
Varieties and benefits of dried apricots with and without pit. What are the types of dried apricots called?

Dried fruits contain a lot of valuable minerals, vitamins, organic acids, and dietary fiber. In winter, such a meal will strengthen the immune system in the best possible way. One of the most common types of dried fruits is dried apricots - dried apricots. The product is added to baking and consumed as an independent snack. Many are wondering what benefits and harms an orange fruit can bring? Let's talk about everything in order.

What is dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots. The product is considered the most nutritious among its counterparts. To prepare 150 gr. dried apricots, you need to take 500 gr. fresh raw materials.
Previously, dried apricots were cooked for a long time. First, the apricots were sorted, cut, and pitted. Then they left it to dry in the heat, covering it with a cloth from insects.

Today, dried fruits are produced using a special technology using chemical components. To make dried apricots bright orange with a pleasant sheen, sulfur dioxide must be added to the soaking composition.

Ovens and stoves are used to reduce the drying time. As mentioned earlier, for the manufacture of 150 gr. dried raw materials require 0.5 kg. moderately ripe apricots.

There are the following types of dried fruits:

  • Dried apricots - an apricot is cut into 2 parts, the bones are removed, dried.
  • Kaisa - seeds are removed from whole fruits with a special device, then dried in the sun.
  • Apricot - apricot is washed, prepared, dried with a stone.

Dried fruits, in particular dried apricots, are used everywhere. Most often it is used in traditional medicine, diets, culinary purposes.

Calorie content, composition, nutritional value

  1. Dried apricots belong to the category of dried fruits, most of which is water. For 100 gr. product accounts for 70 gr. liquids. The next leading position is occupied by carbohydrates - about 25.2 g. per 100 gr. dried apricots.
  2. Dietary fiber, in particular fiber, is given about 4 grams. This amount is 1/5 of the daily norm, which is necessary for an adult. Dried apricots contain protein (1.2 g), ash (1 g), fats (0.16 g).
  3. During drying, the apricot loses some of the valuable elements, most often vitamins. However, the most “strong” remain and benefit the human body.
  4. Among the "persistent" vitamins there is retinol, or vitamin A. In 100 gr. dried apricots about 108.68 mg. this substance. Some may think that this amount is not enough. But it takes 13% of the allowable daily allowance for an adult.
  5. Also, in the process of drying, B-group vitamins are preserved. This section includes a whole "bouquet" of irreplaceable compounds. So, pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is given 0.14 mg. per 100 gr. (6% of the daily requirement). Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is contained in an amount of 0.2 mg.
  6. Dried apricots are also rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, niacin), ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  7. The value of dried apricots is due to the accumulation of micro and macro elements. For 100 gr. dried dessert relies 444 mg. potassium - daily rate. Dried fruit is rich in calcium, its 15 mg, magnesium (16 mg), phosphorus (39 mg).
  8. Dried apricots include copper (0.15 mg.), And this is 15% of the allowable daily allowance. Iron in dried fruit 1.6 mg. (9% of the norm), manganese is given 0.1 mg., Zinc - 0.25 mg.
  9. A sufficiently large number of organic acids allows you to saturate the human body with irreplaceable compounds. As for amino acids, they are in excess in dried fruit (isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, lysine). In total, dried apricots contain 12 amino acids, among which 7 are essential.
  10. Do not forget about fructose, sucrose, glucose, they are given 80% of the total volume of fruits. With such extensive indicators, the calorie content of dried apricots is considered low - 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. To provide the body with the necessary minerals, acids, vitamins, it is enough to eat 5 pcs. per day.

  1. Dried fruits have diuretic properties. For this reason, practitioners prescribe people with kidney disease to take a decoction based on dried apricots. The composition removes sand and small stones from the cavity of the internal organ, and also prevents their further deposition.
  2. The product is used in the preparation of the menu for patients with obesity. Quite often, dried apricots are consumed while following a diet, despite the incoming saccharides and calorie content. In this case, the daily rate is limited to 25 gr. As a result, old waste and harmful cholesterol are removed.
  3. Dried apricots partially thin the blood and prevent thrombosis. It is useful to eat dried fruit for people with varicose veins. Incoming pectin removes heavy metals and radionuclides, dietary fiber accelerates metabolic processes.
  4. To improve digestion, you need to eat half a meal a day. Dried fruits contain 9 times more fiber than fresh apricots. The element controls the activity of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Dried apricots contain many vitamins that increase the protective functions of the body during beriberi. Dried fruits are useful for adults and children to avoid infection with helminths.
  6. The product reduces fever, helps to recover from a serious illness or surgery. Dried apricots relieves headaches and fights frequent migraines, eliminates signs of colds and flu.
  7. Incoming carotenoids have a beneficial effect on human vision. The elements prevent the development of cataracts, lubricate the eyeball and strengthen muscles. This property is highly valued by people with low vision.
  8. Dried apricots increase physical endurance, so dried apricots are often used in the preparation of a diet for athletes. In addition, dried fruit fills the voids in the bones, promotes a rapid set of muscle mass, improves mood and morale.
  9. Fruits affect mental activity, so dried apricots are useful for people who work hard with their heads. Also, dried fruits of this type are included in the menu of schoolchildren and students to increase perception, memory, concentration.
  10. Decoctions with dried apricots remove excess fluid, thereby fighting puffiness. This property is appreciated by people with varicose veins and pregnant girls who are faced with heaviness in the legs.
  11. Dried apricots contribute to the rapid absorption of antibiotics by the blood. If you are taking a course of drugs, include dried fruit in your diet. You need to consume at least 20 gr. daily.
  12. Dried apricots should be given to children in winter and spring. It is at these times of the year that vitamin deficiency occurs. Dried apricots will make up for everything with a vengeance and strengthen the immune system.
  13. Dried fruits of this type have the ability to lower blood pressure. For this reason, dried apricots are consumed by hypertensive patients. Hypotension patients should be more careful, the maximum daily amount should not exceed 10 grams.

Permissible daily allowance

It should be remembered that dried apricots are highly concentrated products. It contains 2.5 times more sugar than fresh fruits. Also, if the apricot includes only 2 gr. dietary fiber, then in dried fruit this amount increases to 18 grams. The difference is significant.

An adult who has no contraindications to use should not eat more than 70 grams. dried fruits daily.

At the same time, dried apricots are added to pastries, hot and cold snacks, salads, meat dishes, side dishes. Often, fruit drinks and compotes, jellies, smoothies, etc. are made from dried fruits.

Since the indicator is 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. suggests some restrictions, dieters should not consume more than 4-5 pcs. per day.

  1. For the full development of the child needs a complex of vitamins with mineral compounds, organic acids, dietary fiber. Dried apricots include all of the listed substances.
  2. Incoming compounds are responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, as a result of which the child is energized. Calcium forms bone and muscle tissue, magnesium supports the work of the heart and brain, iron increases blood circulation.
  3. Children of school, preschool age and students work hard mentally. To improve thought processes and relieve nervous tension, dried apricots should be eaten daily at 10-15 grams.
  4. Starting from six months, you can gradually introduce dried fruits into the baby's diet. Start cooking low-concentrated compotes without sugar, then give the child 5 ml each.

The benefits of dried apricots for women

  1. Dried apricots are responsible for the normalization of hormonal levels in girls and women. If you eat dried fruit during menstruation, muscle spasms will disappear, hemoglobin levels will be restored.
  2. Women during menopause need to consume dried apricots to reduce the number of "hot flashes" and their rigidity, as well as to normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  3. Dried apricots have mild laxative properties, so they are often used for weight loss. Systematic consumption will cleanse the intestines and prevent slagging.
  4. A large accumulation of "beauty vitamins" of groups A and E is responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin. Dried apricots evens out complexion, fights wrinkles and skin pigmentation, eliminates hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered a natural antioxidant. It has preventive properties of the formation of malignant tumors, and also blocks the access of blood to existing cancer cells.

The benefits of dried apricots for men

  1. Dried apricots are a complete source of fiber. Dietary fiber takes responsibility for the activity of the intestinal tract. This has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Dried fruit is useful for men to take for the prevention of prostate diseases. Dosed consumption (about 40 grams per day) increases reproductive function and potency.
  3. Dried apricots stimulate the activity of the testicles, increasing the quality and quantity of sperm. As a result, the hormonal background is normalized.
  4. Men are more likely than women to suffer from ailments of the heart and vascular systems. Dried apricots prevent probable diseases, reducing the risk of their development to a minimum.
  5. The benefits for the stronger sex are due to an increase in physical endurance. Therefore, dried fruits must be eaten by people who work hard with their hands and go in for sports.

  1. In the later stages of gestation, a woman often encounters an increase in blood pressure, dried apricots reduce performance.
  2. Regular use of a decoction with the addition of dried apricots relieves swelling of the internal organs, limbs and face.
  3. Most often, women's doctors prohibit taking foods with sugar during pregnancy. But dried apricots are not included in this list.
  4. Dried fruits stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, control the heart rate.
  5. Pregnant women suffer from constipation, dried apricots affect intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect.

Harm dried apricots

  1. Abuse of the product can lead to disruption of the digestive tract. There will be diarrhea, bloating, pain in the stomach.
  2. Dried apricots are contraindicated in people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, allergies to the product, bronchial asthma.
  3. Diabetics are not forbidden to eat dried fruits, but the amount should be dosed. You can consume 2-3 pieces per week. dried apricots.

Dried apricots will not harm the human body if the product is used wisely and contraindications are taken into account. Add dried apricots to your regular meals or use as a snack. Follow the daily norm, introduce dried fruits into the diet of children.

Video: why dried apricots are useful

Dried fruits contain a lot of valuable minerals, vitamins, organic acids, and dietary fiber. In winter, such a meal will strengthen the immune system in the best possible way. One of the most common types of dried fruits is dried apricots - dried apricots. The product is added to baking and consumed as an independent snack. Many are wondering what benefits and harms an orange fruit can bring? Let's talk about everything in order.

What is dried apricots

Dried apricots are dried apricots. The product is considered the most nutritious among its counterparts. To prepare 150 gr. dried apricots, you need to take 500 gr. fresh raw materials.
Previously, dried apricots were cooked for a long time. First, the apricots were sorted, cut, and pitted. Then they left it to dry in the heat, covering it with a cloth from insects.

Today, dried fruits are produced using a special technology using chemical components. To make dried apricots bright orange with a pleasant sheen, sulfur dioxide must be added to the soaking composition.

Ovens and stoves are used to reduce the drying time. As mentioned earlier, for the manufacture of 150 gr. dried raw materials require 0.5 kg. moderately ripe apricots.

There are the following types of dried fruits:

  • Dried apricots - an apricot is cut into 2 parts, the bones are removed, dried.
  • Kaisa - seeds are removed from whole fruits with a special device, then dried in the sun.
  • Apricot - apricot is washed, prepared, dried with a stone.

Dried fruits, in particular dried apricots, are used everywhere. Most often it is used in traditional medicine, diets, culinary purposes.

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Calorie content, composition, nutritional value

  1. Dried apricots belong to the category of dried fruits, most of which is water. For 100 gr. product accounts for 70 gr. liquids. The next leading position is occupied by carbohydrates - about 25.2 g. per 100 gr. dried apricots.
  2. Dietary fiber, in particular fiber, is given about 4 grams. This amount is 1/5 of the daily norm, which is necessary for an adult. Dried apricots contain protein (1.2 g), ash (1 g), fats (0.16 g).
  3. During drying, the apricot loses some of the valuable elements, most often vitamins. However, the most “strong” remain and benefit the human body.
  4. Among the "persistent" vitamins there is retinol, or vitamin A. In 100 gr. dried apricots about 108.68 mg. this substance. Some may think that this amount is not enough. But it takes 13% of the allowable daily allowance for an adult.
  5. Also, in the process of drying, B-group vitamins are preserved. This section includes a whole "bouquet" of irreplaceable compounds. So, pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is given 0.14 mg. per 100 gr. (6% of the daily requirement). Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is contained in an amount of 0.2 mg.
  6. Dried apricots are also rich in riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP, niacin), ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  7. The value of dried apricots is due to the accumulation of micro and macro elements. For 100 gr. dried dessert relies 444 mg. potassium - daily rate. Dried fruit is rich in calcium, its 15 mg, magnesium (16 mg), phosphorus (39 mg).
  8. Dried apricots include copper (0.15 mg.), And this is 15% of the allowable daily allowance. Iron in dried fruit 1.6 mg. (9% of the norm), manganese is given 0.1 mg., Zinc - 0.25 mg.
  9. A sufficiently large number of organic acids allows you to saturate the human body with irreplaceable compounds. As for amino acids, they are in excess in dried fruit (isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, lysine). In total, dried apricots contain 12 amino acids, among which 7 are essential.
  10. Do not forget about fructose, sucrose, glucose, they are given 80% of the total volume of fruits. With such extensive indicators, the calorie content of dried apricots is considered low - 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. To provide the body with the necessary minerals, acids, vitamins, it is enough to eat 5 pcs. per day.

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The benefits of dried apricots

  1. Dried fruits have diuretic properties. For this reason, practitioners prescribe people with kidney disease to take a decoction based on dried apricots. The composition removes sand and small stones from the cavity of the internal organ, and also prevents their further deposition.
  2. The product is used in the preparation of the menu for patients with obesity. Quite often, dried apricots are consumed while following a diet, despite the incoming saccharides and calorie content. In this case, the daily rate is limited to 25 gr. As a result, old waste and harmful cholesterol are removed.
  3. Dried apricots partially thin the blood and prevent thrombosis. It is useful to eat dried fruit for people with varicose veins. Incoming pectin removes heavy metals and radionuclides, dietary fiber accelerates metabolic processes.
  4. To improve digestion, you need to eat half a meal a day. Dried fruits contain 9 times more fiber than fresh apricots. The element controls the activity of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  5. Dried apricots contain many vitamins that increase the protective functions of the body during beriberi. Dried fruits are useful for adults and children to avoid infection with helminths.
  6. The product reduces fever, helps to recover from a serious illness or surgery. Dried apricots relieves headaches and fights frequent migraines, eliminates signs of colds and flu.
  7. Incoming carotenoids have a beneficial effect on human vision. The elements prevent the development of cataracts, lubricate the eyeball and strengthen muscles. This property is highly valued by people with low vision.
  8. Dried apricots increase physical endurance, so dried apricots are often used in the preparation of a diet for athletes. In addition, dried fruit fills the voids in the bones, promotes a rapid set of muscle mass, improves mood and morale.
  9. Fruits affect mental activity, so dried apricots are useful for people who work hard with their heads. Also, dried fruits of this type are included in the menu of schoolchildren and students to increase perception, memory, concentration.
  10. Decoctions with dried apricots remove excess fluid, thereby fighting puffiness. This property is appreciated by people with varicose veins and pregnant girls who are faced with heaviness in the legs.
  11. Dried apricots contribute to the rapid absorption of antibiotics by the blood. If you are taking a course of drugs, include dried fruit in your diet. You need to consume at least 20 gr. daily.
  12. Dried apricots should be given to children in winter and spring. It is at these times of the year that vitamin deficiency occurs. Dried apricots will make up for everything with a vengeance and strengthen the immune system.
  13. Dried fruits of this type have the ability to lower blood pressure. For this reason, dried apricots are consumed by hypertensive patients. Hypotension patients should be more careful, the maximum daily amount should not exceed 10 grams.

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Permissible daily allowance

It should be remembered that dried apricots are highly concentrated products. It contains 2.5 times more sugar than fresh fruits. Also, if the apricot includes only 2 gr. dietary fiber, then in dried fruit this amount increases to 18 grams. The difference is significant.

An adult who has no contraindications to use should not eat more than 70 grams. dried fruits daily.

At the same time, dried apricots are added to pastries, hot and cold snacks, salads, meat dishes, side dishes. Often, fruit drinks and compotes, jellies, smoothies, etc. are made from dried fruits.

Since the indicator is 242 Kcal. per 100 gr. suggests some restrictions, dieters should not consume more than 4-5 pcs. per day.

The benefits of dried apricots for children

  1. For the full development of the child needs a complex of vitamins with mineral compounds, organic acids, dietary fiber. Dried apricots include all of the listed substances.
  2. Incoming compounds are responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, as a result of which the child is energized. Calcium forms bone and muscle tissue, magnesium supports the work of the heart and brain, iron increases blood circulation.
  3. Children of school, preschool age and students work hard mentally. To improve thought processes and relieve nervous tension, dried apricots should be eaten daily at 10-15 grams.
  4. Starting from six months, you can gradually introduce dried fruits into the baby's diet. Start cooking low-concentrated compotes without sugar, then give the child 5 ml each.

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The benefits of dried apricots for women

  1. Dried apricots are responsible for the normalization of hormonal levels in girls and women. If you eat dried fruit during menstruation, muscle spasms will disappear, hemoglobin levels will be restored.
  2. Women during menopause need to consume dried apricots to reduce the number of "hot flashes" and their rigidity, as well as to normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  3. Dried apricots have mild laxative properties, so they are often used for weight loss. Systematic consumption will cleanse the intestines and prevent slagging.
  4. A large accumulation of "beauty vitamins" of groups A and E is responsible for the health of hair, nails and skin. Dried apricots evens out complexion, fights wrinkles and skin pigmentation, eliminates hair loss and dandruff.
  5. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is considered a natural antioxidant. It has preventive properties of the formation of malignant tumors, and also blocks the access of blood to existing cancer cells.

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The benefits of dried apricots for men

  1. Dried apricots are a complete source of fiber. Dietary fiber takes responsibility for the activity of the intestinal tract. This has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  2. Dried fruit is useful for men to take for the prevention of prostate diseases. Dosed consumption (about 40 grams per day) increases reproductive function and potency.
  3. Dried apricots stimulate the activity of the testicles, increasing the quality and quantity of sperm. As a result, the hormonal background is normalized.
  4. Men are more likely than women to suffer from ailments of the heart and vascular systems. Dried apricots prevent probable diseases, reducing the risk of their development to a minimum.
  5. The benefits for the stronger sex are due to an increase in physical endurance. Therefore, dried fruits must be eaten by people who work hard with their hands and go in for sports.

The benefits of dried apricots for pregnant women

  1. In the later stages of gestation, a woman often encounters an increase in blood pressure, dried apricots reduce performance.
  2. Regular use of a decoction with the addition of dried apricots relieves swelling of the internal organs, limbs and face.
  3. Most often, women's doctors prohibit taking foods with sugar during pregnancy. But dried apricots are not included in this list.
  4. Dried fruits stabilize the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, control the heart rate.
  5. Pregnant women suffer from constipation, dried apricots affect intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect.

Harm dried apricots

  1. Abuse of the product can lead to disruption of the digestive tract. There will be diarrhea, bloating, pain in the stomach.
  2. Dried apricots are contraindicated in people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, allergies to the product, bronchial asthma.
  3. Diabetics are not forbidden to eat dried fruits, but the amount should be dosed. You can consume 2-3 pieces per week. dried apricots.

Dried apricots will not harm the human body if the product is used wisely and contraindications are taken into account. Add dried apricots to your regular meals or use as a snack. Follow the daily norm, introduce dried fruits into the diet of children.

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Video: why dried apricots are useful

Marina Kurochkina 05/29/2016

Dried apricots are one of the most popular dried fruits, they attract everyone with their muted orange color and delicate sweet taste. Dried apricot retains all the substances useful and necessary for the human body contained in fresh fruits. The benefits of dried apricots for human health are invaluable, it is an extremely necessary and useful food product that fully meets the requirements of a healthy diet.

Composition of dried apricots

Useful properties of dried apricots are easily explained by its composition. The vitamin composition of dried apricots is not so diverse, it contains carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and B vitamins (B1, B2, B5). But the mineral composition of dried apricots is impressive, dried fruits contain in large quantities: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt.

The nutritional value of dried apricots is as follows: protein part 5.2 g per 100 g of product, carbohydrates 51 g per 100 g of product, fats 0.3 g. The carbohydrate part of dried apricots is represented by glucose and fructose, which are in an easily digestible form and almost immediately enter the blood. Therefore, dried apricots are recommended for people with diabetes in a strictly limited amount (its glycemic index is 30).

Also, dried apricots contain fiber, ash, starch, organic acids (citric, salicylic, etc.).

The effect of dried apricots on the body and health benefits

Dried apricots are an exceptional food for the “cores”. The high content of potassium salts has the most favorable effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, contributes to the regulation of blood pressure, and an increase in hemoglobin levels. You need to use dried apricots for anemia, anemia, and also during pregnancy, when the amount of hemoglobin decreases naturally.

People taking diuretics should eat dried apricots to prevent potassium leaching from the body. In addition, dried apricot has a mild laxative effect, helps cleanse the intestines and normalizes its peristalsis. Pectin and fiber help cleanse the body as a whole, remove harmful substances, toxins, toxins, heavy metal compounds, radionuclides, and help lower bad cholesterol in the vessels.

Carotene, which is rich in dried apricots, is vital for the organs of vision, but it is not absorbed by the body in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, this must be taken into account if you want to get the benefits of dried apricots for the eyes.

The calorie content of dried apricots is 218 cal per 100 g, which is not much for the diet of an ordinary person, but for people who want to lose weight, the use of a large amount of dried apricots is not desirable, and nevertheless, dried apricots are a valuable dietary product. It would seem, what is the use of dried apricots for dieters? If there is a feeling of hunger, you can take one dried fruit and slowly dissolve it in your mouth, the body will be saturated with a lot of useful substances, and the feeling of hunger will leave, while the number of calories received will be minimal.

The use of dried apricots in large quantities harms the body, therefore it is not recommended for an adult healthy person to eat more than 100 g of dried fruits per day, otherwise digestion may be upset. To get the most out of the beneficial properties and not get harm from dried apricots, it is enough to eat 3-5 fruits a day.

The benefits of dried apricots in combination with other dried fruits are great, for example, the benefits of dried apricots with prunes are high for people who have had heart attacks. A mixture of several types of dried fruits is a real "vitamin-mineral bomb" used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Dried apricots are widely used in cooking, they go well with meat (with chicken, beef, veal), and are used as a filling for rich pastries.



Apricot is the dried fruits of an apricot tree with a stone. When dried naturally, the fruits retain many, many vitamins and nutrients.

Dried fruits are used for cooking compotes, they can be added to pastries or simply eaten dry, getting a taste pleasure, while replenishing the body with vitamins.

Many of us know about the existence of four types of dried apricot:

Apricots are fruits dried together with a bone;

Dried apricots are apricots dried in the sun;

Kaisa are dried pitted apricots;

Sheptala are large and sweet varieties of apricots dried without pits.

Apricots are mostly dried naturally with the help of the sun, and then people just pick them from the tree.

What is useful apricot

Useful properties of dried apricots are explained by its rich composition. This wonderful dried fruit contains water, starch, organic acids, pectin, fiber and non-fatty acids. In addition, dried apricots contain vitamins:

Vitamin A (Retinol);

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin);

Vitamin B2 (Riboflabin);

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid);

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid).

Dried fruit contains minerals:

Minerals in the composition of dried fruit are greater than in fresh fruits.

The calorie content of dried apricots is high - 241kcal / 100g. For this reason, to provide the body with useful substances without harm to the figure, you should eat no more than 5-6 pieces per day.

Fight fatigue;

When cleansing the intestines;
against constipation as a mild laxative;

Slows down the development of tumors;

Useful during pregnancy, as it contains magnesium;

Preventive remedy for cardiovascular diseases;

Useful for diabetes, as it contains harmless sucrose;

Lowers intracranial pressure;

Effectively fights headaches

Favorably affects the skin and hair;

Cleans blood vessels and fights thrombophlebitis;

Strengthens joints and bone tissue, in connection with which it is useful for arthritis and rheumatism;

Calms the nervous system;

Harm apricot

Dried fruits may contain a large amount of chemicals that are used to preserve color, etc. You should not buy bright orange apricots. Useful apricot has a dark brown tint;

Ingestion in large quantities can cause diarrhea;

The period of lactation in mothers, as it can cause indigestion in the baby;

Obesity, as it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates and is a very high-calorie product.


Dried fruits are a favorite delicacy of many. In this article, I want to talk about dried apricots. So, dried apricots: the benefits and harms of this food product - this will be discussed further.

What is dried apricots?

Initially, it should be noted that dried apricots are dried apricots. They acquire this form after chemical treatment, most often with sulfur dioxide, and placing them in drying chambers or special ovens.

However, despite all this process, they retain a maximum of useful properties.

It is worth noting that you can also dry apricots and get dried apricots in the so-called "old-fashioned" way. In this case, they must first be cleaned of the stone and placed under the rays of the open sun.

But still, it should be noted that after this dried apricots will not acquire such a beautiful orange hue as after drying cabinets. She turns brown.

A few more words about the shades of dried apricots. So, if moisture gets on it during drying, it becomes dark in color. If during the period of drying on an industrial scale, dried apricots are not treated with special chemicals, it acquires a faded hue.

It is also important to note that apricot is another type of dried apricot. However, in this case, smaller fruits are selected, and they are dried along with the bone.

Dried apricots: calorie content and nutritional value of this food product

So, what is the composition of dried apricots? So, it belongs to the category of dried fruits. But still, it is important to note that most of it is water, which is about 70% of the total composition. Carbohydrates follow, they are slightly more than 25%. Other components:

  • Dietary fiber: approximately 4%.
  • Proteins: a little over 1%.
  • Fat approximately 0.15%.
  • 1% is ash substances.

How nutritious is dried apricots? Its calorie content is 215 kcal per 100 grams of product. At the same time, we can say that one fruit contains about 15 kcal. So in small quantities - no more than a couple of fruits per day - this product can also be eaten by girls who are closely monitoring their weight fluctuations.

It is also important to note that if there are not so many vitamins in dried apricots, then there is a huge amount of such useful micro and macro elements as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. By the way, there are much more of these particles in dried apricots than in fresh apricots. Vitamins of groups A, B, PP and C also predominate in this food product.

Dried apricots: useful properties of dried apricots

As it has already become clear from the above, dried apricots are a very healthy food product. What is its beneficial effect on the human body?

  1. Dried apricots contain pectins. These are excellent antioxidants. They are able to remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the human body.
  2. Vegetable fibers, which are in the composition of dried apricots, have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive tract.
  3. Dried apricots have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body, thereby cleansing the vessels and preventing their blockage.
  4. Scientists say that dried apricots can increase the number of blood cells. Those. She is well involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. In addition, it is able to increase hemoglobin. So this food product is often prescribed to people with anemia.
  5. Dried apricots also have a positive effect on the body of diabetics. So, it contains quite a bit of sugar. And certain components are able to normalize the work of the insulin apparatus in the pancreas, which helps to improve the condition of diabetics.
  6. The vitamin complex, which is in dried apricots, perfectly strengthens the immune system and increases its defenses. It should be noted that this dried fruit is recommended for use in children during periods of exacerbation of viral diseases.
  7. Doctors say that dried apricots should be eaten by those people who are being treated with antibiotics. After all, this product perfectly reduces the negative effects of chemicals on the body, while enhancing the effect of important active substances of the drug.

Dried apricots during pregnancy

How applicable is dried apricots in special conditions? Its benefits and harms during pregnancy - this must also be mentioned. Many women are interested in this, because they don’t want to give up such goodies for nine months, or even more.

You don't need to do this. This food product has an extremely beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

So it is very useful during the bearing of the baby, as it is a natural prevention of constipation. It can also be used during breastfeeding. It is absolutely not harmful to the health of the crumbs.

Harm of dried apricots, contraindications to its use

So, dried apricots. Its useful properties have already been considered. Now it is necessary to say about who and in what situations it can be contraindicated for use.

  • Dried apricots lower blood pressure. So it is necessary for hypotensive patients to eat it with great caution.
  • With caution, you need to eat dried apricots for people who suffer from diabetes. In a small amount, it has a healing effect, but if you eat too much, it can do harm. So, the daily norm for an adult healthy person is about 100 grams, and these are five fruits. For diabetics, this figure is half as much.
  • If you eat dried apricots in large quantities, it can cause bloating, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region.
  • Dried apricots can cause allergies. This can happen if a person is allergic to apricot.

Generally speaking, the harm of dried apricots is negligible. If you consume it in a small amount, then this food product will only have a beneficial effect on the body. But here there is one "but". If the purchased dried apricots are too bright, orange, it means that they were previously treated with chemicals.

What exactly, it is unlikely that a person will be able to find out. But if anhydride was used in the drying process, then such fruits become harmful for use. This chemical is toxic and, once ingested, can have a negative effect on it.

Selection and processing of dried apricots before use

As it has already become clear from the foregoing, only one color of dried apricots can “tell” a lot of things. If it's too bright, don't buy it. So she was treated with chemicals. Its natural color is brownish. Before eating, it must be thoroughly washed in warm running water.

Next, it will need to be soaked a couple of times, changing the water every 10 minutes. If you want to give it to a child, you can briefly scald it with boiling water. After that, the harmful substances contained in the fruits of dried apricots are minimized.


Apricot according to Wikipedia is dried apricots with pits. It has many healing properties and contains many nutritional components. Use it natural fresh and dried.

The shelf life of the dried product is longer than that of the fresh one, and it has a unique taste.

Exists several types of dried fruit:

  1. Dried apricots - half of the fruit, dried without a stone, the color is from bright yellow to brown. Fruits of very bright colors indicate the addition of chemicals and dyes, they are not recommended to be eaten.
  2. Kaisa - a whole fruit without a stone. It has a mark from the extraction of the bone, and inside contains an empty space.
  3. Ashtak - in the early stages of the process, the bone is removed and at the end it is placed in its original place. This technology achieves an unsurpassed taste.
  4. Dried apricots- Apricot ripens on the branches, loses moisture from the sun's rays and turns into a finished product. See photo of natural apricots.

And also about its benefits and harm to our body!

Composition of apricot

Dried apricot contains lots of dietary fiber, a few pieces of dried fruit can maintain normal fiber. The fruit is considered the champion in potassium content among dried fruits. It also includes the following useful material:

  • proteins;
  • water;
  • fats;
  • ash; alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • alpha-tocopherol;
  • thiamine;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • niacin;
  • beta carotene;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

This product can be added to a weight loss program, it contains complex carbohydrates that tend to suppress hunger for a long time and stimulate bowel function. When consumed in small amounts, saccharides are converted from fat into energy. From this, a person begins to feel a surge of vigor and strength.

The difference between apricots and dried apricots

The main difference between apricots and dried apricots is fruit preparation technology, dried apricot has a bone. But it also has other differences:

  1. Apricot is more popular and well-known than dried apricots. According to popular beliefs, it is impossible to extract a stone from a fruit so as not to deprive it of its natural part.
  2. Usually, the fruit with the stone is dried right on the trees and is not subjected to chemical and heat treatments. From this, it is considered an environmentally friendly product for consumption and cheaper.
  3. Dried apricots contain fewer useful substances and it mainly has only a laxative property.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Dried fruit contains a large amount of potassium. It improves the function of blood vessels and normalizes the contractility of the heart muscle. It also contains dietary fiber, which is able to combine harmful toxins and increase the volume of feces. Dried apricot has properties:

  • neutralize the action of free radicals;
  • strengthen the capillary wall, stimulate the synthesis of hemoglobin, improve blood counts, prevent the development of anemia, prevent blockage of veins;
  • prevent cell mutation, improve cellular respiration;
  • remove the excitation of the central nervous system, increase mental activity;
  • normalize the state of blood vessels, increase myocardial oxygen supply, reduce blood pressure;
  • improve the function of the cornea, increase visual acuity;
  • transform fat into energy, accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the human body
  • strengthen bone tissue, normalize the processes of contraction of smooth muscles;
  • reduce pain in migraines.

To obtain a healing effect, you need to consume 150 grams of apricots in the morning.

The benefits and harms of apricots

In complex therapy, it is useful to take apricots for the following diseases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, heart attack;
  • arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, sciatica, rheumatism of the joints;
  • myopia, astigmatism;
  • bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis;
  • hypertension;
  • headache, migraine;
  • depression, neurosis;
  • constipation;
  • thrombophlebitis, vascular dystonia.

Antioxidants protect the body from inflammation, prevent the development of cancer, protect cells from premature aging. With regular use, the dermis and epidermis will be updated, elastin and collagen will be produced, skin health will be restored, the body will get rid of toxins.

Nutrients strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and cleanse them of fatty plaques, lower cholesterol levels. This is a good remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamins A, C and E increase and strengthen the immune system, it must be taken during periods of epidemics and with a tendency to colds. Compotes, decoctions and teas remove bacteria and harmful substances from the body, help fight symptoms.

Tea, compote or infusion from this dried fruit restores the functioning of the intestines and digestive system, regulates stable cleansing, and supports the microflora. Apricot removes excess fluid and relieves puffiness.

And also apricot is useful for brain function. With high mental stress, you can arrange a separate snack with this fruit or prepare light desserts.

Apricot is a very useful dried fruit, but it has its own contraindications. There are contraindications for people who are hypersensitive to beta-carotene. Caution should be used by people with chronic pathologies of the digestive tract, diabetes, low blood pressure.

How to brew apricots?

Pour dry fruits into a glass, and then pour them into an enamel bowl, pour a liter of boiling water over it and cover with a lid.

The dishes should be wrapped warmly and dried apricots should be insisted for 15 hours.

After that, the resulting compote must be filtered, the swollen berries are eaten, and the liquid is drunk during the day. This infusion is Useful for hypertension and constipation.

How to choose natural apricots?

If you buy packaged products, pay attention to the labeling. When processed with chemicals, the E220 mark will appear on the package - this is sulfur dioxide.

How to choose by appearance:

  1. outer surface. The peel should be wrinkled, free from mold and defects.
  2. The color should have an inconspicuous appearance - the peel is wrinkled, matte, brown. With a shiny bright orange surface that is translucent in the light, this indicates that the product has been treated with sulfur dioxide.
  3. According to the structure, the pulp of dried fruit should be dense and elastic; when pressed, it should not stick and release juice.
  4. By smell, natural apricots have an unobtrusive aroma of apricot without foreign impurities. Artificial fruits will give away chemicals and soot.
  5. Natural apricot, which has ripened on a tree, has a sweet and sour fragrant pulp. If the fruits have a sugary honey middle, then they have been treated with sugar syrup.

Apricot - an apricot with a stone, which has ripened on the branches of a tree, has a rich healing composition. Used for medicinal purposes, in cooking and cosmetology. Only a quality product that has not been processed with chemicals can bring benefits.

Apricots are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, so they should be present in the diet of every person all year round. They slow down the aging process, help to avoid many diseases, have a positive effect on the skin, metabolism, circulatory system and brain. In season, the fruit should be eaten fresh, out of season - dried.

The difference between dried apricots and apricots is that a naturally dried apricot with a pit is apricots. Dried fruit obtained from an apricot after removing its pit is dried apricots.

1 Composition and useful properties

The antioxidants and vitamins found in dried apricots help support the immune system. The most valuable of them:

  1. 1. Beta-carotene. It has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, slows down the aging process, supports the normal functioning of the immune system, and prevents skin damage from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. 2. Vitamin C. Necessary for the production and maintenance of collagen in the skin, helps in the fight against colds, protects against atherosclerosis, supports the cardiovascular system and helps protect the body from malignant changes.
  3. 3. Vitamin E. They say about it the “vitamin of youth”, because it plays an important role in inhibiting the aging process, has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin, strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents the oxidation of LDL lipoproteins, and reduces the concentration of this fraction of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. 4. Vitamins of group B. Dried apricot contains 3 times more vitamin B2 than peaches, therefore it is necessary for the recovery of the body, especially after an illness.

The process of drying apricot allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the product, and often even increase the concentration of nutrients in it. 100 g of this dried fruit provides the body with 5 times more beta-carotene (7842 mcg) and vitamin C (31.7 mg) than its fresh fruit. Much more phosphorus (127 mg), calcium (139 mg), magnesium (42 mg), potassium (1666 mg) and dietary fiber (10 g).

The fiber contained in dried apricots can improve the functioning of the digestive system and regulate lipid metabolism. Dried fruits help in maintaining normal blood glucose levels, thereby normalizing the secretion of insulin in the pancreas.

They contain a large amount of potassium, which maintains the acid-base balance of the body. Potassium is necessary for the proper control of muscle function and is involved in the formation of nerve impulses. It stimulates the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure. Accelerates the removal of excess water from the body, reducing swelling. Magnesium contained in fruits is responsible for healthy bones, teeth, proper muscle contractility and conductivity of nerve tissues. It is enough to eat a few dried apricots a day to maintain bone health. Therefore, this product is useful for women and men struggling with osteoporosis.

The product helps to cleanse the channels of the sebaceous glands of the skin, so dried apricots should be in the daily diet of people with acne.

Fresh apricots contain a small amount of calories - 47 kcal per 100 g of fruit. Recommended for people watching their weight. In diabetes and obesity, the consumption of dried apricots should not be excessive, as they are much more nutritious than fresh fruits. Their calorie content in 100 g is 284 kcal.

Apricots: useful properties and contraindications, application

2 What is the difference between dried apricots and apricots?

In the east, apricot is used more often than dried apricots. It is a component of real pilaf, which gives it an exquisite taste and aroma. Apricot drink is very tasty and fragrant.

It is considered a more useful product, since when it is received, the fetus remains whole without removing its "heart" (bone). The process of making apricots sometimes does not require any effort. Ripe fruits can not be collected from trees, then the sun and wind will dry them to the desired state. The second way to get apricots is to harvest and lay out fruits in a shady, dry place. So the fruits are subjected to a natural fermentation process.

In industry, special methods are used to speed up the fermentation process. Often, apricots are treated with special chemicals before drying to keep them from losing their rich orange color. When making apricots at home, the fruits are fumigated. Therefore, apricots do not have such an attractive appearance as dried apricots, but they have excellent taste qualities.

So, the difference between dried apricots and apricots:

  • lack of bone;
  • rich orange color (apricot has a brown tint);
  • manufacturing method (dried apricots are rarely obtained by drying in natural conditions).

Medlar: the benefits and harms of an exotic fruit

3 Benefits for women during pregnancy

During pregnancy, dried apricot is an important product in a woman's diet. He:

  • copes with high blood pressure, which often appears in late pregnancy;
  • a decoction of dried fruit well eliminates swelling;
  • normalizes the work of the heart;
  • helps to avoid diseases of the kidneys and thyroid gland;
  • treats iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women;
  • removes heavy metals, wastes, toxins from the body.

Dried apricot is also a mild laxative. Therefore, it is used instead of drugs for constipation in pregnant women. Dried apricot brings great benefits when consumed along with cereals. It is a great addition to oatmeal. A few hours before adding to dishes, it is better to soak dried fruit in warm water.

Cedar oil and resin: what are their benefits and harm to the human body?

4 Contraindications

Apricot contains a lot of carotene and sucrose. Therefore, there is not only the benefit of dried apricots, but harm to the body is also possible. Contraindications limiting the consumption of the product:

  1. 1. Reduced thyroid function and liver disease, duodenal disease, inflammation of the gastric mucosa and ulcer.
  2. 2. Diabetes.
  3. 3. Low blood pressure.
  4. 4. Bronchial asthma.
  5. 5. Allergic reactions.

Excessive eating of dried apricot leads to weight gain. Women gain especially quickly during pregnancy and lactation, as their hormonal background is unstable.

Dried apricots have a laxative effect, so eating them in large quantities (more than 10-15 a day) can cause stomach pain, diarrhea.

Common apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris).

Description. A deciduous tree, rarely a shrub of the Rosaceae family, up to 8 m high. Apricot has a powerful root system with a tap root, which is located at different levels, depending on soil conditions. With the natural formation of the crown in a young apricot, the shoots grow long and often at an acute angle from the trunk. Such a crown can be fragile. Therefore, when growing an apricot, the crown of a tree is usually formed from the first year of life, and it is done annually. The main goals of crown formation are skeletal strength and compactness.
The bark is grayish-brown, longitudinally cracking. Young shoots are red-brown, glabrous, shiny, with small lenticels. Leaves are petiolate, alternate, ovate-rounded, almost heart-shaped at the base, unevenly serrated along the edge.
Flowers bisexual, white or pink, nearly sessile, 5-petalled, solitary. Petals elliptical or obovate. The diameter of the flowers is 25-30 mm. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear. Blooms in April. Fruit ripening begins in late June - early July. Fruiting late varieties until early August.
The fruit is a rounded juicy drupe with a velvety-pubescent skin. The color of the skin of the fruit varies: whitish-greenish, pale yellow, yellow, orange, often with a reddish side. There is also a purple skin. The pulp is soft, juicy, sweet or sweet-sour. Fruit weight from 5 to 80 or more grams. Seeds are obovate, with dense light brown skin.
The homeland of the common apricot is Northeast China. In the wild, apricot is distributed in the Far East, the North Caucasus, the Tien Shan, Turkmenistan, Northwest China. In the post-Soviet space, it is grown everywhere. In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, apricot is grown as an industrial crop.
Some of the most delicious apricot varieties are Bebeko, Tsarsky, Favorit, Lel, Pineapple. Apricot prefers sandy and light loamy, deeply drained, moderately moist soils with slightly alkaline reaction. The groundwater level should not be closer than 2 m. Apricot is propagated mainly by budding, less often by cuttings or seeds.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. For eating, processing, drying, apricot berries are harvested fully ripe. The collection is carried out in 2-3 stages, as it matures. If transportation of berries is supposed, in this case they are plucked 2-3 days earlier. In the refrigerator, at t 0 ° C, apricot fruits can be stored for several weeks. Berries can also be dried, frozen, dried apricots, jams, jams, juice, compotes, etc. can be made from them.
You can dry apricots simply in the sun. To do this, seeds are removed from the berries, the pulp is laid out on fabrics in one layer in the sun. At night, the berries are brought into a dry room. In dry hot weather, the drying process takes 3-5 days. Apricots dried in this way are often used to make compotes. You can dry an apricot with a stone. Such an apricot is apricot.

Dried apricots.
In recent decades, dried apricots have appeared, which are also dried apricots, but using a special technology. The essence of this technology lies in the preliminary short heat treatment of berries. The plucked apricot fruits are sorted out, the stalks are removed, washed, dried from water on the fabric. Then the fruits are broken in half, but so that the halves remain connected, the bones are removed.
Sometimes it is necessary to make an incision along the groove to break the fruit in half. After removing the bones, the halves are interconnected. Next, the fruits are immersed in boiling water for 4-5 minutes (no more) or kept in a colander over steam for 10-15 minutes. Such processing is necessary in order for the pulp to retain its color.
The fruits are taken out of boiling water, allowed to cool slightly, taken one at a time, and the halves are squeezed together so that the pulp is connected. Then they are laid out on a towel to dry from the water. After that, the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and dried in an oven or dryer at t 65 ° C for 8-10 hours. Store dried apricots in cloth bags.

Useful material. Fresh apricot fruits contain sugar about 23-27% / 100 g (mainly sucrose), organic acids about 2.5% (citric, malic, tartaric, salicylic), pectins about 1%, vitamin C 10-27%, a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin PP, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, H, B6, flavonoids, a lot of potassium salts, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, iron, also iodine, silver. These same substances are also found in dried apricots.
Apricot seeds contain fatty oil (30-50%), proteins, emulsin, arabinose, galactose, glucuronic acid, minerals, amygdalin (vitamin B17).

Useful properties of apricot.
The benefits of apricots are due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances in them. Taking 150-200 ml per day of apricot juice provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
Fresh apricot fruits are useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia, for diseases of the skin, oral mucosa, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, as well as for obesity, constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by low acidity of gastric juice and putrefactive processes, for recovery after mental stress.
During pregnancy and lactation, apricot, dried apricots, apricot juice will also be useful, as they prevent anemia, edema, constipation, and nourish the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
The juice of fresh ripe apricots is used for sunburn; pulp - in cosmetology for the preparation of nourishing masks for facial skin.

The benefits of dried apricots.
Dried apricots are a dried apricot fruit, so the useful properties of dried apricots and indications for use are the same as for fresh fruits. But the concentration of vitamins and minerals in it (per 100 grams of product) is much higher than in fresh fruits. There is a lot of potassium and magnesium in dried apricots.
Potassium ensures the conduction of nerve impulses, regulates the alkaline balance of blood and tissue fluid, participates in metabolism, promotes the excretion of fluid from the body, regulates the rhythm of the heart. Potassium is very important in cardiac arrhythmias and cardiovascular insufficiency. The daily requirement for an adult is 3-5 g.
Magnesium has anti-stress, anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antitumor effect, normalizes the functioning of the parathyroid glands, participates in the transmission of a nerve impulse, stimulates phagocytosis, participates in the synthesis of antibodies, is a building material of the skeleton and especially lung tissues, participates in the regulation of blood clotting, activates the work of biotin (vitamin H).
The daily requirement of magnesium for an adult is 300-400 mg; pregnant and lactating women - 450 mg per day. Magnesium is also important for patients with hypertension, as it helps to lower blood pressure for women during menopause.
Especially, dried apricots are indicated for cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema; with atherosclerosis, coronary insufficiency. In such cases, it is useful to do fasting days - once a week during the day, eat 300 grams of soaked soft dried apricots in 4 doses and drink 400-500 ml of apricot juice.
Since dried apricots contain a lot of fiber, some people, when consumed in large quantities, may experience an upset gastrointestinal tract. The average daily dose of dried apricots for an adult is 80-100 grams.

The benefits of kernels (seeds) of apricot.
Apricot seeds are conditionally edible. They can be consumed in limited quantities: adults - no more than 20 grams per 1 dose; no more than 40 grams per day; children - the dose is 2 times less. This is due to the content of amygdalin in the seeds, which in the body turns into hydrocyanic acid.
Hydrocyanic acid for the body is a strong poison that can be fatal. But at the same time, amygdalin has beneficial properties for the body. It improves metabolism, slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on hypertension, arthritis, has an analgesic effect, and is able to destroy cancer cells. For example, in northwestern India, where apricot seeds are eaten, cancer is almost non-existent.
In Chinese folk medicine, apricot kernels are used as a sedative for severe coughs and hiccups.

Contraindications. Apricot is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, as it contains a lot of sugar. You can use it a little for gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with high acidity; not possible with exacerbation of these diseases. Individual intolerance is possible.

Apricot is a garden tree belonging to the almond family, its fruits are widely used in the food, canning and confectionery industries. Both the pulp and the kernel (seed) are used. Apricot is a fruit that contains many useful substances and vitamins for the body.

In Byzantium, it was believed that it has healing and rejuvenating properties, and in Asia that it prolongs life.

Dried fruits from fresh fruits, they retain about 30% of vitamins and more than 80% of minerals.

Contraindications to the use of these wonderful amber fruits are minor:

  • should not be consumed on an empty stomach and in large quantities, there may be indigestion;
  • with gastritis and ulcers, it is not advisable to use it fresh;
  • with liver disease, do not abuse;
  • you need to abandon apricots with reduced thyroid function, with diabetes, as it contains a lot of sugar and with individual intolerance.

Types of dried fruits from apricots

Apricot fruits are easy to dry. There are several types of dried apricots, their differences are in the drying method:

  • - dried, pitted, cut in half or into four parts;
  • Kaisa - dried whole fruit without a stone;
  • - dried with a bone;
  • Sheptala - an apricot with a stone, dried in the sun, is rare today;
  • -, dried without a stone. Ideally, dried roasts are a beautiful golden-orange color.

Dried apricots are the most popular type of dried apricots. This dried fruit is very useful, contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, minerals, organic acids, vitamins (PP, A, B, C, E), beta-carotene. Sweetness gives a high content of glucose, sucrose and fructose.

For dried apricots, a large, mature, fleshy and intact fruit is needed, it should not be very juicy varieties. Varieties from Central Asia are well suited. It is necessary to rinse it well before drying, so as not to wash it in the form of dried fruits, as many vitamins are lost. The apricot is cut into two halves and dried without a stone, this is dried apricots.

The weight of the dried fruit is reduced by five times. Dry in warm weather, in a well-ventilated place with access to sunlight.

Dried apricots have less vitamin when compared with apricots, but in appearance it wins. It can be given a beautiful amber color. To obtain a marketable appearance and retain color, the apricot is treated with sulfur dioxide. Although the method is allowed, it is still not environmentally friendly. At home, you can use another completely safe way to preserve the color of the sun:

Apricot is a dried fruit with a whole bone. It is on the tree until the moment of complete disposal of moisture. It is considered a valuable product containing a lot of sugar, vitamins, minerals. It is more useful than dried apricots, even though it looks plain, as it dries naturally right on the tree.

The use of apricots will give an excellent charge of vivacity. Magnesium contained in apricot helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, apricots regulate blood pressure, beta-carotene content has a positive effect on vision. It plays an important role in burning fat, and, consequently, in losing weight.

Kaisa are apricots dried in the sun, like dried apricots, but the pit is squeezed out of them with little or no damage to the skin. There are fewer useful substances in kaisa than in apricots.

How to cook dried apricots at home and how to store dried apricots?

If there is no drying area, you can cook dried apricots at home using special household appliances. The technique is getting better every year, and as a result, the quality of dried fruits is higher.

Each device has instructions, but the principle is the same:

  • lay out the halves so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together;
  • first you need to dry at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for 2-3 hours;
  • in the middle of the process, increase to 60 degrees;
  • drying time - 10 hours, sometimes 12.

In the absence of special household appliances, you can use the oven, but you need to constantly monitor the process. There is no ventilation in the oven, so the temperature should be immediately higher, 60-65 degrees and periodically open the door so that moisture comes out. In conclusion, it is desirable to lower the degree a little.

Using these methods, the apricot can dry unevenly, in order to even out, the slices are placed in boxes made of cardboard or wood for several days to “steam”. During this time, there is a uniform distribution of moisture over the product.

Another way to cook dried apricots at home:

Apricots are ready, in their consistency they are like soft dried apricots.

You can understand that dried apricots are ready as follows:

  1. To the touch. In a well-dried apricot, only 10% of water remains. Dried apricots are dry, elastic and pleasant to the touch. Should not be hard and make a sound when tapped.
  2. Throw into the water. Quality dried apricots will swell in hot water.
  3. By color. A good dried fruit is moderately yellow or orange in color, it can be dull brown. Strongly bright, rich colors are not a sign of quality, but of the presence of chemistry.

How to store dried fruits to enjoy them for as long as possible:

And how to store someone in a small apartment - a simple and proven way, in the refrigerator. Good quality dried apricots can be stored in this way for up to 2 years.

How to store dried apricots - unfortunately, they do not store for a long time, as they contain more moisture than other dried apricot fruits. Dried apricot is not only a delicacy, but also a means for prevention and treatment. Enjoy the sunshine and stay healthy!

Fresh apricots have a colossal set of vitamins, minerals and other useful trace elements, and in dried apricots you can find just a whole storehouse of benefits for the body. In addition to the rich chemical composition, they have a positive effect on the metabolism in the body, and also contribute to rapid satiety. Because of this, they are included in various diets for weight loss.

Origin story and legends

Apricot belongs to the genus Plum from the Rose family.. Among the people, this tree has several other names - morel, yellow plum, perch, apricot, dried apricots. In Latin, apricot is called prunus armeniaca, this name shows the involvement of this plant in Armenia. It is believed that it was there that this tree first appeared.

There are numerous legends about the origin of this plant. One of them says that Noah himself transferred the apricot to the ark in order to save it from the flood, during which many varieties of fruit and other trees perished. It was this tree that became the first in the Ararat Valley, and then it spread all over the world.

There is also such a legend that the children of the Sun became apricot trees, who became bored in the sky, and they descended to earth.

If there is a desire to influence the preservation of a bright apricot color, then you can perform the following manipulations before drying:

  • Fruits with seeds taken out are soaked in a solution of citric acid at the rate of 8 tsp. for 1 liter of water.
  • After that, they are pulled out and dried, and only then laid out on sheets. Such blanks can be dried both in the shade and in the sun.

You can dry apricots in the oven or electric dryer. Then the procedure will be slightly different. Before drying, the peeled fruits are dipped in a colander for 10 seconds in boiling water with the addition of soda - 1.5 teaspoons per 1 liter of water, and then quickly dipped in ice water. After that, they are dried and laid out on a baking sheet with the open side up.

The drying process in the oven of pitted treats takes about 8 hours at a temperature of 50-65 degrees Celsius.

In fact, kaisa is made in the same way, the only difficulty is pulling out the bones - this is a rather laborious and complex process. But if you get the hang of it, it will not seem so difficult. Plus, the drying time is approximately doubled, since the kaisa has almost a double layer of pulp.

At home, apricots are considered such a popular ingredient in many dishes that they are hardly even exported - this product is considered too valuable. And not in vain, because apricots retain several times more useful trace elements and vitamins than dried apricots.

Culinary Secrets

As for the use of dried apricots and other dried apricot fruits in cooking, first of all, these products are used, of course, in the preparation of second courses and desserts. With dried apricots, meat is very tasty - especially lamb and pork. It gives these types of meat products a piquant sweet and sour taste, which somewhat hides their high fat content.

And there are also many recipes for outlandish salads with dried apricots and kaisa. These dried fruits are also added to sweet pilaf along with raisins, dates, prunes, figs and other similar products.

Medicinal use

In folk medicine, apricots are, of course, most valued. However, dried apricots and kaisa are also used for the preparation of medicines.

Medicines based on dried apricots can strengthen the heart muscle and prevent cardiovascular diseases. And also dried apricots are useful against constipation and for cleansing the kidneys.
