
Products containing a large amount of starch. Such different vegetables: a list of starchy and non-starchy vegetables

The diet of the peoples of the world is based on foods containing starch. In our country it is wheat and potatoes, in China and India it is rice, in Central and South America it is corn. There is a lot of energy in starchy foods, but they do not participate in the construction of body tissues. Animal starch is healthier than vegetable starch. In some cases, both varieties can be harmful.

Composition and types of starch

The substance belongs to complex (polysaccharides), it contains residues of glucose molecules. It is poorly soluble in water, which helps to perform the main function - to retain nutrients for a long time.

Plants with its help accumulate energy reserves, form tiny grains in greenery.

Hydrolysis processes convert starchy grains into water-soluble sugars (glucose). Through cell membranes, they penetrate into various parts of the plant. Glucose feeds the sprout when it emerges from the seed.

When chewing foods containing starch, saliva partially breaks it down to maltose (complex sugar). Under the action of pancreatic secretion, the process is completed in the small intestine.

Vegetable products with starch bring maximum benefit if they are not consumed in cereals or soaked, but chewed thoroughly, not washed down.

  • Before eating, it is useful to grind whole grains, add the resulting powder to a vegetable salad.

Animals store glucose in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen (animal starch). Its slow hydrolysis keeps the blood constant between meals.

vegetable starches

Potato. This product has a high absorption rate. It breaks down to glucose 10-12 times faster than starchy cereals and grains (several hours).

Rapid absorption is facilitated by a thin oily layer under the skin of young potatoes. As a rule, it is cut off during cleaning. This is also why potatoes baked in their skins or boiled in their skins are useful.

Most potato dishes are quickly evacuated by the body; they do not burden the function of the digestive organs.

Rice. The product is rich in starch, has an astringent effect. Cooked without oil, rice is useful for diseases of the genitourinary system, enhances lactation, soothes, improves complexion. Round rice has the most starch, so the grains boil and stick together.

Wheat. Products with wheat are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dissolution of salts in the genitourinary system, and have a vasodilating effect. Outwardly baths with starch are used to get rid of itching, with children's diathesis.

Rye. Products are used in diabetes mellitus, to enhance resistance, bind and remove harmful substances.

Oat. Kissels and other products help to cope with physical and intellectual overwork. Remove excess, help with diabetes, anemia, insomnia.

Corn. Products have a rejuvenating effect. The extract from the grains prevent the development of tumors. It is used as a choleretic agent or to increase blood clotting.

animal starch

In fact, vegetable starch is nothing more than organic glue. If you forget to wash the plate after porridge or potatoes, only hot water and a hard brush remove hardened food residues.

The complex formula of vegetable starch contains glucose, which is the body's main source of energy. Its chemical formula consists of the same elements as glycogen, but their spatial arrangement in plant and animal varieties is different.

Therefore, enzymes designed to break down glycogen do not completely break down glucose from the plant variety.

Such food is more difficult to digest, and by-products of cleavage accumulate in the body. They require additional energy costs for their removal. Accumulated harmful substances cause atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, and other diseases.

Some researchers believe that diabetes mellitus develops as a result of the depletion of the enzyme system during many years of processing vegetable starch. It is not the level of glucose ("sugar") that increases in the blood, but the amount of products of incomplete breakdown. They clog tissue and disrupt microcirculation.

More useful to the body starch contains the liver of animals or fish, in which up to 10% glycogen.

Therefore, the less you consume starchy foods, the more health. Arnold Ehret wrote about the dangers of foods containing starch in the early twentieth century in his book The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet.

List and table of foods containing starch

Vegetables and fruits contain up to 10% carbohydrates. When apples ripen, the amount of starch increases, and during storage it decreases. There is a lot of it in green bananas, in ripe ones it turns into sugar.

The largest amount of starch in products from cereals, legumes, rice. The proportion recommended by nutritionists is 10% of the daily diet.

Non-starchy and green vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, sweet peppers, onions, parsley, pumpkin.

Table of foods that contain starch
Product (100g)Starch content, g
White bread47
Rye bread44
celery root0,6
Bulb onions0,1
Sweet pepper0,1
Black currant0,60
Plum fresh0,10

Harm starch

Cereals are the most difficult to digest, even when boiled. Products from them cause fermentation and gas formation.

Grains, cereals, starchy foods are contraindicated in young children, because they do not produce the necessary enzymes. Even in a two-year-old, they are less active compared to an adult's body.

Therefore, before the age of two, it is better to prefer fruits to starchy foods - prunes, dates. They are easily digested, give enough energy, do not require long digestion.

Modified: 02/11/2019

Starch is a complex carbohydrate-polysaccharide. It is necessary for our body to function properly. Carbohydrates are the source of energy for the body. They are easily digested and are inferior in their energy value only to monosaccharides - simple carbohydrates.

Starches are of two types - natural and refined. Refined starch is a white powder, tasteless and odorless. It is used in cooking for the preparation of fruit jelly, which supply the body with a large number of kilocalories. It is made from potatoes, corn, rice, wheat and barley.

There is also modified starch, which is added to foods as a preservative. It regulates the consistency of various sauces and baby food. Some manufacturers add modified starch to low-quality meat products to retain moisture.

What foods contain starch

Almost all fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains contain some amount of starch. It is on this that their energy value depends.

Foods high in starch:

  • legumes: beans, lentils, soybeans, peas;
  • cereals: corn, rice, buckwheat, chickpeas;
  • root crops: potatoes, sweet potato;

Foods low in starch:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • turnip;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini.

Starch free foods:

  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • leafy vegetables and greens (lettuce, sorrel, spinach).

People who are forced to monitor their blood sugar levels should be aware that some foods containing starch have a higher glycemic index than sugar. It is the ability of starch to turn into glucose that makes it potentially dangerous for people with diabetes.

But starch is a very interesting carbohydrate that tends to be absorbed at different rates. And the rate of absorption of starch depends on the method of processing and subsequent preparation of food from products containing starch.

flour products

All baked goods, even those without added sugar, have a very high glycemic index. The degree of absorption of starch and its conversion into glucose leads to a rapid jump in blood sugar levels. This should be taken into account for diabetics.

It is the processing of grains, which are rich in starch, into flour that leads to the fact that starch becomes a “fast carbohydrate” in this case.

But bread from whole grains is digested much longer, and part of the starch generally remains in its original form. Rye bread or bran pastries contain resistant starch, which can even lower blood sugar levels, but at the same time remains an excellent source of energy for the body.

The presence of fiber, which is found in wholemeal bread, contributes to the slow absorption of starch, which guarantees long-term energy production from carbohydrates. In addition, fiber cleanses the intestines, removes toxins from it.

Pasta made from durum wheat, and even prepared according to the classic Italian recipe, that is, al dente, allows starch to dissolve in the body for a long time, turning into glucose. It is the method of cooking both the pasta itself as a raw material and Italian pasta that contributes to this property.

Starch in fruits

Colored fruits: cherries, red cherries, currants and the like, practically do not contain starch, but only traces of it - glucose monosaccharide, which practically does not raise blood sugar levels

Green apples and pears contain 0.5% starch. And if you subject them to heat treatment, such as baking, the starch is converted into pectin, fiber and glucose.

There is some starch in bananas. Its level depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. The greener the banana, the more starch it contains.

The healthiest starch

Useful, or resistant starch is absorbed by the human body for a long time. Carbohydrate turns into glucose for a long time with the release of a large amount of energy, which contributes to the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to this, cell division takes place in tissues and organs, metabolic processes occur. A person can do work that involves physical activity.

Resistant starch is necessary for the body in order to prevent cancer, as it has a depressing effect on cancer cells, preventing them from dividing.

Useful starch is found in large quantities in legumes. Beans and lentils are considered leaders in the content of "useful" starch.

They are followed by whole grains. Cereals such as buckwheat, rice, oats are excellent suppliers of complex carbohydrates. In addition, cereals are very tasty as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes, yams - root crops are also rich in "healthy" starch.

Resistant starch is found in small amounts in fresh vegetables and fruits, which should be included in the daily diet.

The content of carbohydrates in foods and their energy value

Product name Quantity of starch (mg/100g) %Daily Value
Rice 78 44
Cornflakes 74 42
Wheat flour 72 41
Pasta 70 40
Millet 69 39
White bread 66 37
Corn flour 65 37
Buckwheat 64 36
fresh corn 62 35
oats 61 34
Wheat 60 34
Barley 58 33
Banana 53 30
Rye bread 48 27
Peas 45 25
cashew nuts 23 13
pistachios 16 9
brown potato 15 8
Pumpkin seeds 14 8
Pine nuts 14 8
Carrot 14 8
White potato 13 7
Sweet potato 13 7
Almond 7 4
Hazelnut 4 2.2
Avocado 1.1 0.6
Nectarine 0.7 0.4
Walnut 0.6 0.3
Apple 0.5 0.2
strawberries 0.4 0.2
Melon 0.3 0.1

starch properties

When we eat starch-containing foods, the process of hydrolysis turns starch into glucose, which is the source of energy. Glucose is soluble and it is it that facilitates the transport of nutrients into the cell.

While refined starch lends itself well to hydrolysis due to its purified form, in its natural form it is quite difficult to digest.

That is why all food raw materials containing starch must undergo heat treatment. Products are boiled, baked, fried, steamed. This type of processing helps prepare the starch for the digestion process. In this form, it is more easily absorbed by the body.

The smaller the particles of the product, the easier the starch is digested.

That is, whole grains, cereals, legumes are a source of more "long-lasting" starch, which is absorbed longer, but at the same time it is more beneficial for the body.

It does not cause the release of glucose into the blood, and therefore raising the level of sugar.

Flour, especially wheat flour, is a source of "fast starch", which is not very useful due to the rapid absorption of glucose. Even finely chopped starchy vegetables will produce more "quick starch" when cooked than large chunks, whole or baked.

A person needs everything for a full life - proteins, carbohydrates, fats. But everything needs a measure. No matter how useful this or that substance is, its excess will necessarily lead to a malfunction.

All this fully applies to starch. Its deficiency will cause exhaustion and loss of strength. Its excess can lead to problems with the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Be attentive to your health and watch your diet. After all, our way of life envy and its quality.

Starch, which is converted into glucose when digested, is the most common form of polysaccharides in nature, so the division of vegetables into non-starchy And starchy become part of healthy diets. Initially, the division of vegetables into non-starchy and starchy was an element of the theory of separate nutrition. Physical State Calculator.

Non-starchy vegetables play a positive role for weight loss, but vice versa.

Most of the starch is found in root vegetables and large grains, which store nutrients to ensure the growth of the plant seed. Potatoes have the highest starch content of all vegetables - up to a fifth of the volume of a potato, which is the first reason for excluding potatoes from diets for weight loss.

To reduce the negative impact of starchy vegetables on the weight loss process, it is better to eat starchy vegetables with green non-starchy vegetables, fats (vegetable / animal), it is better not to combine them with proteins, sugar and acids. At one meal, we recommend eating no more than one type of starchy vegetables.

Complete list of starchy vegetables.

  • Corn,
  • Beet,
  • Swede,
  • Chestnut,
  • Carrot,
  • Dry (mature) beans, other than soybeans,
  • Jerusalem artichoke,
  • Potatoes (including sweet),
  • radish,
  • Dry (ripe) peas,
  • zucchini,
  • squash,
  • Plant roots (parsley, parsnip, celery, horseradish),
  • Pumpkin (round, autumn),
  • Radish.

Vegetables that do not contain starch.

Everyone's favorite tomatoes, which make up a good tomato diet, are neither starchy nor non-starchy vegetables. It was found that the main nutritional characteristic of a tomato is acid, not the presence of starch. Due to the high content of acids (citrus, malic and oxalic) in the composition, the tomato is classified as an acidic product, and it is not recommended to eat them with starchy vegetables, but it is allowed with leafy vegetables and fats. Calorie calculator online.

List of moderately starchy vegetables.

It should be taken into account that eggplant in various interpretations is classified as both non-starchy and moderately starchy vegetables.

Complete list of non-starchy vegetables.

  • Mustard,
  • Green pea,
  • Turnip tops and other ground green parts of edible plants,
  • Beetroot leaves and chard (chard),
  • Eggplant,
  • Broccoli,
  • Brussels sprouts,
  • Chicory,
  • cucumbers,
  • Garlic (greens, cloves),
  • Spinach,
  • Chinese (Beijing) cabbage,
  • Cabbage (savoy, kohlrabi, white, garden, red, fodder),
  • Watercress and watercress
  • Celery (greens)
  • Bell pepper,
  • Asparagus,
  • Summer pumpkin (yellow oblong),
  • Lettuce and other leaf lettuce,
  • Onion (shallot, bulb, chives, leek, leek),
  • dandelion green,
  • Okra,
  • okra,
  • Parsley (greens) and other table herbs,
  • bamboo shoots,
  • colza (greens),
  • Sorrel.

We often hear that vegetables are essential for daily human consumption. But why? After all, there are many other foods endowed with vitamins, but why should vegetables not be overlooked? Everything is very simple.

It is with vegetables that the guarantee of a healthy diet begins:

  • Vegetables are not fatty foods;
  • They are endowed with many trace elements and vitamins;
  • Some vegetables do not even need to be steamed, fried or boiled. They can be consumed fresh;
  • They are very light and easily absorbed by the body.

But many will argue with the fact that not every vegetable is so light and harmless.

In this regard, they are divided into two categories:

  • Vegetables containing starch;
  • Vegetables without starch.

Starch is one type of carbohydrate found in vegetables. In appearance, it is a white powdery substance, odorless and tasteless. This powder is insoluble in cold water, therefore, when it merges, it forms a viscous paste.

This complex carbohydrate serves as a source of energy for both plants and humans. In plants, it is mainly found in tubers and stems, when it breaks down it is converted into glucose, which feeds the plant with energy. In the human body, it also tends to break down and turns into sugar.

The benefits and harms of starch for the body

Starch in the human diet performs the function of nourishment. Enriching the body with additional energy due to breakdown and conversion into glucose. This process begins from the moment food containing its granules enters the human oral cavity.

Not having time to bite off a piece of the product, saliva begins to envelop each granule, at this stage a carbohydrate called maltose is formed.

After that, this carbohydrate enters the small intestine and there, under the influence of an acidic environment, it turns into glucose, which is absorbed by the intestinal walls and enters the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body, feeding it with energy. But you need to take into account the fact that starch is not always useful.

Positive properties of starch:

  • Due to the content of a large amount of the substance - amylose, starch has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  • He is a kind of personal massager of the walls of the stomach and intestines. When this type of carbohydrate is absorbed by a person, it does not disintegrate, but remains in the form of a lump, which gradually massages the walls of the stomach, and improves the digestive system, reducing the absorption of cholesterol by the latter.
  • Another equally useful property of the carbohydrate in question is that it helps a person restore the body after a sharp increase or decrease in sugar in the body. This is very important for people with diabetes.

Negative properties of starch:

  • People who watch their figure and carefully read the sugar level in each product will tell us that starchy foods are almost taboo. It is he who turns into glucose (sugar), is absorbed into the walls of the intestines and into the blood, and oversaturates the body with sugar (if such foods are consumed in excess), which cannot but affect weight gain.
  • Starchy compounds that enrich the body sometimes lead to the formation of body fat. Therefore, when you hear that you can lose weight by adding vegetables to your diet, then be careful, not all of them will be useful in this matter.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets gently affect the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the efficiency will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

Starch free or low starch foods

It should be noted that no animal product is starchy, while almost all plant products are.

The table of low or no starch foods below includes many foods.

Vegetables without starch Low Starch Vegetables
Onion, leek, shallot, chives Garlic
Chervil Pumpkin
Cucumber Peas
Gherkin Artichoke
Swede Kohlrabi
Purslane Chicory
Tomatoes Asparagus
Greens: dill, parsley, sorrel, spinach, nettle, Cabbage
Eggplant Green and red pepper
Cauliflower, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts Radish
Broccoli Parsnip
Dandelion Mushrooms
Rhubarb Endive

Starchy foods are very quickly absorbed by the body (potatoes, legumes and cereals), and in a short time saturate it with energy, turning into glucose.

Important! For complete assimilation of starch, an alkaline environment is required. It is difficult to digest if consumed with foods containing protein.

Vegetables that have this carbohydrate are well absorbed when combined with food containing fats. These include:

  • Sour cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cream, etc.

Combining the presented fats with vegetables containing a low level of starch, such as radishes, peas, cabbage, pumpkin mushrooms and others, the human body is saturated with various types of microelements and vitamins. They are all necessary for people to stimulate the work of internal organs.

Modern principles of proper nutrition suggest that every conscious person should know what he eats. One of the main components of our daily diet is starch, and its excess or deficiency can create real health problems, so let's try to figure out what starch is, why it is needed, where it is, and where it is not.

The value of starch for the human body

Human nutrition should be balanced in terms of replenishing the body with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is carbohydrates that are considered the main source of energy in the body, especially glucose, which is broken down quite easily and with a large release of heat. Glucose itself, by the way, is quite rare in its pure form in foods, and the easiest way for the body to get it is from starch, especially since it is found in a huge amount of food.

Therefore, the first property for which starchy foods should be consumed more actively is to feed the body with energy. But the benefits of foods containing starch do not end there. After all, such a substance is useful for beneficial bacteria in the intestines and increase immunity, and also helps to establish the production of gastric juice and normalize blood sugar levels.

However, sometimes it is worth adjusting the amount of starch in the diet in order to limit its amount. So, an excess of starch with a sedentary lifestyle is guaranteed to lead to weight gain, and in some cases this component provokes side effects such as flatulence or various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, nutritionists, after making some diagnoses, advise the patient to reduce the amount of starchy vegetables and fruits in his menu, for which they need to be known.

You should also pay attention to the fact that starch is natural and refined. The first, as is often the case with natural products, is not so harmful - it is present mainly in root crops, cereals and some vegetables. With such a diet, weight gain is likely only with gigantic portions or complete immobility, so restrictions are usually not imposed. Another thing is supplements based on refined starch, since they are very high in calories and quickly saturate, but it is very problematic to drive off the excess weight provoked by such food. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that such additives (for example, thickeners) can be present in the most unexpected products, where starch, it would seem, does not belong.

Where is this stuff?

It is very difficult to compile a complete list of starchy foods - just because of the additives that can be present virtually anywhere. For this reason, we will simply consider only those types of food that contain a lot of starch without any additives.

  • Cereals. According to a popular saying, a physically weak person "ate little porridge", and all because it is in such a product that the percentage of starch content is maximum. On average, the content of this substance here is about 70-75%, which is a lot. Among popular varieties of food, there are no particular exceptions from this category. The statement about the starchyness of cereals is true for wheat and corn, rice and oats, cereals and flour from all these cereals, bakery and pasta products, even for peas and beans.

Soy products are the only exception.

  • Root vegetables and some other vegetables. Horticultural fruits, especially those growing underground, are also often rich in starch, although not as radically as cereals. Garlic stands out here, where starch is as much as 26%, and from what people eat massively and in large quantities - potatoes (15-18%). Even tomatoes growing on the surface can become a source of starch, although it is relatively small here - about 5%.
  • Fruits. Most fresh fruits contain very little starch, and fresh bananas are almost the only exception. Another thing is that in such food the bulk of the weight is occupied by water, and therefore, by drying the fruit, it is possible to increase the concentration of the substance in question several times. For this reason, dried fruits, especially apple, pear and apricot, are considered very high-calorie and contraindicated for those who have problems with being overweight.

Starch Free Products

If the diet requires a significant reduction in the amount of starch consumed, then most ready-made store products should be abandoned - there this ingredient is probably present in the form of one or another supplement. Surely you will have to give up cereals and pastries, as well as pasta, as well as many sauces. However, it is unlikely that at least one nutritionist will advise abandoning starch completely - after all, it represents a certain benefit for the body. The patient's task is simply to slightly reduce its intake, so that with a properly composed diet, you can even indulge in a small amount of baking.

So, non-starchy dietary products include, for example, mushrooms, but the body's main need for food will be replenished by various vegetables. The list of available options is not so limited: eggplant and broccoli, regular, Brussels sprouts and Beijing sprouts, green peas and pumpkin, cucumbers and sweet peppers. All these components will allow you not only to prepare a delicious salad without unnecessary polysaccharides, but also to treat yourself to more refined dishes like vegetable stew or even sweet pumpkin porridge.

The list of available ingredients does not end there, further go "seasonings" for the main meal: spinach and sorrel, garlic and chicory, celery greens and parsley.

Among fruits, there are also options for how to enjoy dessert and not exceed the normal dosage of starch. Of the year-round fruits, apples are the most accessible, but not all. Nutritionists advise choosing green and hard fruits, as they contain less polysaccharides. The rest of the non-starchy fruits are more likely to be seasonal, but their seasons do not coincide with each other, so the menu can be varied all year round thanks to strawberries, melons and nectarines. Of the imported, but popular in our country, fruits with a low starch content, exotic avocados can be noted.

For what a nutritionist will say about carbohydrates from non-starchy vegetables, see the next video.
