
Coffee stains are easier to remove. How to get coffee out of white and colored clothes

The problem of removing coffee stains is common. Spilled coffee - how much trouble it can bring along with all its "caffeine" and other good things.

Even if we lose sight of the fact that very often coffee spills on a laptop and causes the need to replace its entire parts or even the entire gadget.

Anyway, very often we become hostages of our own clumsiness and carelessness. The reason is usually haste.

And this, in turn, leads to disastrous consequences and the forced search for methods to correct the situation as soon as possible.

Removing coffee stains from clothes and sofas

The first thing not to do when coffee is spilled on clothes or a soft sofa is to procrastinate. Delay affects the degree of deepening of the stain and, accordingly, the time and effort expended subsequently on its removal.

It is necessary to blot the resulting stain with paper towel or napkins. Thus, we will not allow the stain to go deep into the fibers and will be able to prevent it from “spreading”.

In no case should you rub, as this will lead to an increase in the area of ​​the stain.

If we are talking about coffee spilled on a soft sofa, then you should apply sponge dampened with soapy water solution. Thus, by soaking the stain several times, we will significantly reduce the concentration of pollution and over time we will be able to eliminate the consequences in full.

But for this you will still need to use cleaning products, which can also be used as ordinary kitchen salt.

It is best, when it comes to upholstered furniture, to use window cleaners, as they best go deep into the fabric along with coffee dirt and eventually remove it completely from there.

If coffee is spilled on clothes, then after wetting the contaminated area with napkins, substitute it under a stream of running water so that water gets on the stain from the wrong side.

So we can achieve the disappearance of at least a small area of ​​contamination and dilute the consistency of the stain itself. In the future, salt should be poured onto this zone and wait a few minutes until it is absorbed into the pollution and does its job of eliminating it.

Upon completion of this procedure, the clothes must be ironed from the wrong side, using an iron set to a delicate mode of low or medium temperature.

There is another method for removing stains from clothing or floor carpet. It consists in the preparation of pasta, which is a mixture in equal proportions of three components - cold water, table vinegar and washing powder without active additives.

This paste must be applied to the surface of the stain on both sides in the case of clothes or tablecloths, and on the one hand, if the carpet needs to be cleaned of dirt.

You can help the mixture do its thing by rubbing in a circular motion with a brush. After half an hour, you can rinse off the cleaning agent and rinse the surface in clean water.

If you have at home ammonia, then it can also be used to clean the surface of upholstered furniture or clothes from coffee stains. Moreover, he is also a great helper in removing stains from cocoa and chocolate.

If you were drinking coffee with milk and poured it, then slightly heated glycerol. After applying it, you just need to wait a few minutes, then rinse the stain in running water.

Gasoline also fights fat very well. It must be applied first if there is a stain with milk stains.

But not in every case such a “fragrant” method is applicable, therefore, they use special cleaning products that can be bought at a regular pharmacy. Eg, dry white clay powder, which also perfectly eliminates any fatty formations from milk.

By the way, heated glycerin is great for removing stains when it comes to light fabrics. So your favorite dress can be saved! As an alternative, it may be hydrogen peroxide, which is probably in the home first aid kit of every family.

But a few drops of a weak ammonia solution are unlikely to be found there, although this is a fairly good and effective remedy for eliminating “coffee surprises”.

A separate, and rather interesting item on the agenda for dealing with spilled coffee stains is the removal of stains from printed paper. How many customs declarations and tax invoices have you ruined this way in the past year?

How long did it take to restore and resubmit requests? But there was a way to avoid all this, and quite simple. Rather, there were even two ways, and both have proven themselves in practice just fine.

1. The first is cooking vinegar and water solution in a ratio of 3 to 1 in favor of the apple product. In this solution, you need to place an important document, it would seem, hopelessly spoiled coffee.

After the paper gets wet, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the container and dry it with dry towels or napkins. Next, you need to place the document between two waxed papers, and then iron them on both sides with an iron.

2. The second way is a little more active than the first. Only applies now water and chlorine bleach solution in a ratio of three to one in favor of a clear liquid.

While the paper is in this solution, you can help the stain come off with a toothbrush by gently rubbing it. But not too much so that there are no scuffs left. In the future, the technology is the same with the use of wax paper and iron.

We wish you, in spite of everything, to remain fully armed against any tricks of everyday life and that coffee stains are not a problem for you!

Favorite clothes or fine furniture can be seriously spoiled by an accidentally planted stain. These contaminants are of various origins. But if the stain is left from coffee, then the fight against it becomes more complicated several times. After all, such pollution is quite insidious. They are always rich and bright, like the drink itself. And the most unpleasant thing is that most often they belong to the category of old ones. After all, in the morning, when an incident usually happens, there is practically no time left to deal with the problem. And yet, it is quite possible to eliminate an unpleasant stain if you know how to wash coffee. Let's figure it out.

What to choose?

What to do if branded clothes or new furniture are damaged? How to remove a coffee stain? Most importantly, don't despair.

Every housewife is well aware of effective potent remedies. However, one should not forget about folk methods that have been tested over the years. In addition, chemicals are not always at hand, and the ability to immediately go to the store is not at all an attractive prospect.

If we talk about home remedies, then most of them are always at hand. In addition, they are no less effective than aggressive store drugs. Therefore, let's figure out how to wash coffee using available means.

Removing fresh stains

How to wash coffee if a drop of drink has just spilled onto clothes?

Fresh stains are excellently removed with a mixture of glycerin and kitchen salt. Mix these ingredients. Then apply the resulting composition to a fresh stain. Leave the composition on the fabric for approximately 30 minutes. You will see how the glycerin salts will perfectly discolor the yellow stains.

As soon as the stains begin to disappear, wet the item and wash it in the usual way.

old stains

Now you know how to remove a recent coffee stain. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to declare a merciless war on pollution immediately. What if you urgently need to run to work, and a completely unaesthetic divorce flaunts on a beautiful blouse?

Let's figure out how to wash coffee in this situation. Fill a basin with warm water. Pour some baking soda into the liquid. Stir the water thoroughly. Soak your blouse in a basin. And after returning from work, carry out a full wash using special tools.

If the stain has completely dried, then the procedure is much more complicated.

  1. Initially, the thing must be soaked in water with salt. The solution is prepared, given the proportions: 100 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Soak the stain for several hours. Then washing is carried out.
  2. Mix glycerin and ammonia (5 g each). Add some water to the mixture. A cotton swab is moistened in the resulting product. Then carefully wipe the coffee stain. After a few minutes, the pollution will disappear.

Removing stains from white clothes

Unfortunately, it is light fabrics that are very often contaminated. The question arises - how to wash coffee from white clothes?

There is an excellent traditional method of getting rid of this kind of pollution. You will need lemon juice. It is best to use a freshly squeezed drink. Citric acid can be a good substitute for juice. These components have excellent whitening properties.

Use the following great method to remove coffee stains on white:

  1. Combine citric acid (2 tsp) and oxalic acid (1 tsp).
  2. Add water (200 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Thoroughly treat all coffee stains.
  4. Now stretch the thing.

Removing stains from colored items

Dyed fabrics require a special approach. When thinking about how to wash coffee, remember that your procedure should not lead to a loss in the brightness of colors.

To protect colored items from fading, it is recommended to use a solution of borax (10%). It will perfectly eliminate unpleasant coffee stains. In addition, this tool is quite effective in combating contaminants left after tea.

So, consider how to wash coffee from clothes:

  1. Carefully work the stain with a solution of borax.
  2. The resulting stains are perfectly eliminated under the influence of lemon juice (5%) or acid, with the addition of a pinch of salt.
  3. It remains only to rinse the thing in cold and warm water.

When thinking about how to wash coffee from white or colored clothes, be sure to consider the structure of the fabric. Contamination control methods largely depend on what material has been damaged.

  1. If stains remain on linen or cotton fabrics, what should I do? How to remove coffee stains on white? Cleansing is done by boiling. Linen or cotton must be soaked in a basin of water, after adding soda ash to it. To separate the dirt, after 40 minutes, put a pan on the fire. Liquid bleach is added to the water, observing the ratio: 60 ml per 1 liter of water. The liquid should boil. Now things must be carefully transferred to the pan. Boiling continues for 30 minutes.
  2. To remove a coffee stain from a silk fabric, you can use a wonderful old-fashioned way. Combine ammonia (1 part), water (20 parts), alcohol (20 parts). Wipe dirt thoroughly with a cotton swab. Now use a dry cloth to dry the wet spot. In conclusion, lightly wash the thing.
  3. If a coffee stain flaunts on a woolen product, then this method will help you. Rub dirt thoroughly with dry soap. After that, carefully work it with a regular brush, after wetting it in a solution of ammonia (2%). Wash the item. Wipe the stain with a swab moistened with gasoline. After this procedure, work through the contamination with a solution containing water and ammonia. These components must be mixed in equal amounts.

It is extremely unpleasant if coffee stains are found on your favorite things. To get rid of them, you have to spend a lot of time and effort so that the clothes shine with their original brilliance. However, measures taken in a timely manner can greatly facilitate the task. After all, the fight against fresh stains is always more effective and happens much faster!

Everyone has come across a situation when a cup with a fragrant drink can leave not only a pleasant impression after a coffee break, but also permanent marks on clothes, carpet or upholstery. The better to remove coffee stains so as not to damage the structure of the fabric, because the invigorating drink strongly stains the fabric, penetrating deep into its structure. Removing stubborn dirt is not easy, because ordinary washing is indispensable here. You should take into account tips on how to clean the fabric from coffee traces correctly, what detergents to choose for manipulation so as not to spoil the mood of the owner and the appearance of the products.

How to quickly remove fresh coffee stains

The law, which applies to all stains, also applies to coffee stains – the sooner action is taken to remove the dirt, the better. Leaving “for later” will cost you more. After all, an old coffee stain will require more effort to remove it. Depending on the type of fabric, choose the optimal detergents and improvised means. Soiled cotton and linen items should be cleaned immediately. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The main part of the spilled drink must be immediately removed from the fabric. To do this, use a dry towel, handkerchief, napkin, which are applied to the place filled with drink and gently blotted. In no case should you rub this area: this contributes to the deep penetration of the liquid into the fibers of the fabric.
  2. Substitute the soiled wrong side of the product under a stream of cold water. In front of the eyes, the particles of coffee that stained the material will be washed out of the fabric, and the trace will become lighter. Such manipulation contributes to the speedy disposal of pollution.
  3. But sending a product into the drum of the machine without additional washing is the height of frivolity: a miracle will not happen, but the mark will become old-fashioned. How to get a fresh coffee stain out of clothes? If there is a stain remover, following the instructions, boldly apply the product to the flooded area for a while, rinse and wash in the usual way.
  4. The coffee trace can be removed with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 600, because otherwise the particles that color the fabric will penetrate deeper.
  5. Use Antipyatin soap or ordinary household soap. Thoroughly lather the problem area, leaving it alone for 5 minutes, then wash and rinse the product in warm water, eliminating soap stains.
  6. Linen products are allowed to be boiled, but things made of wool and silk are not suitable. Gently clean them with a washcloth dipped in soapy water, and then wash. Detergent is selected according to the type of fabric.

How to effectively remove coffee stains from clothes

Not always the conditions and the situation allow you to immediately react to a spilled drink. Being in the office, cafe or restaurant, you have to limit yourself to applying a napkin. Although a generous sprinkling of salt on the soiled place can save the day. Due to its excellent hygroscopic characteristics, salt perfectly absorbs moisture. To enhance the effect, rub the grains into the fibers of the fabric, leave for 15 minutes, then shake the product.

But how to subsequently remove a coffee stain from soiled clothes? Before general washing, moisten the trace of the drink with cold water using a spray bottle, carefully rub the dirty area with dry laundry soap, then clean it with a brush dipped in warm water. It will help to remove a coffee stain on white bleach, but you should first study the information on the label so as not to aggravate the situation. On colored products, it is worthwhile to remove coffee bays carefully, having previously tested the stain remover in an inconspicuous area.

How to get coffee stains out of carpet

In a situation where an invigorating drink splashed furniture or spilled on the carpet, the washing machine is powerless. Properly carried out cleaning will get rid of traces of tea and coffee on the carpet.

  1. Initially, a cloth is applied to the flooded area for maximum absorption. Irrigate the brown mark with clean warm water, then again dry the carpet with a towel without rubbing.
  2. Apply carpet cleaner and clean as directed.
  3. For those looking to get a tea stain out of a carpet, soda and beer should be tried. The carbon dioxide contained in the liquid will help to effectively get rid of brown marks on furniture upholstery or flooring.
  4. Shaving foam will help get rid of tea stains on the carpet. Apply generously with the product and rub with a brush into the soiled area. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

How and how to remove coffee stains from upholstered furniture

It is very problematic to wash the stain from a spilled drink from interior items. How to get rid of spilled coffee from colored upholstery so as not to ruin the furniture.

  1. Sprinkle fresh dirt with salt, soda or starch, leave for a quarter of an hour, shake off or suck in the sprinkle with a vacuum cleaner. Apply a carpet cleaner or stain remover to the coffee mark, testing it in a hidden area first and making sure it is safe for this material.
  2. Owners of white furniture who are interested in how to remove stubborn coffee stains from snow-white upholstery should use hydrogen peroxide. A cotton pad soaked in the preparation is used to treat the surface of the contamination.
  3. To remove old coffee marks, add a few drops of ammonia to the soap solution. Wipe the area dry with a cotton cloth afterwards.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons per liter of water. glycerin. With a sponge soaked in this solution, wipe the flooded upholstery.

How to remove coffee stains with milk

Often, lovers of an invigorating drink add cognac or cream for a taste variety. With inaccurate use, you have to decide how to remove coffee stains with the addition of milk. The ideal option is an enzymatic carpet cleaner, which removes stubborn dirt and at the same time gets rid of unpleasant odors. This option will help get rid of old stains. After application, the drug is washed off with clean water, and the problem area is soaked with a dry cloth.

How to get coffee stains out of white clothes

Snow-white t-shirts, blouses and trousers with coffee splashes make you puzzle over how to return cleanliness and freshness to your favorite things. Say goodbye to brown bays - it's not difficult:

  • bleach, and with or without chlorine, it is worth deciding after studying the care recommendations on the product label;
  • remove an old stain on linen by boiling with the addition of soda ash to water;
  • a mixture of vinegar and washing powder, which you apply with a brush to the dirt;
  • sprinkle the stained area with soda, which is poured with vinegar on top.

How to remove coffee stains from carpets

Having stained the carpet during tea or coffee breaks, pollution should not be ignored. Proven methods, how to promptly:

  1. If there was no sugar and cream in the drink, the trace is easily removed with warm milk or chilled kefir, which is poured over the brown area. After 30 minutes, the remains of the mixture are removed with a sponge.
  2. If milk is added to the drink, you can not do without mineral water with gas. This gentle method is effective for carpets of any composition.
  3. Sprinkle a fresh spot with a thick layer of talc, salt, soda, which draw moisture from the fibers. After half an hour, draw in the loose composition with a vacuum cleaner, and treat the coffee trail with a sponge soaked in alcohol.
  4. If the carpet has a long pile, get rid of the stain by wiping it with refined gasoline, and then with alcohol.

How about the carpet, if it is old? A mixture of salt with a few drops of ammonia will help, which is applied for 5-10 minutes, and then removed. If the contamination has not gone away, repeat the procedure.

Universal recipes for different types of fabric

At hand, every housewife has tools that will help remove a coffee stain from products made from a variety of fabrics. Properly selected compositions will return the products to their former purity. When choosing how to wash coffee from your favorite wardrobe item, read the manufacturer's information on the label. By choosing the right method and observing the proportions, you can easily get rid of brown bays without resorting to dry cleaning services.

Boiling water and hot water

For durable fabrics, hot water will be the salvation from stubborn coffee marks. Boiling will help remove coffee stains from cotton and linen clothes. It effectively removes both fresh and dried dirt. Place the soiled area from the inside under a stream of hot water until the brown outlines are completely eliminated. Lather old dirt on a durable fabric, and then pour a stream of hot water from the kettle, then wash as usual. But for tea stains, such manipulations with boiling water are unacceptable.

Salt solution or soda

Soda and salt are effective not only in dry form. with a white or colored fabric, a saline or soda solution will help. The product is soaked for a couple of hours in a solution of 2 liters of water with 1 or 2 tbsp. l. salt or soda (the concentration depends on the strength of the contamination). Then wash according to the instructions on the label.

Blends with glycerin

Glycerin will help to remove old coffee splashes, and in combination with active ingredients, this method will be a salvation for those looking for how to remove a stubborn coffee stain from white clothes:

  • heat glycerin in a water bath and apply to the soiled area, leave for half an hour, then wash the product;
  • rub the gruel of glycerin with salt into the fibers of the fabric, after 30 minutes send the item to the drum;
  • add a few drops of ammonia to a mixture of glycerin and water, taken in equal proportions, treat the splashed area until the coffee marks disappear completely.

Remaining traces of glycerin can be easily removed with laundry soap.


Salvation from coffee stains will be compositions with the addition of ammonia:

  1. Dissolve a quarter of a bar of laundry soap in 350 ml of water, boil, add 50 ml of ammonia. With the cooled composition, treat the coffee trail several times, washing, rinsing and again lubricating the contamination.
  2. With a warm mixture from a glass of water, 10 ml of ammonia, 25 ml of glycerin, wipe coffee stains on clothes, repeating the procedure 4-5 times. When washing in a typewriter, add 40 g of soda to the detergent.


Turpentine oil appears in recipes for how to wash coffee from clothes. Compositions with the drug in a gentle way acts on the stain from tea or coffee on delicate fabrics.

  1. A paste of 30 g of salt with 45 g of turpentine oil is applied to the fabric for half an hour. Then rub the mixture with a brush, leave it alone for 20 minutes. Soak in water with powder for delicate fabrics for an hour, wash the post in a typewriter.
  2. With a mixture of ingredients taken in equal parts: turpentine oil with glycerin, treat coffee stains on clothes. Leave the compress for half an hour, then soak the thing for 10 minutes in a solution of warm water and dish detergent.

Sodium borate or "borax"

A pharmacy product - sodium borate - will help to qualitatively remove a coffee stain on white.

  1. Locally treat the coffee trace with the drug, after 15 minutes, wash the area.
  2. Pre-treat old contamination with ethyl alcohol, after 10 minutes rinse the item in warm water. Then apply a mixture of milk and sodium borate in a ratio of 2:1. After holding the time, wash by hand or in a typewriter at a setting of 300.
  3. In a solution of 2 glasses of water, 50 ml of borax, soak the soiled area for half an hour. Then treat this place with serum or a solution of lactic acid with water in a ratio of 1:4. Then wash in the machine.

Borax is great for removing coffee stains from multi-colored items. Sweat dyed fabrics with a cotton pad soaked in sodium borate solution.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid will help to remove old traces of coffee from white denim or cotton clothes. This tool revives shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts, returning them to whiteness.

  1. Irrigate the pollution with a solution of oxalic acid 5% concentration. Rinse after 15 minutes, then wash in warm soapy water.
  2. To get rid of coffee splashes from delicate fabrics, use a mixture of 0.5 tsp. and 200 ml of water. Apply a compress to the contamination for 5 minutes, then wipe the area diligently with a cotton pad until the brown marks disappear completely. After the item, wash as usual.

When rinsing and washing, add a couple of drops of ammonia.


Old coffee stains will go away if you use formulations with 9% vinegar.

1 tsp soda with 50 g of washing powder is diluted with ice water to a creamy state and rubbed into the fabric. Then poured with vinegar, left for 5 minutes. The coffee particles are pushed out of the fibers during the reaction. This method will allow you to quickly get rid of traces of coffee from white clothes.
Lemon or citric acid

Do the experts know how to effectively remove coffee stains from whites with citric acid on hand?

  1. Dissolve the sachet in a glass of water, bring the solution to a boil. To remove old coffee marks, lay a cloth over the plastic and trace an ice cube around the stained area. From the syringe, treat the contamination with lemon solution, cover it with a film on top. Wash after a quarter of an hour.
  2. Treat the contamination with freshly squeezed lemon juice, first outlining it along the contour with cold water. Wash the product after half an hour.

Refined gasoline for lighters will help remove old coffee stains from a white suit. Serum, which is locally applied to the fabric, will help to tidy up thin silk things after splashing coffee, holding for 5-10 minutes.

When handling products stained with coffee drink with ammonia, refined gasoline, vinegar, be sure to use gloves.

Nothing invigorates like the aroma of fresh coffee. Many residents of our country simply cannot imagine their morning awakening without this drink. Every coffee lover has spilled a couple of drops or half a cup of coffee on their own clothes at least once. This incident must have caused a lot of anxiety. What to do if a coffee stain has formed on your favorite blouse, how to remove it at home?

First aid for soiled things

The success of removing stubborn stains from fabric depends on how quickly action is taken. Immediately after the drink has been spilled, you can sprinkle the contaminated area with ordinary table salt. An alternative is to immediately soak the item in warm water. Leave the item on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it with your usual detergent. You can consider yourself lucky if the fabric is linen and a coffee stain is slowly spreading on it. How to remove such pollution? Stretch the stained area of ​​fabric over a small pot or wash basin. Pour boiling water over the stain until it is completely gone. After that, you can start washing. Remember one simple and most important rule: do not rub fresh coffee stains. If you start rubbing the dirt, you will only ensure that the boundaries of the blot expand, and it will be even more difficult to remove it.

Saving white things

Coffee from white clothes?" - a question that worries many housewives. Prepare a soapy solution and soak the affected item for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse the clothes well in the solution. Then soak the stain or any concentrated bleach. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse clothes in clean water.Repeat rinsing 2-3 times changing the water.Attention: this method is not suitable for synthetics, silk and wool.It is best to never wash the listed fabrics with bleaches that contain chlorine.If you do not know how to remove a white coffee stain, try using hydrogen peroxide.The well-known antiseptic is an excellent bleach.Soak a cotton swab or Q-tip in hydrogen peroxide and carefully treat the stain.Very soon there will be no trace of the stain.

Universal ways to remove coffee stains

On delicate fabrics, can such contamination also appear from wool or silk? Prepare a rich soap solution and add 3-5 teaspoons per liter of water to it. Try moistening a cotton swab or sponge in the resulting composition and gently clean the stain. Do not rub, move with careful wetting movements from the edge to the center of contamination. Another stain remover recipe for delicate fabrics: mix alcohol, water and ammonia in a ratio of 20:20:1. With a cloth or swab dipped in the resulting mixture, the stained item is spot-cleaned. Synthetic fabrics are easy to clean. Coffee stains can be removed by soaking the stained item in water and alcohol. For 0.5 liters of liquid, add a tablespoon of medical antiseptic solution. You can replace alcohol with vodka, but in this case, increase the dosage by about two times. Soak the thing in the finished solution and rinse well before washing with powder.

How to get coffee splashes out of your favorite jeans

Jeans are pants that everyone has in their wardrobe. But what if you get your favorite trousers dirty during breakfast? It is possible to get coffee stains out of jeans, but it is advisable to take up saving things immediately after you have soiled them. Add a few drops of ammonia to clean water. Soak a brush in the resulting solution and rub the dirt with it. Clean until the stain is gone, then remember to wash your pants. This cleaning method is suitable not only for jeans, but also for any other wardrobe and interior items made of denim.

Home textiles and carpets

Spilling coffee on a carpet or sofa upholstery - what could be worse? And indeed, the floor covering or wash it entirely is problematic. But don't panic, there is a solution. If you have spilled coffee on a carpet or sofa, the first step is to gently blot the stain. You can use paper napkins or a regular towel for this purpose. Prepare a homemade stain remover: To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of glycerin in 500 ml of water. Soak the stain well with the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse the stain with clean water and leave to dry. What to do if there is a coffee stain on the carpet? How to remove it in the absence of glycerin at hand? You can try using water with the addition of ammonia. Many factory-made stain removers give good results. If your carpet has a very high pile or is made of natural wool, it makes sense to take it to a dry cleaner. At home, you are unlikely to remove a stain from such a product, but you can quite spoil it.

Can dried old stains be removed?

The most difficult to clean are dried, stubborn stains. But if the soiled thing is really dear to you, try to save it. Soak clothes in a salt solution before washing. Leave to soak for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. After that, wash the item in hot or warm water, choosing the temperature according to the type of fabric. Old coffee stains can be removed by mixing finely ground table salt and glycerin until a homogeneous slurry is formed. We apply this mass to the pollution and leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off and proceed to washing.

Effective against coffee stains Be careful, this product can damage brightly colored fabrics. For white clothes, oxalic acid is ideal. Dissolve half a teaspoon of the active ingredient in a glass of water. Saturate the stain with the resulting composition, rinse the item well after a few minutes. A folk recipe for a stain removal solution made from oxalic and citric acid is also popular. In this case, a teaspoon of citric acid is added to the above recipe.

There was a disaster, you knocked over a cup of your favorite drink? There is no time to think about how to remove a coffee stain - you need to act as soon as possible! Whether it’s a white blouse, a wool sweater, or a carpet in general, you’re sure to find a way to remove coffee stains in your situation in our selection.

Boiling water and hot water

Of course, ideally, you need to soak the item immediately after the formation of a coffee stain, but this is far from always feasible. But you will most likely succeed in substituting only the stained area under a stream of hot or warm water: keep the stain under the stream until it is washed off. If the stain is not completely gone, sprinkle it with salt and use one of the methods listed below at home.

In order to be able to easily remove already dried coffee, pour boiling water over it: slowly pour hot water from the kettle onto the stain, and then wash as usual.

Please note that boiling water can only be used on cotton or linen, as it can ruin wool, silk and synthetics.

Salt solution or soda ash

If the coffee stain is dry, but not yet old, you can soak the item in a salt or soda solution for an hour or two, and then wash it with regular powder. This method can be applied to clothes of any color and from any fabric, but if the coffee has dried up and eaten into the fibers, then you will have to move on to heavier artillery.

Usually, for a solution of 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. salt or soda, but nothing bad will happen if you slightly increase the concentration.

Blends with glycerin

In fact, even pure glycerin can help remove coffee stains, and in combination with other active ingredients, even the most difficult coffee stain will be able to do it.

  • Apply slightly warm glycerin to the stain and leave it on the clothes for 20-30 minutes. After washing in the machine from the stain will not remain a trace!
  • Mix glycerin with salt and rub the resulting gruel into the coffee stain. The exposure time of the mixture is also about 30 minutes, after which the clothes are washed in the machine as usual.
  • Replace the glycerin with a borax solution, which also effectively removes coffee.

After applying glycerin, traces may remain, but they can be easily removed with ordinary laundry soap.


Ammonia is widely used in bleaching clothes and can help remove coffee stains. Do not use it in its pure form, as the tool is quite aggressive. Instead, use one of these mixtures to launder your coffee.

  • Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and blot the dirt.
  • In a glass of water, dilute 1 tsp. ammonia and about 20 grams of soap shavings. Wet the stain with the solution and leave for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash the item in the washing machine as usual.

Solutions with ammonia, despite the seeming aggressiveness, can be used on finicky silk and wool products without the risk of ruining the thing.

When using ammonia, pay extra attention to rinsing clothes, otherwise the pungent smell will remain on the dried product.


If a white thing has suffered and it was not possible to completely remove the coffee stain using the above methods, the stubborn coffee can simply be bleached. For this, any familiar means is suitable: “Whiteness”, peroxide, or even boiling if the thing is made of cotton or linen.

Many housewives replace "Whiteness" with "Domestos", which also contains bleach, as they consider it a more effective remedy.


A mixture of equal parts vinegar, water, and laundry detergent applied to a stain can help clean even the most heavily soiled item. Apply the solution to the stain, wait 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. It is also convenient to treat a soiled sofa or carpet of any color with a solution of vinegar and water (1: 1).

If the product (for example, a sofa or carpet) cannot be put under running water, try to remove as much coffee as possible from the pile or upholstery with napkins. This will greatly facilitate further manipulations with the stain.

So do not rush to throw away the damaged item: even dried coffee can be removed from any product if you know really proven products!
