
Simple meals for every day. Lenten food: recipes

In 2019, the Orthodox will celebrate the Bright Resurrection of Christ on April 28. The holiday is preceded by Lent, which in 2018 begins on March 11 and lasts seven weeks.

Lent is the strictest and longest of all four multi-day fasts established by the Orthodox Church. Therefore, it can be difficult to start fasting without any preparation, and it will not harm your health for long if you do not know how to eat right.

The main purpose of fasting is to achieve internal qualitative changes, as well as the desire of a Christian to follow the feat of Jesus Christ, who fasted in the wilderness for 40 days.

Fasting today is a voluntary act and is deeply individual. In fasting, free time should be devoted to prayers, humble desires in food, excluding any excesses and idleness, and strive for a more solitary lifestyle.

For seven weeks, you will have to give up meat, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and other animal products. At the same time, meals per day are limited.

Lenten menu

Fasting is primarily abstaining from abundant food, and not exhaustion of the body, so the lenten menu should be varied and rich in vitamins.

Lenten menu can be quite diverse - during Lent you can cook various cereals, lean pilaf, pasta, soups, cutlets, salads and so on.

Porridges - corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, barley, peas, beans, pearl barley and others - can be cooked on water. For example, rice porridge can be varied by adding pumpkin, mushrooms, raisins, dried fruits or jam.

You can and should eat any vegetables - cabbage of all kinds, carrots, beets, radishes, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green beans and others that exist in nature are at your service.

It is important during this period to eat a lot of bell peppers and fresh herbs, as they are rich in many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health.

You can also eat any fruits available this season - apples, pears, bananas, oranges and so on. You can use jams, dried fruits, pickles, honey, nuts and spices.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili


According to church canons, it is necessary to draw up a lenten cuisine menu according to the following principles - on the first and last (Holy) weeks of Great Lent, as well as on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - dry eating.

These days it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, that is, the use of exclusively raw, thermally unprocessed food and lean bread. On this day, it is not recommended to even drink tea or compote.

If desired, you can prepare vegetable or fruit salads, the latter can be seasoned with honey.

Salad "Exotic"

Put the shredded cabbage in a bowl, sprinkle lightly with salt and grind with your hands so that the cabbage softens and gives juice. Juice should be drained. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the cabbage. Finely chop an onion, a couple of cloves of garlic and a few sprigs of celery. Dice fresh cucumber, apple or orange. Pour lemon juice, salt, pepper and mix all the ingredients. This unusual and spicy salad will energize you for the whole day.

days without oil

On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can eat hot vegetable food without oil. These days you can treat yourself to various cereals and soups, as well as jams, pickles, herbs and so on.

Bean soup with pasta

Boil the red beans, add some pasta, finely chopped onion, garlic and a bunch of cilantro, spices to the pan and cook until tender. Then salt and the soup is ready.

You can expand the menu these days with baked potatoes and other vegetables. You can also cook lean spaghetti - boil pasta in salt water and season with tomato paste. These days you can drink tea and compotes.

Mushroom, potato, cabbage, carrot lean cutlets can also be the second dishes on the menu during fasting, in which eggs can be easily replaced with semolina as a fixative. On days when the use of oil is prohibited, cutlets can be steamed.

With butter

On Saturday and Sunday (except the last Saturday of Great Lent), food with the addition of vegetable oil is allowed. Here you can let your imagination run wild and cook various dishes - soups, salads, meatless meatballs and pilafs and so on.

Mushroom soup

Fry finely chopped onion and garlic in a saucepan and pour boiling water over the fry. As soon as the water boils, you need to pour a handful of rice into the pan, and after 10 minutes put the mushrooms in the pan and cook a little. Then add a few inflorescences of cauliflower or broccoli, grated carrots and bell peppers (preferably red), chopped cilantro, dill and cook the soup until tender. Then salt and proceed to dinner.

Salad "Marquitanka"

Boil potatoes and cut into cubes. Add chopped sauerkraut (preferably red), a jar of canned corn, chopped green onions, parsley, cilantro, dill, celery, vegetable oil, lemon juice and mix everything well.

fish day

During Lent, fish is allowed to eat only twice - on the Annunciation (April 7) and on Palm Sunday, which falls on April 9 in 2017. These days, fish can be eaten both boiled and fried, and if you are a fan of Japanese cuisine, you can treat yourself to sushi.


In boiling salted water, put a whole onion and chopped carrots. Cook for five minutes over medium heat. Add potatoes and cook until done. Very carefully, one piece at a time, lay the fish (both red and white will do), without stirring, so as not to crumble. On low heat, bring to a boil, add bay leaf, allspice and finely chopped fresh herbs, and remove - the fish will be ready.

Fish baked in foil

In foil, you can bake any fish - river, sea, both in pieces and whole (if it is small).

Fish, cut into pieces or left whole, lay on foil, pepper and salt. Greens, preferably oregano or tarragon, can be put in the belly of the fish, on its carcass or pieces. Then sprinkle with lemon juice, or overlay with lemon slices, fasten the edges of the foil and bake until tender.


Of course, the main meaning of fasting is spiritual purification and the rejection not only of certain products, but also of harmful passions, evil words and deeds, bad mood and irritability. But I want variety even in fasting.

To the delight of many fasting sweet teeth, a plethora of fasting sweets have been produced in recent years. You can also eat dark chocolate, nuts, fruit and berry jams, jams, dried fruits, halva, natural marmalade, biscuits and so on. The main thing is that desserts do not contain milk and its derivatives, animal fats.

Various delicacies can be prepared at home. For example, you can cook dessert salad.

Cut any fruit - apples, pears, oranges, add raisins, chopped nuts and dried apricots, and season the salad with liquid honey.

For cooking lemon ginger cookies you will need: 100 grams of wheat flour; 100 grams of water; 40 grams of olive oil; 30 grams of fresh ginger; one lemon; one full tablespoon of honey; one tsp baking powder for dough.

Remove pits and skin from the lemon, grind the pulp with a blender. Ginger rub on a fine grater, mix honey with warm water (a little - to dissolve). Mix 100 ml of water, sifted flour, diluted honey, baking powder, olive oil, ginger and lemon - the dough should turn out thick, its density can be adjusted with the amount of water, or adding additional flour if the dough turned out to be watery.

Kneaded dough, covered, leave for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Heat the oven to 150 degrees, line a baking sheet with foil, make cookies of the desired shape from the dough and bake for 15 minutes.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Lent is a period of spiritual and physical cleansing. During fasting, it is necessary to refuse any dishes that contain meat, milk and eggs. However, if you know the recipes for lenten dishes for every day during fasting, you can provide yourself and your family with a complete and balanced diet. In this article you will find delicious and original recipes for lenten dishes with photos.

Lenten borscht

Borscht is a traditional and one of the most delicious first courses. Borscht is most often prepared on the basis of pork, however, during the fasting period, you can cook a vegetarian borscht, which in taste will not differ much from a meat-based dish.


  • Potato - 5 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs. or tomato juice - 1 cup.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 200 g.
  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 300 g.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Salt, sugar, vinegar, garlic and other spices - to taste.

Peel and cut vegetables. Finely chop the cabbage. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and chop with a blender. Onion and garlic cut into small cubes.

Place the potatoes in a saucepan, cover with water and put on fire. After 10 minutes, add cabbage to the potatoes.

Heat up a frying pan, pour vegetable oil. When it warms up, put the onion in the pan, fry for 2 minutes, adding the carrots. Fry until done. At the end of cooking, add the twisted tomatoes and bring to a boil.

Grate the beets, squeeze out the juice. Roast the beets, sprinkling with lemon juice or vinegar to preserve the rich color. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add a little vinegar. This juice must be poured into borscht at the very end of cooking.

Add beetroot, zazharka, salt, sugar and spices to the pan. Cook until done. Turn off the borscht by adding garlic, herbs and beetroot juice with vinegar. Serve with black bread, fresh onions, garlic and herbs.

Lenten cabbage rolls

If you can't decide what to cook in the post before Easter, recipes can be taken from the classic ones, only by cooking them without meat. An excellent recipe during fasting is cabbage rolls, in which vegetables should be put instead of minced meat. Lenten cabbage rolls are not inferior in taste to the classic ones, but they contain fewer calories and can be consumed even during Lent.


  • Large cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Rice - 150 g.
  • Onions and carrots 200 g each
  • Tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • Dill, green onion - to taste.
  • Sunflower oil, garlic, sugar, spices.

Divide the cabbage into sheets, and boil until soft. For medium-sized sheets, it will take about five minutes. Boil rice until tender and let cool. It is best to use round rice - it will provide the necessary stickiness.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrot. Fry vegetables until tender. Mix rice, fried, chopped or dried garlic and dill. Add spices and salt.

The finished mixture must be laid out on sheets. Roll up the filling. Fry on both sides for 1-2 minutes. Transfer the cabbage rolls to a saucepan, pour over the juice, add spices and simmer for half an hour.

Stuffed cabbage served with green onions, dill and any lean sauce. As a side dish, boiled potatoes with dill are suitable for such a dish.

mushroom stew

Vegetables are the basis of nutrition during Lent. Mushroom stew is a great option for lunch or dinner. It consists of fresh mushrooms, vegetables, herbs and spices. The dish is tasty, nutritious and fragrant.


  • Champignons or other mushrooms - 500 g.
  • Onions and bell peppers 300 g each
  • Tomato paste - 50 ml or tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Spices.

Mushrooms must be washed, cut into large pieces. If champignons are used, then the medium mushroom must be cut into four parts. Onions must be peeled, cut into large slices. Peel sweet pepper, cut into large cubes. Cut the garlic into slices.

Fry garlic and onion in olive or vegetable oil. After 2-3 minutes, add sweet pepper and fry for a few more minutes. Then add mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes.

It remains only to put tomato paste, a little flour, 300 ml species and bring to a boil. When the stew boils, add spices and salt. Simmer for 15 minutes on low heat. Serve with parsley, dill or other herbs to taste.

Pilaf with pumpkin, dried apricots and raisins

Slov is a fragrant and satisfying dish, for the preparation of which it is not necessary to use meat. In addition, dried apricots and other dried fruits give the dish an incredible taste. This lean dish will appeal even to those who love pilaf with meat.


  • Brown rice - 300 g.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 300 g.
  • Pumpkin - 300g.
  • Garlic - 2 heads.
  • Seasoning for pilaf and salt.
  • Raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits - a handful.

Pumpkin and carrots should be peeled and cut into strips. Onion cut into cubes. Fry the vegetables one by one in vegetable oil. Pour into a cauldron, adding dried fruits, garlic and spices to it.

Rinse brown rice and fry in vegetable oil for a few minutes. Pour over the rest of the ingredients. It remains to add water or vegetable broth in such an amount that the liquid covers the components by 3 cm.

Cover and cook for 50-60 minutes. Brown rice takes longer to cook than usual, so if you cook pilaf with regular rice, the time should be reduced to 30 minutes.

Ready pilaf served with fresh herbs. As an addition to this dish, a fresh salad or vegetable cuts are best suited. Dried fruits give the dish a rich taste and aroma, so this pilaf is not inferior to a traditional dish with meat.

Barley porridge with olives and vegetables

Barley porridge is a fairly simple side dish. However, if you add vegetables, olives, bright spices and herbs to it, you can turn barley porridge into a full-fledged dish that can be consumed even during Lent.


  • Perlovka - 200 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 150 g.
  • Olives - 100 g.
  • Sesame - 10 g.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • Salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Pearl barley should be washed, let the water drain. Fry in a dry frying pan until a pleasant aroma of pearl barley appears. Sesame should also be fried in a dry frying pan for a pleasant crunch.

Cut the carrots into thin slices, and finely chop the onion or cut into large cubes. Fry.

Place fried vegetables, sesame seeds, pearl barley in a saucepan and pour water. Cook until tender, adding salt, black pepper and other spices at the end of cooking.

Olives must be cut into thin slices and added to the porridge 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. On average, the preparation of porridge takes 50 minutes. Serve porridge with fresh herbs or slices of fresh cucumbers.

Vegetarian curry

If you are looking for original Lenten dishes for every day of Lent, pay attention to the vegetarian curry. This is a spicy spicy dish that will be the highlight of your Lenten menu. The original combination of vegetables and spices will surprise your friends and acquaintances with your taste.


  • Vegetable frozen mix - 800 g.
  • Almonds - two presses.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Ginger root - 20 g.
  • Coconut milk - 1 cup.
  • Garlic - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml.
  • Coriander, hot pepper, saffron, turmeric - to taste.

You can use any set of vegetables to prepare this dish. It may include sweet peppers, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, asparagus and peas. The most important thing in this dish is the right set of spices. For those who like spicy dishes, you can use more hot peppers.

Fry the vegetable mixture in vegetable oil, add finely chopped onion. Additionally, add garlic and ginger, cut into thin slices. Add almonds, coriander, saffron, turmeric, chili, black pepper and other spices to taste to this mixture.

It remains only to add coconut milk, salt and simmer for 10-15 minutes. This dish is served hot. Additionally, you can decorate the curry with dill and parsley, and also serve with fresh vegetables.

Cabbage, orange and apple salad

A fresh salad is the best dish for those who fast or are fond of proper nutrition. Salad based on red cabbage, apples and oranges - a delicious combination and benefits. Its preparation takes a minimum of time. In addition, this salad can be both a main course and a great addition to cereals or boiled potatoes.


  • Red cabbage - 400 g
  • Apple - 200 g.
  • Orange - 200 g.
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 30 ml.
  • Apple or grape vinegar - 30 ml.
  • Black pepper and salt - to taste.

Peel apples and oranges and cut into thin slices. Shred the cabbage. Mix all the ingredients by dressing the salad with any vegetable oil and fruit vinegar. Salt and pepper. This salad is suitable as a main meal or addition to other dietary dishes.

Lenten cutlets

Great Lent is a test for every Orthodox person. Of course, meat cannot be replaced with vegetables, but tasty and crispy vegetarian cutlets will become a favorite dish during the fasting period.


  • Cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 50 g.
  • Onion - 100 g.
  • Flour - 30 g.
  • Garlic - ½ head.
  • Salt, spices, dill - to taste.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Sunflower oil.

Boil cabbage for 10 minutes. Take it out of the water and let the water drain. Grind with a blender or meat grinder, and additionally squeeze out the liquid.

Grind onion and garlic with a blender or chop finely. Chop the dill with a hatchet or chop. Combine all ingredients, salt and pepper. Add semolina and flour. Let stand 10 minutes for the semolina to swell.

From the resulting mass, form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Serve with vegetable salad or pickles.

Lenten cookies

If you are looking for delicious lean recipes for every day, pay attention to lean biscuits. It will be a wonderful dessert or appetizer during Lent. In addition, cookies do not contain sugar, so they can be part of diet food and children's menus.


  • Oatmeal - 200 g.
  • Rye flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Green apples - 400 g.
  • Carrots - 60 g.
  • Walnut - 50 g.
  • Cranberry - 40 g.
  • Dates - 5 pcs.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot or apple juice - 60 ml.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla - to taste.
  • Sesame - 2 tbsp. l.

Chop nuts and dates. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Grind the apple with a blender or grate on a fine grater. Mix all the ingredients, adding spices, juice, cranberries, oatmeal and flour.

The resulting mass must be left for 20 minutes so that the flour and oatmeal absorb the juice. Form a cookie from the resulting mass, roll it in sesame seeds. Lay out on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake for half an hour at medium temperature. Cookies can be eaten hot or cold.

Okroshka lenten

Despite the fact that okroshka is considered a summer dish, it can be cooked throughout the year. During the fasting period, okroshka can be prepared with salted or pickled mushrooms. It is best to cook such dishes with salted milk mushrooms or mushrooms.


  • Fresh cucumbers - 400 g.
  • Soaked apples - 2 pcs.
  • Salted mushrooms - 150 g.
  • Kvass - 1.5 liters.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.
  • Mustard, apple cider vinegar, salt - to taste.

Mushrooms must be thoroughly washed under running water and finely chopped. Peel the skin of fresh cucumbers and cut them into small cubes. Chop greens. Peel the apple from the peel and core, and also cut into small cubes.

Mix all ingredients and fill with kvass. To give okroshka a piquant taste and aroma, add a little apple or grape vinegar, mustard and black pepper. Salt to taste. Additionally, you can add boiled potatoes and fresh radishes to the okroshka.

For many more delicious recipes, see our section ""

Friday, March 07, 2014 7:47 pm + to quote pad

A selection of 100 recipes for Lenten dishes, now you will always know what you can cook and eat in Lent.

Lean kharcho soup includes rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, nuts, and tomatoes. Kharcho is richly decorated with greens. It just smells like sour tomatoes and spicy garlic. Lick your fingers!

Lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker is very easy to cook. The peculiarity of the slow cooker is that the vegetables in it do not boil soft, remain dense and filled with taste. We will cook cabbage soup from fresh vegetables.

Lenten dumplings are a versatile dish that can be served in broth, fried and served as an appetizer or side dish. I will fry the dumplings and it will take me 30-40 minutes to cook the whole dish.

Lenten salad with mushrooms is prepared from champignons, blue onions, spinach, pine nuts. Dressed with olive oil. The salad is fresh, fragrant, satisfying and healthy. Try it!

Lenten borsch with sprat is prepared very quickly and simply. For him, you need to cut all the vegetables, fry, throw them into the pan, add the sprat in the tomato and cook until tender. Lick your fingers!

You can cook a lean pickle with barley in less than an hour. Rassolnik turns out to be rich, satisfying, with sourness. Barley will need to be pre-soaked for half an hour. And then - simply.

Lenten borsch with mushrooms is a fragrant and bright first course that will please homemade with an abundance of vegetables and various tastes. This includes not only beets and mushrooms, but also cabbage, beans, bell peppers, etc.

Lean potato pancakes are easy to prepare. It is very tasty to serve such pancakes with smoked salmon and a sprig of dill. The dish turns out hearty, beautiful and should appeal to all potato lovers.

Lean crab salad can be prepared from crab meat or lean crab sticks, add greens, vegetables, light yogurt to them. It will turn out tasty, satisfying, bright, beautiful and original. Let's try!

Shchi is a national Russian dish, tasty and loved by everyone. Lean cabbage soup with mushrooms is good for a fasting day. They will restore strength, fill the body with vitamin C, which is abundant in cabbage.

Cooking lean gingerbread can turn into an exciting activity. The dough is easy to prepare, they are baked quickly, and I advise the whole family to color the gingerbread cookies, children will especially like it.

As you know, avocado is a very nutritious fruit. Therefore, in Great Lent, when there are not enough nutrients for fasting people, I suggest preparing a lean avocado salad. Both tasty and satisfying.

Lenten squid salad is prepared from canned squid, fresh vegetables, herbs and spices. This salad is not only tasty, but also healthy. Plus, it's light and fresh.

Lean borsch in a slow cooker is cooked from vegetables for two hours. It turns out a very tasty thick borscht, filled with the aromas of vegetables. In the slow cooker, they are remarkably revealed and retain their shape.

If during fasting you want chebureks, do not despair - they can be prepared with both lean filling and lean dough. I used lentil filling - it turned out very tasty.

Lean strudel is prepared without oil. It turns out fragrant pastries with a lot of apple filling, which is ideal for tea drinking. Such a lean strudel is being prepared for about two hours.

Use this recipe and cook such lean bean patties that no one will distinguish from meat. Very tasty and satisfying.

Bright, tender and fragrant carrot lean meatballs will diversify and decorate your table on fasting days. Delicious and healthy at the same time. I share the recipe.

Very appetizing lean cakes that can be served with almost any dish instead of bread. A simple recipe for lean cakes is relevant not only for fasting people, but also for vegetarians.

During fasting, you also sometimes want to treat yourself to fragrant pilaf - and this is quite possible if you replace meat with mushrooms! The recipe for lean pilaf with mushrooms is for fast days and not only.

Lean kale salad is very refreshing and light. A find for those who are losing weight is a minimum of calories due to cucumber and vinegar. It is good to include it in a complex side dish for poultry or fish.

If you decide to fast, or just want a light, low-fat meal, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe for lean cabbage cutlets. Tasty and healthy!

Lean dumplings with two types of turnip and sauerkraut fillings are a budget dish that can satiate a whole horde of hungry adults. Fantastically tasty dish, despite its cheapness.

Great Lent is the time to cleanse the body. But what if the stomach persistently requires rich soups? The simple answer to this question is lean hodgepodge. Well, how to cook it - read on.

Do everyone's favorite and well-known lean dumplings with potatoes need to be introduced? Despite the cheapness of the ingredients, potato dumplings are always a success. I share the recipe.

If you decide to cook pies during Lent, then a simple recipe for lean dough for pies will definitely come in handy. Kneading lean dough for pies is quite easy - I'll tell you how.

Lenten pies with potatoes - pies that defy the laws of physics. They can be eaten more than physically fits into a person. Verified personally. A simple recipe for lean potato pies - for you!

Lenten pies with cabbage are classic Russian pies that are usually cooked during Lent, although, in principle, you can successfully cook all year round. The recipe is very simple, worth a try.

Lenten cabbage soup is a great hot soup for those who are fasting or just want to have a fasting day. Shchi is prepared simply and from available ingredients, but it turns out - just delicious.

If you love beans, then you will surely like this recipe for stewed beans with tomatoes and come in handy. An easy way to deliciously cook such a trivial product as beans.

Beetroot cutlets are a great low-calorie recipe for anyone who follows a healthy diet. They can be served at the table simply with sour cream as an independent dish, or with any side dish.

Prepare a light snack of zucchini! I offer Algerian zucchini. Zucchini are spicy with a sweet and sour taste. All my friends love it, highly recommended!

The recipe for cooking potatoes in Greek will please all lovers of vegetables. This bright, beautiful and tasty dish will fit perfectly into a vegetarian menu, but it will also be quite appropriate on the table of meat-eaters! :)

Fried potatoes, mushrooms... Yes, even sour cream, and onions, and fresh herbs.. Well, salivating? Then let's try to cook champignons with potatoes - millet, fast, very tasty!

The easiest and fastest way to make beetroot salad is in this recipe. Minimum ingredients and many benefits!

Borscht with mushrooms and beans is a real storehouse of proteins for vegetarians and a very satisfying dish for those who are fasting. The classic recipe for borscht with mushrooms and beans - from our table to yours!

Rice with corn in a slow cooker will be a great side dish for meat or fish, or a completely independent dish on your everyday table. It's easy to cook with a slow cooker, but it's nice to eat!;)

This beautiful and bright salad can rightfully be considered an off-season salad, but in the fall, when tomatoes have not yet lost their summer flavor, it turns out to be especially tasty. White bean salad recipe - for you!

This is a simple, but bright, beautiful and very tasty salad that does not conflict with the requirements of Lent, is suitable for diet food and a vegetarian menu. Try it! :)

In fact, this wonderful salad is very similar to a vinaigrette, so this wonderful combination of sauerkraut, peas and beets is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

A wonderful tasty and healthy side dish that is perfect for meat or fish, but at the same time can be an independent dish for every day.

The classic recipe for lenten gingerbread will come in handy not only for Orthodox believers, but also for everyone who tries to limit themselves in the consumption of pastry. Details are in the recipe!

A simple recipe for lean bread in a bread machine is relevant not only on fasting days - it will come in handy for everyone who monitors their health and weight, regardless of the time of year!

A simple recipe for breaded broccoli will enrich your menu with another easy and delicious vegetable side dish. With sesame seeds and soy sauce - it's just magical! :)

A light, tasty and very healthy carrot dish is suitable for lovers of vegetarian food, as well as for those who fast or watch their figure.

Stewed cabbage with carrots is a versatile dish that can be cooked both on holidays and on ordinary days. In addition, stewed cabbage with carrots can be served as a side dish.

Korean-style potatoes are not a hot dish and not a side dish, but a delicious spicy salad. Fans of everything "spicy" should definitely learn how to cook potatoes in Korean!

I think this recipe for making lean bean soup can be useful not only for those who fast. First of all - to the attention of vegetarians, but you are also welcome to our table! :)

The recipe for making a lean pie with jam without eggs and dairy products is useful to everyone who observes fasts, and also monitors their health and weight.

A wonderful seasonal side dish made from fresh vegetables, which is perfect for any meat. You can use it as an independent dish, in any case it is very tasty.

Vegetable cutlets can't be delicious? In fact, this is far from the case. Try to cook cabbage zrazy and you will be surprised how appetizing vegetables can be.

A simple, but no less tasty vegetable salad, which will be a great addition to meat and poultry dishes. So, the recipe for a salad with cabbage and corn is a delicious, light and healthy dish!

Dedicated to lovers of tasty and healthy food - a simple salad recipe with champignon mushrooms with a photo!

Beet cutlets are a wonderful alternative to meat cutlets. Moreover, they are much more useful than the latter!

I offer you a simple recipe for Armenian bean soup lobahashu - delicious, healthy and completely vegetarian! At the same time, so satisfying that even inveterate meat-eaters will appreciate;).

I suggest you learn how to cook bell peppers with vegetables, and another tasty and healthy dish will appear on your summer menu!

Carrot with cheese and garlic is a wonderful salad with excellent taste and useful properties. In addition, this salad is very easy to prepare.

Solyanka is not only a delicious soup, but also a wonderful cabbage side dish, the preparation of which, in the presence of a slow cooker, turns into a real pleasure!

Probably every housewife has her own recipe for eggplant rolls. What they don’t wrap in them - carrots, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, tomatoes! - but I love these rolls with nuts the most. Try it!

Young potatoes in a slow cooker are prepared easily and simply. This is the first dish that I mastered when I bought a slow cooker. It turned out great - delicious golden potatoes and all in one bowl!

Mushrooms are an indispensable product during fasting. There are many recipes for meatless champignon dishes, and I want to offer you one more - a delicious and nutritious soup. Read the recipe!

For a light dinner or a diet lunch, you can cook stewed celery with vegetables - a simple and very tasty dish.

Beet cutlets are very healthy, tasty and satisfying. This dish will please everyone: from lovers of delicious food to people who want to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Many people love Korean asparagus. But usually the price for this salad on the market bites decently. Let's make it ourselves! And as many as we want.

I bring to your attention a delicious, fragrant potato with vegetables in a pot. You can cook this dish from what is in the refrigerator, the ingredients in this option can be replaced with others.

Salads with beans are always appetizing and satisfying. I suggest you prepare a bright salad that will impress any gourmet. I promise it will be beautiful and delicious!

When you want not only healthy, but also tasty vegetables, try cooking spicy carrots under the marinade. This dish will be a great side dish for meat.

Salad with boiled potatoes is great for a side dish. You can serve it with meat or fish dishes. Or as an appetizer.

I suggest you cook carrots in a tomato at home. A universal appetizer - both for sandwiches, and as a dressing for first courses, and as a sauce for side dishes. Moreover, it is very tasty, healthy and fast!

Most vegetarians understand vegetables, their beneficial properties, better than ordinary meat-eaters. This vegan broccoli soup recipe was given to me by a vegan friend. Very tasty.

White Bean Pate is one of the most delicious and healthy snacks I make for my family. The composition of the pate includes fresh herbs and lemon juice.

I personally cook porridge with carrots at home very often, it turns out to be a painfully simple and satisfying dish, so I advise you to try it too. Great with all salads and meatballs!

To your attention - a classic recipe for stewed potatoes with vegetables, a dish that is ideal both for fasting and for tasty utilization of the abundance of seasonal vegetables. Everything is fast, tasty and at the same time affordable.

Lent is a great event for the Christian world. After all, religious people believe that these days the physical body comes into harmony with the spiritual world, is cleansed of sinful deeds and thoughts and approaches God.

From the article you will learn about the four main ones about what kind of food should be taken at this time, and which one is better to abstain from. We will tell you what lean food is and give recipes for its preparation.

Four major Christian fasts

It starts on November 28 and lasts forty days, including January 6. On all his days, except for odd weekdays and Saturdays, everything is allowed, except for certain foods, and vegetable oil and fish are allowed on weekends and on even days.

Lenten food for Great Lent, which begins 49 days before Easter Sunday, consists mainly of vegetables and fish, except for the 7th, 4th and 1st weeks.

On the 58th day after Easter begins and ends on the Day of Peter and Paul. Vegetable oil and fish dishes are prohibited only on odd days of the week, except weekends.

The Dormition fast lasts 14 days from August 14 to August 27. Vegetable oil is consumed on weekends, and fish can only be eaten on Apple Savior Day, August 19th.

What you can and can not eat in the post

In fasting, as a rule, it is forbidden to eat:

  • on strict days - dairy products, eggs and fish;
  • poultry and animal meat.

It is allowed to eat:

  • not rich;
  • soy and bean products with a high content of vegetable protein;
  • porridge on the water;
  • nuts, fruits, dried fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • boiled, stewed, salted vegetables;
  • vegetable oil and fish on permitted days.

On these days, cooking is given considerable attention, because lean food, the recipes of which we will give in the article, should contain not only permitted foods, but also be healthy, tasty and nutritious.

First Lenten Meals

The lenten menu must necessarily contain first courses, because dry food harms the digestive tract and causes heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders. Not everyone knows, but the first courses beloved by many, hodgepodge and cabbage soup, can be prepared without meat and butter, and lean food will not lose its taste and aroma from this.


A day before cooking, soak 0.5 tbsp of red beans, cook it for one and a half to two hours in salted water. When the beans are ready, leave the broth for the hodgepodge, and put the beans separately in a deep plate. Chop 1 medium sized onion into cubes. 2 pickled cucumbers, peeled, cut into cubes. Fry the onion a little, add the cucumbers and continue frying with the onions. Throw vegetables into boiling bean broth and add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste. Remove the olives from the jar, cut into slices and, when the potatoes are half cooked, add to the pan along with bay leaves and two peas of allspice.

In 3 liters of boiling water, add 6-7 pcs. diced potatoes, salt to taste. After 5-7 minutes, add shredded cabbage (small head), 1 piece of sweet pepper, diced. While the vegetables are cooking, fry a small carrot, an onion and a grated tomato in a pan. When the potatoes and cabbage are cooked, add dressing, bay leaf and 3 black peppercorns to the pan. Serve with finely chopped parsley and grated garlic.

Main courses

Rice porridge with vegetables and mashed potatoes - delicious lean food these dishes are very simple.

Rice porridge with vegetables

Rinse a glass of rice several times until the water runs clear. Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.) Cut into strips, cut half a head of cauliflower into pieces and inflorescences, cut 1 small carrot into strips or thin slices. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a preheated pan and throw in spices (cumin / zira and cloves, after 10 seconds - turmeric). Put vegetables: cabbage, carrots, peppers and fry a little. Then add rice and fry for about 3 minutes. and add 2 cups of water.

Wait for it to boil, cut the tomato into cubes, throw it into a pan with rice and vegetables, pour a jar of green peas and put 1 bay leaf on top. Add pepper and salt to taste and simmer covered over low heat for 20 minutes. If the water has not evaporated during this time, cover again and cook until tender. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

Mashed potatoes

One and a half kg of potatoes peeled and boiled. Pour the potato broth into a jar. Finely chop a medium-sized onion head, fry in sunflower oil until golden brown. Peel the potatoes, if the mashed potatoes are very thick, add potato broth. Top with onions and serve.

Lean salads

Lenten food during Lent implies a predominance of vegetables in the diet, so vegetable salads will be very relevant during this period.

The vinaigrette

Wash and boil 2 pcs. carrots, 4 pcs. potatoes, 1 pc. beets. Cool, clean. Peel the onion and cut all the vegetables into cubes. Cut three pickled cucumbers and two fresh ones into cubes as well. Add a jar of peas, after draining the water from it. Greens, salt, pepper - to taste. Fill the salad with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Beet salad with nuts and dried fruits

Boil 1 beetroot. Pour boiling water over 100 g of raisins and / or prunes and set aside for 15-30 minutes, drain, rinse and dry. Peel the beets and grate on a coarse grater. Prunes cut into slices. Chop 3-4 walnuts, chop. Add 1-2 grated garlic cloves, raisins, prunes, nuts, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, sprinkle chopped dill on top.


Bulgarian pepper

Wash a kilogram of bell pepper, get rid of the seeds, cut the stalks and bake in the oven until golden brown. Remove the skin and cut into slices. In a separate bowl, mix 5 cloves of grated garlic, ½ teaspoon salt, a teaspoon of vinegar. Pour the garlic sauce over the peppers, put in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.

Herring cocktail

Grate 2 tsp horseradish, crush 2 tbsp. l cranberries or lingonberries and mix with low-fat mayonnaise. Cut into strips or thin slices 1 red apple and 3 pickled cucumbers. Clean 2 pcs. salted herring, remove the bones, cut into neat thin slices. Mix all ingredients. Cover the bottom of the dish with lettuce leaves, put the prepared herring mixture on top, decorate with herbs.


Desserts are the most delicious lean food, the recipes of which are so simple that cooking will not take much effort and time, and the result will delight both adults and children.

Fruit ice

Clear 3 pcs. kiwi, wash. Sort a glass of strawberries, wash, get rid of the tails. In an incomplete glass of water, add 2 tbsp. l sugar and 2 tsp lemon juice. Mix. Grate strawberries. Grind kiwi in a blender.

Divide the sugar syrup into 2 parts: pour one half into kiwi puree, the other into strawberries. Half fill small molds or disposable cups with fruit puree, insert an ice cream stick into each mold, put in the freezer for an hour. Take out the molds and add the remaining puree. You can combine kiwi and strawberries to make a striped recipe. And leave to cool until completely frozen.

Baked apples

Cut medium-sized apples (5-6 pcs.) into 2 parts, get rid of the core. Put in a baking dish in one layer, sprinkle with sugar on top (pour 1 tsp into the middle, if the apples are sour, pour more). If almond or coconut flakes are available, use them by dividing 2 tbsp. l for all halves of apples. Put for half an hour in a preheated oven. Baked apples are a lean food that can be consumed hot or cold.

Fruit salad with honey

If necessary, melt half a glass of honey by placing a jar of honey in hot water.

Wash and clean fruits. Cut the center of 1 large apple; 2 bananas, 4 tangerines, 1-2 kiwi and 1 pc. peel persimmons. Separate the grapes from the bunch, cut into two halves along with plums, get rid of the seeds, peel 1 pomegranate, choosing the grains. Cut apples and bananas into small slices, sprinkling with lemon juice so that the fruits do not darken. Cut the mandarin slices into pieces, cut the kiwi into small pieces as well. Mix ingredients together, pour over honey, stir again and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.


Many mistakenly believe that baking is unhealthy, and it is not recommended to eat it during fasting, because it contains eggs and milk. However, it is quite possible to cook lean food in the oven without eggs and milk.

crazy pie

Mix half a glass of flour with a glass of sugar, 0.5 tablespoons of cocoa, a pack of vanilla sugar, a pinch of salt and nuts (to taste), extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to the dry ingredients, mix. Pour 150 g of vegetable oil into the mixture, mix thoroughly, pour a glass of water and knead until smooth.

Pour the batter into an oiled mold and spread evenly. Put in the oven for half an hour. While the cake is cooking, mix 3 tbsp cocoa, 3 tbsp sugar, ½ tbsp water, ½ tbsp. butter (since lean food is prepared without butter, vegetable oil must also be added to the icing), and put in a water bath. Cook until glaze thickens. After the cake has cooled, pour it with glaze, cover and set aside for several hours.


Peel and finely chop six apples, sprinkle with lemon juice so that the apples do not darken, and sprinkle them with sugar.

Mix a tablespoon of honey with ½ tbsp. sugar, ¼ tsp cinnamon, a pack of vanilla sugar and pour ½ tbsp boiling water. Stir until the sugar crystals dissolve. Pour ½ tbsp. vegetable oil while continuing to stir. After mixing 300 g of flour with 2 tsp of baking powder and liquid mixture, knead the dough and pour onto a baking sheet. Spread apples in an even layer. Put the oven on for 30-35 minutes.

Cooking lenten food does not take too much time and requires minimal material costs, and this is another plus for observing Christian traditions.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ or Easter is the greatest holiday in the Orthodox Church calendar. This is a day of great joy, kindness and hope for the best. True, such a bright holiday is preceded by several weeks of reflection and strict abstinence, called Great Lent.

The essence of Lent

The celebration of Easter is preceded by a 48-day Great Lent - the longest and most strict of the four church fasts. Its main goal is the physical and spiritual preparation of a person for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ.

The emergence of this tradition is easily explained, because it is a reminder to all Christians of the spiritual path of Christ, who spent 40 days in the desert without food and water, being tempted by the devil. In the last week of fasting - Passion Week, the Savior faced betrayal, arrest and subsequent execution. And three days later there was a miraculous resurrection and the ascension of Christ into heaven.

In this sense, Great Lent is for every believer not only a restriction in food. This is forgiveness of insults, a conscious rejection of entertainment, as well as a struggle with one's own passions and bad thoughts. In fact, this is a daily spiritual feat of an Orthodox person.

How to eat in Lent

It must be said that throughout the entire fast there are days with varying degrees of strictness of its observance. For example, there are days when the church recommends complete abstinence from food for the whole day or half a day. On some days, dry eating is recommended, that is, eating plant foods without oil. On such days, you can eat vegetables and fruits, honey, nuts and dried fruits, as well as bread, kvass and water, in a word, plant foods without heat treatment. Nevertheless, it is permissible for laymen to consume hot vegetable food without oil: porridges, vegetable stews, baked mushrooms, jelly compotes and tea. But on the days of the easiest fasting, the use of fish, caviar, vegetable oil and wine is allowed.

Top 10 Lenten Recipes for Every Day in Lent

And now let's look at the recipes for the most simple and healthy dishes that every Orthodox person can use to support his body during Great Lent.

1. Borscht with beans


  • beans - 150 g;
  • dried mushrooms - 50 g;
  • beets - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Boil beets and beans. Chopped mushrooms pour 1.5 liters of water and put on fire to prepare a fragrant mushroom broth. As soon as the broth is ready, add chopped onions, parsley and carrots to it. We leave this mixture to stew until cooked, and at this time we chop the boiled beets. We add it to the borscht, put a couple of leaves of lavrushka there, salt and pepper, and then leave to languish over low heat for 15-20 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add boiled beans.

2. Warming vegetable soup


  • frozen peas or broccoli - 1 cup;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • celery root - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • spices (bay leaf and cloves, ginger root and pepper, salt and herbs) - to taste.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, send the spices into it (grinding them if necessary), and then bring the water to a boil. In the meantime, the water boils, melt the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan and fry the chopped onion and garlic for literally 2-3 minutes. Add chopped carrots and celery to them, and continue to fry for another 3-4 minutes.

When the time comes, pour frozen peas to the fried vegetables and immediately pour boiled water over them. And pour water through a strainer to separate the spices. After covering the pan with a lid, leave the vegetables to simmer on low heat for 8-10 minutes, and then add finely chopped greens, mix and boil for another 1-2 minutes. A wonderful warming soup is ready!

3. Barley cutlets


  • pearl barley - 1 glass;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • flour - for breading;
  • ground pepper and other seasonings - to taste.

First of all, boil pearl barley until cooked, not forgetting to add salt to the water during cooking. In the meantime, the cereal is being cooked, you need to prepare the frying, for which we clean and chop the carrots and onions, and then fry the vegetables in a hot pan until golden.

As soon as pearl barley is ready, we send it to a blender and grind it into a viscous gruel. Grind vegetables in the same way, then combine the porridge with vegetables, add garlic crushed with a press, salt, season with spices and mix well with a spoon. From the resulting minced pearl barley we sculpt cutlets, which will only be rolled in flour and sent to a heated frying pan. After frying our dish on both sides, put the cutlets on a plate and serve with leafy greens and any lean sauce.

4. Rustic potatoes


  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices (dried dill, paprika, ground pepper, asafoetida or granulated garlic) - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

It is desirable to prepare such a dish from young potatoes so that you do not have to peel the tubers. We wash the potatoes and peel its skin with a brush. We cut the root vegetables into slices, then salt, add spices, oil and mix with a spoon.

Put the potato slices on a baking sheet with sharp edges up, and then send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake our dish for 30 minutes. Taking the dish out of the oven, serve it hot to the table. This dish is ideal for vegetable salads or cuts. It can also be used separately, seasoned with sauce.

5. Lean cabbage rolls with rice and mushrooms


  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • onion - 150 g;
  • carrot - 200 g;
  • fresh champignons - 250 g;
  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • spices (bay leaf, black pepper, salt) - to taste.

We start cooking with the filling. To do this, wash the mushrooms, finely chop them and fry in a pan with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until golden brown. We send ready-made mushrooms for a while in a separate bowl. After washing the rice, send it to the pan and fill it with water in proportion (1 part rice to 3 parts water). After salting the rice, bring it to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water from the finished cereal, then add the rice to the mushrooms and mix well.

Separately, in a hot frying pan, sauté onions and carrots until golden brown, after which we add tomato paste to them to make a thick gravy. Pepper and salt this mixture, and then mix.

Let's move on to cabbage leaves. To do this, fill a large saucepan halfway with water, and, putting it on the stove, bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, we put a whole cabbage head in it, sticking a fork into the stump. Holding the cabbage by the fork, every 3 minutes we cut off the cabbage leaf at the very base with a knife and remove it from boiling water.

As the sheets cool down a little, we cut off a thick spine at their base and proceed to the formation of cabbage rolls. To do this, put a spoonful of filling on the edge of the sheet and fold the sheet with an envelope. Having laid the cabbage rolls in a mold, put the frying on top, pour over the cabbage broth and simmer them over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Serving lean cabbage rolls to the table, be sure to sprinkle them with herbs.

6. Beetroot in Korean


  • beets - 2-3 pieces;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp;
  • seasonings (wig, ground pepper, seasoning for Korean carrots, umami and salt) - to taste.

To prepare this amazingly delicious dish, we clean the beets and rub them on a grater. Loading the beets into a deep bowl, add sugar and salt to it, then mix.

Let's go to the gas station. We heat the pan in oil, after which we send the peeled and diced onion, as well as all the seasonings (with the exception of umami and seasoning for Korean carrots), to it. Fry the ingredients for about 3 minutes, until the onions are golden, and then add crushed garlic to the pan and keep on fire for another 2 minutes. After removing the dressing from the stove, season the beets with it and mix thoroughly.

Add seasoning for Korean carrots and umami to the dish. This ingredient, called the "fifth taste" in Korea, gives the salad a unique richness. Thoroughly mix our salad, arrange on plates and serve.

7. Sweet Pepper and Eggplant Salad


  • large red peppers - 3 pcs;
  • eggplant - 1 kg;
  • parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • vinegar 9% - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.

Wash the eggplants, peel them and cut into slices. We send the chopped ingredients to a preheated pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. And given that eggplants actively absorb oil during frying, do not forget to periodically add it.

We wash and clean the peppers, and then cut them lengthwise into four parts. We take out a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper and put slices of peppers on top. We send them to the oven, heated to 170 ° C for 20 minutes, so that the flesh of the vegetables becomes soft and the peel separates well. Once the peppers are ready, peel them off.

Let's start shaping the dish. We divide the eggplant into four equal parts, and the peppers into three. We spread one layer of eggplants on the form, a layer of peppers on top and sprinkle with a thin layer of chopped garlic. We continue to alternate layers, and as soon as the ingredients run out, sprinkle our dish with chopped herbs.

It remains only to prepare the marinade. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, pour sugar and salt into it, and as soon as the water cools down, add vinegar. Pour our snack with the prepared marinade and send it to the refrigerator for a day. The dish is ready!

8. Honey goats


  • peeled seeds or nuts - 1 cup;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2-3 s.l.;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

Roast nuts or seeds in a dry frying pan for just a few minutes. As soon as the seeds begin to take on a golden color, immediately remove them from the heat. Put honey in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and 1 tbsp. water, then melt the ingredients to make a sweet gruel. As soon as the hot gruel is ready, pour the roasted seeds over it and put the finished mixture on paper. Having formed rectangles from such a mass, send them to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. When the kozinaki have cooled, you can take them out, break them into pieces and enjoy this sweet and at the same time really healthy product.

9. Lean mayonnaise


  • unrefined olive oil - 8 tablespoons;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - ½ cup;
  • mustard powder - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp

In a blender bowl, mix vegetable oil with sugar, salt and mustard powder. Add lemon juice there, then beat the ingredients until smooth.

We proceed to the second stage of preparation. To do this, after sifting the flour, send it to a saucepan and, adding half a glass of water, beat with a whisk until the lumps disappear. Add the remaining water in the glass, put the mixture on the fire and beat again with a blender until a thick paste.

This mass thickens very quickly, and therefore let it cool for just a minute, after which we begin to introduce an oily liquid with spices. True, we do not add it all at once, but by the spoonful, immediately whipping with a blender. The mass will begin to turn white before our eyes, taking on the color and texture of the usual mayonnaise. And the taste of this dish is simply amazing!

10. Almond milk


  • raw almonds - 100 g;
  • water - 400 g.

Rinse the almonds, and then, pouring cold water, leave to soak for 5 hours. After draining the water, rinse the nuts well again, send them to a blender, add a little water and grind the almonds into a pulp. Pass the plant mass through a strainer, and pour the squeezed moisture into a glass and drink immediately until it begins to exfoliate. By the way, do not rush to throw away the remaining cake. After drying a little, you can add it to cereals or salads.

Now you know that fasting meals can be extremely varied and delicious. With such food, it will be much easier for you to fast, which means you can focus on more important, spiritual things.
Bon appetit!
