
Panini recipe with ham and cheese. The fastest and easiest snack - panini with ham and cheese

The fastest, because everything happens like this - one, two and you're done. Simple, because you will definitely have the ingredients for panini, and in the right cut, and because it is almost an ordinary sandwich.

And I also want to add that it is also terribly tasty, and even healthy. After all, we will definitely mix healthy and delicious products with even more useful ones.

It's just something about a couple of slices of bread and any layer. This is another quality of panini - versatility.

Well, let's not forget that such an appetizer is indispensable not only during any meal. It is so convenient to take such food with you, and then, if you wish, warm it up at work! Imagine the reaction of hungry guests who suddenly appeared ... Your imagination, a number of the simplest products - and a quick nutritious meal will satiate anyone!

Cooking time: depends on the number of servings, but it took me 15 minutes to dry the bread for one panini

Complexity: zero, especially if you have a store cut


    toast bread - 2 slices

    lettuce leaf - 2 leaves


As a rule, you can buy sliced ​​bread in the store - it’s more pleasant in terms of aesthetics, and in terms of further cooking, and in terms of eating!

In a word, cut the bread thinly. Next, there are several approaches to drying bread. Including a waffle iron, etc. I chose the simplest and fastest - in a pan. We dry it, pressing it with something comfortable, and it will turn out embossed.

Next up is hard cheese. Although I wanted to take mozzarella, I did not have it. We cut thinly.

Don't have ham? Do you have boiled meat or sausage? Let's quickly cut, and also thin circles.

Do not forget to turn the bread, otherwise it will burn, and we will continue.

Tomato is a very important ingredient. If it is not there, there will be no spicy taste. And you don’t have to add salt to our entire structure! Also cut, but not very thin.

Prepare lettuce leaves. I washed them, and they "lie down" a little. Therefore, wash the leaves in advance so that they have time to dry.

That's it, let's put food on one slice without removing the pan from the fire. Let's put the cheese first.

Put a lettuce leaf and a tomato on it.

Cover the tomato with another leaf of lettuce.

Then put a circle of ham and cheese.

We will cover this beauty with a second slice of bread and, slightly pressing down with something even, hold it in a pan so that the cheese does melt. If desired, you can hold it under the lid.

Paninis are the same sandwiches, only even cooler. They are eaten not only by Italians, but also by a lot of people around the world. In the same KFC there is panini, for sure they serve it in other establishments. But if big chains use special equipment to prepare these sandwiches (panini presses), then the average dude needs to be smart, otherwise they will get ordinary, unremarkable sandwiches.

So, how to make panini at home? And why is it pleasant to cook them in our realities? Let's answer the last question first. To make panini, you do not need special bread for, which you will not find in every store. You can use loaves, ordinary bread, and any thing that can be called bread, and more or less dense. The Italians themselves are not particularly worried about this and use what is at hand at a particular moment. So if you see the word "bread" in the recipe, you can use whatever you like.

1. Classic

Ham and cheese are everything. And there is nothing easier than panini with ham and cheese. How to do? We said it's very easy!


- 2 pieces of bread;
- 2 pieces of cheese (use hard);
- 2 pieces of ham;
- fresh basil
- paprika;
- salt;
- pepper.


1. Put ham and basil (a couple of leaves) on a layer of bread, sprinkle with paprika, finish with cheese and pepper, salt. Then we put the final layer of bread.
2. Fry in a pan until golden brown.
3. Panini is ready!

Extremely important advice: In fact, panini should always be flattened. But without a waffle iron or a sandwich maker, this is not easy to achieve. That is why we share our culinary wisdom with you. Listen carefully! When you put your panini on the pan, put some weight on it. For example, a pot of water. Fry on one side (2-4 minutes) - and turned over to the other. Fair and even necessary for all the recipes in the collection.

2. Pear panini

We didn’t eat something, we’ll try another recipe. This time we will cook for two people.


- 4 slices of bread;
- a tablespoon of mustard;
- 6 slices of ham;
- 1 pear (peel and cut thinly);
- a cup of grated cheese (use any, but we recommend mozzarella);
- 2 pinches of black pepper;
- 1 tablespoon margarine.


1. Coat the bread with mustard. Not on every side, of course. Then we put a layer of three slices of ham, half of our pear, a pinch of black pepper and half of the cheese.
2. We close our construction with the last piece of bread and coat the panini with margarine a little on the outside.
3. Heat the pan and cook over medium heat until golden brown. Don't forget to weigh down!

3. Three meats

If you want more meat and less vegetables.


- 4 slices of bread;
- red pepper (which is sweet);
- 4 slices of ham;
- 12 slices of salami (cut into circles);
- 8 pieces of chicken breast (prepare it in advance);
- olive oil;
- salt and pepper.


1. Fry red pepper in a pan, chop it.
2. Rub the bread with olive oil and spread a layer of 2 slices of ham, 6 slices of salami and 4 pieces of chicken breast (they should be small) on our bread base.
3. We complete the design with red pepper and spices.
4. Fry our panini until golden brown.

An even more important tip! As you noticed, we don't use sauces much when making panini. Some dudes put them on Italian sandwiches before frying, which really hurts both the taste and the sauces themselves. Down with this obscurantism, use sauces after cooking! This is how they enrich the taste of panini, and do not turn into a terrible mess. In addition, if you follow our strategy, then the crust of the bread will be crispy (the absence of excess liquid affects).

Bon appetit, friend!

As a snack, you can use not the usual and boring sandwiches, but mouth-watering and original panini. And it's very easy to make them!

What is this dish?

Panini or panino is an analogue of a sandwich familiar to many. This dish belongs to traditional Italian cuisine and is prepared without fail from Italian white bread - ciabatta. And it should be fried, so the result is a hot sandwich. A variety of ingredients can be used as a filling, but in any case, they must be covered with bread on both sides.

How to make panini?

How to cook delicious Italian panini? There are a lot of options, because Italians love variety in everything. Below are some interesting recipes.

Recipe #1

A classic and very popular option is the ham and cheese panini, which makes for a great hearty snack.

For cooking you will need:

  • two pieces of ciabatta;
  • 50 g of ham;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • a few sprigs of fresh basil;
  • paprika and salt.


  1. Cut a slice of ham roughly the size of the slices of bread. Do the same with cheese.
  2. Put the ham on the first slice of bread, put the basil on it, sprinkle with paprika and a little salt (if the ham is salty, then you don’t need to add salt). Next, put a slice of cheese and cover it with a second piece of bread.
  3. Preheat the pan and fry the panini on it, first on one side until a delicious crust, then on the other.

Recipe #2

Prepare gourmet panini with mozzarella, tomato and pesto.

You will need:

  • four slices of ciabatta or white bread;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 100 g mozzarella;
  • two small tomatoes or four cherry tomatoes;
  • basil and salt.

To prepare the pesto sauce:

  • a large bunch of fresh basil;
  • a third of a glass of olive oil;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of pine nuts;
  • 50-70 g parmesan.


  1. First prepare the pesto sauce. To do this, wash and dry the basil, grate the parmesan, peel the garlic. Place all ingredients (except oil) in a blender bowl and grind, optionally until perfectly smooth. Then add olive oil and whisk in the sauce.
  2. Brush all four slices of bread generously with pesto.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into slices, like mozzarella.
  4. On two slices of bread, first lay the tomatoes, then the cheese, put a little basil on top. Next, cover the sandwiches with the second halves of bread and fry on both sides in a pan with butter to achieve a clear ruddy.

Recipe #3

An almost complete hearty dish will be panini with chicken and mushrooms.

The list of ingredients is:

  • eight slices of bread;
  • 150 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g fresh mushrooms, for example, champignons;
  • eight incomplete tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a little vegetable oil
  • salt, ground pepper.


  1. First of all, prepare the filling. To do this, rinse the chicken fillet, cut into strips or thin slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken until golden brown, then simmer until cooked through, season with salt and pepper at the end.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and also fry, adding a little salt.
  3. Grease all slices of bread from the inside with mayonnaise. Place chicken and mushrooms on four. Lay the remaining bread slices on top.
  4. Fry panini on each side until crispy and browned.

Recipe #4

Delicious and tender panini with salmon.

Here's what you need to prepare:

  • two slices of white bread;
  • 50 g mozzarella;
  • 50 g lightly salted salmon;
  • a few leaves of lettuce or arugula;
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise.


  1. Take the first piece of bread, grease it with half of the mayonnaise you have. Next, cut the salmon and lay the slices on the bread. Place the cheese cut into rings on top, and lettuce leaves on it (tearing them is optional and even undesirable).
  2. Lubricate the second slice of bread with mayonnaise, cover the sandwich with it.
  3. Fry panini on both sides without oil in a hot frying pan. An expressive ruddy should appear, in this case the bread will be covered with a crust and it will be nice to crunch.

Recipe number 5

If you take a break from appetizers and experiment with desserts, you can make amazing sweet paninis with bananas and chocolate. For this you will need:

  • four slices of a loaf;
  • two small, fairly ripe bananas;
  • 50-70 g of chocolate (it is best to use bitter);
  • 5-10 g butter.

Process description:

  1. Chocolate must be melted either in the microwave or in a water bath.
  2. Spread softened chocolate on two slices of loaf.
  3. Cut bananas either into rings or strips, place on bread and cover with the remaining slice.
  4. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the panini in it until golden brown. This dessert is best served hot so that the chocolate remains melted.

Helpful tips for housewives:

  • If you couldn't find Italian ciabatta in the store, don't despair. Ordinary yeast white bread or a loaf is quite suitable, the taste will turn out to be just as excellent.
  • Traditionally, panini is grilled, but a more familiar and affordable option is to use a frying pan. And if you have a waffle maker or a sandwich maker, then the task is greatly simplified, because using such devices you can cook everything quickly and achieve the perfect crisp.
  • If you want the bread to be tender, and the filling soft and hot, then after a quick frying on both sides, cover the pan with a lid and sweat the panini over low heat for just a couple of minutes.
  • To keep the panini from falling apart and being more crispy, it is best to use bread crusts.
  • It is recommended to fry panini without oil. But if you lightly grease the bottom of the pan with olive oil, then the appetizer will turn out to be more tender and fragrant.
  • Try experimenting with toppings and use whatever foods you have: vegetables, mushrooms, fish, meat, various cheeses, and even fruits and berries.

Please and surprise your loved ones with such an appetizing and unusual appetizer as Italian panini.

Feb 11, 2017 Olga

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

8 slices white bread

2 tbsp butter

200 g mozzarella

2 tomatoes

2 tbsp pesto

Fresh basil leaves to taste

Cooking method: Spread 4 slices of bread with pesto. Cut mozzarella and tomatoes into thin slices. Arrange the tomato slices on the pesto halves and top with the mozzarella. Then, if desired, you can put basil leaves on top and cover each sandwich with the second half of the bread. Then heat the pan and fry the panini in butter for 3 minutes on each side.

Panini with ham and cheese

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

2 slices of white bread

2 pieces of cheese

2 pieces of ham

4 fresh basil leaves

Paprika, salt, ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method: Place a layer of bread, a layer of ham, 2 basil leaves, sprinkle paprika on top, then add cheese, basil and a slice of bread on top. Salt and pepper as desired. Next, fry the panini in a frying pan with butter until golden brown. If you have a waffle maker or sandwich maker, you can use that.

Panini with salmon

Ingredients (4 servings):

Ciabatta bread or small bun

130 g mozzarella

40 g lightly salted salmon

fresh basil leaves

Lettuce (such as romaine)

Cooking method: First, lightly dry the ciabatta in the oven until crispy. Cut in half so that one end is intact. Spread the bread with mayonnaise and finely chopped basil sauce. Put thin slices of salmon and mozzarella inside. Then toast in a skillet or sandwich maker to melt the cheese a little. After that, put a lettuce leaf inside.

Panini with fried egg

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

2 slices of bread

3 art. spoons of grated cheese

1 fried egg

2 strips of fried bacon

Butter to taste

Lettuce leaves to taste

Salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method: Preheat a frying pan or sandwich maker. Spread 2 slices of bread with butter. Turn one piece over the other side, sprinkle with grated cheese, put bacon and a fried egg on top. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover with lettuce and the other half of the bread. The bread should be buttered out. Fry panini until golden brown.

Chocolate panini

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

Bread "Ciabatta"

½ cup nut or almond butter

2 tbsp. spoons of honey

200 g chocolate

2 tbsp melted butter

1 teaspoon cloves

¼ teaspoon salt

Cooking method: Cut the bread into several rectangles. Mix nut butter, honey, salt and cloves. For each slice of bread, distribute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the resulting mixture. Spread the chocolate on top and cover with the second half. Then spread melted butter on top of the bread and fry in a pan until the chocolate melts.
