
Colloquial phrases in a cafe in English. Dialogue in a restaurant in English: menu, phrases for communication with examples

Or a pub - the task, at first glance, is quite simple. Despite the apparent simplicity, many Russian tourists make mistakes or simply get lost, trying to find the right phrase. As a result, the majority simply translates what they want to say, word for word from the Russian language. This is called "tracing" and in most cases introduces waiters, bartenders, cashiers and other service personnel into a cultural stupor.

The first thing a Russian tourist should learn in an English-speaking country is that literal translation is his worst enemy. In addition, even if a tourist had only A’s in English at school, he would hardly be able to freely explain what exactly he needed without learning a number of useful phrases that will be given later in this article.

How to call the waiter?

Suppose a tourist has received his order, emptied his plate, and is now going to ask for the bill. Before you break your head over the phrase "Can I count?" in English, in the restaurant you need to attract the attention of the staff. A tourist recalls how he would do it in an ordinary Russian cafe:

  • Young woman! Can you?

Then, if the tourist did not look into the phrase book and did not learn the appropriate phrases, he will certainly translate his version, familiar to Russian cafes, literally:

  • Girl! Can I have you?

After that, he will wonder for a long time and with concentration why the waitress was offended / angry / burst into tears / slapped him in the face, and he was rudely kicked out of a decent establishment.

The fact is that the above phrase is in no way suitable for communicating with service personnel in a restaurant or cafe. Moreover, the only group of persons for whom the rude treatment of a girl is applicable is women of easy virtue. That is why tracing paper is the worst enemy of the tourist.

You should contact the waiters or waitresses using, depending on the situation, one of the following options:

  • Miss.
  • Madam (M "am).
  • Mr.

To attract the attention of the attendants, appeal is not required at all - you can simply raise your hand.

Suppose that the tourist managed to attract the attention of the waiter and did not turn out to be put out of the establishment with a demand not to return to it again. To ask for a bill in a restaurant in English, he can use one of several phrases of varying degrees of politeness.

If a traveler has not sat down at an English textbook for many years, a simple remark to remember will help him:

  • Bill, please (Bill, please).

If he really had an A in this subject, and some knowledge from the school bench was preserved, he may well show politeness and good breeding and ask for a restaurant bill in English, using a more complex, but more cultured phrase:

  • Can I have the bill, please?
  • Can I please have the bill?

If for some reason a tourist does not use these phrases, for example, he forgot what the English translation of the word "account" in a restaurant is, he may well use another phrase that does not contain a direct request:

  • I would like to pay now, please (I would like to pay / pay now).

In addition, they will certainly bring him a bill if he asks how much his order costs.

  • How much does it cost?

To ask for a bill in English at a restaurant or cafe, the following option would be a little more familiar:

  • How much is the total (How much is it all)?

In addition, the tourist may ask how much he owes. In English, there is a phrase for this, almost similar to Russian:

  • How much do I owe you (How much do I owe you)?

Of these phrases, it is quite possible to choose only those you like, but it will be much more effective to learn them all. Just in case.

Having received the bill, the tourist will certainly study it carefully. And it is possible that he will find an error or inaccuracy in it, which he will definitely want to report.

Of course, in English.

  • I think/guess/believe the bill is added up wrong

This expression is appropriate if the traveler had a five not only in English, but also in mathematics, and he is absolutely sure that something is wrong with the score. If he is not sure, and there is no calculator at hand, you can formulate your claim more politely - in the form of a question:

  • Is it just me, or the bill is added up wrong?

Or even more politely:

  • Are you sure the bill is added up right?

Such a claim is not considered offensive or rude in cultural institutions. It just means that the tourist wants to double check everything, so any waiter will readily explain what the tourist is going to pay for.

How to pay in a company

A traveler may well dine not alone, but with friends.

If these are not very close friends of different social status, and expensive lobsters side by side with a cheap vegetable salad on a common table, the following phrase will come in handy:

  • We are paying separately (We will pay separately).

Each of those present will receive a separate bill, and guests will not have to pay for other people's lobsters.

If the company is friendly, and everyone eats about the same thing, the bill can be divided:

  • Let's split the bill (Let's pay equally).

If one has more green notes in his wallet than his companions, he may well show a goodwill gesture and pay for everyone:

  • I "m paying for everything (I pay for everything / I pay for everyone)!

If you do not want to remain in debt to anyone, offer to pay for yourself:

  • Let me pay my share (Let me pay my share).

By the way, when trying to impress your companions (or companion), you can use the following phrase:

  • Put it on my bill, please

How to ask for a check

To receive a check, you can use a phrase very similar to the one used to ask for a bill.

  • Check, please (Check, please).

A more polite version is slightly different:

  • Can I get the check, please?

In general, asking for a check or bill at a restaurant does not require any particularly complex phrases.

Summing up

Asking for a bill in English in a cafe or restaurant is not difficult. If you learn the appropriate phrases, practice at home in front of a mirror and try not to worry, you can make a good impression on others, do not lose face and enjoy visiting a cafe or restaurant. It is important to remember that you should not copy phrases from the Russian language and do not be shy to ask for help if necessary.

Hello. Pizzeria Tricolore. Can I help you?

Hello. I would like to book a table, please.

What day and what time do you want to come?

Tomorrow evening at 7 p.m. Do you have any free tables?

Yes, we do. We have a couple of tables available for tomorrow. And how many people are there in your party?

I hope there will be five or six of us.

Would you like to reserve a private dining room?

OK. A table for six then. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

Non-smoking, please.

right. Can I get your name, sir?

Bond. James Bond.

Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. bond?

Well, we have a couple of vegetarians in our group, but I don't think that would be a problem, wouldn't it?

You're right. We can offer a special vegetarian menu with a wide selection of food in our restaurant.

fine. That's all I think.

So you have a reservation for tomorrow at 7 p.m. If there's anything else you need, you can let us know. Just phone the same number and ask for me. My name's Helen.

sure. Thank you Helen.

Thank you for calling. see you tomorrow.


Hello. Pizzeria Tricolore. Can I help you?

Hello. I would like to reserve a table, please.

What day and time would you like to come?

Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. Do you have free tables?

Yes, I have. There are still a couple of free tables available for tomorrow. How many people will be in your company?

Hopefully there will be five or six of us.

Do you need a separate banquet hall?

No thanks.

Fine. Then just a table for six people. Smoking or non-smoking room?

Non-smoker please.

Fine. May I know your name?

Bond. James Bond.

Is there anything else I can help you with, Mr. Bond?

Yes, there are a couple of vegetarians in our company, but I don't think that will be a problem, do you?

You're right. We can offer a special vegetarian menu with a wide selection of dishes in our restaurant.

Great. I think that's all.

So, you've booked a table for tomorrow at 7 pm. If you need anything else, you can let us know. Just call the same number and call me. My name is Helen.

Of course. Thanks Helen.

Thanks for calling. Till tomorrow.


Dialog "Booking a table in a restaurant" - 5.0 out of 5 based on 13 votes

Traveling, I want to visit all the sights and interesting places. At the same time, it is no less interesting to taste exotic dishes in the best cafes and restaurants around the world. Probably, every traveler has faced the problem of ordering yummy in another country, when the language level is not very high. This article will help you learn how to book a table, check with the waiter for information, or, sometimes this is also very necessary, complain to the administrator in English.

Book a table

If you are planning to visit any trendy restaurant, it is better to book a table (to book a table) in advance, especially if you plan to visit it on Friday or Saturday evening.

  • I would like to book a table, please.- I'd like to reserve a table, please.
  • I would like a table for two.- I'd like a table for two.
  • When for?- for when?
  • For what time?- for what time?
  • Smoking or non-smoking?- (Hall) for smokers or non-smokers?
  • Can I get your name?- May I know your name?
Customer: Good evening. I "d like to book a table in your restaurant, please.
Receptionist: I will be happy to help you. When would you like a table for?
Customer: For Wednesday evening, at 6 p.m. m.
Receptionist: Wednesday evening, October 13. For how many people?
Customer: For five people.
Receptionist: Sure. Can I get your name please?
Customer: Smith.
Receptionist: Could you give me your contact number?
Customer: Sure, it's 7589634129.
Receptionist: So, that"s a table for 5 people for Wednesday evening, October 13. Thank you, Mr. Smit. We are waiting for you.
Customer: Thank you. Goodbye!
Client: Good afternoon, I would like to book a table at your restaurant, please.
Administrator: I'll be glad to help you. When would you like to book a table?
Client: On Wednesday evening, at 6 o'clock.
Administrator: Wednesday evening, October 13th. For how many people?
Client: For five.
Administrator: Of course. May I know your name?
Client: Smith.
Administrator: Could you give me your contact phone number?
Client: Of course. 7589634129.
Administrator: And so, a table for five on the evening of Wednesday, October 13th. Thank you Mr Smith. We are waiting for you.
Client: Thank you. Goodbye!

Order food

Arriving at the cafe, you will need to order delicious dishes, the list of phrases below will help you do this quickly and easily. But don't forget to mention if you have food allergies, use the phrase I'm allergic to...(I'm allergic to...) or just say I don't eat...(I do not eat...)

  • Could you bring the menu, please?- Could you bring the menu, please?
  • Could I see the wine list, please?- can I see the wine list, please?
  • Are you ready to order?- Are you ready to order?
  • I'm not ready yet.- I'm not ready yet.
  • What do you recommend?- What do you recommend?
  • I would like the set lunch.- I'd like a set lunch.
  • I will take this.- I will take it.
  • Does it contain …?- Does this dish contain...?
  • What specials do you have?- What special dishes do you have?
  • For here or to go?- Here or with you?
  • - Would you like anything else?
  • Nothing else, thank you- Nothing else, thanks.
  • How long will it take?- How long will it take?
  • Would you like any coffee or dessert?- Do you want coffee or dessert?
  • Could you bring us some more bread/ milk/ water?- Could you bring us some more bread/milk/water?
Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant. Here are your menus. I'll be back to take your order in a few minutes.
Waiter (in a few minutes): Are you ready to order?
Customer: I'll have the fried potatoes.
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?
Customer: I'll have tea.
Waiter: Would you like anything else?
Customer: Yes, please. I would like some boiled vegetables.
Waiter: Would you like any dessert?
Customer: No, thank you. How long will it take?
Waiter: It will take about 15 minutes.
Waiter: Welcome to our restaurant. Here are your menus. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order.
Waiter (after a couple of minutes): Are you ready to order?
Visitor: I'll have fried potatoes.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Visitor: I'll have tea.
Waiter: Anything else?
Visitor: Yes, please. I would like boiled vegetables.
Waiter: Would you like dessert?
Visitor: No thanks. How long will it take?
Waiter: It will take about 15 minutes.


Unfortunately, there are situations when breakfast, lunch or dinner is not as rosy as expected. The waiter may be rude, the dish may be too salty, bitter or cold. It is better to resolve such issues immediately so that in the future you can only use quality service.

  • This food is cold.- The food is cold.
  • This dish is too salty.- This dish is too salty.
  • We've been waiting a long time.- We've been waiting for a long time.
  • Can I see the manager, please?- Can I see the administrator?
  • This meat is underdone/over roasted.- This meat is undercooked/overcooked.
  • This dish is not cooked enough- This dish is undercooked.
  • On the house.- At the expense of the institution.
Customer: Excuse me! My meal is too salty. Could you take care of it, please?
Waiter: Excuse me. I'll change it right now.
*2 hours later*
Customer: Thank you. Now it is ok.
Visitor: Sorry! My dish is oversalted. Could you take care of that please?
Waiter: Sorry. I will replace it right now.
*2 hours later*
Visitor: Thank you. Now it's fine.

Bill payment

To leave in English means to leave a place without saying goodbye. Of course, this English tradition is quite interesting, and yet, while in a restaurant or cafe, you still have to talk to the waiter again before leaving to ask for the bill (bill, check). By the way, both words are used for the meaning of the word bill, only the word bill is used in Britain, and check is used in the USA.

  • The check, please.- The check, please.
  • Could we have the bill, please?- Can we have the bill, please?

You can clarify questions about payment using these phrases:

  • Can I pay by card?- Can I pay by card?
  • Do you take credit cards?- Do you accept credit cards?
  • Is service included in bill?- Is the service charge included in the bill?
  • Can we pay separately?- Can we pay separately?
  • Keep the change. - Keep the change.
Waiter: May I take away the dishes?
Customer: Yes, please. And could you bring us the bill?
Waiter: Yes, of course. How would you like to pay: in cash or by credit card?
Customer: By credit card. Here you go.
Waiter: OK. Here is your bill.
Customer: Thank you. Is the service included?
Waiter: Yes, it is. Have a good day!
Waiter: May I remove the dishes?
Visitor: Yes, please. And could you bring me check?
Waiter: Yes, of course. How do you want to pay: cash or card?
Visitor: By credit card. Here she is.
Waiter: Okay. Here is your bill.
Visitor: Thank you. Service included?
Waiter: Yes. Have a good day.

Idioms about food

Apple polisher- this is not the profession of an apple polisher, as one might think. So you can call a person a sycophant or a sycophant.
Compare apples to oranges- it is not necessary to literally compare apples and oranges, this phrase is worth using when you compare something under-deliverable.
To go bananas- use this phrase when someone is going crazy with joy or anger.
As easy as pie- if the business you are doing is very easy, then use this phrase - it's as easy as shelling pears.
Cool as a cucumber- so you can call a person who in any situation remains calm and remains absolutely cold-blooded.

It is always a pleasure to sit in a cozy atmosphere with friends, chat nicely and eat delicious dishes, and especially if you can order food in English without any problems. You can also gain additional experience thanks to this video.

We hope that this article will help you feel more confident in any restaurant.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

When traveling to other countries, it is important to know English at least at an elementary level. Today we will look at English phrases At a restaurant. These expressions will help you book a table, make a polite order and pay.

Booking a Table / Reserve a table

If the restaurant is popular, you might want to make a reservation for the time you plan to visit. Let's first look at a few expressions that will help you reserve a table in advance, or ask to be seated at a table if you have not booked one.

  • Hello! I'd like to reserve / book a table, please - Hello! I would like to reserve a table, please.
  • Hello! Do you have any free tables? - Hello! Do you have free tables?
  • I'd like to book a table for three tonight. I would like to reserve a table for three for tonight.
  • What time do you want to come? - What time would you like to come?
  • Hello! Do you have a reservation? - Hello! did you book a table?
  • Hello! I do not have a reservation. We would like a table for two, please. - Hello! I don't have armor. We'd like a table for two, please.
  • Could we get a table by the window? Can we sit at a table by the window?
  • Hello! I do not have a reservation. May we sit at this table? - Hello! I don't have armor. Can we take this table?
  • I've got a reservation - I booked.
  • Please wait to be seated - please wait, you will be seated at a table.

How to make an order / How to make an order in English

So, you are comfortably seated at your table, and it's time to place your order. Let's look at phrases that will help you cope with this task.

  • Could I see the menu, please? — can I see the menu?
  • Could you bring me the menu, please? - Bring me the menu, please.
  • Can I get you any drinks? - Can I get you something to drink?
  • Can I take your order? — May I take your order?
  • Are you ready to order? - Are you ready to order?
  • Would you like an appetizer to start? Would you like a snack to start?
  • We are not ready yet. - We are not ready yet (make an order)
  • Yes, we are ready. Yes, we are ready.
  • Come to us in 5 minutes, please - come to us in 5 minutes, please
  • Do you have any specials? - Do you have any special meals?
  • What dish do you recommend? - What dish would you recommend?
  • Does it contain dairy products? Does it contain dairy products?
  • I'm allergic to dairy products / peanuts - I'm allergic to dairy products / peanuts.
  • I'd like the set lunch. - I'll have a set lunch.
  • What's this dish? - what is this dish?
  • How does it taste? — What does it taste like?
  • I'll take this. - I will take him.
  • May I have a glass of water, please? - Can I have a glass of water?
  • Can I have a plate of that? Can I have a portion (plate) of this?
  • I'm a vegetarian. Do you have anything without meat? - I am a vegetarian. Do you have something without meat?
  • Do you have any vegetarian dishes? — Do you have vegetarian options?
  • I'm sorry, we're out of that - Sorry, we're over.
  • Thank you for the recommendation. — Thanks for the recommendation.
  • Could I see the wine list, please? — Can I see the wine list, please?
  • Can I get this to go? - Can I take this to go?
  • How would you like your steak? — What kind of steak do you want?
  • Rare/medium/well done. - With blood / medium rare / fried.
  • I will be right back with your order. I'll be right back with your order.
  • Would you like anything else? - do you want anything else?
  • Nothing else, thank you - nothing else, thank you
  • We're in a hurry. How long will it take? — We are in a hurry. Will everything be ready soon?
  • Will our food be long? How long to wait until it's ready?
  • Enjoy your meals! - Bon appetit!

Problems / Problems

Unfortunately, sometimes restaurants make mistakes, as a result of which they can bring us a cold dish, or not at all what we ordered.

  • This isn't what I ordered
  • I've ordered another dish - I ordered another dish.
  • This food's cold. May you pop it in the microwave? This food is cold. Can you heat it up in the microwave?
  • I can fry them up - it'd just take a second - I can warm up - it will take a second.
  • We've been waiting a long time - We've been waiting a long time.
  • This tastes a bit off. / It does not taste right. This dish tastes strange.
  • This meat is underdone/over roasted. This meat is undercooked/overcooked.
  • Can I see the manager, please? — May I see the administrator?

Asking for a bill

  • Could we have the bill, please? — could we get the bill, please.
  • Can I pay by card? - Can I pay by card?
  • Do you take credit cards? - Do you accept credit cards?
  • Is service included? is service charge included?
  • Can we pay separately? Can we pay separately?
  • Let's share the bill - let's pay together.
  • Are you paying together? Will you pay together?
  • I will bring the check right now. - I'll bring the bill.
  • Do you need any change? - Do you need change?

Before you leave the restaurant, don't forget to thank the staff:

  • Thank you it was delicious. Thanks, it was very tasty.
  • I really enjoyed it. - I liked it very much.
  • I will come again. - I'll come again.
  • My compliments to the chef. — My compliment to the chef.

We hope that the English phrases in the restaurant will be useful to you during your travels. And we wish you a wonderful holiday and bon appetit :).

We continue the lessons of the series " English for travelers". Do you have little knowledge of the language, but need to make a trip abroad? We invite you to use our handy phrase book. It contains the necessary phrases on the most popular everyday topics, and specifically today's material will tell you how to correctly compose a dialogue in a restaurant in English. The topic is undoubtedly important, because, as the well-known aphorism says: lunch is always on schedule! Consider what dishes are found on the menu in English, how to book a table in advance, what expressions to use when communicating with the waiter, as well as many other nuances of visiting cafes and restaurants.

Before moving on to the dialogues, you need to learn useful words and phrases in English on the topic " going to a restaurant". This section presents the vocabulary used to describe a restaurant menu in English.

In order to order food and not be disappointed in your choice, you need to study the menu, understand what this dish is and get acquainted with the prices. You can find the menu in English in most countries of the world. It has a standard structure consisting of several sections:

  • aperatif - aperitif;
  • starter, the first course - the first course, soup (soup);
  • dish of the day - dish of the day;
  • main courses (entrees ) - Main dishes;
  • side dishes - additional side dishes;
  • hot appetizers - hot appetizers;
  • cold platter - cold appetizers;
  • salads - salads;
  • desserts - Dessert;
  • snacks – snacks;
  • sauces - sauces;
  • hard drinks - strong alcohol;
  • low-alcohol drinks - soft drinks;
  • soft drinks - soft drinks;
  • wine list- wine list.

Using the table, consider the English names of popular dishes and drinks.

The first course
onion soup onion soup vegetable soups vegetable soup
mushroom soup mushroom soup tomato soup tomato soup
cream soup puree soup soup of the day soup of the day
Main courses
beefsteak steak goulash goulash
stew canned stewed meat fish and chips fish and potatoes
roast chicken/pork fried chicken/pork spaghetti spaghetti
shepherd's pie meat casserole with puree sausage and mash sausage with puree
Side dishes
roasted vegetables baked vegetables rice rice
baked potatoes baked potato mashed potatoes mashed potatoes
Caesar salad Caesar salad caprese salad Caprese salad
fresh garden (mixed) salad a fresh vegetable salad Greek salad Greek salad
cheese cake cheesecake ice cream ice cream
fruit salad fruit salad pudding pudding
pancakes pancakes trifle biscuit with cream and wine soak
cognac cognac liquor liquor
champagne champagne cocktail cocktail
coffee coffee tea tea
juice juice mineral water mineral water

A large vocabulary on the topic of food, names of drinks and dishes in English with translation is presented in a separate article. And now let's move on to the study of expressions that will help us build a dialogue in a cafe and restaurant in English.

Dialogue in a restaurant in English - examples of conversations for various situations

This part of the material contains standard phrases for waiters and visitors to the establishment, with the help of which a dialogue is built in English in a cafe or restaurant. In addition to speech clichés for each situation, we will give an example of a full-fledged dialogue. Using it as a model, you will be able to establish communication with the staff and solve any issue that concerns you.


If your journey has just begun and you have enough time, then you must pre-book a table before going to a restaurant. To do this, you need to contact the administrator and list your wishes: what time do you plan to visit the institution and how many people will come with you. The following phrases will help you place an order for a table:

  • I 'd like to book a table for…(tonight, tomorrow)I would like to book a table for… (tonight, tomorrow, etc.);
  • I'd like to make a reservation, pleaseI would like to reserve a table.
  • I'd like a table for…I would like a table for … (persons);
  • Can you fit us in at…(7, 7.30)Could you sign us up for… (seven o'clock, 7.30, etc.)
  • smoking/non-smokingTo the smoking/non-smoking room

Let's consider what a pre-recording looks like using the example of a full dialogue.

Hello! I'd like to make a reservation, please. Hello Sir! What day do you want to come? What time?
Hello! I would like to reserve a table. Hello, sir! INWhichdayYouwant tocome? What time?
Tomorrow evening at seven thirty. And for how many people?
Tomorrow evening at 7:30 How many people will there be?
I'd like a table for six. Smoking or non-smoking ?
I need a table for 6 people. Is it a smoking or non-smoking room?
smoking, please For what name should I make the reservation?
For smokers. In whose name should I write down the reservation?
Kevin Colton. Mr Kolton, we will be expecting you tomorrow at seven thirty.
Kevin Colton. Mr Colton, we'll be waiting for you tomorrow at 7:30.
thank you! Thank you for calling. Goodbye!
Thank you! Thank you for calling. All the best!

Restaurant visit

As a rule, at the entrance to the restaurant you are met by hostess who will ask: did you draw up order on the table or decided to go just now. In any case, this employee will clarify all the circumstances and try to find a free and comfortable table for you. Depending on the situation, you can use the appropriate expressions given in the table.

  • Hello! Do you have any free tables? Hello, do you have free tables?
  • I have a reservation at … I have booked a table for…
  • We do not have a reservation. We'd like a table for three, please We don't have armor. We would like a table for three, please.
  • Could we have a table by the window? — Could you provide us with a table by the window?

And this is how the full English dialogue of the hostesses and the visitor looks like.

Hello! Do you have a reservation? Hello! I've a reservation at 7.30.
Hello! Have you made a reservation? Hello, I have booked a table for 7.30
What's your name, sir? Kevin Colton.
What's your name, sir? Kevin Colton.
Mr Kolton, your table is near the window. Please come this way. OK.
Mr. Colton, your table is by the window. Please come over here. Fine.
Please be seated. Here is the menu. I'll get your waiter. thank you!
Sit down please. Here is the menu. Now I'll call your waiter. Thank you!

Ordering meals

The most important dialogue in English in a cafe or restaurant is, of course, ordering food or drinks. To politely attract the attention of a waiter or bartender, the easiest way is to say a short - excuseme (Sorry). Then there may be two options - you order your chosen dishes and drinks, or ask the recommendation of the waiter. Let's consider what phrases help build dialogues in English for ordering dishes.

  • Could I see the menu, please? May I see the menu?
  • Please bring ( give me Please bring (serve) me...
  • I'll take... I will take…
  • I'll have… I will…
  • What are your specialties? What is your signature dish?
  • What do you recommend? What can you recommend?
  • What is this dish ? What is this dish?
  • How long will it take? How long does it take to prepare?
  • Nothing else, thank you Nothing more, thanks.

Consider two dialogues: ordering dishes of your choice and with the help of a waiter's advice.

Hello! What would you like? I'd like the mushroom soup, please.
Hello, what are you ordering? Mushroom soup, please.
And what for your main course? I'm going to have the roast chicken with rice.
And what about the main dish? I'm thinking of ordering fried chicken with rice.
Anything to drink? I'll take a bottle of mineral water.
Something to ask? I'll take a bottle of mineral water.
OK. I'll get your order in 10 minutes. thank you!
Fine. I'll bring your order in 10 minutes. Thank you!
Hello! Are you ready to order? Hello! I'll have the roast pork and Greek salad.
Hello, are you ready to place an order? Hello, I'll have roast pork and Greek salad.
I'm sorry, but the roast pork is finished. What do you recommend me?
I'm sorry, but the fried pork is over. Then what can you advise me?
You could try the beefsteak. Okay, I'll take it.
You can try the steak. Okay, I'll take it.
How would you like your beefsteak? Medium, please. How long will it take?
How should meat be cooked? Middleroasting, Please. How long will it take to prepare?
It will take about 25 minutes. OK, thank you!
Approximately 25 minutes. OK, thank you!

Bill payment

When you have finished your meal, you can call the waiter again and either order something else or ask for the bill. To designate an account in restaurants and cafes in English, two equivalent words are used: bill the British, and check at the Americans. You can use any of them, but learn that in the American environment bill more often used in the sense of " act, project, document". By the way, in some restaurants it is customary to immediately include a tip in the report, so do not be surprised if you see a line in your check service (service). As a rule, tips are from 10 to 15% of the amount spent.

So, you can thank for the delicious dishes and ask for the bill using the speech clichés below.

  • Thanks, I really enjoyed it! Thanks, I really enjoyed it!
  • It was delicious. It was very tasty!
  • The bill, please. The check, please.
  • I would like to pay now, please. I would like to pay now.
  • Could you bring me the bill, please? Could you bring me the bill, please?
  • Is service included? Service included?
  • Keep the change. Keep change for yourself.
  • Can I pay by card? Can I pay by card?
  • Do you take credit cards?

Consider the final dialogue.

Excuse me! Are you finished? Yes, we're finished. Thank you, it was delicious!
Excuse me, are you done? Yes, Wefinished. Thanks, it was amazingly delicious!
Would you like desserts? No thanks. Can we have the bill, please?
Would you like desserts? No, Thank you. Can we have the bill please?
sure. I'll bring it right now. Is service included?
Certainly. I'll bring it now. Service included?
Yes, it is. Do you take credit cards?
Yes. Do you accept credit cards?
sure. Thank you for the good service! We'll come again!
Certainly. Thanks for the good service! We will come again!
thank you! Hope to see you again. Have a nice day!
Thank you! We will be glad to see you again. Have a good day!

With the help of this educational material, your trip to foreign cafes and restaurants will be much more comfortable. Happy travels and bon appetit!

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