
Xu recipe at home. Homemade strawberry liqueur

Strawberry liqueur is well known to connoisseurs of alcohol. Many people love it as an independent drink, but cocktails with its use have received no less popularity. Cooks do not bypass this drink, it is used for desserts, as impregnations for cakes and as a component in fillings.

Strawberry liqueur cake is best made on a homemade drink

Such a delicacy is quite expensive in supermarkets, but it will cost much less if you make it at home. Strawberry liqueur at home comes out fragrant, tasty even for those who have not been involved in its manufacture before, and the cost of the drink is several times lower than those offered by supermarkets.

Sufficiently strong (15–75%), strawberry liqueur does not always stand for a long time. Its shelf life depends on what additional components were used.

Drink Features

Let's name the main characteristics of the drink:

  • This is alcohol based on strawberries, sugar and vodka; moonshine, alcohol, cognac, brandy or whiskey can also be used instead of vodka.
  • Many additions are added to the main ingredients, but all of them can be divided into three types:
  1. fruits: bananas, berries, lime, etc.;
  2. dairy products: condensed milk, cream, milk chocolate;
  3. spices: cloves, vanilla, mint.

Liqueurs prepared with the addition of raw fruits, dairy products, and other perishable ingredients cannot be stored for a long time.

Strawberries are a common berry, and therefore you can experiment when preparing liquor.

Basic strawberry liqueur recipe

To prepare a drink according to a traditional recipe, it takes at least 2 weeks and you will need:

  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Strawberries - 500 g;
  • Lemon (large) - ½;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Water - 200 ml.

Before starting to make strawberry liqueur, berries are prepared at home: they are sorted out, rejecting all spoiled, rotten and immature ones. Then wash and dry completely.

In a clean jar (suitable for 3 liters), berries cut in half are put, they can be slightly kneaded, poured with vodka.

The juice from half a lemon is added to the resulting mixture, the contents of the jar are thoroughly mixed.

The jar is closed, sent to the windowsill (in the sun), where it stands for 7-10 days. During this time, the vodka will get a rich strawberry color. Then it is poured into a separate container, and sugar is added to the jar.

The container is again sent to the windowsill, shaking occasionally. This is necessary so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

After 2-3 days, there will be no sugar crystals left, and there will be a lot of juice in the jar. The prescribed amount of water at room temperature is poured into it, everything is well mixed, and then the juice is drained, and the berries are squeezed (also into juice).

Alcohol from the refrigerator is added to the treated liquid and everything is mixed. The prepared drink is insisted for another 5 days on a sunny windowsill, and then the sediment is drained.

Strawberry homemade liqueur is left to strain through several layers of gauze, and it is ready to drink.

Such a drink can be made on vodka, purified moonshine of the desired strength, or on alcohol, however, it is also possible on rum or cognac.

You can store liquor made according to this recipe for up to 2 years in a dark, cool place (up to +16).

Popular "Xu-Xu" at home

This is a well-known German drink “Xu-Xu” or “Xu-Xu”, if you buy it in a supermarket, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Homemade "Ksyu-Ksyu" can turn out even better than the purchased one - everything is in your hands

But cooking at home can save a lot of money. For cooking you will need:

  • Fresh, but frozen is also suitable, strawberries - 500 g
  • Quality vodka - 750 ml;
  • Lime - 1 pc. (100g);
  • Granulated sugar (large) - 400 g.

This is a very quick recipe, the drink is prepared in 20 minutes.

Washed berries, sugar and lime juice are crushed in a blender, and then the resulting puree is rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the strawberry pits.

Then the mass is again poured into a blender and alcohol is added. The mixture is shaken again.

After it is desirable to bottle, let stand for 2-3 days. Liquor will get the desired taste, but you can immediately pour into glasses and drink.

Strawberry liqueur on several types of alcohol

Strawberry liqueur is one of the ingredients of the popular Daiquiri cocktail, but the drink itself can be made with several types of alcohol. This will take 2 months of time and the following products:

  • Fresh berry - 1 kg;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Rum - 350 ml;
  • Sugar - 500 g.

The preparation is very simple, so it will not be possible to spoil the product.

  1. Rum and vodka are mixed in a separate container.
  2. Pour into a blender, add sugar. Everyone stirs.
  3. Berries are washed and dried. Then cut into several pieces, put in a glass container.
  4. Pour the prepared berry with a mixture of alcohol and sugar, close the lid.
  5. Place the container in a cool place for 2 months, remembering to shake after 2-3 days.
  6. Having taken it out of the cellar after the allotted time, the liquor is strained, bottled.
  7. You can store it up to 6 months, but in the refrigerator.

Drink with added dairy products

This quick strawberry liqueur recipe allows you to taste a delicious, aromatic drink immediately after preparation, but it cannot be stored for a long time.

For milk and strawberry you will need:

  • Condensed milk - 150 g;
  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - 500 g;
  • Good quality vodka - 200 ml.

You just need to rinse the berries, add condensed milk to them and beat everything in a blender.

Then pour alcohol into the resulting mass and beat everything again.

Tip: you can not take condensed milk with the addition of vegetable fats, an ugly film will appear on the liquor.

The drink is ready, you can treat your guests to it.

Strawberry liqueurs with spices

Spices are often added to fragrant strawberries, and lemon is sure to be added to balance the taste.

  • Berries - 500 g;
  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - sand - 400g;
  • Lemon - ¼ (zest and juice);
  • Mint - 1 branch;
  • Vanilla - 1/3 pod;
  • Water - 1 cup (250 ml).

Before you make strawberry liqueur at home according to this recipe, you need to find the right spices, vanilla will need pod - this will make the taste rich, but not cloying. If not, you can try with 2-3 carnation buds, or tea rose petals, cherry leaves.

Ready berries are placed in a glass container and vodka is added, everything is shaken well. Send the jar to a dark warm place, after closing the lid and then shake it periodically.

After 3 weeks, the container is taken out of the utility room, the liquid is drained.

Separately, the syrup is boiled from water and sugar, spices, lemon zest are put in it, boiled for 3 minutes, and then insisted for 4 hours under the lid.

The infusion is filtered and mixed with strawberry alcohol from a jar of berries, lemon juice is added to the resulting mixture, everything is mixed again.

If the liquor is allowed to brew for 2 days, it will be even tastier.

This drink keeps well.

Strawberry liqueurs with fruits

Liqueurs prepared with fruit should be drunk immediately; they are not suitable for long-term storage.

Delicious strawberry banana liqueur

  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Strawberries - 150 g;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Vodka - 250 g;
  • Water - 100 ml.

Cut the banana into large pieces, mix with strawberries and pour into a glass jar. Top with vodka.

Cork the jar, shake occasionally for 2 weeks. Then strain and squeeze lightly.

Now we cook the syrup from sugar and water, let it cool. It remains only to mix the tincture of strawberries and bananas with the cooled syrup.

Before serving the prepared drink to guests, it should be infused for 4-5 days.

Little tricks

  • If there is no blender, you can skip the strawberries through a regular meat grinder, and then rub through a sieve so that there are no seeds.
  • Fresh strawberries, before pouring alcohol, must be thoroughly dried. It shouldn't have water on it.
  • Spoiled berries must be thrown away, they spoil the taste of the drink.
  • All recipes for strawberry liqueur require an alcohol content of at least 40%.
  • If there are few strawberries, they can be supplemented with strawberries, these liqueurs are very fragrant, with a rich taste. Other berries are also added, a delicious drink comes out with the addition of cherries, gooseberries, red and white currants.

Since it is easy even for a novice cook to make strawberry liqueur at home, strawberry liqueurs are used for a variety of cocktails and as an addition to desserts, they have a wide range of uses in cooking.

Strawberry liqueurs can be purchased at the store, the undisputed leader is the German brand Xu-Xu (Xu-Xu), or you can make your own from fresh or frozen berries. The second option is more natural and cheaper, and both drinks taste almost the same. We will look at step-by-step technology on how to make strawberry liqueur at home using a simple recipe.

For strawberry liqueur, I advise you to choose a high-quality alcohol base. It can be vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, rum, cognac or gin. It is better to refuse poorly cleaned moonshine so as not to spoil the pleasant aroma.


  • vodka (alcohol, cognac) - 1 liter;
  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

strawberry liqueur recipe

1. Sort ripe strawberries, throwing out rotten and moldy fruits, wash well, remove the stalks. Berries cut into two parts.

Defrost frozen strawberries first, then cut and add to the infusion container along with the thawed liquid, otherwise the aroma will be weaker.

2. Pour the berries into a jar or glass bottle, pour vodka (other alcohol), close the lid tightly. Alcohol should cover a layer of berries by at least 2-3 cm, if necessary, pour in more vodka than indicated in the recipe. In the process of infusion, the level of alcohol will decrease, this is normal.

3. Put the jar in a sunny place (on the windowsill) for 14-16 days. Shake once a day.

4. Strain the strawberry infusion portion through three layers of gauze. Press the pulp well.

5. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat, removing white foam. Then cool the syrup to room temperature.

6. Mix strawberry infusion and cold sugar syrup. Pour the resulting drink into bottles. The liqueur is almost ready, but aging is needed to improve the taste.

7. Transfer the container for 7 days to a dark place at room temperature. After aging, you can taste.

The shelf life of homemade strawberry liqueur away from direct sunlight is up to 2 years. Fortress - 14-16%.

If sediment or turbidity appears, filter through cotton wool.

Strawberry liqueur appeared among the assortment of low-alcohol drinks relatively recently, but has already managed to gain considerable popularity and attract an impressive audience of fans. The drink can be easily prepared on your own at home, which we will talk about today in our recipes.

How to make strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu - a recipe at home on vodka


  • ripe sweet strawberries - 550 g;
  • vodka - 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 270 g;
  • lemon - 110 g;
  • purified water - 200 ml.


Taking up the preparation of liquor, the first thing to do is prepare the strawberries properly. We wash the berries, let them drain and dry a little, after which we rid them of the sepals and cut them into two or four longitudinal parts, depending on the size. We put the berry mass in a glass liter jar, fill it with vodka (necessarily of high quality) and add squeezed lemon juice. We shake the contents of the vessel a little, and then cover it with a nylon lid and place it on a sunny windowsill for a week or a maximum of ten days.

After a while, the liquid infusion is carefully poured into another container, and the remaining strawberry pulp is mixed in the same jar with granulated sugar, shaken and let stand for a couple more days until all the sweet crystals dissolve, periodically shaking the mixture.

After a while, we drain the top layer of syrup from the jar without sediment, and then add purified and settled water to the pulp, shake the mixture a little and drain the liquid again, adding it to the syrup. Now we combine the originally drained infusion with the sweet base of the liquor, pour everything into a clean bowl and leave it to infuse for another five days. At the end, we drain the ready-made strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu from the sediment, filter it additionally and we can taste it.

How to make quick homemade Xu-Xu strawberry liqueur with lime juice?


  • ripe sweet strawberries - 620 g;
  • vodka - 360 ml;
  • granulated sugar (optional) - 110 g;
  • lime juice - 100 ml;
  • purified water - 100 ml.


This variant of the preparation of Xu-Xu liquor involves the use of crushed strawberries for the preparation of liquor. To do this, wash the berries, remove the sepals and grind with a blender. If desired, add granulated sugar, break through the mass again and let all the crystals dissolve. Now we mix the resulting berry mass with lime juice, after which we pour purified cold, high-quality vodka into the resulting mixture and mix. Pour the resulting mixture into bottles and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Once the liqueur has cooled, you can taste it, or use it to make cocktails or various desserts with it.

How to drink strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu?

Strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu can be served on its own, supplementing the drink with ice cubes in its pure form or putting frozen strawberries in a glass. In addition, delicious original ones are prepared on the basis of such a liquor. We offer a couple of recipes for such cocktails below.

Xu-Xu strawberry liqueur and champagne cocktail


  • strawberry liqueur Xu-Xu - 55 ml;
  • - 110 ml;
  • lime juice - 15 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste;
  • strawberries and lime wedge for serving.


To prepare a cocktail, mix Xu-Xu liqueur and champagne, add a little lime juice, pour the drink into a glass and add fresh strawberries, a lime wedge and ice cubes.

Xu-Xu strawberry liqueur cocktail with banana

Liquor Xuxu Strawberry Vodka

XuXu (Xu Xu) is a German strawberry liqueur. Appeared not so long ago - in 1997, but has already gained great popularity. Xu Xu has a bright red color and a pleasant strawberry flavor. Moderately sweet, lime juice gives it a slight citrus sourness. The strength of the drink is 15%.

The glory of the drink was brought by its unusual manufacturing technology: sugar is not used for production, and the content of strawberries in it is more than 65%. At the same time, the official website says that only natural ingredients are used for it. However, this is some cunning on the part of the Bavarian company "Georg Hemmeter": its liquor still contains one dye - E129, which gives the drink a "strawberry" color.

Types of Xuxu

Xuxu Strawberry Vodka

Ingredients: crystal clear vodka with strawberries and lime juice. It has a bright raspberry color and rich berry aroma. It has a characteristic strawberry sweet taste. Has a strength of 15%. Sold in branded bottles of 500 ml.

Xuxu Erdbeerdrink 1l

The fortress of this type is 15%. The approximate price of 1 liter of Xuxu is 750 rubles.

Xuxu Ten

10% strawberry liqueur version. Produced in a small aluminum bottle of 250 ml. You can buy it in duty free, the price of Xuxu liquor at the time of publication is €5 or 225 rubles.

Did you know?
Where and how to buy alcohol at night without breaking the law?

What to drink with?

As an independent drink, it is served pre-cooled to 10 °. Often used in the creation of fruit desserts and ice creams. But most often Xu Xu is used in cocktails. Among the most popular cocktails with strawberry XuXu are mixes with champagne or other sparkling wine.

Strawberry liqueur xuxu (popularly known as xu or xu) of German production has a bright, opaque, rich raspberry tone, has a strength of 15 °. It is a sweet and pleasant tasting berry liquor. The manufacturer - "Georg Hemmeter" included vodka, strawberries, lime juice in the recipe, and food coloring E129 is used for color stability. But no matter how natural it is, it is still an unnecessary component that negatively affects health, and reasonable winemakers refuse it when producing xu xu liquor at home.

Drink Features

The original German alcohol is produced without sugar and is additionally colored with a “charming red” (official name E129) dye (as in the photo), and this is how it differs from a drink made at home.

After all, few winemakers will dare to include such additives in the recipe and refuse to sweeten the alcoholic product.

The second difference between factory and homemade alcohol: the original one also gives color to cocktails, while the homemade drink does not, but its strawberry flavor and aroma will be more pronounced. But the home-made xuxu liquor retained its main feature: it is recommended to drink from glassware, with ice, undiluted or added to champagne, chilled to 13 ° C - then it reveals its full bouquet.

Selection of ingredients

It's no secret that if you want to get a delicious alcoholic product at home, the ingredients must be of the highest class.

  • For liquor, it is worth taking high-quality alcohol, the strength of which does not exceed 45 ° (alcohol is diluted). Vodka (or well-purified moonshine), cognac, rum is suitable as a basis - the main thing is that its degree should not be higher, and the taste and smell should not interrupt the strawberries in the end.
  • Berries are chosen only ripe, whole, elastic, without spots and sour or other unpleasant odor. Ideally, these are homemade strawberries that have ripened in dry, sunny weather - they are sweet and not watery.
  • An orange-colored lime resembles a lemon-tangerine flavor, there is no bitterness in it, and a fruit of a green or yellow-green palette will traditionally be sour-bitter and can be replaced with lemon.

Recipe #1

It does not require an acidifier. The homemade recipe includes:

  • vodka or other alcohol (1000 ml);
  • strawberries (1 kg);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • settled boiled water (500 ml).

Making XuXu liqueur at home is done in 5 stages.

  1. The berries are sorted, washed, allowed to drain, then the stalks are removed. Strawberries should be cut in half, and large varieties - lengthwise into 3-4 parts, put in a 3-liter glass jar.
  2. Berries are poured with alcohol prepared for the base, covered with a lid. The alcohol liquid should be 2-3 cm over the strawberries.
  3. The container with the ingredients is placed on the windowsill and kept for 2 weeks, the swollen lid is removed, the gas is released, and covered again. Then the strawberries are separated from the vodka, filtered through a sieve, the alcohol is additionally filtered so that there are no berry seeds.
  4. Make syrup: sugar is dissolved in a saucepan with water, put on fire. It should boil slowly for 5 minutes, it is necessary to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, remove from heat, let cool to 20 ° C.
  5. Combine vodka infused with strawberries with sugar syrup, mix thoroughly and bottle. Insist should be in a dark place for 7 days at room temperature.

Strawberry liqueur is stored at home in a bar for 1.5–2 years. Serve and drink should be the same as the original. In appearance, it resembles wine made from pink grape varieties, with a strength of 14–18 °, but the taste is sweet, slightly viscous, without sourness, and by insisting strawberries in the sun (on the windowsill), the winemaker gets a more saturated color of alcohol (photo attached).

Recipe number 2 with lemon


  • 0.5 l 40° alcohol;
  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 200 ml of settled water;
  • 250 g (or less) sugar;
  • juice from half a lemon.

Recipe for homemade strawberry liqueur XuXu with lemon:

  1. Wait until water drains from the washed, sorted strawberries, remove the stalks, put them whole in a 2 liter jar.
  2. Mix vodka with lemon juice, add to strawberries (berries should be submerged). Close the container with a lid, put on the windowsill.
  3. Strawberries are kept in vodka for 14 days (it will become faded, and the alcohol will be colored), filtered (do not squeeze!) So that there are no seeds, poured into a hermetically sealed bottle for storage, left in the refrigerator.
  4. Strawberries, on which vodka was infused, are put back into the jar, sugar is added, covered and insisted for 3 days, shaking the contents daily. Berries do not deform!
  5. The resulting strawberry syrup is drained, water is added to the jar, rinsed, filtered, everything is combined with vodka from the refrigerator.
  6. Leave the bottle of liquor for 5 days until the sediment settles. Gently filtered - alcohol is ready to drink.

This is a classic recipe and the output is very similar to the original XuXu liquor, with sourness, but moderately sweet.


Strawberry liqueur xu can be made at home using frozen berries. The taste, aroma and color of the alcoholic beverage does not change from this. Regarding proportions: in the original XuXu liquor, the manufacturer puts strawberries 65% of the volume of alcohol, and does not add sugar at all. But those who like to drink homemade drinks look for their perfect recipe, and then delight guests with new types of alcohol and share photos of the resulting product on the Internet. Join now!
