
Ppm alcohol table calculation. Why alcohol calculator is useful

What did they drink (see)


Recently, the problem of drunk drivers has been actively discussed. The state introduces new penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. How do you know when to drive? To answer this question will help alcohol calculator (alcocalculator). He will calculate the time after which alcohol in the blood will disappear and you can safely get behind the wheel. For the calculation, the world-famous formulas of Eric Mateo Prohet Widmark and Seidl, which are used by criminologists, are used. We can safely say that this is the most accurate alcohol calculator.

Online Blood Alcohol Calculator

According to the results of statistical studies, 30% of traffic accidents are caused by drunk drivers. In order not to be among them, to control your condition, it is enough to use this alcohol intoxication calculator. He will quickly show online how many ppm in the blood and when you can drive. Especially now, when the level of alcohol in the blood should be zero and it is very easy to lose your license. So our calculator can be used as alcohol calculator for drivers.

(or alcohol calculator) can be useful to determine alcohol weathering time. By entering your weight and height, as well as the amount of alcohol drunk and its strength, and indicating whether the drinks were drunk on a full or empty stomach, you can find out after what time there will be no traces of alcohol in the blood. It is possible to specify up to 5 different drinks. Exact formulas make it possible to determine how much alcohol disappears. Moreover, the calculator will show ppm in the blood after drinking, as well as time to remove alcohol from the blood(minimum for people who are able to process alcohol quickly, medium for most people, and maximum for people who have low alcohol withdrawal rate).

The allowed blood alcohol level varies from country to country. .

Blood alcohol level

Blood alcohol level depends on the state in which the person was when taking alcohol - depends on the degree of filling of the stomach.

wedding alcohol calculator

And this question will help answer alcohol calculator. It is enough to know to what state the guests want to get drunk and how many guests will celebrate. Having calculated the required amount of alcohol in the blood for one guest, we can easily find out how much alcohol do you need for a wedding. At the same time, do not overdo it - for fun, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not be raised above 3 ppm. Well, motorists can easily determine blood alcohol level.

How many ppm is allowed in 2019

In 2019, the permissible level of alcohol content in the blood is 0.35 ppm, and in the exhaled air 0.16 ppm.

Supplement 2013

How many ppm is allowed

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and Article 28 of the Federal Law" On Road Safety "from September 1, 2013, the content of alcohol in the driver's blood is allowed

0.16 ppm in exhaled air

0.35 ppm in blood

Our calculator also takes this change into account, now you will find out not only the time for the complete elimination of alcohol from the body, but also the time for elimination to acceptable values. Thus, our online calculator will now easily answer the question how many ppm is allowed in 2013. In this regard, we are the first to offer a calculator that takes into account the new norms of 2013. Your assessment

[Ratings: 4467 Average: 4.3]

- the time of splitting alcohol in the blood in men.

- the time of splitting alcohol in the blood in women.

Number of mugs/glasses/glasses
Beverage (capacity) 1 2 3 4 5
Beer (0.5 l) 2 h 6 h 5 h 12 h 7 h 18 h 9 h 24 hours 12 h 30 h
Wine (200 ml) 3 h 7 h 6 h 14 h 8 h 21 h 11 o'clock 29 h 14 h 36 h
Champagne (200 ml) 2 h 4 h 3 h 8 h 5 h 13 h 7 h 17 h 8 h 22 h
Cognac (50 ml) 2 h 5 h 4 h 10 h 6 h 13 h 8 h 21 h 10 h 26 h
Vodka (100 ml) 4 h 10 h 7 h 19 h 11 o'clock 29 h 15 h 29 h 19 h 38 h

Please note that these data cannot be absolutely accurate! Everything depends on the human body.

Blood alcohol table: effect on the body

BrAC, mg/liter (in exhaled air) Promille, g/liter (in blood) Final state
External manifestations
0 — 0, 29 0 — 0, 4 Sobriety, behavior
with external
Some inadequacy in behavior, noticeable mainly to those who know the person closely: colleagues, friends, relatives. Excessive talkativeness, the mood “on the rise” is distinguished to a certain extent by an obsessive character, which is associated with the cultural and intellectual development of the individual. Permissible blood alcohol. It is important to use a breathalyzer in order to “cool down” yourself in time and not get fined by the traffic police.
0, 15 — 0, 5 0, 3 — 1, 0

euphoric state,
"sassy" behavior

Unjustified self-esteem, confidence in one's behavior, violation of social rules or morality. Poor focus and threat assessment. There is no longer, in fact, control over coordination. The state of intoxication (blood alcohol content) is often rejected. There is a high probability of being in an accident and being left without a driver's license.
0, 40 — 1, 0 0, 8 — 2, 0 excited
somewhat inappropriate behavior
Wrong gait, distortion of perceptions. Slow response. Possible nausea. Sleepy state. Anger-fear-apathy. Estimates of the environment are distorted.
"Kamikaze behind the steering wheel".
Conflicts with the police are difficult for the patient.
0, 70 — 1, 20 1, 40 — 2, 4 Psychotic, severely inappropriate behavior
disorientated state. Stuck in anger, fear, or grief. Sometimes he does not see the color, the form (including the police, which ends in tears). The response is extremely bad. Pain is muted. The balance is broken, speech too. Possibly coma.
"Will go far."
1, 10 — 1, 60 2, 2 — 3, 2 Stupor, severe apathy
Apathy, lethargy, with a weak body - paralysis. Exciters don't work. "Vlezhka". Vomiting, "walks under itself." Possible death, but there is a chance to lie down.
1, 50 — 2, 0 3, 0 — 4, 0 State near death, clinical coma
Coma. Suppressed or absent reflexes. Hypothermia (low temperature). Circulation and respiration function poorly. Possible lethal outcome.
1, 90+ 3, 8+ Death Death due to respiratory paralysis.

Alcohol in the blood: reasonable limits, and what is beyond them

In different people with different levels of alcohol in the blood, external manifestations may differ. This is taken into account when conducting a forensic analysis, especially abroad. There are a whole range of computer programs and calculations to determine the individual allowable amount of alcohol in the blood.

Above are tables on the content of alcohol in a person’s blood, on the degree of influence of alcohol in the blood on the behavior and emotional state of a person, as well as how long alcohol stays in the blood after drinking it, depending on the amount of this “potion” taken.

Alcohol in the blood is not appropriate in a good way, if it is not meant, which is permitted by law, and in some people it is always present (alcohol, like a large number of other chemicals, is naturally present in the human body). Alcohol in the blood increases its content at banquets and holidays. Drinking alcohol is a very ancient tradition that exists in almost all human cultures. By the way, the Bible does not forbid drinking within reasonable limits, as long as wine drinking does not turn into an uncontrolled passion.

But I appeal, readers, know the measure! To what extent alcohol can soar in the blood, the table clearly showed, from there you can see what it is fraught with.

It is already known that death occurs when blood alcohol reaches 4 ppm .. this is in theory. Exceptions happen in everything. A case of impossible, just hellish intoxication has been recorded. In 2005, a 67-year-old resident of Bulgaria was hit by a car, in the hospital he was diagnosed with an alcohol level of 9.14 ppm! The man, in theory, had to be at least twice dead, instead he spoke coherently and almost =) thought logically !!

How can you urgently reduce alcohol in the blood

It happens when it is necessary to urgently reduce the amount of alcohol in the blood. There are many ways for this. These are special medications, and numerous folk remedies. You can drink a glass of sunflower oil - not very pleasant, but it helps to clarify the mind, and it will treat you more neutrally;) Also known are going to the bathhouse, strong tea, coffee. If a drunk person has lost consciousness. you can rub his ears, the blood rushing to the head will slightly disperse the alcohol in the blood and slightly dispel the intoxication. Some quick sobriety methods overload the heart, be careful, for example, going to the bath while drunk or taking an ice cold shower! It is easier to initially control alcohol in the blood and not bring yourself to an extreme degree of intoxication.

"Need to eat"

By the way, the catchphrase "it is necessary to have a snack" did not come from scratch. After all, alcohol absorbed with food will be absorbed by the intestines much more slowly than on an empty stomach. So the snack affects the level of alcohol.

To control alcohol in the blood easily and without nerves, purchase or.

The driver often becomes the cause of accidents, which often end in death. To prevent this, a law was passed in Russia that clearly indicates what the permissible rate of alcohol is while driving, and devices have been developed that measure the level of ethanol in the inhaled air. In addition, special alcohol tables were created for motorists, allowing you to find out the approximate time after which a person will be able to drive.

According to studies, even fifty grams of vodka, which is equal to seven to nine grams of ethanol in the blood, have a negative effect on the psyche, impair reaction, attention, reduce intelligence, and logical thinking. It is especially dangerous that in such a situation, under the influence of ethanol, a person ceases to adequately evaluate his actions. For example, the driver may feel that he is driving a car much better than before, carefully watching the road. This situation is extremely dangerous for a motorist and other people whose activities require maximum concentration, accuracy and ingenuity: any mistake can cost a life.

Such a dose of intoxication is usually invisible to others, and often to the driver himself, and therefore is often ignored: the first visible symptoms appear after drinking 20-30 g of ethanol (100-200 g of vodka). Also, many people forget about the residual alcohol content in the blood, when it seems to a person that he is absolutely sober: even a small dose of alcohol is excreted very slowly. Therefore, until the ethanol is completely out, you can not drive a car.

This should be especially taken into account after drinking, because after heavy drinking it often happens that you can’t drive not only today, but also during the day and even more. It depends not only on the dose of alcohol, but also on the following factors:

  • Human gender - ethanol is excreted from the female body twenty percent longer.
  • Weight - the lighter the person, the longer the time needed for.
  • The strength of the drink - the lower the proportion of ethanol in the drink, the faster it will be removed from the body.
  • The quality of alcohol - carbon dioxide accelerates the absorption of ethanol into the blood. Therefore, the speed and degree of intoxication in this case will be faster.
  • The health of internal organs, especially the liver, excretory system, lungs: about 90% of alcohol is processed in the liver, the remaining ten are excreted in a series of sweat, urine, breath (therefore, breathalyzers are able to determine the level of alcohol by exhaled air).
  • Whether the person drank alcohol on an empty stomach, or had a heavy meal.
  • The amount of food a person ate after drinking alcohol.
  • Snack quality.

All these factors must be taken into account when calculating the amount of ethanol in the blood. It is also advisable to use not only the table, but also to buy a breathalyzer: when calculating the level of alcohol, errors are possible, which the device, by showing the amount of ethanol of exhaled vapors in ppm, will help to avoid.


The level of alcohol in the exhaled air is usually measured in ppm. So called one thousandth of a share or one tenth of a percent. Therefore, if the device showed values ​​​​of 1.5‰, this means that one liter of blood contains one and a half milliliters of ethanol.

Currently, according to Russian legislation, the permissible rate of alcohol while driving should not exceed 0.34 ppm or 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. Such an amount of ethanol is acceptable given that breathalyzers may show an error, and also because a slight increase in ethanol in the blood is possible in the following situations:

  • the person drank some juices, kvass, kefir;
  • used medicines that contain alcohol;
  • with diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • toothpaste.

The level of ethanol, although in these cases, rises, but slightly and not for long, so after a few minutes the device will show that the amount of ppm has fallen. Because of this, any excess of the norm in the driver’s blood is unacceptable, and if the traffic police device detects a state of intoxication during the check, there will be a fine. Ideally, the amount of ethanol in the air exhaled by a motorist should be zero, since alcohol affects the response of a motorist even in very small quantities.

For example, if the device shows that the ethanol content ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 ppm, this means that it is difficult for the driver to assess the speed at which the light sources are moving, as well as their size, due to a decrease in concentration and attention. With a higher amount of alcohol, from 0.5 to 0.8 ppm (this dose is equal to 1 liter of beer or 150 g of vodka), he begins to judge distance poorly, his eyes switch to different light sources worse, react poorly to red, loss of balance is observed.

If the device for determining alcohol in the blood shows that the number of ppm ranges from 0.8 to 1.2, this means that the person has a narrowed angle of vision.

With this degree of intoxication, the driver's peripheral vision deteriorates, due to which he significantly loses the ability to see with peripheral vision, and is unable to assess the situation. If the dose that the breathalyzer showed is 1.2 ppm (1.5 liters of beer or 500 g of vodka), this indicates a high degree of intoxication, when the driver is no longer able to drive the car. When the determination of the amount of alcohol in the blood showed 4 ppm, the person may die.

How to calculate the withdrawal of ethanol from the body

You can find out the approximate time when alcohol is completely out of the body, if a man drank 100 grams of alcohol, you can from the following table (for women, these figures must be multiplied by 20%):

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 0 h 34 0 h 31 0 h 27 0 h 25 0 h 20
Beer 6% 0 h 51 0 h 46 0 h 40 0 h 36 0 h 30
Gin tonic 9% 1 h 19 1 h 08 1 hour 0 h 50 0 h 50
Champagne 11% 1 hour 35 1 hour 23 1 hour 15 1 h 05 1 hour
Port wine 18% 2 hours 38 2 hours 15 2 hours 1 hour 45 1 hour 35
Tincture 24% 3 hours 28 3 h 2 hours 40 2 hours 20 2 h 06
Liquor 30% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 15 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Vodka 40% 5 hours 50 5 o'clock 4 hours 20 3 hours 55 3 hours 30
Cognac 42% 6 o'clock 07 5 hours 15 4 hours 35 4 hours 3 hours 40

Leaving the table, it is obvious that beer is not such a harmless drink as many believe it to be. It takes more than half an hour for a man weighing 60 kg to remove half a glass of a drink from the body, and even more for a woman. This is explained by the fact that in a liter of drunk beer there is the same amount of ethanol as in 100 g of vodka or 400 g of wine.

If a person drank 500 g of alcohol, much more will be required. In this case, you can make an approximate calculation of the time when it is allowed to drive, from the table below. It is worth noting that time is kept from the last dose of alcohol taken, so if a person has been drinking for some time, the period may be less:

Human weight 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg
Beer 4% 2 hours 55 2 hours 30 2 hours 10 2 h 1 hour 45
Beer 6% 4 hours 20 3 hours 45 3 hours 17. 2 hours 55 2 hours 40
Gin tonic 9% 6 h 30 5 hours 40 4 hours 55 4 hours 20 4 hours
Champagne 11% 8 o'clock 6 h 52 6 o'clock 5 o'clock 20 4 hours 50
Port wine 18% 14 o'clock 11 o'clock 10 9 h. 50 8 hours 45 7 hours 55
Tincture 24% 5:30 p.m. 14h57 13 o'clock 11:40 a.m. 10:30
Liquor 30% 21h 46 18h40 4 pm 20 14h35 13 o'clock
Vodka 40% 29 hours 24 h 55 21 h. 46. 19:25 5:25 p.m.
Cognac 42% 30 h. 30. 26h05 22 h 51 20 hours 20 18h20

If a person drank more than one hundred grams, but less than five hundred, you can make calculations by calculating the average value. For example, if 300 g of vodka was drunk, then in a person whose weight is 60 kg, alcohol will come out of the blood after 17 hours and 24 minutes. For a fatter man, weighing 100 kg, the calculation shows a shorter period: 10 hours 26 minutes. In any case, such a calculation means that it is better not to drive today.

It should be noted that the submitted data are conditional, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, to be sure, in order not to be fined by the traffic police, and also not to provoke an accident, putting your life and other people at unnecessary risk, when making a calculation, it is better to throw in two or three hours. A more correct option to determine the degree of intoxication would be to purchase a breathalyzer, and after the time indicated in the table, take a test. If the device shows that everything is in order, you can go without fear of being fined by the traffic police.

Why You Shouldn't Shorten Your Waiting Time

When calculating, it should be borne in mind that if strong alcohol is diluted with water or juice, this does not reduce the effect of ethanol on the body, since the amount of alcohol drunk has not changed. It is impossible to avoid alcohol intoxication if you eat well before drinking. A full stomach will only mitigate the negative impact of alcohol on the body, reducing the load on the liver, and intoxication will come later.

Also, do not think that a cold shower, strong coffee, a walk in the fresh air will affect the rate of ethanol excretion from the body and reduce the degree (although they can relieve hangover symptoms). Even if a person feels normal, you need to get behind the wheel no earlier than the time indicated in the table that has passed since the last time you took alcohol. If the traffic police during the inspection finds that there is no permissible level of alcohol in the blood, the fine for violating the law of Russia is 30 thousand rubles, and the offender loses his license for a period of one and a half to two years.

male feminine

Body mass:

(40-150 kg)

You entered incorrect data

Fortress (volume %)

(10-5000 ml)

Drink 1:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 2:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 3:

Fortress (volume %)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Stomach fullness:

empty full

Counting in progress...

Enter the initial data on the left

Maximum concentration

(Corresponding mg/l in exhaled air)

The specified concentration corresponds to

Excretion time from the body

On this page, you can take an alcohol test online and find out if you can drive, and if not, how long should it take for your blood alcohol level to be normal.

The test is based on a person's physiological data - gender and weight, types of alcoholic beverages and the time that has passed since drinking.

The program automatically calculates the amount of alcohol in drinks, how much a man or woman with a certain weight needs to make sure that the body can cope with alcohol, and according to the time that has passed since the moment of use - is it possible to drive already, or how much time is needed for the breathalyzer to show the alcohol content is normal.

Why do you need to know the alcohol content before leaving?

It is difficult for a person after drinking strong drinks to determine whether he is really sober or not.

In addition, it is difficult to predict the readings of a breathalyzer, and most likely there will not be such a device at home. Depending on the amount and tolerance of alcohol by a particular person, his condition may be outwardly indistinguishable from sober.

If we do not take into account the state when intoxication is noticeable to the naked eye and the person looks sober, even a small amount of alcohol affects the ability to perceive information - the driver begins to lose measure, he overestimates himself and underestimates the traffic situation.

In addition, the reaction speed slows down in case of unforeseen situations. For example, 100 grams of pure alcohol slows down the reaction rate by 2-4 times. Therefore, even a small amount of alcohol makes the driver dangerous to others.

While driving, the following signs can give out a drunk person behind the wheel: sudden braking, overly self-confident or overly cautious movement, ignoring prohibitory signals, leaving traffic lights late, unnatural trajectories of movement - a combination of such signs can cause the car to stop for a subsequent check of the driver for sobriety.

During communication with the inspector - the smell of alcohol from the mouth, it is difficult for a person to express himself, the pupils do not react to light, a red face, or vice versa - pallor, inadequate condition, difficulty in movement and impaired coordination. One of the listed conditions is enough to receive an offer to be tested for alcohol content in the body.

Passing an alcohol test with breathalyzers

Alcohol testing can be done on site, with mobile devices and in the laboratory.

For a quick test that will allow you to immediately decide on the likelihood of the presence of alcohol in the blood, a breathalyzer is a device that determines the concentration of alcohol in a person's exhaled air.

Breathalyzers are:

  1. household, for individual self-control;
  2. special, for more frequent use than household;
  3. professional, designed for a large number of measurements per day.

Household ones can rarely be used in small businesses to make sure that an employee can be put behind the wheel. This tester is designed for infrequent use. Special ones are more often used at enterprises before the release of drivers on a flight or route, as well as at enterprises where work is carried out with increased danger.

Special testers in some countries are used by the traffic police, may have a certificate that they are a medical product. Such devices are designed for an average of 30-50 applications per day.

Professional breathalyzers are designed for multiple use throughout the day. These tests are most often used by the traffic police to determine the content of ppm in the body, they can be connected to a printer to print out the results of the analysis.

Special and professional testers are periodically verified and calibrated for accuracy

If the inspector offers you to take a breathalyzer test, you need to remember that you must first show the device itself and advise on how to pass the test correctly. Everyone can demand to show the license and certificate of the device.

Examination for alcohol content must take place at the place where the vehicle stops, the presence of two witnesses is a prerequisite. If the alcohol level is less than 0.2 ppm, then the driver is no longer detained. If more, then a protocol is drawn up where the test indicators are indicated.

Upon agreement with the indicators, the driver is released, and the protocol and other related documents are submitted to the court. If the person who was tested does not agree with the results, a second test is carried out in the laboratory (first-aid post).

The driver has the right to refuse to undergo a breathalyzer test, in which case the examination will take place in the laboratory.

Only a qualified doctor has the right to conduct an examination in a medical institution

The examination includes checking the pulse, pressure, pupil reaction to light, psychophysiological check. It is carried out twice, the second time - after 20 minutes after the first.

Biological samples are collected - blood, urine and saliva are taken in two copies - one is used immediately for research, the second sample is stored for 90 days in case the driver during the trial wants to re-examine. The results of the survey are issued in triplicate - one for the driver, one for the inspector and one for the doctor.

If today you need to be driving, and the day before you drank alcohol, then you need to make sure that there is no alcohol left in the body. If the number of ppm cannot be checked with a breathalyzer before departure, we suggest using an online test. It does not require a store purchase, periodic calibrations and expiration dates.

Specify the minimum required parameters in the test, and the program will calculate the amount of ppm and how much more time alcohol needs to make your indicators in order.

Your attention is brought to an alcohol calculator for a driver online - this is a virtual breathalyzer, which has an accurate calculation of ppm in the body (blood) of a drunk person and the time for removing alcohol from the blood, depending on gender, weight and height, time after drinking, degree of alcoholic beverage and the amount drunk with a full or empty stomach.

The problem of drunk driving is still very acute in Russia, despite tough sanctions for drunk drivers (heavy fines, deprivation of rights, criminal liability ...). The permissible norm for the content of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood in 2018 is 0.3 ppm, and in the exhaled air from the lungs 0.16 mg / l

0.3‰ is approximately 1 bottle of light beer 4.5% vol. (500 ml), but this does not mean at all that the driver can drink beer before driving, because. — it is important- the allowable 0.3 ppm is calculated for the content of any, even a completely non-drinking person, endogenous (internal) alcohol, which is produced in the small intestine, for example, due to fermentation of food.

Therefore, if you drink beer (0.3‰) + your own, internal alcohol (0.3‰) = 0.6‰, which indicates a mild degree of intoxication. And this already threatens with a fine, deprivation of rights, putting the car in a fine parking lot, and in the event of an accident, you are to blame in any way ... (even without guilt, because you have wine in you)

On this page of breathalytic testing and determination of ppm in the blood, you will be presented with not one professional alcohol calculator used by forensic experts, but three: Breathalyzer online for recalculating alcohol from one type to another and determining the neurons (nerve cells) killed by alcohol in the cerebral cortex, as well as another calculator for removing alcohol and ppm, the degree of intoxication and after how many hours you can drive.

Table for removing alcohol from the body (blood) - Widmark's formula ^

It can help you in calculating the degree of intoxication and the withdrawal of alcohol from the body table of alcohol excretion from the body:

An accurate calculation of the withdrawal of alcohol (ethanol and its decay product - acetaldehyde, then turning it into harmless acetic acid) is possible only in laboratory conditions. However, the table of alcohol withdrawal based on the formula of the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark, which is used in forensic medicine, can help you determine the degree of intoxication from the amount of alcohol consumed, its strength and body weight.

Widmark formulas:
(1), where

  • c - blood alcohol concentration in ‰,
  • A - the mass of the drink drunk (in terms of pure ethanol) in grams,
  • m - body weight in kilograms,
  • r is the Widmark distribution coefficient (0.70 for men, 0.60 for women).

To obtain the real concentration of ethanol in the blood from the calculated by formula (1), it is necessary to subtract from the mass of drunk alcohol A from 10% to 30% of the so-called. deficiency of resorption, since part of the alcohol does not reach the peripheral blood.

To calculate the amount of alcohol consumed, the following formula is applied: (2)

Examination of the state of alcoholic intoxication of the driver ^

If the traffic police inspector observes one or more of the six signs listed below in the driver, then this gives sufficient reason to believe that the driver is in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication - and the driver can be examined for the presence of ppm ethyl alcohol in the blood (in exhaled air) (on the spot, by exhaling into a breathalyzer or referral to a medical facility)

  1. alcoholic (or fume) breath odor
  2. poor coordination and unsteady posture
  3. tremor of fingers
  4. incoherent speech
  5. sudden change in skin color on the face
  6. inappropriate behavior

Alcohol calculator ppm online ^

This online alcohol calculator will help the driver determine when he can drive his car after drinking alcohol.

In order to pass this test and the calculator calculated the ppm and time of ethanal removal from the body, you need to indicate your gender (M or F) in the program, how much alcohol-containing drinks you drank and what degree of strength they had, and also how many hours have passed since the last time you took alcohol.

So, get tested on an alcohol calculator for drivers online:

More accurate alcohol withdrawal calculator AT THE BOTTOM of this page

Breathalyzer online - accurate conversion to another type of alcohol ^

If you need to recalculate one alcoholic drink by strength into another, weaker or stronger (for example, 100 grams of forty-proof vodka into beer 4.5% by volume, or vice versa), then this online breathalyzer will do it in a second.

Also, this online breathalyzer (alcohol conversion calculator) will show you in the results how many neurons (nerve cells) you killed by drinking this or that dose of alcohol.

Enter volume in grams

Enter the fortress

or gram beer (4.5%)

Or grams of beer (7%)

or grams of wine (10%)

Or grams of wine (18%)

Or gram of vodka

Or grams of alcohol

number of neurons killed things

1 gram of alcohol kills 200 nerve cells in the brain

Professional alcohol calculator for driver online ^

The online alcohol calculator for the driver presented below is a professional and fairly accurate tool for determining the level of ethanol in the blood and the rate of its excretion from the body in ppm.

This professional alcohol elimination calculator is used by forensic experts.

To determine your degree of intoxication and the time for removing alcohol from the blood, you need to indicate your gender, weight and height, the number and strength of alcoholic beverages (if there were several with different strengths, indicate all), and the fullness of the stomach - it was full or empty while drinking alcohol.

The graphs for the rate of alcohol removal in ppm can be left standard, without change (if you don’t know exactly at what rate the ethanol “weathers out” individually for you).

ATTENTION! These alcohol calculators do not guarantee 100% accuracy in the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood (body), because. there are other individual characteristics of an individual that affect the absorption and excretion of ethanol and its decay products from the body.
