
Liquefaction and saccharification of starch. Enzymatic grain mash: cold saccharification and hot

1. What enzymes are used and why?

Enzymes came to home distilling from industry. Their use in industry is due to a reduction in complexity, an increase in the stability of technological processes, an acceleration of the production process and an increase in the yield of alcohol compared to using traditional methods. The use of a full range of enzyme preparations makes it possible to obtain the maximum amount of alcohol from raw materials, as well as to reduce the content of foreign components in the wort, which positively affects the organoleptic quality of the distillate.

Modern industry uses enzyme preparations for liquefaction and saccharification of raw materials:

  • Amylosubtilin GZx (AmiloLux, "A") - to liquefy raw materials and prepare them for the action of other enzymes
  • Glukavamorin GZh (GlukaLyuks-A, "G") - for starch saccharification
  • CelloLux-A ("C") - for saccharification of non-starchy polysaccharides (xylans, β-glucan, cellulose, pectins) or preparing them for the action of the above enzymes.
  • Protosubtilin ("P") - for the breakdown of plant proteins, which leads to more active yeast

Thus, the minimum necessary enzymes for saccharification are Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin. CelloLux-A and Protosubtilin perform additional saccharification and preparation for fermentation.

2. Dosage of various enzymes

Many questions are raised by the calculation of the dosage of enzyme preparations. Typically, the manufacturer or retailer lists the activity of dry enzymes in active units per gram of enzyme. There are also recommendations from the manufacturer on the dosage of enzyme active units per gram of the substance being processed. And depending on those. process, the number of enzymes can vary from minimum to maximum. Using this number, as well as using tables for starch, protein and NPS (non-starchy polysaccharides), you can calculate the reference dose of each enzyme per kilogram of raw materials.

The formula for calculating the amount of enzymes per kilogram of raw materials is as follows:

Dose of Enzyme (grams) = (P*R*10)/A

  • P is the percentage of the substance being processed (for example, starch)
  • R - recommended dosage of active units
  • A is the activity of the drug in units per gram

It should be added that for some types of raw materials (rye) and enzymes with an expired or approaching expiration date, an increase in the dose of enzymes by 15-25% is required. Since there is practically no point in calculating the exact dosage of drugs at home, some simplifications in the calculation method can be made by taking the maximum recommended values.

The table shows the calculation of the dosage of enzymes per 1 kg of raw materials:

Enzyme consumption in grams per 1 kg of raw materials

Raw materialStarchProteinCelluloseA-1500 units/gG-3000 units/gC-2000 units/gP-120 units/g
Wheat56 16 6 0,75 1,16 0,90 4,38
Barley (husked)49 13 7 0,65 1,01 1,05 3,79
Corn68 7 3 0,91 1,41 0,45 2,04
Rye50 15 2 0,67 1,03 0,30 4,38
Triticale53 13 2 0,71 1,10 0,30 3,79
Millet51 13 8 0,68 1,05 1,20 3,79
Oats (husked)37 13 10 0,49 0,76 1,50 3,79
Potato18 2 2 0,24 0,37 0,30 0,58
Rice73 8 n/a0,97 1,51 2,33
Buckwheat64 12 n/a0,85 1,32 3,50
Peas59 29 n/a0,79 1,22 8,46


1500 3000 3000 120

Consumption rate units:

2 6,2 30 3,5

Violations in the dosage of drugs in the lower direction can affect the timing of the enzymes and the completeness of the processing of raw materials. At the same time, no negative consequences were observed from a slight excess of the dosage (except for overspending).

Thus, the universal recipe will be the use of 1 kg of raw materials:

  • 1 gram - Amilosubtilin GZx 1500
  • 1.5-2 grams - Glukavamorin GZx 3000
  • 1 gram - CelloLux-A 2000
  • 4-5 grams - Protosubtilin 120

3. Types of saccharification, their advantages and disadvantages

Now in home distillation, two different saccharification technologies are popular - hot and cold, so named because of the different temperatures at which starch hydrolysis occurs. During hot saccharification, the raw material is heated to temperatures of 50-70°C and in this state is exposed to enzymes for 10-20 hours. At the same time, the risk of contamination of the wort is minimal, enzymes are most effective, but this method requires a lot of effort.
With cold saccharification using enzymes, the process proceeds at temperatures close to 30°C and with simultaneous fermentation. This method is less labor-intensive, but longer, and has a greater risk of souring the mash. The graphs show the dependence of enzyme activity on temperature over time:

Hydrolysis curves of grain mixtures with Amylosubtilin at different temperatures (1 unit/g of starch) Curves of hydrolysis of grain mixes by Glucavamorin at different temperatures (5 units/g of starch)

The range of effective action of the Amylosubtilin enzyme corresponds to the pH range of 5.0-8.0 and the temperature of 50-75°C. For the enzyme Glukavamorin effective action lies within the following limits: pH 3.0-6.5 and temperature 30-60°C.

It is worth adding that there are many intermediate methods between hot and cold saccharification, the use of which in many cases can be justified by specific conditions, the availability of components, the time spent, and other factors.

3.1 Hot saccharification (HSS)

The recipe for home brew using starch-containing raw materials and enzymes A and G:

  • Prepare hot (boiling) water at the rate of ~ 6.5 liters of water per 1 kg of starch in raw materials (for cereals or crushed grains).
  • Raw materials are added to hot water with constant stirring. For mixing, it is convenient to use a screwdriver or a low-speed drill with a nozzle for mixing building mixtures - a “mixer”. At the same time, in order to avoid lumps, it is best to pour directly onto the nozzle rotating in the water.
  • When the mixture cools down to 75°C, half the dose of Amylosubtilin enzyme is added. Before making it can be dissolved with warm drinking water in a ratio of 1/10.
  • Next, the wort is mixed from a mushy to a liquid state or for about 30 minutes.
  • The wort is allowed to cool to 56-58°C and the rest of the Amylosubtilin enzyme and the Glukavamorin enzyme are added, then thoroughly mixed with a “mixer”. The enzymes work time at this stage will be about 1.5-2 hours.
  • After the end of the saccharification process, the wort must be allowed to cool to a temperature of about 30 ° C. In order to prevent the wort from “infecting” during cooling, it is advisable to hermetically close the container with it.
  • The wort is poured into a fermentation tank (previously disinfected), and yeast is added to it at a dosage of 2-3 grams of dry or 10-15 grams of pressed per kilogram of raw materials. Fermentation takes place under a water seal.

The active phase of fermentation will last about 3-4 days, then the mash must be periodically shaken without opening the fermentation tank.

3.2 Cold saccharification (COS)

The recipe for home brew using starch-containing raw materials and enzymes A and G without brewing:

  • It is desirable to crush the raw materials and be sure to clear the chaff, if any.
  • Prepare water at a temperature of about 35 ° C at the rate of ~ 6.5 liters of water per 1 kilogram of starch in the raw material (for cereals or crushed grains). It is worth considering that it is undesirable to fill the fermentation tank with mash more than 7/10 of the volume.
  • Half of the prepared water is poured into the fermentation tank.
  • To reduce the likelihood of contamination of the wort, it is definitely recommended to add an antibiotic - doxycycline (1 capsule per 20 liters of mash) to the water.
  • Acidity is regulated within 5-5.5 pH by orthophosphoric, sulfuric or citric acids.
  • Next, the enzymes Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin are introduced into the container, according to the dosage per kilogram of starch in the raw material.
  • If there is, then you can add the antifoam sofaxil - 1 ml per 20 liters of mash
  • Raw materials are brought in, then everything is mixed
  • Yeast is added in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (10 grams of dry yeast per 4-5 liters of mash).
  • The rest of the water is added.

Fermentation takes place under a water seal with periodic stirring - shake (without breaking the tightness). The fermentation process takes from one and a half to three weeks. Readiness for distillation is controlled by the appearance of a film on the surface of the mash. The appearance of a film is a sign that the mash is starting to turn sour and must be distilled immediately. Ideally, the mash should be distilled shortly before the appearance of the film.

Wheat moonshine can be made without malt, without temperature pauses thanks to the enzymes alpha amylase and gluco amylase. From experience I will say that the moonshine product in this way has excellent organoleptic characteristics. In this article, I will outline the detailed technology for making moonshine from wheat flour using enzymes using a cold saccharification method.

Wheat moonshine from flour

  • Wheat flour, premium - 3 kg.,
  • Water - 12 liters.,
  • Enzymes A and G - a tablespoon,
  • Pressed baker's yeast - 100 g

Recipe for grain mash on enzymes, cold method

For cooking grain mash on enzymes first of all, you need to heat the water to the state of “warm tea”, add a tablespoon of enzymes A and G, mix well. Next, gradually add the flour, while stirring it so that lumps do not form. It is convenient to stir the flour with a construction mixer. After we fall asleep yeast, mix again. Braga can be put without a water seal, the main thing is that it would be in a warm place. During fermentation, which lasts from 4-5 days to a week, I mixed the mash several times a day with a whisk.

For the cold method of saccharification, I used dry enzymes; with liquid ones, this technology showed a lower yield of the finished product per kilogram of flour. For liquid enzymes, you need to use the method of steaming flour or cereals.

Distillation of grain mash

When the mash wins back, it must be carefully drained from the sediment, if desired, it can be clarified with bentonite or simply cooled to 3-5 degrees. Distillation of grain mash begins with the selection of raw alcohol, as usual, without separation into fractions, it is necessary to select up to 2-4%, almost to zero. As a result, I came out of 3 kg. flour - 3.3 liters of 31% raw alcohol, which is not very bad for cold saccharification.

The second distillation is fractional, the head fractions for cereals I select about 7-10% of absolute alcohol, about 90 ml. I got "heads". I usually select the middle fraction (drinking) up to 80-60% in the stream, depending on the purpose of the distillate. Wheat moonshine is diluted to 40-45%, if necessary, it can be cleaned with activated charcoal.

Purification of moonshine with coal

To clean moonshine with coal, you need 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of moonshine already diluted to a strength of 40-45%. Pour coal into moonshine, mix well for 5-10 minutes, leave alone for 6-12 hours, filter first through 4 layers of gauze, then through a dense cotton filter. Before tasting, moonshine should rest for several days. Wheat moonshine has a neutral aroma and with a slight shade of grain, it is easy to drink, after carbonization it has a slight vodka sharpness. An excellent product for tinctures, refining with oak chips. Separately, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Yeast needs sugar to produce alcohol. In grain crops, it is found in the form of starch, a polysaccharide consisting of chains of glucose, fructose and sucrose molecules. Yeast feeds only on monosaccharides (one molecule), therefore, before laying the mash, the starch molecular chain must be divided into separate molecules, otherwise there will be no fermentation.

Saccharification- this is the process of splitting starch-containing raw materials (flour, cereals, potatoes, etc.) to simple sugars under the influence of natural (from malt) or artificial (synthetic) enzymes. Due to the temperature features of the technology, the first method is called hot saccharification, the second - cold.

In most cases, grain raw materials are cheaper than pure sugar, therefore, even taking into account the lower yield, it is profitable to make mash from cereals, and the taste of grain distillate is much more pleasant than sugar. The theoretical yield of absolute alcohol from different types of crops is presented in the table.

Raw materialsAlcohol, ml/kg
Wheat 430

Attention! These are theoretical values; at home, alcohol losses of up to 15% are possible.

Hot saccharification with malt

A classic method that has been used for centuries. In a humid environment, the grain germinates, which activates the necessary enzymes that can process starch. Grain sprouted to a certain state is called malt, which is of two types: green and white.

Green malt is used for saccharification of raw materials immediately after the appearance of sprouts of optimal length, but is stored for up to 3 days. If the sprouted cereal is dried, a white malt will be obtained, which can be stored much longer. Both types cope with their task with equal efficiency.

The advantage of saccharification with malt is that it takes a few hours to obtain sugar, as a result, the mash will win back faster than with the addition of artificial enzymes.

But this method has a number of disadvantages:

  • a high temperature is needed at which the raw material can burn;
  • it is required to maintain a stable temperature (60-72 ° C) for several hours, which is sometimes difficult at home;
  • saccharified wort is subject to rapid souring.

Malt saccharification technology

1. Grains or flour are slowly poured with water at 50-55 ° C, stirring continuously so that lumps do not form. For 1 kg of raw materials, 4-5 liters of water are required. Fill the container no more than 75%.

2. Raise the temperature to 60°C and hold for 15 minutes.

3. Bring the mixture to a boil. Depending on the raw materials, cook for 60-120 minutes until a homogeneous porridge-like mass is obtained. Flour is cooked less, cereals - longer.

4. Cool the porridge to 63-70°C, add crushed malt (150 grams per 1 kg of raw material), stirring constantly.

5. When reaching 61-65°C, cover the container with a lid and wrap it in any way possible to keep warm. Maintain the specified temperature for 2-4 hours. Stir every 30 minutes for the first 50% of the time interval.

6. To prevent the raw materials from sour, lower the temperature to 25 ° C as soon as possible, add yeast (usually 5 grams of dry or 25 grams pressed per 1 kg of raw materials), install a water seal and ferment in a dark place at room temperature. Braga will play in 2-6 days.

Temperature control is the heart of the process

If the temperature regime is not observed, saccharification will not occur or will be incomplete, reheating is useless, since the enzymes will lose their activity. The proportions of water, malt and yeast are approximate, exact values ​​​​and brewing time intervals depend on the recipe and type of raw material.

Cold saccharification with enzymes

Malt can be replaced with two enzymes - Amylosubtilin and Glucavamorin. The first partially breaks down molecules, the second - processes starch into sugar. The technology of cold saccharification is much simpler and cheaper than malt brewing, and the result is approximately the same. Enzymes, along with water, are simply added to the raw materials at the stage of preparing the mash. The conversion of starch to sugar and fermentation occur almost simultaneously.

Benefits of enzyme saccharification:

  • easier for novice distillers who do not have special equipment;
  • does not require high temperatures and compliance with temperature pauses;
  • lower labor costs for the preparation of mash.


  • requires the presence of special enzymes;
  • mash fermentation time increases to 10-20 days;
  • there is an opinion that the enzymes of the product are not natural and leave an aftertaste even after several distillations, so in home distillation it is better to stick to the traditional method using malt.

Cold saccharification technology

1. Add raw materials (cereals, flour, starch, pasta, etc.), water 30-35 ° C (3-4 liters per 1 kg of raw materials), Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin enzymes (3-5 each grams per 1 kg), yeast (5 grams dry or 25 bakery pressed per 1 kg).

The container must not be filled more than 70%, active foaming is possible.

2. Stir, close with a water seal, transfer to a dark place with a temperature of 20-28°C.

3. Fermentation will begin in 1-5 hours, the first couple of days it will be active, then the intensity will decrease. Fermentation time - 7-25 days. If a thin film appears on the surface, this is a sign of souring, the mash needs to be urgently overtaken.

4. Remove the finished mash from the sediment and overtake. Clarification with bentonite is ineffective.

Depending on the recipe, other ingredients may be added to the mash: antibiotics to prevent souring, top dressing of yeast for accelerated fermentation, an acid that stabilizes the acidity of the wort and an antifoam agent. The proportions of Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin depend on the activity of the enzymes and are indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Hot saccharification is ... No, let's start with something else. If you have ever visited forums or groups of moonshiners in the social. networks, then 100% often met the abbreviations GOS and HOS. GOS is hot saccharification, and HOS is cold. Both methods are used in distillation, as well as in brewing, and they perform the same functions.

Saccharification itself is the process by which starch is broken down into simple sugars. Hot saccharification is carried out with the help of natural enzymes under the influence of temperature.

So what is the process of hot saccharification itself?

We need malt! Malt can be either green or white.

Green malt is grain that has just sprouted to the desired length. It is stored quite a bit - up to three days. If the cereal is dried, then white malt will turn out - it can be stored much longer. Both of these types handle the hot saccharification procedure equally.

The advantage of hot saccharification is a short time investment. It takes only a few hours to get sugar, and the mash wins back much faster than with HOS.

But hot saccharification also has disadvantages:

  • Due to the use of high temperatures, there is a risk of burning raw materials.
  • With hot saccharification, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature for several hours, and this is quite difficult to do at home.
  • Ready wort can turn sour very quickly.

Technology of hot saccharification with malt:

  1. Pour water (50-55 degrees) cereals or flour so that lumps do not form - stir continuously. Calculate the amount of water based on the proportions: 4-5 liters of water per 1 kg of raw materials.
    The container must not be more than 75% full.
  2. Raise the temperature to 60 degrees and maintain for 15 minutes.
  3. Bring the mass to a boil and cook for about two hours until a homogeneous gruel.
  4. We cool the resulting porridge to 65-70 degrees and add chopped malt to it from a proportion of 150 grams of malt per 1 kg of raw materials, constantly mix.
  5. As soon as the temperature drops to 62-65 degrees, close the cooking container with a lid and wrap it with a blanket to keep warm. This temperature must be maintained for 2-4 hours, and the first half of this period is to mix the contents of the container.
  6. After that, put this raw material into production as soon as possible so that it does not turn sour.

If the temperature regime is violated, hot saccharification will not succeed or will be incomplete. Upon completion, do not forget to conduct an iodine test.

Purpose of the saccharification process

The liquefaction and saccharification of starch by enzymatic hydrolysis is well researched and studied. Its purpose is to convert the starch contained in the boiled mass into sugars (maltose + dextrins) under the influence of green malt amylase or moldy mushrooms in preparing it (starch) for fermentation.

In 1811, an associate of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Konstantin Kirchhoff, discovered the transformation of starch into sugar when boiled with sulfuric acid. For this discovery, he was elected an extraordinary academician and awarded a pension. In 1814, Kirchhoff discovered another equally important catalytic reaction - the action of malt diastase on starch.

In the article "On the preparation of sugar from starch," Kirchhoff pointed out that "the high price of Arabic gum prompted me to look for a cheap surrogate for the latter. And it seemed to me possible and achievable to eliminate the gelatinous state of boiled starch by means of dilute mineral acids and heat, and if this would be possible, I assumed I, then it (starch) should have looked like Arabic gummi". Indeed, today it is well known that sulfuric, nitric and oxalic acids destroy the gelatinous state of starch and under their influence, with prolonged heating, starch is converted into glucose.

To study the evolution of ideas about the process of hydrolysis, a special case of which is the saccharification of starch, the views of Professor A.N. Khodnev.

In 1852, Professor Khodnev suggested that a catalyst is a chemically active substance that gives intermediate products. Professor Khodnev explained the catalytic effect of acids on starch and its conversion into glucose by the preliminary formation of "pair compounds", for example, sulfuric acid is attached to starch, and this compound easily decomposes when heated with water into sulfuric acid and carbohydrate, which absorbs water and turns into grape sugar.

The action of green soda diastase on starch, according to Professor Khodnev, also consists in the gradual formation and decomposition of "paired compounds".

Recently, the nature and composition of enzymes have become known. It has been established that the enzyme consists of a protein part (apoenzyme) and a protein-free part (prosthetic), called the coenzyme.

The coenzyme can be separated from the apoenzyme by dialysis, and in the free state, the coenzymes are thermostable. When a coenzyme is combined with an apoenzyme, the activity inherent in the enzyme molecule is restored.

The apoenzyme molecule apparently has the functions of activating polar groups and binding the enzyme to the substrate.

The connection of the enzyme with the substrate can be inhibited by substances that form stable compounds with the enzyme.

The assumption about the formation of intermediate compounds between the enzyme and the substrate was previously based mainly on the study of the kinetics of reactions under various conditions. At present, the formation of complexes with the substrate by peroxidase and catalase has been proven by spectrophotometric analysis.

In close contact of the reactive group of the enzyme with the reactive group of the substrate, an enzyme-substrate complex is formed.

In the enzyme-substrate complex, there is a bond between the polar groups of the enzyme and the substrate.

The binding mechanism of the enzyme-substrate complex has also been proven using glucose phosphates specially labeled with C 14 atoms.

The connection of the enzyme with the substrate depends on the spatial arrangement of the reacting groups of the enzyme and substrate and their configuration.

Many details of the mechanism of formation of the enzyme-substrate complex have not yet been sufficiently studied, but it can be said with certainty that several reaction groups of the substrate and the enzyme are involved in its formation. This position is confirmed by the specificity of enzymatic reactions, and the shape of the surfaces of the reacting groups of the enzyme and substrate plays an important role in this.

As is known, the enzymatic hydrolysis of starch under the conditions of alcohol production produces maltose and a mixture of intermediate products called dextrins.

Maltose is easily fermented by yeast to form alcohol (and fermentation by-products) and carbon dioxide, while dextrins are converted to sugars and fermented during the post-fermentation period under the action of diluting amylolytic enzymes.

The process of starch saccharification proceeds in two stages: in the first there is a decrease in the viscosity of the starch solution (liquefaction) and in the second - the actual saccharification (conversion into sugars and dextrins).

Liquefaction and saccharification of starch proceed under the influence of amylase.

The composition of malt amylase includes a-amylase and b-amylase as the main enzymes.

a-amylase forms dextrins and a small amount of glucose, and b-amylase cleaves two glucose residues from the non-reducing ends of the amylopectin and amylose molecules, to which one water molecule is attached, resulting in the formation of maltose.

Recent studies have shown that b-amylase acts only from the non-aldehyde end of the chain, and therefore its activity does not decrease in the case of oxidation of the aldehyde groups of the sugar.

In the process of liquefying starch with malt amylase containing a- and b-amylase, large molecules are first cleaved by a-amylase, which breaks the chains of amylose and amylopectin at the 1-4 bond, mainly in the middle of large chains, forming particles with a large molecular weight - dextrins, as well as a small amount of glucose. Under the influence of b-amylase, dextrins continue to break down, eventually forming products that do not stain with iodine solution.

The end products of the enzymatic hydrolysis of starch are mainly represented by maltose, but also include some glucose and, in addition, up to 6-8% of low molecular weight non-saccharifiable dextrins, formed mainly at the branch points of the amylopectin molecule.

The action of b-amylase does not cause a noticeable change in the viscosity of the starch solution.

It should be noted that b-amylase cleaves amylose completely, while amylopectin, which has a branched structure, is cleaved only by 50%.

Saccharification of amylopectin begins at the ends of the side chains and stops when it reaches branching. As a result of saccharification of amylopectin with b-amylase, the stem of the molecule, devoid of branches, remains.

Undegraded amylopectin, amylodextrin, is an amylopectin with shorter side chains.

The rate of enmentative hydrolysis of starch

The rate constants of the saccharification reaction are calculated using the monomolecular reaction equation.

The mathematical dependence of the rate constant on temperature satisfies the Arrhenius equation

An enzyme or other catalyst changes the reaction so that it is possible at a lower activation energy. Thus, the inversion of sucrose requires an expenditure of 26,000 cal/mol, and under the action of the enzyme only 13000 cal/mol. Due to the decrease in the activation energy, the reactions proceed at a faster rate, since most of the molecules become sufficiently active.

The activation mechanism can be seen as a result of the collision of reacting molecules or an increase in collisions within molecules.

As a result of the chemical and adsorption interaction of the enzyme with the substrate, an intermediate complex is formed, the rate of decomposition of which determines the rate of this reaction. For example:

The reaction rate can be determined by the number of active molecules, i.e. molecules that have sufficient activation energy and react per unit time.

During enzymatic processes, the equilibrium constant does not change, only the rate of the reaction in one direction increases.

The transition of malt amylase into solution can be accelerated by creating conditions that favor the osmotic penetration of water into the germinated malt, followed by diffusion of the amylase through the walls of the malted grain.

A decrease in amylase activity under the action of certain additives is associated with the adsorption of certain substances at the site of their active groups. Amylase, which has active groups, is capable of adsorbing inorganic and organic substances.

Blocking the active groups of amylase of metals, such as iron, aluminum, lead, when the salts of the corresponding metals are dissolved, leads to the fact that the polar groups cannot exercise their functions, i.e., actively interact with the polar groups of starch.

Zabrodsky and Vitkovskaya showed that melanondin substances have an inactivating effect on the amylolytic enzymes of malt, and established their negative role in the process of saccharification of boiled mass starch.

Method for saccharification of dispersed starch-containing raw materials

A portion of the dispersed raw material (50 or 100 g) was transferred into a liter flask and water was added in a ratio of 1:2.5.

The mixture was thoroughly stirred with a stirrer (from an electric motor) at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, after which it was heated to 55° and saccharified for 30 minutes with a malt extract. A 20% malt extract was prepared from equal parts of barley and millet malts.

The extract was added to the saccharified dispersed grain raw material at the rate of 16% malted grain (barley and millet) in relation to raw starch.

Influence of the amount of malt for saccharification of dispersed starch-containing raw materials

Under the action of a-amylase and b-amylase on amylopectin, an unsplit residue containing phosphodextrins remains. Breaking bonds with phosphoric acid is achieved by the action of a dextrinolitic enzyme - dextrinophosphase, abbreviated as dextrinase. Therefore, for the complete breakdown of the starch molecule, the presence of dextrinase.

The increase in a-amylase activity has a slightly different character. In dormant barley grains, a-amylase activity is zero, and only after long-term storage in the grain can traces of it be detected. When grain is germinated on the third or fourth day, a jump in the increase in the content of a-amylase is observed, after which a-amylase activity gradually increases. At a temperature of 12-14 C, the limit is reached in 11-14 days, at a temperature of 18-20 C on the seventh day, and at a temperature of 27-28 C on the fifth day.

Dextrinase, like amylase, accumulates as the grain germinates. At the beginning of germination, the accumulation of dextrinase, like all grain enzymes, occurs slowly, then, after four days, faster, and at the end (on the tenth day) it almost stops. The figure shows a graphical representation of the dynamics of accumulation of amylase and dextrinase under the conditions of current malting for barley, oats and millet.

The duration of germination is closely related to temperature, the lower the temperature, the longer it takes to germinate the grain.

The malt of different cereals contains different amounts of these enzymes. Thus, four groups of cereals are distinguished:

Cereal crops





Barley group (rye, wheat, triticale)

Millet group (sorghum, kaoliang)

Oat group

Corn group

One grain crop is not enough to grow for malt. Take 2.3 malt to get a high content of all enzymes. Most often they take barley and rye malt (sources of alpha and beta-amylase) and millet malt (dextrinase). Or the sum of three malts: barley, millet and oat.

At domestic distilleries, undried malt is used for saccharification. It can not be stored for a long time, so every alcohol. the plant prepares it in the amount necessary for the current work.

Degree of saccharification in %...

The end products of starch saccharification under the action of malt amylase are maltose and dextrins. The ratio between the amount of these products and the malt amylase acting on the starch is not constant and depends on many factors, mainly on the saccharification temperature.

Pronin showed that with an increase in the amount of malt amylase, the final ratio between maltose and dextrins changes to a very large extent towards maltose. The question arises about the optimal amount of malt required for saccharification.

Malchenko and Krishtul, studying the saccharification of starch with different amounts of malt, showed that for saccharification it is possible to use a smaller amount of malt compared to that accepted in industry - up to 5% by weight of the processed raw materials.

They established the optimal amounts of malt required for saccharification of boiled starch-containing raw materials. To study the process of saccharification of dispersed raw materials and determine the optimal amount of malt, we studied the kinetics of saccharification of dispersed raw materials with malt amylase.

For these studies, we took 50 G dispersed oats and 150 ml water. The suspension of dispersed oatmeal was stirred with a stirrer at room temperature for 30 minutes, after which the flask was heated to 57° and kept in a water bath at 59°.

The given data show that the optimal amount of malt required for the saccharification of dispersed starch-containing raw materials lies in the range of 6-8% by weight of the raw materials to be saccharified, which was also confirmed by the fermentation of dispersed oats.

We conducted all factory studies on saccharification and fermentation of dispersed starch-containing raw materials with 8% malt (barley and millet) by weight of dispersed raw materials.

They found that an increase in the activity of malt amiasis by 1.5 - 5% can be achieved by passing an alternating current with a power of 0.013 - 0.015 amperes through the solution. As the current increases, the activity of amylase decreases.

Zabrodsky points out that malted milk, prepared with saccharified mass, improves the saccharification process and the solubility of malt starch.

Table. Extraction of malt amylase.

Experience number

Saccharifying capacity (in ml) of malted milk, prepared

On the boiled mass

On the saccharified mass from the second stage saccharifier

The study of the duration of saccharification on pure starch solutions showed that changing the duration of saccharification from 5 minutes to 2 hours does not affect the performance of fermented solutions. When saccharifying the boiled mass from grain for 5–45 minutes, a slightly increased content of undissolved starch in mash was observed during rapid saccharification, the amount of unfermented sugars and dextrins was the same. Saccharification of the boiled mass at 55 - 58 ° C for 15 - 120 minutes almost does not cause an increase in the content of fermentable substances in the solution, but with longer saccharification, the concentration of the saccharified mass noticeably increases. So, if after 15 minutes of saccharification the concentration of the saccharified mass was 13.8% (according to the saccharometer), then after 120 minutes it increased to 14.8%.

Thus, when choosing a saccharification mode under production conditions, one should take into account not only the temperature, but also the duration of its exposure, as well as the way the malted milk is processed.

Studies carried out at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Use (Raev, Ashkinuzi) showed that when saccharification by a two-stage method, the activity of malt amylolytic enzymes is better preserved, and saccharification in the first stage for 10 minutes and in the second stage for 2 minutes gives a saccharified mass with better indicators than with 10 minutes of saccharification in each stage. From the point of view of increasing the yields of alcohol, two-stage saccharification is more profitable than one-stage.

The studies of Raev, Ashkinuzi, Drazhner and Bazilevich revealed the dependence of the saccharifying and dextrinolitic ability on the method of saccharification.


Saccharification method

single stage


Saccharifying ability

Dextrinolytic ability

The same authors found that filtration analysis (determination of filtration rate) can serve as a criterion for assessing the saccharification regime. The table shows the dependence of the filtration rate of the saccharified mass on the duration of saccharification (at a saccharification temperature of 63-64°C).

Table. The rate of filtration of congestion after the 1st stage of saccharification.

Amount of filtrate in ml

The amount of filtrate in % of the weight of the filtered mass at the duration of saccharification in minutes

The filterability of the saccharified mass is due both to the breakdown of starch into maltose and dextrins, and the accumulation of maltose, which reduces the viscosity of the solution.

The quality of the saccharified mass depends on the mode of digestion adopted.

Zabrodsky and Polozhishnik showed that filtration, spectrophotometric analysis and potentiometric titration can be used for the production characteristics of boiled and saccharified mass.

The table shows the filtration performance of the saccharified mass at a vacuum of 800 mm of water.

Table. Dependence of the filtration of the saccharified mass on the boiling temperature.

Cooking temperature in degrees

Volume of filtrate after 10 minutes of filtration in ml

normal corn

defective corn

Corn starch

Pure starch, devoid of proteins and other colloidal impurities, has a greater ability to filter. Saccharified mass is filtered more slowly from normal corn and even more slowly from defective corn, which can be explained by the formation of colloidal substances with greater hydrophilicity (the ability to absorb and retain water).

According to Zabrodsky, in defective grain at high temperature, along with the dissolution and decomposition of protein compounds, there is a synthesis of water-insoluble humus-like substances.

Klimovsky, Konovalov and Zalesskaya found that during the saccharification of boiled mass, the amount of soluble nitrogen increases due to the action of malt proteolytic enzymes, depending on the accepted temperature regime for boiling grain raw materials.

The largest amount of soluble nitrogen (75% of the total nitrogen of the raw material) is formed at a boiling temperature of 150°C and the smallest (32.8%) - at a temperature of - 100°C. With an increase in the boiling temperature to 120 - 140 ° C, the amount of soluble nitrogen is 40 - 41.9%.

Thus, the native proteins of starchy raw materials are better broken down by malt enzymes than the proteins of heated raw materials.

The hydrolytic splitting of some of the proteins and fats of the grain, the breakdown of carbohydrates, the release of phosphoric acid from organic and inorganic compounds contributes to the formation of substances with acidic properties.

The acidity of the saccharified mass from defective grain is 1.5-2 times higher than the acidity of the saccharified mass from normal grain. The change in acidity depending on the conditions of raw material digestion is graphically shown in the figure.

The color of the saccharified mass can serve as a certain criterion for the processes that occur when the grain is heated. With an increase in the boiling temperature, the mass acquires a straw-yellow and brown color of varying intensity. by color it is possible to a certain extent to judge the quality of the boiled mass. The figure shows a graph showing the dependence of the color of the saccharified mass on the boiling temperature.

For saccharification of starch of grain-potato raw materials, a mixture of barley, millet and oat malts is used, and the sum of millet and oat malts must be at least 30%. It is allowed to use a mixture of two malts: barley and oat or millet. Barley malt can be replaced with rye (or wheat) in whole or in part, and millet malt with chumiza malt. It is forbidden to use malt from one crop in the production of alcohol from grain of the same crop (Smirnov V.A., 1981)....
