
Foods with a minus calorie table. Scientists on negative calorie foods

The calorie content of products is one of the important indicators that should definitely be taken into account if we want the food to be not only tasty, but also healthy. Today, everyone knows that in addition to nutritional value, it is necessary to pay attention to the energy value. In order to achieve weight loss, it is necessary, first of all, to achieve a reduction in calories entering the body. It has long been proven that if the body receives fewer calories than it consumes, then gradually it will begin to expend energy from fat cells and thus the process of losing weight will begin.

Guided by these considerations, adherents of a healthy lifestyle try to carefully read the labels in stores and choose only those products whose calorie content cannot be called high. In order to reduce the amount of calories coming from food, various diets for weight loss are aimed. It's simple: eat fewer calories and lose weight. However, there is one interesting term in nutrition: negative calories. Those who are not very well versed in proper nutrition and do not know what the calorie content of foods depends on may believe that negative calorie foods really have a calorie content with a “-” sign. But any food product, by definition, will contain a certain amount of calories due to the fact that its composition contains certain nutrients. And yet, negative calorie foods do exist. What is a negative calorie food?

What does negative calorie mean?

If you look at the list of caloric content of foods, you can make sure that none of them have negative calories. Moreover, in this list, only one product will have a zero calorie content. This is water. The calorie content of all other foods ranges from low to very high. So there is no negative calorie here. Where do nutritionists get them from, recommending people who are losing weight to eat foods with a negative calorie content?

In order to understand this, you need to understand how the process of digesting food in the body occurs. After the product enters the stomach, certain enzymes begin to be released, specific systems are included in the work, that is, the body begins to expend energy on digesting this product. Some foods are digested faster with minimal energy costs. These include, for example, easily digestible carbohydrates contained in rolls and rich pastries. Such carbohydrates are most easily deposited on the waist and hips. In this sense, it is much better to eat those foods that require energy from the body. But the negative calorie content of the product means that the body spends more energy on its digestion than its energy value. Such foods, as a result of their digestion, cause the body to spend extra calories. Here's how it goes:

For example, you ate 1 carrot for dinner. Its calorie content is 10 kcal. However, in order to digest it, the body spent 12 kcal. It turns out that the product brought negative calories to the body in the amount of -2 kcal. Naturally, this value is arbitrary, since negative calories do not exist in nature. Simply, the calorie content of the product turned out to be lower than the amount of energy that was needed to digest it. Thus, negative calorie is a concept that means that a product has such a caloric content that cannot cover the energy costs of its digestion. Negative calorie foods should definitely be included in your menu. But is it worth hoping that with the help of such products you can lose weight.

Can you lose weight by eating negative calorie foods?

Those who necessarily include products with a negative calorie content in their menu are absolutely right. However, you should not rely entirely on them. One use of such products will not solve the problem of excess weight. The fact is that, as a rule, they burn a minimum number of calories, and in order to lose one kilogram of weight, you need to burn thousands of calories. Therefore, it is much more correct in this case to apply an integrated approach. It includes both eating the right foods and being physically active. With the help of negative calories, it will be possible to somewhat limit the intake of calories in the body, and physical activity will help burn fat efficiently. Negative calorie foods can be eaten on their own, or you can prepare complex meals from them that will also help burn a certain amount of calories. At the same time, products should be subjected to minimal culinary processing so that they do not lose their beneficial properties. It is best, of course, to eat them raw where possible. What foods have negative calories?

List of negative calorie foods

These products include:

  • Vegetables: asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, squash, daikon, zucchini, cauliflower, celery, chili, cucumber, dandelion, endive, watercress, garlic, green beans, lettuce, arugula, onion, radish, spinach , sorrel, turnip, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper
  • Fruits and berries: apple, cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, mango, papaya, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry, tangerine
  • Herbs and spices: ginger, pepper (chili), cinnamon, mustard (seed), flax (seed), dill (seed), cumin, coriander
  • Mushrooms
  • Seaweed

Using the list of negative calorie foods, you can create your own nutrition system aimed at combating excess weight. It makes it possible to lose weight without the use of strict diets, which in themselves are stressful for the body. Nutritionists recommend that, along with negative calorie foods, include lean fish and meat, as well as seafood and skinless chicken, in your diet. Thus, a nutrition system based on a list of products with a negative calorie content is, of course, useful and necessary for everyone who cares about their health and keeps fit.

In this article, we will talk about the so-called negative calorie foods. You will find out whether this is a myth or true, whether such products really help with weight loss. Also in the article we will provide a table with a list of such products.

Before writing this article, I carefully studied many sources and several studies on this topic and found out if there really is such a miraculous effect for losing weight from negative calorie foods? Opinions differ, but let's try to find the truth.

Negative Calorie Foods: Myth or Truth?

Negative calorie foods are foods that take more calories to digest than they contain. At least there is a widespread belief that this is the case, and that such products do exist.

It would seem that everything is logical. If white cabbage in 100 g contains 27 kilocalories, then why can't it take 40 kilocalories to chew and digest it, thereby creating a deficit of 13 kcal.

I open the truth about products with a negative calorie content - they do not exist. It has been proven that the cost of digesting a product cannot exceed its calorie content. Moreover, up to 10% of their calorie content is spent on digesting, for example, vegetables. Why is cabbage so low in calories? Because it has a lot of fiber and water. Fiber, in principle, is not digested, and therefore does not require calorie expenditure. The “digestion” of water is also included in the main metabolism of the body, so it does not require additional costs. Carbohydrates contained in cabbage require only 5-7% of the total calorie content of this cabbage.

Still not convinced? Do you still think that vegetables and fruits can not add calories, but spend them?

Then imagine an experiment. Two people - two locked rooms. One is given only water to drink, and the other is fed with negative calorie foods - carrots, cabbage, radishes, mushrooms, etc. Who do you think will lose weight faster and “glue flippers together”?

Yes, the theory that you can eat and lose weight is beautiful and you really want to believe in it, but it is deceptive.

Myth or truth?

So don't expect to be able to eat a piece of cake and then a kilo of celery and burn off the calories from the cake thanks to the negative calorie content of celery. Imagine this picture and smile)).

But, on the other hand, very low calorie foods do exist. Let them not burn calories, but almost never add. For example, to get only 100 kcal from cabbage, you need to eat almost half a kilogram. And this is a lot! Therefore, the so-called negative calorie foods, or rather, foods with a low or minimal calorie content, will really help with weight loss.

Many fruits and vegetables are negative calorie foods. Below I will give a list of vegetables, fruits and berries with a negative calorie content in the form of tables.

Please note that all the vegetables, fruits and berries listed in the tables have practically no fat in their composition, contain very little protein and few carbohydrates. Moreover, they are more than 80% water. This is what makes them so low in calories. And that is why their calorie content cannot be truly negative. Try to completely dry these foods, and their calorie content will immediately increase by 6-10 times. This once again proves that the calorie content of these products is not at all negative, but simply heavily diluted with water.

For example, the calorie content of a plum is 43 kcal, but the calorie content of dried prunes is 264 kcal.

You can find a complete table of caloric content of products on our website:.

List of negative calorie vegetables (table)

In the table below, we have compiled a list of negative (minimum) calorie vegetables. It is extremely difficult to get fat from these products, because in order to gain enough calories with them, you need to eat a lot.

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g calories,
kcal per 100 gr
eggplant 91,0 0,6 0,1 5,5 24
Swede 87,5 1,2 0,1 8,1 37
Zucchini 93,0 0,6 0,3 5,7 27
White cabbage 90,0 1,8 5,4 28
red cabbage 90,0 1,8 6,1 31
Cauliflower 90,9 2,5 4,9 29
Leek 87,0 3,0 7,3 40
Bulb onions 86,0 1,7 9,5 43
Carrot 88,5 1,3 0,1 7,0 33
cucumbers 95,0 0,8 3,0 15
Sweet green pepper 92,0 1,3 4,7 23
red sweet pepper 91,0 1,3 5,7 27
Rhubarb (petioled) 94,5 0,7 2,9 16
Radish 93,0 1,2 4,1 20
radish 88,6 1,9 7,0 34
Turnip 90,5 1,5 5,9 28
Salad 95,0 1,5 2,2 14
Tomatoes (tomatoes) 93,5 0,6 4,2 19
Green beans (pod) 90,0 4,0 4,3 32
Cheremsha 89,0 2,4 6,5 34
Spinach 91,2 2,9 2,3 21
Sorrel 90,0 1,5 5,3 28

Berries and fruits with negative calories (table)

In the table below, we've put together a list of negative (low) calorie berries and fruits.

You need to be more careful with fruits and berries than with vegetables. Firstly, it is easier to eat a lot of them than vegetables, as they are tastier. Secondly, they are more high-calorie than vegetables, as they contain fructose. Nutritionists recommend eating fruits, mainly in the morning. In the afternoon, it is better to eat vegetables and protein.

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g calories,
kcal per 100 gr
apricots 86,0 0,9 10,5 46
Quince 87,5 0,6 8,9 38
cherry plum 89,0 0,2 7,4 34
A pineapple 86,0 0,4 11,8 48
Cherry 85,5 0,8 11,3 49
Pear 87,5 0,4 10,7 42
Dogwood 85,0 1,0 9,7 45
Peaches 86,5 0,9 10,4 44
garden plum 87,0 0,8 9,9 43
Apples 86,5 0,4 11,3 46
Orange 87,5 0,9 8,4 38
Grapefruit 89,0 0,9 7,3 35
Lemon 87,7 0,9 3,6 31
Mandarin 88,5 0,8 8,6 38
Cowberry 87,0 0,7 8,6 40
Blueberry 88,2 1,0 7,7 37
Blackberry 88,0 2,0 5,3 33
strawberries 84,5 1,8 8,1 41
Cranberry 89,5 0,5 4,8 28
Gooseberry 85,0 0,7 9,9 44
Raspberries 87,0 0,8 9,0 41
Cloudberry 83,3 0,8 6,8 31
Sea ​​buckthorn 75,0 0,9 5,5 30
White currant 86,0 0,3 8,7 39
Red currants 85,4 0,6 8,0 38
Black currant 85,0 1,0 8,0 40
Blueberry 86,5 1,1 8,6 40

In fact, there are no negative calorie foods, just like foods. But there are foods that are very low in calories. Although the calorie content of these dishes is not negative, it is so small that you can eat almost without limiting yourself. Below I will give an example of several dishes with a minimum (almost negative) calorie content.

Cabbage stewed on water - 17 kcal. Not only tasty, but also useful. Cabbage is high in fiber, which promotes digestion and cleans the esophagus. Only 17 kcal per 100 g, even if you eat a bowl (1000 g) of such cabbage, you will gain only 170 kcal, which is less than 10% of the daily calorie intake.

Mushrooms stewed with onions and tomatoes without oil - 30 kcal. Perfect as a main dish. Garnish can be pasta (spaghetti), rice or buckwheat porridge. Mushrooms not only contain very few calories, but at the same time, they contain a lot of protein, which is very necessary for our muscles.

Soups - up to 30 kcal. All light soups are low in calories. If you cook a thin soup, do not add oil to the recipe, but instead of fatty pork broth, use chicken breast broth or mushroom broth, then it will contain a very low amount of calories. A great option is borscht with chicken broth. You can remove potatoes from the recipe to reduce calories. When frying, do not use oil, but fry vegetables in water.

Roast stewed zucchini and carrots without oil - 20 kcal. This dish contains practically no protein and fat, but only a small amount of carbohydrates. Not only tasty, but also very dietary beneficial.

Summer salad: cucumbers, tomatoes, onions - 18 kcal. As a dressing, you can use lemon juice, soy sauce or fruit vinegar - they add almost no calories to the dish.

These are just some of the almost negative calorie meals you can make. When preparing other recipes, you can reduce their calorie content by using less calorie foods. For example, replace the usual 67% mayonnaise with a light 15% mayonnaise, the calorie content of which is almost 4 times lower. Or, instead of fatty minced pork, use minced chicken or minced turkey. There are many options for reducing the calorie content of dishes. Just turn on your imagination, and you can cook delicious, but low-calorie meals.

Negative calorie foods

As for negative calorie content, there are still foods whose calorie content can not even be counted in your daily diet and when cooking, it is so insignificant. These are almost all spices: salt, red pepper, mustard powder, cloves, bay leaves, etc. Also, do not count coffee and tea. Coffee and tea can indeed be called negative calorie foods. They only speed up the metabolism and, indeed, help to lose weight.

I hope I didn't disappoint you too much by dispelling the negative calorie myth. There are no easy ways, and a beautiful figure is a lot of work on yourself. But this work can be made more pleasant and tasty.

Share your opinion about negative calorie foods and dishes in the comments.

That's all. Thanks for reading our magazine.

01/11/2015 16:54

Eating as much as you want and not gaining weight at the same time sounds tempting, right? But magical products really exist! The beauty is in their negative calorie content.

What is a negative calorie

The name “negative calorie” itself is somewhat misleading, a more appropriate term is “zero calorie”. Breaking down and assimilating the nutrients consumed from such foods, the body spends energy and burns calories as much as you ate.

Here are some minus calorie foods:

Features of taking products with a calorie content "minus"

Many foods can boast negative calorie content, especially fruits, vegetables, berries and various spices.

On a note! The average daily intake of foods with a “minus” calorie content for an adult is about 500 g of fruits and 500 g of vegetables.

For greater usefulness, such products are best consumed fresh, because this way they retain many useful properties. If you decide to cook something in a stew, do not use fatty sauces, animal fats, and most importantly, salt and sugar. Otherwise, the “minus” will surely change to “plus”, and dishes that are healthy at first glance will add a few extra centimeters to your waist.

Benefits for weight loss

Still, it is impossible to call products with a negative calorie content a panacea for combating overweight. Despite the large expenditure of energy for their digestion, this is not enough to burn fat.
Imagine: to get rid of even one extra kilogram, you need to burn thousands of calories. The small amount that negative calorie foods can handle will not give a noticeable effect without exercising and following the rules of a balanced diet.

However, there are undoubted benefits in these products - firstly, they contain many useful substances, and secondly, they are an excellent substitute for a variety of harmful dishes.

Wanted to have a bite to eat?

  • Don't reach for unhealthy potato chips - better take an apple or an orange. Delicious, healthy, and most importantly - no threat of extra pounds. It is for this reason that negative calorie foods are included in the menu of many diets.

Harm from overuse

The properties of zero-calorie foods make them look like the perfect everyday diet, but don't get too carried away! Of course, there are various diets, the diet of which is exclusively low-calorie foods, but it is important to remember that a long stay on such diets can seriously undermine your health.

On a note!

  1. The body will not be full of vitamins alone - it needs proteins and fats even while you are on a strict diet. You should not abruptly switch to a meager low-calorie diet - consult a competent nutritionist and make a complete, but dietary menu.
  2. Also, do not forget that some people may be allergic to mushrooms, berries, citrus fruits, and even various types of greens. In this case, it is better to refuse the use of temptingly healthy products.
  3. Some products are contraindicated for use in various diseases. For example, peaches are prohibited for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as for diabetes, and strawberries for gastritis.

You should always take into account the characteristics of your body and state of health. The variety of products with the so-called negative calorie content is large, and everyone will be able to choose something with the greatest benefit for themselves.

Can pregnant and breastfeeding women eat negative calorie foods?

Negative calorie foods can and should be included in the diet of future or already nursing mothers. Vegetables and fruits are a real storehouse of pectin and fiber, cleansing the intestines from toxins. And the greens will enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements. For example, beets will help to cope with edema, anemia, and improve kidney function, and apples will strengthen the immune system of both mother and baby.

Important! Pregnant and lactating women should pay special attention to allergenic foods - strawberries, melons, oranges. Their excessive use can lead to allergies in the baby, so you should be more careful about your diet.

Truth and myths

What they just don’t talk about zero-calorie foods. We have collected some interesting facts and myths for you!

Myth #1. The body spends more calories digesting negative calorie foods than it receives.

Actually this is not true. For example, you ate 100 g of spinach, which contains 23 calories. It will also take about 23 calories to digest, but no more.

Myth #2. You can eat as much sweet and fat as you want, eat magic foods, and lose weight at the same time.

Perhaps this is the most common misconception. But unfortunately for all admirers of tasty treats, such a miracle food has not yet been invented. If you eat a lot of sweet, starchy and fatty foods, no amount of low-calorie foods will help you lose weight.

Myth #3. Zero calorie foods help burn fat.

In fact, regular exercise and an active lifestyle burn fat, and zero-calorie foods help speed up metabolism and improve digestion.

And now let's move from myths to an undeniable fact:

  • Foods with a negative calorie content can become your friends during weight loss - this is the best replacement for candy and other sweets. Following a diet, such products can be consumed with virtually no restrictions, even after 6 pm (but no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

What can be prepared from negative calorie foods?

The variety of products with a negative calorie content allows you to dream up and cook a huge number of healthy dishes.

The most popular and easy-to-cook dishes:

  • Spicy vegetable soup.
  • Chicken breast with green beans.
  • Soup with spinach.
  • Zucchini carpaccio.
  • Lentils with celery.
  • Cabbage soup.
  • Salad of salmon and fruit.
  • Chicken with kiwi and vegetables.
  • Stewed mushrooms with hot spices.
  • Vegetable stew.

Opinions of doctors and nutritionists

Nutritionists confirm that zero-calorie fruits and vegetables are good for the body. But it is strongly not recommended to completely exclude foods containing proteins and fats from your diet.

What to eat to lose weight? This issue has not lost its relevance for several decades. However, this is not unusual: the desire to achieve high results with a minimum of effort is inherent in many. For the same reason, interest in the issue of negative calorie foods has not faded for a long time, the consumption of which, as is commonly believed, contributes to the emergence of an energy deficit in the body. In this article, we will try to figure out whether such products really exist and what role they play in the fight against excess weight.

Negative Calorie Foods: Fiction and Truth

Products with a negative calorie content are called vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, the energy value of which only slightly covers the energy expenditure of the body for their processing (chewing) and digestion. At the same time, the very concept of negative calorie content is conditional: almost all products belonging to this group contain components that can be converted into energy (proteins, fats, organic acids, carbohydrates).

There are a number of myths surrounding negative calorie foods and their role in weight loss.

  • Myth 1: the digestion of foods belonging to this group requires more energy resources than they are able to give the body, which means that their regular consumption contributes to the formation of a pronounced energy deficit. In fact, this statement is true only for some products with zero calorie content (water, unsweetened green tea). Protein food loses only 35-40% of its calorie content during digestion, carbohydrate - 4-6%, and fatty - no more than 10%.
  • Myth 2: Eating high-calorie and negative-calorie foods at the same time will help you avoid obesity. In reality, the inclusion in the diet of products belonging to the group under consideration does not contribute to the formation of an energy deficit in the body and does not help burn excess calories obtained by consuming sweets, fats and other foods with high energy value.
  • Myth 3: Negative calorie foods are natural fat burners. In fact, products belonging to this group do not have fat-burning properties. With their help, you can lose weight, but only due to their low calorie content, the ability to speed up metabolic processes and normalize the digestive system.

What foods have negative calories?

The list of negative calorie foods includes:

  • greenery;
  • vegetable crops;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • spices;
  • some drinks.

A more detailed list of products belonging to this group and information about their energy value are presented in the table.

List of negative calorie foods Energy value of 100 g of product (in kcal)
Vegetables, greens
Chinese cabbage 11,4
Leafy green lettuce 13,9
cucumbers 14,3
tomatoes 14,8
Zucchini 15,6
Rhubarb 16,3
Endive 16,9
Oriental radish (daikon) 17,4
Squash 18,2
Radish 19,1
Asparagus 19,7
Chicory 20,1
Spinach 20,7
green onion 21,3
eggplant 23,7
Bell pepper 24,1
Sorrel 24,4
Arugula 24,7
Zucchini 26,1
savoy cabbage 26,3
Turnip 27,2
White cabbage 27,4
artichokes 27,8
Pumpkin 27,8
Turnip 27,9
Broccoli 27,9
Cauliflower 28,4
red cabbage 30,7
Watercress 31,3
red carrot 32,4
radish 33,6
Cheremsha 33,8
Garlic 33,9
seaweed nori 34,1
Swede 36,4
Onion 39,2
Hot red pepper 39,7
young dandelion leaves 44,8
Beet 47,9
ginger root 78,7
Thyme fresh 99,4
Rosemary 129,7
limes 15,3
Lemons 23,1
cherry plum 29,4
carambola 30,4
melons 31,8
pomelo 33,1
grapefruit 34,7
Quince 37,1
tangerines 37,7
oranges 39,1
Peaches 42,4
plums 42,9
Apples 44,8
apricots 47,4
pineapples 47,6
Papaya 47,9
Kiwi 49,1
Mango 58,2
Lemongrass 10,8
watermelons 24,7
viburnum 25,7
Cranberry 27,2
Barberry 28,1
Honeysuckle 29,4
Sea ​​buckthorn 29,4
Strawberry 29,7
Cloudberry 29,8
Blackberry 32,1
Blueberry 36,4
Cowberry 39,6
Currant 39,8
Blueberry 39,8
strawberries 40,2
Raspberries 40,8
Gooseberry 42,9
Dogwood 43,3
Rowan 43,4
Spices, spices, seasonings
Tarragon 24,1
Coriander 24,6
Oregano 24,8
Basil 26,6
Dill 39,8
Parsley 44,6
Mint 48,7
Melissa 48,9
Pure water
Mineral water
Green tea unsweetened 0,1
Unsweetened black coffee 1,1
Instant drink from chicory 10,4
  • Nutritionists strongly recommend that you include at least 400 g of low-calorie fruits, herbs, berries and vegetables in your diet every day. Compliance with this recommendation allows you to reduce and stabilize weight, provide the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other vital substances.
  • Negative calorie foods are best eaten raw. Salads made from greens, vegetables and fruits are not recommended to be seasoned with too fatty or sweet sauces.
  • Heat treatment of products belonging to the group under consideration should be minimal. The most useful ways to cook dishes from vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits are steaming, boiling and baking. For frying vegetables, it is advisable to use vegetable oil, and not animal fats or margarine.
  • Under no circumstances should you limit your diet to negative calorie foods - they should be just one element of a balanced and healthy diet. The daily menu must also include other products (fish, milk, cereals and legumes, eggs, poultry, meat, etc.). Only complete and proper nutrition helps to effectively and quickly get rid of extra pounds, strengthen immunity, speed up metabolism and normalize the digestive tract.

Most nutritionists are skeptical about the term “negative calorie”: any product has at least a minimal energy value. The exception is water, both in a glass and in a liter of which there really are zero calories.

Products with a “negative” calorie content do not owe their name to dietology at all, but rather to the arithmetic of glossy magazines, based on the ability of the body to spend energy on digesting food. This is partly true: about 30-40% of their energy value is spent on the assimilation of protein products, fats thus "take" 5-10% of their calories, and carbohydrates even less - 4-7%.

It should be recognized that food still cannot create a negative balance of calories in our body, at most it will make it zero if almost all the energy received from it is spent on processing. Say, 100 g of broccoli contains 25 kcal and we spend almost the same amount on its digestion. Other vegetables rich in fiber (celery, bell pepper, radish, red cabbage), sour berries (dogwood, blueberries, lingonberries) and mushrooms have a similar effect.

Does this mean that by eating only “minus” (more precisely, “zero”) foods, we can significantly lose weight? It would seem that we can: if such a menu is supplemented with physical activity, we will quickly create a calorie deficit in the body, from which weight is reduced. In practice, everything is more difficult. The consequences of such weight loss are comparable to the results of strict diets.

It must be understood that an unbalanced diet can cause serious health problems in general, and a sharp decrease in the calorie content of the menu by more than 10-15% of your daily intake will slow down your metabolism. Plus, a menu consisting only of raw vegetables and sour berries is fraught with malfunctions in the digestive system, which, of course, will not help much in weight loss.

And with the end of the “minus” nutrition plan (as after any hard express diet), you risk regaining all the lost kilograms. The way out is to properly supplement your regular diet with negative calorie foods. “Weight loss in this case will occur smoothly due to the correct reduction in the calorie content of the menu. A sufficient amount of fiber in the diet stimulates bowel function.

Nutrition rules

To become slimmer, it is not necessary to eat “minus” products in kilograms. “The optimal amount is 300-450 g per day, distributed throughout the day,” advises Marina Apletaeva. How should you eat them to lose weight?

1. Include these foods in one of your snacks. Let's say if your second breakfast is tea with cookies, replace it with a serving of yogurt with sour berries. In addition to vitamins, they are rich in pectin, which slows down the absorption of sugar. In total, this will allow you to stay full for an hour and a half longer compared to the same cookies.

2. Use these foods as a side dish. Cutlets, supplemented, say, with baked vegetables, will saturate you no worse than the same dish with a side dish of pasta. And the calories in such a dinner will be many times less. “The protein component - 100-150 g of meat or fish - will provide enough energy and maintain the metabolism at the proper level. The addition of “negative” calorie products - approximately 150-200 g - stimulates digestion, ”explains Marina Apletaeva.

3. Cook "negative" calorie foods correctly. Eating broccoli fried in oil, hoping for a quick weight loss is at least unreasonable. Boiled, baked, steamed or grilled products will bring much benefit to the figure. “You should not bring them to a state of puree, in this form the body can absorb them most easily and there will simply be no “negative” calorie effect. Want to lose weight? Eat vegetables raw or with minimal heat treatment: the same crunchy broccoli diversifies the taste of the salad, improves intestinal motility and does not leave extra calories.

4. Add spices. This will slightly reduce the use of salt on the menu, which will insure against the appearance of edema and slowing down carbohydrate-fat metabolism. Some spices - for example, hot pepper or ginger - also have a positive effect on the metabolic rate. And cinnamon can be used as a sugar substitute, adding it, for example, to a cup of coffee.

5. Drink cool water. To absorb the liquid, the body will have to heat it up to body temperature. This "work" will require additional energy (read - calories) from him.

Accelerate the process of losing weight and other principles of healthy eating in combination with physical activity. And to make it easier to get used to the new diet, together with nutritionists, we have compiled for you an approximate menu for the day.

Meal plan for the day

Breakfast: buckwheat / rye / rice porridge (in skim milk), 100 g of cottage cheese / yogurt or scrambled eggs in skim milk, tea / coffee.

Second breakfast: 150 g of sour berries / a handful of dried apricots / 150 g of carrot, apple and raisin salad dressed with yogurt.

Lunch: 100g meat/fish/poultry with a side dish (200g) of grilled vegetables/stewed red cabbage/baked broccoli or 100g rice/buckwheat noodles/bulgur.

Snack: 100 g carrot, avocado and radish salad / 100 g baked beets / a handful of dried fruit.

Dinner: 100 g meat / fish / poultry with salad (200 g) of celery, bell pepper, iceberg leaves and herbs / boiled beets / broccoli / red cabbage.
