
Recipe for making condensed milk at home. Best Recipes

Condensed milk - fragrant, sweet treat which will never bother adults or children. Excellent dressing for pancakes, pancakes, donuts; base for cream cakes; addition to tea or coffee; as well as a perfect dessert. All this is dearly loved and respected by many condensed milk. It is associated with childhood, grandmother's pancakes and a cozy home.

Desserts with condensed milk can come up with countless. It is generously seasoned with a variety of nuts, fruits (for example, bananas, strawberries), added to ice cream, muffins, sweet sauces, jellies, mousses and cocktails are prepared from it. However, condensed milk can be cooked at home himself. And it's much easier than you think.

Can name a few reasons why you should cook condensed milk at home.

  1. Firstly- for industrial production, a variety of thickeners, flavors, flavor enhancers can be used. And it is strictly forbidden to give such a product to small children.
  2. Secondly– at home, you choose fresh, high-quality products yourself, and also control the amount of sugar and other ingredients. For example, you can add some cocoa, melted chocolate or vanilla to homemade condensed milk.
  3. And finally Thirdly, condensed milk at home is also more useful than a product from a store.

Of course, such a number of arguments in favor of homemade condensed milk cannot be ignored. Therefore, we are happy we'll give you the recipe wonderful homemade condensed milk, and also tell you how to cook condensed milk at home in 15 minutes.

Cook condensed milk at home won't be a big deal, and the taste will be so amazing that you will forever forget about the store product. Boiled homemade condensed milk in consistency is very similar to the factory one. However, the nutritional value of such homemade condensed milk will be much higher.

The ingredients are simple, and most importantly - natural: milk, sugar (or powdered sugar), butter. Considering that a can of condensed milk in a store is not cheap, and, as we already know, the product in it is not always of high quality, it is quite advisable and even necessary to cook condensed milk at home. It takes only 15 minutes to prepare, and if you have a slow cooker at home, then even less - 10 minutes.

calories the finished product is quite high - 260-270 kcal per 100 g. However, having a jar of such condensed milk on hand, you will not bother what kind of cream to prepare for the cake. If you cook condensed milk a little longer, it will come out thick enough, so it will fit perfectly for similar purposes.

There are several ways to cook condensed milk at home. There are also different opinions about how much to cook a homemade delicacy so that it comes out of the required consistency and does not roll into a ball. However, even if you overdo it and the condensed milk comes out thick enough, you can make homemade toffees out of it, which will also serve as a wonderful dessert for adults and children.

So, cooking according to the classic recipe will require you 15 minutes of your time and maximum concentration. The fact is that the mass will boil very strongly.

  1. Therefore, in a saucepan with high sides, mix 200 grams of milk, 200 grams of granulated sugar (but it is better to take powder) and 20 grams of butter.
  2. Put the dishes on a slow fire and watch until the liquid boils.
  3. After that, we add gas and continue to cook condensed milk under our strict supervision for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. In 10 minutes, the condensed milk will boil down, but it will still remain very liquid. Don't worry, she's still very hot.
  5. To quickly cool the product, put the pan with condensed milk in a container of cold water.
  6. Also, if you have formed small grains during the cooking process, beat the mass with a blender. But for this, condensed milk does not need to be cooled.
  7. After the product has cooled, pour the condensed milk into a jar and send it to the refrigerator. There it will acquire the necessary consistency.

With so many ingredients get about 200 grams delicious homemade condensed milk. You can increase the mass of the original products and cook the amount of condensed milk that you need.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar?

Some recipes require well-cooked condensed milk thick, pasty consistency. For example, for making cream or for filling profiteroles. In this case, you do not have to make condensed milk from scratch. You can buy a ready-made product, and then watch a video on how to cook condensed milk in a jar and cook it yourself.

Only choose a very high quality product. Condensed milk for cooking should be 100% natural milk. No vegetable fats, otherwise condensed milk simply cannot be boiled. Accordingly, a can of such condensed milk simply cannot be cheap. Choose products from a well-known manufacturer, it is desirable that the composition does not include milk powder and palm oil.

  1. In order to cook ready-made condensed milk in a jar, you will need a large saucepan filled with water and one and a half to two hours of time (for a product of medium consistency).
  2. Carefully inspect the jar of condensed milk, check for any damage on it.
  3. Remove the label and rinse the jar of sweat under running water, lower it to the bottom of a large saucepan and cover with cold water.
  4. It is desirable that there is a maximum amount of water, so you do not have to constantly add it.
  5. Turn on the gas, bring the water to a boil, and then reduce the power.
  6. Now you need to keep an eye on the condensed milk all the time so that the water in the pan completely covers the jar. Therefore, every 20-30 minutes we will add a small amount of hot water. If this is not done, then the bank may explode.

Now it's worth figuring out how much should condensed milk be cooked in the bank.

  • If you are preparing a cream and want to get a product of medium density and a delicate caramel shade, boil condensed milk for an hour and a half.
  • For the filling of the beloved by many dessert "Nuts", condensed milk is boiled for 2-3 hours. It will turn out darker in color.
  • For a thick condensed milk shade of coffee with milk, it is necessary to boil the product for 4 hours.

As you may have guessed, condensed milk is versatile and affordable product. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself. Moreover, at home, making condensed milk is not difficult. You can choose the option that you like best. The main thing in both cases is to select high-quality products.

Today I will tell you how to quickly cook condensed milk from milk at home. How much to cook? According to the correct recipe, this can be done in just 10-15 minutes, no more. Perhaps it didn’t occur to you that making it at home is not at all troublesome. We are used to buying, but everyone has long understood that their own, cooked, is much better.

Home cooking is also supported by the fact that modern condensed milk bears little resemblance to the real one, what we ate in childhood, and there are more preservatives and vegetable fats in the product.

Another small plus in favor of home cooking. Calculate how much a glass of milk and sugar costs. Now remember how much a jar of milk costs in a store? Well, did you convince? Since there are a lot of good reasons, let's get started ...

How to cook condensed milk - recipes

Before you start the cooking process, read a few cooking tips and you will feel like a real experienced hostess.

  • Add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa during cooking, you get condensed cocoa - chocolate.
  • Instead of milk, you can use cream of any fat content. This will save time, as the product will cook much faster.
  • The next way to reduce the cooking time is to add more sugar.

Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes

We will cook ordinary, white and not too thick condensed milk. There are recipes with the addition of soda, they are for thick. We will not add soda, but if desired, at the end of cooking, add vanillin. I once made with cocoa powder, adding it in the middle of the boil, stirring it in a little milk. It worked out well.

You will need:

  • Whole milk - 1 glass, it is better to take homemade, fatter.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Butter - 20 gr.

How to cook condensed milk in 15 minutes:

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan with high sides, pour out the sugar and add the butter. If the milk is homemade, the butter can be omitted.

2. Put the pan on a small fire and, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. Sugar should dissolve completely.

3. When the milk boils, make the fire as big as possible. And here the most important begins. The milk will begin to froth and boil. In order not to miss, stir continuously - in a circle, as if cooking porridge - scoop up the mass with a spoon and pour it out. The task is not to let it boil and run away. If you feel that you are losing control of the situation, reduce the heat, when the mixture settles, increase it again.

4. Don't forget to look at your watch. After 10 minutes of intensive cooking, the mixture will begin to thicken. You will understand, you will not be mistaken, because the aroma of condensed milk will appear. Another sign is that the mass will stop boiling away. Be careful, don't overcook. I have overcooked condensed milk in my photo, I skipped it while I thought: should I make thick or regular. To summarize: 15 minutes and condensed milk is ready.

5. When you begin to pour the mass into a jar, it will seem liquid, do not worry, it will cool down - it will thicken.

Sometimes you want or for business, you need to cook thicker condensed milk, for this, just cook it for 3-4 minutes longer. The mass will change color, become darker, light brown. Boiled for 10-15 minutes, condensed milk is light, poured easily. Boiled longer will turn out viscous, like toffee. And it will become the taste of candies "cow", remember, they used to be extremely popular. By the way, you can make sweets yourself.

I did not make sweets, I took the photos from the Internet.

Sweets from condensed milk:

You can make sweets from overcooked condensed milk, and also in 15 minutes. Remove the finished mass from the stove, pour into molds from the freezer for making ice. Or wait until the mass cools down a bit and form into round candies. Sweets can be rolled and decorated with coconut flakes, chopped nuts.

Condensed milk with soda - recipe

An excellent recipe for making homemade condensed milk, which allows you to save it for quite a long time. The finished product can be rolled into jars, and then used as needed in the preparation of cakes and other confectionery. The added soda will help increase the shelf life, unlike the previous recipe. It is she who will provide the product with long storage and a uniform consistency. The taste of condensed milk will come out like the candy "Korovka" from childhood.


  • Milk, preferably fresh, from under a cow - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Soda - 1/3 teaspoon.

How to cook with soda:

  1. To prepare condensed milk according to this recipe, it is better to take a wide dish, such as a basin, so that the liquid evaporates well.
  2. Pour in milk, add sugar and soda. When the contents boil, boil it on the minimum low heat. Don't forget to stir constantly.
  3. The milk will gradually become thick, dark and slightly brown. Make sure that the condensed milk does not burn. After pour the condensed milk into jars and roll up.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker with milk powder

Many now have multicookers, and prefer to cook condensed milk in it. The only clarification: do not fit in 15 minutes, here the process is a bit more authentic.

I confirm: condensed milk in a slow cooker turns out to have a pleasant creamy caramel taste, and it is easier to cook it.


  • Whole milk - 1 cup.
  • Powdered milk - 1 glass.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

I want to draw attention to the fact that you need to choose exactly milk powder, and not its substitute, the taste of the finished product largely depends on this.

How to weld:

  1. Mix both types of milk and sugar in a bowl, mix well, pour into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 1 hour. Stir the milk several times.
  3. If you want the product to be thicker and darker, add time and cook longer.
  4. Pour into a jar, cool, store in the refrigerator.

It takes too much time to cook homemade condensed milk, 15 minutes, no more, but it's worth it. You will receive a natural product of excellent taste and without additives harmful to health.

Friends, maybe you know an interesting recipe for cooking condensed milk from milk at home in 15 minutes - share it with your readers, I will be grateful. I wish you good health and happy drinking! From the video you will learn how to weld in a different way, choose your preferred option, everyone is good in their own way.


How to cook and how to cook condensed milk at home

How to make "real" condensed milk at home and is it worth it to "mess around"? In short, homemade milk condensing will be justified, since the falsification of condensed milk by replacing vegetable milk fats is very common. And how to distinguish real condensed milk from fake, how to cook condensed milk at home and how to cook ready-made milk will not work briefly.

Who invented condensed milk and what kind of product is it

In 1810, the Frenchman N. Appert proposed the idea of ​​condensing milk. Condensed milk is obtained by evaporating part of the water from it with the addition of sugar. At the same time, the concentration of nutrients in the finished product increases. Dry matter (without sugar) becomes twice as much as in raw, whole milk.

Sweetened condensed milk contains:

  • 56% carbohydrates,
  • 43.5% sucrose;
  • no more than 26% moisture,
  • 28.5% solids,
  • up to 9% fat,
  • 8.1% proteins,
  • vitamins A1, B1, B2, B12, C, PP.

Condensed milk calories:

Important to remember:

  • condensed milk is useful only due to the fact that it contains milk, which contains a number of vitamins that are little destroyed when it is condensed.
  • since condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, you can use it very moderately, 25-50 g per day, such an amount will only benefit you.

7 recipes for making condensed milk at home

The key to success is high-quality milk. Therefore, the most important thing for self-preparation of condensed milk at home is to buy fresh, whole and without impurities raw materials on the market.

Once again, milk should be:

  • whole,
  • high fat,
  • must be fresh
  • without any additives.

Please note: unfortunately, it happens that in the markets, the housewives add various ingredients that prevent the milk from sour, and also mix it with water or skim milk after separation.

1. Recipe for delicious condensed milk

If you cook condensed milk according to this recipe, you will no longer want it from the store.

Homemade freshly made condensed milk

To prepare homemade condensed milk, we need:

  • 1 liter of cream (25-30%);
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 0.4 kg of powdered milk;
  • 0.2 kg of powdered milk baby food (can be replaced with 0.2 kg of powdered milk);
  • vanillin optional (but even without it, condensed milk is extremely tasty).

Prepare like this:

  1. Add some water to the sugar. Heat stirring over high heat until a homogeneous liquid mixture (do not boil, at this stage all the sugar should not dissolve).
  2. Next, condensed milk must be cooked in a steam bath so that it does not burn. To do this, take a saucepan, pour cream into it, add sugar previously heated with water, stirring.
  3. Then add baby food, milk powder and set to heat up in a steam bath.
  4. Stir for the first 15 minutes to reduce lumps of powdered milk (you can use a mixer), then stir for 5 minutes every 10 minutes.
  5. Add vanilla and boil until desired thickness.

Cooking time 1 hour, possibly more.

2. Easy Recipe 1

Necessary ingredients for preparing 0.5 l of condensed milk:

  • milk - (preferably homemade) 0.25 liters;
  • dry milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar 1.5 cups.

Prepare like this:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add, stirring, milk powder until a homogeneous, lump-free mass is obtained (you can use a blender).
  2. Pour sugar and set to heat in a water bath.
  3. Cook in a water bath for 1 hour, stirring frequently until thickened.

Everything, condensed milk is ready.

3. Easy Recipe 2

The recipe for making condensed milk without the use of time-consuming evaporation.

Necessary products for the preparation of 1 liter of condensed milk:

  • dry milk or dry cream - 4 tbsp. (200 ml each);
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water or milk - 1 tbsp.

Prepare like this:

  • Bring water or milk to a boil (you will lick your fingers with milk), add butter, sugar and beat the mixture with a blender, mixer or whisk.
  • Slowly add dry milk while whisking.
  • When there are no lumps left in the milk-sugar mass, stop beating.
  • Continue cooking in a water bath until the milk thickens.
  • When the milk has cooled, you can put it in the refrigerator, after the refrigerator it will become much thicker.

4. Classic homemade recipe

It is not difficult to prepare condensed milk at home according to the classic recipe that our grandmothers used.

For this we need:

  • high-fat milk - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. Sugar must be dissolved in milk, and then put the container on a small fire and cook for 2-3 hours, stirring often, until the milk thickens (the droplet should not spread).
  • Do not increase the heat to shorten the cooking time - the milk may burn.
  • Milk will thicken faster if you increase the amount of sugar to 0.7 kg, but it will be much sweeter (not everyone will like it).

Homemade condensed milk is not pure milky and will contain fewer vitamins because it is cooked at higher temperatures than factory made, but it will taste better than store-bought and is guaranteed to contain no vegetable fats.

5. Modified classic recipe

The recipe is similar to the previous one, but the cooking mode is somewhat different.

We will need:

  • high-fat milk - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.3-0.5 kg.


  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and put it on a quiet fire. It is best to cook in a heavy bottomed pot. Within 1-1.5 hours, we evaporate the water from the milk continuously stirring, then add sugar and cook for another 1 hour, continuing to stir.

From 0.3 kg of sugar and one liter of milk, 450 g of condensed milk comes out, and it tastes like it comes from a store.

6. Condensed milk in air grill


  • fat, whole milk;
  • sugar.

Prepare like this:

Take sugar and milk in a ratio of 2: 1. Cook for the initial 30 minutes at the highest speed and temperature in an arbitrary saucepan with a covered lid, then cook for another 1-1.5 hours at an average speed and a temperature of 205 degrees.

7. Condensed milk in a bread machine


  • milk - 1 liter (should be whole, master's);
  • sugar - 0.35 kg;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (optional).

Prepare like this:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove to a boil in a separate saucepan and pour it into a baking dish set in a bread machine.
  2. Add sugar and vanilla.
  3. We turn on the jam-jam mode several times until the milk thickens.

3 ways to cook ready-made condensed milk

If you have made condensed milk according to one of our recipes, or if you have a couple of store-bought cans, you can brew it for a candy-like toffee flavor. Boiled condensed milk itself is very tasty, and it is also included as an ingredient in confectionery, for example, in homemade cakes.

Cooking condensed milk is not difficult, but there are some subtleties that need to be followed.

  • when purchasing condensed milk in a store, make sure that it is produced without vegetable fats;
  • if the water boils away during the cooking process, heat a small amount separately and add;
  • it is strictly not allowed to take out and open the jar until the water has completely cooled, in order to avoid the release of hot condensed milk from the jar (you can get burns).

How to distinguish real condensed milk from fake

Video: how to distinguish real condensed milk from fake

Previously, manufacturers replaced up to 20% fat, and at present, the vegetable fat content can reach up to 100%, but on the labels, the inscription “condensed milk” will still show off in the same place, although this product should already be called “milk - vegetable.

Unfortunately, now, what is sold under the name "condensed milk" does not meet any GOST. Therefore, sitting at home for a couple of hours near the stove, evaporating water from milk, is by no means such a bad idea.

1. How to cook condensed milk in an iron can

Cook like this:

  1. Lower the iron can with condensed milk into a 3-liter pot of water (it is better to put it on its side).
  2. After boiling water, reduce heat to the lowest boil and cook for one and a half to two hours, making sure that the water always completely covers the jar.
  3. Turn off the heat and wait for the water in the pan to cool without removing the jar of condensed milk.

Important: if you miss and the water boils away, the jar can explode with all the ensuing unpleasant consequences.

Although this method is very simple, we still do not recommend using it because:

  • When cooking in a jar, oxides are formed, which fall into condensed milk.
  • When heated, the tin coating of the can is destroyed and harmful substances from the metal can enter the product.
  • To cook condensed milk without health consequences, you need to pour it from a metal can into a glass one and cook it in the manner described below.

2. How to brew homemade condensed milk or bought for bottling

This cooking method is completely safe for you and your kitchen, and you can also cook any amount of condensed milk in this way and not necessarily a multiple of the volume of an iron can.

Cook like this:

  1. Pour the condensed milk into a glass jar, cover it with a lid of a larger jar so that excess moisture does not come out, but do not close tightly so that the jar does not burst during cooking.
  2. Place the jar in a saucepan, after putting a grate for sterilizing jars on the bottom, and pour water so that it is higher than milk in level.
  3. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat to low boil. As it boils, add hot water.
  4. Boil condensed milk to the desired degree of readiness for 2 hours or more. Readiness can be checked by the color of the milk. After two hours of cooking, the color should turn beige.

Important advice: do not stir the condensed milk until the end of cooking, it may curdle.

3. How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

You can try to cook condensed milk in the microwave. To do this, pour the condensed milk into a bowl, put it in the microwave and set the microwave to medium power. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.

When reproducing the text of article 7 RECIPES How to cook condensed milk at home and How to cook ready-made, in whole or in parts, an active link to the site cooktips.ru is required.

Now in the supermarket you can find almost everything, including ready-made condensed milk. And unfortunately, the purchased condensed milk tastes far from the same as the one cooked at home. No wonder, because homemade is always better! You can verify this again by preparing condensed milk at home. Our website will tell you how to cook condensed milk yourself today. Simple, but at the same time the best homemade condensed milk recipes for you!

How to cook condensed milk - a traditional recipe

The first and easiest condensed milk recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. However, condensed milk prepared according to this recipe will have a nice creamy color, become quite thick when cooled, and taste so yummy! So, if you still don’t know how to cook condensed milk and this is your first attempt, this recipe is perfect.


  • fresh milk - 1 liter (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 500 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


For cooking, it is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it, pour sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the milk to a boil over medium heat.

Stir the milk occasionally until it has lost two-thirds of its original volume and is a nice creamy color. As it becomes creamy and loses volume, the milk will become slightly thick, indicating that it is ready.

In the last minutes of cooking condensed milk, add vanilla sugar, when it dissolves, wait another 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Our condensed milk is ready!

Freshly boiled condensed milk will not be too thick and stringy, but this will change as it cools.

How to cook condensed milk - the second recipe

From the first recipe for making condensed milk at home, the second one differs not only in the presence of one more ingredient, but also in the method of cooking. In this case, condensed milk is boiled in a "bath", that is, water is poured into a large pot, and a smaller pot is placed in it, in which condensed milk is boiled.


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • dry milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


We select two pots (smaller and large) so that one fits into the other and there is still space for pouring water between them. Pour some water into a large saucepan and put it on the stove.

In a smaller saucepan, combine warm fresh milk, milk powder, sugar and vanilla sugar.

We place a smaller pan in a large one, fill the space between the pans with water (not to the very top, so that the water does not run away during boiling).

When the water boils, reduce the heat a little and cook, stirring the milk from time to time for about an hour. When the milk thickens, the condensed milk is ready. We have half a liter of delicious condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk - a recipe with butter

The recipe for condensed milk with butter differs from all previous ones not only in a new ingredient, but also in a completely different cooking method. To cook condensed milk according to this recipe, you need a minimum of time, but in addition to cooking, you still need to leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. More details below.


  • milk - 375 g;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg .;
  • butter - 40 g.


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Stir, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes, while stirring constantly.

When these 10 minutes are up, turn off the stove, and pour the condensed milk into a jar.

We wait until the jar cools down, after which we put it in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. In the morning we open the refrigerator, your condensed milk is ready!

How to cook chocolate condensed milk - a recipe with cocoa

At home, you can cook not only ordinary condensed milk, but also chocolate. At the same time, the preparation will almost not differ from the usual recipe, we just need to add cocoa at a certain stage. So, let's find out how to cook chocolate condensed milk.


  • fresh milk - 1 l. (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. (good quality)


Pour the sugar into a heavy bottomed saucepan and pour in the milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and the milk boils. Continue to cook over low heat until thickened. In the meantime, stir constantly.

When our condensed milk finally thickens and becomes creamy, you need to add cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.

We give our chocolate condensed milk a few more minutes to boil and turn off the stove. Let the condensed milk cool down.

  • Now you not only know how to cook condensed milk, but also know how to cook it according to various recipes, even chocolate ones. But I want to give a few more tips that will help you successfully cook condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to remember these tips.
  • For boiling condensed milk, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom and high walls, so you do not have to constantly stand over it, afraid that it will “run away”.
  • After the condensed milk has been cooked, it must be allowed to cool. So it will become thicker and more viscous.
  • Ideally, use only fresh homemade milk, and if store-bought, then with a high fat content and a good manufacturer.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Condensed milk is a delicacy loved by many since childhood, both kids and adults love to eat it. In addition, condensed milk is an ideal filling for many desserts. Most modern people are accustomed to store-bought ready-made cans. However, knowing how to make condensed milk at home, you will be able to cook a much tastier, and most importantly, healthy product. There are some great recipes that you should definitely check out.

Features of cooking homemade condensed milk

Here are a few tricks to help you make the perfect dish:

  1. It is best to take homemade fresh milk. If you can’t find one, buy the fattest pasteurized. Milk can be replaced with the same amount of 25 percent cream.
  2. For cooking, take a pan with a thick bottom, preferably aluminum or steel. If you are still afraid that the product will burn, then cook not in the usual way, but in a water bath.
  3. Sugar in the recipe is allowed to be replaced with powdered sugar. Many people prefer to take store-bought because it contains starch, which improves the consistency of the product.
  4. To make homemade condensed milk homogeneous, add a little soda at the beginning of cooking (at the tip of a teaspoon).
  5. If you want to diversify the recipe for condensed milk, you can add cocoa. If you believe the reviews, this does not affect the sweetness, but it gives an unusual coffee flavor to the dish. In addition, home-made tinted condensed milk will look beautiful in a finished cake or dessert.
  6. It will be possible to make milk thicker and sweeter by replacing ordinary cane sugar.
  7. Condensed milk is best stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.
  8. If you cook the mixture longer, pour it into special molds and cool, you will get fragrant toffees.
  9. The more sugar you add, the sweeter the dish will be and the faster it will cook.
  10. Butter is often added to homemade condensed milk. It makes it softer, but it is worth remembering that the presence of this ingredient reduces the shelf life.
  11. To thicken the mixture with any ingredients, ordinary baking soda will help better.
  12. Vanillin will give homemade condensed milk a delicious flavor.

Step by step recipes for making condensed milk

A factory-made product is not as tasty as a homemade product; preservatives are added to it during the production process, which can harm the body. It is much better to learn how to cook condensed milk yourself from natural ingredients. There are many different ways of making - in a saucepan, slow cooker, pressure cooker, bread machine, microwave. You must definitely master at least one recipe for homemade condensed milk. Try to cook this amazing delicacy, which brings invaluable benefits to the body.

Easy Milk and Sugar Recipe

  • whole cow's milk - 0.5 l (fresh);
  • sugar - 150-250 g (depending on what degree of sweetness you want to get);
  • baking soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a deep container. Pour in milk, add sugar, soda.
  2. Put the pan on the stove, stir the mass periodically. Wait until the milk is reduced by a third.
  3. When the mixture thickens and becomes creamy, remove it from the stove and pour into a jar. Typically, this takes about an hour and a half.
  4. The calorie content of homemade condensed milk is approximately 340 calories per 100 grams.
  5. Important: do not try to make the fire stronger so that the condensed milk cooks faster, as it will only burn. Cook all the time at the same temperature.

From milk powder

  • dry milk - 150 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • pasteurized milk - 150 ml.

  1. Take a small saucepan, pour milk into it and put it on a water bath to warm up. Wait for it to warm up. Gradually pour in the milk powder, without ceasing to beat the mixture with a whisk. If you start the process too early, the powder will not dissolve.
  2. When you are sure there are no lumps, add sugar. Continue stirring the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Boil condensed milk in a bath for about an hour. Mix it up very often. The fire must be weak.
  4. If you want the condensed milk to turn out thick at home and taste like toffee, cook it for another 20 minutes. If the consistency suits you, remove the mixture from the heat and pour into another container.

From goat milk


  • fresh goat milk - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • soda - a pinch.


  1. Take a thick-walled saucepan, pour in milk, immediately pour soda into it, put it on a slow fire. When warm, add sugar.
  2. Cook the condensed milk, stirring often, until it turns golden, as in the photo.
  3. Pour it into jars, cool and cover with iron lids. Store exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than two to three weeks.

From infant formula

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 0.24 kg;
  • baby dry mix - 90-100 grams.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients.
  2. Heat milk in a water bath, gradually pour in sugar with baby food, stir constantly to avoid lumps.
  3. Boil until tender (about an hour).
  4. If you are thinking about how to make delicious condensed milk at home in a slow cooker, set the “Stew” mode and first fill the bowl with dry ingredients, and then gradually pour in the milk. Cooking time will be an hour and a half, it all depends on what consistency you would like to get.

From cream


  • cream - 800 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - a bag.


  1. Warm up the milk in a water bath. Make a very small fire, because there should be no boiling.
  2. Dissolve butter in milk, add cream, vanillin.
  3. Whisking constantly, add the sugar little by little. Before boiling, it should completely dissolve.
  4. Boil the condensed milk until it becomes yellowish in color. The consistency should be a viscous liquid. As practice shows, condensed milk with cream is cooked much faster. Cooking time is reduced by about half.
  5. If you are satisfied with the resulting condensed milk, remove it from the heat, cool, store in the refrigerator.

How to roll condensed milk into jars

You can prepare a delicacy for the future and use it as a filling for cakes, pancakes. You already know how to make condensed milk at home, but you also need to know how to roll it into jars. If you plan to preserve the product, then, no matter what recipe you choose, be sure to add a little soda. It not only makes condensed milk more homogeneous, but also contributes to long-term storage.

For preservation, you will need deep dishes: mix three parts of fresh milk and one part of sugar, add a little bit of soda. Put the container on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. Stir the condensed milk occasionally until it turns yellow-brown. When the density suits you, remove the container from the stove. Let the mixture cool slightly, pour into pre-sterilized jars, roll up. Store in cold conditions.

Video recipes: how to cook condensed milk at home

Watch some videos. Thanks to them, you will learn how much to cook condensed milk in a jar, get acquainted with the fastest and simplest recipes. With the help of video materials, you will see for yourself that the process of making condensed milk is simple and there is absolutely no need to buy this product in a store. Learn how to cook and experiment with desserts with an educational video.

Very easy and quick recipe in 15 minutes

How to cook in a slow cooker

How to make boiled condensed milk

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If you like this simple delicacy, then do not rush to run to the store and buy a canned product, because home-made condensed milk is much better.

Homemade condensed milk is a natural product made by hand. You can be sure of the quality of the result, but only if you have purchased high-quality milk.

Required Ingredients:

  • two glasses of good whole milk;
  • one and a half cups of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of milk into a saucepan or any other container suitable for heating.
  2. Turn on the stove to medium heat and wait until the milk is warm, but make sure that it does not boil.
  3. Pour in sugar, constantly stirring the contents. Boil the composition for about 60 minutes until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. However, do not bring it to a boil.

From milk powder

You can also make condensed milk at home from a dry product, and it turns out to be no less tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • one glass of sugar;
  • a spoonful of water;
  • a glass of powdered milk and the same amount of regular;
  • 50 grams of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of water into the container, put sugar, mix. Heat the mixture over low heat so that the sweet granules are completely dissolved and caramel is formed.
  2. Send the oil into it, bring it to a liquid state and pour in the heated milk
  3. Stirring constantly, wait until the composition is homogeneous and pour in the milk powder.
  4. Cook for about three more minutes, cool and boiled condensed milk is ready.

With cream

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 0.3 liters of cream of any fat content.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the cream into a container suitable for heating, pour the indicated amount of sugar there.
  2. We mix the components, heat and wait for the composition to begin to boil.
  3. Constantly stirring the mass, keep it on fire for about ten minutes. During this time, it will become quite thick. Cool down and enjoy the treat.

Condensed milk in a slow cooker

If you often use this device, then you will probably be interested in how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. It is no more difficult to do this than on the stove.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • dry milk - about 150 grams;
  • 300 milliliters of whole milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour dry milk and sugar into the blender bowl, turn on the device and interrupt the mixture for a few seconds.
  2. Pour regular milk there and beat the contents again so that it becomes completely uniform.
  3. The mass should not come out too thick. Pour it into a slow cooker and turn on the “Porridge” mode for 30 minutes. You can also use the manual program, leaving the same time, and the heating level is 90 degrees.
  4. For half an hour, while the cooking process is in progress, the contents of the bowl must be constantly stirred.
  5. After the end of the operating mode, you might think that the condensed milk came out too liquid, but this is not so - just let it cool and it will become thick enough.

In a bread maker

It turns out that you can make condensed milk in a bread machine, and it is very convenient - there is no need to constantly stir the mass, it is enough that the device has the "Jam" mode.

Required Ingredients:

  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • one liter of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, place all the indicated components from the list in a saucepan. Putting soda is optional, but it will protect the milk from curdling.
  2. Mix this mass, put it on the stove and warm it up, but do not bring it to a boil.
  3. Transfer it to the bread machine and turn on the device in the "Jam" mode.
  4. After the program ends, you need to run it two more times, or even three. It all depends on the model and power of the device. Only after several boils will the condensed milk be the desired density. Please note that the cold product will also become thicker than the hot one.

How to cook condensed milk at home

To get a really worthy and high-quality product, it is very important to take good milk. It should be quite fat - at least 2.5%. Better yet, use a proven quality farm product.

If you want to get a richer taste, then mix regular milk with a dry version in a 1: 1 ratio.

And to make boiled condensed milk, simply increase the heat treatment process by about one and a half times.

  • a liter of fat milk;
  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • 50 milliliters of water;
  • half tsp soda.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with the indicated amount of water. Simmer over low heat until the sugar is almost dissolved and something like a syrup forms.
  2. Pour in the same milk, be sure to bring it to room temperature, and wait for the contents to boil.
  3. Turn the heat to low, add the baking soda, stir everything quickly until the mass settles, and cook for about 60 minutes.
  4. After this time, the composition will slightly change its color. If you want a delicacy of a liquid consistency, then you can already remove it from the heat. If you need a thicker mass, then cook it for another 30 minutes.

You can also make a thick “varenka” from ready-made condensed milk. To do this, it is enough to choose a quality product. There can be no consensus on how much to cook condensed milk in a jar - it all depends on the heat treatment method. In a water bath, milk will languish for up to 3 hours, and in the microwave - just a few minutes.

  • 20 grams of butter.
  • Cooking process:

    1. In a container suitable for heating on the stove, pour the amount of milk indicated in the list. Pour the powder there and put the oil.
    2. Lightly mix the ingredients. Please note that both milk and butter must be at room temperature.
    3. We send the container to the stove, turn on a fairly low level of heating and wait for all the contents to melt and turn into a homogeneous mixture.
    4. Bring the mass to a boil, and as soon as a foam forms on the surface, immediately make the fire a little stronger, to medium.
    5. We continue to cook for no more than ten minutes and move the container to another bowl - with cold water. We are waiting for the condensed milk to cool down and see that it has become much thicker.

    Quick condensed milk in 15 minutes

    Condensed milk in 15 minutes is ideal for those who are in a hurry or want to serve a sweet treat for breakfast, because there is no need to stand at the stove for an hour or even more.

    Required Ingredients:

    • three tablespoons of butter;
    • one glass of milk;
    • about a glass of sugar and to your liking.

    Cooking process:

    1. Heat the milk slightly so that it is barely warm. Pour in sugar and stir constantly until it is almost dissolved.
    2. All this should take place on low heat. As soon as the sugar melts, add the indicated amount of butter and, continuing to stir the mass, wait until it becomes liquid and homogeneous.
    3. We turn on a stronger level of heating, bring the composition to a boil and then cook for exactly ten more minutes.
    4. Remove the finished product from the fire, let it cool. When the condensed milk becomes colder, it will thicken significantly, so do not be afraid if at first it seemed liquid to you.

    As you can see, making homemade condensed milk on your own is not so difficult. And if you also use a quick recipe, then the process itself will not take much time and you can serve such a delicacy almost immediately for breakfast along with pancakes or pancakes.
