
Zucchini stew calories. Useful properties of vegetable stew

We all know that vegetables are the most useful, vitamin, dietary and delicious source of energy for our body. Many amazing dishes are prepared from them, ranging from light snacks to rich main courses. The most common vegetable dish, the preparation of which does not require any special skills, skills and a lot of time, is vegetable stew.

There are more than ten vegetable stew recipes, each with different ingredients. But the main ingredients of the stew are: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions, eggplant and tomato. Thanks to low-calorie vegetables, stew has few calories. Some also prefer to add meat to this dish.

How to cook vegetable stew?

To prepare a classic stew, we need fresh vegetables (potatoes, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, onions and tomatoes), which we carefully cut and fry separately in vegetable or olive oil. You can also fry vegetables in stages, adding them to the pan gradually, one after another. After frying, the vegetables should be put in a deep saucepan, add a little water, salt, add spices and simmer over low heat.

If you are not on a diet and do not want to calculate how many calories are in vegetable stew at all, then you can safely add fried chopped meat to vegetables. This dish will not only be very tasty, satisfying and juicy, but will also acquire a characteristic meat flavor. If the calorie content of the stew is of fundamental importance, then in the cooking process, the stage of frying vegetables can be excluded. This will not only reduce the consumption of vegetable fats of the oil, but also significantly reduce the cooking time, and also reduce the overall calorie content of the stew.

Useful properties of vegetable stew

Stew made from vegetables is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish, primarily for the stomach and intestines. This dish is easily absorbed by the body, and the zucchini, which it contains, allows you to control the proper functioning of the intestines, and is useful for constipation and gastritis.

By themselves, vegetables have a beneficial effect on our body, supplying the necessary vitamins, dietary fiber, organic acids and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.

In addition, the low calorie content of the stew allows you to consume it in the evening without worrying about extra calories. It is because of this that stew is also used for therapeutic nutrition of overweight and obese people. The stew will be simply indispensable for you if you suffer from diabetes, as it contains zucchini and tomatoes, in which the level of carbohydrates and sugars is quite low.

It is impossible to unequivocally indicate the calorie content of the stew - there are too many recipes for this dish with different ingredients. As a rule, vegetables in a stew are mixed with some high-protein product: meat, fish or legumes. But there are also dietary options for weight loss recipes.

Nutritional value of the method of preparation

The usual way to prepare a stew is to roast different ingredients in succession. First - onions, then carrots are added to it, etc. The first ingredient is fried, the subsequent ones are stewed. Water does not need to be added: it is allocated in sufficient quantities from the vegetables themselves.

Stew without meat

"Pure" vegetable stew, without the addition of meat, fish or beans, has the lowest calorie content. However, it can vary quite a lot depending on the recipe.

In this case, the main contribution to the number of calories is made by potatoes - this starchy product is not inferior in nutrition to porridge and is several times superior to other vegetables. Oil, of course, can have an even greater effect, but its content is usually small and fairly easy to dose.

  • Calorie stew from zucchini - 40 kcal per 100 grams (the composition includes only zucchini, carrots, onions, cabbage and butter).
  • Calorie stew of zucchini and potatoes - 60 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Calorie stew with beans - 85 kcal per 100 grams.

If in a purely squash version carbohydrates make up about two-thirds of the nutrients, then when potatoes are added, it is already about three-quarters. For most diets, this is too much.

However, it should be remembered that young potatoes have 2-3 times less calories than mature ones (young potatoes are similar to most other vegetables in this respect).

But in any case, it should be remembered that this dish is "porridge from an ax." Initially, it was made according to the method “put everything that is in the house into the cauldron” (and if some ingredient is not found, it does not matter: against the general background, it will be almost invisible).

He, in general, simply does not have a standard recipe. Rather, there are so many of them that it is more reliable to count the calorie content in each case separately.

Vegetable stew with meat

As for the “meat” option, a lot depends on the calorie content of the meat used. Fatty pork gives a completely different result than lean beef. Usually, if the meat is taken especially fatty, the amount of vegetables also increases in order to “dilute” the insufficiently dietary product.

In the case of fatty meat, the calorie content can be at the level of 100-110 kcal per 100 grams, and with lean meat - 70-80 kcal.

A chicken dish usually turns out to be even less high-calorie, but a lot depends on which parts of the chicken carcass are used in the recipe. If you take a “whole” chicken carcass, the nutritional value will be at the level of 75-85 kcal, approximately the same as in the case of lean meat.

However, if you remove the skin (this is one of the fattest parts of the carcass), then the number of calories will immediately decrease.

The most dietary option is to use only chicken breasts: then the calorie content of the product is at the level of 50-60 kcal. Approximately the same will happen in the case of stew with fish.

How to lower the calorie content of stew?

The ingredient in the stew, whose calories most strongly affect the nutritional value of the entire dish, is butter. In this regard, it is noticed that usually with an increase in the number of ingredients, the average calorie content of the product decreases.

This rule is valid only under otherwise equal conditions: if you compare a purely vegetable stew with a pure vegetable, meat - with meat, etc. The fact is that, as already mentioned, the first product is fried, and the rest are practically stewed in their own juice.

Naturally, a product fried in oil has more calories than a stew. The greater part of the mass of the dish is stewed, and not fried, the lower the calorie content.

Stew is one of the simplest options for both lunch and dinner, which does not require special culinary skills, and also does not have a single recipe and set of ingredients. At its core, they simply fry here, and then stew with sauce pieces of vegetables, mushrooms, meat or fish, and all the components depend only on the taste of the one who cooks. Even the consistency is chosen at will: beef stroganoff, thicker roasts, and even goulash are all stews. You can do it both in a pan on the stove, and in a slow cooker or even an oven. Due to the variety of combinations, the taste of each recipe, like the aroma, is not like any other. Vegetable stew is one of the best ways to include vegetables in your menu if you don’t have the energy to eat them raw or separately. And also if it is necessary to disguise certain products that someone does not want to eat. Ragout with meat is a lunch classic. Ragout with fish is a little less common, but highly appreciated by seafood lovers.

High nutritional value and the possibility of constant diversity make this dish popular all over the world, in each country transforming it according to the traditions of national cuisine. For those who are worried about their figure, it will be useful to find out how many calories are in vegetable, meat, fish and mushroom stew, how to cook it correctly, which combinations are the most advantageous and how to make the calorie content of the stew safe for the figure.

How many calories in stew

Due to the great variety of recipes, it is not possible to give a universal calorie figure for stews - vegetable, meat or any other. She swims in the range from 180 to 420 kcal, and how to calculate here? For at least some specifics, it is worth considering in detail the most familiar recipes, finding out the patterns of the main categories, and then, composing to your liking, calculate the individual energy value of the dish.

Among meat stews, beef stroganoff is especially appreciated, consisting of beef, onions, butter, flour, low-fat sour cream and sauce. The calorie content of the stew in this case is 355 kcal, of which almost 70% is allocated to fats, 24% to proteins, and only 6% to carbohydrates. Moreover, as it becomes clear from the composition, the main "weight" falls on meat, followed by butter and sour cream. In general, most of the calories in the stew can be called useful, given the beneficial effects on the body from beef, due to the high content of iron, which prevents anemia, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur. But given the level of cholesterol in it, as well as the ingredients of oil and sour cream, it is recommended to be more careful with this dish for people suffering from vascular problems, especially hypertensive patients. Usually, beef stroganoff is served with potatoes, but this combination is hard for the body to perceive, and for those who want to lose weight in general, it is better to put an end to it. To protect yourself from high-calorie stew, it is better to combine it with broccoli or cauliflower, which speeds up metabolism and breaks down animal fats.

Fish and vegetable stew in terms of calories will be clearly less than beef stroganoff. Seafood is generally much lighter than red meat, and given the presence of plant-based foods, the dish is easier to digest and convert into energy rather than excess fat. A significant share of the energy value falls on pink salmon or salmon, which make up the core of the fish and vegetable stew: their calorie content is about 170 kcal per hundred grams. The rest is distributed among the selected vegetables: for example, you can take zucchini, red pepper and tomato, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, salt and onion to this. The calorie content of the stew in this case will show 142 kcal per hundred grams, and the energy value will be dominated by proteins and a small proportion of carbohydrates.

As for how many calories are in vegetable stew, without any additives, the question depends only on the preferred plant products. To the already familiar components "onion, oil, salt" you can take potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, parsley root, garlic, bay leaf and red sauce. The result will be a mixture weighing 102 kcal per hundred grams, and in terms of their reduction, such a figure is not the limit. And given the presence of pumpkin and cabbage, as well as garlic, there is no need to fear for metabolism and digestion. These products should always be present in the diet of a person who wants to gain or maintain harmony. And almost a record calorie figure for stews is 50 kcal. It refers to the option without the addition of potatoes, consisting of zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and onions, with a spoonful of vegetable oil, salt and pepper.

Stew in the diet of those who follow the figure

After finding out how many calories are in a stew - vegetable, meat or fish -, it seems that you can complete the topic, but that's not all. The average figures are announced, the idea of ​​compiling a menu is approximately clear, but how exactly is it best to select the ingredients for a dish in order to follow the ideal phrase for every woman: “eat and lose weight”?

Since the vegetable version has the lowest calorie content of stew, preference should be given to it during weight loss. Ideal here are zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cabbage. It is better not to get carried away with potatoes, since they are quite heavy both in terms of the number of calories and in terms of its absorption by the body. For a better fight against fat, it is useful to add garlic or red hot peppers, and to normalize digestion - black peas. Sesame seeds can be a highlight. If you really want meat, it is better to choose white poultry meat, it most favors the process of losing weight. Potatoes, again, are not recommended to be added to it, but vegetables like pumpkin, eggplant or cabbage are a must. Then you can not be afraid for the calorie content of the stew: the vegetable supplement will do its job.

An excellent option, for example, can be roast in pots, also belonging to the class of these dishes. Cut into pieces skinless chicken breast, one medium carrot, onion rings and zucchini. Add a teaspoon of sour cream to avoid excess dryness, salt, pepper, pass the garlic through a garlic press. Those who want a very light dish can replace sour cream with a small amount of cold water. Due to its easy digestion and high nutritional value, this variation on the stew can be both a hearty dinner and lunch.

And you can even compose a recipe no less protein-rich, in which there will be not a single gram of meat. The whole point is in red beans. Potato, a couple of tomatoes, carrots and onions are connected to it. There is no need to even add butter or sour cream: without them, the calorie content of vegetable stew with beans is lower, and nothing is lost in taste, nor is dryness observed. In addition, it is suitable not only for a diet, but also for a lean table.

The most interesting thing is that 50 kcal is not the limit for the calorie content of the stew. Vegetable with mushrooms can reach 29 kcal. It includes asparagus, a little vegetable oil, water, zucchini, tomato and porcini mushrooms. You can cook both in a slow cooker or oven, and in a frying pan under the lid. In this variation, there are no heavy foods, but its satiety is no less than the previous version, and the figure is not harmed at all. You can add seasonings to taste if you like.

4.8 out of 5 (5 Votes)

Delicious stewed vegetable stew is a frequent guest on the table of a modern person. Vegetable stew is prepared by vegetarians and vegans, it can serve as a side dish for some kind of meat supplement. The main advantages of this dish are that you can cook it with almost anything, but it will turn out tasty, inexpensive and not harmful.

Calorie vegetable stew

The calorie content of vegetable stew will be calculated depending on the components of the finished dish per 100 gr. Not only the calorie content of raw vegetables is taken into account, but also how much higher it becomes when cooking some kind of food. Even with simple cooking of the product without salt, it will still slightly increase its calorie content.

When preparing a classic stew of vegetables from zucchini with eggplant, onions and tomatoes, the approximate nutritional value and number of kcal will be as follows per 100 g:

  • 24-25 kcal.
  • 0.7 g of protein.
  • 0.3 grams of fat.
  • 4.8 grams of carbohydrates.

The energy value and calorie content may vary depending on how the stew was prepared. If the vegetables were previously overcooked in vegetable oil (or it was added to the dish itself), the calorie content will be much higher than in a simple lean and absolutely light dish.

Calorie content is presented per 100 grams of the finished product, but in one average serving per adult, usually 170-200 grams. The nutritional value per serving is doubled, but how many kcal will be contained is still acceptable for a dietary and simply healthy diet.

Ragout with potatoes

The number of kcal in a dish cooked with potatoes will be twice as much as that cooked without it. So there are about 57 kcal per 100 grams. Such a vegetable stew can be satiated faster, it can be used as an independent dish for lunch or dinner.

In order to cook, you will need to take:

  • white cabbage;
  • potato;
  • onions and carrots;
  • tomato paste;
  • seasonings and spices (herbs, black pepper, lavrushka);
  • frying pan with high walls for stewing.

Onions, together with grated carrots, are fried in sunflower oil until a soft golden color. Potatoes with cabbage are cut, added to carrots and onions. After 5-10 minutes, tomato paste is added (two tablespoons are enough), and water with it. The fire is reduced to a small one, the mass is covered with a lid and stewed for 40-45 minutes until cooked. In the process of stewing, spices and salt are added. After the mixture is ready, it should stand a little longer under the lid. After 5-10 minutes it will be ready to serve.

How much to add by weight or quantity is a matter of personal preference. Some people will like a mixture with a lot of potatoes, but some will not. Cooking time is also optional, you can just periodically check the degree of readiness. It will be the potatoes that will stew the longest, therefore it is recommended to check on it.

Ragout zucchini

Stew is a simple and tasty dish that has many analogues in the cuisines of different peoples of the world. The name "stew" is French, and it was French cuisine that influenced Russian cuisine in its time, in which a dish with the same name appeared. However, the composition of the dish differed from the stew traditionally prepared in France. Initially, for this dish, pieces of various meats were used, which were stewed for a long time over low heat with the addition of beans, mushrooms or vegetables. In order to make the stew thick, pieces of stale bread were added to the sauce. Or, if necessary, it was, on the contrary, diluted with wine. Despite the fact that in the distant past, no one knew about haute cuisine, the dish turned out to be delicious, because it contained many different ingredients. The question of how many calories in the stew was not raised, because in the past few people cared about their figure the way they do in our time. The calorie content of the stew was rather its absolute plus, since it guaranteed a feeling of long satiety.

The principle of cooking food by stewing for a long time on fire is so ancient that it is difficult to figure out who was the first to cook stew. Dishes similar to French stew are considered the national dish of the Hungarians, Irish, Belgians, Germans. Meat and vegetables are similarly stewed in the countries of North America and the Maghreb. Of course, each recipe has its own characteristics. Each nation adds to its national dish products characteristic of its country. Naturally, the calorie content of the stew changes from this. It can be assumed that such a dish was prepared by the ancient Romans, whose culture had a strong influence on French culture. It is unlikely that in ancient Rome calories were counted in stew, and most likely, products were simply added to this dish, giving taste and making the dish nutritious. As you can see, it’s quite difficult to figure out where the stew first appeared. But, since we call the resulting dish "stew", it is obviously worth sticking to the French recipe. Then what dish, according to French culinary recipes, should be called "stew"?

What is ragout?

In a traditional stew, there must be beans or meat. You can choose any meat for the stew, but you should remember that the calorie content of the stew will be higher if you use, for example, fatty pork. In the past, game was often chosen as meat, since hunting was a common way of obtaining food in those days. It must be said that the use of game made this dish more useful. The fact is that such meat is less caloric, which means that the calorie content of the stew will be less than if you add pet meat to it. It is interesting to know how many calories are in a stew prepared according to a traditional recipe.

The stew must contain vegetables. The amount of vegetables should be equal to the amount of meat. It is allowed that there was a little more meat. If a stew with meat is prepared, then usually the meat is cooked first separately, and then mixed with vegetables. The calorie content of a stew that uses meat can range from 120 to 240 kcal, depending on the ingredients. As you can see, the recipe is not at all complicated, but at the same time the dish turns out to be tasty and nutritious.

Meat increases the nutritional value of the product, since it is a protein that our body needs. It certainly improves the taste of the dish as well. However, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to cook stew without using meat. The exclusion from the recipe of such an ingredient as meat will significantly reduce the calorie content of the stew. In addition, it will be easier to digest, which is important for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Vegetable stew will be a great alternative to traditional stew also for those who follow their figure or for other reasons cannot eat meat. So how many calories are in vegetable stew?

There are a lot of vegetable stew recipes. The calorie content of vegetable stew can be changed at your discretion by adding vegetables such as potatoes or beans to it. But, even if the above vegetables are added to the stew, the calorie content of the stew with vegetables will still remain low and it can be classified as a dietary meal. How will the calorie content of stew with vegetables change if its ingredients are slightly changed?

The most dietary recipe for vegetable stew is a recipe that includes zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, sweet bell peppers and tomatoes. All vegetables are cut into pieces and gradually added to the dish. The main thing to remember is that quenching should only take place over low heat. This does not affect the calorie content of the stew with vegetables. The thing is that in the process of such stewing, the products retain the vitamins and nutrients contained in them as fully as possible and turn out to be especially tasty. How many calories are in the vegetable stew prepared according to this recipe? Calorie stew with vegetables will be only 52 kcal per 100 g. This is an ideal dish for those who are worried about the question of how many calories are in stew. Despite the low calorie content of vegetable stew, it turns out to be a nutritious dish thanks to the use of eggplant in the recipe.

Many people prefer to cook stew with potatoes. Potatoes are traditionally valued in Russian cuisine for the fact that with them any dish becomes nutritious and satisfying. The calorie content of vegetable stew with potatoes is significantly higher than the calorie content of vegetable stew in which potatoes are not used. In vegetable stew with potatoes, you can add ingredients such as: potatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini, tomatoes, cabbage. The dish is prepared in stages. First, onions and carrots are fried, then potatoes and zucchini are added. In order for the vegetables not to burn, you need to add a little water. After the potatoes are half cooked, put the cabbage in the stew. And lastly add peppers and tomatoes. This sequence in cooking allows you to ensure that all the ingredients of the stew cook evenly. As a result, the calorie content of the stew is equal to 99 calories per 100 g. This number of calories in vegetable stew makes it possible to classify it as a medium-calorie dish. And, nevertheless, it is quite possible to use it even for those who count calories in stew. 4.1428571428571

4.14 out of 5 (7 Votes)
