
The difference between milk and cream. The benefits of cream

Cream is the fat-containing part of milk, located in its upper layer.

Cream is obtained by separating whole milk into skim milk and a fat fraction. At home, they are obtained by settling strained milk. The settled cream is separated from milk and subjected to heat treatment.

Depending on the processing method, pasteurized and sterilized cream is distinguished. Cream is pasteurized at 85°C, and sterilized at 100°C. The shelf life of sterilized cream should not exceed three days. Pasteurized cream can be stored for up to 120 days. However, when they are sterilized, vitamin C is destroyed, and phosphorus and calcium form compounds that are practically not absorbed by the human body. That is why only pasteurized and fresh cream are considered useful.

In processing plants, a separator is used to separate cream from milk. The separator processes 20 tons of milk per hour. Processing enterprises produce cream with a fat content of 8 to 55%. After the separation process, the cream is normalized with skim or whole milk.

In the food industry, "vegetable cream" is widely used, obtained from vegetable fats (based on palm kernel, coconut or palm oil). They include milk proteins, which give this product the color, taste and aroma of natural cream, as well as stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes, acidity regulators and flavors.

"Vegetable cream" are fatty acids (trans isomers). Products containing "vegetable cream" are not recommended for consumption, as trans-isomers are carcinogens.

There are also dry and canned cream on sale, the method of use of which is indicated on the package.

Nutritional value and calorie content of cream

According to the percentage of fat, cream can be low fat (8-14%), low fat (15-19%), medium fat (20-34%), fat (35-49%) and very fat (50-55%).

Cream 10% fat contains 2.7 g of protein, 10 g of fat and 4.5 g of carbohydrates. Cream 20% fat contains 2.5 g of protein, 20 g of fat and 4 g of carbohydrates. Cream 30% fat contains 2.2 g of protein, 35 g of fat and 3.2 g of carbohydrates.

The calorie content of 35% fat cream is 337 kcal, 20% fat cream is 207 kcal, the calorie content of 10% fat cream is 119 kcal.

Properties and benefits of cream

Cream is considered a highly nutritious dairy product. Dairy cream is rich in vitamins B1, B2, A, D, E, PP and C, as well as mineral salts and trace elements - iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, molybdenum, calcium, chlorine, selenium, potassium and phosphorus. Vitamin D in cream promotes optimal absorption of phosphorus and calcium. They contain five to six times more vitamin A than milk. 40 ml of the product contains about 5% of the body's daily requirement for phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B 2 and B 12.

The benefit of cream is its high content of phospholipids, or phosphatides. Phospholipids are part of all cells and tissues of the human body, especially a lot of them in nerve cells. Phospholipids, mainly lecithin, play an important role in preventing the development of atherosclerosis, contributing to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism in the body. That is why milk cream is widely used in clinical nutrition.

In addition, the benefit of cream is that this product contains L-tryptophan, so they are recommended for people suffering from nervous disorders or depression.

Casein and lecithin are obtained from cream. They are used in the manufacture of various dietary supplements and drugs. In official medicine, only low-fat cream (8-14%) is used.

For kidney diseases and edema, cream mixed with carrot juice is used. A mixture of cream with honey is used to enhance the work of the sex glands. Often, cream is prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for acute gastritis.

Cream-based products are indispensable for sudden weight loss and exhaustion. Cream quickly binds and removes toxins from the body.

Cream and cream products contribute to the effective recovery of the body after exhausting physical or mental stress. An adult is recommended to consume no more than 60-70 g of this dairy product daily.

In its pure form, the cream softens the skin very well, improving its metabolism and blood circulation. They are perfectly absorbed and almost do not leave a sticky and greasy trace.

Cream products and cream are widely used in cooking.

Contraindications to the use of cream

Due to the high fat content, this product should not be consumed by people with obesity, atherosclerosis and liver disease. Children under two years of age should also not be given cream.

The use of cream is contraindicated in case of intolerance to milk proteins.


Cream is a thick white liquid, which can also be cream-colored (see photo). A quality product should not have flakes and lumps. Natural cream has a sweetish taste and viscous texture.

In ancient times, people simply collected a thick layer that formed on the surface of whole milk, which had already settled. To date, this is due to separation. Thanks to this process, the fat fraction is removed, which ultimately makes it possible to obtain sterilized or pasteurized cream with different fat content:

  • cream 8% fat;
  • cream 10% fat;
  • cream 20% fat;
  • cream 25% fat;
  • cream 20% fat;
  • cream 35% fat.

In addition, cream can be distinguished by consistency:

  • drinking;
  • whipped;
  • canned
  • dry.

Today, the industry produces vegetable cream that has a long shelf life. Since they are produced using vegetable fats, there is no need to talk about the high benefits of this product.

Cream composition

The main biological value of this product lies in the composition of the cream, which includes a large amount of phosphatides. In their structure, these substances have much in common with fats, but differ in the presence of phosphoric acid and a nitrogenous base.

The composition of cream is very close to the composition of milk, differing only in an increased fat content, in connection with which we can say that cream is milk with a fat content of at least 8 percent. As for the nutritional value, that is, the percentage of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, cream also does not have any special advantages compared to cow's milk.

Selection and storage

If you purchased sterilized cream, then their shelf life reaches approximately 4 months. Pasteurized varieties will keep their freshness for as little as 3 days.

To keep the cream fresh, place it on a shelf near the freezer, as this is where the temperature is lowest. If you have already opened a jar of cream, then you should definitely use it within 24 hours.

If for some reason it is not possible to use the refrigerator, then store the cream in a glass jar, which must be placed in a container with cold water. To reduce the risk of souring, it is recommended to put a horseradish leaf in the container. It is also worth considering that open cream quickly absorbs odors.

How to check the quality?

High-quality cream should not contain vegetable fats. To check the product for their presence, pour the cream into a glass and refrigerate for 15 minutes. After that, look at their appearance. If nothing has changed, this indicates the quality of the product. The presence of vegetable fats will be indicated by yellow spots on the surface.

Cream properties

Included in the composition of lecithin, which normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. In addition, this substance has a positive effect on the proper metabolism of fats. Cream helps to quickly remove toxins and toxins from the body, so it is recommended to use it for some poisonings. It is recommended to include this product in your diet for people with ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.

cream calories

In nature, milk is intended for feeding offspring, therefore it initially contains a large complex of nutrients necessary for the full development of a young organism. Cream has a similar composition, but has a higher fat content.

Depending on the percentage of fat, the following types of cream are distinguished:

drinking or non-fat - from 8 to 14% fat,
low-fat - from 15 to 19%,
medium fat content - from 20 to 34%,
fatty - 35-49%,
higher fat content - from 50 to 55%.

at 10% fat - 3 g of protein, 10 g of fat, 4.1 g of carbohydrates, 82.7 g of water;
at 20% fat - 2.8 g of protein, 20 g of fat, 4 g of carbohydrates, 82.5 g of water;
at 35% fat - 2.5 g of protein, 35 g of fat, 3.7 g of carbohydrates, 75 g of water.

Caloric content is respectively 118, 206 and 337 kcal per 100 g of cream.

Beneficial features

As already noted, cream contains many essential substances and therefore has a beneficial effect on a person's well-being. Dairy fats of cream are well absorbed not only by small children, but also by mature people, as well as by the elderly.

Low-fat cream binds and removes toxic substances from the body. They also contribute to the normalization of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent the development of gastritis and ulcers.

Cream is recommended to be included in the diet of young children, as they contain the optimal combination of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A and D. In this combination, these elements are better absorbed. These substances are necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton and muscles of the child.

Also, this product contains a lot of phospholipids (phosphatides). Phospholipids are a structural component of all cells of the human body, including nerve cells. The inclusion of cream in the diet of the elderly serves as a prevention of senile dementia.

Harm cream

Like most fatty foods, cream is not recommended for all people. So, the possible harm of cream can affect patients suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis and liver diseases. They should not be offered to children under two years of age. And with intolerance to milk proteins, this product is completely contraindicated.

The use of cream in medicine

Fresh cream is actively used in dietary nutrition, when a sick person needs a lot of energy and nutrients to recover from an illness. Dairy fats, proteins and carbohydrates are quickly and completely absorbed by the body without overloading the gastrointestinal tract.

Experts believe that for good nutrition it is necessary to include at least 30% of dairy products in your diet. This is especially true for children under the age of 5 and for people over 60 years of age.

In official medicine, only low-fat cream is used - from 8 to 14%.

Also, lecithin and casein are obtained from cream, which are used in the manufacture of various medicines and dietary supplements.

Cream in cosmetology

In ancient times, the fair sex, whether they were great queens or sophisticated odalisques, knew well how to preserve the beauty of their face and body. In those days, milk was a delicacy and perishable product, inaccessible to most mere mortals.

Therefore, only selected women could afford rejuvenating milk and honey baths. And cosmetic compositions made from fresh cream, all the more, were available only to representatives of high society.

Classic cream-based recipes have not changed much since that time. And now anti-aging creamy masks with honey, whitening with cucumber or nourishing with egg yolk are common.

Examples of cosmetic formulations

For aging and tired skin. Mix one part of honey and two parts of cream, slightly heat in a water bath (30-35 degrees). Apply a warm mass with massaging movements on the face, rinse with contrast water after 20 minutes.
For dry, brittle hair. Mix strong nettle infusion with cream in equal proportions. Apply to dry hair for half an hour, rinse with warm water. Dry your hair without using a hair dryer.
For dry and flaky skin. Place a teaspoon of soft butter in barely warm cream (50 ml), add raw yolk. Apply the mask for half an hour, rinse with contrast water.
For exfoliation and gentle whitening. Evaporated sea salt mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of white crackers and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh cream The scrub is prepared immediately before use, it is not stored for a long time.
Vitamin cocktail. A lotion of freshly squeezed carrot juice and fresh cream improves complexion.

Cream for weight loss

Natural cream cannot be called a classic dietary product, as it contains a fairly substantial amount of milk fat. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to use this product for men and women suffering from severe obesity.

But those people who follow a diet to maintain a figure or get rid of a couple of extra pounds can drink low-fat cream absolutely calmly.

This is especially true for lovers of radical mono-diets (egg, vegetable, grain), since with such nutrition, the volume and variety of biologically active substances that come with food are sharply cut. And cream can completely make up for their loss due to a truncated diet.

Good to know

The most useful cream is a product obtained from whole fresh milk by simple settling. However, the shelf life of this delicacy is only a couple of days, so it is available only to rural residents. It simply does not reach city dwellers.

In order for the cream to get on the shelves of supermarkets and other stores, they are subjected to pasteurization or sterilization.

During pasteurization, the product is heated to 85 degrees. This is enough to kill all pathogenic cultures in the cream, it is with such processing that all biologically active substances are preserved in them.

During sterilization, the cream is heated almost to the boiling temperature, but at the same time, ascorbic acid is destroyed in them, and some trace elements are converted into indigestible compounds.

Therefore, if it is not possible to drink "raw" cream, then it is better to use pasteurized.

What to replace cream

Cream is eaten, added to various desserts, sauces, confectionery. Natural cream is a relatively perishable and expensive product.

Thrifty manufacturers have learned to replace them with "vegetable cream". They are actively used in the production of chocolate, cakes, pastries and other products. In fact, such cream is a surrogate consisting of vegetable fats (palm oil), flavors, emulsifiers, dyes and stabilizers. It does not carry any nutritional value. Even more: the trans fats used in their production have carcinogenic properties.

If cream is needed for making sauces or preparing second courses, then they can be replaced with natural coconut milk. Of course, at a cost it will be much more expensive than cream, but the dishes will acquire a special spicy taste. This castling is preferred by vegetarians and fans of dairy-free diets.

Depending on the purpose for which cream is required (cooking dishes or cosmetic masks), they can be replaced with kefir, sour cream, whole milk or powdered milk mixtures.

How to make cream from milk

At home, natural cream can be obtained in two ways.

Settling. To do this, fresh milk is poured into sterilized glass or enameled dishes. After a couple of hours, the fat fraction will exfoliate and rise to the top. If milk is defended in a classic three-liter jar, then it will be seen how 3-4 centimeters of an emulsion of a pleasant cream color is formed at the top.

Some housewives advise warming up the milk a little so that the process goes faster. However, experts do not support this point of view, since when heated in milk, many useful substances are destroyed.

This method is suitable when you need very little cream.

Separation. This requires a compact household separator. Milk is heated to 80-85 degrees, cooled and poured into the machine. The advantages of this method are that, firstly, a lot of cream can be made, and secondly, it can be obtained with a given fat content.

When making cream, it is worth remembering that a good product is obtained only from whole cow's milk.

Use in cooking

Cream can be consumed as a separate product or used in recipes for various dishes. Most often, sauces, dressings, creams, mousses, etc. are prepared on the basis of this product. Low-fat options are put into drinks to give them a more delicate creamy taste. In addition, cream is part of the first courses, and sour cream, ice cream and butter are also made from them.

Separately, it is worth mentioning whipped cream, which is used to make and decorate numerous desserts and pastries. Only high fat cream is suitable for this product.

How to prepare this product from milk?

To make cream, be sure to take homemade milk. The process is very simple and anyone can do it. Purchased fresh milk should be poured into a wide bowl and placed in a dark, cool place. In a day, you will be able to collect fat on top, which is homemade cream.

Whipped cream at home

In stores, this product cannot be called natural, since various additives are used during its production. You have an alternative - whip cream at home. In this process, it is the fat content of cream that is of great importance, the minimum value is 33%. It is very important that the raw materials and the utensils that you will use are cold. To do this, put them in the freezer for a while, make sure that the dishes are completely dry.

If you took purchased cream, then shake the bag very well. In the summer, it is recommended to keep a bowl in which you will whip the cream in a container with ice. In addition, you will need powdered sugar, which must be sifted in advance to avoid lumps. Its amount should be calculated from the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of fresh cream and plus 1 teaspoon more. You need to whip according to a certain pattern: first, the speed should be minimal and gradually increase, when the process comes to an end, the speed should be gradually reduced again. When the cream begins to whip well, it's time to add the powder, only you need to do this gradually in small portions. It is very important not to overdo it and not turn the whipped cream into butter. You can check the readiness like this: make a hole in the mass with your finger, if it has not dragged on, everything is ready. Such a product will keep its freshness for 36 hours.

Cream for weight loss

Cream is not a dietary product, because it has so much fat. It is very undesirable to use the product for women and men suffering from obesity. People who follow a diet to maintain good shape can absolutely safely consume low-fat cream.

This is especially true for fans of radical mono-diets, since a special way of eating is very poor in nutrients, and cream will help make up for the lack of vital ingredients. As for whipped cream, their use is highly undesirable if you are on a diet. The thing is that the calorie content of whipped cream is too high.

It is due not only to the fat content of the product, but also to the content of a significant amount of sugar in it. As you know, the combination of sugar and fat is the most detrimental to the figure.


Cream can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. Due to the high fat content, this product is not recommended for people who have digestive problems. Contraindications to the use of cream are in people with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. You can not eat them also with obesity, hypertension. It is worth refusing cream if there are problems with metabolism and with the cardiovascular system. You can’t eat this product with atherosclerosis and liver pathologies yet.

Among all dairy products, cream is no less popular than milk. They are used to add to tea and coffee, which allows you to get an even more delicate and refined taste of drinks. Cream also takes part in the preparation of mashed soups, confectionery, sauces and other dishes. It goes without saying that the benefits of cream for humans are very large, because they have a very rich and nutritious composition.

Cream is prepared by milk separation. They form a greasy top layer that can simply be drained into another dish. This is where the name of this product comes from. Their beneficial properties directly depend on the fat content and quality of cream. Good cream should be thick and have a smooth consistency. They should not have lumps, flakes, bad smell, bitter or other tastes.

The composition and calorie content of cream

The value of cream for the human body is due to the fact that they contain many phosphatides. Otherwise, the composition of the cream is almost the same as that of ordinary milk. They differ only in the amount of fat - cream has more than 8%. Cream contains free organic acids, lecithin, as well as a huge amount of B vitamins, as well as vitamin PP, A, C. Among macro- and microelements, zinc, calcium, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus can be distinguished etc.

The calorie content of cream is 220 kcal.

The benefits of cream

Lecithin, which is part of the cream, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, protects against the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and maintains an acceptable level of cholesterol in the blood.

Cream is very useful to use with a variety of fruits. Not only do these desserts have a very pleasant taste, they are also extremely healthy for humans. After all, the fats that are contained in this dairy product help to better absorb the vitamins that are part of the fruit.

Cream must be present in the diet of people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

The fats that make up the cream are very well absorbed. Therefore, this product is a must for people who lead an active mental and physical lifestyle.

Cream will also be useful for those who want to improve the condition of the nervous system and overcome depression. Also, with the help of this product, you can improve the condition of the skin, rejuvenate it and cope with puffiness.

Harm cream

Although cream is extremely beneficial to the human body, it can still have harmful effects. So, the abuse of cream can lead to the fact that the body will have the opposite effect. And instead of lowering the level of cholesterol, its amount will go through the roof.

If you want to reduce the number of kilograms on the scales, then you should not consume fatty and high-calorie cream in excess.

Cream is usually understood as milk fat, which is formed in the upper layer of milk. This product can be consumed both independently and by adding it to tea or coffee. Based on it, sauces and gravies are prepared. In stores you can find a wide variety of cream by fat content and method of preparation. They have a sweetish taste without foreign flavors, and the consistency is uniform. The cream should not contain any flakes or lumps. This indicates a poor quality product. Cream is very nutritious and healthy. You can use only high-quality cream. What are the benefits of cream?

Cream Benefits:

The content of organic acids in cream is high. They are also rich in lecithin, vitamins B, A, C and PP and trace elements: calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, zinc, iodine, copper, magnesium. Cream has a very beneficial effect on blood vessels. They protect them, strengthen them. Also, this product helps to keep the level of cholesterol in the blood at a low level. Taking them in food, you can prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Cream helps with nervous disorders and soothes, which helps to avoid the onset of depression. Fruit is best paired with cream. This is due to the fact that the vitamins found in fruits are better absorbed with this product. Cream is also included in the diet by those people who have diseases of the stomach and duodenum. They are very useful for active brain activity. The ability of cream to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body will help in case of poisoning. There are also dry creams. They are low in fat. Powdered cream also contains many useful substances. Cream tea benefits the body. It has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and helps in the treatment of osteoporosis. In addition, they make its taste more delicate. Coffee with cream has the same properties. Very good carrot juice with cream. This drink is delicious. Cream helps absorb vitamin A, which is found in carrots. They do not lead to heaviness of the stomach. It is recommended to eat cream and to combat insomnia. The use of this product for cosmetic purposes is popular. All kinds of face masks are made from them, which allow you to get rid of puffiness and flabbiness of the skin. They rejuvenate her.

Harm from cream:

One of the contraindications is individual intolerance to milk protein, which is found in cream. Cream should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Their stomach is not yet quite adapted for their assimilation. It is not advisable to use cream for people with atherosclerosis or liver problems. Also, do not forget that any product should be used in food in moderation. If a large amount of them enters the body, then cholesterol will increase. Stale cream can harm the body for those who have gastritis or peptic ulcer. This product has a high calorie content, so they are harmful for obesity.

Dairy cream is the fattest part of milk, which is obtained by separation. Cream contains many vitamins. They are very rich in lecithin. This substance plays an important role in the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, and therefore in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Therefore, cream is especially useful for older people, while ordinary milk will bring more benefits to children. It is not worth giving cream to a child up to three years at all - it is too fatty a product for a baby. Cream calms the nervous system, helps with depression. Combined with honey and carrot juice, they can serve as a love potion. In its pure form, the cream helps with swelling and for rejuvenation.

Cream is produced with different amounts of fat. 10 percent are intended for human consumption. Such cream is most often added to soften the taste of coffee. They can be sold in jars or in 10 gram dispenser packs. Cream with a fat content of more than 20 percent is used to make sauces. The fattest product is intended for the production of sour cream, butter or cream.

According to the method of processing, milk cream is divided into pasteurized and sterilized. Thus, the bacterial purity of the product is achieved. Pasteurized ones have a more pronounced taste of boiling, as they are processed at a lower temperature than sterilized ones. They also differ in terms of storage time. Pasteurized can be stored for no more than three days, sterilized - up to four months.

Cream of all types should have a uniform consistency: no lumps of fat or protein flakes. The color should be white, a cream shade is possible. The taste is sweet, but not cloying. A bitter aftertaste is a sure sign of a spoiled product. Most often, sterilized cream with an expired shelf life is bitter. This is due to the fact that the sterilized product does not undergo souring, but immediately begins to rot. Pasteurized cream will simply turn into very fatty, fatty kefir.

Whipped cream is a product for housewives who prefer to create their own cakes, pastries and desserts. Whipped cream can also be added to coffee. This drink is called "Viennese coffee".

Ready-made whipped cream contains flavors that can harm adults and especially children with allergies. So it's better to beat them yourself.

Some people prefer dry cream to natural cream. They are cheaper, and are stored longer due to the use of vegetable fat, they are suitable not only for making coffee, but even soups, cereals and mashed potatoes. For these purposes, dry cream with a fat content of seventy percent is produced. Powdered cream is made in the same way as powdered milk. In addition, a plant extract is added to the cream, so people who, for one reason or another, cannot take natural milk can use it as food.

Cream is a wonderful occasion to show your imagination.
