
Oven batter pizza recipe. Dough: for pizza liquid on kefir

Kefir pizza is different from the one served in a pizzeria. The dough on kefir does not need to be kneaded, wait until it fits, roll out. The consistency of the dough is like thick sour cream. It is kneaded in a bowl, poured onto a baking sheet, and the filling is laid out on top. In the finished product, the dough envelops the filling, it is initially buried in batter, so it turns out juicy and tasty.

Kefir pizza looks more like a pie with filling than traditional pizza. Nevertheless, the recipe is loved by housewives for its simplicity and excellent taste of the finished dish.

Pizza is prepared on kefir from the same toppings as regular pizza. It can be the remains of cold cuts, sausage, pre-fried minced meat, olives, vegetables (tomatoes, sweet peppers, corn, herbs) and, of course, cheese. Cooking pizza in a pan or in the oven. The dough can be prepared with or without yeast. If you do not put yeast, baking soda or baking powder helps the dough come up.

Knowing how to cook kefir pizza, you can always surprise your household with your favorite dish, quickly prepare a treat for the company of unexpected guests, rationally use the leftover food in the refrigerator so that nothing goes to waste. The cooking process is not complicated. Even those who cook pizza for the first time can easily cope with it.

Photo of batter for pizza on kefir without yeast

Pizza batter will be appreciated first of all by those housewives who do not like to clean the kitchen after working with flour. The dough is kneaded in a bowl, it does not have to be kneaded and rolled out, dirtying the table, rolling pin, hands and everything around. The dough is ready within 10 minutes. He will need another 20-30 minutes for proofing. During this time, you will have time to prepare the filling. A very handy recipe when time is short.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • kefir 1/2 liter
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 3 cups
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • baking powder for the dough 1 teaspoon

Recipe for batter for instant pizza without yeast:

  1. Warm up the kefir. It should be warm, but not hot. Add salt, sugar and baking powder for dough.
  2. Whisk the eggs in a large bowl. Add kefir to them. Gradually add the sifted flour. The dough should turn out like pancakes, the consistency of thick sour cream. Cover the bowl with a towel and let the dough stand 20-30 minutes to swell the gluten in the flour.
  3. Pour the finished dough onto a greased baking sheet. Spread the filling on top and bake until done.

Photo of yeast dough for pizza

If you think that pizza dough must necessarily be yeast, we offer a recipe for yeast batter on kefir. The pizza turns out thick and juicy, has a good taste of homemade pie. It is easier to prepare than in the classic version.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • kefir 500 ml.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 3 cups
  • olive oil 3 tbsp. spoons
  • dry yeast 1 teaspoon
  • pinch of salt
  • sugar 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk eggs with salt and sugar. Add warm kefir, yeast and olive oil.
  2. Sift the flour through a sieve so that it is enriched with oxygen. Gradually add flour to the mixture of kefir and eggs. Knead the dough a little harder than for pancakes. Let the dough rise in a warm place 45-60 minutes.
  3. Pour the batter onto a greased baking sheet. Spread evenly on the baking sheet with an olive oiled hand. Lay out the filling. Bake in the oven.

Photo of fast pizza in 10 minutes

The fastest pizza at home is prepared in 10 minutes. The batter pizza described in this recipe can be baked in a skillet with a lid or in the oven. Cooking in a pan does not allow you to get a fried cheese crust. Pizza will be juicy with gooey, melted cheese. If you love this one, learn how to make pizza in a pan.

So, quick pizza. 10 minutes in the oven- recipe. You will need:

  • kefir 1/2 cup
  • mayonnaise 1/2 cup
  • flour 1 cup
  • eggs 1 pc.
  • ham 50 g.
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • hard cheese 50 g.
  • salt 1/3 teaspoon
  • oregano and pepper mix pinch by pinch
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons

Recipe for quick pizza in 10 minutes in the oven:

  1. Turn on the oven. She must warm up to 220°С. Place in the oven the form in which the pizza will be baked, brushing it with vegetable oil.
  2. Crack an egg into a bowl. Lightly beat it with a whisk. Add kefir, mayonnaise, salt. Stir until smooth.
  3. Gradually add flour. The dough will turn out liquid, but it will be baked in the oven and will be very tasty. Set the dough aside and work on the filling.
  4. Cut the ham and tomato into thin slices. You can additionally put champignons, olives, pieces of smoked sausage or salami. We tell you how to cook the simplest version of pizza, and you can already improve it to your taste. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  5. Take the preheated pan out of the oven. Pour the batter into the skillet. Arrange tomatoes, sausage and cheese, sprinkle with pepper and oregano. Put in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Photo of jellied pizza in the oven

If your family loves pizza, you should take note of this pizza recipe. The dough is kneaded in a matter of minutes, baked perfectly, the pizza turns out to be very tasty, although much thicker than the usual Italian one. If you don’t have time to mess around with yeast dough, aspic pizza will come in handy.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • eggs 1 pc.
  • kefir 1 glass
  • flour 1.5 cups
  • pinch of salt
  • sugar 1/2 teaspoon
  • olive oil 1 teaspoon

For filling:

  • milk sausage 100 g
  • ketchup 2 tbsp. spoons
  • pickles 1 pc.
  • hard cheese 50 g.
  • mushrooms 2 pcs.
  • Provencal herbs 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook pizza on kefir in the oven:

  1. Mix with a mixer or whisk all the ingredients for the dough. Let the dough stand for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cut the sausage into small sticks or cubes, mushrooms into slices, pickles into the thinnest slices. Grate the cheese.
  3. Warm up oven up to 220°C. Grease a mold with sides or a frying pan. Pour out the dough. Put the dough in the oven for 3 minutes. During this time, the dough will grab a little, but will not bake yet.
  4. Take the piece out of the oven. Lubricate it with ketchup, sprinkle with half of the grated cheese. Next, lay out the pieces of sausage, cucumbers and mushrooms. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Put it back in the oven for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle the finished pizza generously with dried Provence herbs. Serve hot.

Photo of a simple pizza in a pan

Pizza in a pan is cooked with a variety of toppings. There is room for fantasy here. The main ingredients are cheese and tomato sauce. All other components can be safely changed at your own discretion. This recipe will appeal to those who do not like the stuffing drowned in the dough in bulk pizzas. A slight subtlety in the technology of preparation can eliminate this drawback.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • kefir 1/2 cup
  • mayonnaise 1/2 cup
  • flour 1 cup
  • dough baking powder 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 1 st. spoon (for greasing the pan)

For filling:

  • olives 10 pcs.
  • mozzarella cheese 100 g
  • ketchup 2 tbsp. spoons
  • basil 1-2 sprigs
  • dried basil 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook pizza on kefir in a pan:

  1. Knead a thick dough. If necessary, add a little more flour. The density of the dough may depend on the size of the eggs, the consistency of kefir and mayonnaise. The dough should be like thick sour cream.
  2. Heat up the pan. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Pour out the oil. Put the pan on the fire. Bake covered 3 minutes. While the dough is baking, cut the cheese into slices and the olives into small circles. Finely chop the basil.
  3. Remove the skillet from the heat. Lubricate the resulting workpiece with ketchup, sprinkle with basil, spread the olives, spread the cheese on top.
  4. Cover the skillet with a lid again. Cook 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle the finished pizza with dried basil and serve immediately.

Photo of the original pizza on kefir in a slow cooker

In most cases, kefir pizza dough is soft, tender, reminiscent of pancakes. If you prefer a stiffer base, we recommend making kefir dough that resembles shortcrust pastry. It is more high-calorie, but tasty and crunchy. Try to cook pizza in this case in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the test:

  • kefir 200 g
  • creamy margarine 200
  • flour 2 cups

For filling:

  • hard cheese 50 g.
  • smoked sausage 50 g.
  • ketchup 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mushrooms 2 pcs.
  • olives 5-7 pcs.
  • pinch of oregano

How to cook pizza on kefir in a slow cooker:

  1. Melt margarine. Add kefir and flour. Knead a thick, buttery dough. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut the filling ingredients (sausage, mushrooms, olives) into thin slices. Grate the cheese.
  3. Divide the dough into three equal parts. Roll each part into a layer the size of the bottom of the multicooker. Put the dough on the bottom. Lubricate it with ketchup. Put the sausage, olives and mushrooms. Sprinkle all over with oregano and grated cheese.
  4. Set the mode "Baking" for 30 minutes. Remove the pizza after the beep. Repeat the process. The dough can be frozen and the next part baked later.

Kefir pizza will not replace real Italian pizza on the thinnest yeast dough, but it will help out when you want to quickly and tasty cook something interesting. The advantage of pizza is that a rational hostess with her help manages to use all the leftovers in the refrigerator and build a delicious dish literally from nothing.

Using our tips on how to cook pizza on kefir, you will cook it whenever there is a piece of cheese in the refrigerator, there is a slice from yesterday's meal, there is no time for complex, intricate dishes.

  • Kefir gives the dough elasticity. Kefir pizza dough is plastic and elastic.
  • Excess flour makes the dough tough. It rises poorly and loses its taste.
  • Eggs improve the quality of the dough. If you want to add eggs to the dough, substitute the egg for some of the liquid in the recipe. To do this, break an egg into a glass and add kefir / milk / water to the volume of liquid indicated in the recipe.
  • frying pan before spreading the dough brush with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. The pizza will not stick to the mold.
  • Thin pizza being prepared with a thin layer of filling.
  • Pizza in a pan cooks faster than in the oven. Covered cooking takes 15 minutes.
  • Pizza cooks very quickly. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made products for the filling - sausage, boiled meat, chicken.
  • To make delicious pizza on kefir, do not use only juicy toppings - mushrooms, tomatoes, fresh vegetables. They will give juice and the pizza will be wet.

Pizza cooked on liquid dough has a particularly delicate taste. In addition, it usually takes a little time to prepare it. Be sure to try at least one of the two most popular recipes - and the melt-in-your-mouth cake with juicy filling will not disappoint you.

1. Pizza on liquid yeast-free dough with mushrooms and sausage

It takes only half an hour to create this dish. Of the products you will need:

Salt (teaspoon);

Soda (half a teaspoon);

Kefir (0.5 l);

Flour (1.5 cups);

Sugar (half a teaspoon);

Eggs (2 pcs);

Ground black pepper (to taste).

Whisk eggs with pepper, salt and sugar. Add a little warm kefir and pour soda. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spatula or hands. Then we begin to gradually add flour, without stopping to mix the dough. The result should be a homogeneous mass, resembling thick sour cream in its consistency.

We turn on the oven and, while it heats up, cut the filling into small slices, which will require:

Pickled mushrooms (50 g);

Boiled sausage (preferably dairy or doctor's - 100 g);

Two large fresh tomatoes;

Half of one bell pepper;

Hard cheese (300 g);

One large or two small onions.

Lubricate the pizza mold with oil, pour the dough into it and carefully lay out the prepared filling in this order: sausage, pickled mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, sausage and mushrooms again. Place in preheated oven. After 15 minutes, take it out, sprinkle with bell pepper and grated cheese, and again send it to the oven. After another 15 minutes, the pizza is ready. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

2. Pizza on liquid yeast dough with chicken liver and pickled cucumbers

Due to the presence of yeast in the recipe, the preparation time for this dish is about an hour. To prepare a delicious pizza on batter, you will need:

Sugar (tablespoon);

Eggs (3 pieces at room temperature);

Salt (teaspoon);

Slightly warm milk (half a liter);

Vegetable oil (three tablespoons);

Dry fast acting yeast (teaspoon);

Flour (added to the dough “by eye”).

Mix all the ingredients, except flour, and beat well with a whisk (not a mixer!). We introduce flour into the mixture - it must be added until the dough resembles dough for pancakes in its consistency.

Now we put the dough in a warm place so that it rises a little, and prepare the filling, which will require:

Hard cheese (200 g);

Tomatoes (3 pcs);

Fried chicken liver (200 g);

Pickled cucumbers (three large or five small);

Horseradish (to taste).

Three cheese on a fine grater. Tomatoes, liver and cucumbers cut into cubes. We fill the form with a small amount of dough and evenly distribute the filling over it. Put a small amount of horseradish on top and sprinkle the pizza generously with grated cheese. Bake until done in a preheated oven.

Secrets of delicious pizza on batter

1. Such pizza is always baked in round forms - the dough on the baking sheet may burn or be too “dry”.

2. The baking dish must be lightly greased with butter (butter or vegetable) and sprinkled with a little cornmeal.

3. The baking time depends on the amount of filling - if there is a lot of it, then a delicious pizza on batter will be ready only after 20-30 minutes (the temperature should not exceed 190 degrees); if there is little filling, then it is quite enough to keep the dish in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 220 degrees.

4. Garlic sauce is ideal for this dough, which goes well with any filling.

Pizza batter has several advantages over the classic base. Its preparation saves a lot of time, no need to roll out a cake, staining the table and hands with flour, a minimum set of products is required. In a baked pizza, the batter coats the filling, so it looks appetizing and turns out very juicy.

How to make batter for pizza in the oven?

Required components:

  • 1 egg;
  • 300 g whole grain flour;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 2 g soda slaked with vinegar;
  • 6 g salt.


  1. Using a whisk, beat the egg in a deep cup.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients, except flour, and continue beating.
  3. Pour the pre-sifted flour in small parts, stirring constantly.
  4. When the dough becomes homogeneous, it is left at room temperature for 25 minutes.
  5. The rested dough is poured into a round shape or a baking sheet, previously greased with oil, the filling is placed on top to taste. The form is placed in an oven preheated to 180–200 degrees and cooked for 25–30 minutes.

Useful advice: to determine whether the dough turned out to be the right consistency, just dip a spoon into it. If the mass does not drain, but slowly slides along it, the base is perfectly cooked.

Recipe for cooking in a pan

In a pizza baked in a pan, the cheese will not turn into a crispy crust, but will melt and remain viscous.

Required products:

  • 120 g pancake flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 20 g vegetable oil.

Cooking method.

  1. Combine flour with salt and sift twice.
  2. Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time to soften it. Add to flour and mix well.
  3. Beat in the egg, stir.
  4. All ingredients are poured with slightly warmed milk. Stir until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  5. Pizza in a pan is cooked under the lid for 25 minutes.

Liquid dough for instant pizza

The dough, kneaded in this way, is very tender. The recipe can be used for a quick snack or for treating unexpected guests.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml low-fat milk;
  • 80 g sour cream 15% fat;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 3 g salt;
  • seasonings to taste.

Cooking steps.

  1. The eggs are shaken with a fork in a deep bowl.
  2. Pour milk, add sour cream, salt, spices. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour in the flour and stir well with a fork or whisk, breaking up all the lumps.
  4. Pizza on this basis can be cooked both in a pan and in the oven.

Helpful hint: 1-2 g of curry can be added during the cooking process: the dough will acquire a beautiful shade and a characteristic aroma.

On kefir

Kefir pizza dough is kneaded in a matter of minutes, baked perfectly, it turns out thin and very tasty.

Required products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 ml of kefir 1% fat;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 3 g fine salt;
  • 3 g of soda.

Cooking steps.

  1. Soda is poured into slightly warmed kefir. It is not necessary to extinguish it beforehand, since a sour-milk drink copes with this task.
  2. After 15 minutes, add salt, sugar, flour, stirring constantly.
  3. Before baking, the cup with the resulting dough is left on the table for 20 minutes so that it distances.

Useful advice: kefir batter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days: it will only get better.

on mayonnaise

Mayonnaise batter is the perfect base for a classic pizza with tomatoes, sausage and mozzarella.

Required Components:

  • 1 egg;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 120 g mayonnaise;
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 g salt.


  1. The egg is beaten with salt until fluffy.
  2. Mayonnaise is added to the egg composition.
  3. Pour in the sifted flour, stir.
  4. The resulting mass should resemble the density of the dough for pancakes. If it looks more runny, you can add more flour.

On sour cream

The dough, kneaded with sour cream, is very fluffy and tender. The discussed dish, prepared on this basis, will simply melt in your mouth!

Required products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 220 g flour;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 2 g of soda quenched with vinegar;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 3 g salt.


  1. Sour cream is added to the sifted flour in parts, stirring constantly.
  2. Beat in the eggs while continuing to stir.
  3. Add soda, sugar, salt, stir thoroughly, breaking all the lumps.

Liquid yeast dough for pizza

Kneading the dough according to this recipe is a little more difficult than the yeast-free method, but takes much less time than preparing a traditional pizza base.

Required products:

  • 0.5 l of milk 2.5% fat;
  • 6 g yeast;
  • 5 g of granulated sugar;
  • 40 ml sunflower oil;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 520 g flour.


  1. Milk is slightly heated, yeast is poured into it.
  2. When the yeast swells, stir in sugar and salt, pour oil.
  3. Slowly add flour, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
  4. Leave the dough at room temperature for 15 minutes before baking.

Helpful Hint: In order for the edges of the pizza to rise and become crispy, the topping should not be placed close to the sides of the pan.

Pizza cooked on liquid dough can be combined with absolutely any filling. Mushrooms or wild mushrooms, chicken, sausage, sausages, olives, peppers, tomatoes are suitable for this - you can combine them in any proportions you like. It is only important to know that for such a dish you need to use a certain brand of cheese: mozzarella or parmesan.

It turns out that your favorite pizza can be cooked much faster and easier. It's all about the preparation of the dough. In our recipe, it turns out to be liquid and very tender. Such a batter is prepared very quickly, therefore it acts as a universal option that can be used to treat unexpected guests, and for a fun party, and just for a family snack.

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Soda - 0.25 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Sausage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Mushrooms.

The ingredients are prepared, as the recipe suggests, which means that we can safely start cooking. As for the filling, you can safely change both the quantity, proportions, and the types of products used and use those that you and your family love.

Step by step recipe

  1. Let's start with flour. Well, of course, before that we will prepare a suitable container. So, we sift the flour to make the dough airy.
  2. Next, add kefir to the flour, if you still decide to make dough on kefir and mix everything well. If it is not possible to do it on kefir, for example, it turned out that it simply does not exist, then do it on sour cream or mayonnaise, this will not change the taste of pizza much. It is important that no lumps form at this stage. Of course, they will still appear, so we need to mix quickly and thoroughly. The simplest and most effective way, as the recipe suggests, is to use a mixer, with which we will quickly beat our dough.
  3. Then add the eggs to the bowl. They also need to be well mixed with the resulting mass.
  4. Next in line for preparation is soda, which we quench with vinegar and add to the dough, as the recipe indicates. You should not overdo it with these ingredients, because the dough may not have a very pleasant taste. We mix everything again so that our dough on kefir without yeast turns out to be homogeneous.
  5. Now we take salt and sugar and send it to the total mass. Mix it all well again. Here is our kefir dough and it's ready.
  6. We will do it not in a pan, but in the oven, so we take a baking sheet, grease it with oil and pour our pizza batter.
  7. If you decide to cook pizza in a pan, then we send our dough to it, as the recipe indicates.
  8. The filling is prepared very quickly. Just take the sausage, cut it into cubes or rectangles, preferably not too thick.
  9. Mushrooms pre-boil and also cut them into small pieces.
  10. Onions, as the recipe indicates, we chop, and whoever doesn’t really like onions in dishes can pre-fry them in a pan. Make it just a little, just so that it is not hard on the pizza.
  11. We rub the cheese on a large grater. Do not spare cheese, it gives the dish a certain piquancy and tradition.
  12. If you are making pizza in the oven, then a baking sheet with kefir dough could be put to warm up for a few minutes. In the pan, the same thing, put on fire for just a couple of minutes, as the recipe suggests.
  13. Next, put the filling on the dough in a pan or oven. First, put the sausage, onion and mushrooms and sprinkle with cheese on top. We put it on the fire again so that it is all baked.

Well, our pizza is ready. Here is such a quick and practical recipe for making kefir dough, without yeast, baked in a pan or in the oven.

In addition to the fact that such batter for pizza turns out to be really tasty, it has a lot of other advantages. One of which is the ability to change the cooking recipe by choosing some of the ingredients and the cooking process on your own. In other words, there are no strict limits and restrictions, that is, you can make dough not only on kefir and bake it not only in a pan, but as for the filling, here, in general, you can turn on the whole flight of fancy.

The products for the preparation of our dish are simple, which are in every refrigerator. You can make such a dough both in a pan and in the oven, it's up to you. If done in a pan, then it should not be small, because then the dough will turn out to be thick. In the oven, on the contrary, the dough spreads all over the baking sheet and it turns out thin. Here the recipe does not set restrictions, but gives the right to choose. Our dough will be without yeast, on kefir. After all, it is on kefir that it turns out to be incredibly tender, although it can be easily replaced and the dough can be made on sour cream or mayonnaise. So let's take a look at what we're going to use.

By the way, some people think that cooking in a pan is a little faster, but again, this is all individual and depends on both the pan and the oven.

Try making this pizza dough and choose your option.

If you have never tried to cook pizza on batter, then today you have a great chance to fulfill an old dream. Surprisingly, pizza prepared according to this recipe has a special, incomparable taste. Luxurious, soft and tender pizza dough with juicy and tasty filling cannot but rejoice! Little time? - no problem! Take note of this simple recipe, because it always turns out well! Read on for how to make pizza.


  • all-purpose flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 2 eggs of the highest category;
  • 10 gr. fine salt class "Extra";
  • 5 gr. packaged white sugar;
  • 6 gr. tea soda;
  • a little fragrant black pepper for piquancy (2 pinches).


  • 100 gr. boiled (milk) sausage;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 300 gr. cheese;
  • pickled cucumbers, homemade salting - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 1 onion;
  • salad mayonnaise;
  • frozen greens.

Cooking steps:

1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to mix the eggs thoroughly with salt, sugar and black pepper. It is advisable to use black allspice with peas, as it gives the pizza an even more piquant taste and aroma.

2. Add warm kefir to the above mixture. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and add to the rest of the products.

Mix well with a wooden spatula. There should be no lumps!

3. In the next step, add all-purpose flour.

All the while, keep stirring the dough. In the process of kneading, it will become like a homogeneous thick sour cream.

4. While the oven is preheating, grease a baking dish with oil and pour in the pizza batter.

5. Cut the boiled sausage and pickled cucumbers into cubes.

6. Free the onion from the husk, wash and cut into small cubes.

7. Wash the tomatoes and cut into small slices. Chop frozen greens as finely as possible.

8. Put the prepared filling on the dough in the following order: sausage,


Onions, cucumbers, greens. You can salt a little.

9. Lubricate the surface with mayonnaise and generously sprinkle with grated cheese.

In 30 minutes, an incredibly tasty and fragrant pizza on batter will be ready.

Cut into portions, put on saucers.
