
Puff pastry envelope recipe. Puff pastry envelopes stuffed with minced meat recipe with photo

Sometimes you really want to taste something delicious, but there is no time to prepare an intricate cake or pastries. This situation often occurs. A good housewife always has frozen puff pastry in store for such cases, which will allow you to quickly prepare some kind of pastry. Most housewives buy it in the store, and some do it themselves.

However, the cooking process requires a lot of effort, so most often women prefer the first option, although they realize that homemade dough is much healthier than its purchased counterpart. It allows you to cook various pastries: sweet and savory. Every housewife has a similar recipe in stock.

In stores, you can find two types of puff pastry: with or without yeast. The first type is best used for sweet muffins (croissants, puffs, envelopes), the second - for savory pastries (sausages in dough, pies, kurniks, pies).

Their taste qualities are not much different, but the first type rises more and has a characteristic sour smell during baking. The yeast-free dough has more layers and they are more clearly defined.

Puff pastry with apples


  1. Defrost the dough, leaving it for a while in the room. Cut it into squares of the same size;
  2. Wash the apples, remove the core from them and peel. Cut fruit into small flat pieces. It is important that the apple pieces are smaller than the base in order to securely close the edges and form envelopes;
  3. Roll each piece of apple in sugar and place on the base. Fold the envelopes, for which fasten the sides opposite each other diagonally;
  4. Lubricate the envelopes with cold water and transfer to a baking sheet. Bake twenty minutes.

After baking, pastries can be decorated with powdered sugar, confectionery sprinkles or icing. To prepare the glaze, you need to take a few tablespoons of milk and sugar. Mix everything, place on the burner until the sugar melts. When the icing has cooled, you can coat the pastries with it.

Traditional envelopes with cottage cheese

  • Yeast frozen semi-finished product - 1 pack;
  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • Semolina - 25 grams;
  • Granulated sugar - 25 grams.

How to cook:

  1. Mix cottage cheese, semolina, sugar well;
  2. Defrost and cut the dough into squares of the same size, each side should be equal to ten centimeters. Spread the filling and interlock the corners of the squares in the form of an envelope;
  3. The baking process should last twenty minutes, the oven should be preheated to 200 degrees.

Before laying baking on a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil. Another option involves using baking parchment.

Sweet pastries with jam

  • Yeast puff pastry - 200 grams;
  • Flour - 30 grams;
  • Jam - 300 grams.


  1. Defrost and roll out the dough, cut it into equal squares. Their size should be ten by ten centimeters. Pre-sprinkle the table with flour so that the envelopes do not stick;
  2. Place one teaspoon of jam in the middle and roll up, fastening opposite corners together;
  3. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the envelopes there and keep in the oven for twenty minutes.

If the jam for the filling is liquid, then it must first be mixed with flour or starch. If this is not done, then during baking, the liquid filling will leak out, and the pastries will be spoiled.

Tender chicken wraps

  • Yeast-free frozen semi-finished product - 1 pack;
  • Chicken fillet - 400 grams;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 2 pieces;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 10 grams;
  • Salt and pepper.

How to cook:

    1. While the dough is defrosting, you should start preparing the filling;

    1. Cut chicken fillet and onion into small cubes. Grate carrots. Mix everything thoroughly, adding salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar;
    2. Roll out the dough and cut it into squares. Put the filling in the center of each square, pinch the opposite edges;

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the envelopes there for thirty minutes.

You can experiment with the filling and add other ingredients, such as champignons, porcini mushrooms, tomatoes or sweet peppers. Chicken can be replaced with fish.

Hearty envelopes with minced meat

  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 450 grams;
  • Minced meat from pork and beef - 300 grams;
  • Onion - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Flour.


  1. While the dough is defrosting, chop the onion into small pieces and fry in a pan in vegetable oil;
  2. Mix minced meat and fried onions. Salt and pepper the filling;
  3. Sprinkle the table with flour, otherwise the dough may stick. Roll out and cut out squares. Place the filling on it and connect the opposite edges;
  4. Preheat the oven, line a baking sheet with parchment, lay out the envelopes and bake for twenty minutes.

Cheese buns just melt in your mouth

  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 1 pack;
  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Egg for lubrication;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the dough into squares measuring ten by ten centimeters. Cut the cheese into small cubes;
  2. Put the cheese on the squares, sprinkle it with salt, spices at your discretion. Blind the corners of the envelopes together;
  3. Heat up the oven. Lubricate the pastry with yolk and bake for twenty minutes.

Often, in addition to cheese, pine nuts, pistachios or hazelnuts are added to the filling. Sometimes ordinary cheese is replaced with soft cheese. So the filling will turn out more tender, airy.

Note: homemade puff pastry recipe

All of the above recipes were based on store-bought puff pastry. But you can make it yourself if you have time or if you don’t want to buy a finished product in a store.

  • Flour - 1 kilogram;
  • Butter - 800 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Salt - 10 grams;
  • Vinegar 2-7% - 20 grams;
  • Cold water - 300 milliliters.

How to knead:

  1. Cooking should begin with the liquid part, for which eggs, vinegar, salt should be mixed;
  2. Add cold water to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly and place in the refrigerator;
  3. Sift flour and pour on the table. Grate the chilled butter on a grater. It is important to constantly roll the butter in flour. Mix flour and butter;
  4. Form a small hill, make a hole in the center of it, pour the liquid prepared in advance into it. It is impossible to knead the mass for a long time. It is necessary to collect it in small portions and stack it on top of each other in layers;
  5. Put the dough in a bag and place in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for two to ten hours, the longer the better.

Homemade puff pastry, like store-bought, is best stored in the freezer. If the dough needs to be defrosted, it is better to place it in the main compartment of the refrigerator, and not in the room. The shelf life in the freezer can be up to several months, in the main compartment - several days.

Puff pastry is suitable for making a variety of pastries: pies, kurniki, pies, envelopes, puffs, rolls, croissants. The Napoleon cake, beloved by many Russians, is also made from it.

Filling options depend on the products available, desire. The hostess can show culinary imagination, regularly delight her household with delicious instant pastries.

However, one should not forget about the high calorie content of this product, since a lot of butter is required for its preparation. Therefore, people who monitor weight should use puff pastries with great care.

Puff pastry is always light, crispy and melts in your mouth. Of course, it is not easy to cook it, but the result is incomparable with the store version. To make puff pastry, it is important to follow a few rules. You need to work with it only in a cold room (it is better if the temperature in your kitchen is no more than 20 degrees).

You need to roll out the dough in only one direction, and the final layer should not be very thin. Butter or margarine should be used cold, but not frozen (a temperature of about 15 degrees is optimal). When baking puff pastries, grease the baking sheet with chilled water, not oil or fat (or just line the baking sheet with paper).

When cutting the dough, use the sharpest knife so as not to crumple the edges of the workpiece. If the products swell during baking, prick the dough with a fork. By adhering to our recommendations, you can prepare the dough for the future - it is perfectly stored in the freezer, and you can pamper your family at any time by quickly preparing envelopes with a variety of fillings.

Name: Envelope with apple and cinnamon
Date added: 09.04.2016
Cooking time: 2 hours 25 minutes
Servings per recipe: 8
Rating: (1 , cf. 5.00 out of 5)

Recipe for puff pastries with apples and cinnamon

One of the most common puff pastry baking options is sweet envelopes. They can be cooked with pears, plum marmalade, quince or apples. Apples flavored with fragrant cinnamon are one of the most harmonious flavor combinations.

Chilled margarine cut into pieces. Sift flour. To 2/3 st. flour add margarine and chop the mass until smooth. Form a ball and set aside. Place 2/3 of the remaining flour in a bowl, add 1 tbsp. lemon juice, salt. Break the egg into a glass, add cold water to 2/3 of the volume of the glass. Beat with a fork, pour into the prepared flour.

Knead the dough, gradually adding the remaining flour (the mass should not be too steep). Roll out the dough into a rectangle about 1 cm thick. Put the prepared ball of dough on the rectangle. Wrap it like an envelope - first raise the nearest edge, then raise the sides, and finally throw over the far edge of the rectangle.
Puff pastry with fragrant apple filling is a great dessert for tea! Place the dough seam-side down on a plate sprinkled with flour and leave to cool for half an hour. Transfer chilled dough to work surface and roll out slightly. Roll up again and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Repeat the procedure a third time. Now you can start making envelopes or put the dough in the freezer.

Wash, dry and peel apples. Cut into slices, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Roll out the dough, cut out squares with a side of 15 cm. Place apples in the center and roll up, gluing the corners. Bake the envelopes for 25 minutes in the oven, heated to 195 degrees, until golden brown. Sprinkle the baked goods with powdered sugar.

Recipe for puff envelopes with cottage cheese and pear

Another win-win flavor combination is tender soft cottage cheese and juicy ripe pear. Such envelopes are very fragrant and will be an ideal dessert for tea.

Name: Envelope with cottage cheese and pear
Date added: 09.04.2016
Cooking time: 45 min.
Servings per recipe: 8
Rating: (1 , cf. 5.00 out of 5)
Ingredients Rub the cottage cheese with a fork and beat with a mixer or blender. Pears wash, dry, cut into 2 parts and clean the core. Cut into small pieces, lightly sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix brown and vanilla sugar into sour cream, beat in an egg and add cinnamon. Beat with a blender until a smooth homogeneous consistency.

Roll out the puff pastry prepared according to the previous recipe thinly, cut into squares up to 15 cm wide. Put a layer of whipped curd mass in the center, spread the pears on top. Shape into envelopes and place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 195 degrees. Bake dessert for 20 minutes.

Recipe for puff pastries with minced turkey

Puff pastry envelopes can be made not only with sweet, but also with meat fillings. The delicate taste of turkey meat is perfectly emphasized by tender feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and Provence herbs.

Name: Envelopes with minced meat
Date added: 09.04.2016
Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings per recipe: 8
Rating: (1 , cf. 5.00 out of 5)
Ingredients Rinse the turkey fillet, dry it, cut it and pass it through a large meat grinder grate. Peel the onion from the husk and chop. Peel the garlic, finely chop. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry vegetables for 5 minutes. Add minced meat, pour in some water and blanch for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper, flavor with Provence herbs.

Dry the sun-dried tomatoes with a paper towel to remove any remaining oil. Cut them into small pieces, add to minced meat, mix. Keep the filling on low heat for 25 minutes, then cool. Finely chop the feta. Roll out the puff pastry thinly, cut into squares, prick a little with a fork. Put the minced meat and feta, form envelopes.
Delight your family with unusual pastries - envelopes with juicy meat filling! Beat the yolk, grease the envelopes with it with a culinary brush, sprinkle with a pinch of cumin. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Place the envelopes on a baking sheet, leaving at least 3 cm between them. Preheat the oven to 195 degrees. Bake meatballs for 20 minutes.

Recipe for puff envelopes with mushrooms and herbs

Crispy puff pastry is ideally complemented by a delicate and aromatic filling of mushrooms, melted cheese and fresh herbs, accentuated by subtle notes of garlic and a spicy mixture of peppers.

Name: Envelope with mushrooms and herbs
Date added: 09.04.2016
Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings per recipe: 8
Rating: (1 , cf. 5.00 out of 5)
Ingredients Rinse mushrooms in running water, dry, chop. Peel the onion, chop. Peel the garlic, crush with the flat side of a knife, finely chop. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add the onion and garlic, mix. Fry over medium heat for 15 minutes. Salt, pepper. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Rinse the parsley, dry and chop. Roll out the puff pastry thinly, cut into squares with a side of 15 cm, prick with a fork. Put the mushroom mass, spread the cheese, sprinkle with parsley. Create envelopes. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and place the envelopes on it. Bake for 20 minutes at 195 degrees. Salt, black pepper

taste Chees Feta 220 g Thyme fresh 2 branches Bulgarian pepper 2 pcs. Egg yolk 1 PC. Wash the salmon, remove the skin and cut into large pieces. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, fry the fish for 5 minutes. Salt, pepper. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the core and seeds, cut into small cubes. Fry in olive oil for 5 minutes. Mash the salmon a little with a fork and mix with blanched pepper.

Rinse thyme sprigs in running water, tear with your hands and stir into a mixture of salmon and pepper. Cheese cut into large pieces. Roll out the puff pastry thinly, cut into squares with a side of 15 cm, prick a little with a fork. Put the fish mass on the dough, spread the cheese.

Form into envelopes by pinching the edges of the dough. Beat the yolk a little with a fork or whisk, grease the envelopes with it. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, place the blanks on it. Bake the dish for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 195 degrees.

Juicy fried pieces of meat, connected by the ubiquitous melted cheese streams, are securely sealed in envelopes made of the thinnest puff pastry and invitingly attract the eye with their ruddy, cracked crust in some places, and all these are puff pastry envelopes with filling.

beef pulp - 300 g, onion - 2 heads, cheese - 150 g, salt, pepper. fresh herbs a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

There are many recipes for homemade puff pastry, but if you use the ready-made factory version, you can reduce the cooking time for puff pastry with meat filling to 40 minutes.

To stuff envelopes with 900 g of puff pastry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef pulp - 300 g,
  • onion - 2 heads,
  • cheese - 150 g,
  • salt pepper.

Additionally, you may need:

  • fresh herbs
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise.

The sequence of preparation of envelopes with meat filling

1. Cut the meat with a well-sharpened knife into miniature cubes.

2. Chop the onion and lightly fry in oil.

3. Fry the meat pieces until almost cooked. Pepper them and salt a little (the necessary saltiness will be added by cheese and mayonnaise).

4. Grate the cheese, put the meat in a bowl with onions.

5. Finely chop the dill.

6. Defrost the puff pastry (you can use the microwave).

7. Put together all the ingredients for stuffing: meat with onions, cheese, herbs, mayonnaise.

8. Mix the stuffing well.

9. Sprinkle a plate of puff pastry with flour.

10. Roll each plate into a rectangle and divide it into 2 squares. Lay the filling in the middle.

11. Pinch the two sides of the square to the center.

12. Pinch the 3rd side.

13. Connect the last side of the envelope.

14. Place the products on a baking sheet, brushing them with yolk.

15. Send the baking sheet to the oven, which should already be heated to 190 degrees. After 20 minutes, the envelopes will rise, brown and completely baked.

Such hearty envelopes with meat filling are delicious both hot and cold. Therefore, you can enjoy them not only at a cozy table, but also take them with you on a picnic.

Appetizing snack envelopes made of puff pastry with stuffing will very quickly gain loyal admirers in the face of the household. The most delicate puff pastry ideally complements the juicy filling - such a hearty and beautiful dish will be appropriate on both the everyday and the festive table!

Filled puff envelopes

Puff pastry with mushrooms


  • Ready puff pastry (half a kilogram);
  • Dill greens (20 g);
  • Water (about 500 ml);
  • Flour (150 g);
  • Chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • Champignons (half a kilo);
  • Mayonnaise (20 ml);
  • Onion (100 g);
  • Vegetable oil (half a glass);
  • Sesame (30 g, maybe a little more).

How to cook delicious puff envelopes with mushrooms

1. Purchased puff pastry must be defrosted in advance, but so that it does not have time to soften too much.

2. We prepare the components for the filling. Thoroughly wash and clean the mushrooms, cut into fairly large slices.

3. Heat sunflower oil in a pan (until a quarter cup is enough). Then lay out the pieces of champignons and pour in enough water so that it completely hides the mushrooms.

4. Put salt and spices to your taste. We cover the pan with a lid, increase the heat and wait for it to boil. Later, the heating power should be slightly reduced - the mushrooms will have to be stewed until soft.

5. In the meantime, peel and finely chop the onion.

6. As soon as the mushrooms soften, scoop out excess liquid (if desired, you can collect it for making soup).

7. Add another 30 milliliters of oil and lightly fry the mushrooms. After that, you can finally put the onion in the pan. Don't forget to mix well!

8. Now the vegetables need to be fried until golden brown (try not to overdry them). We shift the finished filling into a bowl, separating it from the oil - let it cool.

9. Mix the mayonnaise with the onion-mushroom mixture. Rinse the dill, chop and also combine with the filling.

10. Let's move on to the test. Carefully roll out 2 layers - you get the upper and lower "floors". The bottom one is immediately laid out on a baking sheet treated with vegetable oil, and then cut into 16 or 20 squares - depending on the desired size of the products.

11. Put the filling on each square of dough. When finished, cover the blanks with a second rolled layer and carefully cut, focusing on the borders of the lower layer.

12. We combine the layers, vigorously pressing the dough with your fingers along the edges of the puffs.

13. Beat one egg and grease each puff envelope - they will brown beautifully during baking. Sprinkle sesame seeds evenly on top.

14. Put the puff pastry envelopes stuffed into the oven on the baking sheet, setting the mode to 150 degrees (it's good if the oven supports the convection function).

15. The readiness of the puffs is indicated by a dark golden “blush” - it's time to take out and cool our pastries! Puff pastry wraps with mushrooms are best served warm.

Puff pastry envelopes with sausage and cheese

  • Hard cheese (50 g);
  • Chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • Puff pastry (400 g);
  • Boiled sausage (50 g).

How to cook puff envelopes with sausage and cheese

1. Cut hard cheese into thin slices. We do the same with sausage.

2. The puff base, previously thawed to room temperature, must be rolled out and cut into four square blanks.

3. We put one slice of cheese on each square - not in the center, but from one of the sides. We place a piece of sausage directly on a plate of cheese.

4. We twist the dough so as to cover the filling. We carefully pinch the edges and for reliability we crush with a fork.

5. Before sending it to the oven, alternately grease the puff pastry envelopes stuffed with a beaten egg. We put puff envelopes to bake for twenty minutes, the optimal mode is 180 degrees.

Puff envelopes with minced meat and potatoes

  • Chicken egg (1 pc.);
  • Yeast-free puff base (half a kilo);
  • Potatoes (5 tubers);
  • Salt and spices (to taste);
  • Bulb (1 head).

How to bake puff envelopes with minced meat and potatoes

1. Peel and chop the potatoes into small cubes. Next, chop the onion.

2. We combine both products with minced meat. Mix thoroughly, add salt and pepper.

3. Thawed dough, as usual, needs to be rolled out. Then we cut the layer into squares of medium size.

4. Puff blanks can not be rolled out, but simply slightly stretched in different directions. We lay out the filling (about a tablespoon) and fasten the edges so that we get neat envelopes.

5. We will process each blank with a beaten egg for colorful browning.

6. Puff envelopes with meat will be cooked in the oven for about 45 minutes at one hundred and eighty degrees (the exact time is determined by the functionality of the oven).

Lush puffs with rice and liver

  • Onion (1 head);
  • A mixture of spices - celery, dill, paprika, garlic, parsley (to taste);
  • Beef liver (300 g);
  • Salt (to the taste of the cook);
  • Puff yeast dough (1 pack);
  • Rice (100 g).

How to cook puff pastries with rice and liver

2. Boil the washed rice until tender - it should be crumbly.

3. Grind the prepared liver into small slices. Immerse in boiling water and cook for about a quarter of an hour.

4. We get rid of the husk onions. We chop in half rings, then pour boiling water and leave for two minutes - so that the bitterness goes away.

5. Turn the boiled liver in a meat grinder. Mix with rice and onions, add spices to taste.

6. During the defrosting process, the dough will soften and rise. We cut it into squares of the order of 10 x 10 centimeters.

7. Right in the center of the blanks, lay out the filling in the amount of 2 teaspoons. We bend and fasten the edges of the products.

8. Before sending it to the oven, it is advisable to grease the puff envelopes with the liver with a beaten egg. The baking process takes about twenty minutes.

Filled puff pastry envelopes are good not only for eating at home, they can be taken as a snack for study or work, included in the menu for a friendly picnic.

Enjoy your meal!

Hello dear readers. While still in my right mind and sober memory, I thought at my leisure what could be prepared from puff pastry, which I suddenly found in the freezer just now. In the same place, a lone “stone” bun of minced meat caught my eye, covered with hoarfrost. Of course, it won’t be enough for a good pie, but it will be just right for puff pastry envelopes with minced meat.

It didn’t take long to persuade myself to bake the meat in puff pastry. There were several reasons for this. The first, and I think the vast majority of readers will agree with her, is that puff pastry pastries are amazingly delicious! Especially with minced meat.

Yesterday I watched a program where the well-known professor "on sour soup" was criticized quite harshly. In general, I make the decision to prepare a treat with animal products, all on emotions.

The second reason is today is a holiday! And the third circumstance, outweighing the rest of the nuances. Finally it snowed! Hooray! Soon the New Year and not one snowflake. And is it snowing here? How can you not understand! The roads are in a terrible state. In short, the day of the "tinsmith" has come.

Until our valiant public utilities bring the highways into proper shape, it is better to refrain from moving on them. But sitting at home and looking at the snow-covered yard through the window does not work for me.

I’ll do a better job, prepare envelopes with cheese, mushrooms and MEAT. Mushrooms, by the way, I also saw somewhere. When with them, not all used. Okay, enough to bring you up to date on the availability of provisions in the refrigerator. Puff pastry with minced meat has already defrosted and it is time to start cooking.

Puff pastries with minced meat

  • one pack of puff yeast-free dough 300-400 grams;
  • 100-120 grams of mixed minced meat;
  • 100-120 grams of champignons;
  • 50-70 grams of cheese;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt, spices;

I fry minced meat in vegetable oil. Five minutes is enough.

I chop mushrooms and onions on a cutting board.

I add the prepared ingredients for the filling to the fried minced meat and continue to fry for 5-7 minutes.

I grate the cheese. I wash fresh parsley under running water, dry it with a napkin and finely chop.

I combine fried minced meat with cheese and parsley.

I fill the filling with mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix.

For my envelopes, I use store-bought puff pastry. Yes, because, whatever they say, it is also quite suitable for eating. And don't waste the goodness in the freezer! And what kind of strudel is obtained from such puff pastry,.

I roll out the dough with a thickness of 3-5 millimeters. Cut with a knife into squares about 10 by 10 centimeters.

I put the meat filling in the middle of each blank.

I fold the ends of the dough to the middle and carefully fasten it, fixing the envelopes.

I put the culinary products on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and cover with egg yolk previously separated from the protein.
