey, the product goes through a short ripening stage. For hard cheeses, after obtaining the curd grain, further processing is required - melting. Only after that hard cheeses are sent for ripening.

On the classification of cheeses according to the method of their manufacture and assortment, it is only worth saying that this is a very extensive topic, and it is better to consider it separately, because there are about two thousand known varieties of cheese in the world now. Naturally, the methods of their preparation, the composition of the recipe also differ from each other. Goat cheese lovers have probably been familiar with the assortment for a long time, and inquisitive housewives, accustomed to experiments, can try their hand and test their skills on the proposed recipes. For beginners in homemade cheesemaking, it is better to practice on the simplest goat cheese recipes.

Recipe 1. How to make homemade goat cheese, pickled


    Natural goat milk 5 l


Warm fresh milk to 30 ° C, introduce rennet, after dissolving it in a small amount of milk, in accordance with the instructions on the drug package. Stir the milk until a curd forms. Let the mass stand and thicken for 20-30 minutes. Remove the resulting clot, after cutting it into cubes, using a slotted spoon. It is necessary to spread the clot on a cotton cloth or gauze, folded four times, in order to prevent the solid particles of the cheese mass from running off. Gauze for convenience can be put in a colander or in a cheese mold, with holes in the bottom for whey to drain. Cover the warm clot with a napkin to protect it from winding and foreign unwanted impurities. Install on a pallet. When the cheese is sufficiently compacted, place oppression on top of the napkin. Keep 10-12 hours. At this time, the cheese is best stored in a cool room or refrigerator (away from the freezer). Prepare a brine from the whey, add 10-16% salt to it, to taste, and heat until completely dissolved. Release the cheese from oppression, unfold, cut into large pieces, 150-170 g each, and put in a warm brine. When cool, close the container with a lid and store in the refrigerator, but no more than five days.

Recipe 2. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Crottin, with white mold

For this recipe, it is better to purchase the ingredients in advance at specialized points of sale in order to get the cheese that matches the original taste as closely as possible.


    Homemade goat milk 4 l

    Rennet, liquid 0.6 g

    Calcium chloride (solution) 2 ml

    Mold Geotrichum Candidum (powder) 0.2 g

    Starter, mesophilic 1.5 g


Attention: use only sterile utensils and work with gloves.

Cake molds can be used to make small heads. They need to be treated with alcohol and installed on a drainage mat, which, in turn, should be laid on a grate with a tray. To ripen the cheese, you will also need a container with a lid and a grate installed inside, as well as napkins that will need to be changed during the cheese ripening period (14 days).

Heat the milk to 25 ° C and add the mold and starter, stir gently until the powders are dissolved. Then enter the abomasum and a solution of calcium chloride. Stir again and leave, covered with a lid until a dense clot forms, for 17-20 hours. Cover loosely with a lid to let air in. The clot should settle to the bottom of the dish and be covered with a layer of whey. Collect the whey from the surface and begin to lay the clot in the prepared forms. The whole clot will not fit at once, so you need to wait until it thickens as a result of the whey residue draining off, and continue laying out the curd mass - note that it is designed for 10 forms, and it is not recommended to make heads of a smaller volume.

Cover the cheese in the molds with a sterile cloth for two days. After 24 hours, turn the molds over, leaving them still on the drainage mat. The cheese will continue to be pressed for another day under its own weight. Remove the molds and sprinkle with salt. After three days, transfer the cheese to a ripening container. The further cooking process consists in caring for the cheese for two weeks - during this time it will reach the necessary organoleptic indicators. Store the container at 8-10°C, do not close tightly, change napkins every day. If fumes appear on the lid of the container, wipe it with a sterile cloth to prevent condensation from dripping onto the cheese.

Requirements for the quality of cheese: a white wrinkled crust should appear on the surface. The appearance of blue mold indicates high humidity during the ripening period. The crust should also not crack, which indicates too little moisture.

Store the finished cheese in a separate container, wrapped in parchment, at 5 ° C, up to 1.5 months.

Recipe 3. How to make homemade goat cheese - French Valence with a charcoal crust


    Milk, goat 4.5 l

    Mold of two types - 1.25 mg each:

    Geotrichum Candida,

    Penicillium candida;

    Rennet 5 mg

    Mesophilic yeast 7 mg

    CaCl solution 2 mg

    Salt, charcoal - 3 tsp each.


The whole process of making this cheese is the same as the previous recipe, with the exception of some moments of the final stage - cheese ripening. In addition, the cheese head should have the shape of a truncated pyramid, weighing about 0.5 kg.

At the stage when the formed cheese mass needs to be treated with salt, combine it with charcoal (it is desirable that it be the ashes of burnt fruit trees). Maturing term in the container – 10 days at a temperature of 8 °C.

You need to store the cheese in parchment paper, folded in two layers, for two months.

Recipe 4. How to make homemade goat cheese - Halloumi


    Milk (goat or cow) 6 l

    Pepsin (solution) 2 ml

    Salt, fresh mint (mixture) 50 g


Add a solution of rennet into fresh warmed milk and continue heating the milk to 35-38°C for 20-30 minutes. After let stand for a while to form a fairly dense clot. Separate the whey and put the cheese into prepared, lined with gauze forms with holes for the whey to drain. Place the molds on the rack in the tray. From above also cover them with gauze. Turn the molds over twice within two hours so that the cheese is better pressed. Remove the molds, leaving the cheese on the wire rack.

Heat the drained whey in a saucepan and transfer the cheese into it along with the grate. Warm up for half an hour, not allowing the whey to boil (temperature - 90-95 ° C). Ready cheese floats to the surface. Transfer it carefully to a plate, press down lightly with your hands when warm, and fold the flat circles in half into a crescent shape. Treat the surface with a mixture of salt and chopped fresh mint.

Store in a closed container for 2 weeks without drying out. This cheese has a high melting point and is very suitable for grilling.

Recipe 5. How to make homemade goat cheese with cow's milk cream


    Cream (50%) 1.0 l

    Goat milk 2 l

    Lemon juice 300 ml

    Sour cream (at least 25%) 250 g


Combine dairy products and heat for a couple so as not to burn. Having brought to 30 ° C, gradually pour natural lemon juice into the milk mass, in a thin stream, while stirring continuously and gently. As soon as whey begins to separate from the walls of the pan, turn off the stove, stop stirring and let the mass stand until it cools completely. Separate the whey by pouring the contents of the pan into cheesecloth lined with a colander (place a tray under it beforehand). After 12 hours, transfer the cheese mass to a blender, add sour cream and beat.

Cream cheese can be used to make dessert or snacks. When adding sour cream, you can also use various flavors: spicy greens, bacon, fish, mushrooms.

Recipe 6. How to make homemade goat cheese with spices, brine type


    Milk, whole 10.0 l

    Rennet 5 ml

    Calcium chloride 3 ml



    dried paprika and tomatoes,

    basil and olives,

    dill and garlic

Operating procedure:

To prepare cheese, you can use farm whole milk of any animal, either individually or in a mixture of any proportions.

The process of obtaining curd grain does not differ from previous recipes: an enzyme is introduced, calcium salts when heated. After separating the whey, any of the spicy compositions is added to the curd mass, and the prepared mass is placed under the press for a day. After that, the cheese can be stored in a brine of table salt and water, but if you want to add extra piquancy to the cheese, put it on a wire rack and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and the greens that are already inside the head.

    For the preparation of moldy cheeses, sterile conditions must be observed in order to avoid the entry of unwanted bacteria into the composition of the product.

    If you need to collect a large amount of goat milk for several times, then you need to store it only in pasteurized form, in the refrigerator. For pasteurization, which involves not boiling milk, but heating it for a long time to 65-70 ° C for 10-15 minutes, it is convenient to use a special immersion thermometer.

    To prevent the cheese from burning on the stove during the melting process, use the steaming technique. Place the container with the cheese mass on a stand immersed in a large pot of water.

    The minimum volume of the cheese head must be at least 0.5 kg, since it is difficult to achieve the desired result with a smaller mass. To make cheese of this weight, you need about five liters of milk.

    The whey left after obtaining the curd grain can be used to prepare the brine. Whey has a valuable composition, so do not throw it away, but try to use it to make dough. It can also be useful for curdling milk the next time you make cheese. Ricotta can be prepared from pure and fresh whey.

Goat milk cheese is very healthy and tasty. It contains a large amount of calcium and other trace elements. It can be consumed by people who cannot tolerate cow's milk, and, accordingly, cheese from it. Visually, it differs from cow's milk cheese in color - goat cheese is very white.

From 6 liters of goat's milk, approximately 500-600 g of cheese is obtained.

Ingredients for Homemade Goat Cheese:

  • Milk - 6 l
  • Rennet (can be replaced with a solution of citric acid or lemon juice)
  • Dry dill, other spices to taste

How to make goat cheese:

Pour milk into a steel saucepan and heat to a temperature of 70 degrees. Add abomasum or citric acid (dissolve 1 teaspoon without a slide in 50 ml of water). Let the milk stand until a clot forms for 30-40 minutes.

When you see that the clot is formed, you need to cut it into grains. Those who are constantly engaged in cheese making have special devices for this. A long thin knife is enough for us. Right in the pan, we cut the clot lengthwise and across into squares of about 0.5X0.5 cm. Then we try to cut the clot in layers, parallel to the bottom of the pan.

Drain a little whey that has formed (it will be greenish in color), and carefully add hot water to the pan, about 0.5 liters.

We shift the cheese grains with a slotted spoon into a form covered with gauze, cover and put a press on top for 1 hour. Then we take out the cheese, turn it over, put it back in the mold and under the press for another 1 hour. The form should have holes on the bottom and on the sides for the outflow of whey. For small volumes, it is convenient to use a mayonnaise bucket with drilled holes.

We wash the cheese. To do this, pour ice water into a large saucepan and lower the head of cheese into it. We change the water until the serum stops rinsing out and the water remains clear.

Now the cheese must be salted. We make a saturated cold saline solution of 10% (100 g of salt per liter of water). We lower the cheese into it and stand for about 6 hours. Wipe the cheese, sprinkle with herbs and leave to lie down in the refrigerator. In principle, cheese can already be eaten, it is tasty, although it is considered immature. It will take a long time for the cheese to age - several months. Only the head should weigh 3-4 kg, otherwise it will dry to a stone state during the ripening process.

4-5 servings

8 ocloc'k

364 kcal

4.71 /5 (7 )

If you raise goats or can get milk cheaply, then you have a great opportunity to try your own homemade goat cheese: I'm just about to show you how to make it. I do not have a special cheese factory, so I use ordinary kitchen utensils and manual labor.

Cooking is extended in time, sometimes you need close attention and direct participation, and sometimes you just need to wait until this or that process is over, so you can do a lot of household chores at the same time as cheese making.

homemade goat cheese recipe

Necessary equipment: stove, 2 pots, kitchen thermometer with probe, glass, long knife, colander, slotted spoon, cheese mold, oppression, bowl, piece of gauze.


Step by step cooking

First stage

Second phase

Third stage

  1. We take an empty pan, set a colander on it. Place a cheese mold in a colander.

  2. We line it with a piece of gauze.

  3. We collect cheese grain in a saucepan with a slotted spoon and put it in a mold.

  4. We tamp with our hands so that the cheese mass occupies the entire volume of the mold.

  5. Carefully drain the whey from the pan, collect the remaining cheese grains and put in a mold.

  6. We cover the top of the cheese mass with the ends of the gauze cut.

  7. Insert the lid into the mold.

  8. We put heavy oppression on the press.

  9. We withstand the cheese under pressure for 3 hours, after which we take it out of the mold and remove the gauze.

  10. Pour 1 liter of water into a bowl, pour 70-90 g of salt and stir until completely dissolved. Dip the cheese head in the brine for 2 hours.
  11. The cheese is ready, cut it into pieces and try.

Goat milk cheese recipe video

In this video you will see how to make young goat cheese.

What to serve with

Goat cheese is perfect for tea and coffee, it goes well with honey, grapes and other berries and fruits. You can put it in a Greek salad or use it to top a puff pastry.

Did you know? Homemade goat cheese contains a high percentage of calcium, a lot of probiotics necessary for the health of the gastrointestinal tract, it has less fat, cholesterol and calories than cow cheese.

Recipe for hard Russian cheese from goat milk

calories- 364 kcal.
Cooking time– 6-7 hours
Necessary equipment: stove, 2 saucepans, food thermometer with probe, cup, long knife, colander, skimmer, 2 cheese molds, oppression, press, organza bag, medical syringe, skewer bent at 90°.


Buying ingredients

For this recipe, we need 2 starter cultures:

  • Thermophilic, which will give the cheese a special flavor. Instead of the universal T45 from the French company Danisco, you can buy Uglich MSTt or a thermophilic starter for Russian cheese.
  • To protect the cheese from pathogenic flora, a protective sourdough is needed. I use Uglich's "Bioantibut" starter, you can replace it with a similar one from another manufacturer.

Rennet can be used in liquid or powder form. Liquid can be accurately measured with a syringe, dry will have to be put very approximately, since a very light powder is almost impossible to weigh.

Milk should be perfectly fresh and healthy, collected in compliance with sanitary standards. From contaminated milk or taken from a sick animal, cheese will not turn out useful or will deteriorate during the aging process.

Step by step cooking

First stage

Second phase

  1. After an hour, the milk turned into a jelly-like mass. We cut it with a knife in two directions vertically, and then with a bent skewer horizontally. The smaller the grains, the harder the cheese will be.

  2. We mix the cheese mass and leave it in this state for 10-15 minutes so that the grain thickens and settles.

  3. We select a cup of about 3 liters of serum in another container.

  4. Pour 2 liters of water, heated to 42 °, into a saucepan with cheese grains.

  5. Stir and heat to 42°.

  6. For 30 minutes, continuously stir the contents of the pan, preventing the cheese grains from sticking together into large lumps.

  7. We drain the whey from the pan, only the cheese grain should remain at the bottom.

  8. We spread the grain in an organza bag or on a piece of gauze. We squeeze.

  9. We put the cheese mass together with the bag in the cheese mold and tamp.

  10. We put the form in a colander, which is placed above the pan to collect the whey, and leave for 30 minutes.

  11. We take out the bag with the cheese mass from the mold, turn it over and put it back on the other side.

  12. We put a lid inside the mold and put it under the press. We press the cheese for 12 hours, gradually increasing the pressure.

  13. We prepare ricotta from the drained whey: return it back to the pan, heat it to 95 ° -97 °, pour 30 ml of apple cider vinegar, cover with a lid and leave to cool slowly.

  14. After 12 hours, we take out the cheese head from the mold, free it from the bag and carefully rub 50-60 g of salt.

  15. Put the cheese head covered with salt back into the bag and lower it into the mold. Blocks should be placed under the mold so that the whey, draining down, does not moisten the lower part of the cheese head. It will dry out for 24 hours at room temperature.

  16. From the saucepan with whey, we take out the formed clots with a slotted spoon into a mold with small holes.

  17. We put the form on a colander, which is placed above the pan. We remove the structure in the refrigerator. Once the whey has drained, the soft goat cheese is ready.

  18. We remove the salted cheese head until ripening in a separate refrigerator for cheeses. The minimum ripening period is 2 weeks. From 10 liters of milk, about 1 kg of hard goat cheese and 500-600 g of soft cheese are obtained.

Video recipe for making homemade Russian goat cheese

Be sure to watch this video before you start making goat cheese. In it you will see a simple design of the press and hear a lot of useful tips.

Even an inexperienced hostess can please the household with home-made goat cheese. This requires goat's milk, enzymes, salt, as well as the knowledge and features of a simple home-made cheese-making technology.

Goat cheese

At home, it is better to make soft goat cheese, it is called milk cheese or cheese. Hard cheeses require certain skills and special equipment. Keep soft goat cheese in the refrigerator for about 10 days in the whey obtained during the production process or in a cotton towel. Goat cheese is combined with vegetables and herbs. It is served with white and red wine with grapes, honey, various fruits and berries.

Ingredients for making goat cheese

The main ingredient for goat cheese is fresh milk, sour, high-quality cheese will not work. It is better to buy milk in the market or in a farm where goats are raised. On average, from 8 liters of goat's milk we get 1 kg of soft cheese.

The second ingredient in goat's milk is an enzyme that separates the whey from the curd.

  • rennet, obtained from the gastric juice of ruminants, it can be bought at the market from peasants or farms
  • an alternative can be pepsin, which is sold in a pharmacy

For supporters of vegetarianism, to curdle milk use:

  • calcium chloride (we buy in a pharmacy)
  • citric, acetic acid, lemon, kiwi
  • bacterial sourdough "Meito" obtained from a food mushroom

Goat cheese at home - recipe

  • We heat 10 liters of milk to 35 ° C, it is good if there is a special thermometer to control the temperature

  • add rennet 3 ml per 10 liters of milk
  • it must be diluted in 50 ml of warm water, and poured into milk

  • leave the milk for 30 minutes for fermentation,
  • the process is completed if the resulting jelly-like white clot easily lags behind the walls of the dish
  • with a knife we ​​chop the clot into thin strips: in one direction, then across, at the end we cut it horizontally (the finer we chop, the denser the cheese)

  • put the milk on the fire, warm it up a little, stir
  • the whey exfoliates, cheese grains are formed; they must be removed with a slotted spoon from the pan
  • prepare a sieve in advance, cover it with gauze rolled up in two layers, you can use special forms
  • carefully transfer the mass to gauze or into molds, wait until the water drains

  • on top of the protein mass we cover with gauze, if it is necessary that the whey is quickly glassed, we use a small load
  • after 2 hours, shake the cheese out of the mold, salt well with iodized salt, transfer to a towel, put in the refrigerator

If you want to diversify the taste of goat cheese, add piquancy and originality to a healthy protein product, add (at the fermentation stage) greens, seeds of aromatic herbs, bitter or sweet bell pepper. Using our recipe, you will prepare delicious goat cheese. The whole process of cheese making will take you no more than 3 hours.
