
A recipe with step-by-step photos of cooking pumpkin slices in apple juice for the winter. Apple-pumpkin juice in a juicer for the winter

At the beginning of autumn, many housewives are thinking about how to use a pumpkin. This healthy vegetable can be mixed with apples to make a delicious juice. Then even in winter it will be possible to get a portion of vitamins.

To make the drink fragrant and rich, you need to choose the right ingredients. Apples are suitable green or yellow, they are more useful. Pumpkin must be taken with a rich orange pulp, weighing no more than 7 kg.

Benefits of apple pumpkin juice

According to doctors, the use of such a drink in the diet is beneficial for:

  • insomnia;
  • pregnancy;
  • overweight;
  • kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • problematic skin.

Pumpkin saturates the body: carotene, pectin and fiber. It also normalizes the work of the stomach and helps to remove cholesterol from the human body. The apple is enriched with: vitamins P and C, zinc and manganese. It helps to stabilize the nervous system, improve the functioning of the excretory system and the liver.

Naturally, any product can contain disadvantages. Juice is contraindicated for people with such problems:

  • allergy to carotene;
  • low acidity;
  • bowel disease.

Therefore, if there are no such diseases, you can safely prepare this delicious drink for the winter.

Finger licking drink with a juicer

When properly prepared, this juice can be stored at room temperature for a whole year and even more.

Required products:

  • 2 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 kg of apples;
  • half a lemon;
  • half a glass of sugar.


  1. 1. Thoroughly wash the pumpkin under running water. Remove skins and seeds. Chop the vegetable so that the pieces can be placed in the juicer.
  2. 2. Rinse and peel the apples (leave the peel). Cut fruit into slices. And pass through a juicer along with pumpkin and lemon.
  3. 3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add sugar. Put on a slow fire, add sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. It will take no more than 2-3 minutes.
  4. 4. Sterilize jars and fill with boiling juice. Close with prepared lids.
  5. 5. A delicious and fragrant pumpkin-apple drink is ready.

Real jam!

Apple-pumpkin juice in a juicer

A step-by-step recipe for making a drink at home using a juicer.

Required products:

  • 2 kg pumpkin;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 liter of water.


  1. 1. Wash the pumpkin, cut into two parts. Free from seeds and peel. Chop the remaining pulp into cubes.
  2. 2. Rinse apples under running water, peel. Grind.
  3. 3. Pour apples and pumpkin pulp into a juicer. Pour in the specified amount of water.
  4. 4. Put the container on the fire and cook for an hour. After cooking, pour the juice, pass the pulp through a blender. Add sugar and hot juice to it.
  5. 5. Mix thoroughly, put back on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. 6. Pour into pasteurized jars and roll up with lids. Wrap with a towel or blanket and wait for cooling.

Cooking secrets:

  • Sugar can be replaced with honey.
  • In order for the juice to be with pulp, it is necessary to open the lid of the pressure cooker after 40 minutes and crush the mass of the sieve with a large spoon.
  • The best choice would be butternut squash.
  • A drink with the addition of honey or sugar should be heated until the first signs of boiling.
  • If the recipe does not use sugar, the juice can be poured and rolled up immediately.

Now harvesting a drink from apples and pumpkins is not difficult. And in cold winter you can enjoy a glass of delicious natural apple-pumpkin juice. It's hard to find this in a store.

Just look what kind of sun in the jar I have prepared for you today - pumpkin-apple juice for the winter. This is not only a tasty, fragrant and healthy drink, but also very beautiful - it is so bright and rich. The recipe for this homemade juice for the winter is simple, the preparation itself is also not difficult, and the result will please not only adults, but also children.

Do you know what codename this pumpkin and apple juice is in our family? Orange! The fact is that apart from me, no one from my family accepts and does not understand the taste of pumpkin, so I try to mask it in every possible way in dishes. Fresh, some varieties of pumpkin, by the way, are unusually tasty - many who understand what I mean will surely agree with me. But after heat treatment, the taste and aroma of this red-haired beauty changes (not for the better, one might say) and it is in this case that not everyone accepts it.

So, I suggest masking this characteristic taste and smell with the help of citrus fruits - not only juice, but also orange and lemon zest will be used. As a result, you will have 2.5 liters of bright, fragrant, tasty, rich and moderately sweet homemade pumpkin and apple juice. Just remember that this is a concentrate, so before use it is advisable to dilute it with water to taste. Also, do not get carried away with pumpkin juice if you have gastritis (with low acidity), intestinal colic, or if you have acid-base imbalance.

Pumpkin-apple juice for the winter - recipe with photo

Just look what kind of sun in the jar I have prepared for you today - pumpkin-apple juice for the winter.

Cooking amazing-tasting apple-pumpkin juice for the winter

With the onset of cold weather, many housewives prepare apple-pumpkin juice for the winter. Preparing apple pumpkin juice is very simple, and with proper preservation, it will retain its beneficial properties for a long time. The taste and rich aroma of the drink will certainly brighten up chilly winter evenings, and the vitamins contained in the juice will strengthen your immune system and give you energy for the whole day.

To make the juice rich and tasty, you need to choose the right ingredients. It is better to choose a pumpkin up to 7 kg and with bright orange pulp - such fruits, as a rule, contain more fructose and carotene. Also, preference should be given to recently picked fruits, since long-term storage leads to loss of moisture and the pulp of such a pumpkin becomes loose and dry.

As for apples, it is better to choose the most useful varieties - green or yellow.

Never use overripe apples, otherwise pumpkin apple juice will be spoiled.

Such juice can be introduced into the diet of six-month-old children, because it is rich in vitamins and fresh fruits are used, so you don’t have to worry that there will be preservatives and dyes in the juice. In addition, the calorie content of this juice is low, so it can serve as an excellent breakfast for those who carefully monitor their health.

About the benefits of pumpkin and apples

Fiber, carotene and pectin contained in pumpkin play an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the stomach and help to eliminate cholesterol from the body. In addition, pumpkin juice contains iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B, C and K, and of all vegetables, vitamin K is found only in pumpkin.

Apple juice is rich in manganese, zinc, colbat and vitamins C and P. It is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, diseases of the intestines, liver and bladder. Moreover, apple juice has a calming effect on the human nervous system.

Doctors say that half a glass of apple pumpkin juice a day will provide excellent health for the whole winter.

Drinking pumpkin apple juice is also beneficial in the following cases:

  1. For insomnia - drink 50 g of juice at night.
  2. During pregnancy - half a glass a day removes all signs of toxicosis.
  3. With excess weight - fasting days with vegetables and fruits will benefit the body. These days include apple pumpkin juice in your diet.
  4. For stones in the gallbladder or kidneys - take a quarter cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  5. For problematic skin - cosmetologists advise drinking pumpkin apple juice to anyone who suffers from acne and other skin problems. It is also indicated as an anti-aging and anti-wrinkle treatment.

However, despite all the advantages, pumpkin apple juice also has contraindications.

If you suffer from low acidity or other bowel diseases, it is better to refuse to use such juice. Also, its use is contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance to carotene.

Apple pumpkin juice - a recipe for the winter

To prepare juice for the winter in the traditional way, take the following ingredients:

Pumpkin is cleaned from seeds and peel and rubbed on a grater.

Then, placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled for about 5 minutes, until soft. Then the pumpkin is removed from the heat, rubbed through a sieve, citric acid and sugar are added.

Apples are also peeled, grated, and the juice is squeezed through gauze. If you do not want to grate, you can chop the apples in a blender and strain.

After that, everything is mixed and cooked for about 5 minutes.

Hot juice is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up, turned upside down with lids and wrapped in a blanket to cool.

This recipe for pumpkin-apple juice for the winter is the most common among housewives. Of course, it can be modified to suit the tastes of your family, reducing the amount of sugar or adding herbs or spices.

In addition to the traditional recipe, this drink can be prepared using a juicer or juicer. In both cases, the process of harvesting apple-pumpkin juice for the winter is much simpler than the above traditional one, and the drink is even more.

Apple pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer

Juice Ingredients:

  • green apples - 1 kg;
  • pumpkin (peeled) - 1 kg.;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • sugar - 250 g.

Squeeze pumpkin and apple juices separately with a juicer, mix them in a saucepan, add sugar and lemon zest. We bring apple-pumpkin juice for the winter to a temperature of 90 degrees and keep it on the stove for 5 minutes. Then, we leave the juice to languish already on the switched off burner and roll it into sterilized jars.

Do not forget to turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

As you can see, harvesting apple-pumpkin juice for the winter through a juicer is quite easy. This method will not only save you time, but also allow you to get more juice.

Apple pumpkin juice in a juicer for the winter

If you have a juicer in your kitchen, the process of making juice is simplified several times. For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

Cut pumpkin and apples peeled and seeds into small pieces.

We spread them in a sieve, pour water into the lower compartment of the device and put on fire.

Then, we install a pan or other container so that the finished juice has a place to drain.

Add sugar and citric acid. Boil the juice and immediately remove from heat so as not to lose vitamins. Pour the juice into sterilized jars, put them upside down and cool.

If the process of obtaining apple-pumpkin juice in a juice cooker for the winter seemed to you the most attractive, perhaps you should think about buying this device.


Now you know exactly what is useful and how pumpkin juice with apples is prepared for the winter. Indeed, often the juice that we buy in the store does not at all correspond to the desired level of quality, not to mention the various preservatives and harmful additives that it contains. Therefore, you can prepare a truly tasty and healthy drink exclusively at home.

Pumpkin apple juice with pulp for the winter will be enjoyed by your family, in addition, it will help you strengthen your immunity, which is especially important in the cold season, always stay in good shape and delight others with a great mood.

Apple pumpkin juice for the winter - cooking with pulp, through a juicer, in a juicer, video

There are many ways to prepare apple pumpkin juice for the winter, the most common of which are traditional and methods using a juicer and a pressure cooker.

Pumpkin juice with apples for the winter


  • 56 kcal

Cooking process

By itself, pumpkin and freshly squeezed juice from it have a specific taste and aroma that not everyone likes, especially kids. Given the great benefits of pumpkin, you can always find a way out of this situation. To pure pumpkin juice, you can add the juice of carrots, pears, quinces, oranges, apples or other fruits, which will significantly affect the taste of the finished juice. Since the season of the orange beauty is open, I propose to prepare pumpkin juice with apples for the winter.

To make juice, take such products.

The first thing I do is prepare the pumpkin. I rinse well in running water. Dry with a towel, peel off the skin. Cut in half and remove seeds and fibers. I cut into small pieces. The weight of the pumpkin is indicated in a purified form. I put it in a cooking pot. I pour the right amount of water. I cover the pan with a lid and send it to the fire. Cook until the pumpkin slices are soft, 20-25 minutes. Cooking time depends on the variety and maturity of the pumpkin.

In the meantime, I'm preparing citrus fruits. I rinse well and pour boiling water over to remove the wax coating. I dry it with a napkin. I remove the zest from all fruits. To do this, I use a small grater. To minimize the loss of zest, I put parchment paper on the grater.

I cut the fruit in half and squeeze out the juice.

I use apples with dense pulp, green. I choose juicy varieties. I wash, cut into four parts, remove the seeds.

I run it through a juicer.

I filter apple juice through several layers of gauze.

Pumpkin slices are well boiled. I add orange and lemon juice, zest. Stir, cover and cook for another 5 minutes.

I grind the pumpkin with an immersion blender. Or you can rub it through a fine sieve.

I add sugar and apple juice. I bring it to a boil. I boil pumpkin juice with apples for about five minutes. Less sugar can be added. It all depends on the sweetness of pumpkin and apples.

I pour into sterile jars, bottles and seal tightly. From this amount of ingredients, about 2-2.5 liters of juice are obtained. Pumpkin juice with apples is ready for the winter.

Juice from pumpkin and apples for the winter

The most delicious pumpkin juice recipes for the winter often include other vegetables and fruits.

For example, pumpkin-apple juice has a simply magical taste, unusual, very pleasant, you want to drink it and drink it. And on the site you will find the most useful pumpkin juice with carrots for canning in jars.

How to choose pumpkin for juicing? It is important that the juice is bright, rich and sweet. This can be achieved by taking young fruits weighing up to 5-7 kg with bright orange flesh. This pumpkin has more carotene and natural fructose.

What are the best apples to use? Preferably, green ones are the most useful varieties. But if there are no such ones, then any ripe, but not overripe apples will do.

How to make pumpkin juice for the winter with apples

  • 1 kg peeled pumpkin
  • 1 kg apples
  • 250 g sugar
  • zest of one lemon

Cooking pumpkin juice with an apple for the winter:

1. You will need a juicer, with its help it is easy to squeeze out the main part of the juice and with minimal losses. Squeeze out both juices.

Pumpkin and apple pomace or pomace can be used in pumpkin pie filling (add 2 eggs, sugar and flour) or put in millet (rice) porridge at the end of cooking. You will get a very healthy and tasty dish.

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2. Mix juices in a bowl or saucepan, add sugar and lemon zest.

3. Bring apple-pumpkin juice for the winter to 90 degrees and soak for about 5 minutes, but no more, because when heated, most of the vitamins are destroyed.

4. Leave to sweat on the switched off stove for another five minutes and roll into sterilized jars.

Pumpkin juice recipe for the winter without a juicer

If you don't have a juicer, you'll end up with a little less juice than you'd like, and it'll be pulpy. But still very tasty and healthy.

  • 500 g peeled pumpkin
  • 500 g apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • 10 g citric acid

How to roll pumpkin juice in the winter with apples:

1. Grate peeled and seeded pumpkin on a coarse grater. Place in a saucepan, fill with water and boil for 5 minutes until soft.

2. Rub the pumpkin through a sieve, add sugar and citric acid.

3. Wash the apples, peel and seeds, grate on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Alternatively, grind in a blender and strain.

4. Mix everything that happened and cook for 5 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees.

5. Pour hot juice into sterilized jars, roll up, turn the lids down, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Juice from pumpkin and apples for the winter

The most delicious pumpkin juice recipes for the winter often include other vegetables and fruits. For example, pumpkin-apple juice has a simply magical taste, unusual, very pleasant, you want to drink it and drink it. And on the site you will find the most useful pumpkin juice with carrots for canning in jars. How to choose a pumpkin for

Good afternoon.

How often do you drink pumpkin juice? I know that many people are skeptical about vegetable drinks, considering them a pretentious invention of radical healthy lifestyles. And how can you drink a vegetable? You know, in many ways I adhere to the same position, but pumpkin juice is a pleasant exception.

It is good on its own and goes well with other vegetables and fruits, complementing and emphasizing their taste.

Well, do not forget that the pumpkin contains a bunch of useful vitamins and is very cheap (which is important if you do not grow it yourself). There are not so many vegetables and fruits that combine these two parameters at the same time.

Today I want to show you some great pumpkin juice recipes for long storage so that you have a supply of delicious vitamins until the next harvest.

I tried to find the most delicious combinations of ingredients that are guaranteed to please you.

How to make delicious pumpkin juice with pulp for the winter

First, let's prepare the juice without everything. We won't be using a juicer.

In general, according to the classic recipe, we need a pumpkin sieve, but I suggest not to reject technological progress and use an immersion blender instead of a sieve.

If you often make winter preparations, then you probably have it.


  • Pumpkin - 1.5 kg (peeled)
  • Water - 1.7 l
  • Sugar - 100-150 g
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons


1. We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds and cut into small cubes. The smaller the cubes, the faster the cooking process will go.

2. Put them in a saucepan, fill with water and set to maximum heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is fully cooked.

Readiness is checked in the same way as for boiled potatoes, we pierce with a knife and if it freely enters the pulp, then it's ready.

3. Now let the pumpkin cool down a bit and beat it with an immersion blender. If there is no blender, grind it through a sieve.

4. At this stage, add and taste sugar. Everyone's tastes are different, you may want a sweeter juice. Consistency is also checked at this stage. If the juice seems too thick for you, then add boiling water.

5. Return the pan to the fire, bring the juice to a boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum and remove the resulting foam.

6. Turn off the stove, add lemon juice to the pan, mix and pour the still hot juice into sterilized jars, filling them to the very top. After that, we roll up the banks and leave to cool over the blanket upside down. Cooled jars are stored in a cool place.

From the indicated amount of products, 4 cans of juice with a volume of 750 ml will be obtained.

Recipe for pumpkin juice with apples at home

One of the most successful combinations. Light apple sourness is diluted with a mild pumpkin flavor and the result is just awesome juice.


  • Peeled pumpkin - 800-1000 g
  • Apples - 3 pcs
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Sugar - 100 g

The recipe is designed for cooking in a 3 liter saucepan.


1. We clean the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces. Remove the skin from the apples, remove the core and cut into slices.

We put everything in a three-liter saucepan (it will be filled almost to the top) and fill it with water to the very edge.

2. We put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil, then cover it with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 15-20 minutes until the pumpkin is fully cooked.

3. Now carefully drain the water into a hotel container (it will still come in handy for us), and we interrupt the boiled pumpkin and apple with a blender in mashed potatoes, adding sugar before that.

You can not drain the water if you are too lazy, but whipping the toga will be more difficult.

4. Pour back the previously drained water, put the pan on the fire again and bring the juice to a boil, stirring it occasionally.

When the juice boils, remove the resulting foam, add the juice from 1 squeezed lemon, mix and pour the still hot liquid into pre-sterilized jars.

We roll up the jars and cool them upside down on a blanket. After cooling, store in a cool place.

How to cook pumpkin juice with apple juice

Or you can not cook apples with pumpkin, but first pass them through a juicer. Then the juice will turn out lighter, and the pulp will be less.


  • Pumpkin - 900 g
  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Orange - 2 pcs
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water - 250 ml

From the specified amount of products, 2-2.5 liters of juice will be obtained.


1. We clean the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces, put it in a saucepan, pour 250 ml of water and cook over medium heat until soft.

2. My lemon and oranges, pour over with boiling water and rub the zest with a grater. Then we cut the fruit and squeeze the juice out of them.

3. Add the squeezed juice and zest to the boiled pumpkin and cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat under a closed lid.

4. Then beat the mixture with a blender until puree.

5. Let's move on to apples. We pass them through a juicer.

6. And then we filter the resulting juice through a double layer of gauze.

7. Pour it into a saucepan with mashed potatoes, add sugar, mix and bring the mixture to a boil.

8. After that, cook the juice for another 5 minutes, and then pour it into pre-sterilized jars.

Close the lids tightly, cool the jars under a blanket and store them in a cool place.

Pumpkin juice with carrots through a juicer - you will lick your fingers

But if you have a juicer, you can make juice much easier without boiling it first. Let's look at the example of carrot-pumpkin juice.


  • Pumpkin pulp - 7.5 kg
  • Carrots - 2.5 kg
  • Sugar - 100 g

From 2.5 kg of peeled vegetables, an average of 1 liter of juice is obtained.


1. The presence of a juicer greatly simplifies and speeds up the process. We clean the pumpkin and carrots and separately pass through the juicer.

2. We combine carrot and pumpkin juice in a ratio of 3 to 1 (for 3 parts of pumpkin for 1 part of carrot), put on fire and bring to a boil over medium heat. When the mixture boils, remove the resulting foam.

Then add sugar, mix and cook for a couple more minutes.

3. Juice is ready. Pour it into pre-sterilized jars, close with metal lids and leave to cool upside down.

Video on how to make pumpkin juice for the winter with an orange

And finally, I suggest watching a short video on how to make pumpkin-orange juice. The video is short but informative, so spend 3 minutes, you won't regret it.

Here, in general terms, are the main methods for preparing and mixing pumpkin juice. Each one has its own distinct flavor and aroma, so I recommend trying each one before deciding which one to stock up for the winter.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.

If corn is the queen of the fields, then the pumpkin is the queen of the vegetable gardens. That's it, no more, no less! And it’s not for nothing that this huge miracle is called that. Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene - almost as much as carrots! - which normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell renewal, maintains the strength of teeth and bones. And it is also the leader among vegetables in terms of iron content. Pumpkin contains vitamins C, B6, B2, E, micro and macro elements. It contains a large amount of zinc, which is useful for those who have had Botkin's disease. Pumpkin is also useful as a choleretic and antitumor agent. In addition, the pumpkin contains the rarest vitamin T, which promotes the formation of platelets. Many more good words can be said about the "Queen of the Garden". And it helps with insomnia, and in the struggle for harmony will become a faithful companion. And most importantly, pumpkin juice has all these qualities, which can be prepared for the winter at home.

It is easiest for owners of juicers and juicers - smart people do all the work for them helpers. Having nothing against the top models of juicers of world brands, I would like to note that it is still more convenient and safer to use domestic-made equipment for processing crops - it is reliable, like a tank, and can work continuously for quite a long time. And you will get almost twice as much juice. But for those who have not yet purchased a juicer or juicer, do not despair: a little effort, and you will have healthy, tasty, sunny pumpkin juice ready.

Pumpkin juice without pasteurization. Pass the prepared pumpkin through a juicer. For each liter of juice, add sugar (up to 5 tablespoons) and put on fire. Bring to a temperature of 90ºС, boil for 5 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Pumpkin juice pasteurized. Squeeze the juice from the pumpkin, bring to a boil and immediately pour into sterilized jars. Pasteurize half-liter jars for 10 minutes at a temperature of 90ºС. Roll up.

Pumpkin juice without a juicer. Peel the pumpkin, cut into pieces of 2-4 cm, put in a saucepan and pour water to the level of the pumpkin. Remove the seeds from the seed part, and put the pulp to the pieces - it will add density to the future juice. Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and rub through a sieve. Return the resulting mass to the pan, add sugar and citric acid (at the rate of 200-300 g of sugar and 15 g of acid per 6 liters of juice), squeeze the juice from 2-3 oranges, mix and put on fire. After boiling, pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Pumpkin juice without juicer #2. Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater and fill with water to the level of the pumpkin. Put on fire, bring to a boil and boil until softened. Add lemon zest or juice to the mass (to taste). Then grind the whole mass in a blender, add a little water, if it is very thick, sugar to taste and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

1 kg pumpkin,
2 liters of water
250 g sugar
1 lemon.

Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, put in a saucepan. Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar, pour over the pumpkin and cook, stirring, for 15 minutes over low heat. Cool, rub through a fine sieve. Put the resulting mass in a saucepan, add the peeled and pitted lemon, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up, wrap up.

7 kg pumpkin,
4 liters of 30% sugar syrup (for 1 liter of water 300 g of sugar),
1 tsp citric acid.

Cut the peeled pumpkin lengthwise into slices, bake in the oven until soft. Rub through a sieve, add sugar syrup, heat, stirring constantly, to 80ºС and pour into sterilized jars. Cover jars with lids, sterilize: half-liter - 20 minutes, liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

For 1 liter of squeezed pumpkin juice, take 1 glass of sugar. Heat the juice to a temperature of 90ºС, pour into sterilized jars, sterilize half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter ones - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Pumpkin juice with sugar in a different way

7 kg pumpkin,
4 liters of water
4 kg sugar
1 tsp citric acid,
water for cooking pumpkin.

Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes, pour water at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 kg of pumpkin and cook over low heat until soft. Pass through a sieve or grind with a blender. Boil sugar syrup, mix with juice, put on fire and heat to a temperature of 80ºС. Pour into sterilized liter jars and sterilize at 80ºC for 30 minutes. Roll up.


1 kg pumpkin,
1 kg of apples
sugar to taste
lemon peel.

Squeeze juice from pumpkin and apples, mix. Add sugar to taste (depending on the acidity of apples), lemon zest and put on fire. Bring to a temperature of 90ºС, hold for 3-4 minutes and pour into sterilized half-liter jars. Pasteurize at 90ºС for 8-10 minutes, roll up.

800 g pumpkin,
800 g gooseberries,
200-300 g of honey.

Squeeze juices from pumpkin and gooseberries, mix, add honey and pasteurize in half-liter jars for 20 minutes. Roll up.

Pumpkin juice with nutmeg

1 kg pumpkin,
1.5 liters of water,
a pinch of nutmeg,
lemon juice, sugar - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add water and cook until soft. Rub through a sieve or beat with a blender, add sugar, lemon juice, grated nutmeg and put on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, roll up.


3 kg pumpkin,
500 g dried apricots,
3-4 large carrots
1.5 kg of sugar,
15 g citric acid,
9 liters of water.

Cut pumpkin, carrots and dried apricots into cubes, put in a saucepan, pour 3 liters of water and cook for 2 hours. Then grind in a blender, put the resulting puree in a saucepan, add 6 liters of water, sugar, citric acid and cook for another hour. Pour hot into sterilized jars, roll up.

For the winter, you can prepare not only pure pumpkin juice, so to speak, but also use it to preserve other products. For example, apples or cucumbers.

Cucumbers in pumpkin-apple juice

1.5 liters of apple juice,
1 liter pumpkin juice
¼ cup salt
¼ cup sugar

Soak small, strong cucumbers in a bowl of running water for 5 hours, then remove from the water, dry, pour over boiling water and place tightly in jars. For each 3-liter jar, approximately 1 - 1.2 liters of brine is consumed. The brine is prepared as follows: mix apple and pumpkin juices, add salt and sugar, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour boiling brine over cucumbers three times and roll up.

Cucumbers in pumpkin-apple juice №2

2 kg cucumbers
600 g pumpkin juice
700 g apple juice
100 g cherry leaves,
50 g salt.

Wash cucumbers, scald with boiling water and place tightly in a jar, shifting each layer with cherry leaves. Combine pumpkin and apple juices, add salt, boil and pour cucumbers three times. Roll up.

Apples soaked in pumpkin juice

5 kg apples,
2 large pumpkins

Apples are wetted in large pots or barrels. The inside of the vessel can be lined with a clean plastic bag. Plucked apples should be aged 7-10 days before urinating. Then the apples are thoroughly washed, allowed to drain and stacked in rows, filling each row with pumpkin juice. Juice is prepared by boiling: cut the pumpkin into pieces, put in a saucepan, add water and cook until soft. Then rub the finished pumpkin through a sieve. Cover apples filled with juice with a clean cloth, lay a load on top.

After squeezing the juice, there is a lot of cake left, which is a pity to throw away, because it is also useful! This cake can be dried in the oven and then added to the dough for pancakes, cook porridge with it, cook a casserole, or you can bake very tasty cookies.

1 glass of pulp,
1.5 cups wheat flour
½ cup bran flour
100 g sugar
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ tsp soda,
½ tsp vinegar,
½ tsp salt,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
poppy seeds, raisins, nuts - optional.


Mix both types of flour, add cake, oil, salt, soda, sugar, vinegar or lemon juice, knead the dough. Add vanilla and filling (optional). Roll out into a layer ½ cm thick, cut out cookies and bake at a temperature of 180ºС for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin juice is bland, so it's often mixed with other juices to make delicious, healthy smoothies.

Pumpkin juice with cucumber pickle: 100 g pumpkin juice, 30 g cucumber pickle, salt, sugar, ground black pepper - to taste.

100 g pumpkin juice, 50 g tomato juice, salt, sugar, ground black pepper - to taste.

Pumpkin juice with cranberries: 200 g pumpkin juice, ½ cup cranberry juice, sugar, salt - to taste.

Pumpkin juice with lemon: 200 g pumpkin juice, lemon juice, salt, sugar - to taste.

Pumpkin Fruit Mix: juice from 500 g pumpkin, juice from 2 apples, 500 g blackberries, sugar - to taste. Stir the squeezed juices, add the blackberries rubbed through a sieve, sugar. If it turns out thick, you can dilute a little with clean drinking or sparkling water.

"Gorlyanka": pumpkin juice, green onions, salt, sugar, ground black pepper - to taste. Squeeze the juice from the pumpkin, chop the green onion in a blender, mix with the juice, add salt, sugar and pepper to taste. This cocktail is good for sore throats.

Pumpkin blueberry drink: juice from a kilogram of pumpkin, 2 cups of whey, blueberries, sugar - to taste. Mix ingredients, decorate with berries.

Drink from pumpkin juice and beet kvass: squeeze juice from 500 g of pumpkin, mix with ¾ cup of beet kvass, add herbs, salt and sugar - to taste.

Mix pumpkin and carrot juices in a ratio of 3:1. This juice is useful for those who decide to lose weight.

Pumpkin juice for the winter is easy and very useful. Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina
