
Simple and unusual marinade recipes for chicken breast. TOP best marinade options for chicken breasts

White meat is easily digested and absorbed by the body. It is a dietary product, therefore it is present in the diet of protein unloading nutrition programs. The calorie content of breasts is 113 kcal. Proteins are in the lead here - they are 23.6 g here. Fats are contained here 1.9 g, and carbohydrates - 0.4 g.

The chemical composition is rich and multifaceted, there is:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP;
  • magnesium, sodium, fluorine, copper, zinc, phosphorus and other minerals;
  • valine, threionine, lysine, arginine and other amino acids;

So, due to the high content of phosphorus, chicken breast is very useful for bone tissue. If it is regularly eaten, the teeth and bones will be intact. Plus, this element has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys.

Rich in white meat and potassium. Therefore, this product has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. It helps to normalize blood pressure, and is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. But let's move on to the recipes 🙂

marinade recipes

You can marinate chicken for grilling or roasting meat in the oven. There are many flavor options available. Some of them involve the use of a classic set of products - vinegar + spices. Other marinade options are more "exotic" - say, in an egg or with a lime. Today I will share six marinade options with you so that you get a juicy and tasty breast.

Marinate chicken in soy sauce

For this delicious dish, you will need white meat, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and spices. Calculate the amount of the main product - breast - based on how many eaters there will be and what their appetites are. If the company is large, and you can eat an elephant 🙂 If you cook for two, then half a kilogram of meat is enough. The breast should be cut into thin plates (recommended thickness - 0.5 cm). Do not cut thinner, it will turn out dry.

From spices, I advise you to use Provence herbs, basil and a mixture of peppers. As for the sauce and vinegar, their ratio in the marinade should be 2 to 1. Pour the meat pieces with the vinegar-soy mixture. For 0.5 kilos of white meat, add 2 tbsp. sauce and, accordingly, 1 tbsp. vinegar. Then add spices and mix everything well.

Next, send the chicken to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. But if you have very little time, you can leave the breast for half an hour. Then fry the meat in a pan - just a couple of minutes on each side. If you have a wok, cook in it. Serve directly from the frying pan. The dish goes well with vegetables and rice seasoned with soy sauce. It will turn out quite an Asian-style dish.

Chicken breast marinated in egg

The recipe for this yummy is:

  • 700 g of white meat;
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 1 egg;
  • a little dry dill;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • a little salt + seasoning for chicken.

We wash the breast and cut into thin slices or cubes of 2 cm (this is your choice). Break the egg separately. Salt and pepper the egg mass, and also add dried dill, seasonings and mustard. Next, mix all the marinade ingredients well. And then we immerse the meat here. We cover the bowl with cling film on top and send it to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.

Then we warm the pan well, coat it with oil and put the fillet pieces here separately. Fry them until golden brown. After pouring in the remaining oil, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the breast. It takes about 10 more minutes to cook. And then we shift the chicken to a plate and serve with any side dish and salad. Bon appetit 🙂

Delicious marinade for chicken breast with mustard

For this dish you will need the following products:

  • a kilo of chicken;
  • 1 tbsp soft mustard;
  • 1-2 chili peppers;
  • 1 tsp (without a slide) salt;
  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice or apple (wine) vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce.

First, I want to say a few words about salt. I usually don't salt the marinade if soy sauce is added. But the last time I cooked, I treated a friend, and she told me that there was not enough salt. Therefore, I decided to add a little salt to the marinade. You are guided by your taste preferences.

We wash the breast and cut it into steaks a cm thick. Grind the peeled garlic and pepper in a blender. Then mix the garlic mass with mustard and salt. Add lemon juice or vinegar, oil and sauce - mix everything well.

Dip the breast pieces in the marinade and place them in a container. Then cover the dish with a lid and send it to the refrigerator overnight. Well, you can cook such meat in different ways. For example, fry it on the grill - it will come out amazingly tasty. Or stew the breast with cream - it will turn out very gently. Or bake in the oven with vegetables.

Vinegar marinated chicken breast

This dish is very easy to prepare. I don't like marinating chicken in vinegar for a long time. So I am making this recipe. It is done very quickly and you do not have to wait several hours. You will need the following set of products:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 4 onions;
  • pepper + salt;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a little table and apple cider vinegar;
  • mayonnaise (I always make it myself).

Cut the peeled onions into thin half rings. We mix natural apple (4 tablespoons) and table (2 tablespoons) vinegar with water (200 ml). Salt the marinade, pour over the onion and set aside for half an hour.

Cut the breast lengthwise so that you get 4 pieces of the same size. Cover the meat with cling film and beat lightly. Next, pepper and add each piece on both sides. After we shift the white meat into a greased baking dish. Spread the pickled onion on top and pour with mayonnaise. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle our dish with it.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send the form into it. It takes about 40 minutes to bake this yummy. By the end of cooking, the aroma will fill not only your apartment, but the entire entrance. And the neighbors will rack their brains trying to guess what you are cooking there 🙂

Marinate chicken breast in kefir

I have never come across this recipe. Meat is very easy to prepare. Lightly beat off the washed breasts and transfer to a deep bowl. Next, fill the chicken with 1% kefir. The meat must be completely covered with a fermented milk product.

Sprinkle spices on top of the breast (you can use any of your choice). Mix the ingredients and leave for an hour - let the chicken marinate. Next, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. We shift the chicken in the marinade to a greased form and place in the oven. We bake the meat for 40 minutes. That's all - take a sample.

How to Marinate Barbecue Breasts in a Lime Honey Marinade

I don't like it when fresh garlic turns green in a marinade. There is nothing like that, it's just not very beautiful. So now I switched to granulated dry garlic. It is sold in any store. In addition, the aroma is softer. The recipe is:

  • 0.5 kilos of white meat;
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey;
  • juice from 2 limes;
  • 1 tsp dry garlic;
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar;
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 3 bell peppers (red + yellow + green).

Cut the washed meat into 2.5 cm pieces. Cut the pepper into 2.5 cm squares. Mix the lime juice with dry garlic and honey. Then we shift the meat pieces into a strong bag and pour the marinade. Close the bag and send it to the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

Next, grease the grill grate with oil. Drain the chicken in a colander to drain the liquid. Just do not pour out the marinade - we will still need it. Then, on wooden skewers pre-soaked in water, we string meat and pepper alternately. I advise you to cook this kebab on a closed grill (the temperature should be medium). Cooking time is about 10 minutes. But do not forget that periodically you need to turn the skewers over and sprinkle the kebab with marinade.

How do you marinate white chicken meat? Share your secrets in the comments to the article. And also drop the link to the article to your friends. Let them learn how to properly cook the breast, and then they treat you. I have so many more interesting things prepared for you - in order not to miss anything, subscribe to updates. And I say goodbye to you: bye.

Let's be honest - if you cook chicken breast just like that, without anything and preliminary preparation, it will turn out dry and uninteresting. Fast, yeah. And convenient. But tasteless. But in order to be both useful and original, you need to work a little - to conjure over the marinade, which will give the meat additional flavors and, of course, make it more tender and juicier. Do you have your own brand chicken breast marinade? If not, hurry up to look under the cut - I will share my ideas. However, even if you have your own proven recipe marinade for chicken, look it over anyway - for sure, something will hook you to such an extent that you want to repeat it right away right away.

To overcome anger, you need to go to the nearest supermarket, choose a bigger chicken and call it the name of the offender - for example, Vasya or Petya. When you get home, change your clothes, wash your hands, take a sharp knife and cut off everything you want for Vasya and Petya. Do you feel the anger subside? In addition, it is very effective to pick up a culinary mallet - beat the meat as hard as you can. And then lower Vasya or Petya into boiling oil! Everything, there was no anger!

By the way, chicken breast marinade- the thing is quite universal: if you wish, you can cook it for lean pork, and for turkey, and even, perhaps, for veal. Try it, look for your ideal option and be sure to share your best practices!

How to marinate chicken breast: 10 ideas from Raisins

1. Honey marinade for chicken breast

A subtle honey note gives a subtle sweetness and an incredible aroma. Mix mustard grains (a couple of tablespoons) with an equal amount of honey, add salt, pepper (excellent - chili), mix and brush the chicken breast with the resulting mixture. Leave for 2-10 hours, and then bake or fry. Amazingly delicious!

2. Ginger Chicken Breast Marinade

Fans of oriental motifs in cooking will certainly appreciate this marinade for chicken fillet. Grate fresh ginger on a fine grater, add orange juice and zest taken from the same fruit, mix with salt and pour over the meat. Leave in the refrigerator for a maximum of a day, then cook as planned - in the oven or in a frying pan, double boiler or slow cooker.

3. Spicy marinade for chicken breast

Mix in proportions that you personally like, finely grated onion, a few cloves of garlic, 100-150 ml of lemon juice, salt and chili pepper. Marinated, the meat will be piquantly spicy, hot and almost fiery. If you omit the moment with pepper, it will turn out not bad either - not so spicy and very fragrant.

4. Spicy marinade for chicken breast

You must love herbs. So take a bag with those that you like the most, mix them with salt, rub the chicken breast, adding a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Suneli hops, herbs of Italian cuisine, mint, basil, rosemary - almost everything is wonderful! Just try to marinate longer - let the meat lie in the refrigerator for at least a night, and then you can cook it. Fried - amazing!

5. Kefir marinade for chicken breast

It sounds very unexpected, but, believe me, the result is excellent. The meat acquires a delicate creamy aroma, is covered with a thin crust that gives off cheese, and inside remains juicy and soft. Mix a glass of kefir with a few cloves of garlic, add salt and pepper, and then pour the chicken breast with the resulting mixture. Leave overnight and then cook as planned. It is very cool to bake such meat in foil.

6. Beer marinade for chicken breast

Alcohol and the characteristic beer aroma will disappear during the cooking of chicken meat, and a wonderful bread spirit and the smell of something very thick, homely, and cozy will remain. Mix a glass of beer with salt, pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, a little dry parsley and, of course, cumin seeds. Pour the fillet with the resulting marinade, leave overnight or a little more in the refrigerator. And then bake. Or simmer. Or fry. Everything is fine!

7. Soy marinade for chicken breast

Half a glass of soy sauce and a teaspoon of honey - mix everything, pour over the chicken fillet. You do not need to add salt - soy sauces are usually quite salty already. Simple and appetizing. The longer the meat lies in such a marinade, the more interesting your dinner will be. By the way, soy sauce gives chicken meat a dark color - hold it in the marinade longer, and the chicken fillet will turn completely light brown.

8. Grapefruit Chicken Breast Marinade

Need to tell how delicious meat can turn out if you cook it in this marinade? Of course not! Squeeze out the juice, mix it with a couple of tablespoons of balsamic (or wine) vinegar, add salt, a mixture of dry herbs of Provencal cuisine. Pour the chicken fillet, leave in the refrigerator for the night (or better - a day). And bake in foil - let all the flavors stay inside the meat, it will be great!

9. Mustard Chicken Breast Marinade

Choose mustard depending on whether you like it spicier or softer. American sweet mustard will give the meat a taste and aroma, French - piquancy and light bitterness, classic - sharpness and brutality. Lubricate the chicken fillet on all sides, at the same time pour over the lemon juice and leave to marinate for 2-24 hours. And then you know what to do!

10. Chicken breast in wine

Yes, yes, the most common wine. Well, of course, you shouldn’t take that surrogate that costs three kopecks in a shop around the corner - after all, you still have this meat, so choose a quality wine, fill it with chicken breast. Leave for 2-10 hours, and then bake in the oven - you are guaranteed a riot of flavors. By the way, you can add a little bit of herbs - rosemary and thyme are well combined with fruity wine notes.

Chicken can always be cooked in different ways, changing only the marinade. It can resemble Peking duck, be spicy and spicy, resemble barbecue or be sweet. You can experiment with marinating sauces endlessly! But what is the best way to marinate chicken for baking in the oven so that it turns out juicy and bakes very quickly? We present the best selection!

Vinegar not only gives the meat a pleasant sourness, but also makes the meat more tender, softening the fibers. If everything is done correctly, the proportions are observed, then the bird tastes like a barbecue, especially if you add an onion to the marinade.

For cooking you will need:

  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - one large head.
  • Any spices to taste.

Mix water, vinegar, oil, spices, salt. We dip the chicken pieces into it (if you plan to bake the whole carcass, prepare the marinade 2 times more). For a quick result, uniform impregnation of all pieces of meat, you can press down the meat with any oppression. The preparation time for baking is 3 hours, but you can safely leave it all night.

Fans of a healthy lifestyle can always replace ordinary store-bought vinegar with natural apple or wine vinegar. You can also always increase its amount to make the sourness more pronounced. But, as practice shows, vinegar disappears during the baking process, leaving only a slight “reminder” of itself in the form of a pleasant aftertaste.

Honey Soy Sauce

Honey combined with soy sauce gives the meat a unique taste. After baking, the chicken has a golden caramel crust, and it is honey that gives it. In such a marinade, you can prepare wings, thighs, legs, and the ideal cooking method is on an open fire or grill.


  • Honey (natural, flower) - 5 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Any spices to taste - just one pinch.

We mix all the components, let them brew so that they “marry”, dip the pieces of poultry into the marinade, lightly rubbing them with our marinade. For good impregnation, you can marinate all night, but in emergency cases, 2-3 hours is enough.

Our advice! Chicken meat should be chilled, but not frozen. For good impregnation with any sauce, prepare the bird in advance by dividing it into pieces a little larger than a matchbox, or leave them whole.

How to marinate chicken for baking in sour cream?

Sour cream makes the meat very tender, sweetish, but at the same time surprisingly juicy. But for cooking, one sour-milk product is indispensable: the sauce goes well with such a spice as curry, giving the dish a slight oriental flavor.

Prepare for marinade:

  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Curry - a pinch.
  • Ground paprika - a pinch.
  • Bulbs - 2 small heads.
  • Salt to taste.

We clean the onion, cut into small half rings. Add spices to sour cream and stir until smooth. We mix the marinade with onions, and generously grease our bird with it. This is an excellent marinade for chicken drumsticks, thighs and legs. But for a whole carcass, it is better to choose another option.

Attention! For a good result, marinating in sour cream is enough for one to two hours. Bake the chicken without removing it from the sauce at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Spicy Lemon Marinade

This is a win-win option for a quick chicken marinade, especially if you are planning to surprise guests. Wings are ideal parts, although both thighs and fillet pieces will turn out to be unusual and tasty.

We will need:

  • A glass of coconut milk.
  • One lemon.
  • A bunch of cilantro.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • Juice of one small lime.
  • Salt pepper.

In a separate bowl, mix milk, herbs, garlic, spices, lime juice and the zest of one lemon, peeled off with a thin knife. Slightly sweeten and let the marinade brew. Immerse the wings in a fragrant sauce, leave in the refrigerator overnight. Bake for 20-30 minutes, constantly pouring marinade. Delicious and original appetizer is ready!

In mustard wine sauce

Wine-mustard sauce gives the meat spice and sourness at the same time, turning an ordinary chicken into a festive dish that is not ashamed to be served to guests. For cooking, you can take any red wine - from dry to dessert. Even changing this one component will change the taste.

For the wine marinade, we will prepare:

  • Wine - 200 ml.
  • Mustard - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Oregano and basil - a pinch (you can do without them).
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients. As in a vinegar marinade, it is better to keep the chicken under oppression, and then bake it, pouring the sauce over it.

In orange marinade

Chicken in an orange marinade is suitable for anyone who likes to combine meat with dried fruits, berries, stuffed with apples and nuts. For cooking, you need the juice of two large oranges, salt and spices to taste. We squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, mix with spices, immerse the pieces of poultry and marinate for several hours.

Attention! You should not take ready-made juice from packages: it contains too much sugar. But the number of oranges can be increased, especially if you plan to stew a large bird carcass.

Quick and tasty recipe with kefir

The kefir version is perhaps the fastest marinade for chicken. It is simple, budget, but at the same time very good: the meat is literally airy and just melts in your mouth! Preparing the dish is simple: just add salt to the chicken and pour the fermented milk product. Spices, salt - choose everything according to your option. But remember: fermented kefir is not suitable. Better yet, take a fat content of 3.2% - such a drink will better saturate the bird.

By the way, just such a marinade is considered the best for dryish chicken fillet: kefir softens the fibers, and the dish turns out to be very juicy.

Nuance! Kefir goes well with any fresh herb: from ordinary parsley to cilantro. Use fresh herbs or dried herbs - it's up to you. The main thing is to take a big bunch. And kefir can be replaced with matsoni or natural Greek yogurt.

Spicy marinade for caramelized chicken

In China, Peking duck is considered a national dish. Tourists from all over the world flock to try it and, after tasting a piece, remain delighted. Chicken marinated in a special way will come out no worse, and it’s easy to make the taste brighter by increasing the amount of spices.

For the spicy marinade you will need:

  • Soy sauce - 150 ml.
  • Honey - 100 g.
  • Ginger root (fresh), 7 cm long.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Provence herbs - a pinch (you can do without them).
  • Salt, pepper to taste.

We rub the ginger root on a fine grater, and combine it with honey, soy sauce, salt and pepper. The mass should acquire a homogeneous consistency. Now it is important to heat the marinade in a water bath, bring to a boil, stirring. After 3 minutes of boiling over low heat, remove the sauce from the heat and let it cool. Chicken - a whole carcass - rub with marinade-glaze, leave to marinate for about an hour. It is important to bake it for an hour at 180 degrees, pouring our spicy sauce every 10 minutes.

Such a chicken will be savory, and it is especially good to serve it with crumbly white rice.

Important: if you want the whole bird to be covered with a glazed crust, turn it on its back after half an hour. Then the breast will be covered with a delicious golden crust.

Spicy Sweet Asian Recipe

Chicken in spicy sweet sauce is the hit of the season and a new trend in the world of haute cuisine. Not a single restaurant with a Pan-Asian direction can do without this dish on the menu.

For cooking, take:

  • Honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 150 ml.
  • Ginger root (fresh), 3 cm long.
  • Garlic cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Lime juice - 50 ml.
  • Oyster sauce - 30 ml.

We mix the components (except garlic and ginger), achieving a homogeneous consistency. Three a little ginger, squeeze the garlic, mix well again. We rub the chicken with the mixture, generously lubricating each piece. Bake, periodically pouring the remaining marinade.

The soak time for the chicken in the sauce should be 2 hours or more. Keep it in the refrigerator during this time.

In addition to the above marinades, it is easy to marinate chicken in tomato, kvass, beer, and plain mineral water with gases. The main thing is that the meat is perfectly fresh and then the dish, as they say, will be eaten with fingers.

How to prepare a delicious chicken kebab marinade using the most unusual and traditional ingredients? Shish kebab is originally an Armenian dish, which is prepared from lamb, using various spices and spices. The basis of meat dishes is marinade, on which the taste of meat, its structure and aroma will depend. The right sauce for marinating raw meat will set the tone for the finished dish, and the wrong choice will spoil the dish and the mood of the guests.

This recipe can be called more original than classic, but those who have tried to cook marinade on it leave only positive feedback. It is prepared very simply, quickly, on the basis of an inexpensive fermented milk product. Its main role in the sauce is to make the meat tender and juicy. For marinating, you can take any part of the chicken.

The sauce is prepared from:

  • kefir - 500 ml (for 2-2.5 kg of meat);
  • onion - 2-4 pcs.;
  • seasonings, salt and pepper.

Kefir should be chosen with a high percentage of fat content - this will help make chicken meat dry in structure juicy. The onion should be small, oval, so that it is convenient to string it on a skewer.

To prepare the sauce, all ingredients are mixed in a container, after which they are poured into pre-cut meat. Everything is thoroughly mixed, covered with a lid and set aside for 2-3 hours (you can store it in the refrigerator for several days).

With vinegar and onion

Chicken skewers marinated in vinegar are kind of a classic. As the main component, you can take ordinary table vinegar or wine vinegar, which will give the meat a special taste. This sauce is perfect for marinating chicken thighs or wings. The recipe is for 1.5 kg of meat.

  • several onions (optional);
  • vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper, salt.

Small thighs are thoroughly washed, placed in a deep container. Salt, pepper are added to them, everything is thoroughly mixed. After the onion is cut into rings, the right amount of vinegar is added. Marinate the product for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

with mayonnaise

You can marinate chicken fillet, wings, drumsticks and any other part of the carcass in mayonnaise. This version of the sauce is a win-win, as the meat on it turns out tasty, juicy, with a beautiful golden crust and a delicious aroma. This barbecue can be cooked on fire or in the oven, enjoying the taste of summer in winter weather.

Before marinating meat bought in a store, it is recommended to soak it for 60-90 minutes. This will help cleanse the product of synthetic additives, which are often added by unscrupulous manufacturers.

The sauce is prepared from:

  • mayonnaise of any fat content - 1 pack per 2 kg of meat;
  • onions - 3-5 pcs.;
  • seasonings, spices and salt.

Meat prepared in advance is laid out in a saucepan or bowl, seasoned with salt and spices. You need to salt a little less than usual, given the salt content in mayonnaise. After that, onion is added to the meat, cut into rings, half rings or chopped (depending on the method of subsequent processing of the product). Mayonnaise is poured into the container last, the amount of which should be sufficient for good impregnation of the meat. The meat product should be soaked with tender juice for at least 5 hours.

On mineral water

There is nothing easier than marinating meat in mineral water.

For this you will need:

  • chicken - 1.5 kg;
  • carbonated mineral water - 300 ml;
  • onion - 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • a little salt or soy sauce;
  • seasonings.

The meat is washed and cut into small pieces. The onion is ground through a meat grinder and added to the meat. Then water, oil are poured in, salt and sauce are added, spices to taste. Everything is kneaded and sent to the cold, for about 3-4 hours.

It is best to cook such a barbecue on fruit wood or use a grapevine - the taste and aroma will be delicious.

Marinade for chicken wings with soy sauce and honey

Marinade for chicken wings based on honey and sauce is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is no secret that the main products for filling contain vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the body, enhancing its protective properties.

Prepared refueling from:

  • soy sauce - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • honey - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato ketchup - 60 ml;
  • mustard - 30 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - to taste.

All liquid components are mixed in a container until a homogeneous consistency. Garlic juice, salt and spices are added to them as desired. The meat is poured with this sauce and sent to marinate for a couple of hours.

With lemon

Lemon juice based barbecue dressing is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice - 2-4 tbsp. l.;
  • onions (it is good to use red) - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • paprika - a teaspoon with a slide;
  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • cumin, cinnamon, ground pepper to taste;
  • salt.

Part of the lemon juice and all components, except for oil, must be mixed in a container and pour over the prepared chicken meat. After pickling, the product is fried over a fire for 10-15 minutes. From above it must be periodically smeared with the remaining lemon juice and oil.

For legs with lime and herbs

Chicken can taste quite unusual and delicious if marinated in lime juice and cilantro. Its aroma will be so appetizing that no one can resist it.

Refueling is prepared on the basis of:

  • lime juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • chopped cilantro - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • cumin - 0.5 tsp;
  • hot red pepper - to taste;
  • salt, pepper.

All dressing components are mixed in a container, added to chicken legs and left to infuse (from 3 hours to 1 day). The meat is roasted evenly until golden brown on charcoal.

With ketchup and olive oil

Ketchup will give the meat, in addition to a pleasant taste, also a beautiful golden crust during frying, and olive oil - juiciness.

For 1 kg of chicken you will need:

  • 70 ml ketchup (barbecue, spicy or tender);
  • barbecue seasonings - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • salt, spices.

The meat is cut and laid out in a container. Salt, spices are added to it and everything is thoroughly mixed, preferably with your hands, in order to rub seasonings into the product as much as possible. After that, ketchup, oil and water, chopped onions are added to the container, everything is kneaded and set aside for 4-6 hours.

Spicy chicken marinade

For lovers of spicy dishes, this chicken skewers dressing recipe is suitable. Calculation of components - for 1.5 kg of poultry loin.

The sauce is prepared from:

  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • onions - 2 medium heads;
  • salt, chili pepper.

Onions must be chopped in a meat grinder or grater, add lemon juice, garlic and all spices to it. Cut the meat, pour the prepared dressing. Leave to marinate for 1-2 hours. The more hot peppers you add, the spicier the meat will be.

It is good to add red bell pepper and tomatoes to such a barbecue, frying them on a fire along with meat. To do this, the vegetables are cut into rings and shifted with fillet pieces - the taste in the end will be simply amazing, not to mention the aroma.

Shish kebab on sour cream

The chicken according to this recipe is soft and juicy.

To prepare the sauce, stock up:

  • sour cream - 300-400 ml (per 1 kg of meat);
  • dried basil - 4 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black and red ground pepper - ÂĽ tsp each;
  • greens - the finished dish is decorated before serving.

The meat is first ground with spices, then poured with sour cream and set aside for soaking for several hours. After that, it is strung on skewers and cooked on hot coals. So that the skewers do not darken and do not burn, they need to be lubricated with vegetable oil. Serve skewers with sauce, garnished with basil leaves.

There are many more recipes for chicken kebab marinades - based on beer, mustard, with the addition of grapefruit and pineapple pieces. All of them can be safely used, surprising guests and their household. The main thing is to properly pickle the product and cook it using the right tree species.

It has never been so fast and delicious!

Today I offer you a juicy chicken fillet, moreover, it is quite a dietary product. I came up with it quite a long time ago - when we decided to resolutely abandon sausages and other sausage-like products. Well, what about sandwiches? Especially when the bread is homemade, healthy, bran and rye
The question is - what to put on the tongue if the sausage was taken out of the refrigerator like a class? Yes, and it used to be very convenient to boil pasta in the style of a bully and with sauce. Time to look for a replacement. It should be fast, tasty and healthy. And now, whoever seeks, he will always find, such a way of cooking chicken fillet has been drawn, which today I am sharing with you The fillet comes out the most delicious.
Vegetable oil is just a tablespoon per kilo of fillets - an insignificant amount, which, however, should not be neglected.
We buy steamed fillets, I immediately cut and marinate them, put them in containers and hide them in the freezer. Up to 3 days in the refrigerator lives quietly, if necessary, in the evening I move the containers from the freezer to the refrigerator - by morning it freezes.

Well, let's marinate?

chicken fillet kilo
garlic 5 cloves
chili pepper 1-3, to taste
mustard 1 tbsp
salt 1 tsp, later add according to your taste
natural vinegar I have balsamic, you can apple, wine, or lemon juice 1 tbsp
soy sauce 1 tbsp
vegetable oil I have olive, 1 tbsp

Shall we start?
*First, let's take care of the filet
Each filet has a "small" filet
cover the knife with this piece and carefully cut off

* Now carefully cut the knife into the middle of the thickest side
press it with your palm and try to cut it into 2 identical slices

A little dexterity-hardening-training and it will turn out with closed eyes, at night to the touch

You may not cut the fillet if the chicken was young and slender, but it will take longer to marinate and fry it, but it is advisable to separate the small fillet

* Garlic and pepper must be chopped, the less - the better, in a bowl of them, mustard there, salt

and grind with a whisk

* Add everything else and grind-whisk into an emulsion

* Now plop-roll two slices in the marinade

put two more slices on top

flip the stack

and so on - two slices-flip until the end of the fillet
* You can shake the meat after a little, turn it over a little, and put it in containers

Focus on your appetite, we eat half a kilo in three days easily. You can lay out smaller batches.
Now you can create whatever you want
* Fry quickly on a preheated skovo on one side until white in places

Then turn over, turn off, cover with a lid and after a minute or two serve with any side dish, for example, with buckwheat today

If you fry in vegetable oil - it will be blush, if without oil - it will be “shaggy”, but dietary and so-and-so equally juicy

* You can cut several slices into strips
* Add strips of bell pepper, or zucchini, or eggplant to the pan to the fried onion-carrot, fry a little, now fillet straws, drive-fry for a minute or two and voila - warm salad, or meat component to any side dish.
* There you can also add cream, or tomatoes, or sour cream, or yogurt, and now all this beauty is in a delicate sauce.
* Well, you can fry without adding oil on a well-heated skovo grill and use instead of sausage in sandwiches.
I use this fillet most often for "bad guys". I dry the bread in the toaster, soak it with cheese, if there are no lettuce leaves, I put the fillet on top
