
Tea stain. How to remove tea stains from white and colored clothes


It would seem that there is nothing worse than putting a stain from freshly brewed coffee on a new shirt. But no! It turns out that it is more difficult to remove tea stains from your favorite thing. Moreover, pollution appears at the most inopportune moment, making you blush in front of colleagues, guests or passers-by on the street.

Among the various methods for removing tea stains, there are the most effective ones that restore the original appearance of clothes.

Despite the fact that tea is a common product for most people around the world, it has one secret. Tea leaves contain special tannins - tannins, without which the tea would have neither aroma nor its inherent astringency. They allow the stain to settle firmly on the clothes, and it is because of them that tea stains are so difficult to remove.

Tannins are found in both green and black tea, the difference is only in the amount of tannins. Therefore, it is necessary to look for effective methods for removing both fresh and old tea stains.

Household chemicals

The fastest way to remove traces of tea is to soak the stain with various store-bought products specifically designed for this. Among the variety of household chemicals produced, the following have proven themselves:

  1. Bleachers.

Manufacturers Amway and Vanish made sure that not only tea stains on the fabric were removed. Bleaches are available for both white and colored laundry. Of the cheap products on sale, there are bleaches containing chlorine. They are no less effective, but they exude a specific smell and often spoil the fabric.

  1. Soap against stains "Antipyatin".

An inexpensive representative of this group of products in the fight against tea marks. It is enough to wash the spot with soap, and the result will not be long in coming.

  1. Cleaners.

Instead of expensive bleach for cleaning white clothes, you can use the usual detergent for washing the bathroom and plumbing. Domestos copes with such a task with a bang. However, before using the product, you should check whether the cleaning liquid will damage the item.

  1. Stain removers.

The most versatile way to eliminate old tea stains is to use a stain remover. The soiled item must be soaked in the product, and then washed in the machine.

Folk methods for removing tea stains used at home

Store-bought products are, of course, good, but what if there is no stain remover at hand?

Do not immediately run to the nearest supermarket - look into the bins in the kitchen or get a home first aid kit. There are funds that are in no way inferior in efficiency to purchased ones.

  1. Salt with glycerin.

Prepare a gruel from table salt and glycerin, which you apply to the tea stain. For complete discoloration of contamination, it is necessary to withstand the mixture for several minutes. Once the stain is gone, wash the clothes in any way.

  1. Glycerin and ammonia.

The cleansing mixture is prepared from one tablespoon of glycerin and ¼ teaspoon of ammonia. The mass is applied to the stain and gently rubbed. After the disappearance of tea stains, the clothes are thoroughly washed.

  1. Citric or oxalic acid.

Dissolve two teaspoons of lemon in one glass of water. A clean sponge is wetted in the prepared solution. The “tool” with the acid mixture should be gently wiped off the contamination. Oxalic acid also has a similar effect, but it must be diluted in the amount of one teaspoon per 250 ml of cold water. The cleaned thing is washed in the usual way.

  1. Lemon juice.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it directly onto the tea stain. The dyed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing should discolor, after which the item is subjected to washing.

  1. Ammonia.

To remove a tea mark from a white thing, you can use ordinary ammonia. A light towel or napkin is placed under the contamination, and the stains are moistened with ammonia from above. After an hour, white clothes can already be washed.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.

Fabrics that require reverent care can be easily cleaned with peroxide. Tea stains on delicate materials are wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide. Next, the clothes should be washed in cold water.

  1. Ammonium chloride and peroxide.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The tea stain is rubbed with the mixture, and then the clothes are thoroughly rinsed in water until the specific smell of ammonia is completely eliminated.

  1. Bleach.

The method is quite aggressive, but effective for white cotton material. Other natural fabrics will definitely lose their appearance due to exposure to bleach. Chlorine bleach is applied to red stains and left for a few minutes. After the stain disappears, the clothes are washed.

  1. Borax, salt and lemon juice.

The "hellish" mixture will easily eliminate old tea stains on clothes. To do this, borax is diluted in one container, and a slurry of fine salt and lemon juice is prepared in the other. First, borax is applied to the stain for several minutes, and then the contamination is wiped with salt gruel.

You can repeat the cleansing procedure several times until the tea stains are completely eliminated. After the thing returns to its appearance, it is washed in the usual way.

  1. Borax and lactic acid.

The cleaning method is similar to the previous one, only after soaking the tea stains, the remnants of the stain are wiped with lactic acid.

  1. Glycerol.

If the stain appears on a silk blouse or woolen item, then warm glycerin is applied to the contamination. After 15 minutes, rinse the place where there were tea stains with clean warm water and blot with a napkin.

  1. Lactic acid.

Another way to deal with tea pollution is a solution made from purified water and lactic acid. The stain moistened with liquid is left for 20 minutes, after which the clothes are rinsed in cool water.

  1. Contrasting rinses.

Children's items or clothing worn by allergy sufferers can be cleaned with contrast rinses. The soiled thing is immersed in hot water, then rinsed in cold water. It is allowed to gently rub the stain with a brush or sponge. Thus, tannin is removed from the fibers.

  1. Boiling water.

Clothes with a tea stain fit into the basin so that the contamination is on top. Boiling water is poured over the stains from the tea. After the thing is washed with the addition of soap.

How to remove fresh tea stain

Fresh dirt from spilled tea is much easier to remove than old stains. The main thing here is speed and accuracy. A soft sponge, a clean cotton cloth and a prepared soap solution are used.

The algorithm of actions is effective for stains left on any fabric.

First, excess liquid is removed, then the stain itself is “grouted”. Cleaning things from tea pollution is carried out using a mixture of water and any detergent: shampoo, dishwashing liquid, liquid soap.

Ways to remove old tea stains

Do not despair if the tea stain is noticed quite late. Using some effective folk recipes, you can easily return your favorite thing to its original beauty.

Among the existing methods, the most effective show:

  • A mixture of one tablespoon of vinegar and laundry detergent.

The gruel is applied to the stain from the front and back sides and left for several minutes to actively influence the contamination. After the thing is washed in water with washing powder and a small amount of soda. If the desired effect has not been achieved, the fabric should be washed again.

  • A mixture of salt and glycerin.

The recipe is described above. It is suitable for delicate processing of soiled clothing, but the exposure time of the mixture on the fabric must be controlled.

Several ways to remove tea stains from different fabrics are described in the video.

Cleaning a non-washable item

Any clothing, as a rule, is cleaned of dirt by soaking and further washing. But under certain circumstances, it is necessary to eliminate tea stains not from fabric, but from paper.

Cleaning documents from traces of spilled tea begins with careful blotting of a dirty sheet. Under no circumstances should you rub the paper!

Then, in a separate container, dilute peroxide and water in equal proportions and moisten the sheet with a solution. Remove the remaining liquid with a damp sponge, and add a little slaked lime to the water. After “washing” the tea stains, the leaf is dried with a paper towel or towel.

Removing stains from delicate fabrics

To remove traces of spilled tea from silk clothes, you should carefully consider the choice of detergent. For cleaning, less aggressive substances are used that preserve the structure of the fibers of the fabric and the color of the clothes. Tea marks on silk and wool products are easily dealt with:

  • lactic acid;
  • heated glycerin.

However, do not immediately begin to scrub the stain. The prepared product must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing so that the cleaning result does not come as a surprise.

Cleaning colored clothes

Removing stains from colored clothes has always had its challenges. The bleach was immediately pushed aside due to the possible "washing out" of the color and the loss of brightness of the clothes. Any aggressive agent can completely ruin your favorite thing, so to remove tea stains from colored fabrics, you should use the following substances:

  1. Bura.

This miracle remedy is available in any pharmacy in the form of a 100% solution of borax in glycerin. After active wiping, the pollution disappears. If the stains still remain, then you need to get rid of them by rubbing the red border with a mixture of diluted citric acid and salt.

  1. Vinegar.

The easiest way to bleach a tea stain is to soak the stain with vinegar.

Removing tea stains on white fabric

Most often, tea stains can be found on a white festive tablecloth. It may not be possible to remove them immediately, so heavy artillery enters the battle for cleanliness. Now tulle, towels and bed linen will sparkle white without red streaks.

To do this, you can rub the stain:

  • A solution of citric or oxalic acid.
  • Lemon juice.
  • hydrogen peroxide.
  • Bleach with chlorine.

Instead of oxalic acid, hyposulfite can be successfully used. The substance is diluted in the amount of one teaspoon in a glass of water. After cleansing the contamination, the fabric is rinsed not in ordinary water, but in a weak solution of ammonia.

Jeans cleaning

Carelessness during tea drinking leads to the fact that tea gets on jeans and spoils their appearance. The same borax recommended for processing colored fabrics will help get rid of red stains.

It is easy to use the product: it is enough to intensively rub the stain with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is also suitable for removing tea deposits from knitwear. If there is a feeling that the clothes have become faded after such treatment, it is necessary to rinse the things in water with the addition of vinegar.

Tea stains on furniture or carpet - what to do?

A feature of cleaning upholstered furniture from tea stains is the initial removal of excess moisture from the upholstery. Only after that it is worth taking on all kinds of means for discoloring tea stains.

Do not apply force to the tea mark, as you will simply “rub” the dirt deep into the fibers of the upholstery and make further cleaning more difficult.

Produce the following actions:

  1. Lightly dampen the sponge in a solution containing 0.5 liters of water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and gently wipe the dirt.
  2. After cleaning, the stain is rinsed with clean water and then blotted with a dry cloth.
  3. Apply an acetic solution to the upholstery in a ratio of 1: 1. After 10 minutes, the treatment site is washed again with water and allowed to dry.

This cleaning method is great for carpets that have traces of tea on them.

Help washing machine

To save time, traces of tea can be removed in the washing machine. Instead of the usual powder, a pre-prepared agent is poured into the device compartment. The most effective "powder" for colored clothes made from natural and artificial fabrics is a mixture consisting of:

  • 2 tsp borax;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemons;
  • 3 art. l. table vinegar.

For washing delicate fabrics, borax is not used, and citric acid is filled up half as much. Tea marks left on white clothes can be removed with chlorine bleach. The product is poured into the compartment intended for washing powder, and 2 tablespoons of oxalic acid are added.

Using simple tips, you can easily get rid of ugly tea marks on the fabric. If the risk of spoiling the thing is high, then you should contact a professional dry cleaner. The result in this case will be guaranteed, and tea drinking will no longer cause excitement for possible damage to clothes or tablecloths.

Suddenly spilled tea and ruined clothes, furniture, carpet or snow-white tablecloth? Black and green tea stains absorb very well into any type of fabric. And with the help of ordinary washing, it is difficult to get rid of them. Tea stains are especially noticeable on white clothes.

But wait, don't rush to get upset right away and throw away your favorite blouse, skirt or other damaged item! There is a solution! How to remove a tea stain on a sofa, textiles or light-colored clothes? Of course, you can always take the thing to dry cleaning, but for now let's try to deal with the problem on our own.

Black tea, thanks to the tannin it contains, leaves unpleasant yellow spots on the fabric, which can hopelessly ruin a snow-white thing. If at this moment a stain remover for white things is nearby, then the problem will be solved. But what to do when it is not there or the trouble happened to you outside the home?

For many years, people have successfully used a variety of improvised means to combat tea stains. We hope that the above recipes will help you to successfully remove tea stains on white or colored fabrics and get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity.

Precaution won't hurt

  • Before using any chemicals, first test them on a piece of similar fabric or on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  • First apply a solution of a lower concentration, and if necessary, increase it.
  • Remove stains from the wrong side by placing white paper or a napkin under the stain.
  • First, rub the area near the stain with a cotton pad, and then rub the solution from its edge to the middle. So the stain on the material will not blur.
  • After applying stain removers, wait about 15 minutes.
  • At the end of any cleaning method, wash the item in 30 degree soapy water.


How to remove a tea stain on white manually:

  • Ammonia: Dilute 1 tsp. ammonia in a liter of water, wet a sponge with a solution and apply to the stain. Remove the resulting stains with a 10% solution of citric acid, which is applied for a quarter of an hour. Then clean the fabric with a damp sponge or wash.
  • Citric acid: Dissolve in a glass of water 2 tsp. citric acid. Treat the stain and leave for a while.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Simply dampen the stained area with a piece of cotton wool containing 3% hydrogen peroxide.

This method is suitable for delicate white and light fabrics.

  • Ammonia and Glycerin: Take 1 part glycerin to 4 parts ammonia. The method is well suited for natural fabrics such as cotton and linen.
  • Glycerin: You need 1 tbsp. glycerin per liter of water, heat the solution and moisten the stain. After 15 minutes, blot it with a napkin and wash the thing.

This method is especially effective for wool or silk.

  • Glycerin and table salt: mix these components, apply the resulting slurry to the stains.
  • Lactic acid: This method is excellent for removing tea stains on natural silk. Dilute water with lactic acid in a ratio of 1:1. Moisten the damaged area with the prepared solution.
  • Lemon Juice: Just soak a piece of cotton wool in the lemon juice and rub it on the stain. You can prepare a 10% lemon solution by adding a few drops to water.
  • Oxalic acid: This method is able to cope even with old tea stains. Dissolve ½ tsp in 200 grams of water. acid and rub the stain for a quarter of an hour.

Remember that this method is not suitable for colored fabric!

  • Bleach: Bleach will help you quickly and easily get rid of tea stains on whites. But remember that this is a rather aggressive method and it is only suitable for cotton fabric, other materials may deteriorate. Chlorine bleaching is also suitable for machine washing.
  • Vinegar: It can gently remove dirt. Moisten a cotton pad with it and apply on the dirt.
  • Alcohol: This method is perfect during a feast. You just need to moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and rub the contaminated area, and wash your clothes at home.
  • Boiling water: Fresh and mild tea stains are excellently able to be boiled.


The listed funds are often in the arsenal of every good housewife, so removing tea from white things will not be difficult if you use one of the above methods. Try to find the one that suits your particular case. Knowing how to remove a tea stain on white, you can easily keep your light and white things in their original form and extend their life to you.

Every tea lover may face such a problem as stains on clothes from him. They are distinguished by their durability and difficulty of breeding. However, they can be removed. What, and most importantly, how to do this without spoiling the thing, we will analyze in more detail.

Basic rules and remedies for removing tea stains

Before you start using and applying various methods and methods for cleaning brown traces of a drink, you need to know the following points:

  1. It is impossible to wash, or send immediately to the wash, a soiled thing with hot water. This will eliminate the "welding" of the stain into the fibers, which further complicates the process of its removal.
  2. White and colored products are washed in various ways. Without considering this factor, you can ruin your favorite clothes.
  3. The tea stain is always washed at the beginning, and after that they start washing the thing as a whole. This is done in order to improve the cleaning efficiency.
  4. First, removal is carried out with a small amount of detergent, but if the results are not satisfactory, they are increased by increasing its concentration. Due to this, damage to the internal structure of the fabric fibers is reduced.
  5. The surface stain remover is always applied from the edges of the stain towards the center, and it is recommended to place a clean white cloth (such as gauze) under it. All this contributes to the absorption of pollution, excluding its spreading and spreading over clothes.

The most popular folk remedies for removing stubborn tea stains are:

  • chlorine;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • borax;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Among modern bleaches available for purchase in every store, the most effective in this regard can be noted:

  • Vanish for white and color;
  • Antipyatin, Mr. Dez, Udalix;
  • Boss;
  • Chlorox;

Extracting tea from white

Many are afraid of the question - how to wash tea from white things? In fact, this is much easier to do than with colored ones, since almost all means can be used, including the most effective ones.

You should carefully approach this issue regarding only delicate fabrics: wool, silk, etc. Linen and cotton perfectly tolerate all very aggressive substances.

We note the most effective ways:

  1. The chlorine-containing agent is diluted in slightly warm water. A soiled white product is soaked for about half an hour. After that, if the spots remain, we make a more concentrated solution and already in hot water. We put the thing for 20 minutes.
  2. We process the surface of the stain with vanish or antipyatin. We leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash by hand or machine. By adding a small amount of the detergent used to the washing powder.
  3. Laundry soap well washes fresh, not yet stubborn and not dried stains. Usually it is enough to wash, hold for 10-15 minutes and there will be no trace of them.
  4. Vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, mixed with dishwashing detergent, in a ratio of 5:1. The resulting mixture is treated with a contaminated surface. You need to withstand at least 20 minutes, rub well. If necessary, repeat the procedure, and then carry out a normal wash.
  5. Borax is added to room temperature water. In the resulting solution, the product is left for an hour. After washing and rinsing.
  6. Citric and oxalic acid are used in a pre-dissolved form. You can make a more concentrated solution and treat the surface of the stain, and then soak for half an hour in hotter water with citric or oxalic acid.

Important! All of the above methods are aggressive, so use rubber gloves when using them.

Removing traces of tea from colored

Here you need to be extremely careful and careful. Not everything can be used for colored items, as the colors can float and the product will be unsuitable for further wear.

Before washing and removing any stains, you need to check a small piece of fabric from the edge for color fastness. Use only authorized and most gentle cleaning and bleaching agents.

Among which:

  • laundry soap, does not show itself badly in the fight against tea stains, being one of the safest for fabric;
  • glycerol, its solution with ammonia or ordinary salt removes impurities in front of the eyes;
  • Vanish for color they process the contaminated area and leave it for 15 minutes, then we wash it, adding it a little to the powder;
  • antipyatin, having previously washed the stain with it, the chances of getting rid of it during washing increase significantly.

Important! Colored items are not intended for washing with chlorine-containing substances. Therefore, in the removal of tea stains from such fabrics, the latter are excluded.

Our favorite drinks - tea and coffee, unfortunately, in addition to enjoying their taste, can also cause a lot of trouble - after all, pollution from them is considered one of the most difficult to remove. Black tea contains tannin, a tannin that causes tea stains to eat into the threads of the fabric tightly and very quickly if you do not remove them immediately. From coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, ugly yellowish-brown stains with clear boundaries remain. Such contaminants must be discolored with special chemical compounds.

What to do if a valuable carpet, branded clothing or a new sofa is damaged? Here it is time to despair. Of course, every modern housewife knows that there are a lot of effective potent drugs, the best samples of which we told you in detail in the corresponding section of our website in the article “ Stain removers". The active ingredients in these cleaners can tackle any stain. But still, there is no need to discount folk remedies - something that has been tested for years and that is always at hand. For example, if a stain is placed during a late tea party, then by the time the shops open, it will already be old and difficult to remove. How to remove stains from coffee and tea, without leaving home, with the most affordable, but very effective improvised means?

. To remove fresh stains, prepare a composition of kitchen salt with glycerin, apply it on the stain and leave for a while (up to half an hour) - let the yellow stains dissolve in the glycerin salts and discolor well. Wait until the spots begin to disappear, and wash the clothes in the usual way - the one recommended by the manufacturer. Salt slurry with glycerin is a tool that perfectly helps to cope with stains of juice, fats, ink.

. To remove a stain from coffee or tea, which is already several days old, a more aggressive composition is needed: half a tsp. ammonia and two teaspoons of glycerin. Simply wipe stains with a swab dipped in two-part formula, then launder your favorite item in warm soapy water.

. Traditionally, to remove stains of various origins (natural or synthetic), freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid are used - substances with bleaching properties. Try to combine 2 tsp. lemon to-you with oxalic to-oh (1 tsp), dissolve the composition in 200 ml of water, treat stains from tea or coffee, then wash in cool water.

.Tea stains on white, especially on cotton or linen napkins, towels, tablecloths, are always a big problem - they are too often put on by guests during holiday gatherings. Flax is a fairly durable fabric, although it tends to wash poorly, like all natural fabrics. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water and wet the stain with a soft sponge, placing a cloth or paper napkin under it in advance (so that it takes the pollution onto itself). Alcohol can remove dirt by pulling it out from the middle of the fabric fibers,but leave divorces. They are easy to clean with an 8% solution of the same lemon to-you, and only then wash and dry the product.

.It is easy to get rid of coffee and tea stains by applying a light solution.op one tsp oxalic acid and 2 tsp. lemon to-you, diluted in 200 ml of warm water. And so that there is not even a trace left of the stain, strengthen this mixture with another spoonful of ammonia. Such a powerful composition helps to remove even stains from rust, blood, wine, grass.

. Unfortunately, not only wearable things suffer from our careless handling of drinks, but also more expensive things - carpets, furniture. To remove a coffee stain on a carpet or upholstery of your furniture, moisten a foam sponge or soft brush with a solution of glycerin and thoroughly wipe the contaminated area (the solution is made at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of cold water).

. Painted things need a special approach - after all, they should not lose the brightness of colors in the process of removing dirt. Use a 10% borax solution to remove coffee or tea stains. Treat the place of contamination with brown, and stainsremove with lemon juice or juice (5%) with the addition of a small amount of salt. Rinse the fabric alternately in cold, then in warm water.

. Now let's talk separately about natural fabrics. In order not to spoil wool or silk even more, use heated glycerin. Just cover the stain with a rag soaked in glycerine and let it lie on top for 15 minutes. Then gently blot and launder.

. Another method for removing stains from natural fabrics that is ideal for silk is a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lactic acid and distilled water.

. How to remove a stain from coffee or tea, if many of the methods described above did not bring the result you need? To do this, there is a more radical remedy that should be used only in extreme cases - a solution of bleach. Attention: after wiping with a solution, rinse the product 3-4 times in cold and warm water until the bleach and its smell are completely removed. This method is only suitable for cotton products. Not for the blue tetics, much less wool or silk, it is not suitable, because it tends to corrode the fibers of the fabric.

. Removing stains from coffee and tea from natural silk fabrics is done using a mixture of 1 tsp. lactic acid and 1 tsp. distilled water. Treat the stain and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to thoroughly rinse the fabric in cool water.

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. At this time, it is so nice to climb onto the sofa with your favorite book and enjoy a cup of hot fragrant tea. Feeling of complete peace and tranquility. But sometimes the idyll is destroyed. Unexpected tea stains on clothes or furniture can lead to this.

Tea lovers around the world agree on one thing, tea stains are one of the most unpleasant phenomena. There are quite a few ways to deal with tea stains, but not all of them are equally effective on fabrics of different colors and textures.

The best way to remove tea stains is to go to the dry cleaners. But, for one reason or another, this option is not available to everyone and not always. Of course, do not despair, because there are enough methods for removing tea and coffee stains at home.

Before analyzing the individual categories of stains, it is worth saying the general rules.

  1. Fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones. If someone spilled tea or coffee on a thing, you must immediately begin to eliminate the stain.
  2. A still wet tea stain will disappear without any hassle if you immediately soak the item in soapy water. If the stain was not obtained at home, it is necessary to treat it with alcohol. This will help keep the dirt out of the fabric.
  3. Before using any stain remover, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
  4. After treating the stain with a special agent, it is necessary to wash the product completely to avoid streaks.
  5. Properly wash things with tea stains in warm water (40-50 degrees). Higher temperatures cause the stain to penetrate deeper into the fibers of the fabric and it becomes almost impossible to remove it.

Removing tea stains from light-colored clothes is not an easy task. The thing is that tannins are part of tea. These are tannins to which tea owes its aroma and strength. They are also responsible for the appearance of persistent tea stains. The following tips will help you remove tea stains on white.

  • Very effective in the fight against stains from tea and coffee oxalic acid. Unlike lemon, it is a more aggressive remedy and is not sold in every hardware store. 1 tsp dissolves in a glass of water. oxalic acid and 2 tsp. lemon. The stain is treated with the resulting solution and left for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed with cold water.
  • A solution of ammonia (1 tsp per 1 liter of water) will help remove a tea stain from white linen or cotton. Soak a soft cloth thoroughly with this solution and rub the stain. Then go through the place of contamination with a 10% solution of citric acid with water. Rinse with cold water after a quarter of an hour.

When removing stains from bright clothes, it is important to carefully select the products and their proportions so as not to harm the colors.

Otherwise, instead of rich green, you risk getting a pale gray tint. Below is a list of methods to help remove tea stains from colored items.

  1. Borax is a detergent sold in a pharmacy. Dilute with water in equal proportions. Treat the stain from the edge to the center (this will help to avoid streaks). This must be done with a sponge or rag soaked in the solution. This tool will help remove stains that leave tea and coffee.
  2. If there is no borax solution at home, you can use an equally effective combination: vinegar + water + alcohol (take equal parts). With a dampened sponge, you need to walk over the stain, and then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  3. Chalk is another tool that will help remove tea. It must be crushed and combined with water until a porridge is formed. Leave the mixture on the fabric for 20 minutes, remove excess chalk and rinse with water. At the end of the process, a normal wash follows.

The most unpleasant are tea stains on silk or woolen clothes. These materials are known for their finicky care. Safe products for delicate fabrics include lactic acid and glycerin.

  • Mix lactic acid with water in a ratio of 1:1, apply to the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes (no need to rub). After rinsing in water corresponding to the temperature regime of the material.
  • You can also use heated glycerin for these purposes. The agent is left at the site of contamination for a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with warm water.
  • If the stain needs to be removed from a delicate white fabric, you can use hydrogen peroxide. The soiled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing must be treated with a cotton pad moistened with peroxide and wait a quarter of an hour. After washing the product in lukewarm water.

How to get stains out of furniture

In a house where there are small children, it is not uncommon for a child to spill tea or coffee from an adult's mug on a sofa or carpet. To scold a child or not is up to you, but you definitely need to remove the stain. And the sooner the better.

  1. To stop the stain from spreading into the deeper layers of the sofa, you need to blot it with a napkin.
  2. It is better to apply a cleaning agent with a sponge dipped in the agent, but squeezed out of excess moisture.
  3. Rinse the treated stain with clean water.

Vinegar is an easy way to remove tea stains. It is applied to the sofa at the site of the stain and left until it disappears.

An alternative remedy can be a combination of glycerin and table salt. The ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 until a slurry is formed. Leave the mixture on the fabric until the contamination is completely eliminated.

If you need to clean a stain from a colored sofa upholstery, a 10% solution of borax will also work. It should be done in stages.

  1. Treat the contamination with a solution.
  2. Combine citric acid with table salt and water until a slurry is formed.
  3. Remove the stains left from the borax with this mixture.
  4. Wipe the cloth with cold water.
