
Recipe for sauerkraut with Antonov apples. Sauerkraut with apples

You can't imagine! It goes well with any side dish, with any meat or fish dishes, and also as an independent dish with strong drinks. It would seem that such a juicy and bright appetizer can no longer be embellished with anything, but it is worth adding a couple of sweet Duchess apples when pickling cabbage, and its taste will sparkle with new facets!
Such a duo combines pickled apples and sauerkraut, but unlike whole soaked real apples, these apple slices can be served as early as 4-5 days after salting, rather than waiting a whole month before tasting. So, watch and remember how sauerkraut with instant apples is prepared.

You will need for a 3 liter jar:
-1.5 kg of white cabbage;
- 1-2 carrots;
- 5-6 pcs. apples
- 1 tbsp granulated sugar;
- 2 tablespoons salt.

From the cabbage, remove the upper leaves that protect the forks from damage and rinse it. Cut in half and chop in any way convenient for you: thin, coarse, etc. You can use a special device for shredding cabbage - it is inexpensive and is sold in the store.

Then peel the carrots and rinse in water. Grate into a container with chopped cabbage on a coarse grater. If you like more carrots in sauerkraut - peel and grate a few more root vegetables - it all depends on your taste.

Then rinse the apples in water and cut them open to remove the seeds. The most ideal variety for sourdough is Duchess. In the absence of such apples, you can add any other sweet and sour varieties.

Add the peeled apple quarters to the bowl. Mix everything with a little pressure.

Add salt and granulated sugar. Stir again so that the spices are evenly distributed over the slices.

If you wish, you can put the whole mass either in a 3-liter jar, or fill 1 jars with it - it all depends on how quickly you eat such an appetizer. It is recommended to fill the jars to the shoulders, as the cabbage will still ferment.

Then fill the jar with cold water, leaving about two fingers from the surface.

Seal the jar with a plastic lid and take it out to the balcony or cellar. Every day, open the lid and pierce the cabbage to the bottom of the jar to release carbon dioxide, which will soon begin to actively form in the jar. If this is not done, then your snack will be bitter. Sauerkraut will be ready in 4-5 days.

When taking it out, first rinse the cabbage in a colander, and then pour it with vegetable oil and serve it to the table, garnishing with pickled apples. Also try to prepare

The rich taste of sauerkraut with a slight taste of sweet and sour apples, combined with a slightly carbonated brine, seems to take us back to the very depths of Russian traditions. Cooking such cabbage is very easy, although not very fast. Its purpose can also be very diverse. Sauerkraut with apples can be an independent snack, as a salad ingredient, or as a light vegetable side dish for meat.

Of course, the result of efforts depends on the state of the main ingredient - cabbage. It should be firm, not sluggish, juicy, preferably late varieties. It is desirable to choose carrots juicy and sweet. Sweet and sour apples are ideal, for example, the Simirenko variety.

My cabbage, remove the top 2-3 leaves, or more if they are damaged. With a sharp knife cut the cabbage into long thin strips. If you are not good enough at manual cutting techniques, you can use a food processor.

We shift the cabbage into a deep container, pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt (with a slide), and mix thoroughly with your hands. Along the way, you need to press the cabbage well so that it releases juice, the more - the better.

Three carrots on a grater, or cut into circles. In the first case, carrots will slightly color the cabbage, and give it a pinkish tint. In the second case, the cabbage will remain snow-white. Mix the carrots with the cabbage and press again with your hands.

In apples, we remove only the core, do not peel the peel. Cut apples into thin slices.

Now add apples to the saucepan with cabbage, and mix gently.

Next, you need to install a press on top so that the cabbage is covered with its own juice. This is easy to do - you just need to put a plate on top of the cabbage, smaller in diameter than the pan. Place a load on top, for example, a container of water. In this form, the cabbage is fermented in a warm place for 3-4 days. Several (5-6) times a day you need to pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick. In this way, gases come out, and the cabbage will not be bitter. The resulting foam must be removed. After 3-4 days we try the cabbage, if it is ready, we put it in a cold place.

Before serving, you can fill with unrefined sunflower oil, onions or green onions, fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

Who among us does not like to crunch on sauerkraut for dinner with a favorite dish, such as mashed potatoes and a cutlet. And if it is sauerkraut with apples, then the taste of such a dish will become brighter and juicier. If you have the opportunity, be sure to add green apples when pickling! At the same time, the taste of sauerkraut is not lost, but is revealed even more. After proper preparation, the workpiece can be stored for at least a month in the cold, and sometimes more if you do not eat it before that time. Remember that only late varieties of cabbage can be fermented, since summer varieties are softer and turn into porridge when fermented.


  • 1 fork of cabbage (1.5-2 kg)
  • 1-2 large carrots
  • 3-4 large green apples
  • 5-5.5 tbsp salt
  • water - how much will it take


1. Let's clear the cabbage forks from the upper leaves, which play only a protective role. We cut it in half or into quarters and chop coarsely or finely - depending on your aesthetic taste and skill.

2. Put the cabbage slices in a deep bowl.

3. Peel the carrots, rinsing in water, and grate with large cells directly on the cabbage slices.

4. Cut each apple into four parts, cut off the seed blocks from them and rinse in water, cut into slices and add to the bowl.

5. Pour salt. We will not add sugar.

6. Gently wash all cuts with salt with our hands, trying to distribute it evenly. If you like to first create a brine, and then pour cabbage with it, then dilute the indicated amount of salt in 1.5 liters of cold water. After stirring, the cabbage slices will release juice.

7. Gently move the entire contents of the bowl into a three-liter jar, trying to compact it as tightly as possible. In no case will we fill the jar to the brim - we will only fill it up to the shoulders, since the workpiece will “wander” during the pickling process.

8. After that, pour cold water into the jar, but also up to the shoulders so that it slightly covers the contents of the jar. You only need to pour cold water! You can directly from the tap.

9. Place the jar with the contents in a wide bowl and leave for three days at room temperature. Every day, we will pierce the workpiece to the bottom twice with a long wooden skewer, knife or knitting needle, releasing air bubbles. If this is not done, then the carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process will “give” bitterness to the cabbage and the harvest will turn out to be tasteless!

10. After three days, seal the jar with the contents with a lid with holes and drain the liquid into a saucepan or saucepan.

Sauerkraut with apples is considered a traditional Russian dish. Although this dish is attributed to their own and other countries, for example, Belarus, Poland and Germany.

It is likely that each of us has tried sauerkraut, and more than once. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook it correctly. Today we will know exactly how it is done. Here are some recipes. You can already choose the option you like.

Sauerkraut with apples is a very healthy dish. It contains a lot of vitamin C, lactobacilli and other trace elements. It is great as a snack, for example, with mashed potatoes. There are approximately 20 kcal in 100 grams of the product. Therefore, if sauerkraut is properly sauerkraut for the winter, such a meal is dietary. You can eat it without fear of gaining extra pounds. So, we proceed directly to the creation of this healthy, low-calorie meal.

Sauerkraut with apples - a classic recipe

This cooking option is one of the most popular, due to the simple cooking method and spicy taste. Now we will tell you how sauerkraut with apples is made.

Cooking Ingredients:

5 kg of white cabbage;

300 g apples (preferably sour);

120 g of salt;

2. Then clean the cabbage from the top leaves, chop.

3. Peel the carrots, grate (preferably large).

4. Remove the core from the apples, cut into slices or halves.

5. Mix cabbage with salt and carrots. Grind well with your hands in a large bowl or on the table until the juice appears.

6. Then add apples and mix again.

7. Prepare the dishes, put the cabbage into it. Seal it well.

8. Put a load on top, then leave it in the room for about a day.

9. Several times a day, pierce the cabbage to the very bottom with a fork or rolling pin so that the air “comes out”.

10. After the gas emission stops, you can rearrange the cabbage in a cool place. For example, in the cellar or on the balcony.

11. Throughout the whole process of pickling, you need to make sure that the cabbage is always covered with brine.

12. In a few days (three to six), sauerkraut with apples will be ready. Bon appetit!

Some interesting additions for cooking

Sauerkraut with whole apples is also a good snack option. Such a meal is prepared in exactly the same way. But apples, as you understand, are put whole after the cabbage is packed into a prepared container. It's best when she starts the juice.

Sauerkraut with apples will be quite tasty if you add cranberries. When you tamp the vegetable into a jar, you can pour in the berries. After that, you need to mix everything well. For five kilograms of cabbage, you need about 100 grams of cranberries.

1. Now let's give some general advice. Late varieties of cabbage are suitable for pickling. It is better to sour in strong barrels, glass pans.

2. If the cabbage is sauerkraut for the winter on the right days of the month, it will turn out crispy. You need to salt it on the growing moon, on the fifth day after the new moon.

3. It is advisable to cook cabbage on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

4. Sauerkraut with apples will be even tastier if you add cumin, cinnamon, bitter or allspice. By the way, you can also put a few bay leaves in a jar.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to properly prepare sauerkraut with apples. Do everything according to our recommendations, and you will get a crispy snack. If you wish, you can slightly modify the recipe, but in this case you need to be very careful. Good luck experimenting and bon appetit!
