
Simple shawarma at home. Shawarma revolution: how to cook real shawarma, shawarma, shawarma - at home

Dear friends, we have prepared a selection especially for you. The most delicious and original shawarma recipes at home. Shawarma is a truly versatile dish that can combine various ingredients and still be delicious. It can be made when you don't have time to make dinner and your family is already banging spoons on the table, or it's a great option for your child's school lunch. In general, you can cook this wonderful dish for all occasions.

Shawarma with sausage

You are too tired at work or you do not have enough free time to cook dinner. And your hungry men demand something tasty and satisfying, and even in 5 minutes. There is an exit. Yes, yes, you heard right, the most hungry man will like our dish.


  • cake - 2 pieces;
  • cucumber and tomatoes - several each;
  • carrots in Korean - 150 grams;
  • sausage - 300 grams;
  • cabbage leaves - 4-5 pieces;
  • cheese - 150 grams;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, herbs - to your taste.

Shawarma with sausage. Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the sausage into cubes.
  2. Finely chop all ingredients, except cheese and carrots.
  3. Put the sausage on the cakes, all the other ingredients. Drizzle with sauces.
  4. We twist our cake and fry for a couple of minutes in a pan.

If suddenly you didn’t have sausage, but there were sausages, then feel free to use them in your dish. Cook only the most delicious dishes with "Very tasty".

chicken shawarma recipe

Our next shawarma will be cooked with chicken. Every time my family and I come to the market, the head starts spinning from the aroma of the shawarma they cook there. The chicken is so appetizing roasted on a skewer that you just salivate. The smell is incredible. The aroma of fresh vegetables and herbs is crazy. Today we will cook with you the same delicious and mouth-watering shawarma.


  • chicken meat - 350 grams;
  • mayonnaise sauce, ketchup, spices - to taste;
  • cabbage - 250 grams;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • cakes - 1 pack;
  • sunflower oil - for frying.

Chicken shawarma recipe. Step by step recipe

  1. To begin with, wash the chicken fillet well, dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Cut the fillet into small strips.
  3. We clean the onion, finely chop and fry it in sunflower oil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Then put in the chicken meat. Add spices.
  5. Shred the cabbage into small strips. Then we remember a little. (Just a little, not much).
  6. Mix cabbage with mayonnaise sauce and spices. We mix everything.
  7. Cucumbers and tomatoes are also cut into strips.
  8. We take pita bread and divide it into parts. In the package, it is very large, so it can be divided into four shawarmas.
  9. Lubricate each pita bread with ketchup.
  10. We spread the chicken meat, then comes the coleslaw and vegetables.
  11. Roll up and fry on both sides in a pan.

Of course, to make homemade shawarma, we do not roast our chicken meat on a spit. But the taste of our shawarma is no worse, and even vice versa.

Shawarma "Lick your fingers"

In this recipe, we will prepare our dish with meat and pickled onions. Try it, and your male half will not be able to tear himself away from this shawarma.


  • lavash - 1 pack;
  • meat - 400 grams;
  • Chinese cabbage - 5 sheets;
  • shallots - 1 medium head;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers - 200 grams each;
  • bell pepper - 150 grams
  • parsley, sour cream, vinegar, spices - to taste;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • sunflower oil - 50 grams.

Shawarma "Lick your fingers" Step by step recipe

  1. Squeeze the garlic into a plate, send the chopped greens and sour cream there. Also add spices. Mix.
  2. Marinate onions in vinegar and spices.
  3. The meat is fried in sunflower oil.
  4. Finely chop the remaining vegetables.
  5. Lavash is divided into four parts. We grease everything with ready-made sauce.
  6. Put meat on top, then pickled onions and vegetables. Roll up and fry.

If you are a big fan of mayonnaise, then in the recipe you can replace sour cream with mayonnaise. Also, if you cannot imagine shawarma without ketchup, then feel free to add it when cooking. "Very tasty" wishes you bon appetit!

Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish of Arab origin, in some countries called doner kebab, made from pita bread stuffed with grilled and then minced meat (chicken, lamb and veal, sometimes turkey), with the addition of sauce and fresh vegetables.

Many do not dare to buy shawarma in stalls on the street, and this article is for those who really love and are not indifferent to oriental cuisine.

I specially prepared a recipe for shawarma at home with a photo on my blog, plus recipes for how to properly prepare sauce and pita bread on your own will be described below. This dish cooked at home is no worse, I’ll even say quite the contrary, it’s much tastier, because each of us will do it for ourselves, which means we give a piece of our soul. Here you will have 100% confidence in the quality of the ingredients used, because it is made in the conditions of your home, with your own caring hands. And you don’t need to deny yourself this weakness, being afraid to harm your stomach, you can easily cook it at home in a short time.

Still hesitating whether to buy this dish in street tents? Yes, finally discard all your doubts and start cooking it yourself! Its preparation is not how much a complicated process, and the result will certainly please you and your family!


  • Chicken fillet - 500 gr
  • Armenian lavash - 3 pieces
  • young cabbage - 200 gr
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley - 1/3 bunch
  • mayonnaise - 100 milliliters
  • ground cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare all the necessary products. After that, we thoroughly wash the meat and all vegetables under running water, dry it and proceed.

For the marinade, we need to take a deep bowl and combine sunflower oil, ground pepper, salt, cinnamon in it and mix.

Cut the chicken fillet into strips and dip in the marinade for a couple of hours.

After two hours, we take out the chopped fillet from the marinade and fry in a pan in vegetable oil until a crispy, golden crust is obtained.

Now we cut all the vegetables into strips, and chop the parsley.

We clean the garlic and pass it through a press, and then we combine it with mayonnaise and grease the whole pita bread with the resulting mixture.

And we begin to lay out the filling of meat and vegetables.

After, we wrap pita bread in a tube. If the tube turned out to be long, then you can cut it in half and fry it in a pan or send it to the oven for a short time.

This completes the preparation of shawarma. Eat with pleasure!

Sauce for shawarma

It is prepared very quickly, you just need to mix the necessary ingredients. It turns out very tasty, it can be stored in the refrigerator. I share with you this simple sauce recipe.


  • Kefir - 4 tablespoons
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • red and black ground pepper - to taste
  • cilantro - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. We clean the garlic and pass it through the press.

2. Finely chop the cilantro and combine with garlic.

3. Add kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise and spices there. We mix everything thoroughly.

4. And in order for all the flavors to mix, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Shawarma sauce is ready.

Note: This sauce is also great with other dishes, such as hot meat dishes, pizza. You can replace cilantro with tarragon or parsley, which we all know, it’s up to you to choose. I do not recommend storing this sauce in the refrigerator for more than two days so that you do not need to cook it too much. I personally cook it at a time, if you need more, it's better to make a new one.

How to cook pita bread at home

The recipe for the traditional preparation of lavash at home without yeast cannot be done without tanir - a round Armenian stove, but it can also be cooked in a pan, where it also turns out to be very fragrant and tasty.


  • Wheat flour - 4 cups
  • clean water - 2 cups
  • salt - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

In this recipe, we need a deep bowl into which we pour two glasses of water and add salt, then mix it thoroughly until completely dissolved. Next, slowly pour in the sifted flour and at the same time constantly stir with a fork, and as soon as the dough becomes thicker, we begin to knead it with our hands. As a result, it should turn out thick and sticky to the hands. Let the dough rest for 30-40 minutes.

We pour flour on the working surface and transfer the infused dough onto it, we begin to knead it until it starts to stick to our hands.

We divide the dough into small parts and now we start using a rolling pin to make very thin cakes, their thickness should not exceed 5 mm.

We put a dry and wide frying pan over medium heat and when it heats up we put a tortilla sprinkled with flour on it. Fry until lightly browned on both sides, but do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn out dry.

So that the cake does not swell during cooking in the pan, it must be held with a towel in those moments when bubbles will swell.

As soon as the first pita bread is ready, put it in a flat plate and start cooking the next one.

We leave the pita bread to cool, and then you can serve it instead of bread at the table, or use it to prepare any snacks.

How to wrap shawarma

We need a round pita bread, lay it out on a flat surface and lay out the filling just below its middle. We turn the side edges of the cake to each other.

Next we fold the bottom edge.

And after that, we already begin to carefully twist the pita bread with a roll so that the inner seam is exactly in the middle. In this case, the filling will not fall out of the shawarma.

And in order to fix the outer seam, they need to be laid on the bottom of a hot pan.

Bon appetit!!!

Shawarma, shawarma or Donar kebab is a popular oriental dish. It is very tasty, satisfying and quite easy to prepare. Shawarma, due to its quick preparation, belongs to fast food. In this article we will talk about different ways to cook shawarma at home.

What ingredients are required for shawarma

Here is a detailed look at each ingredient:

  1. Pita. It is an unleavened bread made from wheat flour. Lavash is the basis of all shawarma, you can buy it in a store or cook it yourself.
  2. Meat filling. For the preparation of shawarma, a wide variety of meat is used: lamb, turkey, veal, beef, chicken, pork.
  3. Sauce.
  4. Fresh vegetables: tomato, cucumber, carrot, pepper, cabbage, etc.

There are a number of tips, the use of which will come in handy in the preparation of this dish:

  1. For shawarma, you should choose fresh and, most importantly, soft pita bread so that it can be easily rolled up. Lavash that has dried out or cracked along the edges is not recommended.
  2. At home, of course, no one will install a grill specifically for cooking shawarma. Therefore, you can fry the meat in a simple frying pan or in a special frying pan - grill.
  3. It is advisable to marinate the meat before frying. The marinade gives it extraordinary softness and juiciness.
  4. Usually, a combination of two sauces is used in shawarma - white with garlic and hot with red pepper. The simplest example is mayonnaise and ketchup. But we advise you not to use purchased sauces, but to cook them yourself. After all, it is quite easy and much tastier.
  5. So that the shawarma does not fall apart, it must be properly rolled up. To do this, lay a clean sheet of pita bread on the table and sprinkle it with water mixed with lemon juice. Then step back from one edge 4-5 cm and brush a small part of the pita bread (the one on which you will lay the filling) with white sauce. Lay out the vegetables and gently drizzle with the white sauce. Then put the meat in and drizzle it with red sauce. Cover the filling first with a short edge of pita bread, then with two side ones, then roll it up like a roll.
  6. It is not recommended to heat the shawarma in the microwave. Otherwise, it will spread and deteriorate.

real shawarma

For real shawarma, the meat is cooked on the grill. The finished meat is gradually cut off and put on pita bread. At home, you can use a grill pan. Then your shawarma will be cooked according to all the rules. But even if you do not have such a pan, do not despair. Meat filling can be fried in a regular frying pan. Moreover, it will be no less tasty than on the grill.

So, after the meat is cooked, it is laid out on pita bread. Fresh vegetables or salad are distributed on top, sprinkled with sauce and rolled pita bread into a roll.

How to make your own chicken shawarma

To prepare you will need (for 4 servings):

  • pita bread - 4 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet - 300 grams;
  • ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 200 g;
  • ketchup - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise;
  • kefir - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • seasonings.


  1. First you need to take the chicken fillet, rinse it thoroughly and cut into medium pieces.
  2. Chop the onion and send it to fry in a pan, pouring a little oil into it in advance.
  3. When the onion becomes transparent, add the chicken pieces to the pan, season with salt and pepper to taste, and stir to combine. You don’t need to fry the fillet for a long time, the chicken cooks quickly, mostly 7-8 minutes.
  4. For salad: rinse the cabbage, chop finely, put in a large bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add mayonnaise and mix.
  5. Ready chicken and onions need to be collected on a plate.
  6. For sauces: Take two small bowls. In one place 5 tbsp. l. ketchup and any seasoning (1 tsp), mix. In another - 5 tbsp. l. kefir, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and squeeze two heads of garlic, mix.
  7. Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers, pre-washed, cut into thin slices on a plate.
  8. We collect shawarma (for convenience, you need to prepare all the ingredients together): put one clean pita bread on the table and spread it well with two sauces. Closer to the right side, put the chicken with onions in a row, cabbage next to it, and put tomatoes and cucumbers on top of the cabbage. Take two opposite edges of the pita bread and fold them to the center. Next, roll up the shawarma like a pancake.
  9. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it and fry the shawarma on both sides until golden crispy.

Knowing how to cook shawarma at home on your own, the hostess will be able to regularly pamper her family with a delicious hearty dish. In a home-made treat, there will definitely not be cheap, harmful or completely stale components, the use of which is often “sinned” by fast food cafes. Shawarma is prepared according to any of the above recipes very quickly and simply.

No special tools are required for making homemade shawarma. The usual knives and spoons are enough. If the pita bread is very wide and will have to be cut into pieces, then it is most convenient to do this with large kitchen scissors.

  • The main product in shawarma is, of course, its base, in which the filling will be wrapped. Usually this is a thin Armenian lavash, which is better to buy ready-made.
  • As a filling, you can use a variety of ingredients - any fresh and / or pickled vegetables, canned legumes, fish, meat, poultry, herbs.
  • A special sauce will help make shawarma especially tasty. For example, based on sour cream or kefir.

Shawarma vegetables are simply washed and cut into medium pieces. But the selected meat or fish must undergo heat treatment. They can be boiled, fried in a pan or grilled, baked in the oven. Next, the product is cut into slices or torn into fibers.

How to properly fill and wrap shawarma?

It is very important to properly fill and wrap the snack. Then the sauce will not flow out of it and the filling will not get enough sleep.

  1. To do this, a sheet of shawarma dough is laid out on a flat surface and smeared with sauce.
  2. The filling is distributed on top of it. It must be on the edge of the sheet. At the same time, impressive indents are made on all sides of the pita bread. There can be quite a lot of fillings so that the design eventually turns out to be dense.
  3. First of all, the rest of the side edge is folded onto the filling. Next, the top and bottom edges are also wrapped. It is in this position that the workpiece is twisted into a roll. Then there will be no holes left either from below or from above.

With chicken fillet

Ingredients: 380 g poultry fillet, 2/3 tbsp. mayonnaise, 3 tomatoes, 2 sour cucumbers, 3 Armenian lavash, half a glass of sour cream, garlic, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, a pinch of curry, fresh herbs.

  1. The chicken is cut into small pieces, poured with soy sauce and sprinkled with spices. In this form, it is marinated for 40 - 50 minutes in the cold. Next, the meat is fried.
  2. For the sauce, sour cream, mayonnaise, chopped herbs and finely grated garlic are mixed.
  3. The remaining ingredients are randomly cut.
  4. Chicken, vegetables, sauce are laid out on pita bread.

Shawarma with chicken is neatly wrapped, fried in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes and served for breakfast.

You need to start roasting from the side of the seam in order to immediately “seal” it.

With beef in lavash

Ingredients: 3 long thin pita bread, 230 g white cabbage, 270 g beef pulp, fresh cucumber, half sweet pepper, salt, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. lemon fresh, ketchup and soy sauce, half an onion, 1 tsp. sugar, garlic, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

  1. For the sauce, crushed garlic, mayonnaise and ketchup are mixed.
  2. Vegetables are finely chopped. Cabbage also needs to be mashed with your hands.
  3. Thin slices of beef, along with onions, are fried until tender in a small amount of oil. To them are added sauce, lemon juice, sugar and salt to taste.
  4. The whole pita bread is smeared with sauce. Vegetables and onion-meat roast are alternately laid out on it. A little sauce is also poured on top.

A neat dense shawarma is wrapped in pita bread, after which it remains only to brown it in a dry frying pan. You can take a sample!

How to cook a snack on the coals?

Ingredients: Armenian lavash, ¼ onion, a glass of fried chicken fillet, half a tomato and a cucumber, 30 g of Korean carrot, a couple of Chinese cabbage leaves, mayonnaise, ketchup, barbecue spices.

  1. For the sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise and barbecue seasonings are mixed.
  2. Onion, cucumber and tomato finely chopped. Cabbage is shredded.
  3. Lavash is smeared with sauce. Chicken and vegetables are laid out on it. The remaining sauce is distributed among the ingredients. Korean carrots without marinade are added last.
  4. The appetizer is neatly folded, placed on the grate and fried for a couple of minutes on the grill with "gray" coals.

It is not worth warming up the treat for a long time, so as not to overdry the pita bread. Otherwise, it will lose elasticity and crack.

Vegetarian shawarma at home

Ingredients: 4 pcs. pita bread, 4 tomatoes, a bunch of lettuce leaves, 2 sweet peppers, lime, 420 g of champignons, olive oil, 3 sour cucumbers, 1 potato, garlic, salt.

  1. Onions are cut into thin half-rings, cucumbers - in circles.
  2. The remaining vegetables are randomly chopped.
  3. On a preheated frying pan, the plates of mushrooms are fried until golden brown, salted.
  4. Ready potatoes are mashed with lime juice, salt and garlic. Whip to a smooth creamy consistency.
  5. Olive oil is poured into the puree. There should be enough of it to end up with a thin, glossy sauce in the bowl.
  6. Lavash is smeared with a mixture from the last step.
  7. A couple of lettuce leaves, a part of mushrooms and vegetables are laid out on each blank. Top components are also covered with sauce.

A neat dense snack is wrapped and served at the table.

with pork

Ingredients: large thin pita bread, 70 g of sweet pepper, fresh cucumber and Beijing cabbage, 130 g of boiled pork, fresh herbs - onion and dill, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. The cooled meat is cut into thin strips. If there is no need to count calories, then pork can not be boiled, but fried. Further, it is also shredded.
  2. All declared vegetables are also chopped. A straw of chopped cabbage is kneaded by hands. All greens are chopped very finely.
  3. Lavash is spread with salted mayonnaise. Meat, vegetables, herbs and the remaining sauce are laid out on it.

The blank is rolled up, cut into two parts and served to the table.

with duck

Ingredients: 230 g of boiled duck meat, 220 g of pickled champignons, a large fresh cucumber, 40 g of Korean carrots, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and ketchup, 2 thin pita bread.

  1. Cucumber and champignons are cut into thin slices.
  2. The meat is divided into fibers.
  3. For the sauce, mayonnaise and ketchup are mixed. You can add any seasonings to them.
  4. Lavash is stuffed with duck meat, all declared vegetables, pickled mushrooms and spicy carrots. A large portion of the sauce is laid out on top of the components.

The blanks are neatly folded and immediately served as an appetizer or even a main course.

Appetizer with cheese, meat and vegetables

Ingredients: 2 pita bread, a pound of chicken, 230 g of soft cream cheese, one cucumber and one tomato each, a bunch of lettuce, 3 tbsp. l. sweet ketchup and olive mayonnaise, dry garlic.

  1. Tomato, cucumber and chicken meat are cut into medium pieces. The latter is fried until golden.
  2. For the sauce, mayonnaise, dry garlic and sweet ketchup are mixed.
  3. Lavash is smeared with soft cheese. Lettuce leaves are laid on top. Next are the vegetables.
  4. It remains to place chicken on the workpiece and cover everything with sauce.

Lavash is rolled up, and the appetizer is left to infuse for 10 minutes.

A simple version of shawarma with sausage

Ingredients: 2 thin pita bread, 2 leaves of Chinese cabbage, 60 g of cheese, 130 g of semi-smoked sausage, fresh tomato, 4 tbsp. l. grains of canned corn, half an onion, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Tomato, onion and sausage are cut into medium pieces, after which they are fried together with corn grains for a couple of minutes.
  2. Chinese cabbage is thinly chopped.
  3. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  4. On the sheets of pita bread smeared with salted mayonnaise, all the components of the filling are laid out alternately.

The workpiece is wrapped tightly.

Shawarma sauce: recipes

It is very important that not only the dough (lavash) is tasty, but also the sauce. Below are the best recipes of the latter.

Classic recipe

Ingredients: ½ tbsp. classic mayonnaise and the same amount of sour cream, a bunch of fresh dill, 4 garlic cloves.

  1. Sour cream is mixed with mayonnaise.
  2. Finely grated garlic is added to the sauce.
  3. It remains to pour chopped greens into the mass.

You can “play” with the taste of such a sauce with the help of various spices.

Real red sauce

Ingredients: 120 g of classic mayonnaise, 90 g of fat sour cream, 2 cloves of fresh garlic, ½ tsp. curry, 2 tbsp. l. sweet ketchup, ground sweet paprika and suneli hops.

  1. All spices mix well.
  2. Crushed garlic is added to them.
  3. Mayonnaise, ketchup and sour cream are also sent there.

After mixing, the sauce should stand cool for a couple of hours.

Cooking on the basis of kefir

Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. kefir, 3 egg yolks, 1 tbsp. l. lemon fresh and sweet mustard, 4 garlic cloves, salt, black pepper, 1/3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

  1. The yolks are poured into the blender bowl. Oil is sent to them.
  2. All other components are added, except for kefir and garlic.
  3. Products are whipped until smooth.
  4. Crushed garlic and kefir are added to the resulting mass.

Ready-made shawarma sauce can be used immediately.

White garlic shawarma sauce

Ingredients: 80 g of sour cream and mayonnaise, fresh garlic to taste, a pinch of suneli hops and black pepper, salt.

  1. Mayonnaise and sour cream are combined.
  2. The sauce is peppery and salty.
  3. Garlic is passed into it through a crusher. The amount of the latter is chosen according to your taste.

Ready garlic sauce is thoroughly cooled before use.

Sour cream sauce with basil

Ingredients: 90 g of very fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. cream, a pinch of dark ground basil, 1 tsp. lime fresh, pepper, salt, dry garlic.

  1. Sour cream is combined with cream. You will get a mixture of a consistency convenient for spreading on pita bread.
  2. All other declared components are added to the base.
  3. The ingredients mix well.

The sauce is cooling.

Recipe for making yogurt

Ingredients: 90 ml unsweetened yogurt, 1 tsp. mustard, a pinch of coriander and a mixture of peppers, 6 olives.

  1. Coriander is ground in a mortar. Together with peppers, it interferes with yogurt.
  2. Mustard is added to the sauce.
  3. Pitted olives are cut very finely and transferred to the rest of the ingredients.

The sauce is infused for 25 - 35 minutes in a cool place.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in cooking shawarma at home. Like pizza, this dish opens up incredible scope for experiments with fillings, which can be dietary and very high-calorie, spicy and tender, vegetarian and meat - any! But most importantly, always delicious!

Everyone knows this dish from oriental cuisine. At least once, everyone bought shawarma in tents. There are several varieties of shawarma - meat with vegetables in pita or meat with vegetables in thin pita bread. The first option seems more familiar to someone, someone loves exclusively the second.

It is believed that the real shawarma, a traditional Turkish dish, is deep-fried lamb mixed with salads, wrapped in pita.But outside the eastern countries, lamb is not so often used as food, so for shawarma you can take meat of other varieties - chicken, pork, veal, turkey, beef. It all depends on your personal preferences. Of course, in Eastern countries they choose meat only in accordance with traditions, and they cook this dish a little differently than we are used to, but in general, the technologies are approximately the same.

Cooking shawarma at home is not difficult at all, we hope our tips and recipe will help you.

Filling for shawarma

In addition to the main ingredient - meat - they put tomatoes, onions, pickles, cabbage, lettuce, mushrooms in shawarma. Again, it all depends on personal preference. Some connoisseurs of shawarma do not recognize any fillers other than meat and sauce. It is important that different spices are used in this dish - this will add an oriental touch and make the taste more pronounced.

As a sauce, which is also added to the filling, you can use sour cream, cheese (hard or creamy), mayonnaise, garlic or sour cream sauce, ketchup, mustard. It is good to add a lot of greens to the filling to taste - dill, cilantro, basil, parsley, green onions. If you want to cook shawarma at home, then it depends on you how complex or simple the filling will be, how many components it will have and what its taste will be.

A few cooking secrets

Pay attention to the pita or pita that you plan to use for shawarma. They must be fresh. Dried pita bread is in no way suitable for preparing this dish, because it cannot be rolled up without cracks. It is also difficult to put the filling in a stale pita, as it will crumble and look unpresentable.

In order for your shawarma to turn out juicy and soft, we recommend pre-marinating the meat. Lemon juice, kefir, olive oil - any simple marinade will make even the toughest meat tender. It is very important, if you want to get the same taste of shawarma, to fry the meat correctly. It is best to use a cast-iron skillet, you can use a cast-iron grill pan.

Before frying, the meat is blotted with a dry towel from excess marinade and moisture. Fry it almost without oil in a heated frying pan, stirring constantly until golden brown. A ready-made dish, placed in a pita or rolled up in a pita roll, is recommended to be lightly fried in a dry frying pan on both sides.

Preparation of filling sauces

The most delicious is shawarma with garlic and spicy sauce. It is very easy to prepare them. For garlic sauce, you need to mix sour cream with garlic, green onions and pickles. And for a hot sauce, mix natural tomato paste with cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice and adjika.

Grind all the ingredients for sauces in a blender until smooth and put in the finished filling in the amount you like. If you want to make a more traditional dish, then use two of these sauces for the filling at once. Or put the sauce that you personally like best.

We roll shawarma from pita bread

In order for the shawarma to be similar in appearance to the purchased one and so that meat and vegetable juices do not flow out of it, it is important to learn how to roll it correctly. Lavash sheet is best unfolded on the table and lightly sprinkled with water.

We retreat a few centimeters from the edge and generously grease the pita bread with one or two sauces. We put the vegetable filling, put the meat on top, pour over the sauce. Then we cover everything with a short part of the pita bread, then with the side parts, and at the very end we roll the roll with the help of the long part of the pita bread.

Recipe for homemade shawarma in pita bread

In the filling of this shawarma, you can add sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, grated cheese to taste.

