
We reveal the secrets of making a real protein cream! How to make protein-custard for decorating a cake - secrets and filling options.

At the most inopportune moment, your favorite cake is in danger of failure. The cakes turned out excellent, the cream is tasty, but for some reason liquid ... It happens, and more often on the eve of the holiday, when work is in full swing in the kitchen, there is unbearable heat, and the cream ... the cream becomes thinner when warm. For each species, there is an express desolation method that will smooth the situation and not embarrass you in front of guests or loved ones.

If you cook custard, then there are always all kinds of thickeners at hand - flour, starch, eggs. If you have all three ingredients in the bins, then give preference to starch and eggs. Take some cold milk or, in extreme cases, some water. Take 1-2 eggs, beat well into a foam, add milk or water, and then 1-3 tablespoons of starch. Combine the ingredients until smooth, put your custard on the fire, bring to a gentle boil, reduce the heat and pour in the prepared thickener in a thin stream, while stirring. Do not move away from the cream, stir it constantly. Starch can be replaced with flour. The result is guaranteed.
If you have prepared a protein cream and immediately noticed that it is melting, then the only way out is to cool it well. Place a bowl of cream in the refrigerator, and if it works poorly, then immediately in the freezer. Control the degree of cooling, the protein should not freeze into an icicle. Take out the cooled proteins, flavor with sugar, add a little vanilla to eliminate the unpleasant odor and beat immediately electric whisk or a blender to an extremely thick consistency, use immediately. It is better to immediately put the prepared dessert in a cool place or dry it in the oven if the cream was intended for meringue. Sour cream most often does not cause trouble for emergency rehabilitation, but if you are worn out in the kitchen, then sour cream will definitely flow. It is very appropriate to add gelatin to sour cream, which is always acceptable for the Bird's Milk dessert. For 1 liter of sour cream, take 2 packs of gelatin, 25 grams each, for a strong density and 1 pack for a light soufflé. Dissolve gelatin proportionally: 1 pack in half a glass of water. When the gelatin is swollen, put sour cream on the fire, add sugar to taste and slowly add the gelatin, stirring constantly. No need to bring to a boil. When the mixture "breathes" with steam, put out the fire, and let it cool at natural temperature, and then you can cool it. In addition, cornstarch can be used in sour cream and custard. In the case of sour cream, the base should not be diluted with liquid. Enter a few tablespoons of starch while actively beating sour cream with sugar. Better use a mixer, blender or electric whisk at high speeds. If you are making a soufflé, then do not get carried away and remember that the consistency thickens significantly when cooled. While preparing the cream, try to foresee that it becomes especially hot in the kitchen when the oven is running. Therefore, it is better to bake the cakes in advance, and then proceed to the preparation of the cream. Choose only fresh products and remember that a thick protein cream will come from cold egg whites. When separating, prevent the yolk from getting into the albumen, otherwise everything is in vain. For thick sour cream, buy thick sour cream and be sure to keep it in the refrigerator all the time.

If you love creating desserts and baking cakes, then always keep the cream base in the refrigerator right before cooking. In stock you should always have eggs, starch and flour.

It is not always possible to cook all kinds of culinary masterpieces the first time. Often it turns out according to the proverb - the first pancake is lumpy. But at this moment, do not despair and throw away the resulting mass. Any mistake can be corrected, you just need to make a little effort. If you like the taste of the cream, and the whole thing is only in its density, then this is quite fixable.

Depending on what this custard and its composition are for, errors are corrected by different options. If the protein cream turned out to be liquid and you can’t beat it in any way, then you may have whipped the proteins in a wet bowl or there was fat on the walls.

Protein Cream Rescue

Ideally, after proper preparation, the protein cream should keep its shape well, but there are situations when the mass has not thickened to the required consistency and floats in all directions. Saving the protein cream is almost impossible without sacrificing taste.

Most often, housewives simply throw away the protein cream, which is immediately clear that it did not work out.

It is necessary to follow some rules when preparing this type of creamy mass. If even a drop of fat gets on the dishes in which you whip the proteins. There is only one way to save protein custard. To do this, put a bowl of cream in the refrigerator or even in the freezer. If you wait a little, the proteins will seize and you can continue to beat further. If such resuscitation did not help, then we can assume that the mass is hopelessly spoiled and it will definitely not work to make a cream out of it that would keep its shape.

At the same time, in the freezer, the mass should not freeze into a bone, but only grab a little.

In order for the protein cream to thicken and keep its shape well, it must first be prepared according to the instructions, not stepping back from it. At the same time, remember that most dyes thin the cream mass.

Do not forget that the protein cream is quite insidious - one oversight and everything is ruined.

But you can add a little agar-agar and cover the cake on top. It looks like bird's milk. But the protein cream for decoration will have to be made new, as this is one of those types of decoration that do not forgive mistakes.

Some tricks will not hurt you when making:

  • To degrease the bowl in which you are going to beat the proteins, wipe it with a slice of lemon;
  • Do not separate the eggs over the cup in which the beating will take place - a drop of yolk will kill the cream irrevocably. It is better to degrease another mug, over which division will take place and pour the proteins into the bowl for whipping one by one from the mug. This option will save you from extra costs for eggs. If the yolk mass gets into one protein, then immediately pour it out and move on to the next one.
  • Pre-cool the bowl with proteins for 30 minutes in the refrigerator;
  • Do not use chicken eggs - if you have your own household, then take a five-day-old chicken gift;
  • When cooking syrup, check it more often for a soft ball - to do this, place a saucer with cold water next to the saucepan in which the syrup is boiled;
  • The protein cream does not tolerate alcohol, so staining with alcohol dyes is completely excluded;
  • If the syrup is still gurgling, then set it to calm down for a couple of minutes and only then pour it into the proteins;
  • If the whites do not whip, then cool them a little and try the whipping procedure again.

But if you can’t save it, then prepare a new protein cream, and put this mass into glasses, put it in the refrigerator to grab, later decorate with fruit and serve as a separate dessert. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate and crushed nuts instead of fruits.

Custard Rescue

But it's not just egg white cream that runs or doesn't whip, there are plenty of ways to save liquid classic custard. As a thickener, a small addition of flour or starch can play. It all depends on which of these ingredients you used in the initial brew.

The main reasons why custard does not freeze:

  • Too much liquid - add flour and cook;
  • Initially, they didn’t cook it - put it on fire again and bring it to the desired state;
  • The butter has been overexposed, it has not so much softened as it has melted - return the butter to the refrigerator, and then try again to whip it.

If you like the consistency of the mass, especially oily, but during the decoration process it turned out that it does not hold its shape, then send it to the refrigerator, and beat again later.

Do not hope that the spreading decorations will solidify beautifully, it is better to immediately put the mass in the refrigerator, wait a bit and cool not only the fondant, but also the kitchen itself. Most of the problems arise due to the fact that the cakes were first prepared and immediately began to decorate them. The temperature in the kitchen is still high, and the layers of the cake have not had time to cool down, the cream will definitely float. It is for this reason that it is necessary to postpone the decoration until it has completely cooled, both the layers of the cake and the room in which you are decorating.

When you have tried all the options to save the mass, which does not thicken under any circumstances, then coat the cakes with this cream, and use regular oil for decoration.

So the problem can be solved by dissolved gelatin or agar-agar.

The mass will become like a soufflé, but it keeps its shape well and you can also make jewelry out of it. Only when you see that the mass thickens, immediately decorate the cake, as it will be very difficult to do this later.

The main way not to spoil your mood before the holiday is to buy double the amount of products for making decorations.

Also, always think about the moment that the cream has not thickened, and there is no way out. There must be a fallback that will fix the situation. In addition to butter cream with condensed milk, which is made in just 10 minutes, raw impregnation on cream also keeps its shape well.

Protein Cream Ingredients:

3 eggs of the 1st category (medium eggs), an incomplete glass of sugar (a faceted glass is filled not to the brim, but to the top edge), 100 ml. water, salt, citric acid crystals (to taste).

Appliances and utensils necessary for the preparation of protein cream:

a pan for cooking sugar syrup, a wide metal pan for whipping cream, a mixer, a deep plate with cold water, a large container with cold water (where you can put a pan for whipping protein cream), various spoons, a glass and other improvised means.

Preparation of protein cream:

Before you start cooking protein cream, you need to perfectly learn how to cook ordinary meringue. The recipe, although simple, and I will try to fully describe it, but requires some skill. If it doesn't work the first time, don't be discouraged. The road will be mastered by the walking one. I will say about myself, I succeeded the first time, which means that the chance of winning is great. Let's get to the recipe!

Combine sugar and water in a separate saucepan and place over medium heat. Wash the eggs thoroughly. This significantly reduces the likelihood of various diseases.

Separate the egg whites and refrigerate to cool. Chilled proteins are whipped much easier and better. Bring sugar syrup to a boil and cook over low heat.

I will dwell in more detail on the preparation of sugar syrup. It must be boiled down before the ball rolling test. Those. take a little syrup with a teaspoon, cool it in a bowl of cold water, then a ball should easily roll out of this syrup. Only the syrup needs to be cooled well so as not to burn yourself. In the process of cooking syrup, try to do this procedure several times to understand the essence of the process. As soon as you see that a little more boil the syrup and you get a ball. Then start beating the egg whites.

Remove the egg whites from the refrigerator, add a little salt (so that the whites beat better). If you wish, add crystalline citric acid. I do not like protein cream with citric acid, so I do not add it. Whip the egg whites with a mixer until stiff. Those. if you turn off the mixer and remove the spatulas, the resulting peaks should hold their shape. If the peaks are very high, they are allowed to lower their "heads". It's best to have someone help whip the egg whites while you fiddle with the sugar syrup. It is highly undesirable to stop beating proteins.

It's time to test the syrup for a ball rolling test. If it works, the syrup is ready. I flattened the ball. It shouldn't spread.

So, the whites are whipped. The syrup has boiled. We continue to beat the egg whites, and pour the sugar syrup into the future cream in a thin stream. This is the process of brewing protein cream. We don't stop beating for a second. When all the sugar syrup has been introduced, you need to continue to beat the whites until the cream has completely cooled. To cool the protein cream faster, you can put the pan with the cream in a large container with cold water.

Application of protein cream:

Prepared using this technology, it is perfectly stored and retains its shape. It can be used as a filling for various confectionery products, for the external decoration of cakes. Making jewelry from this cream is difficult, but possible. It just doesn't work out the small details.

Protein Cream Safety:

Thanks to the heat treatment with sugar syrup, the protein cream becomes safe for eating. During the boiling and brewing of the cream, the temperature of the sugar syrup reaches 115 degrees Celsius. According to technology, the storage time of such a cream in the refrigerator is 36 hours.

Custard protein cream is used in the manufacture of a wide range of desserts. They can fill tubes, eclairs, decorate cakes and baskets. But most often they use protein-custard to decorate the cake.

How to make protein custard for cake decoration - step by step recipe

Earlier we considered numerous recipes for making custards. Now let's focus on the most common option using proteins. This recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes is quite simple and even a novice hostess can do it.


  • 2 proteins;
  • 140 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin to taste.


  1. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and cover with water. Put on a slow fire, as soon as the sugar syrup begins to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and leave to cook.
  2. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and citric acid until thick, fluffy white foam. The readiness of proteins can be checked by turning the container with them over. Ready proteins will not flow out or fall off.
  3. It is necessary to check the readiness of the sugar syrup. To do this, drop a few drops into the water and try to roll a ball out of them. If it turned out to be dense, then the syrup is ready.
  4. Next, mix the protein cream with hot syrup, while whisking with a mixer, continue to beat for 10 minutes.
  5. Leave the cream to cool. After that, it can be used for finished baking.

Sometimes, in addition to sugar, 80 g of liquid honey is added to the syrup. Protein cream with honey turns out to be very fragrant and will not leave you indifferent.

Protein Custard Supplement Options

There are many different ways to top up your regular protein cream with sugar, thereby adding a splash of flavor to your dessert.

Protein cream with cocoa for decorating a cake in accordance with GOST

The recipe for such a cream is quite simple, it is based on the classic version described at the very beginning of the article. The only addition is a teaspoon of cocoa, which is added at the very end of cooking, after the proteins are combined with sugar syrup. Such a cream will acquire a delicate chocolate shade and aroma.

Protein cream with agar-agar

In order for the cream to keep its shape better and be more embossed, you can add agar-agar to it. It must first be soaked for 10 minutes in a small amount of water, and then immediately added to boiling sugar syrup and constantly stirred until completely dissolved. Boil for another half a minute, remove from heat and pour in a thin stream into whipped proteins.

According to this principle, a protein cream with gelatin is prepared. Thanks to him, the protein mass is smooth and shiny.

Protein cream with condensed milk without oil for decoration

It is advisable not to use condensed milk along with protein cream, it will only make the air structure heavier, and as a result, the cream will settle or drain completely. Protein cream with powdered sugar is best for decorating a cake. Powdered sugar is more suitable than sugar, for the simple reason that granulated sugar may not completely dissolve and, as a result, will crunch on the teeth. As a result, the protein cream with powder will turn out to be airy and will be able to decorate any cake.

Protein cream with sweetener

It is possible to replace sugar, but it must be borne in mind that the corresponding additive will need a little more in order for the cream to turn out to be sweet enough. This option is perfect for people with diabetes, or those who strictly monitor their diet. For example, a protein cream with erythritol is most often prepared.

Protein cream with glycerin

Most often, such a cream is prepared for the manufacture of various forms, for example, roses for decorating a cake. To do this, add one teaspoon of glycerin to the proteins and beat until a thick foam forms. Then follow the classic recipe.

Protein cream with vinegar

Sometimes vinegar can be added to whites before whipping instead of lemon juice. Since these two substances are acids by nature, they will have the same principle of action. But acetic acid still has a specific and unpleasant odor, so this method has not been widely used in the preparation of protein cream.

Protein cream with starch for cake decoration

Starch is most often added to cream to thicken the cream. Thanks to such an elastic and dense texture, it can be used as cake decorations, creating various patterns and elements, and not just for leveling the surface of desserts.

Protein cream with additions

In order to enrich the taste of protein cream, various fruits, jams or even nuts are often added. Protein cream with coconut flakes is quite simple to prepare, for this you need to add lightly fried chips to the already prepared whipped cream and mix gently so that the cream does not settle. By the same principle, you can prepare protein cream with orange, zest, or even protein cream with walnuts.

Very often, pies and cakes are prepared, which are decorated with protein cream with apples. The recipe is quite simple, just add grated baked apples to ready-made whipped apples and mix thoroughly. In the same way, you can make a protein cream with pumpkin, raspberries, strawberries or even a banana.

Protein cream with butter

Since this option contains fat, this method is perfect even for soaking cakes. The cream is prepared according to the classic recipe, and after the proteins are ready, soft butter is added in portions and mixed thoroughly.

Protein cream with mascarpone

In this version of the preparation of the cream, cooking of sugar syrup is not implied. Whipped proteins must be combined with whipped chilled cream (for 4 proteins 200 ml of cream). And then add 800 g of mascarpone to the resulting mass and beat again until a homogeneous structure.

Protein cream with pectin

If you need to increase the firmness and density of the cream, then it is best to prepare it with pectin sugar. To prepare it, you need to add about 20 g of pectin and 10 g of citric acid to 1 kg of sugar. Next, boil the sugar syrup and beat the egg whites in the same way as in the classic recipe.

Protein cream with cottage cheese

To make the cream tender and soft, you can add cottage cheese to it in a ratio of 1: 1. After 100 g of proteins have been whipped, add 100 of cottage cheese and vanillin for taste and aroma, and then beat the resulting mass again.

The subtleties and secrets of making protein-custard

Previously, it was told how to make a protein cream for a cake at home. Now let's talk about the possible problems that have arisen in the cooking process and how to solve them.

Why doesn't protein cream work?

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the recipe, there are a number of certain rules that will guarantee the right protein cream:

  • proteins should be very cold;
  • dishes and everything that comes into contact with proteins are absolutely dry;
  • for the formation of a thick foam, it is best to add lemon juice to the proteins;
  • exclude even the slightest hit of the yolk;
  • beat egg whites at the highest speed.

Why does protein cream not keep its shape?

In order for the protein-custard to turn out to be elastic and strong, it is important to properly cook the sugar syrup. It should be of such a consistency that it can be rolled into a tight ball. If you follow such a small rule, you will never have to wonder why the protein cream settles when it sits. Properly brewed protein cream for cake decorations holds its shape well, the recipe above will not let you make a mistake in its preparation.

Why is protein cream not whipped?

A very common mistake is when water with sugar is added to quite a bit of whipped proteins. Because of this, the formation of foam does not occur. Instead, you need to inject boiling sugar syrup into a thick protein foam in a thin stream. It is very important to follow this cooking technology, and the protein custard recipe for decorating the cake will not let you make a mistake.

Why does protein cream peel off?

Protein cream should always be smooth and uniform in structure. If its stratification occurs, then, most likely, many important points about which it is written above were missed. For example, the proteins were not cold or the dishes were slightly damp.

If you want to know why protein cream comes out fluffy, then the answer is the same. It is important to follow the correct technology, and the protein cream will definitely work.

Why does protein cream dry quickly?

In order for the cream not to dry out, when whipping, add a few drops of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid to it. This will not only add a fragrant note, but also prevent the cream from drying out quickly.

Why did the protein cream soak into the biscuit?

Sometimes it happens that the cream is quickly absorbed into the biscuit cake layers. To prevent this from happening, the cakes should first be smeared with syrup, thereby creating a kind of border that prevents the absorption of the cream.

You can also add cream or condensed milk to the protein cream, which will add fat to it. This will also prevent the cream from being absorbed.

Why does the protein cream reach for the nozzle?

In no case should the protein-custard be stretchy, it should be in the form of dense formed peaks. The stretchy structure can be due to two reasons:

  • incompletely cooked syrup (the syrup turned out to be soft and viscous);
  • not well whipped proteins (no elastic peaks).

Why is protein cream candied?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in how to make a protein cream for decorating a cake at home. But sometimes you can run into the problem of candied cream. Most often this happens when sugar syrup is boiled for too long, and instead of an elastic mass, solid sugar is obtained.

Also, to avoid candied cream, citric acid or lemon juice should be added to the syrup. The same secret can be applied if you have always wondered why the protein cream is sticky?

Why does protein cream get wet?

The cream gets wet for the same reason that it exfoliates. It is important to always use only dry utensils and beat egg whites properly. And also boil the syrup correctly so that it turns into a dense mass, and is not watery.

Why does the protein cream on the cake get crusty?

If the protein cream dries out a little and becomes covered with a crust some time after preparation, it means that the cream was prepared in accordance with all standards. A proper protein custard should not drip, fall off, or change shape, it should just dry out a little and set.

Why does protein cream bubble?

If you ever wondered why the protein cream is porous, then remember a couple of important secrets. In order to avoid the formation of unnecessary air bubbles, it is important to boil the syrup thoroughly so that it does not turn out to be liquid. And you should also take medium-sized eggs, otherwise, if they are large, you will have to beat for a long time and thoroughly, as a result of which the proteins can be saturated with oxygen.

Why does protein cream smell like eggs?

To avoid the unpleasant smell of raw eggs, you can add a pinch of vanillin or vanilla sugar. Then the cream will turn out very tender and fragrant.

Why does protein cream curdle?

Sometimes you want to give the cream a certain brightness, for this they use food coloring. But it is they who can lead to the fact that a gentle and smooth cream curdles. To avoid this, you should choose dyes that do not contain alcohol and fats.

Leveling the cake with protein custard

Very often, to give the cakes a smooth and even surface, they are coated with a protein cream. It perfectly penetrates into all the cracks, filling the space, thereby preparing the cake for further decorations.

Options for storage, application and consumption of protein cream

So, you have learned how to make protein cream for cake, as well as the tricks and secrets of cooking cream. Now we should talk about the rules for storing the cream and other features.

Can protein cream be refrigerated?

Custard protein cream can be left in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Firstly, the cream can deteriorate, and secondly, it can settle and lose its appearance and structure.

Is it possible to beat the protein cream with a blender?

You can get a fluffy and thick protein mass with a blender if you have a special nozzle for whipping creams. In other cases, it is best to arm yourself with a mixer. Then you will definitely be sure that the cream will not fall off or exfoliate in the future.

Is it possible to pour icing on protein cream?

If you want to decorate the cake with chocolate icing or create a kind of "smudge" on top of the protein cream. It is important to observe that the protein cream has already slightly set, and the icing was not hot. Otherwise, under the influence of heat, the cream will flow and a beautifully decorated dessert will not come out.

Can protein cream be baked?

If you still have excess cream, then you can safely send it to the oven. Form small pyramids and send to the oven for at least 1.5 hours. As a result, you will get a tasty and crispy meringue, or, as they are also called, meringues.

Is it possible for children to have protein cream?

Since the protein cream is prepared exclusively from raw eggs, it is highly recommended not to give it to children, especially small ones. At best, a protein cream can provoke allergies and diathesis, and at worst, lead to salmonellosis.

Many people wonder why pregnant women should not have a protein cream. All for the same reason that eggs do not undergo heat treatment, and, therefore, can be infected with various microorganisms.

How to make protein cream safe?

The only way to disinfect a protein cream is to put it in a water bath or boil it. Salmonella are killed at 72°C, so even 10 minutes of cooking the cream is enough to make it completely safe.

Can protein cream be frozen?

Freezing cream from proteins is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that during thawing, the cream often gets wet, as a result of which it exfoliates, loses its airy structure. Also, when frozen, very often the cream settles and separates into eggs and sugar syrup. Therefore, it is best to use the cream immediately after preparation.

Can protein cream be dyed with gel dye?

If you want to add color to the cream, thereby giving color and brightness to the cake, then gel dyes are the best suited for this case. They will not thin the structure of the cream or curdle it. Dyes in the form of a gel will be able to evenly color the protein color.

So, how to make a protein cream colored? It is best to add 2-3 drops of dye (depending on the desired color saturation) during whipping, but after the cream has completely cooled down.

If you are thinking about how to make a protein cream colored with dry paints, then it is best to leave this idea. Due to dry dyes, the cream can either curdle or even settle down.

Is it possible to put protein cream between the cakes?

Unfortunately, protein creams are not very suitable for layering between cakes. Due to its dryness, such a cream is more suitable for decorating cakes, filling cakes, and in a number of other cases where shape retention is required. And cakes are best saturated with more oily and nutritious structures.

Can protein cream be applied over mastic?

If the protein cream can be applied as a base for mastic, then the cream can also be put on it. Usually, this method is used to create various patterns or draw the details of the cake figures.

Can protein cream be poured with chocolate?

No, you can't if you want to keep the original appearance of the protein cream. In order for chocolate to be fluid, it must be hot or at least warm. And, as you know, protein cream begins to flow at the slightest heating. So in order to avoid the cream from slipping off the cake, it is better not to pour chocolate over it.

Quote from Masterpieces_from_Marishka Airy and low-calorie protein cream for delicious cakes and desserts. We reveal the secrets of making a real protein cream!

Marishka Protein cream - general principles of preparation

To prepare the cream, you will need chilled fresh egg whites, sugar, a few drops of lemon juice and a powerful mixer.

Beat the whites with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed for 10-12 minutes. Add sugar in portions to the white airy foam, while continuing to work with the mixer. To speed up the process, instead of sugar, you can use powdered sugar, because. it dissolves faster.

When the cream is almost ready, add a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid diluted with water. The finished cream should be used immediately.

This is the easiest protein cream recipe, but there are many more ways to make this versatile cream, which we'll talk about next.

Protein Custard

This cream recipe is considered useful even for children. Boiling syrup heats the proteins to a temperature of 120 degrees, at which all pathogenic microorganisms die. And the shelf life of such a cream is several times longer than oil or sour cream.


3 egg whites;

70 ml of water;

1 glass of sugar (200 gr.);

0.25 tsp dry citric acid.

Cooking method:

To avoid force majeure during the cooking process, you need to carefully degrease the dishes. Because proteins simply will not whip if even a drop of fat gets into them.

The saucepan for cooking syrup must be boiled in advance with a small amount of water. Wash the whisk and the bowl for whisking and wipe dry with a cloth.

Pour granulated sugar into the pan, pour water and put on high heat. After boiling, turn the fire down and boil the syrup until the so-called “lazy” slow boil appears. To check the readiness of the syrup, a couple of drops should be dropped into a plate of ice water. If the drop does not spread, but rolls into a soft caramel ball, then the syrup has reached the desired consistency. Readiness can also be checked with a caramel thread. To do this, take a spoonful of syrup and slowly pour it onto a plate. If the syrup flows like honey, in a thin continuous thread, then it is ready. At this stage, add citric acid and mix the syrup thoroughly with a spoon.

In parallel with the preparation of the syrup, beat the whites (it is very convenient to use a stationary mixer for this purpose). Before cooking, wash cold eggs well and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the proteins into a completely dry and fat-free bowl and beat until a stable protein mass is formed, the so-called "sharp peaks". This is when the whites stick well to the beaters and do not flow down.

Now comes the most crucial moment in the preparation of protein custard - mixing hot syrup and protein mass. With one hand, slowly pour the hot syrup into the cream in a thin, thin stream, stirring the cream with a mixer. At the same time, you should try not to pour the syrup directly onto the whisk, otherwise splashes of hot liquid can stain everything around, and it will be very difficult to wash the frozen caramel.

When the syrup has completely intervened, rearrange the bowl of cream into a bowl of ice water and continue whisking at low speed until the cream has completely cooled. Otherwise, the proteins will simply boil and the cream will be hopelessly damaged. The cooled mass is already ready for decorating cakes, shortbread baskets or making various cakes with cream filling.

German custard protein cream

This German custard recipe is easy and always turns out. It will help out when you need to quickly prepare any dessert. Products decorated with this airy delicate cream always look luxurious on the festive table.


3 fresh egg whites;

150 ml of cold water;

300 gr. gelled sugar (2:1);

Cooking method:

Beat the chilled proteins in a dense, stable snow-white foam.

Pour gelled sugar into a saucepan, pour water and put on a burner with a strong fire. After boiling, tighten the fire and cook for 10 minutes, until the initial volume of liquid is halved. It is important not to digest the syrup, then the cream will give off burnt sugar and become unsuitable for further use.

Such a cream turns out to be very stable, does not swim up and does not settle. To decorate a cake or pastries, fill a piping bag with cream and use various nozzles to decorate the dessert to your liking. If desired, the cream can be tinted with food coloring or add the desired flavors.

Protein-oil cream

If an ordinary protein cream is practically not suitable for a layer of cakes in a cake because of its tenderness and airiness, then a protein-oil cream is ideal for these purposes. It has a very smooth, homogeneous, dense texture, holds its shape well and does not settle under the weight of biscuit or shortbread cakes. It can also be used as a base coat for sugar mastic. Only before coating the cake must be thoroughly cooled or frozen in the freezer.


450 gr. quality butter;

5 fresh egg whites;

140 gr. ordinary water;

130 gr. granulated sugar;

1 pinch of citric acid;

Vanilla extract to taste.

Cooking method:

In the prepared bowl, beat the egg whites well-chilled to soft peaks. It is better to cool the proteins together with the bowl, then the mass will remain cold longer. In the process of whipping, add a pinch of citric acid or cream of tartar.

Then add half of the granulated sugar in a thin stream and beat the egg whites completely. As for the amount of sugar, it can be increased as desired. According to this recipe, the protein cream for the cake is moderately sweet.

At the same time, mix the second half of the sugar with water and boil the syrup.

Turning the mixer speed to maximum, slowly pour all the still hot syrup into the proteins and continue beating for a few more minutes until the mass cools.

While the proteins mixed with the syrup are cooling, cut the butter that has melted to the consistency of plasticine into small cubes. It should be noted that the quality of the oil in this case is very important and it is necessary to use the highest quality oil that you can buy.

Turning on the mixer at full power, lay the butter piece by piece into the cream. It is not scary if during the addition of oil, the cream begins to exfoliate and thin. After all the oil is added, it will again acquire a creamy, stable structure.

If desired, various flavorings can be added to the finished cream: nuts, vanilla, liquor or rum, jam, condensed milk, etc.

Protein-fruit cream

For lovers of a fruity note in desserts, there is a protein-fruit cream, which is prepared with the addition of fruit jam, marmalade or pitted jam.


3 egg whites, chilled;

2 tbsp jam (jam, preserves);

0.25 cups of water;

3 tbsp granulated sugar;

1 tsp gelatin.

Cooking method:

First you need to soak the gelatin in water. When it swells, put the pan on the fire and heat the gelatin mass until the crystals are completely dissolved, but in no case boil.

Beat the cold whites in a lush, stable foam, as described in previous recipes.

Warm fruit jam, jam or jam slightly and strain through a fine sieve to separate the seeds, peel, fibers, etc. Add sugar to the resulting sweet mass and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Combine the hot mass with gelatin and mix well. Introduce the resulting composition in a thin stream into whipped proteins while whipping them at high speed.

This fruit and protein cream is used warm, otherwise it will turn into a gelatinous substance.

Protein Coconut Cream

To decorate cakes, protein-coconut cream is often used, which, in addition to proteins, sugar and water, also includes coconut flakes with corn syrup. Such a cream will favorably emphasize the taste of any dessert and easily retain any desired shape.


2 egg whites;

3 tbsp coconut flakes;

2 tbsp water;

130 gr. Sahara;

3 tbsp corn (invert) syrup;

1 tsp lemon juice.

Cooking method:

This type of protein cream is prepared in a steam bath. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

Mix the egg whites, corn syrup, lemon juice and water in an iron bowl that is larger than the diameter of a pot of boiling water. Set the bowl over boiling water so that its bottom does not touch the boiling water. Start whipping the mass at low speed until all the sugar crystals dissolve. When there are no grains left (you can try with your fingers), add the speed of the mixer and beat for about 5 minutes, until the protein mass increases in volume.

Remove the bowl from the steam bath and, continuing to beat, pour in the coconut flakes ground in a coffee grinder (if desired, you can take a colored one). Stop whipping when the cream has completely cooled down.

After filling a pastry bag or syringe, decorate the cake with protein cream.

Milk protein cream

The protein cream prepared according to this recipe has a very rich and pronounced milky taste. You can smear cakes with it, make an external coating of the cake or decorate the cake on top.


150 gr. egg whites;

290 gr. butter;

235 gr. water;

600 gr. Sahara;

130 gr. condensed milk;

20 gr. gelatin;

3 gr. citric acid;

15 gr. cognac;

15 gr. vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

Soak gelatin before cooking. You can use gelatin in plates or crystals. While it swells, bring to a boil water with sugar, taken in a ratio of 4: 1, and boil the syrup until thick.

Collect the steam bath and dissolve the gelatin in an iron bowl. Then combine it with syrup and warm it up a little.

Beat boiled condensed milk with softened butter until smooth and refrigerate so that the butter does not completely melt.

Beat fresh chilled proteins with a mixer until “sharp peaks”. Pour syrup with gelatin into the lush mass little by little and beat until the cream cools. After that, combine and beat with a mixer the protein mass with the oil until fluffy and homogeneous. At the very end of cooking, add vanilla powder, a little cognac and lemon juice.

Protein cream: tricks and tips

At first glance, it seems that everything is very simple, but even in the preparation of protein cream there are many nuances and secrets.

First of all, these are fresh and well-chilled eggs. Only in this case, the proteins will whip up quickly and without problems. It is also very important to properly separate the proteins from the yolks, preventing even a drop of the yolk from getting into the protein. It can also adversely affect the whipping ability of the proteins.

Dishes and whisk must be thoroughly degreased and wiped dry.

To ensure complete bacteriological safety, eggs should be thoroughly washed in a baking soda solution before use. In this case, all pathogens that are on the surface of the shell will be washed off and will not get into the cream.

When preparing protein custard, it is very important not to overexpose the syrup on fire, because. after adding citric acid or juice to the cream, it acquires a light yellow color. If the cream turns dark brown, then, unfortunately, it is no longer suitable for further use.

If during the introduction of the syrup into the protein foam it is poured too quickly, then the syrup does not have time to dissolve in the proteins and freezes in separate droplets of caramel. These droplets can hopelessly spoil the consistency of the cream. Therefore, you need to pour in slowly and a little bit.

For decoration, the cream is often dyed with food coloring. So, protein-based creams cannot be dyed with alcohol-containing dyes, because. the cream will begin to float and hold its shape poorly. Ordinary gel dyes or powdered ones diluted with lemon juice are suitable.

Finally, I would like to note that the rich taste and delicate texture of protein-oil or milk-protein cream is revealed only at room temperature. Therefore, cakes and pastries decorated with these creams must be taken out of the refrigerator at least 2 hours before serving.
