
Recipe for fragrant blueberry jelly. Blueberry jelly - five minutes

Blueberries are deservedly considered the queen of wild berries, and I look forward to summer to stock up on a delicious dessert. Jelly, jams, marshmallows are harvested from black berries for the winter, but most importantly - deliciously delicious jam, the recipes of which cannot be counted.

You can find some of the best ones here. As well as a few tips, without which it is impossible to properly prepare a delicious and healthy dessert.

Blueberry jam with sugar - a simple recipe

The best jam. Its advantage is in the simplicity of the preparation recipe, the ability to preserve the dessert without fermentation for a long winter, since sugar not only adds sweetness, but also acts as an excellent preservative.


  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

How to make jam:

  1. Sort through the forest beauty, remove debris and wash in running water. Slightly dry from excess moisture.
  2. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. For a few hours, forget about the preparation so that the berry has time to let the juice out.
  3. Make the smallest fire, slowly, bring the blueberry mass to a boil.
  4. Cooking time - 30 minutes. This will allow the fruits to remain intact, will not destroy vitamins.
  5. Do not forget to remove the foam, this will save the dessert from rapid fermentation.
  6. Serve the dessert while still hot. Any type of corking is suitable - with nylon caps that twist. If the blank is intended for storage for the winter in apartment conditions, it is better to roll up the banks.

Tip: when cooking, it is better to use a wooden spoon, the berry does not like metal.

Delicious blueberry jam: so that the berries are whole


  • Berries - kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • Water - half a liter.

How to cook:

  1. Remove debris from the berries, wash, dry on a spread towel.
  2. Boil syrup from water with sugar: pour sand with water and bring to a boil.
  3. After a couple of minutes, dip the blueberries into the syrup.
  4. Boil 20 minutes. Pour hot, swirl and refrigerate.

Blueberry jam for the winter - five minutes

In order for the berries to be whole, to retain the maximum benefit, I suggest making jam according to the principle of 5 minutes of cooking. The method is quite well-known, incredibly simple. A few more options can be viewed on another page of the site - come in!


  • Forest blueberries - kilogram.
  • Sugar sand - 700 gr.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Sort the berry, put it in a basin and sprinkle with sugar. After 5-6 hours, the fruits will release juice.
  2. Put on the stove, turn on a small fire and start to slowly warm the berries.
  3. When the mass boils, boil for exactly 5 minutes, remove from the burner. At this time, the brew must be intensively stirred and the foam removed.
  4. Let it come to a boil in the last minute. Put it in banks right there.
  5. After seaming, let the jars cool at room temperature. Then move to winter storage in the pantry.

Thick blueberry jam - a good recipe

Thick blueberry jam is very pleasant to spread on bread for tea, serve with cheesecakes, casseroles. Add to ice cream, use berry filling for baking. To thicken the syrup, you can take any product containing pectin - gelatin, gelfix, confiture.


  • For a kilogram of blueberries 700 gr. granulated sugar.
  • Gelfix - ½ sachet.

Cooking thick jelly:

  1. Grind clean berries, but not completely. It will be tastier if the part remains intact, we are not preparing jelly, but jam.
  2. Combine the mass with sand. Put it on the burner, and let it boil on slow heating.
  3. When it boils, throw in the thickener, mix well. Remove from stove.
  4. Requirement for jars: they must be sterilized, otherwise the delicacy will not last long.

Blueberry jam in a slow cooker

Hallelujah multicooker. When she came to our homes, she untied our hands, saving us a lot of time. Throw away all the ingredients, and go about your business. According to the proposed recipe, you can prepare blueberry jam by adding any other wild berry - lingonberries, strawberries that ripen at the same time, raspberries. Another advantage of winter harvesting is a thick consistency, which many people love.

  • Wild berry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

How to cook in a slow cooker:

  1. Be sure to dry the clean berry a little - this condition must be observed in order for the delicacy to turn out thick.
  2. Put in a bowl, add sand. Stir, spreading throughout the blueberries.
  3. Cooking time - 1.5 hours. Select the mode "Extinguishing" "Cooking jam", if any.
  4. Dessert is poured while still hot, immediately rolled up.

What is the best way to make jam without sugar?

The recipe for sugar-free blueberry jam is relevant for diabetics and those who follow the diet. Of course, you can make a blank on sorbitol, but not everyone likes the taste of dessert. In the old days, when not everyone could buy sugar, in the villages they cooked without it at all. But it turned out delicious. The only disadvantage of this recipe is that the workpiece is not stored for a long time. The solution is to cook in small portions. Moreover, the recipe is excellent for frozen blueberries.

You will need:

  • Blueberries - kilogram.
  • Gelfix - 20 gr.

How to cook without sugar:

  1. The first step is to scald the berries. Transfer from a colander to a towel to drain excess water.
  2. Place in a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. As soon as the gurgling begins, throw in the gelfix crystals and remove the pan from the burner.
  4. It remains to stir the mass properly and transfer to a jar. I advise you to sterilize jars and roll them under an iron lid.

Jam without cooking blueberries

If you want to save the blank for the winter, sterilize the jars and lids. But I advise you to make at least a couple of cans, because according to the recipe, blueberries will have very little heat treatment. And these are vitamins that are fully preserved in the preparation.

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - half a kilo.

How will we cook:

  1. For harvesting, I recommend selecting the strongest berries, perhaps a little underripe. Wash, be sure to dry, mix with sugar.
  2. Set aside for a few hours.
  3. When the juice appears from the berries, start cooking. Make minimal fire. Heat slowly until almost boiling.
  4. We noticed the first signs of boiling - quickly turn it off, immediately pour it.

Lingonberry-blueberry jam

  • Both berries - per kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.
  • Water - 2 glasses.


  1. Blanch a clean berry first to become soft.
  2. Dry and grind with a blender until smooth.
  3. Add granulated sugar, mix and heat over low heat until boiling.
  4. Simmer until the mixture thickens enough. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  5. Arrange in a container, cork.

How to make raspberry jam

Both berries ripen at the same time, perfectly complement each other, creating an interesting flavor bouquet. Raspberries, like blueberries, can be forest or garden, no difference. This recipe is suitable for cooking with strawberries and lingonberries. You can also cook with raspberries, the recipes of which you will get acquainted with on another page of the site.


  • Blueberries with raspberries - half a kilogram each.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  1. Carefully sort through the raspberries, as the berry is tender and easily wrinkled. Wash blueberries, pat dry.
  2. Put the berries in a cooking bowl and sprinkle with sugar.
  3. When they start up the juice, start cooking. Let it boil slowly, making the fire to a minimum.
  4. Continue cooking for 10 minutes, remembering to remove the foam.
  5. Set the dessert aside, insist for an hour.
  6. Put it back on the gas and repeat the process. The second brew time is also 10 minutes. The jam is poured hot.

Video recipe for blueberry jam. Good luck preparing for the winter.

Of course, we all have heard and are well aware of the benefits of such a berry as blueberries. Most often, we serve it with sugar, both to ourselves and to our children. But today I want to teach you how to make blueberry jelly. I offer a recipe for the winter without gelatin, so you cook blueberry jelly very quickly.

- blueberries - 1300 grams,
- granulated sugar - 800 grams.

To make blueberry jelly, you will need ready-made blueberry juice. But if you don’t have it, don’t be discouraged, in this master class I will show you how to make jelly without juice. And we will start with the berry itself. Let's sort it out and remove all the leaves, twigs, if any.

Then we wash the blueberries under running cold running water and put all the berries into a fine sieve or a colander. Let's wait until all the water drains. Then, with the help of a crush, crush the berry, as seen in the photo.

Then we will prepare a saucepan or an enameled container. Pour the extracted juice into it, which we obtained by rubbing the blueberries through a fine metal sieve. Let's prepare sugar.

We send all the indicated granulated sugar into a container with juice and turn on the fire. We heat the juice, bring it to a boil, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved.
The resulting mixture is filtered through gauze folded in several layers and boiled until the volume is reduced by about 1/4 of the original size.

We pack the finished blueberry jelly. Prepare for this in advance clean and dried jars. We close their jelly with boiled lids, hermetically seal and cool. There is no need to turn the jars upside down.
So, our blueberry jelly is ready, enjoy your meal!
Useful and delicious

Blueberries are a berry that has a lot of useful properties - tonic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. It contains valuable substances - calcium, iron, vitamins, glycosides and flavonoids. To preserve them, many housewives preserve these berries. One easy way to do this is to make jelly for the winter. The recipes for this delicacy are not difficult, they will be within the power of even young cooks with no experience. "Popular about health" has collected for you interesting recipes with blueberries for blueberry jelly.

blueberry jelly recipes

Cooking principles

In general, jelly is a dense mass made from the juice of berries or fruits. However, many cook it using the pulp as well. To get pure blueberry juice or any other berry, it is recommended to scald the fruits, as a result of which they will become soft, and then grind them. To do this, you need to have a sieve with a fine mesh on hand. To make the jelly even more delicate, you can additionally strain the pulp through gauze, folding it into several layers. You can decide for yourself exactly how you will cook blueberry jelly - some simply interrupt the berry mass with a blender until smooth, and an excellent healthy dessert is prepared from the resulting puree.

To make the mass dense, jelly-like, you can use thickeners - pectin, gelatin, agar-agar. If you are against additives, then the easiest way to make the mass thick and dense is to boil it down until the volume is reduced by 30-40%. In this case, cooking will last about 45 minutes. But, perhaps, the housewives will say, with such a long heat treatment, almost all vitamins will disappear. Yes, vitamin C, for example, is destroyed during cooking, as well as other useful components. To preserve the maximum benefit of blueberries, you can resort to a three-stage cooking lasting 3-5 minutes, alternating with the complete cooling of the product. This will allow the jelly to thicken in a natural way, while the berries will lose only part of the nutrients. Let's look at some blueberry jelly recipes and you can choose your favorite.

Classic blueberry jelly recipe for the winter

Of the ingredients, we only need blueberries - 1 kg and an equal amount of sugar.

Berries should be sorted out - removing those that are crushed or rotten. Small insects are often found in the berry mass - they also need to be removed. Why do we need different spiders and midges in jelly? How to do it? Pour the berries into a colander and submerge it in a bowl of water. Let the blueberries lie in the water, and you stir it gently with your hand so that the rubbish floats to the surface. Now the motes are easy to remove. Then drain the water and dry the berries. Place the fruits in a saucepan, crush them with a crush and turn on the fire. Let the berries steam a little, then it will be easier to grind them. Throw the berries on a sieve with a very fine mesh and grind the mass with a spoon, substituting the pan from below. It will contain a homogeneous mass, devoid of the skin of berries. From it we will cook fragrant healthy jelly.

Send the pan to the stove, put all the sugar there, mix. As the mass heats up, the sugar will begin to melt. At this time, it is important to mix the contents, preventing the sugar syrup from burning to the bottom. Bring the future jelly to a boil. We do not turn off the fire for another 5 minutes, and then remove the bowl from the stove. Let it cool down until the next morning.

After 12 hours, boil the mass again for 5 minutes, turn off, cool. For the third time, we repeat everything again, after which we lay out the jelly (still watery) in jars. The containers are pre-sterilized with lids. We twist the workpiece, turn it over. We store jars wrapped in a blanket in this position for a day. When they have cooled, we transfer them to the cellar.

Blueberry jelly - a quick recipe with pectin

There are only three ingredients on our list - a kilogram of blueberries, 700 grams of sugar and 3 teaspoons of pectin.

According to this recipe, jelly is prepared very quickly, since we will cook it for only 5 minutes, and it uses less sugar, which is also important - it means that the dessert will turn out to be less high-calorie.

Rinse, sort out the berries. Place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, drain the water through a sieve. Rub the berries carefully with a spoon. Place the resulting mass in a bowl that is covered with enamel. Send sugar there. Turn on the fire (medium). Stir the berry puree constantly, this will prevent the product from burning. As soon as signs of boiling appear, remove the airy viscous foam from the surface of the jelly. Continue cooking for 5 minutes.

At this time, combine pectin with sugar (20 g) and gradually pour it into the boiling mass, while it is important to mix it thoroughly so that the additive is evenly distributed in the jelly. Boil the product for another minute and turn off the burner. Distribute hot jelly in containers (sterilized) and roll up with lids. Before cooling, the container should be kept upside down and wrapped in a blanket, after which the blanks can be taken to a cool place, where they will wait for the winter.

Blueberry jelly recipes are simple, as you can see for yourself. If you love this berry, make sure that you have this wonderful product at your disposal in winter. It is good for tea, and as a filling for a pie will do. And blueberry jelly is often used as a syrup for pancakes and cheesecakes. This is delicious!

Scientists have long proven that blueberries are a medicinal berry for vision, the gastrointestinal tract, and simply beneficial for other systems of the human body. It is most reasonable to enrich yourself with vitamins from black forest fruits by eating them in their pure form, however, preparations will also come in handy in the harsh winter months. Among the existing preservation methods, jelly itself is the most interesting, so why don't we find out how to make blueberry jelly quickly and easily?

Getting ready for the process

First of all, we will find a suitable container for blanks. For any type of jam, jars with a capacity of 100 to 500 grams are optimal. If you indulge in sweets infrequently, choose the smallest containers, for example, glass jars of caviar. For a family of several people, standard half-liter jars are suitable. Why exactly this volume? Firstly, a lot of fresh blueberry jelly for the winter is unlikely to work - this berry is not so popular. Secondly, it is always more pleasant to open a fresh portion of dessert than to scrape off the jam left over from last week from the bottom of a three-liter container.

Important! In addition to spaciousness, pay attention to the neck of the jar. If the use of special seaming caps and a machine is implied, check their availability and performance. But threaded cans do not require technical devices and special skills - it is enough to tighten them tightly with a suitable lid. Due to the temperature of the blueberry jelly being poured, a vacuum is created inside, and the jar will seal naturally.

The selected container must be sterilized. To do this, place the containers for 15 minutes in a preheated oven. Or we use a water bath: for the same amount of time we leave the jars over boiling water. In the same way, we disinfect the lids.

In addition to glass containers, you will most likely need:

  1. Spacious aluminum bowl to cook blueberries in jelly without burning.
  2. Blender or potato pusher, mortar.
  3. Colander.
  4. Measuring containers or kitchen scales.

Next, we move on to the processing of berries. We carefully sort out the fruits, get rid of unripe, spoiled, rotten units, remove leaves and branches, and other debris. In cold running water, thoroughly wash the black “beads” and leave to dry.

This preparatory work is over, it's time to find a recipe for blueberry jelly to your liking. Povar.co gladly collected the most successful options for blanks, tested by many housewives.

Classic blueberry jelly for the winter

Method 1. For 6 kg of berries you will need 5 kg of sugar. We put the blueberries in a large saucepan, cover with half of the granulated sugar and leave for a couple of hours so that the berries release the juice. Next, put on the smallest fire, bring to a boil and add the remaining sugar. Boil for 5 minutes, set aside the pan to cool completely. Boil again and cool again. For the third time, boil for 5 minutes and immediately pour into prepared jars, roll up and wrap with a blanket.

Do you know? The readiness of the jelly can be checked by dropping one drop into a glass of water. If it does not immediately dissolve, but sinks to the bottom, the dessert is cooked correctly.

Method 2. A less time-consuming option - blueberry jelly in a slow cooker. We take berries and sugar in equal proportions and set the “stewing” mode for 1.5-2 hours. At the end of cooking, turn on the “steam” program for a minute. To create confiture, experienced housewives recommend pouring no more than 1 kg of berries per cycle into a slow cooker.

Classic blueberry jelly for the winter

Blueberry jelly with gelatin

If you're looking for a treat that's the consistency to hold out of the jar, try this recipe. For 4 cups of berries you will need 2 cups of sugar and a bag of jelly (lemon, raspberry, strawberry). We put all the ingredients at the same time in a container, bring to a boil over low heat, cook for two minutes. Now you can start preserving blueberry jelly: pour the liquid into jars, cork, turn upside down, cover with something warm and wait for the dessert to cool.

In addition to the usual gelatin, you can use another thickener - pectin. This substance is a soluble fiber and is found in many fruits. To cook blueberry jam-jelly for the winter, it is enough to combine 4 glasses of water and 2-2.5 kg of wild berries. We cook the mixture for half an hour, then put the mass in gauze and get rid of all the juice. Pour 50 grams of pectin into the resulting 4-5 cups, bring to a boil, add 5 cups of granulated sugar, boil for another minute. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Blueberry jelly with gelatin

Blueberry jelly without cooking

This method is suitable for beginners or very busy cooks because it is the easiest option for creating blanks. For one serving of berries, take 2 servings of sugar. Rub it all evenly with a masher or blender. We sterilize the glass containers, cool them and pour the sweet mass. Pour a 1-1.5 cm layer of sugar on top - a kind of cork that will protect the dessert from fermentation. Thus, we get blueberry jelly in our own juice, that is, with a maximum of useful substances. To prevent confiture from spoiling, we will store it in a cellar or refrigerator.

Blueberry jelly without cooking

Blueberry jelly: a recipe for the winter

Scientists have long proven that blueberries are a medicinal berry for vision, the gastrointestinal tract, and simply beneficial for other systems of the human body.

Frozen berry jelly


frozen berries - 1 cup

water for gelatin - 0.5 cups

water for berries - 1.5-2 cups

gelatin - 20 grams

sugar - 2-3 tablespoons (taste)

frozen berries - 1 cup

cold water for agar - 100 ml

water for berries - 300 ml

sugar - 2-3 tablespoons (taste)

  • 98 kcal
  • 20 minutes.

Cooking process

Frozen berries are great for making all kinds of jellies: with strong whole berries, with crushed soft berries, from squeezed juice with water, or from berry compote.

Frozen berry jelly can be prepared with gelatin or agar. I prefer with agar, but I will show both options. From blueberries there will be gelatin jelly, and from sea buckthorn - on agar.

The list of ingredients contains approximate ratios, that is, you still need to look at the instructions for gelling ingredients. Add the amount of sugar depending on whether sour or sweet berries will be used.

Prepare the items on the list.

Purchased berries need to be rinsed and dried a little, and if the berries were harvested personally, then. at your discretion.

Prepare the gelatin as written on the package or follow my instructions.

First, it must be soaked in cold water, and then heated with stirring in a water bath.

Owners of multicookers can set the “Multi-cook 60 degrees” mode and dissolve gelatin at guaranteed temperatures.

It turns out well if you heat the gelatin mass in the microwave, you need to heat the mass cyclically 2-3 times for half a minute at a power of 300-450, stirring each time.

Crush blueberries (or other strong berries) and mix with sugar water, then strain.

To prevent small seeds from getting into the jelly, then filter through several layers of gauze. Some of the berries can be left whole, let them decorate with jelly.

Mix the resulting fruit drink with the prepared gelatinous mass.

Pour into bowls or molds and place in the refrigerator.

Boil sea buckthorn or other berries in water with sugar, that is, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Then crush the berries and strain this compote.

First dissolve the agar powder in cold water.

Then, while stirring, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for half a minute to reveal its gelling properties.

Combine the agar mass with hot berry compote, mix and pour into bowls, cups or molds. Agar jelly solidifies even when warm, but it is best to keep it in the refrigerator until serving.

Blueberry jelly with gelatin. How to cook?

For a smooth blueberry jelly, place blueberries in a saucepan, cover with water until coated, boil, and add sugar of your choice. Transfer blueberries with juice to a blender and grind. Transfer the mass to gauze and squeeze the juice into a bowl properly. Then you can put gauze with the remaining mass in a metal mesh, a saucer on top, a stone on top. Let the rest of the liquid drain. Heat the entire liquid, dilute the gelatin powder in it, as indicated on the sachet, and when all the gelatin is dissolved, mix with the rest of the liquid. Now you can arrange it in bowls or pour it on a flat dish with a side and, when it hardens, cut into rhombuses, squares and so on.

To make blueberry jelly, you will need:

  1. blueberries - 300 grams.
  2. Sour cream - 300 grams.
  3. Gelatin - 3 teaspoons.
  4. Water - 50 ml.
  5. Medium fat cream - 375 ml.
  6. Sugar - 130 grams.

Preparation - pour gelatin with cold water.

In a blender, mix blueberries with sour cream, and in a small saucepan, mix sugar with cream, put it on fire and bring to a boil. After the cream and sugar have boiled, remove from heat and add the swollen gelatin to the pan. Mix thoroughly until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

When the resulting mixture of gelatin and cream has cooled down, then add our berries from the blender to it. Mix again. And pour into molds and put in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours - Done!

Just remember that the cream mixture must cool down, you can’t add berries to the hot mixture, because the sour cream can curdle.

Blueberry jelly with gelatin

For a smooth blueberry jelly, place blueberries in a saucepan, cover with water until coated, boil, and add sugar of your choice. Transfer blueberries with juice to a blender and grind. Transfer the mass to

blueberry jelly

There are many options for creating blueberry jelly, what can we say about its components. Even blueberry jam can be turned into jelly, and there is no need to talk about how beautifully blueberry juice gels or how picturesque fresh berries look in a transparent piece of light dessert.

Blueberry jelly with gelatin

  • blueberries - 250 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • maple syrup - 50-150 ml;
  • gelatin - 5 sheets.

We put the washed berries in a saucepan and pour a glass of water. We put the berries to cook over medium heat, covering the dishes with a lid, exactly until the blueberries burst. After that, the resulting berry solution should be mixed with maple syrup, the amount of which is determined only by your taste preferences. About a third of the resulting mixture will serve us to dissolve the gelatin. Then we mix both components and bring the solution for the future jelly to a volume of 500 ml. It remains only to pour the solution into molds and leave to cool in the refrigerator.

If you want to make blueberry jelly for the winter, then boil the base additionally before pouring it into sterile jars and rolling it up. Frozen, this jelly will go well with bread toast and butter, and in company with fresh berries and fruits, it will become your favorite among morning meals.

How to make blueberry and milk jelly?

For the blueberry part of our dessert, berry jam should be mixed with sugar and water, and then brought to a boil over medium heat. We filter the resulting syrup through a sieve and dilute half of the gelatin in it.

The second half of the gelatin is dissolved in hot milk and poured into molds. We wait until the milk jelly in the molds hardens, and then pour the blueberry jelly solution on top of it. Leave the delicacy to completely freeze and serve, sprinkled with pistachios.

blueberry jelly cake recipe

  • blueberry jelly - 85 g (3 bags);
  • boiling water - 3 tbsp.;
  • ice water - 3/4 tbsp.;
  • blueberries - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanilla yogurt - 2 tbsp.

In a glass of boiling water, we completely dilute one bag of blueberry jelly and combine the solution with cold water. Pour the jelly into the bottom of the mold and let it thicken slightly in the refrigerator. Mix jelly with fresh berries, level and cool completely.

In two cups of boiling water, dilute the remaining two bags of finished jelly. We wait until the solution is completely cooled, and then mix it with yogurt. Pour the yogurt mixture over the blueberry jelly and return the mold to the refrigerator. As soon as the dessert has cooled completely, it can be removed from the mold.

Alcoholic blueberry jelly

Alcoholic "jelly shots" are a popular entertainment at parties these days. A couple of such delicacies may well decorate not only your table, but also your mood.

Actually, the preparation of alcoholic jelly shots is not much different from ordinary desserts. We combine soda and lemonade, and pour into the jelly solution. We leave the powder to swell for about 5 minutes, and then dissolve it by slowly heating the citrus mixture over low heat. Cool the base for jelly to warm, and then combine with vodka. At this point, you can add food coloring.

We put berries on the bottom of the silicone molds and fill them with a jelly solution. Leave to cool, remove and eat. Or are we still drinking?

blueberry jelly

Blueberry jelly There are many options for creating blueberry jelly, not to mention its ingredients. Even blueberry jam can be turned into jelly, but how wonderful
