
Wheat cakes mission deli how to stuff. Tortilla Mission Deli Wheat Tortilla

Good Sunday my dears! And Happy Palm Sunday!

I used to make Indian flatbreads (puri, naan, chapati) with pleasure at home, they have a simple composition and they are lean and harmless, but so far I am undergoing repairs in the kitchen, cooking is temporarily impossible for me, I have to be friends with a microwave, semi-finished products and coffee machine.

This is my second weekend taking Mission Deli wheat cakes.

The package contains six pieces of rather thin flatbread, similar in appearance to Armenian lavash.

At first I used them corny - in the mornings, wrapping cheese with sausage and green salad like a roll there. But since I don’t really like such food, I made myself an impromptu pizza several times - tomato sauce, sausage or smoked chicken, herbs and cheese. For 3-4 min. in the microwave and the mini-pizza is ready. Quick and tasty, but not healthy.

In fact, given the sufficient size of the cake, 15-17cm. in diameter, you can make quite a variety of dishes, I used to make them in ordinary Armenian lavash, but it needs to be cut, while the cake already has a portioned shape. The photo below shows: the actual pizza on a tortilla, quesadilla (it's very tasty and spicy), rolls - regular and fruity, and of course - shawarma.

Cheese Pie Casserole Recipe (delicious and easy to make):

If you have a round baking dish (pan) of the right size, you can make a wonderful cheese pie casserole. It is very easy to make, but it turns out hearty and tasty. For it, you need to grate 300 grams of cheese on a coarse grater (I take two or three types, it’s tastier), salt the cheese, add herbs and black pepper to taste. Separately, 10% cream (150-200 ml.), Drive three eggs into it and mix. We grease the bottom of the mold a little with oil, put one cake, part of the cheese on it, fill it with part of the mixture, and so on until the last cake, on which the cheese is not put. The rest of the creamy-egg mixture is poured onto the last cake and the form is placed in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. (150-170 degrees). A great idea for breakfast or a snack for those who are not afraid to get better. Kids will also like a hearty and fragrant cheese dish.

On the back of the cakes there are two recipes for their use:

as well as a way to wrap stuffed cakes, which is very convenient for beginners.

The only thing that bothers me about these cakes, and makes me buy them very rarely, is the composition. For me, it’s generally a mystery how such an elementary thing in cooking as cakes can have such a frighteningly incomprehensible and long composition ?!

For example, the same Indian cakes mainly consist of flour, water, spices. Less often, with the addition of eggs. Therefore, emulsifiers, diglycerides of fatty acids, a bunch of fractionated oils on such a primitive dish as a flatbread scare me. Minus two stars for that. It’s better to use standard Armenian lavash, there is a simple and understandable composition.

Hi all!!!

The other day, rummaging through the Internet, I found quite such easy recipes for snacks, among which was a quesadilla. I was attracted by the fact that you can stuff virtually anything from the refrigerator with the filling.

Remembering what I saw in the store the other day, after work I rushed to buy.

The recipe is the easiest, but more on that below. First about the tortillas:

There were a variety of choices, with spinach, with linseed oil, but I decided to choose standard wheat cakes without any fillers.

Here is such a transparent bag, you can immediately see the quality of the cakes.

The date of manufacture is indicated, up to the time!

Expiry date, quantity - there are 6 of them, and weight - 250 gr.

Back side of the package:

Let's take a closer look:


Mini pizza

Hot rolls with sausages

Wrapping method, contact details:

Composition in Russian

Nutritional value, composition in Ukrainian and Kazakh:

And here are the cakes:

I didn’t try it in this form, they are small in diameter, about 20 cm.

Now the recipe

Without thinking twice, I cut everything I found in the refrigerator (tomatoes, cucumbers, chicken roll), grated cheese:

I spread mayonnaise on one half of the cake with a thin layer, sprinkled with grated cheese, laid out a mixture of cucumbers, tomatoes and rolls, with grated cheese on top. Pepper, salt to taste. Cover with the other half.

And put in a simple frying pan, no oil is needed! Bake for a couple of minutes on each side until the cheese is melted. And that's it!!!

For comfortable eating, cut into 2 halves

From 6 cakes, you get a good snack for two or three people. We didn't even have dinner, we just ate quesadillas. It turns out very satisfying!

Good day everyone!

I am not a very frequent visitor to Fix Price (usually I buy only Babaevsky chocolate "Lux" for 55 rubles and sticks for manicure), but yesterday I decided to stop by, buy some sweets on the road for the upcoming trip. And on the shelf, I accidentally saw Mexican tortillas (tortillas) familiar to me since my student trips to the USA under the Work and Travel program. And our acquaintance is not limited only to the fact that, while in the States, I tried various local dishes. No, I myself worked for two seasons in a Mexican restaurant and prepared the most delicious quesadillas, burritos, tacos, nachos and other dishes thousands of times with my own hands.

Memories swept over me and I bought these cakes with pleasure. Moreover, the price is only 25 rubles for 4 pcs.

And yes, they look very attractive. Bran and flaxseeds are visible through the transparent polyethylene of the packaging.

Already at home, I looked at the composition (I was terribly upset!), And I also remembered that it was a post now, and the main ingredients of a real quesadilla are chicken and cheese, and it is served with sour cream.

And if I could not do anything with the first fact, then the second only challenged my imagination, the lack of which I never suffered. And so the recipe for my lean (vegetarian, vegan) quesadilla was born, which I am happy to share with you in this review.

So what do we have.


The packaging is transparent, bright, cute. Allows you to see appetizing content.

On the back, the manufacturer indicated a maximum of useful information, incl. 2 recipes.

How to wrap a tortilla.

Calorie calculation per serving.

All sorts of cooking and heating options.

And he even offered to join Facebook, where, as he claims, new ideas and delicious recipes are waiting for us.

This is great and deserves a thumbs up.

And now fat-fat minus!


Well, it's just awful. Why, tell me at least someone, why are we so persecuted?

Special purpose fat (refined deodorized fractionated oils: palm, coconut, palm kernel, emulsifier mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, etc.) and a bunch of E-nis to boot.

Thanks to E-boxes, by the way, the shelf life of this product is as much as 6 months.

Convenient, of course, on the one hand, but not at all useful!


Round sheets of different diameters with a thickness of about 1 mm. Ideal for frying on a budget Ikeev pan.

Immediately after opening, a slight sour smell, such as vinegar, is felt. Most likely it is exuded by preservatives. It doesn't affect the finished dish.


The original dish includes chicken, onions, peppers, tomatoes and a lot of cheese. The filling is put inside, the quesadilla is folded in half and fried on both sides on a dry grill. Served with sour cream, salsa or guacamole (avocado paste).

My recipe is lean, as I said, and can include any vegetables you find in the fridge. I had potatoes, cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, olives and boiled lentils (to give the dish protein value). Thinking logically, I realized that it was impossible to lay products in this form, because my filling would simply fall out. Therefore, it was decided to make a paste from lentils (for "gluing" the sheets) with the addition of garlic and fried onions.

We distribute our lentil pate over half of the tortilla.

Spread the rest of the filling on top.

I told you my composition, but you can take zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, peppers, etc. You can add tofu - it will also be very tasty.

As a connecting element, you can use mashed potatoes, hummus, peas, just mashed chickpeas - in general, everything that your imagination tells you.

Fold the cake in half and fry in a dry frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Cut into pieces and serve with hummus (mustard, salsa, horseradish, lean mayonnaise, any other sauce) and always greens.

Little secret I learned back in the States: don't put too much stuffing in. Firstly, it will still fall out when you cut the quesadilla, and secondly, each ingredient should be in moderation. Then the dish will turn out tasty and harmonious.


I have no complaints about the taste characteristics of the product. But I do not recommend eating these cakes often because of the terrible composition. I myself may buy them again after the end of the post, I will cook a real Mexican quesadilla. However, for rolls or rolls for the festive table, I still prefer the good old thin pita bread, which contains only flour and water.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Good Sunday my dears! And Happy Palm Sunday!

I used to make Indian flatbreads (puri, naan, chapati) with pleasure at home, they have a simple composition and they are lean and harmless, but so far I am undergoing repairs in the kitchen, cooking is temporarily impossible for me, I have to be friends with a microwave, semi-finished products and coffee machine.

For the second weekend I take wheat cakes Mission Deli.

The package contains six pieces of rather thin flatbread, similar in appearance to Armenian lavash.

At first I used them corny - in the mornings, wrapping cheese with sausage and green salad like a roll there. But since I don’t really like such food, I made myself an impromptu pizza several times - tomato sauce, sausage or smoked chicken, herbs and cheese. For 3-4 min. in the microwave and the mini-pizza is ready. Quick and tasty, but not healthy.

In fact, given the sufficient size of the cake, 15-17cm. in diameter, you can make quite a variety of dishes, I used to make them in ordinary Armenian lavash, but it needs to be cut, while the cake already has a portioned shape. The photo below shows: the actual pizza on a tortilla, quesadilla (it's very tasty and spicy), rolls - regular and fruity, and of course - shawarma.

Cheese pie recipe very tasty and easy to make):

If you have a round baking dish (pan) of the right size, you can make a wonderful cheese pie casserole. It is very easy to make, but it turns out hearty and tasty. For it, you need to grate 300 grams of cheese on a coarse grater (I take two or three types, it’s tastier), salt the cheese, add herbs and black pepper to taste. Separately, 10% cream (150-200 ml.), Drive three eggs into it and mix. We grease the bottom of the mold a little with oil, put one cake, part of the cheese on it, fill it with part of the mixture, and so on until the last cake, on which the cheese is not put. The rest of the creamy-egg mixture is poured onto the last cake and the form is placed in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. (150-170 degrees). A great idea for breakfast or a snack for those who are not afraid to get better. Kids will also like a hearty and fragrant cheese dish.

On the back of the cakes there are two recipes for their use:

as well as a way to wrap stuffed cakes, which is very convenient for beginners.

The only thing that bothers me about these cakes, and makes me buy them very rarely, is the composition. For me, it’s generally a mystery how such an elementary thing in cooking as cakes can have such a frighteningly incomprehensible and long composition ?!

For example, the same Indian cakes mainly consist of flour, water, spices. Less often, with the addition of eggs. Therefore, emulsifiers, diglycerides of fatty acids, a bunch of fractionated oils on such a primitive dish as a flatbread scare me. Minus two stars for that. It’s better to use standard Armenian lavash, there is a simple and understandable composition.

Mission Deli Wheat Cakes rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin PP - 11%, chlorine - 35.8%, cobalt - 14%, manganese - 22.5%, molybdenum - 15.1%

Benefits of Mission Deli Wheat Cakes

  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Inadequate vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates the enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by growth retardation, disorders in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
  • Molybdenum is a cofactor of many enzymes that provide the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, purines and pyrimidines.
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